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Previous thread is just about to be archived, so here's another one.
Reverse:1999, a mobile turn-based RPG with a female MC and numerous yuri pairings to enjoy. The age of the characters may vary and the older ones tend to be just as (if not more) gay.
Although the game's primary language is english/chinese, it also has full korean and japanese versions, with the latter featuring many known and skilled seiyuus.
>Version 1.5 Trailer
(this time we're going to the land down under)
>Download (PC & Mobile):
>Community Resources:
>Kornblume (THE database)
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What if they modified patch/event content where necessary then dumped it all on us as unlockable modes that had to be played in order?
Unlocked patches/events (including banners) would last as long as they originally would unless the player selects to unlock the next patch (maybe after meeting certain conditions) which would permanently deactivate the current active event's content (banners, rewards). This would allow players to do things somewhat at their own pacing and satisfy those who want to race/skip through content to get straight to the present state of the game.
We'd still be behind for a while until they got it ready for release.

Maybe they could offer free resources and modified packs for purchase to make up the differences.
Assuming you have monthly, -2w = -20 pulls/patch (from dailies + monthly, weeklies, limbo). I don’t know if they’re willing to fork out an additional 20 pulls for free.
Resources are easy enough to fix though, just increase the event shop’s purchase limits and make price per unit cheaper.
>unlockable modes
I don’t know how that’d play out for their revenue and player retention, especially if this’d happen with the CN sync.
If it’s with the CN sync (as in, instead of 1.6 we get 1.9 + unlockable events), then it’d just lead to everyone skipping because 1.9 event FOMO. If there’s an extended break, then that’ll completely kill their revenue outside of the first couple of weeks.
I'm trying to remember how Honkai Impact 3 caught up to only being about one(1) patch behind CN

But I dont remember the details. I do however remember not really feeling "stressed" about the banner rolls or feeling like I was short and couldnt get what I wanted
>everyone skipping because 1.9 event FOMO
I would play as much as possible and fast as necessary but definitely not skip.

What if they extended 1.9's event to give global time to get on, with some sort of appeasement to CN players?
I wouldn’t skip either, but you have to consider the more casual playerbase that doesn’t care as much.
>1.9 extend
An option, but it’ll cost them faaar more than your previous suggestion because CN is the main revenue generator .
HI3’s global caught up because the story was irregular (2-3 patches between chapters) until Ch7/8, and so were character releases (CN had a few patches of only new stig/weap releases). Plus most of the pre-HoV patches were 1 month long only (they could get away with it easily because only Meme was an absolute must-have and they had no event/story to make rushing patches difficult), and some were even only 3 weeks.
All of the above doesn’t apply to R1999, so they’d have to catch up some other way.

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Watching your gf have sex with other girls.
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Watching your mom fuck your gf
Yes, I'd like more of that please.
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Female character x female self-insert/reader art by women
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-or being yuried by
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Does Sei and Yumi count?

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Last thread >>3834654

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>And don't lose any duels.
>I won't lose. Ever.

Previous thread: >>4199083

Extra materials:

>Cradle Planet

>Vanadis Heart Manga

>Special Drama CD - Episode.01: What Miorine Wants

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We know, Mio Mio.
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Man, that scene changed my brain chemistry and brainwashed me into wanting to buy plastic figurines.

TL nee-san, please.

the hell site poll
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>Suletta - about tomorrow's assignment -

>the cockpit regulations...

>Oh, seriously? You're napping?
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>...She's not half-bad looking, really...

Given the artist said they did this just for a chance to draw Suletta's forehead, I interpreted the last line as Mio being tsun about her attractiveness rather than physiognomy.

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Sexy muscles!
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Sam Hyde yuri, my favorite genre of yuri meme

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Marathoned this, was really cute. Sora coming from a broken household and that whole backstory made her character really believable and made her attachment to Ayaka that much more adorable. Pretty much perfect ending as well

Are there any other yuri series that pull off the broken household backstory as well as this? As in, it has the drama but it doesn't lean into it so hard that they story's not cute or funny anymore. One of the girls having no stable family around and thus gluing herself to her crush adds so much impact, love that dynamic.
Did you read the two spin off oneshots? Not groundbreaking but if you're looking for a bit more they can help scratch the itch
>Are there any other yuri series that pull off the broken household backstory as well as this?
>One of the girls having no stable family around and thus gluing herself to her crush adds so much impact, love that dynamic.
This makes me think of Shuukura, but in that case it is both girls having no stable family
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yep good stuff, liked the anime
That's a book though I can't read
Just read "marking." That was physically painful I almost wish I didn't read it. If I were just a little drunker I would have cried. I wish women were real
>That's a book though I can't read
Manga starts in a month
The other one shot is about the side couple

Previous thread: >>3786036


Official web media:
Assault Lily Project YT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBBWEbD8FflD5g3Ya_dRV-g
Ludvico Girls High School YT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCehrt0eozclO0DNDddn2Cww
Last Bullet Mildom - https://www.mildom.com/profile/12088887

Hitotsuyanagi-tai novel - https://ebookjapan.yahoo.co.jp/books/413408/A001760220/
Assault Lily ARMS - https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/dp/B099ZRD9Q1/

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hang on, I thought fumi was supposed to be for kaede, what happened? I haven't really kept up with this franchise at all.
>hang on, I thought fumi was supposed to be for kaede, what happened? I haven't really kept up with this franchise at all.

never was, Kaeriri has always been the end game for Kaede and it has been hinted at in subtle, almost imperceptible ways.
She's never breaking YuRi, it's over. It never even began.
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Yuyu is something temporary and she is going to end up graduating, meanwhile Kaede will always be by Riri's side.

It's sad that Pixiv ruined the Couple Tag, come on YuRi is perfect.

Let's recall what got into yuri in the first place
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As good of a couple as Rei and Nanako are, I honestly feel like Nanako and Mariko would be an ideal paring.
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I feel sometimes you can have a good friend that has different expectations from the relationship than you do. Tamao might have had a crush on her, but she wasn't even aware because Tamao felt like a sister or best friend, a very intimate type of relationship, but not necessarily a romantic relationship. At least at the end she was mature enough to see you can't force feelings and didn't completely ruin the friendship.
But sometimes there are times you just meet someone and immediately there is this intense vibe that is just irresistible, even if you try to be sensible and reasonable. Shizuma was just a teenage girl dealing with grief, that didn't feel like dealing with anyone else on top of it all, but life goes on, and there's a point when you get a to that magical moment, and somehow now it seems possible to move on.
Nagisa, she was just painfully naive... but it was meeting Shizuma that made her start to grow up and explore a more adult side of herself. While dealing with Tamao was a lesson on how hurtful adult relationships can be.
As someone that has, at different points, been in every position of this type of triangle; Shizuma seems like the most realistic end game.
That being said it is not the best written story for sure, but the Yaya thing was worse imo.
I thought this was where the series was going the first time I watched it and was disappointed when it took another direction
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S3 will be airing in April. Are you ready for more AyaRin screentime + jealous Nadeshiko?
Last thread >>3731673
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Nadeshiko is unironically the endgame and you know it. Kirby and Rin are the only camper girls who keep sharing wholesome moments in the manga. Heck, as soon as Spring namek arc happened in the manga, Shimarin immediately thought about asking Kirbyshiko out on a camping trip again and actually went to the place she and onee-chan were messing around.
You just know her heart is in the right place.
Episode seven felt like psilocybin camp. Did AC-bu direct it?
She's talking about Ayano tho
She is, but she also keeps summoning that mustachioed Nadeshiko tulpa with the white dog.
So what does that mean? Other than, she is conflicted.
Wouldn't be surprised the mangaka got stoned and wrote those chapters kek. Shit was fun nonetheless

'She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat' S2 soon.

Previous: >>3991858
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So lesbian ends with two daughters of her dead partner and also ends in fake relationship with gay husband and his male lover.
No thanks.
Every episode of this just screams more and more Mommy issues. It's actually almost breaking my heart watching Ava do the things she does.
New GL/Yuri Chinese web drama. To premiere on May 20th.

I'm looking forward to this even though it's a short drama format and mostly general romance. And that's because, there are usually GL/Yuri adult life novels. But so far, only Radio drama adaptations have been made. This is one of the first from the sector that is a live action show. They are using the Radio drama VAs for the voice-overs.

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Not for long.
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New Brazilian series from the same company that did Stupid Wife (which is also great)

Xeque Mate

Trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5bkD3nmT6w

Episode 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpucOjQA0jQ

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play signalis
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I was doing some digging and I happened across some old (unfinished?) project of yuri's from around 2015 named The Last Starfarer which also appears to be a sci fi yuri, I don't think it was meant to be tied to signalis but there's definitely some loose connection and influence in terms of the visuals
The only remnants of this project come in the form of a handful of sketches that were archived so there's not much to go off of in terms of what it could've been about but if anyone is interested i can post the other drawings related to it i found
share more! I’m always interested in yuri’s pov. It helps me understand the vision of this game more.

Any idea on what this sketch is depicting? I don’t know much about last star farer.

Do we have any news in terms of rose engine? I doubt that the two of them will be making a new game any time soon, but do we have any idea if they are working on anything currently?
just pretend it’s gravity on leng or something
>Any idea on what this sketch is depicting?
Unfortunately I've got no clue, the tumblr posts don't really elaborate much other than that it was clearly some project yuri had been putting serious thought into around the time signalis started development proper judging by the fact it has it's own dedicated button on the sidebar
The tags on the art featuring the girl named yuri stern are tagged with robot and android which implies she too would've been a robot girl, which checks out since she heavily resembles an earlier character of yuri's named rosenthal who's explicitly described as an android
My current theory is that after they restarted development from the original sidescroller to the 2.5D top down incarnation, yuri rolled the characteristics and the (likely romantic) relationship of these two characters into elster and ariane to form what we have in the final game rather than their more formal relationship from the original narrative which would've been hard to make a compelling narrative around
>Do we have any news in terms of rose engine?
Neither creator has said a peep on any future plans, but frankly I think they've earned a rest
Now this is where the signalis connections start to get real intriguing
The art features a bunch of sketches of a girl named Rosenkranz (plus a soldier aiko in the top right)
The space suit design here resembles the suits in signalis enough as is, but then you get to her uniformed design and it's incredibly obvious she's some kind of proto-Alina
I can't help but wonder what kind of relationship she would've had with the other two assuming she wasn't also paired up with some proto-Lilith

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This thread is for any kind of VTuber (Hololive, Nijisanji, upd8, indies, mangaka, etc...) as long as they're gay.

Useful links:

Rules for /jp/ and /vt/ visitors:
No shitposting, no reddit memes, no waifufaggism, no to any kind of hetshit. Keep it gay.

Previous >>4170110
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Wait, so you are telling me HS Ao fucked a married woman behind her husband's back?
Kodama Naoko was here.
Ao said many times that she never did anything with any of the women. Probably to have this image of being an accidental playboy and that her popularity is more like a curse. So basically she wouldn't admit if she actually did, at leas ton the Ao account.
Even in all the stories she tells of being sexually harrassed she never reciprocated... allegedly.
She's like Ange Katrina , sHe attracts women, but is more heterosual than gay.
According to her unreliable testimony anyway.

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