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Sneeze Sheet Edition

Previous Thread:

I'm telling ya fellas, Chinese versions (official) will be your only salvation for certain cards.
pls do the needful SIRs
Just ordered the celebrations gold star greninja and umbreon coz those will be the only gold stars ill ever own how is everyone elses collection going anons?
Do not redeem, bitch prostitute thank you.
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>still buying modern
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Im buying only MetaZoo right now. because Pokémon pricing sucks.
There are some less expensive ones like the beasts and the regis that you might be able to snag at a decent price? Even more if they are in lightly played condition.
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Newfag bandwagoners have to settle for chink shit kek
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>Pokemon Go lingers at the lows
More cheapies for me!
Since they made pokemon GO in the tcg. I really do hope and even pray that they make a set that's solely pokemon masterS EX.

Good take anon. I agree.
there's really no good cards at PGO, visuallt and competitively. even the Shiny Zard of that set sucks and Crown Zenith has a way better rendition of it.
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Honestly kinda true. People are actually paying more for the Chinese reprints of cards than what the original prints went for when they came out a few years ago.

Only reason I would really want to get Chinese cards is if its doesn't have a English or Japanese printing.
>empty vintage boosters
anyone who buys these is 100% trying to scam someone by resealing it right? why else would you buy them?
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and this time with updated numbers.
15k graded moonbreons? Really?
they are up 147 PSA pop 10's since i last made this. the current number is now 11,146
Okay, well instead of "never endless profits", it should be "never-ending profits"
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Nice simplified chinese cards anon.
>trusting chinese graders
You could spit on the card and it would increase the value versus whatever the fuck that is.
ARS a japanese grader. I already have that same card in english but got that one for cheaps from mercari just cause I liked how the slab looked.
>Newfag bandwagoners
Not me, was just a poorfag back during the SM era and during the SwSh era I just straight up stopped paying attention to the IP entirely for obvious reasons. Now that I have more disposable income and my collecting autism flaring up again I went back to collecting cards with a fuck ton still left to catch up with.
Don't get the appeal of this card. Never seen it in person though so maybe it looks better in real life
You can literally draw a dick on a card and PSA will still grade it high, grading is a joke and anyone who doesn't see it is laughable.
It's really not that nice. Honestly, it's baffling to me why the price is so high.
Sometimes collectors are so fucking stupid. This is one of the only times where I've seen the price go up on something when the number of available items keeps going up. If people just stop buying them, they'll go down.
It's market manipulation, can't be anything else.
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Would you still collect Pokemon Cards if TPCi started using AI art for the card illustrations?
Nah, don't like AI slop as it inherently lacks the human soul, which is the main appeal to art.
hahaha nice! Price still keeps going up though!
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I remember that Outstanding Oshawott box, still got the overized promo ajd the cosmos holo Oshawott from it, the figure's long fuckin gone though. I got it at Toys R Us for Christmas.
Waiting for my money from TCGplayer after selling cards so I can buy more cards sucks.
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I'll offload all bulk to them.
It’s not simplified Anon. I got it all in Traditional Chinese.

Cheng Kai-Shek would be proud.
English or bust.
No read, no buy.
Japanese versions are from brokies.
That one anon that invested into cheap chinese cards, and is now trying to pump it, but no one wants cards they cant read especially nonjapanese.
>Japanese versions are from brokies.
Unless it's waifu cards, then they're the real richfags.
I feel bad for waifufag collectors. They could just buy Weiss cards and have much more and better options.
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Silly guy
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nah, no way bro. pokemon waifus just hit different.
Wait holy shit this is real??? How would they price out things to buy? Ebay solds? Or are they gonna make their own pricecharting website type thing? I can forsee this going really bad. Maybe they start doing oripa like cardshop magi, and make their own buylists based on their own market price data. I can see the market getting manipulated in so many different ways.
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Right it was traditional chinese, my bad.

pokemon waifus are very cute and funny
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Holy shit, big nostalgia from this song. What a fucking banger.
I’ve seen the comparisons and eng prints are always way lower quality compared to jap, made me switch in an instant
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Pulled a masterball
>locals is hosting prerelease at 20 bucks instead of 30
this new set must be a gigaflop lol
there's really no pleasing everyone. when product is scarce people complain about scalpers, unavailability, and insanely inflated values of cards. when product is readily available and prices low people complain that sets are a "flop" and no one wants to touch them.
as a collector, I know I prefer the latter any day of the week.
If locals are forced to sell prerelease events for cheaper it simply means no one is coming, simple as that.
Fake news
If you play the game for play it this set has a lot of good shit for standard so I can't imagine people not opening it
display purposes, allegedly
the former is the obvious use case though
No because AI is dogshit and I’m not Californian or Indian enough to enjoy it
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The Old EX cards are so kino
Nice crease senpai
Just adds to the vintage aesthetic.
Thinking of buying some Japanese booster boxes for the first time to open for fun, how are the pull rates?
Nice well loved cards anon. I do like clean cards but used cards also have their own charm which I learned to appreciate from playing mtg.
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Some stuff that arrived in the mail today. Slowly finishing my first 5 ex sets
>putting damaged cards in top loaders
For what purpose?
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Wish me luck boys
First pack
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Second pack
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Third pack
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To protect them from further damage maybe?
kys coon
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>brown calling out a brown
Candice DICK fit in yo mouf?
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To keep it lightly played of course :)
But in all seriousness, just so it doesn’t get anymore damage. Also because there’s an odd allure of keeping worn cards in such nice top loaders.
Ty my friend. I’ve had both of them since I was a kid and was too dumb to know how to properly take care of them. Thankfully The Rayquaza is in much better condition than the Celebi.
Nice holo on that!
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collecting is over...
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Post gen3 ex cards.
I completely missed the ex era and all of those different holo styles are making my head spin. Can I get a quick rundown on them? I'm in the process of making a Ralts line binder and I'll have to get cards from that era to, so I'd be nice to know what to expect so I know the cards are authentic.
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Here's a qrd of all the reverse holo and expansion stamp holo patterns.
Either I got lucky at prerelease or Twilight Masquerade's pull rate is pretty good
In the 7 packs I opened I got
>Hassel full art
>Caretaker full art
>Blissey ex
>Tatsugiri art rare
Toyotoro is doing art for the Dragon Paradise special set. Which will include Gyarados, Dragonite, Charizard, Aerodactyl, Arcanine, Lapras, Ryquaza, Infernape, Lucario, Primeape, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Machamp, Grumpig, Emboar, Tirtouga, and Dark Charizard X
>eBay sellers who photograph their cards on the fucking ground
Why are they like this? Do these niggers not have tables or something?
I hear the Lucario SIR is a linked art with Dark Mega Charizard X SIR.
Arcanine, Lapras, and Aerodactyl getting dragon energy type is wild.
his ass, probably
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Switching from O ring to D ring binder had me
>using a binder
Any based collector does.
I too store my cards in the void between space and time
Never use a ring binder.
Toploader binder or bust, unless you collect garbage than ringed is fine.
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personally I swipe my cards through my sweaty asscheeks like a credit card before sticking them to my wall, but a binder is fine too.
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>not storing mint condition 1st edition cards in your asscrack to swap with horny 10 year olds at night
The Pokémon TCG just asked me to sign a NDA to do art work for Pokémon Set 251.
Only Johto/ Gen 2 Pokémon are getting secret rares.
The Master Ball Reverse Holos have been replaced with Pokérus symbols.
I've been asked to complete art for these Pokémon Raikou, Suicune, Entei, Vaporeon, Flareon, and Jolteon.
In the eeveelution cards I plan to depict them inside a burning Brass Tower, even though these won't be full art I think I can pull it off in a small frame.
For the special arts of the legendary beasts I'll have them emerging from an extinguished brass tower.
The goal is to heavily imply they were ressurected by Ho-Oh.
lmao, at least TRY to have some believable bait. You included too much with too many details and too much of it would be ground breaking shit.
You got greedy, anon.
There are millions of collectors and they all want the shining Gyarados of our generation. 30k usd in 2026.
Wake up babe, the newest cope just dropped
He's (>>55880225) right, though.
>they all want the shining Gyarados of our generation
>30k usd in 2026
Boy, if that was the case I'd cash out all my shinings and Gold stars. The cards just aren't worth enough to justify selling them. Sad.
These look legit or fake?
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so uh.....im converting.
I have this thing where I like to put the cards type with the correct dragon sleeve coloring, however I'm wondering what color I should do for trainers and if white is actually the best for normal. the pure white doesn't look that good to me, so which dragon sleeve should I do for them?
and here is white
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ok, I know nothing about reprints and manufacturing but can someone tell me why they do these shitty, thin impact style fonted HP texts where the HP is? It always makes me think my card is fake
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Someone wanted to see some Japanese?
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These are so r*ddit it's not even funny.
I have 3 boosters of this promo should I open
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>only gen2
>Vaporeon, Flareon, and Jolteon.
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that was just their retarded desicion of TCPI when printing that set (XY Evolutions) JP's version of the set did not have that issue
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I feel dishonored
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>giant printline
>PSA 10
Converting to a game that doesnt exist anymore? Retard
>he’s poor and is trying to associate something with reddit in order to damage its reputation
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It's missing something....
What's so good about them?
pls respond

also I have a binder of cards and they are completely random. organizing by set doesn't seem feasible and would take so much time. how should i organize them?
There doesn't have to be anything "good" about them. It's just a stupid comment to try and tear something down for no reason, especially associating it with reddit as a dumb attempt at invalidation.
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personally I wouldn't like two different types to have the same sleeve coloring so I would just go clear for the trainers
collector community is still going strong. plenty of ebay sales still going through every day. people still respect it and items are trading hands.
These e reader cards are ungodly expensive. I'm considering taking the japanese pill
You'll need a jp e reader if you ever want to scan them then.
Im looking for the holos anyway
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cute giraffe
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kek! NOW it's a gem mint 10
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>PSA upgrades their slabs
>UV protection
It’s over for you anti-grading faggots
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Do any of you use tinted sleeves, or are they all clear faced?
how accurate are the prices on tcgplayer? I don't collect or anything but I have an old binder full of cards from way back in the day and the prices seem absurd. $230 for a celebi? Are the prices these days really that crazy?

its joever for local kike stores...
wait, the slabs weren't humidity proof before? lmao what a scam
Grading is finally maybe slightly worth it. Congrats PSA only took you 30 years.
No, all the people claiming it was to preserve their cards were ignorant dopes. It was safer for your cards to put them in a Ultra Pro One Touch with desiccants than it was to leave them just in a PSA slab.

Now it's probably about the same.
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That's what Dream League was. Most of that got into Cosmic Eclipse, though sadly we never got this promo.
Not really. Most local card shops deal with raw cards since you can have more of them in a smaller space and they cost less per unit than each slab. Gamestop will be very apprehensive to enter the raw market since there would be far too many variables in what they will accept based on condition, and haggling and rarity and all that.

Local shops won't be affected much by this.
>Now it's probably about the same.
Still worse to grade them since you have all these extra steps involved in getting it into a slab instead of just putting it in a magnetic case yourself. Greater chance of your card getting damaged shipping them and having a grader look at them then doing it yourself.
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Looks like ooyama
The dollar is crashing and burning in less than 2 years?
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They need macro surface finger print scans to detect resubmissions and theft.
As well as card care detection.
The slab is pointless if they can't identify and see altering
>80 million slabs
>We need better identification
nah a serial number is good enough. there are way too many cards and collectables to try and organize this.
since its cunthia its valueless.
Yeah. Trainer gallery cards were great. I hope we get more or ones based on pokemon masters.
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Why do you even think she's Jewish? It's Pokemon, Shaun. No one is Jewish, it's a Japanese franchise. There's nothing even a little bit Jewish about her.
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What do you think came first for Shaun, the anti semitism or the Cynthia hate?
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>TFW no pokemon regions in camel fucker land.
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>oh vey goyfreak. its very anti probopass to not have a Israel region
>do you deny Israel "HER" right to exist too?
>better make a Jewish region or well extort you with our jew army journalists.
Probably the antisemitism. I imagine with a guy like him it was boiling under the surface. A lot of schizos try to find something they can latch onto that explains why they aren't successful or normal and "JEWS!" is an easy answer. I doubt the woman he thinks is Cynthia was even jewish. I bet she was just some poor blonde girl who knew he was a creeper loser following girls around. But after he got deported, all that boiling shit blew out and he had a face he could apply it all to. So he decided in his little pea brained mind that Cynthia was jewish because Cynthia ruined his life and the jews ruined his life. So ergo Cynthia = Jew. Shit like this would be hilarious if it wasn't so common it's become a boring inconvenience instead.
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Opinions on chinese cards? Does anyone here own them? How do they compare to japanese and english? I'm seriously tempted to buy this for cheap now that the actual card is 200$.
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Here, anon.

tl;dr traditional and simplified chinese have the same quality as the japanese cards but with an english card back since it is made in the japanese factory. Same as indo and thai.

The only asian language card that is not printed in the japanese factory is korean and it's quality is the same as english.

Here's how the korean version of that card looks.
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wow that looks like ass lmao. Any reason why the korean cards are printed in lower quality?
Cause korean is printed in their own factory and it shows in quality how bad it is compared to asian languages printed in the japanese factory. You can really see the texture differences between the two cards.

>>55894316 simplified chinese
>>55894344 korean
I bought a ereader Raichu ex 10 years ago to put on my desk at college
Now I see it's worth £35
good luck to anyone who wants to complete a set lmao
Is there any significant difference between traditional and simpkifued besides the text?
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traditional chinese follows the same release as jp and is released in hongkong and taiwan.

simplified chinese just recently got into the sword and shield era and their most recent set is their version of eevee heroes and the mew set and it is released in mainland china.

simplified chinese also has security features for their cards.
oh ok so I'm assuming all the super cheap cards are simplified?
Any significant difference in quality?
Yeah. Traditional chinese is slightly worth more but some sellers mistake the two and sometimes sell them for cheap like with the 2019 traditional gamba lillie vs the simplified chinese gift box gamba lillie.

Other than one instance with the gift box gamba lillie, none. Simplified chinese cards have the same quality as japanese cards since they were printed in the same factory.
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englishbros... I got these cards just because they were cheap, but they absolutely shit on my english cards... I'm thinkin I'm gonna take the japanpill...
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I agree anon. As much as I'd like to be able to read my cards, even japanese AR quality is far better than eng.

It's more noticeable in real life though rather than through pictures.
lmao I also just recently bought the Japanese 151 IRs of Dragonair, Pikachu and Ivysaur for the same reason and came to the same conclusion. Each day I'm more and more redpilled on Japanese cards (and by extension the Chinese ones too), not sure if I'll fully convert but I'll definitely keep a closer eye on them from now on.
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How is there any difference in the art rares? There isn't even any texture? You weebs are ridiculous.
I got a jp wartortle card for like 1/10th the cost of what its going for here
The holo foil is different.
>You weebs are ridiculous.
That was me before I bought some Japanese cards to compare in person, I'd recomend you do the same, most of them are cheap as hell.
Not on the flat holo cards like the IRs lmfao

Literally the >thing-japan meme
Here's a time stamped vid showing the difference between jp and eng foils.

>Here let me just buy this card i cant read because i cannot afford the english copy because of harder pull rates.
>people around me will respect my ez to get card that no one can read and will bend over backwards in awe of my collection of weird hieroglyphic symbols.
when will the western market just admit their objectively wrong? no i dont want your shit cards i cant read.
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English cards appeal to USA, Canada, Australia, The UK, Ireland, and New Zealand.

Japanese cards appeal to Japan and poor Americans.
thanks satan.
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After nearly completing Lost origin and Silver Tempest i kinda stopped caring about pokemon cards but have my collection (i have other sets cards of course) listed on Collectr
>tfw my collection costs A LOT more now
what the fuck happened???
i dont see that cards cost that much now...
Is this because a lot of cards rocketed in price a bit so it boosted the price of my collection?

I have Giratina v and Lugia v.
that giratina is already worth less because it's not eng or jpn, not to mention it's DEFINITELY not worth shit with the condition you have it in. did you wipe you ass with it? jesus christ
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fucking retard this is not my picture obviously. Why the fuck would i unironically buy that card?
Just posted it to keep my post more fun.

Holy shit you are fucking loser.
Quickly came to laugh at “my failure” so that your life wouldn’t feel like such crap. And your brain didn’t even allow for the possibility that this was POSSIBLY just a picture from the Internet.

My Giratina is PSA10 obviously.
mongoloid posts in the collector's thread with a photo of a card that isn't his and starts trying to fling shit when someone calls him out. yea i'm sure your PSA 10 giratina V is back in Canada with your girlfriend, retard
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I can understand why someone would buy a card in that condition, anon. After all, it's the same reason I picked up this lightly played gold star metagross. I started coming back to /vp/ once gen9 was announced and released since it rekindled the flame of pokemon enjoyment from my younger years. I then started browsing non-mainline game related threads and stumbled into /tcc/ to lurk for a little bit. After some time lurking, browsing ads, and saving up, I can't believe it, I finally got a gold star pokemon card! I bought it off a facebook seller. I know it's in "loved condition" but that just means that each crease has a story to tell. It still cost $550, though (these things are tough to come by!).

I don't care about the creases that much since this is just for my personal collection. If I was going to grade this I would care more, but this is going right in my binder. I may even put this in a top loader on my desk so I can look at it all the time. I finally feel like my collection is impressive, up there with the big poketubers I follow. It's still a gold star at the end of the day, and just as rare and good as any other version.

Anyone else have a similar story? I may get back into collecting since looking at this card brings back so many memories.
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Kys annoying loser.
Sucks to be you.
Also i covered the psa number on my photo and took it blurry just to make you seethe more and whine for 200+ posts and remember me next thread.
that's actually a kino story anon. I'm glad you got the card you liked and have such a great attitude about it. collecting is all about having what you enjoy, after all.
i wouldn't buy that even when i was new.
It's just a simple logic...why would you buy something that is literally broken and garbage.

Sure incestors inflame prices even for garbage card.
But if you willing to spend money to such stuff why not just save up more and buy an actual card?
value is always subjective. that card was worth its price to anon, it could be worth less or more to another but at the end of the day he has the card he wants at the price he's willing to pay.

to fully enjoy tcg collecting you gotta accept that. not everything is about market price and value estimation you know?
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You've missed a lot.
Lost Origin is out of stock and normies run to buy everything L.O.-related they see.
PokeRev looks so much older when he's not smiling
it's "broken".
If you like that card/pokemon - buy a new or used. Not "literally chewed up by a dog" - condition thing.

it's literally picrelated and inVestorS took advantage of him using his feelings.
Don't be that guy.
Sure buy stuff you like but don't be retarded to the point of paying for some shmuck in the internet that sells you garbage.
so by your logic things like Goodwill and used cars shouldn't exist? we should just throw everything away if it's got heavy enough signs of use?

I would agree with you but metagrossanons pic is far from the worst damage I've seen on a card that old.
>SO bY yUrLogIck things like Goodwill and used cars shouldn't exist? xDDDDDDDDDD
>"used" condition is the same thing as "chewed up by a dog" condition
I literally wrote "buy a new or used".
You absolute fucking moron, holy fucking christ.

I blame tik tok on the ability of zoomers to have brains...
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Back in my day.......
Modern chase card 35-75 dollars a pop
PSA 10 Modern chase card 75-150 a pop
the prices for this pricing structure is just, because pull rates, shipping and grading costs determine the value of the product.
INB4 SuPpLy aNd DeManD.
frankly there is plenty of supply and just enough demand to keep the product moving. look up any modern alt art card in a PSA 10 and you will find plenty of listings. maybe 10 actives, 20, or even 50 of these modern chase cards that are supposed to be rare and are clearly justified in the asking price for 500-1000.......
......except they are not. there are tons of supply. there are just enough dumb motherfuckers that are going to be the next Elon musk if they buy this 1000 dollar overprinted, over graded card.
there is no market short.
this is why I stopped caring. I been collecting for a long time. everything is just a redflag at this point.
call it speculation. but don't tell me that there is a short, when the only reason I cannot get the card is the retarded price point, and there are 50 active listings.
shits not rare. get over yourselves. you overspent, can't wait to see it crash. lolololololol
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>Using rings
Get a ringless side loader binder. It feels fucking fantastic to flip through.
reminds me of when i bought many Ancient Origins booster packs that i almost completed the master set. back then it would had been stupid to invest on AOR, but seeing how the shiny Mega Fug, Kyogre, and Groudon shot up their prices recently, and i have 4 copies each... i still don't think it's a worthy investment seeing it took 8 years for it to rise like that.
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>seeing it took 8 years for it to rise like that.
For an active investment - not.
But for a geeky collector that loves pokemon - it's amazing.

I don't follow any charts - i just got lucky and my favorite pokemon usually popular (gengar/giratina/lugia/etc.).
So if your hobby will give you money after 8-10 years it's amazing.

I might get more L.O. stuff. I was getting multiples just for fun.
L.O. is basically one of 3 main hype sets of Covid/NFT/LoganPaul craze era when people got really nuts about pokemon cards.

Everybody will remember Evolving Skies-Lost Origin-Silver Tempest (and crown zenith i guess) fondly with good warm memories attached to these sets
I see a good deal on Ebay but seller has only 2 reviews.
How can they possibly scam me? On ebay it's impossible because technically even if they won't send me anything or do other type of scam - Ebay will return money anyway?
>I buy pokemon cards for the text and respect of my peers
we're reaching never before seen levels of cope
I wouldn't say it's impossible, but ebay does tend to very heavily side with the buyer in disputes. But frankly it's not always a bad thing when sellers have very few reviews. It means they can't afford to get bad reviews, assuming of course they're actually trying to make more sales and aren't just listing a couple items to cash and dip.

If they look legit, have detailed listings, and have multiple other listings, I'd be willing to give it a shot. If anything about their listing or storefront seems sketchy, it might not be worth the potential trouble.
dude that is HP at best
captcha: VPJSVP
If they only have 2 reviews buying a £10 card off them is going to be fine. A £50 card... eh, not so much
It was actualy a $50 card lol... it's a good deal and without shitty shipping of $12-20
i guess i will look into that seller's account more carefully
anon, i don't think many adult men are buying english pokemon cards to gain the respect of their peers...but if that's what it takes to convince yourself to spend more money on lower quality cards - you do you bro.
>card i cant read
>card that no one can read
christ amerilards are so fucking hilarious in their stupidity
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How I see it is that only English speakers really want to collect English whereas any language speaker can be a Japanese card collector.

I'm an English speaker and I collect both English and Japanese. I like Japanese cards because they are higher quality and have more interesting cards. I like English vintage because it is nostalgic and I collect English modern honestly only because it's convenient and easy to find.
newfag here

is it me or do rainbow rares just look horrendously ugly
Not just you, a lot of people don't like them.
nobody ever liked them
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Loot from 12 packs of PAF

Pretty amazed I pulled the Gardevoir
It's going to be a good day
nice anon
never open that again you've peaked
>no i dont want your shit cards i cant read.
Good, more cheap (and nicer looking) cards for me.
>it's "broken".
I'm sure he can still play with it if he uses sleeves, even in a tournament setting.
So hundreds of millions of people will primarily chase english?
Also, many euros will purchase english cards since they will still understand the words and the value of english cards is much higher than their language's.
Holo is still pretty clean. Couple creases but no scratches is a huge win.
yeah the card was bent in half but no scratches mate
no lowballs i know what i got
if you're going to buy a Twilight Masquerade box it's a good time to get one on TCGplayer since they are all $99.99 with $10 back in store credit.
No I don't think most people will or should primarily chase English. If you live somewhere where there are mostly English cards it makes sense to have them though.

Euros do sometimes collect English but when they do they also usually collect their own language (if possible) as well as Japanese too.

Japanese can appeals to any collector regardless of which language they speak. Whereas English primarily appeals to those who can speak English.
So youre telling me youre a poor american?
Those are the only english speakers that collect japanese.
Yeh they have better production quality, meaning their graded 10's arent difficult to obtain, rare and nothing special, where as an english 10 is actually difficult to get.
Because the card is unreadable, 50% of that card cant even be appreciated.
Nope, not American.

English although harder to get 10s is still not really hard to get 10s unless we are talking about specific eras (but then even Japanese has hard to grade eras and sets).

The main part I enjoy about the card is the art, so yeah the text being unreadable to me doesn't really matter. But having better quality prints does make the art nicer to look at.
Cope. No scratches is way more important than no creases. The holo is the most important and visually striking part of a card. Once you dull it with scratches and scuffs it destroys the entire appeal.
>No I don't think most people will or should primarily chase English
Seeing as the population of north america dwarfs that of japan's...
Oh my bad your right we should all go buy Chinese cards then.
You said it, not me.
What's the sickest vintage card you know of?
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latias gold star is pretty fucken sick
which accounts for the price tag
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I'm currently saving up to try and pick up one of these. Super cool Fan Club promo.
Trying to read to read cards to figure out what they did as an 8 year old was painful as hell with these shit translations.
Not my most expensive, but definitly one of my all time favs
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>forgot pic
Sorry I'm retarded
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i remember being amazed when i first saw the movie promo Entei because everything about the card is all foil, and Entei is my favorite pokemon, so yeah. AFAIK, this Entei was the first reverse holo in TCG too.
there's no consistency in effect text back then, that's why it's normal to see wall of text on 3rd gen cards back then for effects that can be easily explained with a few lines on modern format.
I don't buy them, and if more people were like me, these modern cards wouldn't exceed $100.
Keep in mind half the market isn't collectors, it's other sellers.
It's a seller circle jerk to some extent, which once they realize they're just selling to each other it all falls apart.
Yep there is a monopoly of the alt art cards by dipshits that think we dont know the pricing stucture of cards and rarity. they dont wanna sell for a fair value and they hope it never crashes.
it will. not all cards will be cheap again. but anything over 35-75 raw, or 75-150 graded 10 should be questioned.
and like i said. high market demand is the exception to this rule, and max id spend would be 300. anything higher, and you're wasting your money.
Trainer Gallery is a good example.
All cards have similar pull rates, rarity isn't an issue.
Arbitrary values seemingly appointed to them based off desirability.
No short supply, even some remaining up for sale for extremely long periods of time.
Lol "Light Play"
It literally has structure damage to the integrity of the cardboard, it's damaged bro.
Japanese cards are literally just a cope for English speaking brokies.
>which once they realize they're just selling to each other it all falls apart.
Just two more weeks, right? No one but you has noticed this! None of the sellers! How astute of you!
A 10 isn't about quality but about the pristine condition of the card. An english 10 will always look worse than a japanese 10 no matter how "rare" it is.
>>It's a seller circle jerk to some extent, which once they realize they're just selling to each other it all falls apart.
It happened with team up cards, it happened with the japanese waifu cards, and now it happened to the swsh alt art cards.

Based on the trend of the previous two, it took around half a year for them to go back down after the initial hype.

What I don't get is why collectors are chasing the peak and FOMO'ing from this obvious market manipulation.
MTG has a history of cards being manipulated in the market and usually it's reserve list cards that get hyped and bought out. But it always starts at tcg player same with what has happened with all the recent fomo hypes for pokemon.
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what about the Japanese cards that are more expensive than their English counterparts? I seriously hope you guys aren't just collecting the English promo version of pic related. that would be some serious cope.
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Can you guys show me where I can buy english copies of these battle day cards? :)
>show your collection to your kids, they cant read it.
Zero point in collecting japanese, the written information cant be appreciated
I have a binder full of cards in a random order. how would I go about organizing them?
If every japanese card looks pristine, who gives a fuck?
The grade doesnt matter when its easily obtainable.
You literally dont even need to grade to know you have a cars thats probably a ten.
English is where grading makes a difference
Card notoriously difficult to grade as a ten sell for a heck of a lot.
>anon tell us Japanese cards are a cooe.
>anon replies with a japanese cope response.
You cant make this up.
>Crystal Nidoking
>1st Edition Shining Gyarados & Magikarp
>1st Edition Base Set Charizard
>Trainer Deck B Blastoise
>Trainer Deck A Machamp
>E3 Red Cheeks Pikachu
>1st Edition Ivy Pikachu
>Prerelease Clefable
>Masaki Gengar
Its always fat little manletts like oppoorsom blub on youtube that shill japanese as a massive cope.
This guy is the phenotype of people saying japanese is worth collecting, fat, retard, miserable, nonstop shit talking, and drawing on toilet paper like a autist all day.
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Many such cases
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ok...? I only care about how the cards look not about their rarity, do you actually care about the quality of the cards or do you just see them as dollar signs? (this is a rhetorical question, I already know your answer)
egyptian mew
uuuueerm you just don't get them if dey dont exist in murrican mmmkay? Who cares about these charcters or pokemon or the art anyway, the text is all that's important for a collector.
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So why get so pissy that some westerner fans like collecting Asian cards? Is it all investor cucks trying to push their overpriced English stock? Literally don't see any other reason why how other people choose to spend their own money could get you so upset. That also goes for that retard trying to shame another anon for settling for a damaged copy for cheaper, why does that upset you? Should he have bought your near mint copy that's 100x the price, the one you only have because you bought it recently to flip for quick money? Fucking fake fans invading OUR hobby, genuine subhumans.
Japanese cards are the 1st edition prints. English cards are merely shit quality foreign shit.
they are trying to justify spending more money on inferior cards. imagine if you spent hundreds or thousands of dollars on english cards that could be had in japanese for a third of the price and better quality to boot. you have to work very hard to convince people that their japanese cards aren't cool enough or impressive or some bullshit to justify the premium you paid.

i have plenty of english and plenty of japanese. i can understand people preferring cards in their native language, but the idea of disparaging the original japanese prints of a japanese product is hilariously retarded.
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Who the fuck cares about if you can read the text or not? Since when has "Flippy floppy: Flip two coins and if any are tails do 30 dmg to yourself" improved your enjoyment of a card? If anything, the fact that you can't read such trite makes you enjoy the card more since you aren't distracted with ridiculous attack names.
Literally the only ones that SHOULD care about the text are players, but I'd bet most id not all of the posters on here don't even play the fucking game, only collect/scalp like poser faggots.
the collector base for pokemon has always eclipsed the playerbase. you wouldnt know that though newfag.
All the more reason for them to not give a shit about the text on the card and collect japanese. Unless you really feel like reading "Doopy poop: Does 20 damage plus 10 for every benched pokemon" and believe it adds a lot to your appreciation of the pokemon illustration.
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Why do Japanese cards rattle so bad in PSA slabs. It's the worst, PSA fix yo shit!
they announced an update to their slabs a few days ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJ_X7BLtE8w
Will this actually fix it though?
idk gonna have to wait and find out, they say it wont move @0:39
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Oh shit nigga, mail day. Here's just some of the recent singles arrivals.
Also decided to get a few Japanese boxed to open. Will my luck be better here compared to their English counterparts? Find out on the next unexciting episode of Anon's Balls Z.
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Starting with Shiny Treasure ex and holy shit I hit the jackpot, finally some luck shined upon me after all of those lackluster English hits lately.
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Next up is Wild Force, nothing special but it's hard to feel that bad after the previous box, plus I like the art rares I got.
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Next up is Cyber Judge, I like my art rares here even more than the last box and I also got two full art pokemon cards but one less holo rare than normal. How often does that happen for Japanese boxes? I was under the impression that hits are hard mapped out.
congrats on that pelipper anon
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And lastly is Crimson Haze, pulled the Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex SAR, not my most wanted one out of that category but still pretty happy pulling it. Overall very happy with this opening.
Torkoal IR is definitely underrated, nice pulls
Then go collect topps cards then, oh wait you wont because you actually do care about text.
How much did the chinese moonbreon cost you, anon? Also where'd you buy?
Topps aren't "real" cards. Stop moving goalposts and concede.
Got it on eBay, it's listed for £350 but managed to get it for £315 via the best offer option. The seller's from China and has quite a lot of cards in stock, might still have some left of Moonbreon if you want to get it yourself. Not exactly cheap in the grand scheme but FOMO did get the best of me because even despite me being in the camp that thinks the English and Japanese versions will eventually crash because the way it is now just isn't sustainable in the long run, those will probably still be several hundred for how memed into infamy it is.
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Thanks, anon. I'll look into it if I don't get lucky since I bought the whole set of the vaporeon, jolteon, flareon eevee gift box set. Just waiting for them to arrive and open them with friends.
Best of luck with your pulls, anon.
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TPCi has brought back the old style cosmos foiling for promos, I wonder if they'll bring back the full holo reverses too?
I can only hope so. The current crop of reverse holos look flat and awful.

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