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another attempt at an appreciation thread to discuss this beautiful Austrian cosplayer.

things to discuss:
>her cosplay
>her gravure sets
>photos she herself posts
things not to discuss:
>her nudes
>her flaws
>her cosplay
it's not hers if all she does is buy shitty aliexpress cosplays and model them
correct me if I'm wrong but she doesn't even make her own cosplays, she appeals to lonely coomer simps and not people who actually appreciate cosplay
That wig looks fucking disgusting. it's like a rat's nest
I wanna cum inside her Austrian pussy.
don’t care, nonna, I would still wanna fuck her. Stay fat and stay mad.
People can think that and not be fat and mad. Enjoy being used for validation by cosplay whores, seems like an epidemic here.
enjoy being mad and fat while I coom to Austrian cosplay whores.
Enjoy your virgin coomer simp life haha
I’m neither a woman nor fat, just hate cucks like yourself who fawn over girls like this and then cry.
seems like the only people crying are you while samefagging.
>has no standards and is easily angered when his ewhore is insulted
very pathetic, as expected from a paypiggy of a low-effort coomerbait menhera aliexpress buying "cosplayer"
Spill the beans.
>calling someone a paypiggy
>not realizing most people just save pictures and don’t give these moids a dime.
she has a nice ass.
I was a fan of hers for a long time, and while I'm happy for her current success, I was hoping she'd escalate her SW activities into cosplay camgirl stuff. I don't really care for streaming in general so I don't keep up with her anymore but at least she's in a better place emotionally.
Never forget
Fat fingers typed this btw
Probably the same OP samefagging to keep his stupid thirst thread alive cause no one posts on it nor gives a shit

And to everyone else? Hide the thread, let it sage, and move on with your lives.
Cute butt, cute tummy, and cute dork
anyone here liked keeki before she became kiara?
Did she have any sort of exposure on /cgl/ before?
I'm surprised I didn't run into her account, since I followed 2 Austrian cosplayers that followed her
She has a boyfriend now (me)
I liked her when she was in the womb, try to beat that
>won’t release her kpop dance video because of insecurity
Why does she hate herself so much?
I'm hoping she gets persuaded to release it anyway, I want to see more of that tummy.
stop shitposting on 4chan mamatori
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Why is her forehead so big?
More space to kiss
Her brain expanded to store more information about jpop idols that were active almost a decade ago
She seemed to like Spy x Family, you think she'll cosplay Yor?
What the fuck is wrong with her teeth
Idk but braces already fixed it
now she'll never be japanese...
men are so disgusting
too bad kiara is the manliest myth member after mori
i puked in my mouth a bit. what kind of goblina fake cosplayer whore is this?
I know your Twitter account
You can't even spoiler correctly LOL Keeki's strongest antis ladies and gentlemen
What did keeki mean by this?
The fuck is a keeki?
Anyone have a full archive of her stuff??
Does anyone know her real name, why is does she insists on being called keekihime
I saw what you deleted
You sound like a closeted troon
but I'm a troon and I think keeki is super pretty, what does this mean?
>why is does she insists on being called keekihime
to avoid doxfags like (You)
It's a cute stage name.
Why is this board so opsessed with her?

Why not another austrian cosplayer like
Holy shit is this thread still alive? I got bored and left it months ago and it’s still going. I only posted because I know she lurks this board and /vt/ but holy shit.
all men who post here or cosplay are troons.
Call me a simp of her, but is she also claiming that she made them herself?

If not, I fail to see the problem...
Sometimes I think she bumps or even creates her own threads. Hi Keeki.
Where the fuck is all her old shit?! I expected some retard to post a link or something. For fucks sakes I just want to imagine worshiping Keekis feet and eating her out all night.
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Boyfriend soon?
Yeah, me.
they would make the most weak chinned babies aww
Weak chin and fucked up teeth.
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boyfriend imminent
yeah, me
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I think she’s getting old, bros…
Damn, those are fucking rough.
god i love keeki
I want to lick her teeth so bad
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since nobody posted it yet
I want to kiss her big nose
Kissable cutie
she’s german
t. Keekihime baiting people to defend her
She's a toxic gamer
how many years ago was this
She was 13 when that picture was taken.
Ten days ago.
These are both correct
I am not surprised that she is constantly mistaken for a child
Genuinely jealous of that jaw and nose.
I’m always amused when she has pictures taken where she doesn’t look like a goblina.
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Kiara Gravure:
Other Christmas Set
Unreleased Set (Preview)
Dunno if there's a cosplay archive
the first link’s taken down.
nigger what does peppa pig have to do with her being a goblina?
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Why does she refuse to have sex?
So simps would stop asking (clearly not working) but let's be honest, she fucks on the down low like everybody else.
She looks pretty in her latest video and that isn't using any filter, just some makeup. She isn't a goblina.
Nice feets
Stop pretending retard I know about your Twitter
is he that weird guy who talks about how he wants to fuck her by quoting her tweets?
I used to follow this austrian guy from poast who used kiara as his avatar and would constantly post about how he wanted to fuck keeki. I think the constant posting about wanting to fuck her eventually got to him because he just sort of dropped off the fediverse.
Anyone else think she's gaining weight?
I want to feed her McDonald’s then hoover the farts out of her ass.
I don't it will be that bad. Demondice on the other hand.....
>Begging to be her BF on twitter
Morons have no tact at all.
Like most girls, they want something romantic
kanae is a girl and her irl friend
Then it just banter
Moving out of the house I've lived in for 18 years. Dedicated my last nut here to Keekihime.
are you that coomtribute guy?
Why does this ho get two threads?
One for each asscheek
better than lolita shit. this board needs more coom content
listen here, keeki, I don’t care if people think you’re a goblina, or that your teeth are fucked up or that you’re a perpetual womanchild. all that I care about is that you’re my queen and as long as you’re my queen and I have a face, you’ll always have a throne to sit on.
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humm, I wonder if there is new material from her in this photobook.
Imagine being so ugly that your pics without face is the selling point.
Why would it?
No chance, Keeki only had softcore shootings with kumakreation for a couple of months and all of those sets were online before Kuma took the page down
But I'm sure the shootings he took with Keeki are going to appear in the photobook because she was his first softcore model, there's no way he releases a volume 1 of his photos without including her. It's worth it if you want to get off and know what photos are hers (it can't be hard to tell which ones don't include her if you don't know)
It CAN be hard to tell her apart is what I mean, young and plump white women look similar when their face is not shown
Nah, I know them. They have fucked, but keeki got dumped because the other girl wanted dick. The abandonment issues keep stacking up!
It blows my mind how down bad men are for that ugly goblin.
>>10823178 #
Dear landwhale
>>10817048 #
This isn't a goblina
Why do you simps defend this goblin?
>Old photo when she didn't know how to groom herself properly vs recent live stream (so you can't even use the beauty app filters cope)
Yeah sure, whatever
She's a pretty girl so what's wrong with calling her pretty
She was old enough in that picture to know how to properly groom herself. She’s probably on the spectrum and just wasn’t aware of herself at that time, which makes it unfair to call her a kobold, but she does abuse filters.
>She was old enough in that picture to know how to properly groom herself.
That photo is from 2014 shortly after graduating, she knew how to dress up good enough to get compliments in her old tumblr but she was nowhere near the level she is now after she started focusing on cosplay and away from idol and doujin music
>she does abuse filters.
Yes but she doesn't require the filters to look attractive that's the point. She looked pretty in her last stream without any of that
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That isn't a cosplayer
She got a sore throat from straining herself while sick with laryngitis. She should’ve just took the time off, but I guess her jewery and love of superchats means more than her health.
Shame she'll probably never go to a con in the states since her friend circle is basically all in Europe/Japan and she's found that she's doesn't like cons as much anymore. Would have loved to see her cosplay in person and get a picture with her.
I’d love to sneak into her room and suck on her toes in minecraft.
Is Keeki a size queen? she did laugh at Floyd’s small penis in GTA.
Why is an Austrian commenting on American politics?
Those AI generated keeki lewds eh? I deleted the gravure sets I had because I knew I would feel bad if I ever masturbated to them, but those AI ones are somewhat tempting
because she thinks we give a fuck
spoiler: we don't
Are all of you guys brownies from /vt/ ? Is this chick even active in this sector ?

I was wondering why this thread is getting a lot of traction in an otherwise dead board. You guys ruined /sp/ as well during the world cup. The future of 4chan looks bleak...
She was dating him.
ITT: kakun defends his goblina queen.
Yup. She has a lot of 'brown' fans and some of her most dedicated antis are also 'brown' (mostly from singapore, philippines, malaysia, indonesia and the other browns from LATAM). But what you have to remember is that these browns are mostly teenagers/college students that are discovering 4chan through /vt/ for the first time due to the increasingly widespread containment breaking :
If you go through the comments section under any of the recent popular vtuber clips, you will encounter 4chan lingo, mentions of /vt/ or 4chan.
Also this year, there are several youtube channels and twitter accounts dedicated to posting /vt/ content that is further advertising /vt/ and being a gateway from many newfags and tourists.
You also have these retards baiting reddit and normie twitter circles which has led to this state.
The influx of so many newfags especially these underage browns and normie casuals have chased out many of the old residents of /vt/. You hardly see any new OCs and only see tribalfaggotry and the same shitty bait regurgitated over and over again. They also chased out many of her haters from her pre vtuber days. Those guys are even embarrassed to be associated with these retards.

Regarding the recent increase in traction here, it is because 'she' is getting a lot of praise recently and is being used by falseflaggers to shit on her coworkers. So these retards are using this dead thread to take out their frustration on her. All I can say is just to ignore them or somehow get the mods to ban all /vt/ related topics including roommates like her.

Even the OP sounds like a bait thread.
She's going to comiket
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Your bad English betrays your Faye. Go back to Wiener Neustadt with your old ass.
fucking ESLs.
You guys are horrible..
I get that ...a lot.
Fucking fascist
fucking faggot.
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The irony
Kiara Takanashi?
>Asked by a stranger to be their lover
>Said no like what most normal people do
"wHy DoEs ShE rEfuSe SeX?"
You're a fucking moron.
I think her doubt about her own ass is because today's perception of "big ass" is women with giant bubble butts that rappers love so much.
I hate this new standard. If my GF have this kind of ass
I will be grateful.
On the opposite side of it, we got EOPniggers that got mad at Kobo because she stream mostly in Indonesian and her fans are fine with her collabing with men.
>European woman turning Japanese
Why are you bumping a dead thread from 6 months ago?
More room for kisses
That's her bff you tard
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Stop posting this mediocre bitch (half a year later).
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Hideous, she's just a whore wearing cheap purchased cosplay.

At the very least post a girl that actually makes her own cosplays, like Anaelic.
Pretty normal
Fuck off elitist cunt
Wow so asking for pics of handmade cosplays rather than sluts in cheap aliexpress shit on a cosplay board is being elitist ?

That's a very strange définition of elitism
nta, I wouldn't call you elitist but I'd call you a retard for asking for anaelic cosplays in the keekhime appreciation thread.
I didn't ask for Anelic in particular I just said it would be nice if people would post pics of girls that make their own cosplay that's all.
Anyone have a keekihime discord set up?
Unicorn set dropped
Finally, after so many years....
I heard there were unedited extra pics from kuma but their not on that site where did they get posted
Where did you hear that
>AI generated keeki lewds
>4 months ago
I know
these i think https://gofile.io/d/eCRYO5
Lol dumb fuck that took that vid tried selling it, and she found out.
>tfw no cute austrian hapa weeb cosplay gf
She’s not a hapa.
>Wow so asking for pics of handmade cosplays rather than sluts in cheap aliexpress shit on a cosplay board is being elitist
yes, unironically
there is literally nothing wrong with using cheap cosplays from aliexpress. Some people enjoy the craft. Some enjoy going to cons and do not care as much. Others just want to take the best pics, and pay people to do the rest.
all of them are ok.
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Old but cute.
What did she use for the base of the gun?
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knew her through touhou, why i oshi'd after her debut
lmao did she post to wrong twitter
vtuber fans are pathetic.
There are still vtuber niggers that don’t believe Kiara is keekihime.
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Keeki is really pretty.
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>don’t believe Kiara is keekihime
I'd say deaf people but she also fucked up on twitter a couple of times so it has to be people that follow neither kiara nor keeki anywhere at all
If you ever go onto her twitter and look at the replies, you’ll see what kind of simps she’s working with.
I'm gonna say it, many of her non gravure pics (encompassing casual and cosplay pics) are sexier than the gravure ones
Yes finally a good Kuroko appreciation!
Her Asuka is sexier than most of her gravure and her Reimu is about as sexy as ber gravure but nothing comes close to her strawberry set
Asuka, huh?
Now that I think about it, if anybody were genuine fans of her since those years, those people might have experienced an actual 'idol journey' or a 'success story'. This image feels so ironic now.
She knows she has a nice butt. She is a typical woman in the sense that she bounces back and forth with how she feels about it. We all know it is big and nice.
Um actually it's Ostreich not "Austria".
This is Edinburgh
Because layers.
The angle makes that all too apparent. The focal point is Keekihime but behind her is a low area, a large colorful but flat row of houses in the middle, and behind that is the row of elevated brick buildings.
Something about that combination triggers photographer autism, and so your home is used for a cheap backdrop.
I wouldn’t say it was success as an idol, but she eventually does find it by living off of parasocial relationships with moids who think she’s great.
Go back retard
the cross is the finest megathot detail
Post more pics of her
Post more feet of her
Post more vids of her
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emo keeki
Hope she still does the birthday stream this year, even if late. She might be too busy though
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fucking hot. been a while since someone posted an image i didn't have yet
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Need to see her cunt flaps.
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Best I can do is cat naps
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Is there a full set of this
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Google "Keekihime Abigail" and be happy
Wish she did more
I need a video of keeki in a cowboy hat riding an alpaca into the sunset
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Very cute.
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oh boy here we go
she is ugly in a very cute kind of way. how do I get a gf like this?
That's about all most people can hope for in a gf irl. Keeki is very charming regardless and very German
Isn't her real name different? maybe that's a lolcow trying to stir the pot.
People are a bit poisoned by the internet. A bunch of basement dwellers see heavily shopped photos of girls and think that's the only gf material. Most girls have good and bad sides. Finding a [spoiler]3dpd gf[/spoiler] means you have to accept that they have flaws.
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to be fair, she doesn’t like people taking pictures of her unless they run it through a beauty filter app. she had a meltdown over it last year because she’s very vain.
She's pretty cute in both of those pictures.
Sounds less like vanity and more like she has body image issues, these two pictures are basically the same except for a nasolabial fold that every single person in the world has when they smile big like that
personally I like her better without the filters.
Literally only manchildren that don't wash their ass and don't trim their unibrow think this is "bad". You can easily tell this is the same person. Stupid incels love taking screenshots of a video and pretending as if it's representative of what someone looks like.
The yellow lighting isn't doing any favors either but yeah of course a posed filtered pic looks better than a video sceeencap
she’s not gonna fuck you bro.
the filtered image looks like an alien, its way too white and smooth. she's cute without filters, she just needs some teeth whitening but those are very old photos, she's probably better now that she has money
thanks Google
Those were definitely female hands
people tend to see things on their own face you'd never notice. I think she's pretty but she certainly doesn't have that perfect plastic social media face a lot of women want and think is realistically obtainable.
I've been enjoying this old video of hers a lot.
The matching skirts are cute.
(fe)male hands wrote it.
Iron Male?
Iron MAN?!!??
Has she undergone surgery to make her eyes look Asian or does she have latent Tartar genes?
those thighs...
you underestimate the power of makeup.
I guess she’s a jvlogger that made it or something and they’re obsessed with it? Idfk
Wait. Nudes? Please point me in the right direction
Literally just google it
those are fake tho, unfortunate
god i just want her to be my gf
She's very cute.
Her ass is pretty cool too
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I woke up with her ass in this cosplay in my mind and came
The fake made from this photo is actually really good and realistic
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does anyone have that clip of her saying something like "eww men, stay away frome me" i saw it a awhile ago and havent been able to find it since
Wish she showed her armpit more
>an unironic redditor
Why though? Just grab that from twitter.
She's cute.
Why does she have a subreddit?
She also took that one last year but reposts it.
Keeki gets a second hat today in honor of Christmas :)
What a cute ass she's got
Nice lighting in the right spot
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This line in the middle here is just perfection
someone at /vt/ said she cosplayed shimakaze once and I searched for it to hell and back, I found a lot of kancolle cosplays but nothing of shimakaze
does anyone got anything?
She cosplayed an entire Japanese battleship?
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https://twitter.com/keekihimedesu/status/1746333329140384120 [spoiler]no bra?[/spoiler]
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>spoilering on /cgl/
>not using 4chan x to tell you you're a dumbass before you post it
Not doing yourself any favors anon, but yes, beach Keeki cute
absolutely no bra
and she's pretty no matter what
>and she's pretty no matter what
Very true.
I swear I can vaguely see a nip there
I see it and my dick sees it too. She says it's a bandaid but my dick wants to believe otherwise
Mine too!
She's just saying that I hope
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you mean this?
yeah that one, I couldn't find pictures of her in that cosplay anywhere
it's straight up the best kancolle outfit
yeah I posted that photo time ago claiming it was Keeki in a dox thread on /vt/ because I wanted to see how easily anons there bite fake bait
it's just some fansly girl who with the right amount of filters and in a specific angle and doing a very cute pose looks a bit like Keeki.
??? why would you even do that
anyway, the picture I saw wasn't that one but I guess the other one was fake too since I still couldn't find anything online
I'm going to assume here she actually never cosplayed shimakaze
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She did a cute Azur Lane Saratoga in 2019.
I want to fuck this woman.
I want to marry this woman.
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Keeki cute
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Fair point, but have you considered that Keeki cute?
Holy cute. Very pretty.
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10 dollar tax every time you look at her feet
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That cute woman makes me laugh, and that feels nice.
I’m gooning to her feet right now
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Doesn't seem to be the case. If you look at >>10902416 it looks like impression lines from her outfit.
why are all of these cunts ULTRA psychotic? Jesus fuck find one of these cunts that isn't on several psych meds.
how are feeling sisters?
It's nice to see the guest announcement is out for the Asian con she mentioned a few months ago.
Is there any context for that video? That looks like con as well, was it a promo for an upcoming con at a con?
Proud of her.
Is there a con in Japan she would go to?
Her and Deer
Love yourself Kiara! You’re a wonderful woman :)
man fuck off she goes to japan several times a year
She's cute, it's a shame she's a landlord though.
Extremely cute and fluid.
I love the way Keekihime's hair flies around at the end.
Anyone going to her meet n greet?
It's a shame she provides homes for people? huh.
It seemed like quite a few people were planning on flying in, even outside of SEA.
that anon is triggered because she doesn't just spend all her money on useless shit but also invested some of it.
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she cute
Very. I guess she has something in the works.
a JAV?
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Yeah, mine.
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>even the shopping cart is cute and girly as all hell
cause it's a fake store for photo ops.
>not a real grocery store
I never would've guessed by the ultra mega family-sized "Super Flakes", anon.
Anyway, it's a really cute shot.
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Before this thread archives finally, I wanted to collect some things from this weekend into one post.

New song released, it's good.

Aniex appearence just finished

Dokomi 2024 booth previously announced, just got upsized
Do y'all calling her ugly know of a better chick to simp? She must be:

>white: blue, green or gray eyes requried
>have big boobs and/or big ass
>stream jap games.

As far as I know Keeki is the only girl that checks all these boxes. But I'm open to suggestions.
based. I think she's hot af.
>white: blue, green or gray eyes requried
>have big boobs and/or big ass
>stream jap games.

Peachmilky ticks all your boxes
I'm so fucking tempted to go just to see her, Germany isn't even that far away from here.
she's not a vtuber tho. nta
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Anon what the fuck? Why does it matter if she's white, thin, with big ass and pretty eyes if you want a vtuber? Peachmilky has a vtuber model but it looks like a generic twitch vtuber not a hololive design made by an expensive professional artist
thanks for the suggestion. I'll check her out.
He told you "NTA". He probably likes Keeki for different reasons.
This thread has been up for almost 2 years now. I want to say that I’d love to see keeki do more cosplay.
Arknights Perlica soon maybe

I want to see ケーキ姫keekihime do more gravure with cosplay theme or not, actually I think it might be the last call for keeki to do a proper nude session before she's too old for kinky stuff like that, her fans deserve to see all of her sexy body.
It takes a lot for her to get nude in front of her female friends, what makes you think she's going to get naked in front of a photographer
I hope she'll get a new thread once this one dies.
keeki cute
I can't believe I missed this.
Very cute, her stage presence is so good.
oh my god her anxiety just makes her even hotter
I hope Keekihime gets an American con appearance one day.
for her sake, sure! I won't be going, because I'm too lazy even for Dokomi and that's on the same continent as I am.
who would've thought a pornsick scrote that masturbates to cosplay thots is too lazy for anything.
Go back
She's pretty cute.
>He told you "NTA". He probably likes Keeki for different reasons.
indeed I do. she's extremely talented and doesn't even *have to* rely on her looks, as her giant success in Hololive shows... being a cute and sexy cosplayer on top of that is just a very sweet cherry on top of all that.
She was already half-naked in those etsy shoots with underboob, sideboob and quite a bit of ass (not to mention the alleged selfies) it wouldn't be that radical of a step, she would have probably done it by now if not for holo and retards reporting her gravure sets to Cover as if it was illegal.
I'm not your mother last night
This thread had a good run. Hopefully the new one lasts just as long.
>Hopefully the new one lasts just as long.
it's already over bump limit lmao
is that keeki?

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