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New Mix Edition

Predict difficulty revisions/deletions
>Predict deletions
Support for any country outside of JP
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How do I unlock songs in ongeki bright memory? There should be close to 1000 but only have 357 by default.
Is there an "unlock all" toggle somewhere, or really any kind of guide? This is the first time I try a sega game, thanks bros
Please consider playing some jubeat if you have the opportunity to do so!
Hopefully they're finally updating their engine. I'm gonna groan if we get gameplay footage and they're still using those crusty ps2 models as their base.
>Resident started randomly freezing again (video only, game technically keeps running)
I'm pretty sure I had this happen when I first set it up but don't remember how I fixed it, or if it fixed itself. Is this a known issue with a known solution?
I'm pretty sure this is something that literally happened in arcades, so it's just part of the version that you have. I'm guessing they've fixed this in Epolis since I haven't seen it happen yet on the cabs.
Yeah, I found the video of it happening on a cab as well, but if I ever installed an update to fix it, it should still be there. Strange. Maybe I just need to reboot again.
>reminder that balcumiso.ws is a…
you know the rest
Realistically speaking, what can Konami do to attract new players to Bemani?
Pay vtubers to stream bemani games
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The east has fallen
not even the Watame collab was enough to get people to play Polaris Chord. if they got Suisei or Calli instead though...
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visited my childhood home and retrieved a bunch of old stuff
the ps2 beatmania releases on my old tv coupled with a cleaned jp koc (got damn some of those buttons were crusty) is a surprisingly good experience, rubber membranes and all, buttons didn't stick once in my hour long session and it really didn't feel like a gimped experience with how responsive the game itself was given there was no tinkering to be had
Probably this, have a place reserved for vtubers or just provide them with some machines and make them do several streams
I don't know who are the best in rhythm games but it would be the best thing to prioritize them, it would give in their viewers a feeling like when you are in the arcade and you see a really good player and you want to be as good as him
This kind of thing happened with gawr gura playing muse dash
Floating hispeed when
The metal grate was so fucked they need to find a replacement

or else I'm stuck with shitty non registering buttons
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cant believe they turned emi into a slut
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great innit?
so konmai split this pic into bg, Emi, Rage, and logo, had to get each part via inspect element
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That allows me to get these 2 at least
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you goddamn imbecile. you retarded motherfucking BAKA.

link to previous thread: >>46478745
Thanks for your hard web sleuthing, no joke btw

That said, idk how I feel about this 2020s hyper neon vaporwave-palette-drippy anime artstyle that's almost guaranteed to be the decade's defining style. it's *really* slick and glossy... and thus feels decidedly commercial

Interesting reinterpretation of Emi as an urban VTuber hoe tho, wonder what Alice and Yuni are gonna look like. or (boss)Baby-lon
>2020s hyper neon vaporwave-palette-drippy anime artstyle
Huh, I never noticed this was a trend? Slightly off-topic, but do you have an other examples and does it have a name? Where did it come from?
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Isnt this just SDVX artist/art style?
Idc about the dancer models. I want stuff like 1080p 120 Hz as well as the ability to have constant scroll speed across different songs (like AV in Pump It Up and M speed in StepMania 5.)
Some serious Sol Badguy/Ragna the Bloodedge vibes here.
>constant scroll speed
AV/M-mod is not C-mod. BPM gimmicks still happen with M-mod, it just makes it so you don't have to constantly fuck with your speed mod.
Is every non jp who plays rhythm games brown?
This one guy started streaming arcaea and everyone in his chat is either SA or SEA
No retard. You have typical otaku Asian players, American/Euro autism tranny players, and the 3rd world players who only play sims on PCs, which is what you are referring to.
Just look at any rhythm game released since 2020; it's pretty obvious if you aren't fucking blind.
Sorry, I just play ITG/stepmania.
For JP games it's mostly Asian or brown, but ITG/Stepmania/SMX players I know are mostly white. A lot of the PIU players I know are white too.
Autism is universal.
Finally gonna buy a monitor for voltex instead of just turning my laptop sideways
I like it but seeing it in EVERYTHING is kinda silly.
60hz or 120 hz?
Obviously at least 120
What are the odds of the new ddr supporting 120hz? Can they just ship out new screens for stuff like the gold cabs, or would they have to do a whole new cab?
A3 omni wen?
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im stuck at 19.3 volforce
I'd play it if it felt more intuitive, same reason i can't play popn fresh
iidx and diva are the only long termers for me
I don't play games for furries or pedophiles
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It doesn't have a name the way Corporate Memphis or CalArts art styles do... anime artists don't seem to hyperfixate on taxonomizing artstyles. It'll probably just be known as "2020s anime". Pic related, feel free to take a look at it - note the similarities of the DDR World designs to that of the 2020s anime girl, especially color-wise. I'll even throw in a transciption + TL of the comments for the '20s girl:
-髪のディテールは簡略 - hair details are simplified
-キラキラ - shiny and bright (it's that glossiness that was mentioned)
-丸目 - rounded eyes
-消滅寸前の鼻 - nose on the edge of eradication (tiny nose)
-超色白 - very fair skin
-線画に色が入る - colorful line drawing
-実はまたよくわからない - truth is that (this style) isn't well-understood
-全体的にソフトな感じ - overall soft feeling

So the new DDR art is definitely more edgy than soft... but there's similarities, particularly in the coloring. I'd say it evokes a sense of utopianism, compared to previous decades
>more edgy than soft

I'd agree if the logo didn't look like it came off of a fischer price toy for kids.
the artstyle reminds me a lot of Hiroyuki Takei's style. sometimes i wonder if he did DDR World's illustrations.
is there anyone besides yuan making mini iidx controllers?
Why the fuck would you want a mini IIDX con?
i wanna get into 14 key and dont have much space
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Heaven Studio hasn't been updated since the first public release

I hate western tranny faggot indie devs
Thanks for the explanation/translation!
Just play on keyboard then.
is there any complete archive of all bemani iidx animations/movies? mostly looking for the movies by shiro and VJ GYO
Check sows, best of iidx animations on youtube used to upload every one unique video but stopped uploading in 2018
Just play 14k with your keyboard then.
>Check sows
bro.. he could be a minor….

this channel has bunch of them uploaded
>Upload n-0 BGAs
>Get the channel terminated
>Make the songs crusty
How did no one upload a non-crunchy sounding version of Bigwavers yet?
i want to buy the litone skin. has anyone bought the skin from their website? it talks about making a donation, but it doesn't say if you get the skin after donating.
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give me an invite
ah thanks! i think i used to subscribe to this channel before (an older version?) but it was deleted
ayy np cuh
here's your DDR bro
>"Yes, this will attract new players without upsetting the current player base"
that's the scuffed offline ver.
I don't even know why SEGA does that
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No actual way that's it.
Looks awful to be quite honest.

This looks so fucking bad. What were they thinking?
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Summer is almost here arcadecucks, how will you keep yourself cool in the venue?
careful, sows is definitely on the FBIs radar as of late
Anyone know if Chunithm Intl has been dumped?
At this point you have to AAA+/ex clear 19s at least to progress. Shit is way harder than S ranking 18s
TDK DLC3 releases May 25
saw a ddr kaiden video but the guy bracket mashed through 90% of it
Dan courses in DDR were always retarded since you can bs pretty much anything. If they bring them back for World, they should use some form of Flare gauge.
implying this site isn't
what is the tracker that uploaded shit day one? I didn't care much about bemaniso "1 year/not recent release" faggotry that much, until now which I really want to play PiU Phoenix.
Did Konami ever release the Gitadora High Voltage/Fuzz Up sound track? I cannot for the life of me track it down and sows has some dogshit ripped version of it.
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maimai DX usa :3
the drm in phoenix is balls hard to crack so as far as i know theres no data releases of it
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>tfw started playing Pop'n data with my bootleg-ass homemade IIDX controller
kinda works actually, Pop'n button 1 is turntable, 2 is an extra button above IIDX button 1 that was intended for me to be able to play IIDX in 2P position, if like 1cm closer to the turntable, and Pop'n buttons 3-9 are IIDX 1-7
pic related

naturally, since I never use the button above key 1, I get kinda lost sometimes
but for the most part, it just works

I'm entirely doing this because IIDX data keeps freezing up on me, though
it could just be the dump I have, it's the latest one on nyaa (LDJ-003-2022103100)
the pop'n data I have is also from nyaa (M39-2021042600) and works fine
both are ancient, yes
The nyaa dump is early resident which does freeze a lot. Update to 2023090500 (sequentially) or get epolis.
e7xffWFf9p scord
>You can now set the scroll speed in 0.05 increments
>still no M-mod
What the fuck are they doing?
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maimai dx international usa location test soon with online all.net
Are we finally getting a back button after you pick a song?
Don't have the space for a cabinet (yet), so i decided on getting a single pad, should i get a DDR or a PIU one?
4 panel has a lot more community support for home setups. Unless you're already really committed to PIU, I'd always say go 4 panel.
'ate jumps
'ate hands
'ate jackspeed
I will simply take pad stream charts and speed them up to a ridiculous degree where only keyboard could viably play them and become the godking one trick of stream charts
not unique or special, simply preventing yourself from enjoying actually interesting content due to your own skill issue

you could at least play index if you want to do that
Isn't this what stamina players already do?
Is there a replacement for emuline anywhere?
I just want the one that will have me moving my legs the most.
PIU then, despite no good home PIU setup without a cab really existing. Current custom 4 panel meta is to move as little as possible while screaming during a half hour long stream chart, not even lifting both of your feet to do jumps, and making your pads so sensitive that you disable all the timing windows you don't want to accidentally hit then calling it "tech".
Those are stamina players. Go look up some ITL charts. 4-panel still requires way less movement than PIU, but 4-panel still has a ton of community charts that aren't just streams with no tech.
>Go look up some ITL charts.
That's what
>not even lifting both of your feet to do jumps, and making your pads so sensitive that you disable all the timing windows you don't want to accidentally hit then calling it "tech"
was referring to.
Also, if even that fails, you could try playing windowed/borderless. F11 while ingame to fine-tune. Might have to adjust your offset, obviously.
ITG tech charts definitely have a lot of movement, but the charters are being deliberate about it.
If it's not the charts but the pad modding you're making a fuzz about, just look for charts without brackets.
You could also check out zenius-i-vanisher customs, they are a bit more like DDR officials (for better and worse). You probably won't find any brackets there.
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they had resident final and I'm too lazy to fuck about with updating shit and I don't care that much about keeping up to date, I just needed it to not crash lol

this loctest needs to fucking succeed, I swear to god
>they had resident final
I actually had no idea that was a thing, nice.
doing this has made me notice a few charts are really, really weird in Pop'n (I'm doing upper-mid 20s)
it's almost like they want to be IIDX charts, mostly using buttons 3-9 with 1 sometimes, mostly avoiding 2 for whatever reason, or maybe using it like once or twice

I don't think I'd notice it if I wasn't literally trying to play with a controller meant for IIDX.

Yup. LDJ-2023090500.
I probably shouuuuuld go find the epolis update for a handful of new songs I like, but again, lazy.
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Reflec Beat cabs for 25,000 Yen (before tax and shipping). are you getting one?
>only 25k JPY
shipping around the world would be horrific but goddamn, that's a steal even without the absurdly favorable 1USD=150+JPY rates
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Are you a bad enough dude
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it turned out to be a tech test not a loctest.
its already a success
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To American Maimai players out there, please come and visit
5 panel is just more fun
>Camera disabled like DRS
>Went from tech test to loc test
I hope they have rerun chihos if it officially comes out.
Mine's at the forwarding service's warehouse, just waiting for them to ship it. Can't wait to wear it in public.
shit, I want it
would probably be my R1 shirt
Wish I had place for one of these. Reflec Beat is honestly a really fun game and what Konami did to it was undeserved.
apparently there was a massive line lol
I wonder if it'll keep up for the rest of the duration
How do I decide whether to get a 1P or 2P side IIDX setup without fucking up and regretting my $300+ purchase? The closest cab is 4 hours away from me and researching online has been a mismash of conflicting opinions, I'm also left handed so there's an even smaller set of info to work with. Is playtesting on keyboard enough to suss it out?
try playing on 1p and 2p with infinitas. also a lot of iidx controllers are swappable
Oh OK thanks, I'm just dumb then and didn't realize you could also swap the layout if needed.
Still, controller choice aside, 1P works for most people, so if you're left-handed you'd probably want to start with 2P and only switch if it doesn't feel right.
I liked Prickly Pear's Poppin Pad Pack (playing SM5 with a home built 4 arrow pad). Any more packs like that to recommend? Anything from 9 to 18 footers is fine. I don't mind playing more streamy packs either as long as they're not full-on stamina charts.
aggg there are so many cute afabs playing rhythm games outside of the states
ive got to get outta here bros
I honestly hope DDR World never comes to the states. US DDR community doesn't deserve it and should be barred from use of all Konami products.

their just called women bro
i mean. actual biofoids. who are actually cute. asians. whites. it was a refreshing change of pace from the lgbtqs.

assigned female at birth lol

That's the beauty u don't have to differentiate in other countries other than the shit hole that is the US
i thought they banned all the paedos
new DDR skill rating system that operates similar to SDVX's Volforce.
Finally. Clearing has been such a joke in DDR since they changed the lifebar and removed the Almost window, so it's good that people will have better goals to aspire to.
no, there are still plenty of sdvx players there


How? Why?
Dead thread
Dead genre
I hope yuancon releases his dance pad soon, I'm dying to upgrade from l-tek and I trust him over the other new chinaman metal pad
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happy pride month!

Be careful, the mods here ban you if you dare speak out about their beautiful wxmen DDR players
troony brainrot has taken over the entire internet. 4chan isnt immune from wrongthink anymore.
it's spelled wymxn u biggoted faggot
i suspect rhythm games attract "cute alt girls" in the same way certain anime series (most notably hunter x hunter 2011) do. a bit of an underground ethos that lets them live out some sort of "not like the other girls" fantasy while still being flashy eye candy "pop" (cute girls liking cute things) + not macho action-oriented in the same way as most action games like fps-es are (rhythm games are generally classed as a type of action game)

vid vaguely related (different era of female so the above probably doesn't apply to her but the point stands)

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