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Help me make those ignorant plebs in /vp/ recognize that I'm right those ignorant mongrels don't understand that black IS a shade of blue.
8 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
>Black is not a shade of blue. You are not very smart, are you?
Try harder
I will accept this IF you concede that White is a shade of Red.
Based, I always knew it was true.
K is black, bitch.
You got disproved really hard by >>453509, and I just want to let you know that Google is archiving the way you got burned incredibly hard and in fact feeding it to AIs.
The proof your idiocy, the way in which you were absolutely annihilated, all of this will be archived, documented, studied, and preserved for hundreds of years.

Can you imagine that? Your blunder will be used to teach a new kind of lifeform how not to make terrible, awful, "I should just kill myself right now" levels of public blunders.

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Hello gents, I was wondering if anyone had a new mediafire link (any file sharing platform for that matter) that contains a boatload o' fonts. Old one seems to have been zapped by mediafire. Thanks.

pic unrelated

Am reading german design/typography material from 1928, wanted to share an excerpt:
on the topic of ornaments - "The more primitive a people, the more extravagantly they use ornament and decoration. The Indian overloads everything, every boat, every rudder, every arrow, with ornament. To insist on decoration is to put yourself on the same level as an Indian. The Indian in us all must be overcome. The Indian says: This woman is beautiful because she wears golden rings in her nose and her ears. Men of a higher culture say: This woman is beautiful because she does not wear rings in her nose or her ears. To seek beauty in form itself rather than make it dependent on ornament should be the aim of all mankind."

do you agree anon?
83 replies and 24 images omitted. Click here to view.
ok fuck it
tomorrow Ill post some Adolf Loos quotes and maybe some Jan quotes
that's a very protestant view of things
the part about simplicity or the part about denigrating other cultures?
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>you cannot tell me that it is worse, but only that the other one strikes some special chord with you.

Go fuck yourself.

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curious what kinds of things u guys have done.
ive had a lot of random ‘creative professional’ side jobs to carry my weight while doing my own work.
recently got fired from my university’s print/design shop upon graduating bc they decided to get rid of non-student positions. only stayed bc i was going to get a 2x nonstudent raise and am gullible. unknowing last day was secret santa and had to gift my boss.
most degrading though was being an instructor at a few of those paint and sip places. never felt so psychopathic
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The only creative work I've ever really hated was where it involved clients who didn't know and/or couldn't articulate WTF they really wanted until you tried showing them some possibility and then they *instantly* became 1000% certain that what they wanted had nothing to do with *that*.

Bad enough at a conceptual level when pitching ideas for logos and such, but some amount of back and forth is expected and tolerable, as long as it's in good faith and you're getting paid.

But the absolute worst are the motherfuckers who insist that they can't really picture the proposed work until it is mostly complete and then after OKing it at every earlier step reject it and assume that that's perfectly OK as long as they pay for it....it's a waste of my time and talents, and in many cases just a mind fuck akin to having POWs dig holes and then once they are 'done', fill them back in.

It's very common in fields like decorative painting and murals, and I've walked away from jobs where people waited until weeks of work were completed just to change their minds and decide that the colors and designs that they agonized over and had total control over choosing were wrong.
i feel you. a friend is still working prepress/design at that print shop and getting walked all over.
the holes thing, yeah. working for a uni was interesting because the only clients were staff and students. SO many incompetent fucks with tasteless personal projects that would fuck up any portfolio. i always made variants in the hopes people like my take on their brief but they just want to feel in charge. i get not knowing what you want, it’s convincing me you do know what you want and getting cold feet when you see what it is.
we also had the worst policies around charging design time there. we had a client design-and-dash a poster they had us editing for 13 billable hours. we also had a lady insist she needed a 70” vinyl banner rush printed without proofing, we gave it to her and she wanted a refund and free reprint because she spelled the only word wrong. it was mostly a nice job though aside from pay, i’m easily entertained and don’t value my time
Man, most printers get the shaft in retail. I own a print shop. I started charging design time and got a lot less indecisiveness. Between the machines failing and the customers ignorance it's really a difficult job.

The best way I found to deal with these kinds of people are to
A: Get them to sign something. When they approve a design and it comes out badly you have proof that the fuck up was on there end.
B: Have them pay for your time, cheap scapes usually love to complain and talk for hours and generally wont if it means a higher price. Get a fixed rate up (say 20 mins) front and have a clock on you both can see. I guarantee you'll see a difference in demeanor.
C: Never refund anything. Give "in store credit" or "discounts on your next order" as incentive to work with you again rather than a free job.
I make kebab shop signage
highly based anon with actual business experience here. I've been fucked over too many times as a freelancer because I'm retarded.

Frutiger metro/vector vomit/2000s maximalist CGI/whatever the hell you call It. I made a tutorial In Inkscape with gradients. that's literally It lol.
>Don't call me a trannyautistfag btw we don't need that energy here so gtfo and stfu.
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Genuine question out of curiosity - is there any difference between doing this and just overlaying different sized/colored circles on top of one another?
quite possibly someone has a better answer than I do.
but personally I'd say the differences are mainly workflow/preferences-related.

both solutions simply handle a bit differently - you can probably do whichever you prefer (in each case). don't overthink it!
changing colors afterwards is different. there are less objects and no groups. you'd also have to implement procedural changes differently for each.
and still it doesn't *really* matter.
No but this technique takes out the annoying process of having to get them Into the right posistion. Also, what >>453468 said
The colors remind me more of the 70s psychedelic vibe
Yeah, I didn't really care about what colors I chose. Probably should have now that I think about It.

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Can someone extend (outpainting) the missing part where it’s white?
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got u my g
Good one. But I meant the corners.
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sure, that's also possible
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here ya go OP

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Adjust the brightness of this image until the logo on the left is barely visible.
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OK, now what?
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Ok, now what?
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Ok, now what?
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OK, now what?
I got astigmatism

also perhaps I blasted my eyeballs with too much bright screen...

answer give
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maybe not exactly the same, but stam pete
Try using WhatTheFont or other websites like that, I'm pretty sure you can find it easily but sometimes it can be inaccurate so take it with a grain of salt
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What the actual fuck are those prices?
Are you telling me it is really possible to make hundreds of $s by just scribbling something on Inkscape for 30 minutes?
Am I missing something?
Why do you assume that they have more than 1 sale a year?

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so, I made this image of moon girl do you like it.
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looks great!
only thing I dislike is the dark artifact at the bottom right!
>captcha: MJJJJ
Yikes anon. Cool but also a little creepy

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weird shit i made in pscs6
Looks cool

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I’d appreciate if someone could change the colors of the word ‘vape’ from blue to McDonald’s Yellow (or whichever yellow you’d think would look best for cars/pedestrians passing by

It’s a store frontage sign for a vape store.

P.S. I’d appreciate feedback if you have a different idea for a suitable color.

Bumping your post lol
I would but I can only use a fill tool and I don't think that would look so great

Any tips/resources for achieving the look of this photo on this album cover? Looks like some blur effect and saturation but there might be something else that I'm not picking up on. Thanks :)
youd have to adjust the color hue of the image excluding the leaves or whatever it is for urs

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Can someone provide me a works related gfx like logo, banner, custom pfp or anything? Actually today is the last date to pay for my semester exam fees and I am short of $.

If someone can provide me a works, that would be appreciated

>I have attached a previous works of mine
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Thats just a design made by me
who would have thought
Someone from telegram.
I think you misread me.
did NOT ask
>who would have bought

Anywhere did a Beer brand called "SPA Beer". This logo has emblem characteristic.
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
A dude don't used a I.A, himself drew with a thier hands.
Gamer Girl Bath Water
Honestly pretty bad. Beer is spaced in a horrible way that feels off balance. The titty girl has amateurish anatomy.

I don't hate the pointillist thing tho
The colors dont look too bad, it gives it a nice charm to it
The art is really bad tho sorry OP, The art could be better but I think the main problem is the is the text as >>452351

Try fixing that

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