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>What is Sonic Robo Blast 2?
Sonic Robo Blast 2, abbreviated as SRB2, is a computer fangame based on the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a 3D platformer developed by a group called Sonic Team Junior, using a modified version of the Doom Legacy source port of Doom. It is closely inspired by the original 2D Sonic games for the Sega Genesis and attempts to recreate this style in 3D. Entirely original to SRB2 is its multiplayer mode, a variation on classic first-person shooter games with Sonic elements.

>2.2 Launch Trailer:

>Download The Latest Version:

>Download Older Versions (also includes it's prequel Sonic Robo Blast 1): https://www.srb2.org/download/historic-downloads/

>Places to get mods for the game:
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I think Ryder is neat. Who is your goto modded character?
>CD Sonic
>Adventure Sonic
>Sonic 3 Sonic
>Super Mario Bros.
>Deltarune Trio/The Fun Gang/The Fuck Gang/Lancer's Fan Club/DeltaChars
>Advance Sonic
just to name a few.
Funny you bring adventure sonic up, it just got a new update. I haven't tried out the new rush update
Don't die on me now thread.
here's a topic, what's the worse map pack you played. (it can be from any era 2.0 2.1 whatever)
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I LOVE SRB2!! (Sealed Room Breed 2)
Fucking Mindscape Zone from Silverhorn. I HATE that level so god damn much because it's boss ruins an otherwise trippy as hell level.
the only thing saving grace is the fan service is the secret dialouge. and that's assuming the character you play as gets unique dialouge.
If your char is lucky to receive dialogue. Yet there's some characters I expected to have dialogue like the Mario Bros. or Doomguy.
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Crazy to think Bowser is the only one who got dialouge but not Mario and Luigi. (ignore the shit quality i had to take this from a video)
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Since April Fools is around the corner you think we'll get anything interesting?
Personally? No. I don't think there's gonna be AFD content.
Where's the cool joke mods I was promised
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Remember when MLG Mario Romhacks were funny? Neither have I
the mod gets old fast imo.
That's because the developer of Bowser worked on Silverhorn and the person who made the Mario Bros mod was banned and exiled from the community for "tracing" kart sprites (he didn't)
That's fucking retarded.

I hope somebody mods Silverhorn to add support for more characters.
is this inflation sonic porn?
its black eggman from the ova
but with a blunt photoshopped in so it looks like he's smoking the blunt.
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Blue Haven finally got patched and you can no longer get softlocked! What are your thoughts on this port?
>(he didn't)

Im not surprised but was this proven?
they seem to have some new rules for "ports" (basically lingo for updates). it just means more content for me.

It changes just about nothing.
ray got a squeaky clean new mod! have you played it yet?

will chaotix ever get the bug fix it needs?
who the fuck cares about ray
breakfast sandwich
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>Sandwichface detected
get the fuck off my board you oldfag wannabe
had you just complained I wouldn't care, but stop talking about b in discord of all places you fucking retard, bitchface can't even follow rule 1. asshats like you are why idiots keeps rearing their heads around here
who is sandwichface?
just searched it up, some rando on youtube
Alright mother fuckers
who the FUCK is hosting the Samus mod
I wanna shinespark through stages and have tails carry my ass just to gun mother fuckers down and boost people with my boost ball
I'm disappointed that he didn't create an entire game centered around his OCs instead of just them, a level, and a hub map.
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Why is there an Idolmasters track in Ring Racers? Is there just a tranny in Kart Krew that loves it that much?
Alright how do I use slade to rip the existing sprites in the default color pallet if possible?
I assume it’s not possible since the one in there is the base that overlays a themed color pallet onto it
>misunderstand one word
>turn a temp position into a fullblown coup

what a fucking retard
>Why is there an Idolmasters track in Ring Racers?
For the same reason there's an Idolmasters character in the game.
>Is there just a tranny in Kart Krew that loves it that much?
(You) already know the answer to that question. The answer is yes btw.
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...bros i dont think auto ring is still saving this game for me...
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Mysdick, Slob and Pervy Poo a shit
All hail the NutsJr
If this for DRRR, wrong thread: >>1285103
seeing the mess going on in the sandwichface thread on the mb, i am genuinely concerned for the future for all of srb2.

theres so much shit going on in the background.
all I hope is that SRB2 is good with its new update, I'll stay positive since DRRR is fun. It's frustrating but I keep coming back to it. I'd still prefer they finish the missing zones though!
i definitely want all the stages down before 2.3 but i doubt that
The Sugoi 2.2 port is out! And it's buggy and you can't even beat it!
.....I think SandwichFace hates SRB2 2.0 and prefer the original 1.0.

To be honest, I prefer them to take the Ring Racer route and create SRB3 as a sequel instead.
If it's 765 Stadium, then that's just one of the custom tracks they merged in from community mods, and it's a pretty popular one.
Honestly probably the best direction. They can wrap up the missing acts in SRB2 and move on.
>seeing the mess going on in the sandwichface thread on the mb,
>dramawhore autist acts like a dramawhore autist
>gets banned
>this is somehow concerning for the future of the game
>They can wrap up the missing acts in SRB2 and move on.
Just like they could make a grand prix mode with bots for SRB2Kart and move on?
I think at this point, SRB2 was pretty much done save for at least one act.
It needs another act and a boss for Red Volcano, and Egg Rock redesigned around slopes.
There were plans for another zone and a half (Dark City and a 1-act zone called Grand Eggship) but I would be content if just RVZ and ERZ were done to the standards of everything prior.
SandwichFace is so fucking done with this shit: https://youtu.be/7v_fLgos-QQ?si=y5_m3Yc52BISea8E
srb3 but its a hl2 sourcemod
SRB3, but as an Avatar Death Match.
Must be the one adding the touhou music
touhou is 4chan culture
who's the cutest srb2 character? like at a design standpoint, no sexy, no sexual shit just the character theirselves.
Your OC :)
stop shilling your shit here
The punching Cactus.

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