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Post the worst moments in RPG history.
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What was wrong with this scene?

Maybe he didn't like you and he wanted to be polite about it.
they died :'(
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It was just a joke, bro. You didn't laugh?
I've heard of lampshading but this is ridiculous.
>save him from being eternally imprisoned inside Vault 87
>won't go inside a chamber full of radiation which he is immune to
Muties, not even once
The ghoul companion was even more retarded than this because he's a slave who literally physically can't disobey an order he's given
I liked this, pretty hilarious to have a high level grand adventure end with an AD&D bastard GM joke.
It's actually a shitty player joke. Obsidian has contempt for their audience.
That scorn is deserved.
Biting the hand that feeds is very childish behaviour.
>contempt for their audience
It’s true. Irony is a disease. Almost every Western dev fell to this subversion.
>start game
>naked trannies
I just wanted to play video games.
Then play a different one.
>Then play a different one.
Okay, how about
Story of my life..
>playing an unpatched game
bruh, update your game. I sent Fawkes in there and he was like "sure, whatever"
They're fine, the Elder comes by with a Soft later
On one hand, i hate seeing the tranny shit everywhere, too.
On the other hand, bodysculpting is big part of the setting. It would be weirder NOT having any dick girls there.

Also, the game is 18+ and there is nudity filter in settings.
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Followed by one of the best
you control the buttons you press, you can just change it
Not sure if it's an intended joke so much as a rushed ending. Even has sawyer doing the VO for that part. Works as a mechanism to get the mc out of the picture I suppose, but I'm sure with time they would have implemented something better.
>They just needed more time! It was rushed!
Obsidiots, gentlemen.
That was well known at the time, it also took a very long time for the game to get to a playable state, in regards to bugs and features. This was what, 2006? So I feel well before that particular excuse had worn thin.
>Followed by one of the best
I agree that whole scene was kino, but watching corruptions of this game has ruined me and all I can think of when I see this scene or references to it is Flint beating the shit out of everybody while King P's theme plays
that was added by DLC, half a year after the game came out
so if you didn't buy the DLC or if you played the game at release, you died at the end and there was no postgame because the 2 radiation immune followers you could have would just refuse to do something that would kill you but not kill them
>This was what, 2006? So I feel well before that particular excuse had worn thin.
They were already 2/2. But, yeah, we are looking back in this analysis. We don't have to make excuses for their fuckups anymore. The ending sucked, it was a bad joke.
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That's not exactly right. In the plot, the father managed to fix the purifier and then the Enclave launched a hostile takeover. If they had control over the water, they could control the people, so the father made the difficult decision to destroy the purifier, sacrificing his own life in the process. You were there to avenge your father and help defeat the Enclave.
The entirety game of game developed by:
Square Enix
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>ruins everything about the game's story
This. The Enclave is not to be trusted. Dad knew this. Do not give them any of your water
Thank fuck they cancelled the DLC. Salvaged the story by the skin of their teeth.
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except the cancelled true DLC became the novel and therefore the true ending
This really fucked with me back then and I had to put the controller down for a minute.
it's basically a happy ending for everyone in the game.

Noctis doesn't die.
Luna gets brought back to life.
Ardyn gets his name/honor restored in the history books
Bahamut, the true evil, is defeated when Ardyn does a heroic sacrifice to give Noctis and Luna an opening to finish him off
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>If they had control over the water, they could control the people
why woudl they want to control the people they dont see as people in the first place but as subhumans that need to be removed?
That's your fault for making one.
Imagine destroying a machine that could save humanity just because you disagreed with someone else's politics.
First secand of bg3.
The ending of Greedfall.

OP said worst, not best.
So the ending of the game doesn't have any of this? Glad I didn't play this shit

The ending of the game was:
Noctis dies defeating Ardyn
Ardyn's Starscoruge is gone
Stella stays dead

A sad, but well done, ending.

Then the Ardyn DLC went "Oh yeah, Ardyn was literally Jesus and was trying to stop Bahamut but failed and turned evil." Leading to implications that the world will be fucked at some point after FF15's Game ending because everyone that could stop Bahamut is dead
The purifier purified the entire water supply, it wasn't really something you could control. The Enclave could better take credit for it if they controlled the facility, but that's still stupid.

Clearly it was built around Eden's plan being the threat, but they backtracked at some point to give that to the player as an "Evil" ending.
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Killing everyone for Constantin is an objectively correct choice.
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The purifier didn't purify all water. It purified a basin. You can see this basin in Broken Steel. The goal was to expand this technology across the wasteland, but Dr. Li quit the project to work for the Institute. The Brotherhood was willing to distribute the water as a sign of good faith to the protagonist, but it was evident this created too many problems for them. It's a nice epilogue to the story and answers questions people have about the plot.
You answered your own question, retard
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Does this literally ruin every theme of the main game and the movie as well?
That heavy sacrifices are what makes a king out of a man. And the whole story being a call to maturity?

Noctis having to choose between his childhood dreams of friends and love and finally sacrificing himself to save the kingdom?

God, I miss this game so much.
If only exploring wasn't shit and jrpgs weren't so linear
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Killing Wrex.
>Bro, you need to grow up, real men kill themselves
The Japanese way, adopted by the world in general now. Get young men with talent to kill themselves and remove potential threats to your old men cabal.
>Does this literally ruin every theme of the main game and the movie as well?
>That heavy sacrifices are what makes a king out of a man. And the whole story being a call to maturity?

Yep all of that is thrown away

>Noctis having to choose between his childhood dreams of friends and love and finally sacrificing himself to save the kingdom?

don't recall Noctis having this dilemma in XV. Then again I don't recall anything about that lameass
The ACTUAL conflict was never properly explained. EDEN helps you hoping you would carry out his Enclave programming which of course is a suicidal decision on your part. Autum is SUPPOSED to be saying "Fuck it the Enclave will rule this region and use the water as leverage instead of murdering everyone who could b working under us" but they literally NEVER even bother explaining it because they are too busy rushing towards the final giant robot battle
Yeah between that and "Dont you see wanting out of your wheelchair is escapism? Now listen to your onee-chan because I have senority in the hieracrhy and break your back again" is some dumb JP bullshit
This has been the way since the the first chiefdom existed.
>"Dont you see wanting out of your wheelchair is escapism?"
Why do people always ignore the part where Li-Grim was going to steal everyone's souls and was just using Mewt because his desire the was the strongest? Put into the larger Ivalice lore, she's an Occurian construct trying to bring back their eternal slavery system.
Marche was 100% right.
Because the story is told in such a half assed manner that you only know that by the end of the fucking game and MOST of it is him working on pure asspullery. Its not noticed in Japan you arent supposed to question him you are supposed to know your place and be happy with what you have
>Its not noticed in Japan you arent supposed to question him you are supposed to know your place
Except FFTA's story goes against that stuff more strongly than most FF games, possibly even more than any other FF. Not only is the mechanics of Law and the State part of the main gameplay loops (the Judges and penalties), but the gameplay itself REQUIRES you to undermine those systems via the Law Cards in story and in late game battles.
I hate to break it to you, but they have hippies and counter-culture in Japan. Even 'oppressive' 'totalitarian' 'hegemonic' states have counter-cultures. A society's "main thread" does not mean that everyone within it is aligned.
No shit the country that invented 2ch and lead to this place existing doesnt agree with every retarded thing they are taught and ostricized for not agreeing with? Why stick feathers up my ass and call me a chicken thats an amazing revelation
In short, you're mad because you don't play video games.
Not universally, Temujin, and many others, built an empire by rewarding talent. The big change is the technological precision with which self-hatred is engendered through mass production.
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>You answered your own question, retard
How did I answer my own question?
Why would they want to control people they want to kill anyway by repairing a water purifier that they should want to destroy?
Why do they want to take over a building that they dont need to take over when they could just destroy it instead?

>It's a nice epilogue to the story and answers questions people have about the plot
But it doesnt answer any questions
Why would the enclave want to rule over people they want to exterminate?
To them they are all mutated lifeforms they want to get rid off?
Why play nice?
They could literally wipe out most settlements with a single vertibird.
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>How did I answer my own question?
>turn water purifier on for a few weeks
>let people drink it and spread the news
>everyone is dunking their heads in the river and drinking in the watery goodness
>turn the purifier to poison mode
>everyone who drinks it dies
>wasteland purified without firing a single bullet
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There are better ways to do a "heroes all die" in the end ending. You could at least give them a last stand, make it a tragic yet heroic sacrifice. This was just dumb.
Ok, but this doesn't solve the issue of the 10 billion super mutants running around who they'll have to shoot anyway.
Just tell them they can't breed and they blow themselves up.
Ukaizu or however it's called the abandoned city in PoE 2 and the ending in general. The game goes from a 8/10 to dogshit.
Letting the cousin become a god because the MENA analogues poisoned him was the only correct ending. Constantin was a bro.
Fucking based and I'm going to pretend my fem!de Sardet romanced him.
I liked the t-rex golem
>PoE 2 and the ending in general. The game goes from a 8/10 to dogshit.
Yup. It was so bad that I blocked it out and can’t even remember it. Didn’t it turn out to be Sawyer being petty and hating the games fans and ruining it on purpose?
The main issue is that the writer(s) assumed that a big magical water purification plant would be necessary to have clean drinking water in a post apocalypse.
In reality you can just filter it through clay and dirt, even if its contaminated. In fact, modern filters and treatment techniques would be less effective at decontaminating irradiated water.
It doesn't really matter because none of this is relevant to what makes Fallout 3 fun.
I never fought it, someone thought that linking the endboss fight to a badly explained decision I took 20-30 hours before (more than a week rl) was a good idea.
>Didn’t it turn out to be Sawyer being petty and hating the games fans and ruining it on purpose?
pretty sure that's you being a mindbroken schizo.
It's shitty writing that you get punished for this
Yeah I don't get that either, how will this kill all the muties in the rest of the wasteland? Fallout 2 enclave had an actual grand plan. Capital wasteland enclaves just screwed off to east coast to poison 13% of the mutie population with the other 87% still gonna be able to commit WELL OVER half the crime
damn rip, didn't even know that was a thing
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>Kill your own people and blame the ennemy, it should divise them.

>It worked
eyh, has been working fine for arab countries so far
It's completely realistic and expected that dickgirls will make up like 5-10% of the population if technology ever gets that advanced.
Just you wait until FF7R3's golden ending. You haven't seen anything yet.
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>Post the worst moments in RPG history.
>Randomize it and complain it on /vrpg/
You illiterate zoomer faggots should be burned to death without single no exception
He’s German and he speaks better English than you do, retard-kun.
Good same fagging faggot, I wish your mother eviscerated womb alive for sin excreting another faggot to this gay world
Pity (you).
This game has good mesage and teaches vaalues and morals. You want baldurs gay bear degeneracy.
>On the other hand, bodysculpting is big part of the setting. It would be weirder NOT having any dick girls there.
Literally nobody would notice it if it weren't available in the game. Someone would cry about "muh gender identity!" and that's about it. The fact is that this is perverse and makes a mockery of the human body. It isn't good for society because it pushes every "xyz pride" and "normalize xyz" campaign that the rainbow mafia pushes for. Same thing for the screenshot in this post: >>3483657, and this post, >>3481917, which is just thinly veiled bestiality. We should not accept degrading sexual delusions in games or movies. Nothing justifies it.

The game definitely gets cheesy, but I do agree it's a good message.
>this is perverse and makes a mockery of the human body
>he said, discussing cyberpunk
11/10 bait
I am 90% certain that the game starts with default non-trans genitals when you pick the apropriate body type, so it has to be you that tweaked them on.
>non-trans genitals
what are "trans" genitals?
I kinda like it in theory.
I wish there were more companions that took a hard stance and said no on certain things.
The fact that it's also a philosophical/quasi-religious thing for Fawkes makes arguing with him harder because he's not gonna listen to a rational objective argument.
But in practice it falls to shit because up until now Fawkes has never given any sign he sees or even cares about your personal destiny and is more than happy to do whatever you ask.
Of course they then backpeddle this with the broken steel DLC so it's all moot anyway.
90% of Cyberpunk "problems" are like this, fucking retarded zoomers can't do anything right
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Nigger, do you remember when they were promoting Cyberpunk they posted the ad for in-game drink brand with a dickgirl in straight-up sexualized manner? Trannies went mad with "buh-uh don't sexualize us" while completely missing the point that setting is based on doing this kind of shit. Bread and games so idiots won't notice they are being used.
Just to add, devs caved in - graphic is on vending machines around game, but the slot in the machine is hiding the genitals. Still drives point across if you know the context. Hell, there is a sidequest where you have to drive a man with faulty cybercock to the ripperdoc, extreme sexualization is part of the setting, I'd rather have coherent world than having someone's fee-fees not being hurt. Fuck trannies, but being ass-mad about them in fucking Cyberpunk is just fucking retarded.
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They didn't cave. They left it as it was originally seen.
Sorry, I guess I failed to notice the big ads, you see vending machines much more often.
There is no need to have degeneracy in game. People will see it and think it normal but it not normal. Games need good moral in them like games from asia. Western games are degeneracy.
Why it needed in game? Why you want to see homo cock? Why westerners all homos?
To show how morally bankrupt the setting of Cyberpunk 2077 is when the marketing material for a softdrink is a she-he with a massive erect dick and everywhere you look shit like that is pushed into your face.
That everything that could go wrong did go wrong.
Why you want morally bankrupt game?
>westerner complain degenerate game need more degeneracy
>Guys, guys! PENIS GIRLS are a FOUNDATIONAL part of the cyberpunk genre! We CANNOT have cyberrpunk without it! Suddenly the world would be incoherent and the story would fall apart!
Final Fantasy had sci-fi and somehow it didn't have tranny cock. Maybe it's just the mayo ghoul problem?
This is why you can't give the leftists an inch. Even when they make some point that migh sound like it "makes sense" or "it fits". They will always use everything against you.
Eden is the only problem with the Enclave in FO3.
Autumn has good intentions.
You can even talk him down by explaining that Eden wants to poison the water.
Broken Steel makes it a moot point though, because his leadership is replaced by nameless and faceless dorks.
give the leftists an inch and they'll give you nine of 'em
Isn't it supposed to be a dystopia? Mental illness, degenerates and body horror fit right in. So what's the issue?
So the trans pride flag was ironic?
Absolutly repulsive. This is fine but Japanese games have to be censored? Or is it only ok when white people do it?
It was blatant pandering after they got booty-blasted about the soda ad
I have a theory. Tellah tried using Esuna on them before quitting and declaring that it won't work since they petrified themselves of their own free will. But that just means that they were casting it like a buff spell and he SHOULD have used Dispel to cure it instead. Berserk works the same way- in some games it's considered an ailment and needs Esuna to cure, and in some it's considered a buff and needs Dispel instead. Presumably the Mysidian elder just wasn't as much of a dumbass, and that's how he was able to free them.
Actually Tellah knew all that and just didn't want to deal with the little shits anymore.
The more important point is if they lifted the spell before disabling the trap, everyone, including the kids would die. When Baron gets liberated, the kids are de-stoned and thus show up before the trip to the moon.
for me it's Cid's suicide bombing in midair to close a hole only he actually didn't die
>>>3495634 (You)
>This game has good mesage and teaches vaalues and morals. You want baldurs gay bear degeneracy.
ive never played baldurs gate i just think japs sometimes have a skewed sense of whats cool
>Final Fantasy had sci-fi and somehow it didn't have tranny cock.
Because Final Fantasy is only adhering to an aesthetic, not because it genuinely wants to delve any further than that.
>mayo ghoul
what does this mean?
Laguna is a dork.
I mean yeah they had to cut what would have been an early inn management gameplay like the crossroads keep in the dock district. The burnt out building next to the Sunken Flagon you would have rebuilt. The developers also complained about spending to much time working on character spell casting animations effects for Warlocks. Hell even Motb has some cut content though not as bad as the first one. Also the OC was basically a bunch of small quest they end up stitching together as to show off the games assets for multiplayer custom server game makers; example: the temple of seasons.
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So much of that game was just about shitting on fans of the old games. Like that necromancer called "Balthazar", who can question about his name and he actually says in the game that it's not his real name and he just copied from the bhaalspawn monk from ToB.
They mock the player, they do it right to your face and yet people are still celebrating it as a great game and a continuation of the franchise.
Why does the armor looks so bad? It's like cosplay props made out of plastic or styrofoam or something.
How is that mocking the old games? Jt's not like you don't meet drizzt in the first one or find portraits of the dnd cartoon characters.
>bodysculpting is big part of the setting
Then why aren't their more heavily modified bimbos? Bitches already get implants and bbls and I'm somehow meant to believe nearly everyone in a cyberpunk dystopia is the same level of flat.
because your standards of beauty are old and dusty 5 times over in that setting
Not even a debate.
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How large can you make it
>without single no exception
Nice English, did you learn it from being so literate?
English is a cringe language of jews and homosexuals. Like all things anglo.
laguna was never "cool".
the only way that makes sense is if they were all in on Eden's plan, but they are not, they want to "take over the capital wasteland" for no stated reason whatsoever
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I hated that, though. Everyone turning out to be okay at the end cheapened their sacrifices to me.
>One of the most powerful magic users on the planet died turning his petty quest for revenge into a moment to actually save the world because of you
>The two magical proteges of their generation died protecting the guy who nearly genocided their culture because they believed in his redemption
>The one guy who always believed in you is willing to die in an explosive cave in to keep you safe
>Two rulers essentially become crippled to ensure your quest is successful

>It's okay, though; they all get better n time for the last level of the game!
>be a teenager in the 2000s
>everyone who plays on PC basically claims the TRUE reason to play on PC is mods
>tons of dickgirl mods ran rampant
>flash forward to the present
>theses same people are shitting themselves in rage that dickgril is something you can be without modding
Oh, they still jerk off to futas. Just like they will rant for hours how their favorite animu having crossdressers and femboys is actually based and redpilled.
Do NOT try and summon him (you know who I mean), please, he's already got a thread to himself here.
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kys tranny
>anon wouldn't kill his wife to save her from being a literal sex slave
Anon, this isn't Jamal having consensual sex behind your back, this is the Caesar's Legion we're talking about.
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>"why would they want to have power?"
>"hmmmmmmm someone needs to explain this to grug."
Don't respond to bait
>take the least-mutated ones as test subjects and slaves
>burn the rest
>lure them in with food and water so you don't have to scour the entire wasteland hunting them down
Humanity is not so worthwhile that personal satisfaction is worth staving off just to save the lot of ingrates. Besides, they were already hanging on anyway. It's not my duty to save them, but it is my duty to find my own peace of mind.
one of the few actually good moments in that shit game
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What's wrong with it?
The original armor set is literally LARP foam villain cosplay from wallmart. I think the artists did a good job making it actually look somewhat practical in bg3.
>average fallout 3 fan can't even understand simple questions and reads them wrong
i'm not surprised
can you imagine a fallout 3 game where we could actually learn the story instead of having to make a headcanon for almost every plot point? isn't it amazing how nothing is deeper than the absolute face value?
anon, why would the GENOCIDAL faction whose stated mission is "kill all muties on sight" would care about controlling a city? it can't be for genocidal purpouses because autumn is against the modified fev's plan which is the most "enclave" course of action. iirc i don't even think autumn tells us what his goal even is but i may be wrong on that.

perhaps having power for the sake of power or for the evulz is a good enough answer for you
not everyone
neeshka survives, sand probably too, and the player
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Not headcanon, just shunted into a note in an unmarked Enclave location.
Every combat section in the second half of VTMB picrel and the leadup to it are especially egregious.
man does amon jerro die in that fall. that is such a buster way to go out
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I don't want to explain basic shit to a literal mouth breathing retard. Every single person in the world somehow understands the concept of power except you.
>why would the GENOCIDAL faction
That's meta knowledge. Enclave officers don't know this. Only the presidents in Fallout 2 and 3 said the Enclave are genocidal. It's a secret.
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low hanging fruit, but still
>Only the presidents in Fallout 2 and 3 said the Enclave are genocidal.
Fallout 2 literally begins with Enclave soldiers gunning down innocent Vault Dwellers.
This is one of the best parts of the game if you're playing as Durge. The whole game is just substantially better as Durge, really.
And American soldiers thought they were in Iraq looking for warheads
>innocent Vault Dwellers
They willingly associated with US army mutineers, I wouldn't call them innocent.
Refund the game and fuck off, video games exist because horny japanese men made anime sex majong for their pcs.
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>tfw forgot to devote a section of the character sheet to PC's genitals

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