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SRB2 Kart is a mod of a mod based on the Doom Legacy engine, turning the game engine into a kart racer akin to Super Mario Kart. It's a very lightweight game and runs on most all PCs. Use this thread to start netgames, join other anons, give help/tips, spritework, modding, feedback, etc.

>How to Play
1. Download the game below in 'Full Install (...)'
>Compiling on Linux
2. Unzip contents into a separate folder
3. Load up 'srb2kart-neptune.exe'
4. That's it

>Do we have a /v/ server?
Yes! We're running a modified executable that allows for 256 characters and up to 32 racers, along with a large supply of QoL improvements. First, download it here:

>What happened to the mods MEGA folder?
No need for it! Since we have upgraded to a new server with faster in-game downloader!

>Joining a server
1. From the title screen, go to 'Multiplayer'
2. 'Internet Server Browser...'
3. 'Specify IPV4 Address...' and manually enter the server IP
>OK OK, faggot, what's the IP for the /v/ server?
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>SERVER STATUS SITE / LICENSES / SCOREBOARD / CYTUBE / discord circlejerk server


>/vm/ SRB2Kart protips
https://pastebin.com/YV6biqxq (embed) (embed)

>Anon's Beginner's Guide:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q5oU5Lsy5PQHonDekMo2ThVvGgT1AkfYSFj-D1ac1iM/edit?usp=sharing (Long Version)

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OkbSNPNmefnr6qcvlQSaNukEsODmcOIhIVwobp_6iBI/edit?usp=sharing (Short Version)

Time it takes to charge a drift spark for each stat, if you care about that nerd shit. May not reflect current drift spark timing in the US/EU /srb2k/ servers.

>How do I clip replays and share them?
Go into the Replay Hut (Title Screen -> Extras -> Replay Hut), select your desired replay and record whatever you want with OBS.
To convert the video into a WebM, use: https://github.com/argorar/WebMConverter
Make sure the file is less than 4 MBs, if you plan on uploading it on 4chan.

Previous Thread: >>1270636
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migg- wait a minute...
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my ultimate move
Is the 7 3 and ring/drift boost HUD part of Noire or something else? Also which server does /vm/ play DRRR on
The timers and drift meter is from Sunflower’s Garden, and I am unsure about the second question.
Diamond Dust Zone sucks so much ass jesus christ
Diamond Dust, Marble Garden, Carnival Night, and the entire SPB cup all suck ass through a dick.
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>D*. *obotn*cks **ng *ace*s
Thread OP Sneedette (formerly Sneed (formerly Chuck)) here. DRRR is perfectly welcome in these threads as well!! I love DRRR!!!! =333
Also I am transgender
Sneed wouldn't say that.
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Kill yourself faker
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Faker? I think you're the fake Sneed around here. Comparing yourself to me? Ha! You're not even good enough to be my fake.
The classic version of it is actually better, and the same is true for Blizzard Peaks, Launch Base and Shuffle Square. Says a lot about the final game’s general map design.
is there a way to have the interface bits of Sunflower Garden without breaking Record Attack parity?

I really like the drift bar.
any1 found the shrine in avant garden zone and can throw a brother a hint?
Right after you bounce on some clouds.
I've been using the replay freecam to find some of them and I'm not sorry, some you would just never find with the in-game camera.
found it , thx babes
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>Get all but the RETARDED ONE in most prison levels that I have trouble on
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As of DRRR's release
>There are ZERO(Z E R O) (0) (NONE) levels that feature ice that are good.
Devs even reinforce this with the hot double dose of
I apologize to the cup featuring all the bullshit Sonic 3 multiplayer stages. I didn't realize it could get worse than that
blue mountain 1 barely even has ice compared to srb2k.
Yeah they're reaching. It's hard enough to drive, let alone do these prison stages with surprise skill checks. Thanks for the protip, anon.
I liked the one with the megaman zero music
you do realize that you can just get B's and absolutely be safe on the S rank, right?
I got one D in the barrier cup, and i still got an S rank.
It feels like the most important part of your score is just not using continues, using more than two or three tanks your points hard
As long as you can race competently and not retry too many times you'll get a good rank
The hit-stun still needs fixing
Basically, yeah. If there's 20 total egg prisons in a GP and you only get 15 that loses you 25 points.
Using 1 continue is -25 points by itself. Using multiple continues tanks your score a lot harder than having a few subpar races or bonus rounds.
watching RR tourney https://cytube.implying.fun/c/srb2k
Blue Mountain Act 1 was good in kart. Totally butchered here, surprise surprise.

Just wait until Super Cup anon. It isn't done getting worse.
The most important part of score is where you placed at the end. Being in first is worth 150 pts and 2nd is only worth 75. If you need to burn a continue to secure 1st place overall it's worth it, but since every continue costs you 25 points you really don't want to over do it.
our boys will be up tomorrow
pic related
they do give you a bit of grace with continues, you can use two freely, but any more than that starts incurring the penalty
you get an extra +50 points for using no continues, +25 for using one, +0 for using two, then -25 for each one you use beyond that point
Remember that all addons must be obtained from the official SRB2 Message boards: https://mb.srb2.org/addons/categories/srb2kart-v1-x.2/

Note that the DRRR addons will be available once the system is set up for display and submission of said mods.
For all intents and purposes going from +50 to +25 is still a 25 point penalty. It just makes you feel a bit better about it. The max possible score is 550, and you need 425 for an S, so it basically comes down to having a total amount of penalties that's less than 125.
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80% of these tracks fucking suck.
>patch took away the kirby air ride garden top from item boxes if you use auto roulette, because "if you use auto roulette you must DEFINITELY be a shitter, and this item is wayyyyy too complicated for you to use, so we won't give it to you at all or give you the chance to learn how to use it in the first place, teehee :)))))"
they'll never stop treating us like children, will they
i don't think that's even true, i'm pretty sure i got it once during a multiplayer race
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>they can't even nerf the game right
literally incompetent
just don't use auto roulette then?
The talking down is annoying but, unless I was missing something with the top, good. I'll take one sneaker over that damn thing.
Ignoring control, that's not a problem for me, anytime I cut a shortcut it feels like a 50/50 on if I keep the damn thing or lose it.
Just let me end auto-roulette early since sometimes I hold rings through the items or I'm mashing the item button like a madman to throw away my item and get back to ring boosting.
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i actually use manual, but the issue is they keep making sweeping generalizations about what they think the playerbase wants or needs without actually ASKING what they want in the first place.
sure, this doesn't afftect me, but it does affect the people who DO use auto roulette, for no other reason other than the devs just felt like it at the time and needed to hit a quota of changes made.
literally zero reason to take a good item away from auto roulette and nerf it even more compared to manual, when manual is already better from having the chance to just get the item you want in the first place.
top's honestly really good, it just takes a lot to get used to it because you have to do it on top of ring racers' already horrible lack of control.
if you can use it well, it's definitely a top item (heh)
but yeah, also agree on the ending auto roulette early part, too. the devs are honestly just going out of their way to punish you for not using manual at this point because they think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread
Top and bubble shield are probably the strongest items in the game, mainly because they're not on a hard timer and have uses at any part of the pack.
based metalbro
i did the first row of cups with metal sonic but there's so many tracks in the second row that are miserable with heavyweight handling
Would it be possible to backport the looking-behind-you frames? I imagine it'd be similar to trick mods where if there's unique frames it'll use them, and if not it'll just use existing ones.
I think someone already did that. I remember being able to do that with DRRR Arle in the US server.
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the only cups I needed to repeat were spb, lightning, and egg. Even then, it was only due to too many resets on the emeralds.
As far as tracks go, Pico Park and Nova Shore were the only ones I ever placed below 1st/2nd. Pico was only because there's no actual track design to trip the bots up so they can just go full-tilt on the catchup cheats.
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How do you even unlock the Mystic Melody pet?
This game is just cryptic for the stupid sake of it
This is true though. Most people using auto-roulette are beginners and will have no idea how to use the top. Plenty of people week 1 were complaining they'd just throw the top away immediately because they can't control it when they actually try to use it. It's better to just give those kinds of players some sneakers instead.

The better players all use manual roulette and naturally they're the ones more likely to bother learning how to use the more tricky items.
go get the jet engine for eggman
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as someone who only played SRB2K occasionally with friends (hated all of the mods all of the big servers had) I gotta say that im loving DURRR way more than kart
I dont mind the long stagger because of how much easier it is to catch up in this game compared to SRB2K, and I actualy fuck with the rings and new sliptide
In terms of the only ones I hated were chrome gadget and deadline, rest are fine
I get that KK made some shitty decisions but I still dont understand the vitriolic hatred they're getting in this thread, its not like they took down the master server for the original
ik they're trannies or whatever but who gives a shit games free and its fun

also anyone know if the kemono friend chars have been ported to RR yet?
I found egg cup the easiest because the CPU's dont do well on sky sanctuary and death egg, I got hit by like 10 SPB's on death egg because of how far I was lol
where did they say that they removed the top from autoroulette?
>I still dont understand the vitriolic hatred they're getting in this thread
it's a long story, but from digging in the archives, the gist of it is that KK was averse to listening to any criticism before release, which led to a bunch of random squabbles before RR came out
there's also the fact that many of the big modders for kart are, at this point, friends of the devs, have become devs themselves, or are more fond of RR on the whole
so while kart will still be "supported", the amount of content will be table scraps compared to what RR will get over time
combine all that with how divisive RR's gameplay is, and you've got yourself an angry playerbase
>hated all of the mods all of the big servers had) I gotta say that im loving DURRR way more
90% of DURR's new mechanics are just ripped from popular mods so I'm not sure how you can hold both these opinions at the same time.
I won't bother going over the years of vitriol between these threads and the kike krew because I don't save screencaps of discord posts.
Everything about the game from the tutorial, to the track design to the fucking mod embargo are incredibly "do it the way we tell you to". There is very little user agency in most anything relating to the game. Think back to tracks like Sky Sanctuary and ask yourself how much of that race you were actually moving in a direction of your own volition.
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Why are the physics SO FUCKED
skill issue
So Azure City's dev ghost is basically the volcanic valley of this game, huh?
>but I still dont understand the vitriolic hatred they're getting in this thread
They're faggots that can't take criticism, it took them the entire playerbase to bitchslap them to make the game better
Even with all the tumbling and ringsting combo bullshit, the bumper is probably the most annoying item to deal with.
>but I still dont understand the vitriolic hatred they're getting in this thread
They're faggots that can't take criticism, it took them the entire playerbase to bitchslap them to make the game actually playable
it wasn't even the bumper item, just a wallspring.
Can Noire just come out already, I wanna see what I can do with it.
It just reminded me of some of my own bumper interactions, but yeah, very fucked.
That's the sort of thing I would only ever expect to happen if you were a lower weight than the human (or bot) projectile, and even then, not to such an extreme degree.
Definitely giga-retarded that a 2 can even possibly do that to a boosting 8.
I actually enjoy palmtree panic, section with the holed bridge aside
I might just be really tired but holy FUCK chemical facility can suck my ass!
i was aware of the asspull at the end of the super emerald 4 special stage but that doesnt change the fact whose retarded ass idea it was to put offroad you can barely control at all between pits
Is it just me or is Ring Racers dogshit compared to the first game? The only good new mechanic is using rings to boost, or the little spin, and the fast fall would be good if it didn't fucking bounce when you landed. All the new tracks are agonizing, it's like playing a platforming game instead of a KART RACER. Fuck, I should just go back to Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled...
How do you crash the game to unlock Jack Frost?
They fixed the bug where you can save a replay with no title?
Try loading a Doom mod as an addon.
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>still no peach mod
Man this sucks
Match Race
16 Players
All SPBs
I only tried it with Pico Park but I'm sure that whole clusterfuck will work on other tracks.
Doesn't crash for me. Not even in software, despite the frame rate chugging ass with all those transparent boost gates. Tried multiple races with parallel processing both off and on.
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When I was grindan special stages and (very) repeatedly using the restart function, it eventually crashed my game. This happened to me several times. Using OpenGL mode with maxed settings, but I'm not sure if that makes any difference. It might also only be on certain stages, too. They may or may not have fixed this issue, but maybe it'll still work for you.
Specifically this: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/graphics/sprfix20
Crashes immediately due to missing sprite rotations.
iis there a DRRR kartinvidya server you guys race on
I wanna play with you bros
go compile it
Just crashed my game doing time trials and repeatedly hitting Restart. Try that.
Two of the challenges require a "perfect round". What exactly does that mean?
I'm pretty sure it's maximum lap bonus, so be in 1st at the end of every lap.
So why does when my ghost steals an item it sometimes just sits there next to me and cock-teases me with it the rest of the race without giving it to me?
wont give it to you if youre in first
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2.2 patch notes, buried near the very bottom where they probably hoped not many people would notice it
If you (or anyone else) are still looking for Jack Frost, I (somehow) managed to make a replay that consistently crashes the game.
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/vm/ is still using v1 for some retarded reason.
There are no mods because of the devs stupid mod embargo+ no back port phobia and multiple empty vanilla servers already so why the fuck WOULD we bother with a server?
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I am getting dangerously close to buying a 3D Saturn Controller
it doesn't have to be listed, i don't give a fuck i just want to race with your faggots
We had a public /kartinvidya/ server on the MS!
The fuck happened to that?
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this shit looks mad uncomfortable
That worked for me, pretty funny error message


Thanks anons
Not enough tumbling
Fahd like you are why troons are ruining everything they can get their hands on
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Omega Rainbow Road in DRR
Release date?
bocchi is tranime
the top is a fucking nuisance
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this would be accurate if single player wasn't the only reason to play it over 1.6
God ring racers track design sucks
Is it difficult to make tracks for these games or
They forgot they were making a kart game, not a Sonic R successor.
I just played a little bit of ring racers and holy drifting is fucking worthless, I feel like always too slow or too fast, and every character feels like molasses.
>use invincibility
>run through objects and other racers
>lose more time than if I just had sneakers
>now incentivized to avoid other players when I'm invincible or never roll it in the first place
I'm never playing multiplayer for this without the noire toggles
i feel like you have to counter-steer like crazy compared to srb2kart
>that fucking ending portion of marble garden
and the beginning
and the middle
Invincibility gets bonus duration if you hit someone to make up for the hitstun.
You actively want to hit people because you'll get more boost that way.
Although I don't know if hitting stage props does the same thing.
>play my weekly three races of drr
>Win a 1v1 against a complete shitter
>2nd in a 3man lobby because fast fall punted me off the track at mach speed then a player that had grow for half a minute passed me before the last gimmick jump
>Frontrun the entire last race until the stage mechanics forced me to bounce and fell to my death, respawned then got caught by q guy with a star that tumbled me and threw me into last place
When does the game become enjoyable again? Because so far there's just a mishmash of mechanics from different types of games that make no sense at all besides some added mechanics that are downright infuriating.
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As a newfag that's never played SRB2K and currently going through the GPs on Master difficulty (see webm rel for progress so far) I couldn't disagree more with your post about RR
>long stagger
This is incredibly annoying that the slightest item hit makes you stall for such a long time as the excessive amount of time you're hit for means that you need to rely on speed items to catch up which feels counterinuitive to the whole point of relying on the ring system
>rings + sliptide
I don't find rings mechanically interesting at all because of how overreliant the kart is on it for basic things. Not being able to take uphills without using rings is awful and there's not even any depth to using them because you either use rings on: uphill/downhill, when landing, when hit, and for ring boxes you don't even press it so you can store ring time unless you want to overtake.
It's just mindless, I don't feel like there's any form of management or strategy you have to do with using them because tracks are filled with rings everywhere and you have a max of 20 which makes spamming them easy.
Rings should have been a complimentary mechanic that help you go faster (like CTR reserves), not the sole thing the entire game revolves around to the point you can't do basic things like be off road or take an uphill unless you're spamming rings. To encourage management there should only have been a max of 10 or something but the effect of one ring should be more important and there should be way less rings on tracks
I also don't like sliptide, it feels jank to use and I wish it was just bound to a seperate button instead as it feels so unintuitive to tap drift because the turning angle is insanely sharp and sudden

Don't get me started on track design, cups, and the mindnumbingly boring emerald stages
they should really put more rings on slopes because getting hit on a slope is a fucking disaster
I’d love to know how it is
>overreliant the kart is on it for basic things
This is my major problem with the system too.

Its like instead of making the rings function as a mechanic you can use at your discretion in addition to normal driving, they instead gimp the shit out of normal driving and make it subpar so using rings briefly alleviates that fact.
>hit rival with an eggbox and orbi combo
>he's 1st again within 10 seconds without using any items
what's the point
Does anyone else use reshade?
Some maps look fucked with it and others look amazing
>item set right before any incline but especially an incline turn so you have to dump it immediately to use ring boosts up the hill
I'm only in the second cup and I hate this already.
>no stardust speedway track
what the FUCK
If you hold use ring and pick up an item you'll keep dumping rings while the roulette spins until you run out or let go.
That will let you keep an item through inclines sometimes. Although if there are ring boxes you're better off just hitting those at 20 since they'll be automatically used.
The creator lost interest in DURR before he could get groomed into becoming a KK dev.
KK had their own Stardust Speedway which got scrapped before Kart came out, they could have just revived that for DRRR
I want to space out my rings for the incline, though.
>No metal amy
Next day, Chemical facility still sucks ass. Me being sleepy had nothing to do with it
It's in a weird spot for me, it's not gimmicky bullshit like Carnival Night or Death Egg but I still don't like it. Hard but fair, I guess.
really not helping matters is the fact that chemical facility was a fucking hell map in kart
it's a terrifying insight into the approach they took for maps in this game
At my level right now, i have to slow down to make these turns, but cpu's start zooming and leave me in last with no chance to catch up. I can definitely get better to not fall off so much, but the tight corridors with items laying there also get me. I had like a few cpu with bubble shields locking me down too...
Server matches when
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Kart is kill for Europeans at least because it's really late at night
What about for NA? Later at night?
Probably some burgers still up
Just get into the server and post in the thread
Fine then get into /kartinvidya/ USA anons.
1/30 US
Dude, where have you been? We've all transitioned and are playing DRRR now.
I'm going to wait for Noire for that to happen anon.
The only thing transitioning here is your ass becoming grass, fucko
>Xhe wastes time playing DRR
lol that shit has no future, and no disabling some features dont save it either, its still a mediocre experience, its a waste of time
From what I saw the others say, they made slopes easier to do and changed the physics so every fucking track maker felt like they had to fill every section of their tracks with slopes. Also adding retarded parts where you just watch the game play itself or get thrown into a wall so, on top of the items sometimes fucking you over for more than 5 seconds, it feels like you're constantly interrupted in your gameplay.
>Hard but fair
say that with a fucking bumper on one of those wallless tight turns, that map shouldn't be ever got in
I'm not sure how much harder cups after get but this cup is definitely gonna be my filter, I'll be stuck on it for a while. Playing as cream and getting knocked around by heavyweights doesn't help
mega flying battery comes very close, that same cup also has monkey mall
I actually first tried perfected monkey mall when I got to it. No rails but no tight turns & corridors made it pretty fun. Ai was probably pretty low level though since I continued a bunch on Chem facility
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It was originally a SRB2K track which is why the track itself isn't gimmicky
However, because it was so difficult, it got designated to being a Hell map alongside with Crystal Abyss Zone and Black Bliss. When bringing it to DRRR, they didn't change anything to make the map easier though so it's by far the most difficult track in DRRR and is an absurd difficulty spike out of pretty much nowhere. The actual final stages (Death Egg, Dead Line) are significantly easier imo
Devs were probably speedrunning it and got really good amongst themselves and thought everyone else could probably do it too. That or they're just having a laugh
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I'm making my way through all the cups in DRRR right now. Is it me, or is there an ungodly amount of snow courses? Diamond Dust, Blue Mountain 1, and Blue Mountain 2 are all in the same cup for some bizarre reason.
It's also hard because the CPUs can navigate it perfectly without any issue. There's a frost level just like it with a fuck ton of bumpers that the CPUs have no issue with also.
>made the rival tumble so much in lap 1 of Sundae Drive I almost overlapped it
>it got a flame shield on the next item box and used only that for the next 4 laps at 120+ fu/t to nearly kill me right before lap 5
this kind of AI isn't fun
but it's so heckin quirky xD
we even put emoticons next to the bullshit buffs we give the rivals :P
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I made Plank and put him in kart
I don't know why
Might need an audio boost but I can provide a proper silent version if needed
There's no way to practice special stages?
There is, but you need to unlock it and IIRC the unlock condition is getting the first 7 emeralds.
There is, you just have to unlock it
Only after you collect the first seven AFAIK. Which is really, really stupid.
>The actual final stages (Death Egg, Dead Line)
I think its about on par with death egg, death egg's sheer length is enough to make people mistakes, dead line is undeserving of being the final map,that should've been sky babylon
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Does this at least unlock it for the rest of them so you don't have to "learn" them at the end of a GP and die to some unforeseeable faggotry at several different spots in a single stage? I only got the 4th one and I'm already deeply annoyed at the stage design.
LOL, nope. You still have to see the super emerald stages once to unlock them for practice.
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>so you don't have to "learn" them at the end of a GP and die to some unforeseeable faggotry at several different spots in a single stage?
If you mean the first seven stages, then yes. Every one you've played so far. The good news is, you can also replay super emerald special stages as soon as you reach them in GP mode. You don't have to beat them for them to become replayable outside of GP.
>I only got the 4th one and I'm already deeply annoyed at the stage design.
I'm sorry anon, but it only gets worse after the first seven stages. I think they knew this, which is why you're allowed to practice them freely so soon compared to the first seven stages. (Though they should be replayable in the same way to begin with.)
No you need to at least see a special stage to practice it. You don't have to win, but you can't practice stages you've never been too.
The super emerald stages are an order of magnitude more bullshit than anything the regular emerald stages have to offer.
It may help to just look up someone else beating them because even though you're spoiling yourself some of the stages are just fucking mean.
when the challenges says "& collect the prize" is it refering to the emerald you have to grab if you havent already or something else?
The emerald
>if you havent already
No, it means collect the emerald, even if it's a fake.
>so it's by far the most difficult track in DRRR and is an absurd difficulty spike out of pretty much nowhere. The actual final stages (Death Egg, Dead Line) are significantly easier imo
this track is literally so easy on DRRR what the fuck are you talking about, you cant build up enough speed to go flying into any of the slime and its just a bunch of 90 degree turns and a couple corkscrews
>this track is literally so easy on DRRR what the fuck are you talking about
No way you're actually thinking this
DRRR has fucking all kinds of gay autistic tracks like carnival and city escape, this one is fairly tame in comparison
>track widened as a whole
>crusher near the start of the track split in 2 so you can't get screwed on the cycle
>Chicane made longer, conveyors added to let you maintain speed easier
>end segment with the perpendicular conveyors have more non-conveyor space to work with, and the last one even helps you rather than tries to kill you
Name one person on Earth who likes upsidedown sections. You cant.
My name's Phil.
My problem with those is that they're ALWAYS on the shittiest tracks in the game with the slight exception in deadline
how are people porting charcaters to DRRR? kart maker isnt working for me
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As a new player, to me Death Egg is definitely harder than Chemical Facility in terms of track design but Chemical Facility is harder to beat the bots on because of their pathing

Chemical Facility has lots of sharp corners but those can be reliably brake drifted, the worst parts of the track are the offroad section with the tripwire and the final corners with the conveyor belts
However, the bots super speed allow them to take all of the sharp corners at retardedly fast speeds and you get constantly bumped into the water or knocked offroad/into the tripwire which is what makes the track incredibly annoying. If you get item'd one too many times or knocked into the water one too many times then it's an auto lose even if you chain multiple invincibilities with jackpot chains

Death Egg however, is a complete mess of a design with all the gimmicks you have to deal with in every section of the track, and the track lasts way too long along with the bad camera. The only reason Death Egg is easier than Chemical Facility, is because the bots retard speed is so fast that they constantly fall off the track and can barely stay on it for more than 30secs, so it's incredibly easy for you to gain distance as long as you don't fall off (too much), but this then means you get SPB spammed and can easily see 5+ which is incredibly obnoxious

After reading your post, just now I went and did the Egg Cup again on Master (pic rel, would have got S rank if I didn't skip the emerald stage) and even a new + bad player like me can beat it because the cpu pathing is shit but the track design is so bad I would rather play on Chemical Facility. My Master Rival literally came LAST on Death Egg

Me doing Death Egg on Master (nearly 7mins kek im bad)
Entire GP just to show I did Egg Cup on Master (no bullying my bad driving, my copium is I don't remember the tracks well except for death egg and I'm new)
White emerl bros
What do you have to do to land a fast fall without bouncing? Just let go a miniturbo before it?
>white/gray emerl
isn't that gemerl from sonic advance 3
>store a miniturbo (any level)
>enter the air
>fast fall
>release MT
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Monday night racism?
I was hoping you could zero it entirely but I guess that works too.
Gemerl is more black. Wish he was a playable character
>land a fast fall without bouncing?
Impossible, to hit the ground early while in the air you have two options
1. In the air, fastfall and you bounce when landing
2. Before you're in the air, start drifting and get a MT of any level, then let go of the drift button when you're in the air
Fastfall bounces you everytime regardless of your speed so you wanna do #2 if you can or just let yourself slowly fall to the ground
i have no idea why he's NOT playable when all it takes is a couple of edits on emerl's sprite
8/30 US
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im actually fully convinced vector was supposed to be there at launch. some characters have him set as a rival. they couldn't of been this lazy
Tikal has Gamma as a rival and Rouge has Omega as well.

One thing that's pissing me off more than the game itself is the missing characters
So add them
>rival almost outsped me on a straightaway while holding an elec shield when I was using invinc + ring boost
I fucking hate this
thats what I need to know, how do I use kartmaker?
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>some sections don't work if you're hit with shrink
>some sections don't work if you use grow
I assume DURR's works just like kart's version
>Take the template folder and put all your shit in it
>Draw your sprites on the template with paint/aesprite/whatever
>Replace the soundfiles with what you want
>Set the name/stats/soundfiles with properties.txt
>Click and drag the entire folder onto the kartmaker application
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>me in the collision chaos ball pit with grow active
I'm curious, for people making a character, who's voice are you using? I'm using ironguard female voice lines from Unreal tournament 3
I haven't made a character for Kart that didn't already have a voice or at least associated sound effects, but if I ever do, I'll probably just hit up sounds-resource and look for something fitting.
The rival in this is actually worse than FUCKING MEGACOCK
At least you can kick that fag and his personal assblaster in their conjoined gay black dick if they get too uppity; the rival in this just flips a switch and says you have to try again on a whim even on fucking gear 2
I just tried the 5th one after failing to reach the special stage the first time and now I'm not doing this anymore. If they have fun "filtering" people out of playing their game then I guess they had their fun.
The 4th one used to be the 2nd one, they swapped them in an update.
Chaos emeralds are pretty much just bragging rights now. There's nothing important locked behind them that you can't get some other way. If you really don't want to do the special stages, you don't have too. The only thing you're really missing out on is the special stages themselves and completionist autism.
The rest of the GP mode is just as frustrating because of the rivals' ability to ruin your race for no good reason. I'm just going to unlock everything with a save and play time trials.
You're not real
Is it possible to make any edits to the emerald special stages?
Would be great if you could lower the number of hits it takes to break the emeralds and also make it so that the level auto completes if you catch the emerald
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added Flonne to shittysigns and one other...
also fixed Pleinair's on Jon's request
the damage you deal partially carries over on a retry, so unless you're burning 5+ continues throughout the GP you can still S rank. Even if you get a couple B/C ranks on the races you can still get a couple respawns and be fine.
yea I already know that, the point is it takes too many hits to destroy the emerald in general
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I just wish that continues didn't count as much against you for special stages specifically, mostly because of shit like webm related. But yes, a UFO HP nerf would be welcome too.
I felt that as well at first but it's only the first 2-3 that are like that in my experience. Most of the others I can kill it before the halfway point.
what ever happened to the patch that fixed the game that some anons were working on?
it's still in the works
Considering you have to earn the continues by holding rings at the end of races and all-clearing prison stages, it doesn't make sense to penalize your rank so harshly for actually using them.
>edges of the sectors warp when you approach them
I don't remember this game trying to mimic the PSX' texture warping nor I remember SRB2K ever having that problem.
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It's a software-only problem intrinsic to the old ass Doom source port they're still building on.
Fixes exist, but with how much has been built on top of it, they might not slot in so easily.
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Yeah, pretty much. My favorite thing regarding continues is whenever you exit a GP, and then come back to start it up again, you get penalized a continue for it. Like, I get that they didn't want people to abuse it as a "free retry" system, but it still seems kinda bullshit to punish a player for, say, the power going out. I can't help but feel like there was a better solution for this. I mean, does this happen in other kart racers? I can't recall.
It's also because of how long it takes to do the special stages in general.
The player has to dedicate 15mins+ doing a GP and they have to do well enough to gain access to the special stage which's yet another 1:30 - 2min stage, which is gimmick central and artificially pads out the length with all the gimmicks which makes doing them mind-numbingly boring especially as the unlockable three rows of cups share the exact same special stage layouts of the initial starting two rows of cups

This means that the player has to beat the same special stage 2 times per difficulty (3 times per difficulty for the first 2 chaos emeralds) which if you start on normal, means you have to get that cancer emerald you posted in your webm 6 TIMES

That is HORRIBLE game design, the # of emerald hits needs to be lowered to like 3-5 and the stage should end when the player gets the emerald.
By making the stage end early when getting the emerald it also rewards the player being skilled and accurate enough to finish it quickly, because you know it's a kart racer that's supposed to be designed around speed kek
The punishment for not breaking the emerald is having to do the entire stage to try and catch it before it reaches the end but that shouldn't be the forced thing you have to do everytime like KK has it now
If you quit out on a prison stage it also just fails you without saying anything which is actual bullshit. I understand you can't continue a prison stage, but if you ever need to quit during one you might as well just restart the cup.
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>If you quit out on a prison stage it also just fails you without saying anything which is actual bullshit.
Yeah they really should communicate this kind of thing better. (They probably won't.)
>but if you ever need to quit during one you might as well just restart the cup.
Seems like if you need to quit at ALL for ANY reason, especially if you're going for an S rank, you might as well just reset the run entirely when you come back, since it will cost you a continue no matter what and -25 points is quite crippling.
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I genuinely believe lightweights as a whole are downright busted
Because they feel good to drive and get a longer ring boost?
They're fun until your getting knocked around by like 2-3 heavy guys
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Hornmod update
Added a slew of new horns for use.
You can thank Vibes for a majority of them.
Without other people being in the way, yeah sure probably.
I know there are so many ways to improve this but forcing this cut was just so satisfying.
I still don't understand what the trigger for the sliptide boost is.
You have to tap the drift button right when you hit a boost (either from a boost panel or from using a sneaker), if you do it right you'll start turning incredibly tightly
I know how to sliptide, but what activates the charge you build
From what I can tell it's by positioning your kart straight and moving in that line, and you can hold it by making sure to hold the drift button, I'm the one who posted the clip but I still don't fully understand how it works somehow because it feels inconsistent at times. The sliptide mechanic is the only thing I really like playing around with in DRRR
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It's really cool how Kart Krew paid tribute to the iconic Carnival Night barrel by making Carnival Night in DRRR one of the single worst fucking tracks to ever exist in a kart racer
Sliptiding occurs in most "boost states": after Sneaker Panels, using Sneakers, Flame Shield boost, Grow or Invincibility.

Sliptiding states are when after a boost, start drifting, then release the drift early to turn sharper where you'll get feedback from the game of a whirwind effect and sound. That's when you know you're in this state.
daytona usa car when
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>devs stupid mod embargo
I hate Discord I hate Discord I hate Discord
Oh they knew. You can even unlock the barrel as a follower.
does anyone have that wad that nerfs the cpus?
>mod embargo
are you for real kek
KK are so stupid, funny though since mods are already getting made and anime's server is already better than vanilla
can't wait for noire to be another mod better than vanilla
I don't like how letting go of accelerate is better than braking to prevent falling
>kkd discord moderator already releasing multiple addons
>but there's totally a mod embargo, guys!
you buddies will believe anything
Every time I see that stupid fucking purple baby as the #1 Ghost I just completely give up on trying to get the Platinum
I don't have many Platinums to begin with but when you see he's the #1 Ghost it's fucking over before you even started
Just obtained all 14 emeralds, Super Emerald 6 is probably the easiet emerald despite being part of a set of harder emeralds to grab overall
>Collect all 14 Emeralds on Master
They really expect you to do that no thank you
Does the difficulty selection actually do anything to the special stages, other than obviously make them harder to qualify for?
That’s trailblazer for you. Dude was such a turbo autist that he got literally every gold medal in kart as chao except for ganbare because it is literally impossible as chao. You’re not beating him unless you somehow become an even bigger autist. Ironically though his easiest ghost might be the daytona one, got it on my first try. But yeah, forget the rest.
In the long run will it be feasable to port srb2k levels into ring racers? Wouldnt it be easier to backport AI code and such
it's pretty fucked up that they put unlockables (the "get X medals" challenges) behind beating your head against a wall trying to get times that surpass the likes of trailblazer in the first place
I guess that's what the chao keys are for, but there's no way in hell someone who isn't a hyper autist or tournament player is getting those unlocks legit
Being worked on at the moment, there's code in DRRR that blocks out srb2k maps from being loaded at all that noire is trying to get around.
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>there's code in DRRR that blocks out srb2k maps from being loaded at all
I did two cups on Master because I wanted to compare Death Egg and Chemical Facility on Master out of curiosity. Had to continue multiple times on the latter and I still made it to the special stages. Even completed the 4th Super Emerald stage, albeit with the fake emerald. I think due to how the AI works, you just need to get 1st in Master.
I'm sure Kike Krew is trying to justify this decision by saying shit like
>if you wanna play srb2k maps, play srb2k! that game is made for you chuds!
iirc unlike master mode, platinums are actually just optional. I don’t think they count towards the total at all, which is why they only become visible upon getting one, so it probably really is bragging rights. I could be wrong though.
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Master Special Stages are on a higher gear (Gear 3) but not much else changes aside from that. HP values aren't different from Gear 2.
Apparently, V2.2 introduced a mechanic where retrying a UFO stage carries over damage you've dealt when using a continue, but I haven't noticed that in Master so it might be lower modes only. If there is any sort of damage carry over in Master, I think it might be that if you break the UFO, then retry, you might get a single hit carried over.
I'm aiming for full S-Ranks right now and I only have 5 cups left where I haven't gotten the emerald, but I haven't done any formal testing.
Fuck man, I remember him.
I partially recall this video being made out of spite, but I don't remember if it was because of people going
I wonder if he's an actual dev member or they just pulled him in to make hard ghosts.
Is it just a matter of incompatibility (aka ZoneBuilder stuff doesn't work with DRRR) or is there straight up hostile code in the game that'll tell maps developed for SRB2K explicitly to fuck off? I wouldn't be surprised at the ladder given the KKK's track record but that seems fucking baffling given that I'm certain a lot of devs want to just port their maps over.
Platinums are optional. There's a fuckton more TTs to do to get them all but getting Gold on everything is enough to get both the 500 and 777 rewards. It's not like SRB2K where you HAVE to beat the staff ghost to get full credit, it's just bragging rights.
>I don’t think they count towards the total at all
I'm pretty sure they do, because two unlocks require getting 500 and 777 medals respectively
the only way you're even scratching 500 through the 28 cups is grinding for platinum medals
>Platinums are optional. There's a fuckton more TTs to do to get them all but getting Gold on everything is enough to get both the 500 and 777 rewards.
aw, fuck, right as I mafe thst post lmao
I'll eat crow on my previous claim, then
No, I think you're right. Almost every cup has 21 medals without Platinums (5 tracks, 2 prisons). There's 30 cups, 30*21 = 630. You 100% need to get a fuckton of Platinums to unlock whatever the 777 reward is.
SPB attack also has its own medals, which is a mode you unlock after 500, so I assume that’s where the rest come from
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It would be better to forward port SRB2 Kart maps to DRRR by doing a 30-minute fixer upper o waypoints (the checkpoint system for conga, item distance calculation):
1. There are only so many maps in Kart that had to follow the MAPXX format (about 700 or so), and there are a lot of shit maps and packs that aren’t worth the bother porting. DRRR has no limits of the number of maps allowed, so long as the server and players can store and cache these maps performance-wise.
2. Waypoints work differently in DRRR: the item distance calculation is no longer based on the distance from the "center" of a map, and checkpoints are less fucked than in karts (literally, the invisible checkpoint signs used in SRB2 Kart that mapmakers placed down in maps that determine distance from 1st place down to last)--meaning that regardless if you want to opt for traditional item rando roulette, or DRRR's item roulette, the jankpoint system should be fixed, much to the dismay of Rim-kun.
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Pray for me as I make this arduous journey through S ranking Master mode.

Any hot tips, (aside from "Don't.") character suggestions, etc are welcome.
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newfag here again, Angel Arrow seems kinda unbalanced in ring racers because of the first shortcut as whoever gets starting bonus can just get a giant lead easily making them be an entire lap ahead
It's possible to get the SC if you don't get the starting bonus but you have to spindash or build up a rainbow drift which are both still obviously slower so 1st place will still have a giant lead

I looked up what the track was like in arb2k and everyone could get the SC if they timed the start boost so that seems really unfair in RR that only 1st can get it, there probably shouls have been tripwires on those ramps

In webm rel I was against master CPU and I lapped them multiple times and the SPB chased me for 2 laps but didn't even come on screen once
Feels like this track wasn't tested well as there's such a big advantage for 1st place
Hardest cups are SPB, Super, and Bomb. I recommend a lightweight for Bomb Cup because of Chemical Facility as you'll need the ring boost so you don't get left behind if the bots happen to item you a lot
Egg Cup is very easy so don't worry about that one

You might want to go lightweight for the cups that have: Quartz Quadrant (Swap), Zoned City (Goggles), Chrome Gadget + Balloon Park (both SPB), Mega Aqua Lake (Genesis), Chaos Chute + Turquoise Hill (both Grow) because these tracks can feel like RNG sometimes as getting hit by an item makes you lose tons of speed so the ring boost will help you a ton as the bots go super fast on those because they're so small.

Mega Cups are both really easy (except for Aqua Lake) so don't worry about those

Pico Park is also pure RNG, try to stay in the lead as long as you can and when you inevitably get item'd (likely lap 4/5) fish for two invincibilities if you can
I looked up what the track was like in srb2k*
The blocking code is for the format that the srb2k maps use, it's probably because they didn't want to support the legacy checkpoint system like >>1290131 is detailing. Noire at the moment is putting the legacy checkpoint system back in for just the srb2k maps, so the maps would still have to be edited to use the new system, but at least they're not completely blocked out.
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>Angel Arrow
Yeah I noticed the shortcut the first time I played it but didn't get to take it, and then watched as the AI got half a lap ahead of me in a second. Will definitely take that shortcut when I get to it.
>Hardest cups are SPB, Super, and Bomb.
That sounds about right. SPB I'll either first try or spend literal days grinding on it.
>Egg Cup
Yeah I'm aware of the uh... difficulties that the AI seems to have with Death Egg in particular.
I kind of figured lightweights are basically mandatory for certain maps, yeah. Though I've kind of just accepted that at least one map is gonna wreck my character for one reason or another, which is fine as long as I don't get anything less than a B for the rest of the cup. After the many hours of grindan, I've gotten to a point where I can (usually) first try special stages, so I can actually afford to use a couple of restarts on certain maps if need be. Which is pretty often, since the funny "last lap huh? oh woops look at that the AI is now a mile ahead haha too bad :^)" is still alive and well in Master mode.
>Mega Cups
Yep, won't be too bad.
>Pico Park

Well thanks for the input, back to the grindan mines.
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now what
now you can finally play the game for fun :)
do it again on master
but anon, this IS master mode...
then you gotta make a webm to show proof it's on master
also you didn't include the recycle cups
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you're now officially based
give us the completionists review. What did you think of DRRR?
you are the ring racer. did it suck doing all that?
>all these people S-ranking master
>While i'm here barely getting B ranks on intense
i'm NGMI bros.......
I'm you but C ranks instead. I keep getting to bonus stages and using all my continues only to fail
So besides Gamma Omega And Vector, what other sonic chars would you like to see in ring racers? (Asking to make mods for)
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I distinctly remember seeing her back when the devs were sharing V2 preview gifs
I grew up with GBA Sonic, so I was saying Vanilla & Gemerl would be awesome in another thread
Rocket metal
Kit (tfw surge without kit)
alt pallette for honey
Scoure (we included IDWshit might as well also include archieshit)
Eggman Nega
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>they included whisper but no tangle
Beat, Kiryu, Miku, and removing the idolmaster character.

You can't have Beat without Gum are these devs stupid?
All makes sense but alt pallete honey, is it not possible to do with the game color change thingy? (I have not unlocked her because the game is pain)
Also i wanna do all of the egg bosses from archie
He said sonic characters
>Also i wanna do all of the egg bosses from archie
Yes please, especially Thunderbolt.
>but alt pallete honey, is it not possible to do with the game color change thingy?
it only changes the color of her dress and hair, not of her fur (and even then most colors don't mistmatch her hair with her dress unlike with the alt)
I want Sage before anyone else, but she’s being pushed back all the way to 3.0 for story mode, so my backup list is Cosmo, Elise, Chip, Marine, Sticks and Zavok
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fixed pleinair for real this time
also changed flonne's since I'm not allowed to have any fun and the downscale was ugly
Fuck story mode, im adding her.
Also man people have a lot of favorites, im wondering if i should get a team at this rate.
Take your time
Clovegods...Thunderboltpatricians....Cassiakings....Conquering Stormlords.....we're eating good tonight...
Also can't forget the Tundrabros and whatever exists of the Akhult fanbase too I suppose
oops only read part way. then starline i guess since he's better than other idw characters
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>game is filled with AoStH and Mean Bean references
>they're not in
What the fuck were they thinking
they didn't WIN THE RACE
>AOSTH themed level with win the race as the BG
if you've played Sol Sestancia's bonus level, it's so kino
>AOSTH themed level
They should just let you race on the podium map as the game's Tricky's Course
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it would be fun to drive
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>none of the unique, cool, and weird bosses either
fucking posers
Sir Ffuzzy-Logik would be cool
>Sonic Characters
Trip, Shade, Sage, Wave, Storm, Sonia bonus points if she gets Mail's stat spread, Manic, and Princess Elise
>Sega Characters
Hornet, Gillius Thunderhead, Beat, any Crazy Taxi rep, Alex Kidd, Bonanza Bros., Ristar, and Segata Sanshiro
>I want Sage before anyone else, but she’s being pushed back all the way to 3.0 for story mode
I’m not in the discord so I don’t know if they said anything concrete, but it’s a Deltarune-tier schizo theory I have
>game is themed around Eggman
>a bunch of random badniks playable, but no Sage despite being Eggman’s daughter figure
>3.0 teaser hints that Metal is the antagonist of story mode
>the word "brother" is used a few times; in the bootup sequence, Jack Frost’s dialogue for Shadow and the intro for the Adventure Example boss
>Metal is technically Sage’s brother
Most of the Sonic characters I'd like to see have already been mentioned but I wouldn't mind seeing Zero Beat, Rokkaku Gouji, Gillius Thunderhead, Sam from Vanquish, Jack/The Black Baron from Madworld and Anarchy Reigns and Morpheus because the Matrix MMO was actually published by Sega surprisingly and it's vaguely amusing to me
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on the same line of thought, a xenomorph
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SUPER SONIC (seriously why isn't he in)
because you'd have to include super shadow and hyper knuckles
besides he's not an actual character
Zavok and Sage would be nice

I've been meaning to work on a character mod myself but zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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Are you fucking shitting me right now
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>Xenomorph/The Predator
>Any Guilty Gear XX Slash character since Sega handled publishing in Japan
>Pretty much any historical figure/Warhammer Fantasy character due to Total War
>Bugs Bunny because of Double Trouble
>Mr. Bones
>Pretty much anyone from Happy Tree Friends
>Mickey Mouse due to Castle/Land of Illusion
>Ronald McDonald because of Treasure Land Adventure
>Fucking Alf because Sega made the Alf videogame for the Master System
There's like a dickload of other Sega-made/published games you could cram in too if you're a degenerate
Right, i have a proper list of what people want now, ill begin by making a mobian template and work my way up.
i tought the wario blast thing in power bomberman was a bit far fetched, but the sonic list is alredy too great so ill focus on them first.
You forgot
>Jacky bryant (the one virtua fighter rep that actually makes sense)
>Janet from virtua cop
>maybe a human honey alt?
If you do Super Sonic, I'll even take a port of an srb2k ver bro
It's just so weird KK make such a focus on getting emeralds and you don't get any character reward for it with super sonic being one of the most obvious ones to put in
what about a super form/Hyper form spray can?
Vanilla, Belle the Tinkerer, Jewel the Beetle, and Carrotia, specifically her IDW design.
That'd be way too much work
Hyper would be effortless because it’s flashing random colors, meanwhile you have to assign Super palettes for each character
Oh yea there definitely should have been more SEGA reps, to me the core SEGA characters that should have been in are:
>Joe Musashi
>Golden Axe rep (probably Gilius)
>BD Joe
>Alex Kidd
>Akira or Jacky
That sounds really cool but wouldn't that be pretty hard to implement unless you can specify specific colors to change for each character? By default I guess you can just have the default color + platinum to alternate between maybe then allow for chars to have unique ones but idk lol
Hyper could be the same thing with choosing a couple more colors if that's possible but that sounds pretty hard to do either way though

Honestly though while I'd be happy to take a spray can, the appeal of super sonic to me is the changed design he has with the spikes being upturned which's why I was thinking he'd be his own character
>Rings should have been a complimentary mechanic that help you go faster (like CTR reserves), not the sole thing the entire game revolves
CTR revolves around reserves, they aren't just complimentary
Even if you're just going against an average player online and not an autist with 10000 hours you still need to pay attention to them to even have a chance of winning

also in CTR if you get hit even ONCE you will 99% of the time automatically lose the race unless you're in a map without blue fire, I prefer the ring system over that shit
>Like, I get that they didn't want people to abuse it as a "free retry" system, but it still seems kinda bullshit to punish a player for, say, the power going out. I can't help but feel like there was a better solution for this. I mean, does this happen in other kart racers? I can't recall.
this criticism could be applied to almost every video game ever made
based retard
Kiryu and Miku are on the sunflower server
I kinda want Mecha Mk1 since I prefer monoeyes to visors.
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checkmate, chud
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Actually you know what anon, ignore my two posts asking about Super Sonic, I'm going to try and recreate him myself or rather I'm going to just make a port of a srb2k super sonic mod I find somewhere with googling
S-surely it can't be that hard r-right?
porting's pretty easy dw you just need to make the kart maker sprite sheet and copy/paste sonic's death sprite for those so it's like he ran out of rings
Doesn't count, unironically
Except in CTR is way easier to maintain your wumpas and they're passive instead of something that's manual
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sweet managed to do it, I was very confused for a while as to why the sprites were black and white before realizing I had to download and install srb2 kek
I will happily take this port of super sonic
ohh that's a really good idea, do you happen to know where I can find the sprites for sonic? I've never done this stuff before until now
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okay nevermind I found it, shame I can't have his color go back to blue just for the death sprite though but I''ll still take it
i know jack shit about sprite editing so i'm just kinda talking out my ass here, but couldn't you just make the sprites use the blue color instead of the placeholder "color-that-gets-replaced-by-the-player's-color" color?
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based ado and her penis (feminine) confirmed for dr robotnik's ring racers
I'm not sure if there's a way for me to get his blue colored sprite as when I extract the sprite they turn into a green color which the game uses as the default color to allow for everything to be colorable
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I might be a based retard, but as I mentioned, I do get it from a game design standpoint. On one hand, you can't have the player just sit there and restart a track over and over until they get the outcome they want. Understandable. I agree with this, even. On the other hand, I still can't help but feel like it comes off as kinda bullshit to punish a player who just wanted to pick up where they left off yesterday, simply because there are other players who would abuse the save feature. I acknowledge that it's not an easy issue to solve without having to completely redo the way the points and ranking system works on some level, and this was probably the best compromise they could come up with without doing so. It's more of a minor issue in the grand scheme of things, but it just bugs me, is all.

You're free to disagree, because I don't really feel like arguing, but at the very least some sort of indication that you will be penalized a continue (25 points) for simply resuming your GP's save would be fair enough? ("This will cost a continue!" and/or an animation showing your continue counter going down, as some Sonic games do) The message displayed doesn't mention it at all, currently. That way, if I'm a new player, I know to simply restart the GP entirely if I want a good ranking. And I'm not, I can continue along without giving a shit. Seems reasonable enough to me.
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I use slade to extract sprites (Be sure to apply the srb2 palette), I've only done it for arle for reference (I am making harpy, second and first attempts attached) but should be the same regardless of character
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apparently you can only attach one image at a time so I accidentally only posted the old one this is the new one

also nvm you already got to it

You can just color those green parts to be blue like sonic's normal palette most likely. It's why only some parts of sprites are colorable
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ok nvm I got it he go blue when die
yea I ended up doing a manual recolor and picked out the blue colors from one of his main sprites
also great sprite art and coloring anon!
Unironically who
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ado from kirby dreamland 3
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NTA but can you share the Super Sonic character wad if you're done with it? It pleases my autism.
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okay here's super sonic, was just testing a gp for the rivals
don't think there's any problems
you had perfect timing anon
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Damn, based, thanks anon. I'll report any bugs if I find any. Are you gonna do the model too or nah?
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Oh yea not sure if anons have this but I saw a wad made for marina (pic rel) so here's that too if anyone wants it
and I forgot the link
I'm not sure how to port the model, is it the same process as extracting the sprites?
Just tested Super Sonic, seems to work alright so far. I didn't remember that they made him a super light in Kart. I remember him being a heavy for some reason. Weird.
>I'm not sure how to port the model, is it the same process as extracting the sprites?
I wouldn't know, sorry bro. Someone here probably does, though.
yea I just copied the stats he had from the mod I got him from though I can change it if you wanna
>I wouldn't know, sorry bro. Someone here probably does, though.
will probably wait until an anon is nice enough to post if someone does know
>yea I just copied the stats he had from the mod I got him from though I can change it if you wanna
Nah it's cool, him being super light still makes sense if we go by the games where he doesn't have any weight to him, like Sonic 2. What the hell am I thinking of where he's a heavy? Riders? Something from SRB2? Bizarre.
>will probably wait until an anon is nice enough to post if someone does know
I'm sure there's enough documentation floating around to get a rough idea of what to do, but yeah chances are someone here already knows what's up.
Oh actually I just double checked the mod again and realized it never came with a model kek
I'm definitely just tired now for not realizing that sooner
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Huh, see my crusty boomer ass brain thought he had a model too. But then, I've crammed so much SRB2 related content into my brain over the years that it's a wonder I even remember how to wipe my own ass. Oh well, it's probably fine.

I wouldn't be surprised if someone doesn't eventually make a Super Sonic model anyway, though. I haven't actually checked the forums lately, are there many character mods yet?
*does eventually make
Time to put me in the home, I guess.
>I haven't actually checked the forums lately, are there many character mods yet?
Far as I know there's no forum made yet for RR so people are posting their stuff scattered on twitter, discord etc
The marina .wad I posted earlier I saw in a random thread
>I haven't actually checked the forums lately, are there many character mods yet?
MB team is taking their sweet-ass time getting the DRRR section up and ready, so nothing there yet
there's a good few mods floating around already, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're confined to the kart krew discord for the time being
>no forum made yet
That's a bit odd. Is there an official reason for that?
>confined to the kart krew discord
I'll pass on that, but thanks. Unless there's a really good one I should be made aware of?
>Is there an official reason for that?
not really
considering there are already mods being posted on the official discord, it's probably just a case of the MB team having to set up all the categories for shit (maps, gamemodes, characters, followers, etc.)
Fair enough then.
unrelated, but man, it can be really hard to see the death sprite sometimes behind all the explosion effects

couldn't they just make the camera focus on it or something
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She looks like she fucks hedgehog menlets.
Anybody know the proper way to play top right in both Racers in Kart? Like how do I approach turns without wanting to kill myself?
Lightweights (3wt or lower) lose a lot of speed when they drift very sharply, so while top left can get away with it thanks to higher accel and our sparkrate buff for low speed, top right has to cope by taking smoother lines every single time. This means starting your drift and trying your hardest not to turn inward. Ultimately you'd just be better off going middle/bottom right instead since you'll have to take similar drifting lines to maintain speed either way, except on maps with a lot of very sharp turns followed by boost panels.
that rocks, thanks dude.
Mind make a recompilation WAD for characters you want to port?
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>I haven't actually checked the forums lately, are there many character mods yet?

Kinda in someway.
Not in forums as others already told.

You can find few chars and char packs on twitter, youtube, gamebanana and the official discord (at the moment, til RR section is done).

You can even just look the modded servers on online mode, some servers have a amount of skins (Not that large for now, but eh decent for see which ones to keep).

Probaly some skins from that part are not on KK discord, social media or the other pages.
not a character request but alternate voice packs would be sick if it's possible, some of the choices kk made for the default voice clips (whether it's down to individual lines or a character's voice in general) are either unfitting or really repetitive
neptune would be cool though even though she's vaguely related, but she'd at least be more relevant to sega than the idolmaster bitch
someone is working on vector, i can finally kill myself
its such a fucking baffling decision to include her over other obvious characters like fucking gamma
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Server time attack records have been reset, but for a good reason.

>Added time attack ghost support, note that you may have to restart the level once it's finished loading the ghosts in.
>Time attack rules have been changed so that SPB attack is the only supported mode. You will see warnings if you start a time attack without SPB attack on. This is due to ghosts from both modes mixing into each other so this is just the easiest solution.
>Expert mode times should not overwrite normal spb attack times anymore.

Old leaderboard data has been preserved in case something goes wrong or people just want a rollback.
> get Grade A in ??? cup

I thought I had unlocked all 24 cups???
There are 30 cups.
>all this discussion about who should be in the roster

It's like Smash Bros in 2014 all over again...
inb4 they put out a poll
that would be fucking awful. i am not looking forward for dumb memes to be put in over real characters in a poll
>have emeralds and super emeralds
>doesn’t even unlock super or hyper forms as skins/alt
Master mode is gay and not worth the final unlock
I'd really rather they just fill out more sonic characters with general Sega reps being rare. Anything else sucks
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>inb4 we have Egg Robo, Mecha Sonic and Heavy Magician players doing the GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING (CHARACTER)FAGS shitpost on people who want to see Omega, Sage and/or Gamma in the game
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>even pretending to rosterfag
SRB2K and DRRR are easily modded so you can just put whatever character you want into the game yourself and play them on grand prix
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but I WANT all the CHUDS to see my BASED picks hardcoded into the game
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So, when will Jen Hen use her crew of Shipping OCs in this game?
Could you post the leaderboard data?
Are you retarded?
>7 cups per row (7 emeralds)
>2 rows per page = 14
>Two full pages = 28
>Recycle Cups A and B = 30
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This goddamn map has single handedly soured my view on Robotnik Ring Racers. The CPU drivers are unreasonably difficult to the point where I'm wondering if they're all taking a shortcut path I'm missing
no they simply navigate it flawlessly
Literally just put Doomguy and Kiryu back in and it will be golden. Also Ichiban from Like a Dragon.
>literally has Chaos emerald bonus levels for each cup
>doesn't unlock a Super Sonic racer
they really dropped the ball
Honestly, they should not have ported a Map Hell track. Should've ported something like Volcanic Valley instead.
>Twinkle Cart
>Paradise Hill
>Megablock Castle
>Petroleum Refinery
>Toxic Palace
>Volcanic Valley
>Dobson Track
Most of the tracks that didn't make the jump from SRB2K to DRRR kind of deserved it but I miss these guys
Also I know why they removed the Mario Kart courses but I miss GBA Rainbow Road too even though there's zero way it or any faux-replacement like the Mega tracks would do it any justice given how DRRR handles air time
no biggie have fun
yeah I'll try to find out how to do that as for today I decided to try and port all of the srb2k bonus characters into RR as doing super sonic really was pretty simple like that one anon posted about earlier
I would have liked to see Crystal Abyss and Black Bliss return but they'd probably be worse in this game so I can't be too upset

I think a lot more v1 tracks than the like 15 we got should have returned, Volcanic Valley, Megablock Castle, Eggman's Nightclub Zone, and CK Cloud Tops 2 are sorely missed imo
I'm surprised they didn't make a hell cup at the end that is just all the hell maps. Chem facility randomly in one cup is a filter
>TA ghosts are saved in plain text
Does this make it possible to share offline times and add them to the server?
based, hope u included chars that are made on DURR like that marina
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>bonus special stage
>destroy UFO catcher successfully
>it speeds off all the way to the end giving me virtually no chance to catch up
>have to restart cup again

I can forgive everything about the ridiculous CPU, but honestly, these are the REAL pain in the ass.
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It's over. We truly were............. Doctor Robotnik's Ring Racers.
I think the CPUs have been tweaked to a point where they're fine 80% of the time but 5% of the time they just don't work and 15% of them time they're incredibly overtuned.
If you want to see an absolutely ridiculous disparity, boot up a Master run of Swap Cup. CPUs genuinely cannot play on Cyan Belltower but the moment you go to Race #2 on Quartz Quadrant they suddenly become unstoppable to the point of winning being a matter of sheer luck. I don't think QQ is where they're at their absolute worst but going from CB -> QQ might be the biggest jump in CPU difficulty in the game.
did you rike it?
The red wolf from forces, he’s kinda neat
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>going from no vectors to at least two in active development

we're gonna make it bros...
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Hey could someone help me with making .wads
How do you put multiple character .wads into one single .wad as I've made the ports of the srb2k bonuschars
I tried just creating a blank .wad and putting all the character .wads in that and then saving it but it doesn't work
Then I tried making a blank .pk3 and put all the character .wads in that and that also didn't work
Make a .pk3 with folders for sorting sprites and sounds per-character.
Open chars.pk3 in SLADE and copy its structure.
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I didn't know you vectorbros were so powerful
oh that's weird the structure for that is completely different to making separate characters using the kart maker so you don't even need to make a sprite sheet
surprised there's no bad future tracks in the game
Okay while I fuck around and try to make all of the characters in one pack I'm just going to post the individual wads so anons can play already instead of waiting longer (or maybe you just care for some specific characters)
I ported all the characters from srb2k's bonuschar pack but just to clearly show who: Modern Amy, Beat, Dark Chao, Doomguy, Gamma, Hero Chao, Omega, Ulala, Vector, Vyse

I gave all of them have death sprites except for Ulala and Vyse as I couldn't think of anything but if anyone has an idea for a death sprite post an image/link to one or something like that

Hope anons enjoy until these characters get an updated remake mod
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okay I guess it didn't take me too much longer to make them kek
here's all the characters compiled into one big .pk3

>SRB2k bonuschar (All the bonuschars from my last post)

>Character Pack (Has the SRB2K bonuschar ports + super sonic + marina)

Also for some reason, using darkchao (or including the word dark itself) as part of the realname in properties.txt causes the game to crash when I load the addon so I had to use drkchao instead. Very weird crash just for using the word 'dark' unless I'm missing something there

thanks for helping me stop being retarded anon
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one last shittysign for usalia unless inspiration strikes again
complete with proper palette
Really cool, thanks anon
Holy zased, thanks anon
He’s just that cool
thanks anon, this is going to hold me over until KART FUCKING KREW adds the characters that should of been in the base game
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>KartKrew puts out a manual for Ring Racers
>it's in black and white because haha funny 90s nostalgia
>apparently all the images are in color but it has a CSS filter put over it

does everything gotta be a fucking bit with these assholes I swear to god
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Based Anon strikes again
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>greentext on the Notes page
Just use Reader Mode on firefox, it displays the images in color and the HTML is so simple that it doesn't actually fuck up the layout at all
>influenced by chaotix
>is nothing like the cool chaotix jp manual
It's pretty close to the shitty US manual, actually.
kek yeah i was thinking of that
>>Speed and Weight also affect a number of more subtle mechanics:
>Strength and length of ring boosts
>Amount of speed gained from boost stacking
>The difficulty of maintaining a tether link
>The amount of time it takes to reach max tether speed
>The amount of speed gained from a tether link
They don't actually explain this on the character select page for whatever reason

>Strength and length of ring boosts
Better for right (fast) characters
>Amount of speed gained from boost stacking
Better for top (light) characters
>The difficulty of maintaining a tether link
Easier to form for top (light) characters
Harder to break for bottom (heavy) characters
>The amount of time it takes to reach max tether speed
Better for left (slow) characters
>The amount of speed gained from a tether link
Better for right (fast) characters
there's a lie right in the fucking second paragraph. i'll let you guys figure it out.
you being shit at selecting your item in the roulette and playing on 16p clusterfuck servers doesn't make it less true
>The bounce after Fast Falling isn’t affected by slopes.
That's either flat out untrue, or very poorly worded. Bouncing off of steeper slopes directs more forward momentum upwards.
It's how you access the observation room in the tutorial area for Ring the Racer and how you reach certain routes in Avant Garden.
>influenced by chaotix>
>no playable vector>
they'll add him eventually bro
trust the plan
please god let them add him, his voicelines are already in for fuck's sake
i hope that fan made vector comes out NOW so the kart krew feels stupid not having him in
the only fanmade vector i would accept is one by the guys who did that SRB2 chaotix mod
motorroach (the guy who spirited vector for that chaotix mod) does commissions from time to time and recently finished a custom racer for someone.

i wonder if he would do it
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>looking at source code of DURR for special stages/sealed star
>See weapon damage
>Thrown bananas deal the SAME damage as a SPB
fucking kek
take notes anons when you're in the special stage always go for bananas as they're just yellow SPBs, ignore all the others
jaws? trash never touch that shit
>Ring Racers is not a “pick-up-and-play” experience. If you aren’t already a racing fanatic, the learning curve will be quite steep—but when it “clicks”, it clicks.

This sums up the problem with the dev's mindset. Having a high skill ceiling is great, having a high skill floor is not. Overcomplicating a kart racer with bloat to the point that it inhibits a player's ability to enjoy the game isn't something to take pride in.
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and so much for the fucking barrier for entry level to attract new players. this game's playerbase will still be as stagnant as ever with the same circlejerking communities. no wonder most people still don't want to bother with this with a 10-foot-pole when a shitty singleplayer exists rampant with cheating AI and a hands-on tutorial that explains little of the floor-cutting mechanics written in the manual.
>This sums up the problem with the dev's mindset. Having a high skill ceiling is great, having a high skill floor is not
The skill floor isn't even that high, you're just shit. It's higher than something like Kirby or Mario Kart but it's still far more accessible than something like WipEout, Sonic Riders, or F-Zero.
More like the game is shit and so are you for not realizing it.
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Technically I can drop ghosts in but manually editing the leaderboard and checking the ghost itself to see if it's legitimate sounds like constant busywork.


>Jawz thrown backwards target you
>orbinauts thrown backwards don't actually get thrown backwards and just roll in place
I fucking knew it, fuck you one random guy on a server who told me throwing them back was still useful.
What caused Kike Krew to make these retarded decisions?
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>orbinauts thrown backwards don't actually get thrown backwards and just roll in place
Huh, wow. I've managed to hit the AI a bunch of times that way, too. And I've never come across my own spikeball just lying in middle of the track on the next pass, so I had no idea it's essentially just a mine now. I'll have to remember that.
>And I've never come across my own spikeball just lying in middle of the track on the next pass
i've got nothing to actually back this up with but i feel like they gave orbinauts limited lifespans.
F-Zero GX has an obscenely high skill ceiling but it's still easy enough to pick up and play on Standard after a brief skim over the two pages in the manual that show the controls.
Kartrider basically has two mechanics and still has a skill ceiling high enough for the Koreans to have a "real" esports scene around it.

Most of the mechanics in RR are good individually (ignoring the retarded additions like hitstop), but putting them all together this way just makes it feel like you always need proper bubble blowing technique to compete with the AI on what used to be the game's normal mode. Saying it'll take some time to "click" might as well be admitting it's overcomplicated.
>case MT_SPB
I'm no code monkey, but isn't this making spb deal 60?
A cocktail of Smash Bros brainrot, more concentrated with infantile Nintentoddler gimmicks-for-the-sake-of-gimmicks, internet and high school bullying, and HRT.
That doesn't surprise me if true. Maybe they didn't want mines to feel redundant, if that's the case? Shit nigga I don't know.
>Saying it'll take some time to "click" might as well be admitting it's overcomplicated.
>/vm/ is allergic to any game with a learning curve
explains a lot
And what if I told you I did "learn" the game and it's still just a dumb luck slot machine simulator? This piece of shit is too hard for casual play, and just complete dumb luck (or sandbagging) at high level play. This game isn't tuned for anyone's enjoyment except the developer's.
if this were true we wouldn't still be getting new players for 1.6, especially with all our mods
"easy to learn, hard to master," like with the examples given, is always more fun than "hard to learn" full stop
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DURR sucks but at least the original songs are great.
>it's still just a dumb luck slot machine simulator?
this is literally you admitting you're shit
like, no joke, there is so little actual RNG in ring racers that i can't think of a single thing that makes the game truly random; it becomes a clusterfuck on 16p but it's clearly tuned for 8p, and on 8p it's damn near perfect
pay attention to your surroundings and learn how to use the roulette
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This statement goes beyond being stupid, you are intentionally making shit up now. Go back to your dumb fucking discord, Charyb's 2 inch cock is getting cold outside of your throat.
>but it's clearly tuned for 8p, and on 8p it's damn near perfect
its ALSO fucking cramped for standard 8p are you fucking retarded?, shit like darkville castle act 2 is insufferable
>you are intentionally making shit up now.
>no argument
i also don't use discord, retard
>its ALSO fucking cramped for standard 8p
literally how, i have never had any issue on 8p
>shit like darkville castle act 2
darkville castle 2 is fine, learn to sliptide, the dash panels are everywhere for a reason
there ARE some dogshit maps like Chemical Facility, but a few shit maps doesn't mean the gameplay systems as a whole are bad
they hated him because he spoke the truth
glad I didn't skip out on the game because of vm shitposters
Then there would've been complaints about how long the tutorial is ... wait a minute ...

Kart had an in-game manual, could've done the same thing with RR with just some brief info
Oh I'm SO sorry I misjudged you oh great anon. Please, tell me all about how the next to the finish line tripwire shortcuts aren't RNG. Hell, tell me what masterful game design decisions resulted in power item capsules INSIDE the tripwire shortcuts. Maybe you can enlighten me on why I'm so stupid as to think hyuu hand delivering you power items in second place might be a really fucking dumb idea and is peak RNG?
>hyuu hand delivering you power items in second place might be a really fucking dumb idea
nah, the fact it gives srb2k hyuu (complete with tripwire immunity) to the person that hits it is infinitely more retarded.
>consistently being second all race
>hit a bumper on a turbo panel
>mfw it got me all way to last
Bumpers are the single worst item in this fucking game
nah they're funny
I'll rape ur mom because that's funny
jokes on you buddy, she stuffed a bumper in there as protection

have fun getting launched
do you legitimately have absolutely no clue what RNG means
no, a fixed shortcut at a set place in the map is not RNG
no, a fixed power item capsule at a set place on the map is not RNG
no, hyuudoro bringing you specific items it steals and queueing them up for when you drop to 2nd place is not RNG
these are all observable, predictable and counterable things, and nothing about them is even approaching "random" outside of the fact that you don't know who is going to run into hyuudoro
holy shit please learn to pay attention to the game
I dunno how there's any RNG unless you're an idiot using the auto roulette that warns you to not use it because its rng

yall retarded
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Look at this place. Fifty thousand people use to live in this city. Now it's a ghost town…
Please provide me the counters to said situations in full detail.
learn the map
>fixed power capsule
learn the map, pay attention to when people take shortcuts by either keeping an eye on the minimap or looking behind you
keep an eye on what items hyuudoro has queued up so you have a gameplan for when you drop to 2nd/take 1st
Please tell me how "learn the map" stops someone from ripping through a shortcut with a star from 5th to 1st while I'm frontrunning. I'm curious.
Why didn't you take the shortcut? Did you not have the speed or an item in reserve? Is there time left in the track to tether off the person who passed you and catch up? Do you have the rings to boost up if you're using a character with a shit tether?
Someone passing you is objectively not RNG. Learning the map would allow you to plan and react accordingly. You can complain about some maps having retarded shortcuts (lol autumn ring) but that's literally not RNG, just dumb map design.
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The anon saying there's RNG in the game is retarded yes, however the game has way worse problems:
>garbage track designs where its filled with bullshit and gimmicks and ultra precise turns
>weird physics with slopes and ramps enough to make you question if spin dash was made to be a bandaid for this
>completely borked item balance with jawz being nearly useless while the new items like the bumper and flame shield being stupid strong
>lots of mechanics the game doesn't bother to explain despiste having a long ass tutorial
>special stages as a whole
Pic related is fucked up with shit car balance and some absolutely ball bustings maps but its the better game because the items are not nearly as devastatingly powerful and its not overloaded with gimmicks
>Please, tell me all about how the next to the finish line tripwire shortcuts aren't RNG.
The real problem with these last second shortcuts is that they just encourage sandbagging, and the manual roulette makes it much more consistent. Taken to its logical conclusion, this will make any map with such strong tripwire shortcuts devolve into everyone trying to out-bag each other, which I was already seeing on the first day on Robotnik Coaster.
Your argument is "why didn't you sandbag?"

Great game, anon.
anon, he's fucking frontrunning, unless he plays a 1-1 there's no way he's going to use the tripwires for getting to shortcuts with just rings, keeping a item in reserve is a detriment most of the time when the ring boost is mandatory if you want to not be as slow as molasses
any races today?
>garbage track designs where its filled with bullshit and gimmicks and ultra precise turns
It's really not that bad. Some tracks are absolute dogshit (i.e. 2.0-2.1 SPB cup, Chemical Factory) but I can't think of any track that's overly gimmicky besides Death Egg and DeadLine.
>weird physics with slopes and ramps enough to make you question if spin dash was made to be a bandaid for this
Learn your character's handling model and stop burning to 0 before slopes, retard. Spindash is LITERALLY the cope option for people who fucked up, that's the whole intent.
>completely borked item balance with jawz being nearly useless while the new items like the bumper and flame shield being stupid strong
You retards are really overstating how hard Jawz got nerfed. All items inherit your speed now, just stop launching them at shit speeds 4 feet before a sharp turn and they'll stop bonking the walls.
>lots of mechanics the game doesn't bother to explain despiste having a long ass tutorial
This is a strong complaint though. The tutorial is fucking awful at actually teaching mechanics and feels more like a setup to a story mode than anything.
>special stages as a whole
The special stages are cool as fuck, get some taste.
>Your argument is "why didn't you sandbag?"
It's literally not. Get some reading glasses next time.
>keeping a item in reserve is a detriment most of the time when the ring boost is mandatory if you want to not be as slow as molasses
That depends hard on the character you're playing. Bottom-left characters like Eggman can get by with very little ringboost just fine if you spam the fuck out of miniturbos and abuse their tether to hell and back, for example.
>Why didn't you take the shortcut? Did you not have the speed or an item in reserve?
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/v/eekend with happen around 4pm EST time (1 hour and 15 minutes).
And it will be on 1.6, not DRR
I'm asking you to think about the situation, retard. I'm not saying you fucked up by not doing either of those things, I'm asking you to PAY ATTENTION TO THE SITUATION.
For example, the answer to that question could be
>"I've been frontrunning for a while and haven't been able to."
Which is a significantly different from
>"I just overtook by spamming sneakers."
But in the case of the former, you HAVE other options. If you're frontrunning, you have access to the bumper, which is fucking nightmarish to invulnerable players. If they try to approach from behind, you can slap that down and watch them go flying right back to 6th. Maybe the shortcut took them past you; in that case, abuse tether, rings, and 2nd place items (or even ringboxes, which are super easy to consistently hit 7s and jackpots on and get a ludicrous speed boost out of if you're using a character on the right side of the screen) to catch up.
Again, just because you're too retarded to stop and think and take stock of the situation before sperging out about MUH RNG doesn't mean the game is bad.
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Ignore him, he's just being silly.

We're actually doing a stress-test for Noire (the custom DRR build that's been in-progress these last few weeks).

Still 4PM EST, more details to follow shortly.
>It's really not that bad. Some tracks are absolute dogshit (i.e. 2.0-2.1 SPB cup, Chemical Factory) but I can't think of any track that's overly gimmicky besides Death Egg and DeadLine.
i can admit there's some REALLY good tracks in here like withered chateau but green hill for example got anally raped despiste sharing the same layout what the fuck do you mean? and this is without counting shit like skyscraper leaps
>Learn your character's handling model and stop burning to 0 before slopes, retard. Spindash is LITERALLY the cope option for people who fucked up, that's the whole intent.
I Typed this CONSIDERING you have fucking rings, shit like chaos chute can be obnoxious precisely because of its slopes
>You retards are really overstating how hard Jawz got nerfed. All items inherit your speed now, just stop launching them at shit speeds 4 feet before a sharp turn and they'll stop bonking the walls.
Except that jawz is one of the many instances, having lightning shield up for long periods of times is literally not worth it anymore due to how important rings are, its a glorified insta whip
>The special stages are cool as fuck, get some taste.
Needing to slow down is not cool, its boring as shit
love that game
>You have options
>like this item you can just dodge because you have full offroad and 1st doesn't
>Or "abusing" the catch up mechanics (sandbagging)
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Noire is not ready for this, anon is a faggot.
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>Ignore him, he's just being silly.
>We're actually doing a stress-test for Noire (the custom DRR build that's been in-progress these last few weeks).
>Still 4PM EST, more details to follow shortly.
i hate niggers that spread misinformation
Noire is not ready yet
we are doing 1.6 tonight, end of discussion
>shit like chaos chute can be obnoxious precisely because of its slopes
Go practice.
>having lightning shield up for long periods of times is literally not worth it anymore due to how important rings are, its a glorified insta whip
You haven't tried fucking with its tether much, I see. That shit is a comically strong catchup tool and makes it stupid easy to catch right back up to 2nd if they overtake you without even touching rings.
>Needing to slow down is not cool, its boring as shit
>he needs to slow down during the special stages
>like this item you can just dodge because you have full offroad and 1st doesn't
If invincibility overtakes you without attacking you directly, it'll run out and leave him just as vulnerable as everyone else while you're still as full speed in pursuit.
If invinicibility runs up right behind you to bonk you and make you tumble, you can use the bumper to fuck him up.
Also, have you ever tried launching the bumper forward? If you land that shit at a good angle you could completely ruin someone's pace.
>Or "abusing" the catch up mechanics (sandbagging)
Using tether to catch up to someone who just overtook you isn't "sandbagging" you fucking retard.
We're actually playing vanilla DRRR on Gear 1
Get hyped sisters!
you fags clearly need gear 1 with how much you bitch about slopes lol
How many times will you willfully ignore the "right before the finish line" part of the initial statement, I wonder?
They did. If you throw one and keep it on screen it will disappear after a bit.
It takes long enough that you can still hit someone behind you even if they're a few places behind, but a backwards thrown orb won't still be there by the time you loop back around on any track that isn't super duper tiny.
Feel free to tell me about what maps have shortcuts "right before the finish line". The most egregious shortcut I can remember is that retarded Autumn Ring cut that skips a good 1/4th of the track and even that's still a ways before the finish line.
>>he needs to slow down during the special stages
its literally mandatory, you faggot
>Go practice.
that won't fix the shit physics
>unless you're an idiot using the auto roulette that warns you to not use it because its rng
Wanna poke in as an idiot who uses auto roulette as I can't reliably tear my eyes to the top left in the middle of some of this game's shit but managed to suffer through all the bonuses.
The biggest downside to auto roulette SHOULD BE the fact your items are random but instead it's the fact you have a minimum spin time of roughly 2.5 seconds that you can't end early compared to non-auto and you can't ring boost during that minimum spin.
Shit before it got fixed ring boosting through and during got those 2.5 seconds extended it dramatically to the point where I counted 30 seconds of spinning for an item once.
>its literally mandatory, you faggot
Fucking where? The closest I can think of is that section at the end of rooftops you need to line yourself up for, but you can absolutely get through it without slowing down as long as you know where to position yourself.
>that won't fix the shit physics
They're not shit, you are.
Carnival Night.
Toxic Palace
>>that won't fix the shit physics
>They're not shit, you are.
Oh right, I forgot about that one. Yeah Carnival Night is a fucking dogshit track, I'm not gonna argue on that one.
>extremely niche bumper moment that has nothing to do with slopes
>webm cuts before showing where you got checkpointed to
>They're not shit, you are.
It always devolves to this when it comes to DURR cocksuckers, hope the next patches nerf the shit i'm complaining about and to prove me right again as it happened with 2.2
Two karts colliding should not INCREASE speed in opposite directions afterwards. That is a fundamental flaw in how the physics works.
>>webm cuts before showing where you got checkpointed to
What the fuck does that have to do with it? Quit grasping for straws.
>What the fuck does that have to do with it? Quit grasping for straws.
If a goofy interaction only looks goofy and doesn't actually completely fuck you over, it doesn't matter.
>going full speed off boost pads in a chaos emerald stage and launch jawz at the claw
>it goes really fast, circles the claw and hits me instead
>pause the game for like 5 minutes in anger
i mean, it was funny but frustrating too
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RR isn't really rng based, but I would say the amount of shit everyone around you can do results in what feels like shit bumfucking you out of nowhere, mechanics that exist specifically to punish you for already being behind, and tracks breaking so you lose for things out of your control

I still have a pretty good "win" rate and pwr (like these matter) ranking but I think this game is generally less "skill based" than srb2k despite items not being rng anymore
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previously mentioned fucked boost panels
thinking back on it, the other time this happened was also an F-Zero map (Death Wind 1) so maybe it's something fucky with this pack
>I think this game is generally less "skill based" than srb2k despite items not being rng anymore
I think you're wrong, outside of 16p clusterfucks.
I think you're a faggot
I can definitely see why you'd think that, you have more options to deal with other players than before and there's definitely a skill to make comebacks in a way that didn't exist in v1

And the game's definitely a lot better in 8 players or so since being in the back doesn't mean you get assraped by 4 or 5 people all getting power items at once

Item/ring boxes are also rarer, with there often being 2/3 sets a lap and generally with 8 players you can play around seeing your opponents going for certain boxes and adjust accordingly

But I think v1 was very largely dependent on just driving well and timing item usage for defense or shortcuts, with larger playercounts not messing with it

You also don't get denied a comeback because the track has tripwire cuts that save 6-10 seconds (Death Egg, Blizzard Peaks Classic, Leaf Storm, etc) and/or give you a free power item (Marble Garden, Cloudtop, Mystic Cave, etc) and you got rings instead or got an item box stolen (this is technically avoidable but also really annoying and not an issue in v1)

I also don't feel like I was exactly playing skillfully because I got 20 seconds of mega off shrink and took 3 different tripwire cuts or got 3 jackpots in a row and went mach 3 for a lap and a half

I've won races that I had a 10 second deficit start on because I was typing in chat and maybe my opponents are just shit too but that kind of thing never happened in my years of playing v1
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That said I love doing goofy comeback cheese using the system mechanics and superior game knowledge, so with the sunflower's garden changes Ring Racers is my jam, it's like playing a grappler where it never feels like 1st is out of reach unlike v1

I'll probably make a v1 version of this when I finish this
Hands off she's my wife
Your wife is a whore
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i could accept the rubberbanding for a specifc stage or two if this was the case
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How strong is 9/9 in durr, in comparison to the others and assuming a flat high competency? Or does it really not matter/can't tell at this point?
Being less ring reliant is nice but I've only ever seen people complaining about turning with 9/9

Maybe if you're a slipstream god it's meta but I like being able to turn normally
Throwing them back is still useful, the jawz in practice will never actually catch up to you and can potentially hit someone on its way to you b4 it hits a wall. And backwards orbi is just good cause it stays in one general spot, like an orbiting banana.
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The new nackwards spikeball is a massive pain in the ass, being able to cover sometimes half the road with a moving ball can make it really annoying to dodge (best way is to a short drift to effectively sidestep it). I think I've hit more people with backwards spikeball than any other drop item

Also slows down mega and star who are definitely going too fast to react to it half the time
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>Lepus has been beaten upside the head so many times that he's developed in-built orbi immunity
It's a good thing Robotnik Coaster is the first track or I'd be a little mad that the bots keep stealing 1st from me at the last second
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Just kidding it doesn't make it less frustrating at all when you get every lap bonus except the very last one BECAUSE A NON-RIVAL BOT HAPPENED TO GO THROUGH THE SHORTCUT AT THE END OF THE LAST LAP AT THE LAST SECOND AND STEAL 1ST FROM ME BY LITERALLY ONE FRAME
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Feet = slut. Period.
That's me
sounds like my life story
is ring racers even fun or just more of the same dev faggotry we have been seeing in the last 3 years
I mean.. I'm having fun. Lots of other anons seem to be having fun. Lots of anons seem to NOT be having fun.

Only one who can answer that is you
the game CAN be fun, i infact have fun despiste how much i hate it, but FUCK man i just wish the devs would stop being so retarded
I'm just waiting for Noire to drop so I can host games without the anti-fun mechanics for my friends
I like it more than SRB2Kart, but I also enjoy the in-depth systems and think learning them and playing the singleplayer is more fun than SRB2K more straightforward approach was.
It basically just comes down to whether you want an in-depth game with a much higher skill floor or something that's much closer to "what if mario kart was way faster", which is what v1 is. Neither are bad, it's just a matter of taste.
It's not the worst, but many parts of it were blatantly made in bad faith and that rubs me the wrong way.
I like Ring Racers a lot, I dunno i just didn't have the same problems a lot of the people here are complaining about probably becauese I didn't play SRB2K?
I also didn't play SRB2K, and aside from some genuinely bad map design I think the game is fun overall
90% of the complaining in these threads comes from people who are mad that DRRR isn't just Kart 2 and/or suffering from schizophrenic delusions that lead them to believe Kart Krew are all directly out to spite them in specific
Presentation definitively plays a big part, people don't want to admit it but Ring racer's presentation does a lot for player retention
On paper, DRRR is less stale than SRB2Kart, being less about memorizing lines and more about reacting on-the-fly to what's happening around you. The ways in which this was executed are questionable, especially the level design.
I hope that cock tastes real good bro
Take your meds
currently DRRR's biggest flaws are the tutorial not actually giving you a lot of practical information despite being overlong, and a lot of the tracks just being ass to play
if changing the size of tracks like they did for SPB Cup is as far as they're willing to go, a lot of stinkers like Chemical Facility and Death Egg are probably going to remain shitty for the game's lifespan
the bot rubberbanding also teaches you to dump your items ASAP to use rings when it obviously doesn't work that way online
Wait, it doesn't? Then how do you drift without losing half your speed? How do you go up a slight incline without stalling out?
i've found that items and interacting with other racers in general usually isn't worthwhile
in most cases i prefer getting ring boxes over item boxes, unless i'm so far behind that i can get invincible
I've been mostly reading instead of talking and what I keep seeing is that you slow down when drifting, but that just happened in SRB2K and everyone forgot somehow

all the rings do is just speed up every time srb2k slowed down and the first game couldn't even do all the slope shit anyways without shitting itself
its absolutely not worth it to use or even get items, rings outclasses many offensive items once you get the timing for jackpots
The mere fact chemical facility is in the game gives dread for this game's future
instead of dumping your item ASAP to stay in front of a bot that has a bubble shield, you can actually wait until other people use their rings to catch up then use your resources to maintain your lead
you can absolutely send 2nd back to the tard horde of unreasonable communal suffering but if you try that with a bot it just tags in one if its rival friend or turns the rubberbanding up to 11
It's the closest a kart racer has ever come to a fighting game. If you like that kind of thing you'll probably have fun. If you don't then you'll won't have much fun at all.
>changing the size of tracks like they did for SPB Cup is as far as they're willing to go,
Balloon Park also had the collision on that one wall completely redone. I unironically like it now
I mean I haven't played SRB2K and think vanilla RR has lots of problems
how can I actually learn how to play DRRR since the tutorial suckass?
Ring racers problems become very apparent if you played literally any other kart racing game
read the manual; the tutorial isn't TERRIBLE it just spends too long on shit that's only really relevant at a super high skill level or during battle mode
Drive backwards at the start of the tutorial into the challenge race
>it just spends too long on shit that's only really relevant at a super high skill level or during battle mode
if the fucking tutorial leaves out important info that becomes VERY relevant once you enter your proper race and have to read something that's not in the game then the tutorial is dogshit
The game is fun but you either need to mod out some of the garbage like bouncing and hitstop or willingly put up with the devs' retardation

Besides that, I think the main issue is the track design, it a lot of tracks are shit and power item/ring box balance changes a lot from track to track in a really annoying way. Some tracks like Starlight give you free power items or shoes in their tripwire cuts alongside time saves, making rings basically a dead pull. MEanwhile some like Popcorn Workshop have shitty tripwire cuts so pulling jackpot every time is both extremely easy and overpowered

also the amount of automated bits with springs and dash rings is really annoying

I think working with all of the new mechanics is fun but only after spending like 10-20 hours in a game that is just really annoying and punishing until then.
I don't personally think the tutorial really leaves any good basic info out, it just drowns it in a bunch of other stuff that's not really relevant for at least the first 3-4 cups.
Like, sliptiding is great to know about but it's definitely not required and that's all I can think of.
Read the manual to learn how items work, do time trials to get a feel for the track layouts, pulling jackpots, and using rings at good spots (such as drifting slowing you down so you bypass it with rings, practicing using slipstream with power items on certain tracks)

Just playing the game a lot helps too, but trying a time trial for each track in the, while taking a few hours, did more for me getting used to the controls and using rings than anything else
2.2 made the bounce on fast falling redirect and its saved me every time. can safely say without the bounce now it'd be retarded

it's also got cool tech because of that now too
>sliptiding is great to know about but it's definitely not required
it absolutely is if you don't want to eat shit in online what the hell you're talking about? it also leaves out how tethers work
I keep hearing the devs say this but I really don't see the correlation. In what way is this game like a fighting game? Is it the sense that noobs get their ass kicked by cpu's and gods with no chance other than having to just take L's and learn from them?
>it also leaves out how tethers work
See, that's a way bigger omission, I agree.
>but I really don't see the correlation
how the hitstops work
The back and forth, the way the mechanics work together. It feels very much like imitating how modern fighting games are.
It has the cadence of a fighting game for lack of a better term. I'm not really able to explain it well. I didn't even know the developers say that. It's just what it feels like to me.
If you actually played SRB2K you would not only feel but see all of the arbitrary steps back they implemented into ring races.

The stiffer maneuvering, and super steep slope fighting that's everywhere are just two of the ever present things you will immediately notice when going into Ring Racers.
The whole Drifting section of the tutorial needs a do-over (much of the tutorial does, but this part especially)
Sliptiding is absolutely required if you want to play the bottom-right third of the roster, it wouldn't have hurt them one bit to include a few turns made for sliptiding before (and in) the SPB chase part of the drift course.
>Your kart drives differently underwater!
Very informative, why not tell people HOW it affects drifting and turning instead of just handing them ONE underwater turn? Not even the manual explains this.
They just expect you to "get a feel for" a drastically different style of handling that only shows up occasionally.
Also, the SPB chase setting you to -20 rings is retarded because it fails to teach you anything about the item beyond "it chases you"
It also fails to tell you about
>Jawz and how they work with tether
>Garden Top
>Flame Shield
>Bubble Shield
>What Grow actually is meant for
>Sneaker items and how boost from them and panels can stack

and of course
I think a full-tilt items tutorial being mandatory would have been fucking horrible and it's a good thing they didn't do it, but they definitely needed one somewhere.
the redirection is genuinely pretty nice, I really like it on Azure Lake

It just also still feels slow and floaty a lot of the time imo
The game NEEDS to teach about the less obvious one though
I am starting to think sonic riders was more fun bros
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as an avid fg player, Ring Racers has the most excessive and obnoxious hitlag in history, even the biggest hits in a normal fg doesn't reach basic items like spikeballs

Hitlag is also mostly just cosmetic and giving you a window to input your next attack in a combo or something, everything else moves during hitlag in ring racers so getting hit by items or hitting people with a star just slows things down further
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OK but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh racism soon?
I like the redirect but I feel it bleeds too much speed regardless of what I had going in. I wish it would let me keep some of my forward momentum if I was moving the direction I bounced in at VERY least.
>avid fg players
>says hitlag instead of hitstop
Fuck off smasher.
the actual term is hitstun
Hitlag serves an actual purpose in RR because of DI. Also making sure you can actually see when lightning shield does literally fucking anything.
>the actual term is hitstun
No the fuck it's not. Hitstop and Hitlag are both in reference to "game freezes to add impact". Hitstun refers to the period of time when a defender is inactionable after taking a hit in either a PvP or PvE game.
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The thing is, when people refer to these mechanics as "similiar to FGs", in any modern game, they're just referring arcade-like ones. You can apply a lot of the same principles in Shmups and Bmups that came before even Street Fighter 2 (heck, Final Fight even had footsies).
"FG" is really the only arcade genre that ins't completely dead (besides Rhythm Games, which really don't fit), so zoomers and less knowleadgeble start to see old arcade design concepts in use and relate to the only thing that is in their repository, aka FGs. Sorta like the "Boss baby fan sees other movie" meme.
In the main server? Sure, I'll hop in.
What purpose does hitstop serve on the tripwires, then? Or colliding with players while using invincibility? Or blocking items with Lightning/Bubble shield?
You say
>making sure you can actually see when lightning shield does literally fucking anything.
but you could do that with a sound cue.
If it was just on things that already punish you as an opportunity to mitigate that punishment through DI, it wouldn't be nearly as much of an issue.
As is, it interrupts the flow, and makes a racing game feel stop-and-go, which is an absolutely terrible way for a racing game to feel.
Not sure if the MB going to accept him since me's slated to be included in a future patch.
I see both used fairly interchangeably within fg communities, though this is at least partially because smash players started bleeding into other games after realizing smash is dogshit

Considering RR claims to be inspired by fgs when the only things from any "fighting" game that isn't smash is the sf3 parry sound I think the devs are smashers and saw evo moment 37

Hitstun is a different mechanic, it's how long you're unable to act after being hit, not how long the game pauses after you're hit

Nobody even knew DI existed before the manual released because it's such a non-mechanic in RR

Electric shield is w/e this game has awful visual clarity and like five billion horrible visual effects, compared to the countdown covering half the screen online I think electric shield is fine
think I know an easy way to rework the existing intro/tutorial while keeping most of its assets intact
>profile setup and all that shit
>new track that is solely just a basic tutorial in a simulation themed like test track, goes over the bare basics shit of a kart racer that you're already expected to know (basic movement, drifting, boost pads, springs, item boxes and the manual roulette stop, ring boxes)
>introduce rings and how they work after bringing up ring boxes, make you go up a slope by using them
>introduce tripwires and how to get past them, you're given the jet sneakers and go through a bunch of them in a row but is designed to have one right at the very end that sends you flying the fuck back after the boost is out to ram it into your head that you need speed to go through them
>item test room with dummies to use the individual items on
>once you're done getting a feel for everything it drops you into the test track race
>"oh and there's more tutorials that cover the advanced techniques that'll sometimes show up later on too, check the extras menu for more"
>convert the existing tutorial maps into Advanced Tutorials
I'll be expecting dental and health insurance benefits kart krew
ironic that the one sonic fangame that desperately needed a sandbox playground to learn everything is the only on that doesn't have one.
>What purpose does hitstop serve on the tripwires, then
It feels good.
>Or colliding with players while using invincibility?
It feels good.
>Or blocking items with Lightning/Bubble shield?
It feels good.
>but you could do that with a sound cue.
A sound cue doesn't give the same impact as hitstop. You can argue on whether or not it's necessary, but these are functionally not the same thing. Hitstop gives these actions far more impact and the cases in which it meaningfully alters gameplay in a negative way are rare as fuck.
>Nobody even knew DI existed before the manual released because it's such a non-mechanic in RR
I did because I used it to bounce over a tripwire by accident once and decided to experiment further. You not knowing it was there doesn't make it a "non mechanic".
>this game has awful visual clarity and like five billion horrible visual effects
I strongly disagree. If you don't like the VFX then "reduced VFX" is always in the accessibility options for you.
you have to understand i NEED to insert my fanfic story in the middle of the tutorial
>how dare the fangame be a fangame and not just an extension of a mod from half a decade ago
>It feels good.
It doesn't. It doesn't feel good to sit there for any length of time in a race while everyone around you is still driving unimpeded.
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4/30 on US
>It feels good.
it doesn't for all 3 and you have to be genuinely disingenious for saying this
>it feels good
>This amount of cocksucking
The tutorial rework idea posted above should still be able to handle that. The hamfisted story isn't the problem with the tutorial, it's that you're taught the wrong mechanics.
>special stage has water running section after a slope
>accidentally slam into the emerald capsule hard enough to damage it
>this stops me over the water and kills me
never playing special stages again
>It doesn't feel good to sit there for any length of time
You don't "sit there". It's a brief freeze for impact and you move on.
I think it does. Sliptiding through a tripwire with just the right amount of speed and wondering in that brief moment of hitstop whether or not you actually made it feels great. Popping lightning shield and getting the high impact of the brief stop like the whole world shook feels great. Slamming into some retard at mach 4 with invuln as you speed through the pack and get bonus time for doing so while he flies off into the stratosphere feels great.
Calm down, sperg.
>direct impacting the emerald over water without sneakers
you have only yourself to blame
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>You don't "sit there". It's a brief freeze...
>for any length of time
No wonder people call you a cock sucker.

Adding gay soliloquy to try and dodge the fact that your getting stopped long enough for both parties to lose out on close finishes doesn't somehow justify it.
"Sitting there" implies you've actually been stopped. Hitstop is not a "real" stop because it doesn't halt your momentum. It's a cosmetic freeze for impact.
>Adding gay soliloquy to try and dodge the fact that your getting stopped long enough for both parties to lose out on close finishes doesn't somehow justify it.
I think you're retarded. I have yet to see more than like, one clip in which hitstop causes meaningful time loss beyond that obviously goofy shit with the furniture in Joypolis they patched out.
Why do you need a second-long hitstop to feel good? Doing that in kart already felt fine
Are you just too slow to comprehend what happened without it
I'm glad you think the hitstop feels good but I whenever I play or run a modded server that removes it there's at least 2 or 3 people saying "thank god the hitstop is gone this game feels so much better now"

>Hitstop gives these actions far more impact and the cases in which it meaningfully alters gameplay in a negative way are rare as fuck.
I would say constantly pausing the game whenever you try to take a shortcut or get hit is a very negative thing that makes both of these take much longer than they really should. The only justification for hitlag on tripwires is making the less overpowered but on some tracks like Popcorn Workshop it makes the tripwire cut slower than not taking it

>I did because I used it to bounce over a tripwire by accident once and decided to experiment further. You not knowing it was there doesn't make it a "non mechanic".
First of all I want to congratulate you on being the third person I've ever met to lab a kart racer (me and my brother also do this). That said I would say a mechanic being this niche and unintuitive to where 99% of the playerbase didn't know it exists says a lot about how impactful it is

That said with how comically high you get bounced in this game I think you have plenty of time to react and di when you get hit even without hitstop lol

>I strongly disagree. If you don't like the VFX then "reduced VFX" is always in the accessibility options for you.
Don't worry I turned screen tilt off, turned camera shake off, and turned on reduced VFX

The game still looks like shit with all these flashes and sprite rotation and squishing, it's just not literally nauseating anymore
>Sliptiding through a tripwire with just the right amount of speed and wondering in that brief moment of hitstop whether or not you actually made it feels great
There's the blue glow for that
>Popping lightning shield and getting the high impact of the brief stop like the whole world shook feels great. Slamming into some retard at mach 4 with invuln as you speed through the pack and get bonus time for doing so while he flies off into the stratosphere feels great.
there's sound cues for that and in the latter it also indirectly fucks you over, you're fucking retarded and needs to stop cocksucking kart krew this badly
it was my first attempt so I didn't know there'd be a downward slope with a boost panel
it doesn't matter because I'm not playing special stages anymore
I actually really like the idea of the special stages but it feels like there's absolutely zero consistency with how they're beaten
Sometimes when you hit the UFO with a few items in a row it immediately flies ahead so far that you literally just can't catch up to it
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>"Sitting there" implies you've actually been stopped. Hitstop is not a "real" stop because it doesn't halt your momentum. It's a cosmetic freeze for impact.
someone post that one webm of a guy getting hit by invincibility because he went through a speed barrier and got stopped by the hitstun
I am literally not moving for several frames.
I have been stopped, other people are still moving.
I don't fucking care that it resumes my previous speed afterwards.
I don't want to be stopped when I didn't do anything wrong.
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Exactly lol. Never seen such illiteracy in my entire life until now.
>Doing that in kart already felt fine
I disagree. Kart feels fucking weightless and nothing you do in that game ever felt like it had any meaningful impact to me. If you like it that's fine, but I personally fucking hated it.
>The only justification for hitlag on tripwires is making the less overpowered but on some tracks like Popcorn Workshop it makes the tripwire cut slower than not taking it
The stop on tripwires almost never meaningfully affects your pace. Again, it doesn't actually halt your momentum, and a fair few situations even give you bonuses as compensation (Invuln getting bonus duration, for example). I like it specifically because the hitstop on tripwires is the same whether or not you actually made it, which means there's always that perfect bit of "oh fuck did I actually get through" tension that's fun as hell to experience.
>The game still looks like shit with all these flashes and sprite rotation and squishing,
I strongly disagree, though I will say screen tilt being off is fucking mandatory if you're not using Legacy GL and Legacy GL breaks so many of the nice effects on Software that it drives me crazy. They need to fix that shit immediately.
>There's the blue glow for that
The glow doesn't give the moment of ambiguous tension hitstop does.
>there's sound cues for that
Sound cues don't give the impact hitstop has.
>and needs to stop cocksucking kart krew this badly
The game has issues, I just think you fags are retarded for disliking hitstop.
>I just think you fags are retarded for disliking hitstop.
See this is why people calls you a cocksucker, this shit this place says about the game is not even exclusive to it, specially when you say this on the single most divisive new mechanic introduced
7/31 comfy Sunday driving
>this shit this place says about the game is not even exclusive to it,
Cool, I don't care. I don't discuss games anywhere besides /v/ and /vm/ because most avenues of game discussion are turbocancer on a level never before seen by mortal man. You fags may be retarded and shit at games but I'd still rather talk to you than the type of dumb fucks on Discord or Twitter.
I like the idea but this game does not control nearly well enough to make it stop feeling like a crapshoot, ignoring how sometimes using sneakers to hit the ufo just kills you if you do it in the wrong spot

In general this game is full of moments that are technically avoidable but the "technically" is doing really heavy lifting

>I disagree. Kart feels fucking weightless and nothing you do in that game ever felt like it had any meaningful impact to me.
I think RR feels like you're constantly stuck in molasses and driving on vasoline because of how much hitstop there is, how heavy everyone is, and how obnoxiously strong slopes are

>oh fuck did I actually get through" tension that's fun as hell to experience.
If you have a power item there is no tension it just slows you down by half a second
If you don't then I don't know why you'd go for a tripwire if you didn't check if you had enough speed first, but I'm also not big on the tension of "do I get my balls crushed for trying to take a shortcut", it's not fun it's just really annoying if it doesn't pan out

I'm glad we can agree on this because people on Discord and twitter are annoying retards that say "skill issue" if you find a mechanic annoying and "you're a no-lifer" if you're defending a mechanic that you can play around

and if you have any unpopular opinions you get reddit-tier memes and manchildren whining
>I think RR feels like you're constantly stuck in molasses and driving on vasoline because of how much hitstop there is, how heavy everyone is, and how obnoxiously strong slopes are
I've genuinely never understood the slope complaints you guys seem to have. Even pre-patch I never had a problem, and post-patch doesn't feel any different on any stage besides Gust Planet (which I will fully admit; holy fuck those slopes are ROUGH if you don't get speed before entering them). Maybe it's just a consequence of me starting primarily with upper-left/upper-middle characters thanks to Jack Frost and Headdy, but the game's controls feel far less slippery to me than SRB2Kart ever did, with the obvious exception of the complete fucking nonsense the Bumper does to your momentum. (And really, I don't even consider that a negative; the bumper is great)
Actually, addendum: I do have one stage to complain about in regards to slopes and it's Marble Garden. That stage is absolute AIDS and whoever made it is a complete moron.
Have you ever tried a GP race on Marble Garden?
On even as low as Intense the bots don't know what the fuck they're doing and get caught up miles behind you, so you get pounded with SPBs and unable to use rings for the FUCKOFF MASSIVE UPHILL SEGMENT.
Having an SPB on your ass and the hill being that massive exacerbate the core problem that you should not be THAT helpless to a fucking SLOPE when you are driving a MOTOR VEHICLE. You accelerate down slopes faster than you accelerate downward IN MIDAIR.
>Have you ever tried a GP race on Marble Garden?
See >>1295334
Also, weirdly enough, I don't think I've seen a single SPB in GP outside of the scripted one in City Escape. Do they not exist on Intense?
I'm waiting for Noire and I will toggle off all the following
>the little bounce after fast falling
>ring sting
>insta whip increasing ring debt
and probably some others I'm forgetting
>Do they not exist on Intense?
They still do, but normally you'll only see them on death egg if you're REALLY far away
may as well toggle off player collision and items while you're at it
those are actually fun so no
They only reliably happen if you're super duper far ahead.
SPBs also can't spawn when shrink is active.
Since rival bots are cheating motherfuckers and get frantic items, SPBs are incredibly rare in GPs.
The bots whip them out when you get too far ahead. But they're rubberbanded to fuck, so it takes ridiculous circumstances for them to get that far behind in the first place, usually them getting stuck. Since it's distance-based, tracks with a big scripted boost can summon them early. I've gotten them in a few places.
... Wait, did you seriously not even see one in Egg Cup? The bots don't know shit about avoiding hazards, so getting one on Death Egg is basically guaranteed.
Anyway, if you understand the issue with Marble Garden, then shouldn't the issue we take with the rest of the game be fairly obvious? Every slope is like that. Every turn bleeds off a ton more momentum than it should too, whether you drift it or not. It doesn't feel like I'm earning additional speed through smart use of rings as a "flexible boost", it feels like my speed is stolen and ransomed back to me.
>Anyway, if you understand the issue with Marble Garden, then shouldn't the issue we take with the rest of the game be fairly obvious?
Not really. I consider the issue with Marble Garden to primarily be one of track design; Marble Garden's big retarded slope section is long, full of offroad, and at a completely fucked angle that requires countersteering. Not only that, but it asks you to do jumps off ramps and the only source of rings are a handful of capsules spread thin across the whole section. Slopes work across the majority of the game because they're usually not big enough to cause you trouble for more than a second, and even if you're in a rough spot you can almost always clear them with a single spindash. Marble Garden sucks because if you spindash at the start of the section you're probably only making it about halfway up the fucking thing.
>It doesn't feel like I'm earning additional speed through smart use of rings as a "flexible boost", it feels like my speed is stolen and ransomed back to me.
Personally, I think for the majority of the weight classes rings are better thought of as a way to avoid speed loss than a way to push for speed gain, outside of really aggressive desperation pushing. This game is supposed to be "Fighting Game influenced" according to the devs, and in that regard Rings feel less like meter and more like an inverted stun gauge.
I see. For me, Marble Garden isn't so much a unique instance of one bad slope as a slope that exacerbates virtually every issue the game itself has. That grade of slope should slow you down, sure, but you shouldn't be fighting to not slip back down. The turns on the slope are only so bad because turning takes too much speed from you in general, which combined with the overaggressive slope and terrible offroad leads to a shockingly punishing failure state. And the lack of rings will usually force you to experience it at its worst at least once.
Having a few designated options to counter all the forces weighing me down doesn't negate the fact that the forces weighing me down are disproportionate to begin with.
>Rings feel less like meter and more like an inverted stun gauge
Believe me I understand what you mean here. I just don't think the concept of a stun gauge or anything like it is a great fit for... kart racing. A punishment like that doesn't work when the genre is already prone to creating a meatgrinder of people using power items and fucking each other more than first place.
I think where we diverge in opinion is that I think Ring Racers systems work great when on a track designed for them. Most tracks have smaller slopes littered with rings; if you keep using rings, you can make it. If you spindash, it's enough to clear the slope on its own. The rare exceptions usually at least have some kind of stage gimmick (i.e. the launchers on Gust Planet) to make up the difference. Marble Garden is uniquely shit because it's a huge slope with none of the accomodations to actually make a huge slope fucking WORK in this game; the section beforehand doesn't give you enough momentum. The awful angle and obscene length means Spindashing doesn't help. The constant spikes and fucked angle and absurd amount of offroad means carrying what little momentum you might have from the prior section is near impossible. If every slope in Ring Racers were like this, I would be right there with the rest of you in calling this game TURBOAIDS, but I think most of the stages in this game are far better about giving players the tools they need to manage obstacles.
>You don't "sit there". It's a brief freeze for impact and you move on.
All the countless webms posted of people getting hit and the constant timestop is very obnoxious
>Sliptiding through a tripwire with just the right amount of speed and wondering in that brief moment of hitstop whether or not you actually made it feels great
You already know if you made it beforehand with the blue aura around your kart or simply checking if you're at 200% before you hit it
>Popping lightning shield and getting the high impact of the brief stop like the whole world shook feels great.
No it doesn't, it's just another item like all the others. You can make this argument for any item anyway so it's irrelevant for focusing on lighting specifically
>Slamming into some retard at mach 4 with invuln as you speed through the pack and get bonus time for doing so while he flies off into the stratosphere feels great.
No this doesn't feel great because you're losing time due to the hitstun which is the most important thing in a race
It doesn't matter if you hit one guy to try and get another 2secs on your invincibility if another racer just speeds past you with rocket sneakers/flame shield/bubble bhop and you lost your position because of the hitstun
Bots get guaranteed SPBs if you're far enough ahead
Not sure if things are different on Intense but that absolutely happens on Master
Sunflower's addons are pretty good for fixing the game right now until Noire drops
>rings, spindash, AND map gimmicks
does the fact a simple slope needing all these accommodations just to clear them not signal to you how poorly designed they are at a basic level?
No? Those systems are part of the game and I find them fun to engage with. Ideally you're playing well enough to have the speed to handle the slope without any of them, but if you don't then Rings provided by the map are a way to mitigate speed loss, map features often act as a way to handle them, and spindash works in the majority of maps as a good last-ditch option.
You can already do a lot of these with the sunflower garden toggles, though I think removing hitstop and the bounce is enough

Instawhip is really broken if you don't have at least ring sting or instawhip increasing ring debt, I personally turn on ring sting so you can bop and make them eat shit for being careless with it. Ideally I'd like instawhip to be the only way to enter ring debt since I think it draining rings is a fair downside (I think ring debt is otherwise a lose harder mechanic that doesn't add much to the game besides punishing you for not having at least 10 rings on hand most of the time) but that'd require more coding knowledge I don't have lol

I'm not big on position but also it lets you do video related and if you get faulted you get a free jackpot or shoes which is really good. Instawhip and items generally let you play around someone tethering you and it generally makes being in top 1-3 feel more dynamic imo

Outside of the scripted one in City Escape and free SPB pickup in Dayonta Speedway, I've seen them like 3-5 times ever in my 30 hours of online

It feels like you really need to frontrun hard for them to show up, and even then it takes like 30 seconds for them to reach first

As a whole I think map design is the biggest issue with RR, a lot of them play terribly with the mechanics, have poor item/ring box balance, have too few item boxes per lap, or have broken automated segments

This game will respawn you when you're STILL ON THE TRACK sometimes such as Speed Highway or Diamond Dust Classic and it feels like a bandaid for bad track design
>If every slope in Ring Racers were like this,
Not every slope is like that and in a vacuum they're tolerable, the issue is when you get hit before or in a slope. and regardless if you use spindash or not you'll lose a lot more time compared if you get it in a straight, you need to spindash for at least 1 fucking second or less to get enough speed to clear it which you may think its not long but it ABSOLUTELY is in a game as fast as this, the other is using rings and this makes you at risk of being in ring debt/not having enough rings for later and god help you if you lose all your rings if you get hit in the slope
They’re very different games. Srb2k is incredibly simple yet manages to have a lot of features that still make it enjoyable. DRRR has some good ideas, but a lot of the execution is outright bad and shows the devs have a huge lack of understanding for the player base. It’s fun sometimes, mainly when you aren’t getting completely gangraped by half of your opponents and tumbling into oblivion
No, it goes deeper than that.
>god help you if you lose all your rings if you get hit in the slope
The game actually does have a cope for this where your spindash charges obscenely fast at 0 rings or while in ring debt.
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I forgot to include the video sorry
This is appreciated but imo it feels like a bandaid for slopes being aids if you're hit by an item on them

That said I actually quite like spindash, it makes getting knocked into offroad way less annoying and a decent risk reward where you can stay in place for a moment to get up to speed at the risk of someone hitting you
either way you'll still more time than you do normally and it's the classic case of death by a thousand cuts, none of this is significant on its own but if you put that together it makes EVERYTHING insufferable, and this is without counting if the hit cause you a tumble
Wait really? Man, it would have been useful if the FUCKING TUTORIAL told you that instead of dawdling on “switches” you need to activate that never even get used
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I despise having to constantly spam rings the entire match, the core gameplay is just plain worse.
>Man, it would have been useful if the FUCKING TUTORIAL told you that
It KINDA does, but not directly. The spindash section in the tutorial deliberately puts you at -20 rings so your spindash charges way faster, but it never asks you to spindash WITH rings unless you go offroad looking for secrets, at which point it gives you a spindash prompt way earlier.
where the FUCK is vector
The rings were implemented pretty poorly, the “insta-whip” shit is even worse. Plus holding onto an item to check out a new area is basically suicide. What were they thinking?
funnily enough when I played the tutorial I fell off a slope into the water because Eggman's a heavy mf so I learned about spindashing that way

iirc your stats also impact spindash charge time, which imo is more reason to play the top left or to middle character since better ring boosts, faster spindash, and long tether is hard to pass up

Heavier characters get better drift boosts but they also have really fucking wide drifts which is annoying in a game with tracks this small a lot of the time
>Man, it would have been useful if the FUCKING TUTORIAL told you that instead of dawdling on “switches” you need to activate that never even get used
after finding Adventure Test i'm convinced this game was meant to have some insane ARG-tier secret hunt pseudo-story-mode shit that they included that section on switches and gachabombs for, but it never actually got finished so it just feels completely fucking vestigial now
Bottom-Left doesn't get a long tether, but they get a really aggressive tether I personally find even more useful since you can just slingshot past people at mach 10 after snorting miniturbos like cocaine.
Might try that next time I play, I was thinking of trying out different stat spreads (not bottom right) since the strengths and weaknesses are more interesting in ring racers imo
RR should've been a Sonic R fangame, not a kart game
It's got higher highs, but also lower lows. If you want a game you can simply pick up and play, then play SRB2Kart.
You want a game where the AI cheats hard, you're constantly coming to a standstill, and you get punished by having your rings drain just because you want to get up to max speed by spin dashing after the AI inevitably hits you with something, but also at the same time have more intricate map design, a damn good soundtrack, and the surprisingly fun rings (once it clicks), then give Ring Racers a shot.
Be careful with their axe wounds, buddy.
I think the worst thing was the fact that they had the audacity to put a Map Hell track in the middle of a cup. If they had to put in a Map Hell track, it either should've been Black Bliss, or Arid Sands. Minus the exploding Toads, they did get rid of pretty much all the Mario content.
>i'm convinced this game was meant to have some insane ARG-tier secret hunt
that's what ring the racer was for
yeah but it feels like there was supposed to be more
>I think the worst thing was the fact that they had the audacity to put a Map Hell track in the middle of a cup
they did it twice, SRB2 frozen night is in the game
it was NOWHERE near as difficult
Frozen Night is probably the second easiest Hell track behind only 3 Color Drive which is a Hell track mainly because it's an eyesore above any other reason
Regardless, i feel like a good 65% of these tracks would've been hell maps on their own right
I'm kinda baffled that 3 Color Drive didn't get a remaster.
>i feel like a good 65% of these tracks would've been hell maps on their own right
Aside from Pre-patch SPB maps, Death Egg, and Marble Garden, which are hellmap tier?
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It was planned, but for whatever reason it didn't make the cut, not even as a Recycle Cup map
Between the really blatant map cuts, aborted adventure mode, and half-finished tutorial, I wonder just how much the whole "asset freeze" thing interrupted
A lot of RR tracks would be simply due to the differences in track design between the two. I don't think it's Hell-tier but even in the very first cup of the game RR Green Hills has more going on it than most vanilla SRB2K maps
Lost colony, sky sanctuary, sky babylon, RR diamond dust, blue mountain and blizzard peaks definitively count
I've always thought as the game was being developed that going under radio silence for multiple years was a bad idea, they clearly got frustrated by the end and wanted the thing out at any cost. I hope the development process has humbled them and we'll be seeing content updates once or twice a year, even if that means splitting adventure mode into chapters.
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Most normal and well-adjusted DRRR fan
People really like to use "it's supposed to be hard" as a justification for shit design

News flash this game is still dumb bullshit when you're good at the game
I like Blizzard Peaks
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>watched the video for 2 seconds and heard his not-even-trying-to-be-feminine voice, also read his channel description and didn't notice any pronouns or anything (and no twitter links either)
>figured he was just a weirdo dude with a girl avatar
i don't know why i expected anything different
also still gotta love how these dumbasses still have enough respect for him to call him by his preferred pronouns while also accusing him of grooming in the same sentence.
I really wish they'd at least finished Vector before going into asset freeze, though. I don't want some mediocre mod artist to put together some shitty Modern Vector and for the devs to go "lol just use the mod :^)".
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>jewtuber with twitter account
>[current thing] and/or pronouns in bio
>accused of grooming and/or sexual harassment
the unholy trinity of being terminally online
I kek
sky sanctuary is the opposite of a hell map, there's barely any places you're even allowed to fuck up it's so automated.
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He's out
>mod cope
no thanks
Post the wad on here?
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I can't be the only one going for medals so I have to ask: Are there any tracks worse for SPB Attack than this and Balloon Park? I don't know how far I can go if so
Death egg
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>ringer racers
This is just srb2k?
>not-even-trying-to-be-feminine voice
I would never complain about this, it's a blessing compared to people who try to pitch up their voice but either physically cannot or just haven't put in enough effort to make it convincing. That kind of thing genuinely makes my skin crawl, I actually do try to be tolerant toward everyone but I just cannot listen to it. Much better if they just use their normal voice
>going towards the finish line with 0 rings
rookie mistake
The traffic on this board is so slow that splitting the threads between games is more cumbersome than it's worth
Idk where trans people get theor training from but they sound like cartoon characters it's grating and uncanny

I want to respect their decision but man

Very true, gotta end with 20 for the ring bonus
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>1 speed 1 weight exclusively gets to go through on-road tripwires sometimes
Wait, really? What are the conditions?
To get through tripwires you need boost state or to be at 200%(300% off road) of your top speed.
So characters with lower top speeds get through easier.
Since low weight gets more boost from rings lighter and slower karts get to take shortcuts without items in places some other characters simply can't.
It depends on the map for where and how this is useful information, but you can check the Storm Rig time trial replay to see it in action yourself.
Oh, I thought you were saying they had some weird unique conditions that let them pass tripwires for free.
But yeah, a lot of the staff ghosts seem intended to show off fucked up tech and cuts.
>characters with lower top speeds get through easier.
>this works on mystic cave
jesus fucking christ
you can literally hit the brakes at the spring section and tumble at least 3 racers doing this
either that, or I'm retarded and got a lucky bump into the tripwire, because trying to do it with straight ringboosts doesn't work
It's payback for super early SRB2Kart when heavy speedsters could mini-turbo to take the Green Hills shortcut without a mushroom
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It has to do with the boost stacking mechanics; lightweights get better boost stacks so that combined with drift + Jackpot ring box is enough to get you through there on Storm Rig. It's not 1 1 exclusive either, I tried just now and got it with 1 8. It won't work on every stage, only certain ones where boosts are spaced in a certain way. Azure City's replay does it too.

If you want to try it out yourself, a really easy way to do it is:
>Play as Chao
>Go to Pico Park
>Get Jackpots on all boxes
>Enjoy your free Platinum medal bro
I don't mind it because top-left is dogshit in both vanilla and modded SRB2K so I think them finally having some kind of niche is fine but the meta isn't very developed so who knows if it'll turn out to be total AIDS. I know Azure City's Platinum is a fucking bitch but I haven't even bothered going for it
1-1 is still underpowered in like half the maps anyway but i hate how if you want to get plat in test track its outright mandatory to use one yourself
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that's not where it is!!!! you gotta find the other secret teehee =3333
on the subject of Coastal Temple;
>ungodly amount of foliage now draped from the ceiling in all the tunnels
>having the camera even slightly raised makes it nigh impossible to see
If you're looking for the melody right after you leave the first cave into the open area with all the water, use rocket sneakers to skate over the water into a cave behind you.
yeah I found it shortly after taking that screenshot. Some of these have been outright sadistic, 765 for example I found just throwing myself around with spring in frustration.
I've noticed there's a few goofy secret areas on maps that don't actually do anything like this
One of these days should document them all, I think they're fun
I still need to play all the sonic games made after Sonic 3 so I cant justify spending too much time on this yet but I cant wait to play it some day
No I mean ring racers looks exactly like srb2k
They're shit. Lol you played the only good ones. It just went more and more downhill from there. It's like sonic 1-3 were made by certain people, then they handed it off to some fuckin clueless retarded headless chickens that would never be able to figure shit out. Then THOSE retarded headless chickens passed the series on to an even more retarded, but now groomed, group of tranny retarded headless chickens, etc.
That's because it was made by the same Developers; DRRR's a sequel to SRB2K.
SRB2 is also split into it's own (slow) general, but makes more sense to discuss DRRR here along with Kart; espeically since a separate DRRR fork is being developed in line with Kart.
>gets shrunken
>stage's springs and shitty mid-course jump setpieces don't work properly
aside of maybe the first two adventure games (only because of sheer soul, not because of the actual games) all of them are fucking garbage, mania is the exception and that one is just sonic3k+
why wasn't he a launch character these devs are driving me mad.

forget sonic characters in a sonic game let's add 50 idolmaster characters! woo-hoo!
you really don't but there's some outliers here and there that might feel good to play depending on your tastes; just don't listen to the black eyes autists and play what looks fun except Genesis, that's the one game that is irredeemably shit
Idolmaster is a cultural phenomenon and an icon of gaming + Japanese culture
Sonic is not
Sucks to suck, chuddy boy
>let's add 50 idolmaster characters!
I'm annoyed with Vector not being in too, but let's not exaggerate here. There's only one idolmaster chick.
>Vyse got cut because ???
>Miku got removed despite Project Diva
>Ulala got removed because ???
>Beat got removed because male privilege
>Beat got removed because male privilege
I'm honestly not complaining about Beat being removed because his original sprite was always complete shit compared to everyone else. Gum at least looks good.
Link the .wad NOW
having surge but not kit is like having sonic but no tails
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Kit's not submissive and breedable enough for people I suppose (even though it's his entire schtick)
Didn’t they also forget one of the idw lesbos too? Its surprising, since the dev team is so troony
piss shit and also cum
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Tangle is another character who didn't make it to release
He would fit nicely in the empty 2/3 slot.
Can't believe Kart Krew would so willingly and so eagerly enact lesbian erasure like this...wtf...
the cuts/unfinished characters eem so random and arbitrary i'd be genuinely shocked if we don't start seeing them trickle into the game before 2.5
>the cuts/unfinished characters eem so random and arbitrary
I mean it's presumably low priority characters given that they weren't finished before they stopped development and just said "fuck it, release the game"
You can say the obligatory "why idolmaster over vector" but I sincerely doubt they were even going to be done by the same artist meaning the guy who was supposed to do Vector probably didn't get as much done
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I've said before that most if not all of the cut characters were probably the result of an artist leaving the team, and KK didn't want to spend time redoing all of them before release.
what would kit's voice be
>I've said before that most if not all of the cut characters were probably the result of an artist leaving the team
Unless you can point to a specific person who left this is just schizophrenic hearsay. It's far more likely that the KKK being turboautists meant that they scrapped their work and started from scratch on a few characters.
New Honey looks Chinese
I'm gonna be honest that honey on the left looks like shit
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Desu it captures her gremlin-esque energy more while the right one looks more "professional"
El Gato...
I don't think it looks bad, but with the dress, body and hair all changing color, I'm wondering what color palette it was supposed to use by default. Cinnamon?
If that's the case, wonder why they left.
Probably scarlet
>were probably the result of an artist leaving the team

game theory
>the miku in there ended up being the one in base srb2k
Shit that makes perfect sense
>last seen: 2020
what happened to this guy?
Sig from Puyo Puyo
Angel Arrow is in the game too so... I guess that also means something. Also the Honey in that pack honestly just looks like an updated version of the one left. >>1296210

But who knows, KK gets rid of anyone that dares to disagree with their vision so it doesn't surprise me that they went on an "asset freeze". Pretty lame that the roster wasn't their first priority when finishing up for release, so that more people would bother to be invested in a game, but whatever.
>Pretty lame that the roster wasn't their first priority
Especially when several cups worth of maps should have been killed in the crib.
RR port for Modern Amy doko?
scroll up
It's awesome

Considering the SRB2 likes redoing the entire game over and over this is probably what happened
>Vyse got cut because ???
Replaced by Mail probably, he wasn't a waifu so he wasn't a priority on Kart Krew's jerk off list.
>Ulala got removed because ???
You got me lmao. Probably wasn't anyones waifu on KK.
Honestly, agreed. Beat's sprites were always kinda ugly. But I'd rather him be in the game than not.
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Does Ulala at least have unused voice lines? She was in Sonic Riders so it'd suck if she was just cut out right
Nobody got cut, just got skipped over because they want to get the bare necessities for the game out ASAP. KK confirmed they'll be included in future updates.
>dragged their ass on fan favorites for shit like mail
>variants of nearly every scrapped character popping up now
Well, what's the fucking point of them making those now? It'll probably look like shit considering the state of some of the characters they DID let through like Charmy/Espio.
Even if they included brain-dead picks such as Vector on release, people would STILL complain about the lack of characters in the roster they feel deserve to be in the game.

We'll never know their thought process as to why some characters got in first before others, but the most likely answer is that some were finished before others, such as Mail
>>dragged their ass on fan favorites for shit like mail
Unironically mail was a great choice, her game is kino
No one would have been upset if everyone from SRB2K's bonuschars was present.
Or if they were, they wouldn't be taken seriously. Even if I would like to see Ristar.
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Espio looks like shit but I like Charmy, he's based on his Chaotix design where he was very tiny compared to everyone else.
Mail is also cool because I'm assuming she's in as a result of Popful Mail originally being planned to be localized as a Sonic game. I really like small references like that but I do agree they probably shouldn't be in a game like this before actual core Sonic characters
I never played Popful Mail, but I honestly think Mail is absolutely kino. If anyone's unaware, Popful Mail was originally going be localized as a Sonic Spinoff starring Sonic's long lost sister. Backlash to Sister Sonic was so negative that they canned it and released a more faithful translation. So if anyone wants to mod Sonia in, that's why I'd give you bonus points if she gets Mail's stats.
I’m a Vectorfag but I fuck with Mail, very cute design.
So, what custom characters are being worked on, besides the obvious "people finishing the unfinished characters" stuff?
I don't think she does, I believe someone has her as a rival in the code. But like >>1296391 said she'll be coming back... eventually.

Nah I actually like that Mail is in the game, she's actually my main until Vyse gets made. There are definitely worst picks on the roster, like the Idolmaster girl and Zipp, who should have just been day 1 addons/bonuschars
>and Zipp
fuck you zipp is great
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>servers always die out before I get home from work
>servers aren't active before I go to work
>finally get a day off
>check servers
>nobody there
Do you guys literally only play when I'm working
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Have you tried not wageslaving
Yes, and I ran out of money and had to do it again
Well then just turn playing kart into your job
don't expect races on weekdays
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>bot throws bumper forward at me and launches me ahead a mile then rubberbands 1st away from me at the perfect time anyway
a few. there is at least one trip in the works (two were already made available for download), yacker, black doom, tangle, metal tails was on hold for a while by its creator and i have no idea if they have the motivation to continue it, tiara boobowski, madonna, feels the rabbit (that unused concept design for sonic from before the first game came out), majin, gunstar red, ristar, bonanza bros, spark the electric jester, and a bunch of others that either look like shit or don't fit the ring racers artstyle
I would wonder if KK will poach certain modders' characters like they did when expanding V1's bonuschars, but I already know the answer is no.
we need a jazz jackrabbit mod
>can't skip the credits after sitting through it once
yeah that's an alt+f4 and restart
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wrong thread but someone has made a jazz racer for srb2k
would be cool to see one for srb2, but I think the doom mod does it justice well
>wrong thread
its not the wrong thread, we NEED a jazz jackrabbit mod for Ring rancers
The only thing we NEED for Ring Racers is a nuclear holocaust
mad cuz bad
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Mail is based, seethe barafag
S-she goes outside like THAT?
>seethe barafag
anon i agree that the warring between character picks is pretty retarded but chaotix vector is literally the opposite of bara
that outfit is fucking absurd. is she cold?
her outfit is not the only thing its fucking by the time i'm done with her
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>huge nose
>long arms but are complete noodles with zero muscle
>tall freakish lanklet but still has stubby legs
he's literally me bros...
>new patch
>the input delay has secretly been double since launch and the devs didn't even realize, which means unless you were deliberately going into the options to plat with 0 delay offline everyone was playing with a MINIMUM 4 delay
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where is the flonne wad
Well fuck my muscle memory I guess, if it gets bad enough I might deliberately set the delay to 4
>Lower-level bots can now misjudge Lightning Shield / Bubble Shield distances
Well, that's nice and would have saved me some frustration on Normal/Intense, but I'm past that point now.
The bigger issue with the bubble shield is visibility, It's hard to notice if someone even has one.
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Looked him up, noticed his final message in the KK discord was this image. Some mod got triggered and banned him I bet.

How the actual fuck did they not notice that earlier
>How the actual fuck did they not notice that earlier
The exact wording is
>The specifics are hard to explain, so here’s the short version: unless you turned Minimum Input Delay down to 0 in your Profile Options, you’ve been playing on up to double the intended delay. Yes, even online. Networking sucks! Thanks to Diggle and JugadorXEI for their help during initial investigation of these issues.
My guess is that the devs were setting Minimum Input Delay to 0 and then using some kind of debug tools/console to force Delay to 2 during testing, while the actual bug was with the "minimum input delay" setting itself. Playtesters wouldn't have noticed because they probably would have assumed the default was 2 and not questioned it further.
What in the actual fuck
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>there are people online right now better than you because of this artificial input delay difficulty
It’s so fucking over………………………
Worse, the offending line of code was more or less

SimulatedFakeInputDelay *= SettingInputDelay

Meaning for an entire month absolutely nobody noticed that this one typo had been multiplying the input delay, and it was only found out because BRs were wondering why the game took practically 2 seconds to register their button presses online.
>it was only found out because BRs were wondering why the game took practically 2 seconds to register their button presses online.
>input delay eugenics
Actually nevermind I think Kart Krew is based now for gatekeeping muds out
>still no vector in basegame
they really did take inspiration from smash (ultimate)
>go to backport vector
>the anon who made the Lua backports didn't actually document what sprite set the base kart frames correspond to, only the new frames
gee, thanks
game must feel like pure dogshit to play if the creator didn't even notice this.
I now have 0 problems with the controls after the fix lol
its v1 on steroids
An actual good looking Vector dropped on Twitter and is available to download, and it's holdme over good enough.
Looks like we got two Vectors now, actually.

The one by KamiJojo looks the best but UncleSciz's is open source.
I'm not gonna be using either because it still feels like a cope for actually putting Vector in the fucking game, but these are nice.
Yeah, the new patch might have saved this game for me, I've always played with D2 settings, but with the patch, it feels smooth as butter even with D2, steering after drifts doesn't feel like shit anymore, and It feels like I can hit drifts better now.
That back sprite looks pretty rough on Kami's, but that's it
Vector's back is so wide lmao
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>tfw S ranking Bomb cup on Master
Nearly lost my god damn mind but I finally did it. Jesus fucking christ. I can play something OTHER than Vermillion Vessel. I swear I ground that track so much I literally had to sandbag myself so I wouldn't get SPB spammed on the second lap. Fuck.

Also, did you know you can kill Dr. Robotnik in Sonic's Schoolhouse by drifting just right and sending him into a mine? It causes an error message and everything. Pretty funny.
I wonder if the majority of the missing characters were in the game if we would even be talking about cut content as much.
The adventure mode teaser shows that KK is going to spend a few more years adding more content regardless.
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Tuesday racism on the serbian?
So they fixed the input delay or they added some with this patch? I dont understand. It makes sense to add like 2 frames at least to online play
>So they fixed the input delay
The way input delay originally worked is KK were multiplying the input delay you set in options and had online which meant any input delay that was set was secretly doubled
If you had 4 frame input delay you really had 8 frames of input delay
You weren't affected by this offline if you always set input delay to 0
Now input delay is actually set to what it should be
so if I set input delay to 2 now, it will be zero offline?
Tyron was talking about it onstream a bit ago. Basically, what happened was that the devs tried to fix something right before launch involving the whole "host uses the delay of the player with the best connection" thing, and ended up accidentally making it so the game adds your current delay to intended minimum delay rather than just matching it. (i.e. minimum delay 2 and real delay 3 end up being delay 5). Apparently it's been a known problem since 2.1 and Tyron's been trying to figure out what the fuck was causing it since.
He also said that he's not doing anything for 2.4, which means 2.4 is probably mostly content rather than fixes.
No. Minimum delay 2 will still give you 2 offline, but now when you play online and have delay 2 it'll be delay 2 instead of delay 4.
Why are Diamond Dust Classic and Launch Base Classic so much better than their "regular" versions?
You can pinpoint the exact moment in development where KK started emphasizing gimmicks at the expense of maps feeling good to play
>He also said that he's not doing anything for 2.4, which means 2.4 is probably mostly content rather than fixes.
I havent even bothered to play much of Ring Racers because of these weekly patches and he's still doing content drops? Will I ever get to play this shit?
They're planning a full adventure mode for 3.0, the game probably isn't even close to being "done" despite how big 2.0 is already.
What gets me is that the classic versions of those maps have similar gimmicks to the regular ones, but they actually have a clear route through them and clear intent in their design.
>adventure mode
What the fuck could this possibly mean?
Extension of the tutorial and the secret boss.
kart-based exploratory areas and obstacle courses with scripted races (specific bots on specific maps) would be my guess.
Where's the Studiopolis track?
Where's Titanic Monarch? I want to see what kind of abomination the KKKrew would make trying to adapt the magnetic balls in 3-D.
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I did the SPB Attack for all of the tracks on the first page, Jesus this game has so many fucking annoying tracks in it. Here's a whole bunch I hated from worst to "not as bad but still fucking bad"
I really don't think Ring Racers' level design complements the original intent behind the SPB at all (especially when course rings are off) but I do assume that every track SHOULD be possible if fucking Death Egg, Spring Yard, Marble Garden, and Balloon Park are
>diamond dust that high
yeah it sucks, but marble garden bad?
I know this is from the perspective of SPB attack, but I don't think Metropolis and Hot Shelter are that bad in regular races.
City Escape would be fine if not for all the fucking boxes.
The Entire SPB cup can go fuck itself.
>another special stage where you can go too fast from a downward slope into a ramp, damage the capsule with your speed, then lose all of it and fall
Disabling collision on the UFO (with your speed preserved when boosting into it) would singlehandledly make the special stages several times more enjoyable. I've lost too many rounds from being bumped into a pit.
There's like a dozen ice themed tracks but no Ice Cap, even though every other level from Sonic 3 has a track including the 2P levels
The game has Mega Ice Cap, which is a replacement for (and is much better than) SMK Vanilla Lake, but it doesn't feel like Ice Cap
Rings are a fucking horrible mechanic that make racing, time trials, and SPB attack not feel like tests of skill. Instead it turns the game in fucking starcraft just to play like you would normally in Kart. Oh and drift boosts are worthless, and the electric speed gates can go fuck themselves too.
>what's that bro you're going fast micro managing lots and bullshit slots?

this post sounds so fucking corny
Rings are the only interesting novelty worth considering compared to the other shitty hitstun and Tumblr gimmicks. Even normiefags in public servers added a similar feature later on in public servers, long after we played the V2 backports last year.
For FUCK'S FUCKING sake, I just got hitstopped for being NEAR a bumper that someone ELSE smacked into, it didn't even touch me.
I repeat, you can get hitstopped for an item interaction that LITERALLY DOESN'T EVEN INVOLVE YOU.

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Report the bug sister
>literal cheating bots kill themselves repeatedly on bad maps
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The AI played 15 minutes of Ring Racers then immediately killed itself after determining it as the logical choice
I don't like that some RR tracks have a section where you have to lightly tap a wall while going upward off a spring or something, then land on a higher platform with nothing besides your rings to help you accelerate
It really disrupts the flow of a race, especially when there are others coming through the floor to ruin your day and doubly so on Carnival Night
it feels like HALF of these stages weren't built with gear 3 in mind
>rival goes faster than me with an orbi out while offroad than I do while using ring boosts on road
I hate this
KK probably realized that when it was too late, because gear 4 is a password only affecting match race instead of being an innate option for GP and online
I have alexithymia but DRRR might be teaching me what resentment feels like.
Well now I'm curious as to what that password is.
>spikes special stage has a section with downward slope into yellow springs
>you can go fast enough just from the slope to hit the capsule but you lose all your speed and can't pass the yellow springs
getting real sick of this shit
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You'd be right. The entire game was built around Gear 2.
is this by the same guy that made the one for kart? seems like it
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>mod cope
no thanks
go do it yourselves and put him on the challenge board, kart krew
the vanilla game isn't good enough to have him
vector fingering my prostate
Wonder how animated signposts are possible
For some reason this animated sign is playing at 2x the speed for me and looks really silly.
Enjoy saying mod cope in a few months when every server you connect to has you downloading 150 of them.
It should be rather simple with scripting.
New sprite system for RR is based off 2.2's sprite system. Instead of a character having one prefix (PLAY in PLAYA0) for all of the sprites, each animation set for a character now has its own prefix. You could use up the entire A-Z/0-9/a-z sprite set for one of any of the vanilla animations with no scripts, if you felt like it.
/v/eekend soon
get in the server and mumble
4/31 long weekend racing
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I can't believe I only found out today that Sneed is a proud, trans-gender, non-binary, Indian woman. Proud to be playing in such a respectful and welcoming community! =)
Our sister is called the great redeemer for a reason, anon.
kill youself faggot nigger
all me btw
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>tfw vector's belief in God is why he's not in ring racers
kys faggot nigger
damn... sneed (op) looks like THAT?!
It's up: https://mb.srb2.org/forums/submissions-rules-help.85/
>kart krew stuff has a bunch of restrictions on what you're allowed to fuck with because it's THEIR game and YOU can't mess with it
>vanilla is just "lol do whatever you want"
If that doesn't demonstrate the difference between the old devs and the new ones I don't know what does.
>heard that there was some mod embargo lasing two weeks
>it actually lasted a month
Fuck these kikes
This applies to SRB2 2.0 as well.
>grand majority of assets are based on someone else's IP
>act like you're the supreme authority on how people reuse your fangame assets for modding
holy fucking lmao
>kart krew stuff has a bunch of restrictions on what you're allowed to fuck with because it's THEIR game and YOU can't mess with it
>"ask us first" is "a bunch of restrictions"
they probably just don't want people doing retarded shit like mixing up off/onroad textures
That or control what characters/maps go into the game so things they might not like/think are "offensive" or "tasteless" in any remote capacity can just be handwaved and Old Yeller'd
It's an open source game with a modifiable license. I don't need anyone's "permission" to fuck with it's assets.
Basically, all their rules are for their own little forums. They only have power to ban you from their clique
It more or less rules to comply with the community Guidelines, especially as far as developers were concern. It's like Steam Workshops, you simply can't submit mods that goes out of the range of the Established ESRB rating and you simply can't include Edgey content like Naked Lolicon Nigger or MoonMan.
Yeah thats fair, I could easily see that kind of stuff popping up if total freedom was allowed
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Races today?
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which ones are we using, bros
how the fuck do you open the console in this
the person who did hornmod made it for drrr and you have to use console commands for the options
You have to bind it in the controls setup, it's just unbound by default.
By the standards of DRRR's gimmick fest of maps, 3 Color Drive would have unironically been a top-tier track if it was still in the game. Playing it again via the D00D pack is kind of sad.
its ok you'll get it readded in the 3.0 update
3 Color Drive was never bad to begin with, it was just in the hellmaps for "eyestrain".
>vanilla is just "lol do whatever you want"
unless you touch the model files
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baking a new thread
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new thread~

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