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>Defeats black belt in BJJ with a blue belt
why does nobody go over this in class?
Step 1: Stand up
Step 2: There is no Step 2!
There’s a major problem with modern bjj that practioners often just fall over and expect people to play that game.

Bjj is really good if you get tackled and someone is trying to pin and strike you. It is not so good in the modern day of someone doesn’t want to do that because they often have no solution to that problem.

Bjj for self defense should focus on maintaining top position in a grapple and just leaving if the assailant wants to stand and bang.

They have trouble with both of the above issues for some reason.
Bjj for self defence should not exist unless it's a rape defence class
Useless martial art that only got popular because it won some fights in early UFC. Or should be renamed "ground fight" and introduce punches elbows headbutts etc. But then all the 30+ basedware developers will get scared, leave and stop paying for classes.
>reminder: judo is stopped on the ground after a few seconds because it is assumed that one of you has gutted the other like a fish on the ground
Guy on the left weighs 77 kg, guy on the right weighs 120 kg, OP is a faggot and I never did BJJ in my life
There is just so much time spent learning shit that typically never gets used.
It's not totally useless. You are right in that most of the time it's just a tool for taking top position so you can ground & pound. Chokes & bars are weapons of opportunity you would be stupid to ignore. But yeah, BJJ has no place in self-defense beyond getting away from someone.
What is it about BJJ that makes people seethe so much?
>insists upon its superiority despite only being good for 1v1
>hypocritical humble/humility bullshit
>rose to popularity through jew like tactics in its heyday
>cult like behavior
>time investment required to be proficient is prohibitive to cross training unless you're a professional who can devote the time
>most openly gay/trans participants
On top of all that, despite it being the #1 most available 'martial art' right now, which should drive the price down, there is no such thing as a cheap BJJ gym. Then their undue popularity causes normie casuals to flock to it because of grifter endorsements like rogan & jocko, all other styles are forced to raise their prices to stay in business due to scarcity of clientele.
This is exactly the kind of seething I'm talking about.
How come BJJ guys are always lathered in patches like race car drivers?
Either sponsored like Nascar or pretending to be. Gi patches have been around forever, but they used to look a lot more like Halloween costume iron ons.
It seems to be people that never cross-train or even train at all. I guess it's just the autistic contrarian bullshit you see on every board.
From muay thai guys to D1 wrestlers, I've never heard these passionate hissy fits from anyone who actually trains
It's just gotten lost in the weeds with leg locks and guard pulling. The sport aspect overshadows it's effectiveness and everyone assumes BJJ fags are gonna sit guard in a street fight.

Wrestling, especially folk style with leg rides and wrist rides, is a way better grappling style for MMA or self defense but most people that do jiu jitsu have no interest in either of these things.

No martial art is gonna give you an edge against multiple people, striking is definitely better, but you get jumped by 2 thugs, you're probably gonna get your ass beat regardless. Martial arts that teach how to defend multiple attackers are just larping like they're gonna get jumped. "Ok, everyone attack me one at a time."

I agree that it's definitely overrated and BJJ fags are crazy cocky and can be pretty insufferable but the hate is overrated too. It's an easy way to get into grappling without the intensity of a wrestling room. It's also one of the only "legit" martial arts where you can actually learn some good stuff and spar hard without striking. While the BJJ guys online are pretty full of themselves, most people that train are just hobbyists that have no intent on street fighting or competing MMA. They just want something fun and engaging that also challenges them.
Is wrestling more practical than bjj? I tried bjj and just thought.. why the fuck would I be trying to get into the missionary position (guard) with this guy.. really opened my eyes to how stupid it was. The amount of weak people and women doing the class was funny too.. because they would just get ragdolled on the street....

Go behind them and rear naked choke them (drag them backwards whilst doing so). I used to do this at school before I even know what bjj was

Literally the most high percentage move to subdue a dangerous person
Why not train both?

"Stand there and don't move, good sir. I need to get behind you to subdue you"
It's the grappling equivalent of a sucker punch. You see numerous vids online of it working flawlessly

Been thinking about doing nogi just to learn basics like kimuras etc. Idk though I barely have enough time and heard wrestling is actually far more useful
If you find a legit no-gi school/program, there will be wrestlers and wrestling instruction that considers the threat of submissions
How to stop getting raped with bjj:
Wrap your legs around the attacking in missionary position

Wait, huh?
It's popular
If a thing is popular, it means it's bad
Do you even 4chin?
Yeah and then some dickhead kani basamis your legs or neck cranks you into paralysis
Looser uniform regulations than Judo, so people are more free to customize their gis. Pros may be sponsored, hobbyists have them either because they like them or because it came from the factory that way

Yeah, it's the getting behind them part that's the problem. Unless they're in a confrontation with someone else, you're not gonna just step around them.

Like other anon said, BJJ is definitely the most accessible and they'll have wrestling. If you're looking for self defense, though. Don't get distracted by excessive guard work. Get on top, stay on top, punch, take the back if they turn away, choke.

I know you're shitposting, but closed guard work is legitimately great for rape defense, since it's an extremely common rape position for females. I personally know someone that used a triangle from closed guard to choke out a would-be rapist.
Just teleport behind them and draw your katana, scrub
And then everyone clapped


Not that anon, but it happens.

The thing is for self defence you want to stay upright or get a takedown into ground and pound. I think wrestling is better for this
A very good thing about fighting as a whole it's that only attracts normal/mediocre people, unlike videogames, politics, anime, computing, etc...
So even If channers try to meme a opinion by brute force they will never affect anything because nobody listen to them.
>>hypocritical humble/humility bullshit
Literally every eastern martial art
This has changed for the ibjjf 2024 season tough, no more patches on the gis, can't even have the logo of the gi manufacturer anywhere other than the tag at the bottom of the lapel
They're about to get real plain looking

I actually dislike that organization greatly but I appreciate they're taking an active role in trying to become less of a joke

If it's one on one with no friends around to stomp your head, you're better off taking it to the ground if you have any ground game. I've heard lots of stories of guys being locked up for manslaughter after ko-ing a dude in a street fight and bouncing their head off the pavement.

If the dude has buddies around, just slip some punches until he gets tired and then GTFO.

Yeah, wrestling is better for takedowns, I'm just saying BJJ is gonna be far more accessible and with a lower barrier of entry. Plus, most jiu jitsu gyms train takedowns at least a little bit. It's rare to find one that does absolutely zero stand up.
Just blast leg kicks
Way easier to learn, way less investment

Kickboxing is workable in just a few lessons, jiujitsu takes years to stop being retarded
This. One of the main reasons I can't stand asian martial arts is the philosophy bullshit they expect you to buy into. I want to learn the physical skills & thats it. I don't give a shit about your fucking gook culture or your faggy system of ritualized ass kissing. Does muay thai do that shit? Have done wrestling & boxing. Want to start incorporating kicks/elbows/knees but don't want to put up with dojo etiquette bullshit.
>Does muay thai do that shit?
yes, even fucking more so
you're going to bow and pray to each other in every class and before competitions you'll dress up in a costume and do ritual dances
it's super fucking gay
Guess kickboxing it is. Sucks. I really like some of what asian arts have to offer but the bullshit they expect you to buy into is ridiculous.
The main thing I hate is the pajamas
But at least in the case of karate it's not so terrible to have a set of designated training clothes that are rugged and won't ruin easily, and the thick canvass is protective against bruising
And for judo since that's a sport first these days its fine, it's how the sport is played

Bjj though it's pure cope. They need the crutch of the pajamas providing ridiculous handles that don't exist on real clothes so they can pretend they're so good at grappling
Truth is they lack the ability to hold a man down unless he ties himself up in ropes first
And they'll insist you have to learn in the gi, because somehow that will make you better at nogi than if 100% of your time was just spent doing that

No gi is a thing, you know. The gi is fading fast and there's more and more gyms that are all no gi all the time...

Personally, I don't really like the gi but I live in an area where people wear Carhartt and what not, 6 months out of the year. Weird lapel stuff and spider guard obviously doesn't work, but lapel chokes are definitely legit with any kind of heavier coat.
thing about lapel chokes is you're not managing hands at that point which is the #1 thing you should be paying attention to in a fight
like I'll just give it to you straight, I carry a knife and not even for fighting purposes, it's just an EDC tool I keep with me and would never default to pulling it on someone in a fist fight, but if someone starts strangling me they're getting it in the gut


>Lapel chokes
>Not managing hands

Bro, wut? Have you ever trained? Lapel chokes are from the back or gift wrap, both hands controlled. One under leg, the other with your free hand.

Yes, we all know a knife wins a street fight, this is nothing new. I've never been in a street fight and I never plan on being in a street fight.
Leg kicks work better in a sports environment not if some meathead closes the distance into clinch
So basically, BJJ is the new Karate?
I can tell you haven't taken a leg kick ever in your life.
just like karate, except it lives up to the hype
Yeah nah a karatefag or muaythaifag can teep an agressor away from him, seems better for self defense.
mma disproves your theoreticals

any fighter that doesn't know bjj is fucked
Not true
Such a casual opinion
the facts won't change even if you cry and stomp your feet
You cant leg kick if someone has grabbed you lmfao
I'd point to all the dagestanies but I can tell from your attitude you're just being disingenuous because you recently started a new hobby and need to be reassured that you chose the right one because the more you practice bjj the more you realize how mid it is
they use guards and chokes just like any other bjj guy
>bjj invented guards and chokes

I actually can't tell if it's a troll because people do genuinely believe this. But no
everybody recognizes it as bjj except for seething contrarians
These conversations are always funny to me because it exposes the guy arguing about how great bjj is as a low level beginner
Because everyone that has experience at a high level with it is acutely aware of how much it's lacking and would never make an argument about how great it is

I realize it's still a novelty for you and you're very impressed by the people in your class, Hopefully you don't suffer too much cognitive dissonance when you finally start to share the mats with people from other disciplines and realize there is nothing special about what you've been doing
not reading all that

keep seething

You guys are both fags. One of you is acting like BJJ is completely useless and the other is acting like it's all you need.

Wrestling is pretty clearly the best grappling art for the cage, ie takedowns and hold downs for g&p.

At the same time, you absolutely need to have submission knowledge. Yes, it all stems from judo and submission grappling was around for far longer than that, even. Whatever you want to call it, it's submission grappling. BJJ fag is just calling it BJJ because that's the common term. BJJ vs sambo vs newaza judo vs sub grappling is like arguing Christianity vs Catholicism, it's just different flavors of Jesus.

You won't make it far in MMA without submission knowledge, you also won't make it far in MMA without striking knowledge. Quit sperging out about which is "muh superior martial art" and just go train what you want.
>and the other is acting like it's all you need.
nice hallucination
don't be a fence sitter, you said it yourself submission grappling has been around
it's ok to say I'm right. People that say BJJ when they mean submission grappling should be corrected because if you're going to discuss a topic you should use the correct terms. No different from correcting someone that says clip when they mean magazine

Sure seems like it, bro. Or at least you think it's superior. What I always think of is that a good wrestler with a little bit of jiu jitsu is way fuckin scarier than a good BJJ guy with a little wrestling.
nice projection

Yeah, but terms change over time. You go ask anyone in any gym what ADCC is and they're gonna answer "a jiu jitsu tournament" 99 times out of 100. "Jiu jitsu" is a pretty fluid term that encompasses a lot. You say "sambo" to someone and they think about shorts and a gi jacket and judo throws. You say "jiu jitsu" to someone they could think anything from their kids traditional gi class to nogi sub only or even just "that's the chokes and stuff in UFC, right?"

It's a wide term, don't get mad that it's not called "pankration" anymore.

I'm kinda with the other guy now, you sound pretty butthurt. Did your blue belt fail to save you against a high school wrestler lately?
well now we're moving into the weeds because you can use the term jiuijtsu to be synonymous with submission grappling, you're basically saying the same thing in 2 different languages
when you say /brazilian/ jiujitsu you're talking about a specific style of it which we all know is sorely lacking in many aspects

I think what happened here is you're getting push back from more than one person now and are feeling embarrassed
>more projection
push back to what? you've realized you're a retard a few posts ago and are now praying that you can make yourself look less stupid with pedantry and delusions
>real BJJ has never been tried!
>h-here's your psychological profile:

I think it's fair, though. Most places anymore are marketed as "jiu jitsu" without the Brazilian. I'm with you that traditional (especially gi) jiu jitsu is highly lacking. But modern jiu jitsu (I use this term to describe sub grappling) is far more encompassing and adapting to the changing styles. I fully believe that the gi is dumb and dead but even casuals that don't train think UFC before IBJJF when they hear "jiu jitsu"

Buddy, I'm the wrestler. I wrestled in highschool and college, and I teach a grappling for MMA class. I've got a brown belt as well but my style has always been wrestling focused. Other bro is not wrong that jiu jitsu has huge holes.
>he's schizoposting now

fine, I didn't want to do this but I'll do it
post belt and timestamp
this is where you started >>194060

and by now you're desperately trying to pretend you never said that by deflecting with inane shit about how BJJ isn't actually BJJ when it's done in MMA matches even though the skills used are nearly all identical

take the L

I'm >>194105 but if you trained you'd know that BJJ in the cage is way different that the sport. Guard play is all but useless (look at Olivera last night, he got pieced up spamming triangles). The only trad jiu jitsu style that fits is Carlson Gracie's style. Get on top, stay on top, pressure.

Again, I teach grappling for MMA. Wrestling and folkstyle leg rides are far better when there's punching involved.
brazilian is definitely a marketing term now people use, the same way all the karate schools changed their name to MMA and everyone teaching basic kickboxing calls it muay thai

but it's like my friends brazilian wife said when she looked at my gym
is he brazilian?
what about him?
that guy?
so where's the brazilian?
there isn't one
so why does it say brazilian on the sign?
because the owner took lessons from a brazilian guy in 1996

the way I see it is BJJ is get in my guard bro pajama party struggle snuggles, jujitsu its grab my wrist no my other wrist, and jiujitsu is just a catch all term for grappling with the goal of submission. Though I would argue it can be defined further within the context of jiujitsu is grappling from an inferior position and it becomes wrestling once it moves into a neutral-superior position
I think that's where the line is

post belt with timestamp
This is what you niggers do on a Sunday.

Honestly, that's fair. If it weren't for Rogan, everyone would call it submission grappling and it's definitely marketing. I still use "jiu jitsu" but what I practice is pretty far from Gracie style. I haven't put on a gi in probably 5 years now.

This other fag is the reason that so many people hate on anything jiu jitsu. Just autism and

>No! You can't just wrestle up, you're on bottom, you have to play guard!! Reeee
>Guard play is all but useless (look at Olivera last night, he got pieced up spamming triangles).
because by now almost everybody knows how to defend themselves against it because they train BJJ

and yes it's still BJJ even if it aggravates your contrarianism

Kek. Based trips

Sunday is the only day I don't teach, train, or work my day job, so yeah. I relax until lifting in the afternoon.

I'm with the other guy now. I'm convinced you're either a white/blue belt or you've never trained. Post belt+timestamp.
concession accepted from you and your boyfriend

>Cope+not posting belt
keep deflecting
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I'll go first so you don't feel so embarrassed

Now it's your turn. Go ahead and post yours then tell me about how you understand bjj better than I do
>doing as ordered
good dog

Fag white belt gets btfo
>starts replying to himself

Just posting this so I can screenshot.

Sorry bro
>retard thinks nobody knows about inspect element
Keep fuckin coping, buddy. I'm out.

Work spider guard some more, I'm sure you'll get your second stripe soon.
jealousy, of course
Im thinking of starting bjj, but want to focus on takedowns and starting from an upright position (only grappling gym in town is bjj).

If i just keep getting up whenever i can, will I seem like an asshole? Im fine with fighting on the ground if they keep me from getting up.
You can just ask people if they want to do that.
All depends on how dogmatic the teacher is
The ones that are development oriented would invite you to try and break their methodology
The insecure gate keepers will insist you only do exactly what you're told to do

I've been just standing up forever
>Royce Gracie won the first few UFC tournaments by using """submission grappling""" (which is NOT BJJ), proving once and for all that BJJ doesn't work
These mental gymnastics are a sight to behold.
Gracie jiujitsu isn't BJJ
Gracie jiujitsu is the name of a martial art a particular family and their lineage practices, BJJ is the name of a sport. These are distinct things so get that straight first of all

But even if it was beating up some literal nobodies your brother picked out for you isn't the flex you think it is
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>Gracie jiujitsu isn't BJJ
That's right
Gracie jiujitsu is a (allegedly) self defense oriented martial art
Brazilian jiujitsu is a sport where you scoot on your butt and try to score points and participate in competitions based on IBJJF rules and standards

This dude made a shitty point but Royce isn't a great example of BJJ effectiveness. It's pretty common knowledge that the Gracie family set up the UFC to sell jiu jitsu. They basically lined up brawlers and street fighters that didn't know shit for Royce to run through. He would get dominated by any unranked dude on the roster today. Olivera is probably the best example of BJJ in modern MMA but even he shows the flaws pretty well when he gets his face punched in while trying to attack from guard.
>He would get dominated by any unranked dude on the roster today.
because by this point in the sport they all know BJJ

and back in the very early UFC days the Gracies fought people who didn't know BJJ, and won because of that

which logically means BJJ is effective, but this makes you seethe
You still haven't posted your belt with a timestamp
and you're still deflecting like you were told, good pup
Didn't read

Post belt with timestamp
I don't think anyone is saying it isn't effective, they're just saying it's overrated in modern day MMA.

He overnighted a black belt from Amazon, he'll post it tomorrow. Kek
I was thinking he did the same thing lol
>I don't think anyone is saying it isn't effective
funny how you keep changing your lies
It's funny how you haven't posted your belt with a timestamp and think anyone cares what your opinion is

Go ahead and quote any one of us in this thread saying BJJ isn't effective against an untrained person. I'll be waiting until then or until you post belt and timestamp. Fair warning, if it's a brand new black belt tomorrow, I'm gonna laugh my fuckin ass off.

let's see what the cope this time will be
Pretty fair and reasonable assessment if you ask me
Never been kicked by someone that knows how to kick before, huh?
>the Gracies fought people who didn't know BJJ
They didn't win because the other people didn't know BJJ. They won because the other people didn't know submission grappling. When they did know submissions grappling, it didn't turn out as well for the Gracies.
Just another fluke like when the 350lbs 25 year old Kimura attacked the 51 year old 145lbs helio gracie
and we're back to
>real BJJ has never been tried
this mental illness is quite something
Were you molested by a Gracie or something?
I've been training for a pretty long time and I literally never think about the Gracies, besides maybe watching some Roger or Kron matches.
Your Amazon package arrive yet?

He knows we're onto him so now he's gotta spend a day rubbing dirt into it and running it through the washer to get it faded.
posting relevant content

What a strange behavior. Reminds me of the stolen valor people. It's so easy to disprove these retards and they still try to commit to their lies lol
Here's another idiot:
for some it might be clout but for many it's just an easy scam
pretend to be an expert and charge money to people wanting to learn, and since they don't know the difference they don't know you're lying
I took a few bjj short classes from an instructor that visited my kickboxing gym one time.

overall i think it's still stupid for the aforementioned reasons, and even though he was heavier than me i could literally just
>stand up
with his legs wrapped around me and just smash his head on the ground.

but one thing i did like is that a lot of the chokes and arm locks still works from a standing position. so it still works as a standing disable against someone which is far more effective than ground work. especially "irl" when punching someone out risks a law suit, an armbar is pretty much harmless.

I think it's a lot of wanting the respect and authority without the work. Like a standard blue belt feels unbeatable to a complete beginner, and if the blue belt only teaches what they know and teaches it badly, the new guy will never beat the blue. It's an easy way to impose authority and demand respect. Fake masters are a crazy thing. There's definitely some collective delusion to it as well, just look at the no-touch guys. You've gotta think some of those students actually believe they're getting knocked out.
I've been a blue belt for almost 4 years, 2 of which have been at arguably the most popular no-gi gym in America.
How the fuck do I get promoted without straight up asking for it? I literally have guys at my gym and open mats asking why I'm not a purple belt yet. I kind of know the instructors but at this point I think they might not even realize I'm still a blue belt.
It would be nice to get my purple belt here before I move to a random gym elsewhere
If you're not doing it, probably compete and win. Or if you are, you're being used as a sandbag.
If you're a rando at a pro gym you're just there to subsidize the pro training
Famously there's that story where John promoted someone that had been a purple belt for years to purple belt
Then there was the guy I know when Marcello gave him a stripe on his brown belt but the problem is he already had 4 stripes on his brown belt and was just wearing a spare that night

Then this other guy I know who got his brown belt in 2015, in 2021 someone offered to give him his black belt and he said "no, I want my black belt from murilo"
Guess who's still a brown belt

That's the way these mega gyms run. If you're not a pro then you're just a background character to make the mats look full when Flo comes to do a story
>If you're not doing it, probably compete and win.
Yeah I guess competing is the answer but I know fellow blue belts (that I submit regularly) who compete often and still haven't been promoted lol
>If you're a rando at a pro gym you're just there to subsidize the pro training
Pretty much this I think. It's been a great learning experience either way. Belts/rank are not super important to me but it would be nice to stop sandbagging and to get promoted by someone noteworthy
>Famously there's that story where John promoted someone that had been a purple belt for years to purple belt
I haven't heard of this, but that sounds absolutely hilarious
Some lower level people might be impressed by a big name attached to a belt but people that have been around know it doesn't mean much
Like Matt Serra has produced a lot of mediocre-bad black belts because it's all business

People go oh wow Jason rau is from serras it must be a great gym
He's great because he's great, not because Matt's place is great
I’m not really worried about impressing others. Would just be a cool thing to look back on after all my time here.
People who have been around in the scene arent impressed because they know how much can be improved. I think it's pretty good but when they've studied it they see where it's going. This is because humans can never be happy in the material realm of screams.
just tell craig you want to go to purple belt level competitions and to lemme get that strap bro
I'm a competitive shooter and do bjj for self defense. The main takeaways are being able to sweep out of bad positions to more advantageous positions and opportunistic joint locks/chokes, keeping an opponent's hands away from their waistline, creating space to pull a knife. It takes a loooong time to gain proficiency to where you can reliably use it in a fight, though.
This is a high quality post but it's wasted in this shithole thread on this shithole board. 10/10 would roll and shoot with.
You want to get to mount or their back, not closed guard
Most lapel chokes are from a place that would block off an attacker's access to their waistline/pockets.
I do boxing and muay thai, and I honestly can't get into it.
If more people would just pursue it for the love of the game, much the same as the people who play at collegiate wrestling or judo, the world would be better for it. People talk about humility off the mat, but a 5A state wrestling champ who can lat toss a fucker like a scarecrow isn't out there bragging about it online, because it's just a game to him.

But everyone wants to be Billy Bob Badass so now we have to all shit talk one another on the internet.
I talk a lot of shit online. For me it's a combination of not having time and energy to practice everything.
I insult stuff like bjj so people can convince me it's worthwhile doing. I am also scared of injuries and try to weigh up the cost benefit in training dangerous combat sports

When I tried bjj I instantly realised the cost benefit ratio was just not there. It's one of the least practical combat sports. Boxing you will learn something within a few weeks you can put into practice. Same with wrestling

Bjj, forget about it lmao. Just teach someone RNC/guillotine if they really can't figure it out themselves, rest is cope for self defence. And if you think a fun game is men's sweaty infected feet around your head... Idk what to tell you kek
>I insult stuff like bjj so people can convince me it's worthwhile doing
It's not*

Except if you're like me and use the position of authority to groom asian girls into gfs
> Risk/reward
> In favor of boxing
Your defense must be a lot better than mine then. I caught 2 concussions within a year, and the worse of the 2 was in training when I tried to weave a feinted straight right directly into a left hook.

I've had a bad knee injury, lots of pulled muscles, and a popped rib from grappling, but I have never caught a severe headache for 8 hours straight from wrestling. I fucking hate getting punched in the head, even in heavy gloves and headgear.

> And if you think a fun game is men's sweaty infected feet around your head
Lol, never ask a guy on the wrestling team why it seems like everyone on the team, and their girlfriends, always seem to end up missing classes around the same time.
You don't have to spar heavy
You also don't even need to spar. You can be a bag warrior and learn to hit hard and fast. That will do more than bjj larping for most people, "fitness boxing" is underrated. You will be fit, fast etc
You don't need to get your head bashed in for years by pro and amateur boxers to put up a decent fight protecting yourself. Especially when most boxing shit goes out the window as soon as grappling is involved. Better off being strong, quick and injury free. Know how to throw a strong punch. Moderate safe sparring if you want. You're not a top pro, the neck, eye and brain injuries aren't going to be worth the heavy sparring
> Don't go heavy
Sure, but that's kind of the rub, isn't it? You can turn it up semi-regulary in the grappling games, and unless you're working with guys still in their spazz out phase or someone who throws like an asshole, you're probably looking at some sore joints the next day. Wrestlers don't have a gear between stop and go anyway. Balls to the wall is how you learn that some throws can't be half assed or you will take a ride. Or when and where you have to put some elbow grease into some submissions to finish them.

Too many times, turning it up in the ring ended up with one of our guys sitting in a chair, puking into a bucket. But for a lot of us, that was the only way we understood how to work through another guy literally trying to knock our fucking faces off.

I won't say I'm smart enough to know where the optimum rate is, but I firmly believe you have to get in there occassionally and push it to validate all that other work you're putting in.
Might as well have an amateur fight if you're going to spar as hard as you can. At least you can have a proper record

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