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new unracer /n/tuber just dropped, get in now with low view count and stay for the long haul.
buy an ad
Looks like a fag
Looks like a city slicker to me
buy add.
sorry guys i thought we were friends, and friends give suggestions to their friends you know but i was dead wrong. you guys are buttholes
Unracer detected, opinion rejected.
an actual train thread died for this
but this board has been ruined by polurbanism spammers so there's no sense in getting upset
faggot detected, opinion rejected.
He's a lazy bike flipper who lubes his rims to stop brake squeal.
I started watching his shit, and he just comes across as another whiney, bitter bike mechanic that wants to unload his opinions. My guess he has to because 1) he has an opinion on everything, 2) he needs to supplement is shitty wage with YT money.
Take a look at the channel yourselves. Notice how all the bikes in the thumbnail are all old and/or shitty. Not to be taken seriously.
Also unracer Mr. Beast. But instead of money he gives away boat anchors.
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The world needs a Mr. Beast who gives away 1000 C68s with super record, imagine the unracer seething when 1000 kids ride at the speed limit (25mph) in in the "car lane" instead of staying in the protected bike lane where they can't inconvenience drivers
You're as witty as you are fast.
i like you, but you're weird as fuck, and nobody is into boomer hybrids. and stop mentioning trek every goddamned video, we get it. you live near the factory. fuckin' a.
>i thought we were friends
you thought wrong
>and friends give suggestions to their friends
Im suggesting you buy an ad to advertise your channel
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>bike mechanic
A bike consits of literally 2 wheels and some cogs. Its the most disgusting thing to call someone a "mechanic" who wrenches a bit on bikes.
My 15 year old brother build a bike in 2 hours without any knowledge at all.
Bike "mechanic" my ass
>The world needs a Mr. Beast who gives away 1000 C68s
This Mr. Beast would NEED to give them away to qt3.14s (18 and up for legal reasons) on they condition they will from then on only ride in skin-tight lycra.

Uhhh... you know that you need to have a deep understanding of how to adjust derailleurs, a sharp mind for setting up brakes and uuhmmm a lot of other stuff. Calling themselves mechanics is basically super humble for all the qualifications they have-
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I can disfigure your bussy.
>t. bike mechanic with a long tool called pedro
Throwing simple parts at a simple is easy indeed, but I'd like to see you build a wheel from scratch, fix an internally busted 1995 Campagnolo brifter, deal with an internally routed cockpit or diagnose and repair an ebike, all quickly and efficiently.
I've been watching his stuff for a few months now, sometimes comes off a little hostile to bikes in a way where I think he's missing the idea that sometimes practicality is secondary.
Yeah, 26" dirt cheap hybrid bikes are reliable, durable, and probably what most people would be best using. Jack of all trades but master of none kinda bikes.

But I daily a softtail XC bike on my commute because it's cool, not because it's practical. And I think he misses that with what some bikes are and what they represent
you could change a clutch with youtube and some gumption
He's doing it for money and attention, not for the love of bikes. There's no authentic passion or enthusiasm at all, except about himself and how clever he thinks he's being by cutting corners and not doing anything properly.
applies to almost everyone, if not at the start it will as soon as that first adrev payment drops
All racers should be shot. It's not a race!
Go suck an exhaust pipe to completion you cagecuck
I think Im with the frog here. If I was a GM master mechanic the process would take about 4 years of job training plus GM sponsored classes your shop pays for.

Meanwhile I can do everything on my bike I just have the luxury of a cheap local lbs. Theyre Mechanics but not masters at their trade.
Then what would you call them? Bicycle service technician?
You don't have to reply to morons and have a meaningless discussion about some semantical nonsense, regardless of how much skill you feel is required to maintain and repair bikes.
I'm the second guy you replied to. I'm pretty sure the sarcasm wasn't too subtle but to make it clear I am on side with the frog. Most bike "mechanics" are glorified sales reps.
the seething about LBS wrench monkeys being called mechanics reminds me of /ck/ seething about "entitled single mothers" getting tips at their below minimum wage service jobs. if you're feeling threatened by the help, newsflash: you are the help. learn some class solidarity or something. or pull yourself up by your bootstraps. your seething at your own kin is giving me the ick.
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Soon, brother.
I go to sleep to bike farmer often. I appreciate his videos
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>single mothers
i was already subbed but now im unsubbing to spite you
Saw that vid, he actually said in the video 'I would never admit this in a video, but I lube rims to stop them squealing'. Think about that, he applies a product specifically designed to reduce friction directly onto the braking surface because he can't into 'toeing in'. Spastic.
What a fucking moron, he also thinks wiping the same lube all over the paint 'restores luster', rather than leaving a greasy sheen.

Sad because people will think he's some kind of expert bike guru, as opposed to a lazy cowboy with barely any real skill or knowledge at all.
If he had a line of squeal-free single-pivot oil reservoir brakes he sold for $500 per caliper, /n/ would say he was a genius fighting the elitist, judgmental, race-obsessed mainstream bike industry, the only reason he's getting a mixed reaction here is he doesn't have a product line to convince slow and clueless people that they're better than everyone else because they spent a lot of money on something worse
>built a bike
your brother assembled a bicycle from parts already built for him. I know he didn't grease, threadlock or torque it correctly in the right places, so hardly any different than putting together an Ikea furniture. Besides, 15 year old fix and build mopeds all the time, why would a bicycle pose any type of challenge for them?
t. most obvious samefag>>1997144
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if you have to shill yourself like this you don't deserve any subs, you swine
basically. he works a customer service job which he cannot stand and it really shows. he definitely started out with an enjoyment for bicycles, but as time went on and he went to go "live his dream" by buying this shop he probably realized that the service industry fucking sucks resulting in the jaded self important asshole he portrays himself as.
i think at some point you have to admit that you are doing more harm than good by staying in a profession you hate, not only to yourself, but to the people around you. he's just incapable of doing so. he should go back to whatever the fuck he was doing before instead of crying about running a shop for 12 hours a week.

i have no sympathy for this actual white nigger. i know you browse this board. eat shit and die.

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