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/wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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Requesting anime that
>never aired on Adult Swim or Cartoon Network
>Isn't on Netflix
>Isn't in in the Mal top 100
>is more than 6 years old
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You're a huge faggot
You will never be cultured or unique because you think watching Japanese kids cartoons is a personality. You are insufferable and generic and that's all you will ever be.
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>recommend me anime that is old and unpopular
sorry to burst your bubble, but popularity and quality USUALLY (not always) go hand-in-hand. the better something an anime is, the more popular it will probably be. you're not going to find any hidden diamonds that have been around for more than 6 years. people usually dont even adapt mangas into anime if they're not popular enough already

just go read manga if you want good stories with a chance that people dont know about them. solte the traveler and touge oni are two good ones that most anime people dont know about
>Never aired on Adult Swim or Cartoon Network
>Isn't on Netflix
Why would I know what shows those services provided?
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consider the following: >>1462660

Kodomo no jikan
Golden Boy (Echi comedy)
The Curse of Kazuo Umezu (Horror anthology movie)
Gokusen (Comedy)

I really liked Pet Shop of Horrors but it only had one season.
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How old do you really want, though? Pic related should cover a lot of what you want since MAL's top 100 is pretty bloated with shit from the 10s and 20s.

Like do you *just* want any anime from any anon, or do you want specific genres or time periods?
If it's good it's on the table. But I would prefer 90's and 2000s shows and action and romance
Some off the top of my head you might like:

Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water
Future Boy Conan (70s, but honestly really great)
Gunsmith Cats/Riding Bean
Yawara! A Fashionable Judo Girl
Irresponsible Captain Tylor
Dirty Pair
City Hunter
Michiko to Hatchin
The Big O

Some of these are listed in the image I gave you too.
Air Gear
manabi straight
even on /a/ only oldfags know about it
I watched a few episodes back in the day. Didn't finish let. Thanks. Good suggestion there

Abenobashi shopping arcade
Zettai Shonen
Crest of the Stars
Banner of the Stars
Galaxy Angel
Tower of Druaga
Kyouran Kazoku Nikki
Uchoten Kazoku
Humanity has Declined
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
Galaxy Angel
Boku no Pico
Tsukikage Ran
Key the Metal Idol
Darker than Black
Wolf's Rain
Rinne no Lagrange
Star Driver
Hitsugi no Chaika
Dai Mahou Touge (Punie-chan)
Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan
Di Gi Charat
Kaiju Girls (Kuro)
Sword of the Stranger
Black Heaven
Tentai Senshi Sunred
Puni Puni Poemy
Excel Saga
Seto no Hanayome
Pani Poni Dash
Outlaw Star
Heartcatch Precure
Saiunkoku Monogatari
Ninia Slayer
Yozakura Quartet (avoid the first one by Studio Nomad)
Neo Ranga
Brain Powerd
Nurse Witch Komugi-chan
.hack//SIGN (and ps2 games)
*Ninja Slayer
what's an Elpet?
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This chart has a lot you can draw on.
Shoo, bot. Come back when you can actually parse requests.
Is MD Geist worth watching?
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Not a bot.
>Not a bot.
It's clearly a bot that responds to the keyword "anime". It has no reading comprehension, and its small pool of recommended show never changes.
A bot would have replied a whole lot faster than 3 days.
Good point.
Paranoia Agent. Watch it and remember it's the state of the world right now.
Paranoia Agent aired on Adult Swim.
Blue Literature

Outlaw star was on CN.

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