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I cannot stop thinking about this eternal pure princess. Constantly lingering in the back of my mind while I work on pharmaceutical things...
How I'd love to be one of the Inaba so that she could embrace me...
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You left out the part where she stopped things from aging/degrading in Eientei on a whim and made the hallways in Eientei infinite. And iirc the hourai elixir is based on her power. That and a big part of her character has to do with time. Immortality, entropy, past memories, eternity etc. I'm not saying her powers aren't vague but we have an idea of what she can do.
Oh you did mention the stuff about stopping degradation and keeping things constant but what you missed is that this is, at least in part, an expression of control over time.
My point is exactly that no, we cannot extrapolate Kaguya's ability to some general "control over time" because expressions of her ability indicate that it's both more limited and simply different. She keeps things constant, but can't accelerate or decelerate any processes arbitrarily, time or entropy; she makes hallways in Eientei infinite - not simply larger, like Sakuya with SDM's interior. Kaguya works with infinities, not any finite quantities, to sum it up.
One would naturally think that "instantaneous" part is about similarly working with infinitesimal quantities - but since we don't know of any examples of what specifically this may entail, we still can't say anything - whether Akyuu is right with her ideas or not, it's unknown.
>Kaguya works with infinities
Kaguya is Satoru Gojo?!
Considering how her ability works, she could probably could do the infinity shield Gojo has

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I might have spent multiple days going through every single picture she was tagged with on pixiv... I'm still missing anything posted outside of pixiv but those are basically impossible to go through. (Fyi that's not Mayumi. In fact my waifu isn't even a yellowhu)
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>Fyi that's not Mayumi
Oh good
Give smut pls
See: >>46848785
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Gallons and gallons of milk!
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Too tall.
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>”Humans are so rude to my youkai, their hearts have hardened and they won’t give them a chance for peace and coexistence boo hoo”
>”BTW if any human approaches my temple they will be attacked on sight and if you dare piss my off I’ll send assassins to kill and devour your entire bloodline”
What was this bitches problem?
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ZUN should really just write dream sequences like DiPP instead of introducing Another Powerful Guy And Her Mooks again. Maybe it'll give him some time to develop better character designs or make better music.
Yeah like, she was advocating for protecting youkai during the time in which they were literally the dominant force in Japan with a few token humans being able to oppose them. Its like becoming the protector of the US Army in 1945...pretty goddamn clear you ain't a protector you're just on the winning side.
Byakuren was sealed away around 1,000~ish years ago in 2007 right? So she was around during the 1000s or Heian era japan.
The guy who de armed Kasen as alive around 953 to 1025, so around 72 years of life and he probably de-armed Kasen during the height of his life, 20s to 40s at the latest.
With Byakuren being an old woman sometime before the 1000s and then becoming immortal she was probably active at the same time as well as alive during the period in which Youkai and demons would began to be pushed back like with Kasen losing her arm.
With her being sealed away, it's more accurate to say she joined the 'side' of the youkai when their power just began to wane.
>Are you scared of the ones in the outside world?
What I think has happened is that Mamizou sees that the trend line of the human soul is going nuts and fears the consequences. My own schizoid dreams have told me another 'Collective Unconscious Mind Bomb" is probably due in our lifetimes, an event like the "Age of Enlightenment" that will drastically shift the course of the human destiny, but instead of embracing what has been thought of as rational thought, it'll be an explosion of the insane, highly conscious individual. People who behave mostly at the whims of history prior could be reasonably predicted, supposed rationale people just as well, but when lifespans are increasing and you have access to a confounding large amount of information, such people can't really be accounted for. The internet may have been an attempt to iron out such people through extreme social normalization, whether by unconscious effort or conspiracy, but it's too unwieldly to be effective and has really just pushed people deeper down the rabbit hole. In the same way, what if many such people could perceive a youkai? What happens when people forsake 'scientific fact' and see the truth beyond the myth? You couldn't know until it happened.

Basically Gensokyo's bomb shelter status is under threat by future humans having a schizoid unconscious awakening.
Youkai were never in control they were just designated jobbers for human heroes to flex on + good youkai existed too. Tengu often mentored humans, Kitsunes were practically Angels (but horny) and even Onis used to be described as benevolent spirits sometimes

anoare edition

Doujin circles, Touhou Lossless Music Collection, Spotify, Gensokyo Radio and other links:


Previous Thread >>45654119

Happy Easter!
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I like sushi too

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A group bath is the best solution for that
She's getting triplets minimum
Fat cat butt
now I'm thinking of that Dreamrider set where his faceless shota fucks all four of them in the hotsprings
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Since this thread could be gone in the morning I just want to say goodbye to Orin's delicious body

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this Pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>46479901
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How fast will it EoS? I can't believe they're tarnishing the Kamen Rider name by making this kusoge.
Good, yurigarbage is dead.
>Look up trailer
>Doesn't show any gameplay whatsoever
>Otome game
Most likely DoA unless they can somehow ring in enough fujo whales to keep it afloat for a while.
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second coming!

Toyosatomimi no Miko
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Every single time..
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New Mix Edition

Predict difficulty revisions/deletions
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TDK DLC3 releases May 25
saw a ddr kaiden video but the guy bracket mashed through 90% of it
Dan courses in DDR were always retarded since you can bs pretty much anything. If they bring them back for World, they should use some form of Flare gauge.
implying this site isn't

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"Sorry to Keep You Waiting" edition

Please read this before posting: http://www.buyfags.moe/Full_guide

Fumo Information Website from a helpful anon - https://fumo.website/

Places to buy fumos and other plushes:

For General Fumo information, custom fumo lists, official fumo lists, AND fumo price guides (a bit dated)- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qNz36ZJm_P83ke4pzbi4MiinhmGDuES-PEgLEjyIsy8/edit?usp=sharing

Picture guide for acquiring fumos-

Touhou: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nui/toho.html

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Fumos on the mountain top
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Alas, it rained all day so I couldn't go out for any photoshoots. Hunkered down and listened to some music today instead. Tomorrow is looking sunny at least, so here's to another shot then
But anon, that is lewd and Saya is a good girl >:(
Anon in Japan here, I’ve been to two of the akiba hobby stores, there’s no fumo being sold right now.
Bro you're better off buying them online, Akihabara shops died for a reason.
Thanks anon.

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Going to the festival with Sanae!
I want her to amass the huge army that she deserves!
Yo wtf? When was that posted lmao. I "commissioned" the original drawing but never knew a colored version was also posted
Uhhhhh I wanna say I posted it to the OC thread, if not, I had it on twitter
reverse search retard

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I love Yuuka Kazami the Flower Master of the Four Seasons
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The K in every K Series engine stands for Kurumi.
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I wonder how these two would actually get along with each other in canon?
Awfully. They both tease people, but Yuuka's long past the age where she cares for indirect teasing so Yukari's bullshit would just irritate her when she'd rather just get her kicks from threatening people with her presence alone.
The shittalking would be of epic proportions though.
(in searching for a picture to go with this post I discovered that no one seems to share my opinion)
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Yuuka teases people by goading them into fighting her, Yukari teases people by being an annoying gap grandma
Two ends of the same spectrum, but I can only imagine them hating each other's guts because of the fundamentally different ways of thinking.
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When are we going to get Touhou Souls already?
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>So much of the game was cut out that its ridiculous.
That's... shocking. I didn't even know you could cut out content in a Mystery Dungeon game. Even if story is a meaty chunk of these games, it's still a Mystery Dungeon game. Looking at the reviews too seems like it has an immense amount of grinding compared to earlier games too.
2hu MGR where genocide moon rabbits is something I would very much like to see actually. It’s coming
>Two girls cross paths
>Best song you’ve ever heard starts playing
Can’t deny it’s a winning formula. Very open framework
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The game only has characters up 6-9 and even then it's still missing a lot. The previous games basically had every single character all the way up to 17 since it was the newest at the time. the game is just unfinished and kind of insulting after their previous games. The game is $40 and it's missing basic features like a status screen or just a simple bestiary to see what enemies actually do. The art by curee is still nice though so the game isn't all terrible.
A normal fairy would be perfect. She'd also be a good blank slate for the player to customize.
Just make her fight relatively weak youkai (other fairies, team 9, etc) but make it seem really epic from her point of view. It could take place during the stone cherry incident in the last fairy manga, to make the stakes apocalyptic from the point of view of a fairy.

There is "Yuuka souls"
but it doesn't even have a release date yet and the jam game it's based on doesn't really feel like Dark Souls.

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Why didn’t Satori sealed away her third eye to be with Koishi if she loves her so much? Kind of a dick move to let her little sister be all alone without her.
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Why would you want to save her?
Because she needs saving
No she doesn’t
God, she's so cute bros.
Seija honestly was right to revolt against the entirety of gensokyo in DDC and ISC, everyone is awful and the whole place should probably be flipped upside down and trampled upon.

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This is about anikura (アニクラ) which is a portmanteau of the loan words anison (アニソン) and club (クラブ). Interesting enough, anison itself is a portmanteau of anime (アニメ) and song (ソング) which refers to musical tracks used in various anime series and often gets misspelled by adding a "g" at the end since bawka gaijins can't into nippongo properly. Anyways, anikura refers to the use of "anison" related music in a "club setting" hence how the genre gets its name. Honestly, if you still need to hand to be held on what makes something "anison" or what is a "club," then you need to GTFO and lurk moar.

One of the more notable anikura is Akihabara MOGRA (MOGRA for short) which has been associated with this imageboard for well over a decade. However, just limiting yourself to one venue would do yourself a disservice since there are other livehouses and even devoted anison groups who help contribute to anikura all over Japan! However, for those who wish to explore the anikura scene in Japan, otaku-bar.com would be a great place to start your journey.

Although the primary source of anikura comes from venues in Japan, there are also held online. As previous mentioned: MOGRA is the most well known anikura which also streams a lot of their events online via Twitch. However, there are individuals associated with MOGRA which also streams online and one of them is the President of MOGRA: D-YAMA who goes by the channel name of choroyama via Twitch. As previously stated, MOGRA can be used as the base on discovering other venues and even DJs who also stream online.

Since online streaming is the play, there are international anikura which primarily stream online and also hold physical events when available. One of the anikura group that can trace their origin to this very imageboard would be Anison Hijack which has been streaming consistently every two weeks on the Twitch platform. Obviously, there are many international anikura online and hopefully you can check them out!

The following is a sample list of various anikura that stream online via Twitch.

JP clubs:

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The hiraiface man has been around since the 80s with a movie this year, and the writer worked on a 2 cour original like a year ago, decide for yourself.
>Another May Hijack
@ anisonhijack
What is this genre that at least one DJ loves to play on every anison?
>NNN berserker
Hard bass or something?
Hard breakcore or something, I don't know genre names
Mogra is live

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