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Previous thread is just about to be archived, so here's another one.
Reverse:1999, a mobile turn-based RPG with a female MC and numerous yuri pairings to enjoy. The age of the characters may vary and the older ones tend to be just as (if not more) gay.
Although the game's primary language is english/chinese, it also has full korean and japanese versions, with the latter featuring many known and skilled seiyuus.
>Version 1.5 Trailer
(this time we're going to the land down under)
>Download (PC & Mobile):
>Community Resources:
>Kornblume (THE database)
Previous thread
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>Previous thread is just about to be archived
I'd give it another week, if not more.
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Really hope these two take off...theyre so right together
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today is jessica's birthday!!!
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I am so ready for mermaid x russki sex
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>she doesn't know
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remember to wish miss sotheby happy birthday today
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can you hug me please??
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That’s not the mermaid…
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you're right, that's sonetto.
and we don't have a mermaid, we have a rusalka.
I know it's dumb of me, hut I'm low-key shipping spathodea/desert flannel
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Nah it's pretty enlightened
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>onee-san x aspiring champion
makes sense tbdesu
my ship is blonney x desert flannel because of the bimbo combo
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Their numbers were totaled to 143.
Yup, one week.
I'm sure Desert Flannel would be up for it if Spathodea coughs up enough money
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I'm glad there's at least some art of these two
Read through the event story and can only say, what a waste of potential. I was very excited at the beginning but then they keep giving this 'female but we call it a boy' character more and more screen time, until it became too annoying to bear. Even by the end he became the most important character for Hono-chan. Jessica's and Blonney event was too good for us, I guess. I'm glad I decided to wait and learn about the character instead of throwing my clear drops away.
I don’t really see anything romantic between the two of them. Now, or in the future.
You missed the 2nd part
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refugees welcome?
Yeh. Though we're not especially fast.
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You don't understand how much I miss Schneider.
Still, I've been slowly warning up to these two after playing the new event.
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I'm tentatively optimistic about seeing her again for the first anni
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Starting to see the usual faggots upset that this game has yuri art in a global group I'm in

Like, do they know what game they're playing?
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It doesn't have OFFICIAL yuri content like let's say D4DJ, so it's inevitable. And even there you'll find some outliers.
>a global group I'm in
That sounds like a You problem
Oh it is, I'm just impressed that these people are annoyed that the yuri game has yuri art

True, but you have to be missing parts of your brain if you read the eintre final exchange between Schinder and Lady Vertin and not see that it's yuri
Global = SEA
SEA faggots are the biggest anti yuri group there is.
And yet they play the game with 3 confirmed ships

A real mystery
They think yuri/lesbians are a porn category and yuri is just there as fetish fuel for males. It is the worst gacha brainrot community i have ever seen.
I just learned about that yesterday, it's fucking baffling

Coomers deserve the rope
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I think I'm overhyping myself with these two due to all the art.

Not only are they almost half a year away for Global, which is an eternity, the actual story never delivers on the level of intimacy fanart do.
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the sooner you realize it the better.
I'm almost certain that the story will disappoint me.
Cant really help it. The pictures are there and they look great together.
wait, who is that?
Artist's OC, it seems.
I disagree with this
Either both should be blushing retards, or Vila alone. It just doesn’t fit Windsong when she’s the only one blushing like crazy
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who's inside?
Windsong is apparently a fucking loser nobody liked until she came to the frozen ghetto and finally gained some supporters, while Villa appears to be bit of a go-getter
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An Italian giraffe
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These two have so much fan support for being such new characters.
We all love mermaids.
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Is there anything between windsong and vila? The story has been disappointing so far beyond 1.2. No idea why they keep releasing male characters as the second 6* since then.
Considering the massive amount of art, even more than for isolde and kakania, there's probably something
Fingers crossed
art means nothing. it's true that they're VERY popular compared to basically anybody else if we're counting pieces since release, but people will ship characters for little to no reason.
It means something within the games community. Clearly the fans saw more chemistry between them than most of the other "pairings" the game has had.
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>No idea why they keep releasing male characters as the second 6* since then.
Female/gay pandering, in fact some players are pissed because after 1.6 they go back to double 6* girl, we'll see what they have cooked for the anniversary in a few days but I expect at least one dude
I like the male/female 6* patches because I can skip and save more easily
artist for anyone interested: https://twitter.com/kim_8thhh

The art isnt even tagged, not sure why so many do this. I only found this through Related posts
>not sure why so many do this
Some people draw for their own satisfaction and not imaginary internet points
Someone posting here should understand that more than most
Damn I’m really gonna have to summon for both Vila and Windsong
I still feel bad that I never got Blonney for my Jessica
I’ll decide after seeing the 1.9 stream
For now Isolde is my only 100% roll
Then why post it on twitter if it’s for your own amusement
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17 hours until CN anniversary stream!
And that's three females + a robot
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as for /u/ related content - 1.9 adds Isolde's wife, Kakania, as a playable character!
playable Schneider never
Very happy with the stream
Can get Kakania for her wife Isolde.
Free vampire girl has something to do with the free 5*? Sounds like potential yuri to me.
That animated bit with Sonetto x Matilda, Bkorn x Vertin, and Eagle x Bunny was cute, and so are Jessica x Jennifer in the tent in that collab art.
My only issue with this patch is I might have to skip Vila and Windsong, especially if 2.0/2.1 have characters I want.
No way I’m pulling Jiu with such an upcoming roster too.
At this point I don't really know who do I want to pull for...
But yeah, I'm very happy with the stream too! Some of the garments are really nice too, specially the Sonetto one!
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Maybe she'll be soon! I haven't lost hope yet, and now with that thing X, MedPoc and Regulus were talking about then there's a small chance it could happen!
I hope...
>At this point I don't really know who do I want to pull for...
Personally I'm still going for Isolde and Vila, with Windsong being a tentative yes if I don't have to break the bank for her
It's funny how Jiu ended up being one of the less desirable character for the upcoming versions, her limited status was carrying her hard
Villa x Windsong and Lucy are the only must pull for me
Im very tempted to skip Jiu
tento sexooooo
Jessica is so busy admiring Blonney, she doen't care about the book at all
I didn’t even consider that but the eye and hair color matches
Staring at her chest pillows you mean
and what is that thing?
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For me, it's still Villa and Windsong I'm saving for
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Love these two so much but they're so far away...
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Someone commissioned a vernetto daughter art. Dunno why Schneider is there but it's making me ship them
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Higher res, blindanon
Yea but is it worth the trade to go from no watermark to watermark
Absolutely, look at how small that is. Plus that’s like 1m to remove in PS, while only way you’re getting higher res is via upscalers which just don’t compare to getting an image that’s natively higher res.
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fish love
I dunno why, but the fish scales make this twice as hot
It's exotic, and feels extra romantic with her this otherworldly creature that's giving all of her to a human(arcanist)
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manus vindictae Sophia spanking 37's pussy until she cums
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This game seems to be cursed, at least on /vg/.
Do you guys mind gameplay talks?
That being said: Major story spoilers (fully connected to previous events this time) are being dropped left and right on the twitter tags, caution is advised.
I wouldn't mind gameplay talk
I’m praying she’ll be playable. I’ve been waiting since 1.4. Love the new design too.
I don’t mind. None of my irl friends play this so I don’t have anyone to discuss the non-yuri parts of the game with.
Twitter, weibo, bili2, and lofter are full of them.
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>weibo, bilibili, lofter
Well, I don't speak Chinese so I don't browse them.
Spoilers are now under the english and the japanese tag too so it's harder to avoid.
Madoka was already pretty lesbian, perhaps even more than this.
Definitely seems cursed. The /vg/ thread seems to be infested with a new breed of anons that lack culture and sense.
I miss people knowing when to use spoilers.
At this rate, syncing the servers seems like a good idea and probably should be a given for a story-driven game.

I'd love gameplay talk. The only reason I haven't paid much attention here is the assumption that people would want to only talk about yuri and ignore all other discussion; especially if it involves male characters.
We are like 120+ days behind.

Even if we claw back 2 weeks every patch (4 weeks vs. 6 weeks), it will take 10~ patches to catch up.
Regulus will be the rebound
Yeah and those patches will be hell if you aren’t buying packs because -2 weeks of income per patch will hit quite hard.
What if they modified patch/event content where necessary then dumped it all on us as unlockable modes that had to be played in order?
Unlocked patches/events (including banners) would last as long as they originally would unless the player selects to unlock the next patch (maybe after meeting certain conditions) which would permanently deactivate the current active event's content (banners, rewards). This would allow players to do things somewhat at their own pacing and satisfy those who want to race/skip through content to get straight to the present state of the game.
We'd still be behind for a while until they got it ready for release.

Maybe they could offer free resources and modified packs for purchase to make up the differences.
Assuming you have monthly, -2w = -20 pulls/patch (from dailies + monthly, weeklies, limbo). I don’t know if they’re willing to fork out an additional 20 pulls for free.
Resources are easy enough to fix though, just increase the event shop’s purchase limits and make price per unit cheaper.
>unlockable modes
I don’t know how that’d play out for their revenue and player retention, especially if this’d happen with the CN sync.
If it’s with the CN sync (as in, instead of 1.6 we get 1.9 + unlockable events), then it’d just lead to everyone skipping because 1.9 event FOMO. If there’s an extended break, then that’ll completely kill their revenue outside of the first couple of weeks.
I'm trying to remember how Honkai Impact 3 caught up to only being about one(1) patch behind CN

But I dont remember the details. I do however remember not really feeling "stressed" about the banner rolls or feeling like I was short and couldnt get what I wanted
>everyone skipping because 1.9 event FOMO
I would play as much as possible and fast as necessary but definitely not skip.

What if they extended 1.9's event to give global time to get on, with some sort of appeasement to CN players?
I wouldn’t skip either, but you have to consider the more casual playerbase that doesn’t care as much.
>1.9 extend
An option, but it’ll cost them faaar more than your previous suggestion because CN is the main revenue generator .
HI3’s global caught up because the story was irregular (2-3 patches between chapters) until Ch7/8, and so were character releases (CN had a few patches of only new stig/weap releases). Plus most of the pre-HoV patches were 1 month long only (they could get away with it easily because only Meme was an absolute must-have and they had no event/story to make rushing patches difficult), and some were even only 3 weeks.
All of the above doesn’t apply to R1999, so they’d have to catch up some other way.
The income would be super easy to adjust, just make the event stages give extra drops to compensate for the missing dailies.
That said, at this point I really doubt they're gonna catch up, for Bluepoch global is just an additional, cheap source of revenue.
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>Schneider x Vertin 2.0
Thanks, I hate it. Now all you gotta do is kill one.
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So I don't play this game but I do like the cute art. How come this chick's half deer anyway?
She's a shape-shifting creature that got experimented on by the government
Watch the story here, it's really gay
What actually is their story
Erick's anecdote is the first anecdote i didnt skip
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don't forget to thank Matilda
Isolde is a schizo, kakania is a therapist
Why is sliding fingers into someone's gloves so sexy
Thinly veiled fingering metaphor.
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>Isolde is a schizo
Psycho lesbians best lesbians
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I like the fluffy eyelashes this artist draws, and I love how the eyelashes match the hair in color
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This game has such a hard time deciding the color of Vertin's suit, it switches between black, navy blue, and purple. The case for her shirt is even more complex. And why do they make Sonetto's eyes grey in the visuals when they're supposed to be green? Is someone on the team partially colorblind?
She owns multiple suits
who do you guys watch play this game? i really only know of mina
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I actually play it
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Spicy 37phi knifeplay
1.9 spoilers btw
Higher res can be found on boorus
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No reason to not just play it, it's pretty casual desu, maybe if any of the vtubers I follow would play it
I like the subliminal message of her hand doing the spiderman fingering technique
It's pretty casual unless you're doing Mane bulletin (raids), UTTU, or Limbo.
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>"I don't think I'll draw lewds again"
me on the left
Maybe I'm just addicted to agegap, but yenisei/bessmert I cute
I dread seeing more of her because of the chance of her being het. I want to live in this delusional state forever.
But she’s mentioned in 1.9 so I expect more focus on her.
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How is the free monthly drop income?
It’s about 70 summons worth every patch (6 weeks), which is enough for a guaranteed 6*
The 6* rate is pretty good at 1.5%, so it’s rare that you go to pity, and you really don’t need duplicates.
Why is it dumb? Do they get shipped with other girls in the story?
going by all the fanart i guess the story delivered atleast to some extend?
>It’s about 70 summons worth every patch (6 weeks), which is enough for a guaranteed 6*
wrong, it's enough for a 50/50. you need 140 for a guarantee/hard pity.
You need to pay up at least $20 monthly if you want a guaranteed 6-star every patch.
And there are at least two 6-stars every patch.
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They said guaranteed a six star, not the six star
No just the event is a nothing burger

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