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/vr/ - Retro Games

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This is amazing, I didn't use delta cause no Retroachievement support but RetroArch has it
Will blackies even know how to prep libreto cores?
>virtual controls
it’s been eighty four years and these still exist
It's an amazing emulator
RetroArch has controller support

This version of PPSSPP doesn't seem to have achievements. F. There is a PPSSPP core in RA for now though
Nigga he’s joking about the sound you make to cats when you try to call them over

t. toxoplasmosis enthusiast
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redditors and zoomers are going to get more sites taken down
Well, read it for me.
Despise Retroarch, don't need its filth on another platform. PPSSPP is good to see. I don't care about phone emulators but Apple TV ports should be trivial and would make those great little emulation boxes.
lo and behold, vimm's lair has already been hit.
And then they'll make new ones like always
thanks for bumping?
*kisses you* No problem bro.
>caring what fucking phone other people use
tell me your autistic without saying it
Phones should only be for calling and texting.
Just use Internet Archive.
Suddenly, Jamal realized he was completely surrounded by zoomers
The genie is way out of the bottle.
Hello, Reddit!
How is iOS Reddit? I swear y'all just sling buzzwords together to signal being in the ingroup
I'm the OP and I'm back. Spent time putting my games on there. Achievements work well on PPSSPP core and DS emulators. DS emulation has far less shitty UI than it does on Delta, but it uses a moveable + cursor for touch screen even though iphones themselves are touch screen anyways?
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Nevermind, just found out you can change it in settings (the pointer to touchscreen)
I was raised in North Carolina. This is the only website where people think southerners are trannies
>what are bluetooth controllers
>what are usb-c controllers
Case in point. Please take a break from this site for your own mental health.
I wanted to choke someone when I saw an article with the title that now that iPhone has emulators it will get people interested in retro games.

Bitch, do you think the world revolves around Apple? That nobody gave a shit about retro games until the holy grand Apple device got emulators for it? And now that it did there will be some massive retro-renaissance JUST because you can emulate Mario on your iShit now when nothing else in terms of retro games or emulation ever mattered before because it wasn't on an iPhone even though it's been not only on PCs but also MacOS for decades, on Android, on Windows Mobile, devices like the Pi, and even official implementations on consoles like the Switch? And I thought Nintendrones were delusional.

It says
>It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times.
>le leddit boogeyman
you are trying WAY too hard kid
what did that guy say?
>I wanted to choke someone when I saw an article with the title that now that iPhone has emulators it will get people interested in retro games.
>Bitch, do you think the world revolves around Apple? That nobody gave a shit about retro games until the holy grand Apple device got emulators for it? And now that it did there will be some massive retro-renaissance JUST because you can emulate Mario on your iShit now when nothing else in terms of retro games or emulation ever mattered before because it wasn't on an iPhone even though it's been not only on PCs but also MacOS for decades, on Android, on Windows Mobile, devices like the Pi, and even official implementations on consoles like the Switch? And I thought Nintendrones were delusional.
I think you need to chill out and maybe not take yourself so seriously
> and texting.
Not even that.
kill yourself, redditnigger
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>owning appleshit
>you are trying WAY too hard kid
Sounds like exactly what a redditor would say. kys
All apple products are overpriced trash heap fodder that only hipsters and surface level normietards actually buy.
The cat said that?
Did Apple allow dynarec or do these just use interpreters?
I'd fucking love to see iPad kiddies try to learn how to use Retroarch UI. Top kek
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>want sum fuk?
>I wanted to choke someone when I saw an article with the title that now that iPhone has emulators it will get people interested in retro games.
Journalists are whores who would write antyhing for clicks.
I think you're a touch too invested.
Got Persona 3 Portable modded up on my phone now, looks pretty slick :) HD textures and undubbed everything is worth the trouble
Apple is for fags
Android is for Chads
Why Portable? A decent phone from this decade can run FES.
It's an iOS thread, anon. I have an iPhone. With no JIT, PS2 emulation is not happening.
Please develop hobbies besides installing Linux distros recreationally
yeah that really is how redditfags talk. always being condescending but they're afraid to use anything other than pg insults
they're just the old school style emus. dynarec hasnt made it to normie devices yet
Please look forward to DraStic on iIOS.
I'm glad to see this... I recall when my GF asked me to install emulators on her iPhone, she had both a Master System and a SNES growing up, loves stuff like Top Gear and Bomberman, and while she enjoyed playing with me, she also did like the idea of playing it on her smartphone if she had a little spare time, the way I did on my Galaxy one, so I said I'd install it for her to play...

I had no idea that iPhone was so, I don't know, I guess "closed" would be a good word? I mean, if we're talking about the store alone, it's limited if compared to Android, and there aren't APKs...

In the end the solution was to use the browser based emulators, which allowed you to save it as an offline page, almost working as an application really... but it was mediocre... R.A. is a God sent.
It's not a very smart cat
Does it emulate ps vita?
>and there aren't APKs
but there are (IPA)
sideloading is a bitch though (not talking about the EU-crap in 17.4).
I was emulating psx and ds on iphone in 2017. You eol guys are late to the party.
>It's an amazing emulator
is a frontend only and quite a bad one.
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>slow download speeds
No thanks, bro.
Fellow iPhone SE bro! Have you been experiencing any slowdowns like I have? I have tried everything and it seems to be tied to the on-screen controls. Using a controller and hiding OSC runs fine. I was sideloading for a while and was hoping that this was resolved in this version. I just want to take a shit and play EarthBound at work and an A15 iPhone should not be having slowdowns.
Ok so I just downloaded Retroarch. Wat do now? I’d like to play castlevania 3 please. Gracias.
>How is iOS Reddit?

iOS is just a homosexual baby appliance
Fuck Apple for making emulation more accessible to normies.
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i like retroarch, i had so many useless .exe’s and niche emulators and retroarch replaced 95% of them, all i have left is dolphin, ppsspp (might not need it), pcsx2, and ryujinx. the crt filters are cool
>caring about reddit’s lair
take the archive.org pill with download manager.
get a download manager. much-much faster. would make your head spin.
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Why wont retroarch add all my roms from my roms folder to a playlist after having scanned that directory?
I have downloaded all the SNES roms from myrient which is about 4000 but my playlist only shows 3800
Same for my GameBoy
Having seen things be taken down at the archive I would be extremely careful about depending on it. Some of the stuff I have uploaded were taken down.
Because you’re fat.
ok but seriously why doesnt it show up?
idk, why are you hoarding 4000 snes games. Stressing about not being able to play 200 palshit games seems sad. im holding back tears imagining me in your shoes.
1. 200 missing games of 4000 is spectacularly autistic
2. Retroarch, unless specified otherwise, compares your roms to its own database with CRC checks of popular sets. Try adding the remaining 200 manually instead of automatic. Or just go and get some fresh air because it’s really not worth this level of effort
iphones do last long tho, i buy used iphones for my parents and they get 5-6 years of use out of them, samshit bugs a bug infested unsupported mess after two years
any recommended ones?
>vimm's lair has already been shit
Fixed that for you
Using vimm's lair in the current year is like using ZSNES
kill yourself
jdownloader has the most compatability with cloud services and such, but its a really old looking piece of software. Too slow! I use FDM (free download manager), it gets the job done and i also replaced qbittorrent with it as it supports torrents. No complaints.
i mass downloaded all of them from myrient with down them all and now im stuck with 20 copys of the same game but inf rench this time even though i only really care about having at most an complete North American and Japanese exclusive set of roms
I only bring this up because on my game boy Final Fantasy adventures wont show up even though it works perfectly fine if i load the rom manually
Why do we make these sounds, even though it's not the sounds cats or other small critters make???? it's some kind of instinct
Kek the absolute rage of this brainlet.
Refer to
Ya fuckin dunce cap retard
I haven't had slowdowns (my phone is 3rd gen) but I had a minor problem with PPSSPP core speeding up by default, which was fixed by changing emulation speed to slower more accurate in settings
Tard, he's obviously not playing all of them, he can cycle through them based on specific moods
Are you mad that your betters are now enjoying your niche retro games?
It's incredibly easy do people actually think they're smart for scrolling a list of neatly labelled cores
I pay some chinks $20 a year for a developer account, I upload my IPA to a web tool, it signs it for me with my device's UDID, then I install it with a tap, all in Safari on the phone
Then the chinks use the certificate you installed on your phone to track all of your calls, texts, and internet usage.
I'm sorry but why do people care so much about emulation on phones?
are they too poor to have a computer or a handheld?
I'm honestly not trolling here I just don't get it.
Doubtful, the cert is signed by Apple and only allows app installation
Actually I misremembered, there isn't even a certificate involved. The IPA is signed with my device's UDID and the chink's developer account. When I try to install the IPA, my phone checks whether the UDID of the IPA matches mine, and then checks with Apple whether this UDID is really associated with the chink dev account's test device fleet. So there is no room for abuse. I highly recommend this method.
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I get what you mean, but while most people can emulate on their computers just fine... it's about playing on the go. Now, you did mention getting a handheld as an option, but for most people it's senseless to get a dedicated device for US$60 or more... when you can do it on a smartphone you likely already have, that's why it's talked about in here and other places, the convenience of it all.

In this case it's even more of a big deal since the US generally favors Apple, which was way worse for emulators compared to Android, but now it's accessible, finally, that's big for emulation really.
got a link?
but without tactile controls gaming is pretty horrible. Especially since these old consoles are meant for controllers
I see your point, and I agree, as someone who's not really into playing on touchscreen controls, but that doesn't take away from its importance and why this sudden spike in interest, thanks to the iPhone finally allowing for it with ease, is so relevant to many. A lot of people are emulating for the 1st time and, to these new generations, touchscreen controls are natural, a norm even.

Also, a lot of people are getting into emulation to play stuff like Pokémon or other slower stuff that doesn't require much reflexes, so a subpar control method isn't too much of a hassle really.

One more alternative, that's growing aswell, is using a controller on your smartphone to turn it into a Switch like device, and those work. Again, it's all about the convenience of it for most still.
Don't wanna get banned for spam, google "UDID registrations", it will be the first result, and that is what the site is literally called.
Btw you need to choose the platinum plan to be able to sideload shit via Safari on your phone, no Mac required, you just gran an IPA from somewhere with Safari, upload it to their signing service with Safari, and then install it with Safari
grab an IPA*
>this is amazing
It's embarrassing having to listen to Apple users harp on about something everyone else has had for years.
>A lot of people are emulating for the 1st time
It’s over
kitty :3
nah, that's vita3k
Nah, it's just getting started, anon.
I'm the reason apple ultimately decided to do this. You're welcome / sorry.
scan bios and other firmwares
> no Retroachievement support

Why would anyone pursue this autistic shit
so should i put the bios in the bios folder of retro arch or put it in the same folder i keep my roms in and scan the directiry again?
bios in the bios folder and scan this directory
this looks so shady dude
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nah dude its great. its simple looking and downloads archive.org links at LIGHTNING! speeds

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