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New Apartments Edition

Discuss transportation, zoning and walkability improvements in your city or nationwide.
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Part of the reason the plan was defeated was because the Royals had no intentions for the surrounding lots or blocks. For me, that sounds like a good thing. Let a ballpark village organically spring up around the stadium. I assume you don't know, but that area of KC, just south of downtown, is undergoing rapid redevelopment right now, with tons of investment. There's a streetcar line, and a ferris wheel just got put in last year. There's also new apartment buildings going up every year.
Good to know Kansas City has your support for apartments around a superblock that is open ~80 days a year, Chang!
nato-enhanced biolab for the production of adrenochorome
this is globalhomo trannyspace
>Glad to see the stadium moving downtown, but stadiums aren’t a great return for the public via taxes.
The idea of a stadium is that takes up space that wasn't gaining a lot of tax dollars in the first place and generates demand for the land around it. The idea of "just build apartment blocks in empty parking lots bro" is a flawed idea that doesn't work if you actually think about it.

Why are you destroying the environment with your discount bargain bin chinese carbon wheels with no warranty, when you could be saving the environment with the revolutionary new FusionFiber™ that come with a lifetime, no questions asked replacement coverage for the original owner? Sure it costs about 3x as much but think of the moral superiority it gets you

The only problem is it's made in Utah which is full of crazy people, which kinda negates the moral superiority, I'd almost rather send money directly to the CCP at that point

Also discuss wheels and stuff
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Been wanting a dynamo/touring wheelset, but I'm not super certain on what rim I want to use. I want something and wide, so the Velocity Cliffhanger looks like it fits the bill, and velomine has this set for pretty cheap even though I'd be getting a new hub and spokes for the front, which would still be cheaper than building my own set from scratch completely.
Are there any other (maybe cheaper) options? I'd re-use my rims but someone reamed the fuck out of the valve hole and now they're too big for a schrader to presta adapter even. I also have some wide 28h rims, but I don't see any 28h dynamos for a comparable price to the Shimano dh-3n72. I didn't particularly want to spend $300 on a SON hub.
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>nooooo every wheel has to be solid black with black spokes you're not allowed to have color or personality
I'm planning a rebuild and I want to alternate my spokes black and silver, silver hub, black rim. My plans are to convert my coaster brake only cruiser's ultra wide 32mm 584 rims to a front drum and fixed gear rear
I have silver everything on my bike but when I built the front wheel, the spokes I wanted only came in black so I sanded them down to silver. also the levers on the brifters, same deal. eventually they polished up, took forever. figured the spokes would go quickly but they took forever, too. no regrets, though
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So I hit a rock going downhill at about 35mph and I felt it bottom out. Hookless, so that's a bonus. I see sprayed sealant on my frame and a weird spatter mark of sealant on the sidewall, so it looks like it burped a little, but no impact damage on the rim. It would be visible, right guys? I can just keep riding?

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If you want help picking out a bike, post your height, what you will use the bike for, and a link to your local craigslist.

>I want to buy a new bike. What should I watch out for?
Don't buy Wal-Mart garbage.
Don't buy department store garbage.
Beware of amazon and alibaba garbage.

>Should I buy from Bikes Direct?
If you are clueless enough that you need to ask, no. If you have no mechanical ability, no. If the alternative is walmart, maybe. Ask first.

>I want to buy a used bike. What should I watch out for and where should I buy?

Craigslist is good for old bikes. Pinkbike.com/buysell is good for used modern mid- to high- end mountain bikes.
Ask in /bbg/ if uncertain.

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37 means that is just a "nominal" millimeter narrower than your ideal 38. In reality they are the same considering that every brand has a differend kind of real life width, and schwalbe is known for being a lil bit wider..
37-622 is the same as 700x37
38-722 is the same as 700x38
Based off what I'm reading the nearest spec Marathons' might be only 2mm wider at the bead, so they should still work on something like the Riverside 120 or whatever else the Trekking 9 700x38 Protect Plus tyres are likely going on. Chances are if the tyres haven't been used yet you might be able to return them.
B'Twin are the lowest tier CST tires. Also look at sealant. I run with a mix of slime and stans on my commuter. Slime to keep the stans from drying out too fast, and stans to actually seal holes permanently enough.

>legs and thighs feel numb and tingling each time I ride
Fitament problem. Correct posture, saddle height, saddle. Add gloves. And go faster.

>B'Twin Riverside 120
>Eastern European agglomeration?
I'd start looking for a better bike, for whatever geometry and posture you want. Suspension only makes sense if you've got significant drops, more than a few cm. In the short term, the first thing you should adopt is MTB techiques for avoiding punctures. Probably sealant. Your rims probably won't accept tubeless.

As far as new bikes, why not try out a rigid or light hardtail MTB.
I'll assume these won't fit on something like this >>1996841 then.

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Riding a bike in a way that causes harm to others to be treated the same as murder under new UK laws.

>'Cycling where people are walking needs to be done responsibly' Said Rishi Sunak, 'And people who put the lives of other people at risk should know that the full force of the law will be used to punish the, should they cause harm to others', the PM added - 'Cycling may be good for the climate, but dangerous cyclists are a menace and this new law is long overdue.' - The law change comes after a spate of fatalities involving cyclists and pedestrians, including the death of 6 year old Hannah Dobbs in 2023, who was struck and killed by a man on a mountain bike as she walked home from school.

Everyone hates cyclists, even environmentalists, who themselves are vile, despise the two wheeled cretins. 14 year jail sentences inbound.
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Okay but can we please first jail all the cagers ? Their activity is highly dangerous and always harmful, at least indirectly, to others per se, and unnecessarily so.

>Under the change, dangerous cyclists could face up to 14 years in prison.

sounds based
I really wish he died in that crash.
You act like it won't turn out the same way automobile fatalities turn out.
>Your honour, the defense agrees the victim was struck by the bicycle operated by the defendent.
>Yes, prosecutor, but for the hundredth time what's your evidence the defendant was cycling 'dangerously'?
>Your honour, the defense agrees that the....
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>but for the hundredth time what's your evidence the defendant was cycling 'dangerously'?
Assault bicycle speaks for itself...

Old thread finally hit its bump limit >>1750878

2023 started out as a crazy year on the collectible market but things seem to have settled down a bit
Have you made any new acquisitions ?
What do you wish to buy year?
Collectible bike thread!!
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youre moms a walmart bike
SE bikes are pretty much only operated by juvenile delinquents in those summertime "flash mobs" that ride around crashing into people and generally being obnoxious in groups too large for the police to try to do anything about. They're also almost all nonwhites too.

I'm not saying you shouldn't like them but it's kinda surreal seeing /n/ nut over this thing when you guys are hostile to anything counterculture-ish, unabashedly racist, and generally not in favor of anything that isn't pushed by the mainstream instagram algorithm towards the 25-35 year old white male incel demographic
It's like your first day on this place
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what on earth are you going on about
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My heart is so full of love for all you here

Especially the bacon horse man

Thank you

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Here is mine:

Just do it:
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新世紀エヴァンゲリオン OST MISATO Neon Genesis Evangelion [ピアノ]
『Bling-Bang-Bang-Born』EASY to EXPERT PIANO COVER
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YOU DON'T MESS AROUND WITH JIM | Low Bass Singer Cover | Geoff Castellucci

Sir Isaac Newton vs Bill Nye ERB

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I am considering getting one of these things, but the price is keeping me back, and some of the constraints, e.g.: wheels, proprietary parts, expensive accessories, etc...

The thing that keeps me orbiting towards a Brompton instead of the countless chinkshit knockoffs is the reputation. It seems everyone has mods, solutions, know-how to how to get the best out of the Brompton.

So what's your take /n/?
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>I don't mod, I ride
Based. Even tho i do have some minor modifications on my bike but you have my uttermost respect. I do think it is kinda lame that some people modify their bikes way too much to the point their bromptons are no longer bromptons.
I've noticed in Singapore, Vietnam and maybe Taiwan, there is a big Brompton modding scene. I don't mind it honestly.

Then there is the Dutch and Scottish modding guys, putting on 20 inch wheels, with disc brakes, Rohloffs, belt-drives and so on. I agree, it loses it's spirit.


The thing I love though is that because it's so universal, parts for it are relatively easy to come by, with solutions to some inherent design flaws. I will get the decathlon rollerblade wheels to make it roll better.

I am thinking of modding the front wheel so it has a Son28, having a dynamo light is a big help.
Is it even worth to buy used brompton (assume it is the recent year model & average good condition if not pristine open-box), if yes, what's the approximate resell value? 60-80%
>Get some various new advertisement of C-Type, high handlebar, 6-speed, back rack & dynamo light for €1600-1900 (one even includes front rack bag).
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Well, yeah. It's not like you can break them easily. That's why they hold value as they are good second hand buys.
OP here, in Scandinavia, 2nd hands hold such value there is no point to get anything other than a brand new one. It's crazy.

Do you wave to other riders?
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I just nod in a non committal way and assume they saw the quality, rarity and desirability of my custom built fillet brazed 90s mtb decked out with Chris King, Ringle and Gravity Research
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>mini velo family
spotted yesterday
meme magic is real
look at all that wasted space between the bikes. a car would be much more efficient
I live in Florida, the only other riders are the homeless. Best not to make eye contact.
I always lift my fingers for others on similar bikes. Exceptions: I'm climbing, I'm on a grandpa bike.

Last April, a company called Dreamstar Lines announced plans for an overnight service between Los Angeles and San Francisco, in effect, restoring Southern Pacific's Lark service, the overnight equivalent of the more famous Coast Daylight, which ceased service in 1968.

What we know:

>the train would run between Los Angeles Union Station and San Francisco's 4th & King Street Caltrain station
>rolling stock will consist of streamliner cars built in the 1940s and 1950s
>actual train consist would be a locomotive, 5-6 sleeper cars, and a lounge car serving drinks and "tavern food" (idk what that would entail)
>the train would run on a ten-and-a-half hour schedule, departing around 10pm and arrive at its final destination at 8:30am
>Tickets will be in the $300-$1000 (the minimum is slightly higher than the current price for a private room on Los Angeles-Oakland on Amtrak's Coast Starlight at $284)
>there will be no coach service, sleeper class only
>the company hopes to begin operations by Summer, 2024
>the project is far enough along that negotiations with Metrolink and Union Pacific for right of way have already started

The most detailed sources I could find

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The big problem with Nightjet is that's part of the Austrian national carrier so they can give their trains priority whereas private railroads seem to go out of their way to screw passenger services here.
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>No one's going to pay for a luxury overnight sleeper train

I mean, they already do though.
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>Interstate 5

LA traffic makes it take nearly as long to drive down as go by rail and it's suicide-inducing.

>low cost airlines
>wait in line for two hours to get fondled by the TSA
>to spend an additional three hours packed like sardines with non-whites
>jk, your flight got cancelled so you're gonna be here for at least another six hours lol
Dreamstar's got a wikipedia page now so I guess it's happening (maybe)?



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Why does this keep happening?
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(The JB in the background N2048 A321N has been down for months because PW GTL problems)
AIRBUS is getting completely paranoid with security. I won't say more.
It happened AGAIN:

Total ATC death when?
why do you ask this?
go back to your containment board

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Performance enhancing drugs edition

Old >>1972124
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In de pines, in de pines, where the sun don't ever shine
Lol shoulda bought Wahoo, Look, 4iiii, Chris King, and YKYWBike stuff.
But yeah the Shimano app is typical nipware. Still, at least it's not SRAM.
i rode to the gas station for ice cream
I love eating ice cream on rides.
good for you.
what kind?

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new unracer /n/tuber just dropped, get in now with low view count and stay for the long haul.
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Throwing simple parts at a simple is easy indeed, but I'd like to see you build a wheel from scratch, fix an internally busted 1995 Campagnolo brifter, deal with an internally routed cockpit or diagnose and repair an ebike, all quickly and efficiently.
I've been watching his stuff for a few months now, sometimes comes off a little hostile to bikes in a way where I think he's missing the idea that sometimes practicality is secondary.
Yeah, 26" dirt cheap hybrid bikes are reliable, durable, and probably what most people would be best using. Jack of all trades but master of none kinda bikes.

But I daily a softtail XC bike on my commute because it's cool, not because it's practical. And I think he misses that with what some bikes are and what they represent
you could change a clutch with youtube and some gumption
He's doing it for money and attention, not for the love of bikes. There's no authentic passion or enthusiasm at all, except about himself and how clever he thinks he's being by cutting corners and not doing anything properly.
applies to almost everyone, if not at the start it will as soon as that first adrev payment drops

Comfy Winter Edition

Old Thread: >>1938049
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is there any site that shows live the position of trains/
there's this for tokyo: https://minitokyo3d.com/
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JR West will readjust fares in Keihanshin area from April 1st 2025
>currently there are two special fare zones to stay competitive with competing railways
>one is Osaka Loop Line(dark blue)
>the other spans Kyoto, Nishi-Akashi, Wakayama, Nara, and Nagao(light blue)
>they will be merged and get extended northbound and westbound(red)
>impact on prices mixed, between -30 to +30 yen
>in general prices go up for short trips within Osaka Loop Line while going down for longer trips
>this also inadvertently nerfs the split ticket trick
>for example going from Osaka to Kusatsu with a stop in Kyoto currently saves 170 yen, but that will go down to 130 yen.

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Previous: >>1962890

US Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1lxDKFTLO4x771l06T9y331XYhlc6TqYj-hfhl91iXXU/edit?pli=1
UK Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yjRTjwJRkW_wYqis7E-c9U0xTQZWLXbsP--2qgYKUdM/edit
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Read the report, it doesn't sound like it. Just a normal departure maneuver. Could be a defect in the transformer itself.
Did all of you mariners have to get the covid vaccine?
Already done that, sadly software engineers don't really get sent out on the ships to fix things, it's mostly the electronics blokes that get sent.
The CG is taking sooooo long to process my request to test fuck
Military Sealift Commandchuds, report in with the latest bullshit you’ve had to deal with.

It was supposed to revolutionize transportation.
What went wrong?
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It was designed to abolish walking. But Americans don't walk anyway.
>pony tails
>no bra
>them legs
>exposed midriff

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>rts games split into rts games and non rts games
She has a hobby-channel where she baits coomers into her OF if that's your thing.
Not sure why OP thing was made so goofy.

But these things are everywhere now and revolutionized transportation.

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