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Dank und spooky edition

Last fred >>10698290
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This thread is an anomaly, it never falls lower than middle of the list. Even newer thread get archived. But this is still page 5 despite no one wrote anything here for far longer time than new posts arrived in new thread. I guess jannies set some flag here or something.
As the new thread get archived (WTF jannies?) and this is still for some misterious reasons active I'm postink link to a newer freshly baked thread >>10911232
Nothing mysterious about it. https://desuarchive.org/cgl/thread/10756184/#q10871043
it is mysterious as there been loads of bumps in the archived one waaay more. This thread been higher in list even without any recent bumps while new had posts at the same period yet it went many pages down.
interesting....very interesting indeed...

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Previous thread >>10858314
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Looking for this specific Cornet JSK (unsure the year and name, cant find on lolibrary) and the Maxicimam cross embroidery JSK. Not against paying a bit more if I have to. They're big big big needs for me at the moment, if you're looking to part with them.
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WTB this Bodyline blouse l523
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WTT for the ivory colorway. Preference is North America, but open to international trades.
Leave your lm or email address if interested!:)
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Anyone interested in selling this Meta Gobelin Princess OP? The BluexBlack colorway preferred but am fine with the lighter lace too.

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Why is there such a stigma against girls who cosplay for money? As someone who has never had a girlfriend, being able to send money to cute girls who cosplay as the characters that I love is one of the only things in my life that makes me feel like I have a purpose. From patreon to onlyfans, it's on of my biggest joys and motivations in my life. One day I hope I can give money to a cosplayer at a con in real life and not just through the internet.
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That's not a boast worth boasting Nigel
if capitalism bad why monetize the body for primal non-baby-making MarX?
It wasn't banned in Christian medieval Europe though
Me thinks the anon projects too much
Excessive Porn use does lead to pedo rape stuff so stay away from it anon
None of that is true thankfully

barely anyone does military cosplays nowadays, and most of them are considered larping anyway. good news is that the market isn't saturated and ripe for the taking

long story short if you Google csgo cosplay you'd probably find me on the first result
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that's a lot of zip ties what are those for anon
Those are just three and they're zip tie handcuffs for detaining anomalous humanoid entities, terrorists linked to the CI, AWCY or other groups of interest adversarial to the SCP Foundation, or just for detaining bystanders irritating the scene. It just fits the costume, ya know.
A bulletproof vest has layers of kevlar sewn into it and can stop pistol rounds but not most rifle rounds. They're relatively light and flexible and are usually meant to be worn under clothing.
A plate carrier has no protection of its own and is instead meant to hold metal or ceramic plates that can stop rifle rounds. They're usually meant to be worn outside clothing and have magazine pouches and/or MOLLE webbing for attaching various pouches and accessories.
A flak jacket is like a bulletproof vest but with less protection, only designed to stop bits of shrapnel from nearby explosions etc. but not direct hits from firearms.
There you go anon
I made this back in 2014 - my 3rd costume and still my magnum opus. Have tried multiple times to top it with limited success.

another attempt at an appreciation thread to discuss this beautiful Austrian cosplayer.

things to discuss:
>her cosplay
>her gravure sets
>photos she herself posts
things not to discuss:
>her nudes
>her flaws
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It takes a lot for her to get nude in front of her female friends, what makes you think she's going to get naked in front of a photographer
I hope she'll get a new thread once this one dies.
keeki cute
I can't believe I missed this.
Very cute, her stage presence is so good.
oh my god her anxiety just makes her even hotter

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Or something similar
The help thread that was literally on top when you made this post.

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Any good Latex / Vinil / Tight and shiny cosplays?
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I own the two suit! It's pretty good quality I must say but I'd suggest to buy a size bigger bc it's very tight and therefore uncomfortable to wear desu..
this shit doesn't fit, dumbass. looks trash.
you look like you smell worse before you put the suit on
Uwowo has larger sizes, I wasnt a fan of the mesh sides/hands and the cheap sewed on details
>buy a size bigger because the tight fitting bodysuit is tight
yeah no shit Sherlock, it's supposed to be tight. There should be zero folds in your clothing, it's supposed to be skintight. Your suit is too big.

>tfw you will never see a haven trooper or Quiet cosplay

God-damned be Demon slayer and those trendy stuff, I want to see big tactical butts and awesome costumes.
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Of course it has to be across the country.
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At some point, an announcer asked how many people came in from the East Coast and quite a few raised their hands, myself included. There were even a few who did when asked if anybody flew in from overseas. You should definitely look into going if you can, it was a very soulful experience
Holy shit that's fuckin kino. The whole crew. He did a good job with the deltoid armor too.
Fuck I might try to go to this.

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Modern inspired by Victorian but we make it spooky edition.

Last thread get archived: >>10851320

Thread before last for some mysterious reason did not and is still listed on active threads (WTF jannies?): >>10756184

Last two years these threads were barely active and and it took a year for each to reach image limit or get archived prematurely (WTF jannies?) but whatever.
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That's some chunky bicc fishes

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Asuka Cosplays
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If I buy a Unit 02 kigurumi and carry around Kyoko's Asuka doll, will that be enough to attract hugs from Asuka cosplayers?
I cosplay asuka and I'd hug you (but beware I'm a 5'4 200 pound male)
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Memepantazis is my fav Asuka. I woudl do almost anything to bend her over and rail her
Would you [spoiler]fight an ant if it was this -> <- big?[/spoiler]
i wish there were more brazilian girls that looked like her

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FAQ & Beginners Guide:

Buyf/a/g Guide:
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That can badge is really cute. I just bought over 2 pieces of a can badge which is in a similar price range to yours and I'm now wincing a bit because of the money spent but I'm excited to put my first itabag together. I hope you can make your repeating bag dream come true. Maybe go for a smaller bag?
Meant over 20 pieces, not 2.
Stalk reseller sites like mercari and rakuma after the lottery ends. The fun in a repeat bag is hunting down the merch, duping the design won't feel the same.
Nayrt, but Priroll merch is not a lottery system, you get to pick the badge you want as a bonus when you order a macaron set. I think that anon just meant she needs to win the (money) lottery to be able to afford a bunch of them because it's expensive and also the macarons would have to be discarded because they can't be shipped internationally (frozen perishable food item) which is a waste.
Oh I see, the roll in Priroll made my mind go to lottery kek
I understand their plight. I'm also working on a repeat bag and each can badge is typically listed for ¥2k+, but even with that pricetag I could never just print the design myself. It just feels a little disingenuous.

iirc it happened to take place around the 2010's with either the new 52 and/or the suicide squad movie but i'm not sure on how everyone decided to start dressing up as her

(for that matter, did any major (cos)player dress up as her prior to 2011?)
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honestly i doubt the bodysuit is considered "slutty" as it were

honestly it's more covered-up/kid-safe
Forgive me for staring.
Bruv that’s JNig, she wants people to stare. That’s what her whole career is based on
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update from the man himself: i totally miscalculated the “when”
>not sure on how everyone decided to start dressing up as her

She's a female power fantasy. Does ANYTHING she wants (including killing kids) with zero consequences.

Old thread >>>>>>10660802

>Please read the FAQ before posting in the thread (always updating)
>Artist Spreadsheet
>How to order from Vograce (now with video on how to set up files)
>Convention List (always WIP)
>IP taketowns (based on artists contribution, may or may not have been a one time thing, use as a guideline)
>AA Inspo (thanks anon!)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Since the botification of Etsy, there doesn't seem to be a centralized or even commonly used marketplace anymore. Most people I buy from are using their social media to do the heavy lifting and then have their own website. As a buyer, I find it frustrating because I don't have time to dig for hours in the search pages and click through each profile and each link to see if MAYBE the artist still is selling the item I saw in the video. I enjoyed being able to browse many kinds of items that I knew for certain were on sale.
This has been my experience too. I still go to AA, and honestly solely go to AX for AA, but there have been so many times that I'll look up an artist after the convention and realize that they sold other merch because I wasn't able to see it on their booth over the herd in front of me. It's hard to shop when you have to bob, weave, and avoid getting bumped into or suffocate down there.
ntayrt, but why is that? Wouldn't recognition of a popular artist in AA drive sales?
Oh god, I didn't realize that I was responding to posts from last year. I've been talking to a corpse
I think it will once they start realizing it's not pulling the money in. These tiktok artists are all very similar with little originality. They all aim to have the same procreate looking art, same displays, same products etc of the same themes and fandoms. The artists are all the same homely renfaire looking women or autistic they them girls too.
They all overshare everything and are always admitting to barely making profit and attending failing events. These trends are also oversaturating the popup markets which invites more failure. They inevitably spend more money on merch and generic yet elaborate displays only to complain about barely making booth fee back. Then they make tiktoks and reels of themselves crying and showing their failed products to garner sympathy and pity sales. They complain about struggling with the "algorithm" while using the exact same trending audio/music/sound clips all the other tiktok artists use. It's nauseating and exhausting but on the positive it helps the more seasoned, creative and unique artists stand out more. The bubble will hopefully burst sooner than later.

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To counteract all the moids here and the overwhelming spamming of slutty girls, here's a thread dedicated to the cuties who cosplay.

Emphasis on the "cute" part. Bodybuilders cosplaying just to show off their abs are just as bad as the girls who only do it for onlyfans.
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you mean like a bitch?
T. Balding 30+ moid
when her weight starts with a 2
Shhh quiet moid go pick up your hair from the floor is getting it dirty

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Marin (and variations) and Yor were the obvious FOTM cosplays for last con season. What are your predictions for this year?

My predictions:
>Yor spillover from last year
>a fuckton of Kobeni and Makima
>Mitsuri from Demon Slayer (her arc comes out in spring)
>Vash Stampede for guys
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>Then again, not a lot of people would be willing to openly say how they are a fan of this anime would they?
normies think this is a pedo show so yeah you're not gonna see many cosplays, doesn't help how exposed it is (i wish modesty laws weren't a thing desu)
Many cons have introduced dress codes since the Kill la Kill cosplays and their wardrobe malfunctions. I don't think people would be able to get away with such risque outfits anymore.
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I wonder if monogatari coming back is going to pop some cosplayers
thought the only person that would do monogatari in 2024 are boomers and japaneses
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How am I only hearing about this now? I'm working on a panel and was wondering whether or not to include Monogatari. Looks like I've got my answer, so thanks for the heads up. Also, I saw both a Hachikuji and Shinobu cosplayer pretty recently too so there's that
> A lot of people just aren't going to want to do the bodypaint and beyond for Karlach and Lae'zel, and the armor adds more cost and complexity
As predicted, Astarion, Shadowheart, and Gale, with a little touch of Halsin for the fitness bros specifically in their camp outfits have been the most popular.

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