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I have a 1.0 Xbox and I'm really surprised that the HDD hasn't shit itself on me yet. I'd like to mod in a new SATA HDD or maybe even an SSD but I'm not looking to fully mod my Xbox
I want to keep it as close as I can to working stock. This means original dash and still popping in my dvds when I want to play
I'm probably going to end up recapping it and cleaning up the dvd tray anyway but I was wondering what the best way to clone a new drive in would be
It would be really nice if I could keep my old profile and saves but I'm willing to lose them if it means the console will work for another 10 years
Also, should I go with an HDD for authenticity or upgrade to an SSD for longevity?
Either choice is fine. Xbox isn't going to benefit much from an SATA drive and upgrading the storage affordably so you can fit a bunch of games is a nice bonus. SSDs obviously being more expensive per GB. It will be faster but not by a mind blowing degree. Best case scenario is load times that were 15 seconds will now be 10 seconds.

There was a better video out there exploring it across more games, wish I could find it. While it's improved I don't think it's worth it unless you really want a quieter box.

Anyway this is the go-to converter board for a SATA drive:
You will need to upgrade the IDE cable, and this one fits https://www.amazon.com/40-Pin-80-Wire-2-Drive-Ribbon-Manhattan/dp/B003IDF0JC
And while doing the data transfer with chimp you'll need a splitter

That splitter will work but in my experience it can be a little slow as the Xbox struggles to power both drives, so I actually use an external power supply which is a little extreme. Either way once it is all done all your data will be retained, your Xbox will just have significantly more drive space to work with.
You need to softmod if you want to put a new driive.
You can make the custom dashboard look just like the original.
I've got one in my closet and I just have no idea where to begin. I have no idea what PSU is in it, so I have to open it up to figure out which caps it takes. Then I have no idea if I need to do a modchip or save exploit. Then I have no idea if an HDMI mod is worth it over component
If you've never opened it up I recommend pulling it apart now and ripping out the clock capacitor ASAP
Those things are definitely leaking and can ruin the Xbox if you haven't dealt with it already
That's where you should start
What's the best way to play Xbox?
CRT+Composite cables?
LCD+Component or HD?
Install a softmod you retarded purist, you can still use the ms dashboard
Depends on what you want
I personally just use the CRT I had growing up with the Xbox using composite because I just want nostalgia
Don't expect the DVD drive to last forever if you have a 1.0 Xbox. Iirc all of those have the shit-tier Thomson drives, and replacements for those are few and far between nowadays. I've seen some hack jobs on old forums that use certain third-party DVD drives but your mileage definitely may vary. Also, there is almost no point getting a SSD or SATA drive if you're not going to hardmod and get a new dash.
Entire replacement PSU units are actually quite common on eBay if you'd rather do it all in one go, but there's a fuckton of information out there about capacitors all over the board if you lurk around.
>is almost no point getting a SSD or SATA drive
It's mostly because I expect the drive in it to fail. The thing can drink now and if the drive fails I have no way of getting the key for the device to recreate the drive
And yeah, it's a Thomson drive. It like to scratch up my game disks if the console moves at all while reading
Are Xboxs picky about the brand of drive too?
Xbox has the most aggressive deflicker filter ever, I play mine on a PC CRT for 480p.
What also makes me lazy to restore the Xbox is that the screws to get into it are protected by an advanced autism protection layer (stickers) so I'd have to bust out the hair drier and gently unfurl them to get in
I just peeled them back. Couple fell off. I should buy replacements and cut the screw holes out of them
Afaik any drive that was used in an Xbox will work in another Xbox with little issue, but the good drives by Philips and Samsung are very rare at this point and often very expensive. While it is somewhat common for the old IDE drives to fail, it will be a serious pain in the ass to change drives at all without some modding, but I'm sure other people out there have done the same before.
Jesus christ, stop being such a faggot and just do a hole on those stickers.
im just trying to think what on the drives would fail. im sure i could open it up and replace the belt and clean the gears. is it really so common for dvd control boards to fail?
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They make ones with screw holes in them, which is nice.

capacitors these days.
Everything on those hunks of junk fail. Belts, gears, laser, you name it. Philips and Samsung ones work a bit better, but don't forget we're dealing with 20+ year old electronics made during the capacitor plague, so nothing is bound to stay rock solid.
Replacement feet? Replacement stickers? OK my cock is hard now. Good to know this stuff is even out there for xbox
The best part about modding for Xbox/PS2/Gamecube is that there's enough market demand to make all kinds of shit, plus modding the Xbox physically has been popular for decades now
Xbox modding has been around since the console came out due to it being basically a soldered together off the shelf pentium PC
Any replacement stick caps for these things? Mine are all worn to hell and I don't want to put 360 replacements in there
360 replacements fit perfectly. They may have the same clearance as xbone sticks too. I think the problem is duke sticks are unique.
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Well I got out the hair drier and opened it up. No bulging caps, not sure which one the clock cap is. I guess I can leave it alone until I recap in a week or so. Now I know which PSU to get caps for. Already was pretty sure about it being a 1.1. The disk drive turned out to be a Thomson so I guess fucking rip on that thing. I'll use that for the soft mod and then never again anyways.
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Clock cap is located here. Yours is a 1.0 like mine. 1.1 onwards have a larger heatsink and no fan.

I intend to do something stupid with mine. I had to do the modchip since ENDGAME and 3 of the games I got for the old softmod method kept hanging for more than 15 minutes. I also have a 1.6 softmodded and swapped that disc drive to the 1.0 with no luck either.
The hard mod wasn't difficult, but picking the right one was. Went with pic related since things weren't so straightforward with the Aladdin chip I previously went with. Way overpriced for stuff it can't yet (supposedly) do, but streamlines the modding process better than I'd expect.

Tl;Dr: be prepared to hard mod in case things go south on your end.
Clock cap is under the wires
The GPU fan says yours is a 1.0 so it's definitely there
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So does the smegma right next to where the clock cap leaks
Most likely
>I'm really surprised that the HDD hasn't shit itself
Why? I have harddrives ten years older than the Xbox that still work.
Isn't that what desktop grade platters do? They break after some time?
>>Afaik any drive that was used in an Xbox will work in another Xbox with little issue
no they cant, because the xbox locks hdds to that specific console with a 32length key
fucking stupid
>>360 replacements fit perfectly
i believe they look like they fit, but there are some angles that don't work on the controllers
you can order both the og and 360 replacements for pennies on Aliexpress so just get both desu
>no they cant, because the xbox locks hdds to that specific console with a 32length key
That post is talking about did drives, not HDDs
>I'm not looking to fully mod my Xbox
I don't understand why there's who people don't want to mod their Xboxes.
>tfw I have a newer OG xbox so if you rip the clock capacitor out it won't even boot

It doesn't keep time anymore either. Not sure what to do.
Purist retardation.
Everyone with an OG Xbox with a working drive should softmod them asap, and remove the clock cap if their version has it.
I had to get an extra Xbox because mine wouldn't read discs, now I have 2 modded systems.
Why not just replace it?
Because I play my Xbox for nostalgia
I have a 360 next to it that doesn't have the same capacitor issues, plays a vast majority of my games, and has a nicer controller
But I still use my Xbox because I like the sights and sounds that I remember
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Obviously on a CRT. Even the first models of the Xbox 360 didn't have a HDMI port; they were designed for CRTs too.
There's such a thing as MTBF and some brands have runs that are notorious for being shit usually they'll just work until they don't for lack of a better term
They actually made a VGA cable for that port, it'll output to whatever the monitor reports its native res is, I should try it on an older VGA CRT now that I think about it
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Thanks I saw your picture that day and I cut the clock cap out that night and cleaned the area. Caused corrosion mostly in the clock circuit next to it. A transistor and resistor just slid right off the board. I do want to replace the clock cap so I'll reflow everything in the area and put those components back on. The mess was definitely hiding from me under those controller wires. My Xbox is Japanese so it's clean as fuck in there. Probably was used to play halo 2 a few times because that's what came with it. I guess I'm in the 1.0 club too. Sounds like I just need to throw a noctua on it and check temps
Fair. You can still use the stock dashboard on a modded console if you want. It's just an application that runs from the Xbox's hard drive. Unfortunately, you can't replace the DVD drive with a normal one from a PC, and OG Xbox DVD drives are all dying out.
Would soft modding be a permanent thing? Can I force it to run the original dash on startup?
I think you can do that. Activating ingame reset (usually left trigger + right trigger + black + back IIRC) might bring you to a softmod launcher though. It's been a while since I've messed with it.
Modding is reversible.
>Can I force it to run the original dash on startup?
I see no point for this, but I'm sure you can. You can also add a shortcut button combination to access the OG dashboard.
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480p Plasma
Remember to get it set up on Insignia, the new Xbox Live servers. Only do it after the HDD upgrade. Personally, I don't get the hatred/perception of unreliability. I've seen new SSDs fail prematurely, just like any HDD. Yet I've seen HDDs with a lot of use over years, decades still working well, no sign of giving up.

Very common. Although the repair community seem to have found some workarounds to fix them like recapping the boards, replacing resistor arrays (Samsungs) etc...

I've got 3 consoles, 1 had the disc drive controller die which I still need to fix drive, not that I care much since it's modded with a 500gb HDD.
Just changed the first 10 caps on this thing. I have a soldering gun but it still sucked hard. If anyone has any advice on how to get the holes clear that would help. Most of the time I just had to fill the holes back in, hold the iron against the solder, and pull the legs through through the solder with pliers. I've just never had to improve my technique because I've never had to change something with like 40 caps in it. But anyways, 25% done with the board. Then I'm going to do the fucking PSU and disk drive just because I don't want any weird misformulated caps in my shit
The 360 games are mostly 720p, so no
It wasn't made for crt
I have a 1.4 with a golden clock cap, should I remove it?
Clock caps are starting to leak even for 1.6s now apparently. So yeah, remove it.

It's kind of rare for 1.4s to have the gold caps, are you certain it is a 1.4? As long as the said gold cap is not under the ribbon cable and by the front left of the board.
>even for 1.6s now
lol no
I finished recapping the motherboard. The only stuff that was leaking was the clock cap and maybe the one under it. Could have just been shit from the clock cap that got under there.
recently bought a 1.6, clock cap is fine but other caps were leaking.
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RIP Xbox 1.0
February 2002 - ???? Too soon

Recapped the board and PSU, now green and red flashing light. I did go back and carefully reflow all of my joints with flux. No idea if this thing worked before I opened it so it's hard to say if I caused the problem. I guess the next step is putting a modchip in it to possibly narrow down what's wrong. No idea which one to get
Sounds like your drive is messed up
Should have tested it before recapping the entire thing...
Very true should have tried it out I kind of just dove right in. The drive definitely doesn't open, not sure if it should if the Xbox fails POST. Thank you for the resource I really appreciate that. I do have fresh caps for the drive and a new belt so maybe I can salvage it if that's the problem
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I'm a retard and didn't plug the yellow cable back up to the disk drive. Thanks again for the resource. The funeral is canceled
Nice work dumdum! And nice work on the Xbox. Now get it modded and start playing. See you on Insignia.
Lmao. It's always the little things
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Sorry to be a fag and keep bumping the thread but I just finished recapping, lubing, and replacing the belt in the Thomson drive. And here's a pic of board. It was a fast easy job and the old caps just fell right out and left perfect holes. The old belt had that old plastic feeling, kind of dry and less elastic, so I guess it was good to put a fresh one in. Hopefully this drive holds up for some years. But anyways, I've now replaced every cap in this Xbox so it's time to flash a bios on it and I'll see you guys on insignia
your work is very clean anon, what a great job you did, enjoy your xbox you've earned it!
>a 1.0 Xbox
I hate microsoft so much.
go with an ssd
>Then I have no idea if I need to do a modchip or save exploit
dont use softmods they suck and fill your drive with a bunch of niggerware and bloat, get a modchip or do tsop, tsop is flashing custom bios to the original chip on the board, you gotta softmod first but can remove all the softmod stuff after
>I hate microsoft so much.
He's talking about the hardware revision, you retard.
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The first models of the Xbox 360 not only came without a HDMI port, but they had a composite AV lead in the box when you bought one. Most people still had standard definition TVs back in 2005. Even the PS3 still had the same standard composite AV lead in the box that the PS1 and PS2 had since lots of people still used CRTs back in 2006/07. You were meant to be able to play any Xbox 360 or PS3 game with an analogue video source by design.
The non core/arcade bundles came with a component cable which also had composite.
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Damn, I must check mine. I have this one at hand. Is this a good replacement?
Are you a zoomer? You don't need HDMI to do HD resolutions. There's a big difference between "market adoption of LCD HDTVs is slow, make sure not to alienate potential customers" and "the games are designed to be played at 480i on CRTs".
Should work fine. I wouldn't prefer to use caps out of Taiwan myself but at least it's not Chinese. I was going to replace mine too but the relatively short lifespan of a supercap combined with the ability to have a modded console automatically sync the clock via the Internet have made me reconsider.
I was going to do a tsop mod because apparently a soft mod isn't the way to go, so I bridged the right pins on the board, turned the Xbox on, and the soft mod I did booted up. Then I turned it off and back on and now it just fails to boot and flashes red and green light and no video. So idk the xbox is a fickle bitch
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Does this dongle works with OG XBOX controller?
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So it sounds like the udma stuff in cerbios loosens the bottleneck on drive transfers to take advantage of the 80 wire cables linked at the top of the thread? Is that true?

----UDMA Modes----

UDMA Dictates how fast the Xbox can load games or other data

UDMA 2 = 33.3 MB/s = Stock Xbox Speed (Any Xbox)
UDMA 3 = 44.4 MB/s
UDMA 4 = 66.7 MB/s = Upper limit of most cheap adapters
UDMA 5 = 100 MB/s
UDMA 6 = 133 MB/s = Experimental (Stable on Startech)

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