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Year of Gohan
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Glad TEQ Gohan finally is allowed to have a link partner from outside the first 3 years of the game.
>still only 4 links
Good thing he doesn't need them
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Should I dupe Vegito/Gogeta or just shoot for PHY Majin Buu? I don't have him yet. Nor do I have the Super INT/PHY Goku & Vegeta but I NEVER fucking see those units on rotation so why spend like $80 on a unit that'll be at stuck 45% for the next 3 fucking years?
Don't coin dupes. INT/PHY Goku and Bejita are ueless in today's meta. They'll eventually Super EZA and be good again, and you can get them then. Shoot for PHY Buutenks and STR Vegito from the EZA banner if you don't have them. They're amazing units, but keep in mind, they might return for WWC in 3 months on better banners.
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>80% damage reduction, 27 million supers and attack support turn 1
TEQ Buukeks...
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Reminder EZAreas are shit
this but unironically
sounds great now let me just bring a slot 1 Goten to make that happen, oh wait there's no such thing
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You are the man. Thank you. Used the 100 coins and the game graciously gave me AGL Buu.
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Your full dodge brats, bro?
Thank you for your service.
just waiting for this eza...
maybe they'll finally release a great krillin unit too
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>maybe they'll finally release a great krillin unit too
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>have the units
>have the ability
>NEVER feel like doing Ultimate Clash until I'm fresh the fuck out of Reverse Medals
you can buy them unlimited in the green gem shop
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The EZA will save him.
Anon that's 30 stones
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Bio Broly for WWC 2024 to celebrate the sync. We're merging with JP like how Broly merged with indian cuisine into a super saiyan sludge monster
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... how many did you skip
anon i....
nigga gohan's active skill OST is amazing

shit gives me the motivation to fucking fight for the life I deserve. nigga fuck this shitty ass world fuck the shitty ass people I'm getting mines nigga !!!!! whuurrrahaaaaahahhhh 11!!!!!
NTA but I've never done a clash or pettan
You get stones from those?
Pettan gives a few meager stones for every round and finishing a set gives 5.
Battlefield is 30+ stones you're leaving on the table.
Bro... battlefield gives 30 stones every 25 days... we're on the 67th battlefield meaning that's 2010 stones left on the table if you skipped all of them...
pettan gives stones but only a few, nowhere close to ultimate clash
also battlefield only requires you to beat the 3 levels once to get all the stones so it isnt even that tedious
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T-thanks for doing the math on the size of pain I've induced on myself. It's no where near that egregious but it's still enough that my sloth on the matter is entirely unwarranted. Should I be doing Red Zones too? I just...don't. Everyone talks about how much they suck. I assume they're super hard endgame content that I need mutliple dupes for.
pettan is a skip
but clash gives you stones and medals to buy the battlefield lrs which are good filler units for teams and it resets once a month
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They're all beatable with 55%s, just use whis in the hard parts. But you can get those stones any time while battlefield stones are gone forever.
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I'm so rarted
I mean I already have ~2500 stones because I don't summon on anything that isn't Vegito or Vegito-adjacent but maybe I would if I had those 2k extra stones
Guess I'll start doing them, thanks
chat is this real
eh if you're behind on memory you'll never catch up to the costs of the LRs, they're priced for people who cleared every single bf since the start
I wish this was real....
damn this is really good wtf
a shame its not real
>step 7 instead of 8
this nigga not even trying
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*saves Extreme STR*
Whoops wrong pic
holy shit i just cant get buu to fucking die, three times he has taken enough damage to near die and then someone else on the rotation dies and i get fucked

fuck this
Bro. The CJ/AiTF are nuts. Especially if you are actually playing the game and not wanking him with unrealistic stacks. Turn 5 and turn 7 he’s good. But he’s great with those links up.
hoping they do a similar dokkanfest celebration like they did for turles with him

>new tur full power boujack
>two banner units with his crew for support
>eza for the str boujack
>sub ezas for the two full power boujacks and the teq zangya
Dokkan scholars, is ultimate gohan better than ss3 angel goku and/or fat buu?
What? Ofc he is.
keep saving for anni or drop some stones for GOAThan?
No. And he absolutely needs dupes for crits.
He makes TEQ LORDhan look like a slobber knocker. He’s essentially giving 45% def just from links. As long Gohan gets his stacks, the rotation is unkillable.
Save, AGL FECEShan is mid and TEQ CHADhan doesn't need him to be dominant.
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OK. I don't understand. I keep doing the Ginyu Force/Bardock jobber squad missions for the Awakening tokens but they just don't drop dude. What am i missing here? I'm going on almost two years having neglected the Ginyu Forfce.
you have to clear the event 30 times
The medals dont drop from the stage itself and you only get enough from the missions to awaken 1 each. The missions are beat each stage 30 times for ginyu units and 20 times each for bardock squad
I think he's weaker at 55% compared to them
He absolutely is when linked with teq Gohan
one rotation and nothing
might do another if the dokkan fest character is shit or a literal who
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OH! Time to bust out the meat. Thank you.
>another buu event come and gone with no lr buu
see you guys in 3 years
Is it to beat THE event or just beat AN event?
Because if it's any event >>1472125 can just auto through speed battle 1
it's each unit's stage for their medals
>Int SSj Goten and Teq SSj kid Trunks if they ever got a slot one leader Goten and Trunks
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>mfw gohanfags post attack stats like they're impressive
when's part 3
I love them!
farming sub ezas is a pain in the ass, which of the two buus is red zone viable?
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6 turns finally done. The seza goku performed very well. Only reason i got to buu and babidi on turn 5. Only the int mission is left...
I did that one with LR future Gohan was pretty free. I did the type one with kamehameha since I’m lazy
STR Fat Buu is the only decent one. I used him to complete the rainbow Beast mission and he performed well, I just kept him in front of one or two attacks and floated him off
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Guaranteed was my 1st copy, have some more f2p stones and almost coining my 1st dupe.

Waiting a bit to see before I go full copium and whale again for a 2nd dupe... also need like 40 gold coins so may as well in the future...
and whoten plus present trunks I suppose...
>a 4 year old unit every has dupes of
>a very new anniversary DFE LR half the playerbase doesn't have yet and may not get dupes for
Agl LR Gohan is 4 years old?
oh you're talking about agl. yeah he's definitely worse than broly but I'm also not surprised a yellow coin is not competing with an anniversary dfe
He will be back as part of WWDC if that helps
>2nd dupe
Wait. You can really just...do that? ...Huh.
which of the new sub ezas are worth grinding?
>get to 3rd stage
>everyone supers right as the fight begins
>half of the teams I throw at them immediately die, other half eventually has the weakest link get caught in another super
I remember now why I never did this mode
At least I got the stones for stages 1 and 2
a lot of the fights can be sealed, first form Cell can even be stunned so it helps a lot to have units who can do that
evolution Vegeta however sucks to fight because you can't seal him or any kind of other debuff and he can super 2 times in a turn
goten, trunks and fat buu
unironically all except PHY Buutenks
I'm too lazy to do sub EZAs.
It's JUST Krillin, Vegeta...

I mean I'm mad the Namekians shit on me for Wave 3 because I thought I could use mono-theme teams but man.
You need to use mono teams and read the boss details to see which debuffs can be applied
I'm sure you have 5 normals teams who can handle it. Mono is a meme for big boxes.
Could I show you my box and get some of your assistance with eyeballing the units I should focus on for Battlefield?
No. Do your own homework.
On it. Wish me luck. I'm going after Piccolo first. He one-shot me last time.
>Could I show you my box and get some of your assistance with eyeballing the units I should focus on for Battlefield?
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farming to get this gohan to rainbow has been extremely painful
Now imagine the drop rate was even worse, there was no category boost and you were doing all of this grinding in pursuit of a SR unit that was never good.
This SUB-EZA grind is unreal…we were spoiled last time when their medals came with missions for the billion U6 sub-ezas
this kind of shit is why i just can't hold an interest in this game anymore. random non-dfes randomly just becoming better than actual dfes that i chased with all my stones a few years ago is so retarded. and it's always characters i don't give a fuck about like "super saiyan kid trunks" like be for real.
It wouldn't be so bad if they just fixed the goddamn loading times on EZAs or at least removed some of the other time wasting bullshit. Do I really need to see the passive skills of the enemies flash on screen every single time? Is it necessary for me to see the splash screens before and after every single level even if I've already beaten it before?
based retard
idk how he wanked that attack stat but it's usually 10-13 mil next to goten.
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>that was never good
so much could be done with this system. Just let me spend all stamina needed and get all the medals i need for a unit in a single run or something
He was never good and this game's community has always had a problem with sucking Gohan's dick.
yeah i aint spending 1 stamina on these semen slurping ezas. ill use red keys in a couple weeks
It's okay to be a newcutie, anon. You weren't there when he was the best f2p in the game, it's fine.
First of all, no one in this thread was playing in 2016, no one. Second, even then he was really not that good and there were better F2Ps like Boujack from the same event. Gohan's dick gets sucked no matter what though and every Gohan release will be called "the best" during and even long after their time is up. When Beast falls off a cliff next year like every other anniversary unit, you will see people sucking him off until his EZA.
I don't wanna rainbow this sharthan just for the memory mission. Will they even bothering giving him a TUR?
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>no one in this thread was playing in 2016
I remember pulling, though. Picrel was my first banner.
Gohan was nuts because he had super saiyan links and could actually go with the one real unit on your team since SSR rates were so abysmal.
>better f2ps like bojack
Who didn't drop? R Gohan was the only f2p unit when it released, and he dokkaned to the SR.
You are not an oldfag, it's okay to be wrong, move on.
This is gohan dick sucking month, though, so I can see where your bias comes from.
I didn't claim to be an oldfag you fucking tranny. The Gohan was not good now kill yourself.
wow i bet they'll give him the respect he deserves, just like teq angelku
>I did not play during the specified period of time
>Nor do I know the meta or other relevant units during the specified period of time
>However I can say for certain it was this way
NTA but the fact you were proven wrong, admit you don't know what you were talking about, yet double down is hilarious. It's almost as if insulting someone doesn't automatically change that fact. Nor does lashing out in anger unprovoked automatically not make you any less of a bitch.

>the gohan was not good
>but I wasn't fucking there
>but I know because... because!
Yeah he'll be throwaway garbage again, most likely. The SSJ2 was shit.
Shut the fuck up already. All I want to do is talk about the fucking game but you NIGGERS have to reply to my shit with these annoying ass comments every day. If it's not you then it's that fucking spic spammer or some namefag. JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP JESUS CHRIST
>talking about the game
>is wrong
You seem fun.
Another fun fact, did you know team cost used to be relevant, and we had a fun awful period where super strikes were limited to 100 team cost but every friend cost 42 or 48 because those were the good leads?
Fucking seriously just stop posting and replying to everyone with your lame shit. If you don't want to talk about the game just get the fuck out and stop trying to make everything a goddamn argument. I don't want to hear your gimmick or your bullshit. GET LOST AND GO AWAY
>you don't know this obscure fact from 10 fucking years ago?
>time to spam reply to every single one your posts with my avatarfaggotry
Go die. I'm serious. I actually hate you.
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This rage... it's exploding...
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New argument: team cost is still relevant for Burst Mode, which is more relevant than red zone because the stones are missable.
I started a couple of months before LR Prime SS Goku dropped. I remember there was threads on /v/ in the build up to it, which makes me laugh at how badly prime ezas have been handled
Everyone knows this but the "oldfags" that do nothing but talk about dumb bullshit trivia that was barely relavent nearly a decade ago. They either mod or don't play the game at all now so they don't realize how many mechanics from back then have been revived.
best way to play instead of chasing meta, or god forbid whaling for it.
Burst mode is honestly the best thing they had added in a very, very long time.
Team cost adjustments mean you bring units you'd never bring elsewhere, along with it being longform content.
That WT unit that stacks and only costs 40? Amazing!
>you will run 2 units with no leaderskill and you will like it
EZAreas make me nostalgic when they pull this shit sometimes, though it doesn't happen frequently.
at least they make them really easy to compensate for that fact
might as well do all of them. there isn't much else to do right now before the WT next weekend
based af
fuck wasting stamina
i just hope they eza the int ssj3 goku and teq majin vegeta next week
I just wish burst mode didn't cost stamina. it's one of the best modes they created

They really should just have the fighting legend goku have a permanent burst mode option where you don't get rewards but it's a fun sandbox to mess around with teams and different burst mode settings
FUCK prime battles
>hey these f2ps could really help out a newfag
>actually you need to max these 6 other f2ps first
>actually you need to max 6 OTHER f2ps for EACH of the first f2ps
>and so on
>that'll be 50,000 stam and keys, plus tip
Shit is not remotely worth it compared to link leveling your gacha characters. By the time you built up your box and can spare the stamina, the PB LRs are useless to you.
Frieza was worth it at the time his EZA released but a long time has passed since then so there's no use for him
There's a reason they're in Challenge tab and not the Growth tab
just do one f2p once a day or every other day or something and slowly chip away at completing them. probably super annoying to do it all at once
>wah I have to do content
Will never understand people bitching about needing f2p units to power up f2p units.
>Thinking clicking into a stage every unit from the last three years one-shots is content
Probably that these f2ps are trash for the amount of resources they take.
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Don't even need to go that far now, I'll have 500 gold coins in a bit soon and still haven't hit the 200 white coin pity for my 2nd dupe... also 1500 green coins for my 69% Futurehan or something? Idk, I just reinstalled during the buu saga drop recently.

Got 69% fat buu, but only 55% SS3 Goku.

Won't chase more because 2 dupes is fine when I can get spooked on other banners in the future.

Average BEASThan enjoyer btw.

>last dupe of LR black too

Should be a nice consultation prize then.
Good for Majin buu saga rushing.
Your free stamina?
wish I could reset eza stages to zero, I would rather do it 30 times than having to constantly check if I have enough medals
grinding old stages for sub eza medals is probably the most redundant and gay grind in this game
Did I make it. I have some unawakened units in my box but most are Cards awaiting an EZA. I think I stopped worrying about these things about a year ago and they continue to pile up.
this is so true that it hurts. I remember how useful the EZA LR STR FIrst form Frieza was. He was a perfect EXT STR bad guy that I could really use. It took me about a year for all the relevant F2P stages to come back so I could complete it. As a new player I had no fucking keys. By the time I had finished him, it no longer mattered…. However all those F2P units are always needed for any F2P stuff. The one time they could give you a break by letting you use the gacha units you pulled for and they fucking ban them.
>eza fat str buu
>200k def after picking some orbs
>5m atk
you guys said he's good
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is teq gohan worth it at 69%? i havent even bothered to link level him since i got a dupe long ago
so what did you guys got from your 30 ticket summon?
PHY Zamasu and the U2 troons.
Yes. A 69% gohan with 4 stacks will have more defense than a 100% gohan with 3 stacks. It all depends on stacks. And 69% gives him enough to get 14-15 additional hipo which is all he needs.
i got lr int treeku which i didnt have so i will never have to use coins to get him for collection purposes
which is nice i guess
He's worth it at 55%
i got two banner units i did not have before (teq baby and phy 21) and LR turles. really good i'd say thats what i get for skipping CHADhan
dupes and str mai
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30 ticket shart.
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You guys got LRs?
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Hit pity, it's over.
wtf we all have him rainbow my boy HAHAHAHA
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on global I got a handful of the featured and a couple phy android 21
on jp I got trunks carrying mai and got lr bulma and lr str fp frieza and random featured
We've been telling you since Day One to keep every unit.
Bros... there are no Gohans left to add except standalone SS2...
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>no more Gohans
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Bro, your I'mMyFather'sSonHan?
This trash banner isn't worth trying my luck more than once, right?
No, the featured units are trash and LR Gohan is a very good option for the MBS team but is not essential or really game changing. He's also got a lot of MBS-specific buffs and restrictions. Just save now and try your luck again during WWDC when he's on the banners there
Bojack movie base form Gohan
Gohan from the world tournament during the buu saga
SEZA Kid Buu confirmed
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Someone say SEXA Buu?
I've cummed so many times to 21 bros...
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Units for this look?
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Yep. Kid Buu for red zone too.

Prepare your box for even more bullshit missions involving six units of a dead category.
I'm gonna do it bros. I'm gonna coin ss trunks.
I was going to but luckily he spooked me.
Only do it for soul, even with all the ACS wank recently he's still a coin flip of viability.
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General Blue because of the faggyness, Bacterian because of the uglyness.
i dont have phy kid buu...
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200 red coins
150 actually.

You're better off coining these units and saving your red stones for 400 coin units.
>dodgedorks telling you to go full dodge when post-9th anni, crit and damage is the most important thing
My boy. You are living the dream right now. I wish you the best. Keep us updated.
AGL GT Trunks feels like such a fuck you.
I think I have like 4 or 5 sitting around to coin when he EZAS.
Of course, this one can't do that, so he'll just be characetr points. Yay.
average MBS experience
>INT Fusmasu just countered a super
Had this dude for nearly a year and legitimately didn't know he could do that. Neat. Still mid tho.
i thought only really old 150 coin units were on the red stone
phy kid buu was the 3rd dfe ever released
Red stones go up to the 120% type leads now.
I miss when power of wishes meant the win button. They kept buffing and buffing it. Now pickle and Bulma are getting humbled.
If your Bulma is taking damage, you are doing something wrong.
t. hasnt played 9th year content
Yeah? Tell me how much Bulma takes from Buu's aoe fuck face. Fuck you.
>my 55% bulma got killed
Boohoo nigga, get your bread up.
Mine is rainbowed. Still gets slapped before super.
Most units do. Even Beast can get caught by some of these stages if you go in completely raw with him.
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More official confirmation.
Which character do I get with my red stone?
The ones you don't have as per usual.
But if you want strong characters go for AGL SSJ3 Goku or Gotenks.
One of the old ass units as Dokkan 2 will come out before the 12th anni
Always go for units you're missing. Because you won't be pulling those oldies anywhere.
>been playing for years
>55% agl ssj3 goku
>55% phy kid buu
play for more years
Your red stones?
You can literally get SSJ3 ALG Goku with a red stone RIGHT NOW
>SS3 Goku
>Overlaps name with a new release and an LR EZA
>Crits and dodges with SEZA
He doesn't really need dupes. Buu would be a better choice
buu isnt on the red stone shop
lmao sucks to be that guy then.
what did you use those free red dragon stones on over the years before? that's how i managed to rainbow all those older units
Piss piccolo death thread start
Gross tranny still at it. Even your Hapa boyfriend vacated already
It hurts so much bros...
the diabeetus finally got him...
that's what I did but I just wanted to show that I only got one copy in 4 years of playing

rainbowing the other ezas that weren't ancient dogshit
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How to build units in hidden potential
full dodge my BOY
I can't believe he didn't dodge when he really needed to...
not even bothering ezaing the brats since they don't have a slot 1 partner
when should we get details?
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it's finally over Buu
i got an lr phy cell dupe so thats cool
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So the kids technically have a farmable SA.
Do I care enough to raise SRs to SSRs, then z-awaken those?
It is content to do... I might, honestly.
I have too many Kais now. And next anni will be the friend point summon. By then I’ll never need Kais again. But if you don’t have Kais then that’s the thing to do. Dokkan responsibly and all that.
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I'm not particularly hurting but still better to stay on top of things.
I bet your house reeks
I stopped selling the statues when I hit the halfway point on zeni last year and realized I could just sell them when I need the money instead of potentially capping out.
you are like little babby
Yeah, hence why I still farm stuff.
This account was one I rerolled back when AGL Gogeta and PHY Broly dropped, though, so it is what it is.
God I hate doing sub EZA's
probably the gayest grind in the game IMO. at least you can turn your brain off for prime battle LRs sub ezas you actually have to keep track of what medals you need and how many you need
too many clicks especially if it's one where they don't give the leader your want
They need to make missions for sub EZA medals.
It's so tedious and worse, it fucking costs STAMINA to do the stages.
Just wait until the stages go away and then use keys on them
how the fuck do you get so many kais? I never have any
That solves the stamina problem sure.
But its still way too boring to farm the same stage several times.
Just make a mission for those stages, or better yet, make a mission for either the redzone or the Dokkan stage of those medals, like do the stage with X team, or Y unit.
Anything but the boring spam of the EZA stage you've already done months/years ago.
SAfodder maxxing. including 50% chance upgrades for SA 15.
Imagine waking up at the crack of dawn on Saturday to watch 3 oiled up buff men fight aliens.
How do you have so few?
I’m at the point where I’m missing 3 LRs and only recent dfes so I’m now using Kai’s for shit like prime battle releases and still have 500+
LR Dabura with babidi teleport domain and side banner units Yakon/Pui-Pui. NOW.
flop no
If we get another LR Babidi before LR Kid Buu, there will be actual riots in the streets.
sometimes I forget we have three fucking LR Babidis
how does he keep doing it
Babidi by himself is really boring so they have to pair him with other units which means more resources and at that point you may as well make it an LR
All of them are f2p units
that's still 3 f2p LRs vs 0 LRs
Incoming Bibidi and Babidi Dokkan original LR
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rereading the manga i cant believe we never got more of cheeky cunt goku, super just made him a dumbass
for a sub eza, the fat buu is pretty good, cant wait for the seza for kid buu
My EXT PHYS team is complete! Only none majin power unit is LR Metal cooler.
LR Bibidi & Kid Buu.
lr april fools dancing kid buu
>april fools
don't fucking remind me
It's schizo hours?
Buu Saga Goku really doesn't give a fuck anymore, he did his job. Even fighting Fat Buu is just a distraction so the living can do their job.
when nindo gonna kill himself
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no way this nigga gets any pussy.
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He looks like he has a 2 inch cock LMFAO
4 is a really weird number to end a red zone on. Wonder if we'll get to beat up that lil nig Uub.
>Buu Saga Goku just wants to get the kid ready so he can spend the rest of his death beating up people in the afterlife
>Super Goku is a retarded punching bag for a furry
>venezuelan tranny vs hapa namefaggot
what did this general do to deserve this
so why are they obsessed with each other?
it's the same faggot samefaggeting
Blame europeans for giving these monkeys internet access
It's a dragon ball general. Mentally ill spics are attracted to it like flies to shit.
>eza for teqhan is amazing
>new lr is just a lr cooler reskin and sucks
it's the same fucking person being a legitimate schizo, the faggot jannies need to do their fucking jobs and get the mods to rangeban this autist
Cooler isn't even comparable to the new Gohan. Buffs the entire team in like 3 different ways, has guaranteed guard, orb changes, and can greatly raise ATK. Cooler isn't even in the same league. What are you smoking.
>anyone that does multiple supers is a lr cooler reskin!!
did truth tell you this?
>small dick
damn its over for nindo.
cooler on release was better than this gohan is now. CHADCHADCHADhan probably isnt even top 10 LRs in the game right now. other anon is retarded though he is definitely much better than cooler but for being a post 9th anni unit he should have been much better
Ofatso forgot that Cooler dodged all of Goku's shit until he made the WT eza. Expect UI tier dodge on Str Cooler eza/seza
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I'm still mad that Cooler didn't have a ki Super counter.
characters outright tanking/going through ki blasts has always been a favorite of mine. would have been sick in dokkan
>does multiple supers
does multiple NORMALS that can be supers, and yes
next time they redo him like they did with turles
>other anon is retarded though
you literally said what I said lol, he's cooler 2.0 but worse on release. of course he's better than cooler is now, he fucking should be with a 2 year old unit
>hidden potential normal
>get supered
great design
>he's just a reskinned Cooler
>except he isn't
>exact same thing
Wake me up when Cooler has guard or supports his teams (he won't)
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>teq buu changes int to rainbow
>str buu changes int to str
>surprised when there is no str orbs and blames the game
This is our guy???
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is TEQ gohan worth it at 55%?
only unit i am currently missing and actually want is the saiyan day TEQ vegeta, i have 900 red coins
i have a 700 def for the bronze and +5 additional for the silver but still he is probably gonna stack way slower so im not sure if its worth it
yeah thats my concern, if i dont coin him now i have no clue when will i be able to buy him again since ezas a lot of the time basically disappear from banners
will do, thank you
Vegeta returns in October
Gohan who knows
Gohan's solid enough at 55% to be worth it
yes and no, you are technically correct and i dont remember the original japanese name of the category but it literally means "super saiyan form beyond the original super saiyan"

ultimate/mystic gohan, ui goku, etc arent super saiyan forms so it doesnt count but i can easily see why the category name can cause some misunderstandings
shit buy two copies of gohan with your 900 coins. he's one of the best units in the game and will age like wine. you'll get another 300 by the time vegeta comes back
Question; This guy is a DFE that will get a SEZA soon? I think I may have found a use for my 3 books of war
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>he owns or used to own a 2005 infiti g35
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700 defense or +3 additional for teq gohan in the bronze slot fellas?
55%, i am the guy from earlier
is the daily capsule the best dollars to stone deal the game gets?
3 additional
A 700 def equip will be much more valuable than 3% extra dodge don't listen to that guy
That is not a dfe and will never seza.
>497k defense with 4 stacks and a 700 defense equip
>542k defense with 5 stacks and no defense equip
More additional = more stacks which is more valuable than the extra bit of defense per stack. 700 defense is fine for 69% cause you can still hit 14 additional but you're a retard if you do it on a 55% gohan.
I believe in the full power meme.
AA babyyyy
Furthermore, with how passive additionals effect hipo additionals, 5 hipo would give gohan a 27% chance to activate an additional while 8 would give gohan a 40% chance to activate an additional. Getting an additional regardless of if its a super or normal on his first turn is huge.
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Hello hapa bum
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you watching too many DaFatass videos
Who is this built guy, is he a Dokkan player?
great dokkan battle thread guys
I hope they consistently remain around this level especially considering the recent powercreep. There is absolutely no reason for them to ever make another STR Jiren-tier EZA again
how does this game work, what units are eligible for a super eza and not
Man that part was so fucking cool. I also like watching kaioken job. We REALLY need a kaioken Goku with his various kaioken attacks from the movies.
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Damn he got fat, every single repressed homo ends up like this (hapafag looks fruity as fuck), also thank you for exposing him once again.
Elliot Rodgers looking ass
This reads like some incel manifesto, LMAO
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Mindbroken poorfag bitch, you were so cocky just for this >>1474950
? Disgenic, gay, fat and poor. God really hates you kek (That kitty is cute, a shame that it is trapped with your sorry ass)
>This is what he called the "pussy slayer" basement
Sasuga hapa sama...
legends is better you fucking faggot
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My set up mogs yours, kek, imagine being mogged by a "3rd world PC" while living in the states...your PC is horrible, that monitor is absolutely disgusting and your room surely smells like dried cum and mold. I pity you hapacel, but I'll laugh when you end up killing yourself.
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So, your constant state of melty and deranged behavior with complete strangers on multiple threads is caused by your absolutely fucked up life
>You lost all of your gym gains, effectively becoming a fat fuck that is already balding and past his prime

>You always had some inferiority complex with women in particularly, your sister is loved by your family, you? Not so much
>Poorfag while living in the states, maybe your unstable state of mind makes you a bad worker so you apply to some trash tier lowly wage jobs to keep you afloat
>so depressed to the point you can't even bother to clean your room while posting pics of yourself on the internet, that means you're extremely lonely and touch starved
>You're overcompensating with your "masculinity" by dabbing on trannies, just to try to hide the fact that you got your dick sucked by another man in high school when you were supossed to score with some chick
Stunted development hapacel sodomite, these are all the ingredients to create some trash tier schizo like you, except that you amped it up to the 11, maybe it is because your whore of a mother has low quality genes even amongst SEAbugs, so you're extra fucked up.
Looony Kekkypowrooony, you lost so hard isn't even funny, keep arguing with your other personas, "Basi" or whatever that guy is called is living rent free in your head.
>Blatant samefaggin while not even trying to hide it
Hapafag got mindbroken.
Keep coping and deflecting, you know you've read every single word in that post.
Only reason I summoned on that decisive punch scam banner. Ended up dropping 155 stones for the INT Goku and 2 yellow coins. I think it was worth it, but I'm a kaioken fag.
>Buzzword salad once again because he got btfo
Donearooooooo, so predictable.
does anyone have a good dokkan playlist, preferably with that song This Is the Rythmn of the Night
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Kid Buu SEZA
>60% damage reduction
>800k+ def after super attacking
>50-70% support to extreme
Kid Buu bros...
um that's good you retard
Time to spend 450 coins I guess.
wait, does the "every time this character receives an attack 2 times in battle" mean that the DR will keep resetting down to 20%?
I was worried because I have a full dodge build with him, but he only needs to get hit 4 times to get the full DR buff, so I don't need to change the build.
Well, might do a round on the majin banner...
He's fucking busted wtf
it doesn't say that its within the same turn so no, its like any other on getting hit buff except its every 2 hits instead of every hit
It'd have within the same turn if that was the case, wouldn't it?
the old PHY DFE
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BIG Buu and 21 buff
So the optimal Fat Buu team is now
>INT Fat Buu
>TEQ Transforming Buu
>LR Buutenks
>PHY Kid Buu
>TEQ Gohan
What about the phy type support buu?
I guess you could replace Hirudegarn with him, but I don't think he's better than any of the other units. I don't even think he's better than Hirudegarn, but a rotation with him, Kid Buu and LR PHY Buu would be crazy.
he would be one phy unit short of getting the 4 turn guard
Gohanbros we had a good run as the best EZA.
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>60% DR and 70% support
That's the stuff
How many copies of him should I get with red coins if the discounted banner goes poorly?
>fatso and comments already shilling dodge when he needs to get hit
the nightmare never ends
nah, it's every 2 hits his crit and dmg reduction go up by 20%, so he needs to get hit 4 times for the extra 40%
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thank you past me
after next week, I'd swap out hirudegarn for the eza WT Mr Buu.
and if you're trying to go full villian team the gohan with the new evil buu
I don't trust the wording on the damage reduction. I'll wait until it's confirmed he maintains the 60% and it doesn't reset.
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>support unit shooting off a casual 13 mil super
>jumps up another mil and a half when linked with lr buutenks after he transforms with bbb
nice quality phonefag
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gotta be the boys
he's a great villain support and I think those units are 150 a pop, so either 1 or no more than 3
Supports should always be full dodge since they're not primary damage dealers imo

He gets no extra bonuses from super attacks and has 60% crit chance built in. Even though he can have 60% damage reduction, he could still get sniped by some of the hardest bosses supers
thank you
>18m attack stats
Buu team doesn't need anymore help living, they need damage, and Buu launching a second 13m super with 60% crit is far more important than dodging a normal every so often
I'm gonna need to pop a Whis after reading this post
agree to disagree
mine will be a floating support
>*dies from aoe normals because you don't have any dodge*
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>that start of turn def before super, and that's specifically rainbowed
>b-bb-b-but how many bosses aoe....
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there is no fucking way I share a board with retards who build their support units full crit or additional and not dodge
actually braindead LMAOOOOOO
Best thing to give Kid Buu would be raw def equips but that means removing them from Teq Goathan. God damn, I dunno what to do.
>So just use a different unit for that scenario dumb ass nigga
I don't have to handicap myself like that because I correctly gave my support full dodge :)
dumbest post yet
Yeah I think I'll just build Kid Buu full additional instead of going dodge like someone who's utter shit at the game.
>he's talking to himself again
Moron, the Majin Buu/Shadow Dragon silver and gold equips (600 Def and 900 Def) are one only. I could give him a dodge + Def equip but if he dodges and doesn't get his damage reduction off he'd die anyway.
Is this your cope?
My kid buu was 19 dodge so I'll try to give him as much AA and raw defense as I can with equips, but I'm not wasting stones
Wrong, the maths was done by some anon here. Gohan gets better defense overall with orbs than just full AA due to his baseline defense + stacking being higher.
nigga i'm popping a whis for that phase cause i'm never using this niglet outside of missions. better that he kills before whis runs out.
sorry bro. can't use items for the missions
Yeah that's the issue because in terms of sheer utility Buu is very much more useful with raw defense. I'm tempted to switch my equips out. This kills my OCD for perfect setups though.
what missions with this buu? name them
the extreme class ones
you can use items for those dumbass
prove it
learn to read you literal nigger
>what missions
>no they actually do!
>prove it
>uh... well they just do
>dodgefags dont know the first thing about the game
i'm shocked
>Pathetic loser needs items
sorry you already lost pretending to be another person and pretending you knew what you were talking about
Oh, so you're completely wrong and can't prove it and samefagging? I'm shocked.
I beat a loser samefagging. I'm shocked.
If having Ultimate gets you on the "Power Beyond SS" category, then TEQ Piccolo would be there
How many times has that fatass dumbass retard cried that his evovegeta doesnt have his revive up?
>building PHY Buu with dodge

Lmao, he gains 250% atk and def per super. I'd rather coin flip that extra super Vs dodge chance. Plus with his built in Crit and buffs he'll deal tons of damage and you risk losing DR activating and healing. 20 additional 6 crit and Raw defense for orbs is the best build.
a "when performing super attack" buff in a passive can only be activated once in the turn
My bad didn't know that. I'm a retard. I'd still rather take my chances with additional over dodge though.
yeah I agree, I put a lot of dodge on my LR int ss4 Goku because he doesn't need crit and it can be frustrating how sometimes he just keeps dodging when I need him to take hits so I can exchange to Uub ASAP
He's good for shorter content + battlefield. You want to build him with dodge or additional, though he already gets 60% dodge before attacking which triggers his buff for crit. But he gets guaranteed crit first turn so I lean towards additional so you can try and proc 3 supers. Generally once his buff runs out he's relegated to a floater where dodge arguably becomes more useful. As long as you don't build him crit like a retard he's good in certain situations.
>phy kid buu defense stats 100% with majin, infinite regeneration and bbb active (slot 2 between buuhan and fat buu)
70% HP SoT: 244,896
70% HP Super: 857,136
69% HP: 229,590
69% HP Super: 803,565
>with MAX defense equips (+2300)
70% HP SoT: 300,096
70% HP Super: 1,050,336
69% HP: 281,340
69% HP Super: 984,690
>Max difference is 193k defense post super
Damage from a RZBR AGL Broly super goes from 543,563 to 350,363.
Damage from a 3 million Extreme STR super goes from 665,364 to 472,164
Damage from a 3 million Type Neutral Super Class super goes from 543,563 to 350,363
Nice, those damage numbers dropping from raw def orbs due to the damage reduction is all you needed to convince me to switch him to raw def. Unfortunately due to the new Whis event not being on global only 2200 is the hypothetical max atm.
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You need to build him offensive and additional for his true potential. His best partner also gets weaker as the fight goes on. So you just want to end the fight before then. It always makes me laugh seeing datruths seza doing a double 14 million and then mine busts out a triple 19 million.
>didn't expect SEZAs
>all my old rainbowed units have dodge because they were filler for years.
not fixing these bitches
unironically the best build for all three of the SEZAs we have right now
10/10 Bait. I can see the thread being derailed again as we speak.
>max defense makes the damage recieved from gogetas post-super normals go from 239k per normal to 45k per normal
B-b-but what if full dodge buu just dodges every single attack directed at him?! Its a super duper realistic scenario!!!
Insane support, i can see people use him in super teams when possible
>85% chance to get punched in the face but survive vs. 72% chance to get hit by a car and die
>max dodge retard: yeah I'll take the latter
Why are they like this?
I made an error on broly damage calc, had the calculator on super class so its actually much less.
>Damage from a 3 million Extreme Class Type Neutral super goes from 360,863 to 167,663
Teq Golden Frieza and Str SS3 Vegeta's SEZA will break the game won't it?
What is this Tomb raider ass-shit
Could this also mean we could revisit celebrations such as RoF?
>implying you can't go full dodge on him AND have def equips with dodge having the best of both
dumbass still seething
>kid buu is better than the new lr ulthan
>Handicapping your ability to get his DR off

Great bait, glad to see you still going for it anon.
Just like the good old days of EZAs. INT Janemba being better than most newly released DFEs was hilarious.
i hope him and str gogeta seza during 10th anni and just rape the entire game again
my phy kid buu has more crit than dodge in hipo...
... and that's a good thing
>UNHINGEDJAWhan and unknown jobber
This unit pumps.
I started playing in December of ‘21 I only have one copy of that kid buu. Can you get him from the red stone shop? Am I gate kept just like SEZA SS3 Goku?
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my team is ready
>4 attacks
L O L glad you're still coping over giving dodge to a support
Yeah until you get unlucky and he dodges most attacks, then you don't get his DR off and die in a late stage fight because the earlier phases required him to be in slot 2 or 3. One rotates him off and the other slot might be needed for linking another unit. Let me know how that works out for you in 9th Anniversary content when you get one shot.
The difference between my clears and yours is 9 minutes and your tears over 15% dodge not proccing over failed attempts.
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Oh sorry I thought you'd gone from baiting to trying to have a legit argument. My mistake.
>be you
>no dodge on support
>get the 4 hits
>gogeta supers then aoes one shotting your kid buu

>be me
>full dodge
>easily get the 4 hits too
>gogeta supers then aoes mine dodges
>I win
He isnt in the stone shop but there will be a banner for him that has 3 discounted gfssr summons and he only costs 150 red coins
Max dodge for hipo is 18 percent chance, unless you use orbs which is retarded because Def orbs are better for low defense damage reduction units. You have at most an 18 percent chance to dodge an attack I take one normal Aoe and heal it all back where as you get caught by a super with 18 chance of dodging and you'll die. My Buu will tank a super with his DR and defense even from Gogeta and heal it all back on a Majin team. You might not even get your DR off and get hit with an 18 percent chance to survive an Aoe and super which is more akin to 9 percent chance. Enjoy getting one shot lmao.
ss4ku and ssbe get fucked over by their 5 dodge. how about use your fucking brain and read the kit instead of DUHHH SUPPORT = DODGE
based offensechad
I love how triggered this guy gets for saying supports should be full dodge like I'm suggesting this for all units. Now he's samefagging his posts and they all type the same lol
>ss4ku and ssbe get fucked over by their 5 dodge
Weird. I've never had this problem getting his 5 hits. Seems like user error
>me and my 99% int SSj4 Goku because I'm unlucky enough to get fucked over by 5 dodge and know it
I don't need the rainbowed star.
>triggered for pointing out how retarded you are and why it's bait for a miniscule percent chance of avoiding dying

Okay anon, guess this confirms it. 10/10 you got me, here's your (You). Don't spend it all at once.
>proceeds to take 130k damage per normal instead of 45k per normal cause you skimped on defense equips
dodge equip sissies... it isn't looking good for you...
How much would Buu take pre super from Gogeta with an Aoe with defense equips?
>he's still crying
No I don't mean that I agree with building him dodge I'm just legit wondering if Buu can survive Aoe's pre super with his DR and defense equips.
>cause you skimped on defense equips
see >>1475578
I will never outright build dodge on a unit unless its absolutely necessary or beneficial in terms of their kit. Cheelai, Bulma, Hiru? Sure. Everyone else where it's not a detriment to their kit, 3 dodge. More if they have something built in like crit or AA. There's legitimately 0 fucking chance I'm going to cope and pray a unit survives based off of that. If it can't survive a redzone on its OWN kit before doing anything with its HiPo, yet NEEDS the HiPo dodge, it's getting replaced by a better unit.
Simple as.
So you go from 32 possible percent chance to 18 percent. Do you realize how unlikely it is your dodge has any use at that point other than being a potential liability for getting his DR off?
This fag is talking about Gogeta AOEs when he plays on global and pops whis in every difficult event
Okay post your clears
>gogeta always aoes after super
half the time he doesn't even do both aoes, or any
>implying there's any reason to even bring this unit to gogeta
Gogeta is a benchmark for difficult content so yes, there is reason purely to compare how well he does. But yes, for the average player you'd just use a Super Class team.
Post clears fanfic fags
>benchmark for difficult content
there's no benchmark retard, the fights all have different gimmicks now. and buu happens to have type disadvantage. and there's no mission for him there. so building him dodge for this one scenario where he's still probably dead is retarded.
I never said anything about dodge, you're confusing me for the other retard. My point was to see him at his worse purely to see how well he does, nothing more. Incase you have a fight similar to Gogeta where using Buu would be viable for clearing a mission for example.
The 130k per normal is with a 700 defense bronze and 600 defense/4 dodge gold dumbass. There is no silver defense/dodge for him and the other gold defense/dodge is only +300 defense. So yes skipping out on 1500 defense for 10% extra dodge and 300 defense is fucking retarded.
Why doesn't the dodgefag post his Gogeta clear
The one added in the 9th anni
right, but if it comes to that just use a whis. no reason to gimp yourself in every other fight.
I know but I'm just curious. I'd do it myself but I uh don't know how the calculations work.
ok have you fought him?
So now that global already has a real villain team before broly even releases we are skipping him right bros?
You should skip Gogeta and Broly. 10th will power creep and we're already seeing them build up to it. Broly is an extreme unit that works best with super class but debuffs with his Domain. Teq Vegeta is better purely because of his defense and the fact he doesn't debuff his Super type Saiyan allies.
You can tell the schizo is talking to themself because they're talking about Broly and forgetting the Gammas exist.
Probably not, but I can't see Broly lasting long in terms of the meta. He's a badly designed unit that feels at odds with his best linking partners. With power creep it's only gonna make any slight damage increase with his Domain even more prominent.

I'd say get Beast and skip till 10th.
Pretty much any time the gammas have ever been brought up is due to their theme. That's about the only reason to talk about them.
Yes, we are skipping straight to the 10th anni in 6 more months. The fluke anni is a skip.
>vegeta is better
what's the point of this comparison? they lead different units. vegeta doesn't lead extremes for their missions.
the "debuff" isn't like zamasu's direct nerf, it's just more damage IF they were gonna take damage in the first place. and it still buffs their damage against super class enemies.
pointless comparison since they do different things, and also synergize with each other.
10th comes back sooner though unless they change the rules when the merge happens.
mine's built like this
How much of a power boost would it be if I spent 400 coins on getting TEQ Gohan to 69%? Only have 500 so far, but I really don't wanna drop more stones on the banner.
>coining dupes
Don't. Ever. Unless you're a whale, but then you wouldn't be asking.
SEZA dupes are worth coining though.
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>>coining dupes
>Don't. Ever. Unless you're a whale, but then you wouldn't be asking.
They are even if you're not a whale. Well I mean as long as the red stone for SSJ3 coming back wasn't a fluke.
The powercreep is so incredibly rapid in dokkan the last 2 years that you are grabbing dupes for a unit that will be functionally worthless for the content that comes out 3 months down the road.
You can spend it on whatever you want, but it's a poor choice. Spend coins to get the first copy of a unit, and that's it.
>t. 2200 coins, have cleared all content, haven't spent money on the game outside the beginner pack in 4 years
It depends on how much coins you have and how good the unit is. 150 out of 2000 is nothing but I dont recommend it if you're only at like 800. Before sezas I would only coin like 1 unit per year anyways, if even.
The lesson here is you only coin shit you really like or that helps a team you really like.
I started 1.5 years ago and the only thing I ever coined was a copy of agl zamasu. I'm at 2230 now.
Coins are a meme.
Full f2p btw. And this was the third copy.
can I get some 55% phy kid buu calcs pls?

Kid Buu's support makes him the opposite of that power creep or not.
Just like he was when he came out, anon. Just like when he came out...
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>have played for two years now without spending money
>have coined Int SSj4 Goku, PtP Kid Goku, Phy Omega Shenron, Phy Kamiccolo, Agl Super 17 and SEZA SSj3 Goku
>sitting on 1554 red coins atm
I'll probably be spending some on Kid Buu since I'm enjoying the Buu Saga team and don't have him. Other than that, haven't really wanted anything other than a dupe I can't convince myself to coin.
If you were ever going to coin a dupe of anything, teqhan is it.
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>tfw lucked out and got him up to 90% from 55% on Goku's banner
Piccolo will be on a million banners. EZAs vanish.
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Dodgechads mindbroke this sub
>this sub
Dodgesisters... we are REDDITORS...
>leave for 3 hours
>come back and he's still seething, samefagging and talking to himself
top kek
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At 55% he has a defense stat of 6564 while at 100% with max defense equips he has 12504 defense. With this in mind his dupeless numbers are about 52.5% of what the 100% max equips numbers are. So basically half. Hes really kind of shit unless he is at least 79%
god damn it we need more buus with bbb
When is the fucking movie redzone 2
>have more than enough coins to 79% him
Good to know
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Is it his time soon?
I want someone to edit to make all the,majin power units as the black guys behind the couch and Bulma is sitting on the couch. The only reason 21 is leading is for Bulma to tag along with majin power.
Does anyone go back to old RZ or even LGE and take some “underpowered” characters in there for the same level of challenge as the New RZ?
10th anni
new Perfect Cell and ssj2 Gohan
what's the next batch of heroes units to eza
im really excited for teq perfect cell eza
I believe the batch that had god Trunks
cool thanks I hope so
God trunks, mechikabura, xeno pan, the 2 xeno family supports, the other 2 SS3 units, vegeks
Global Data DL soon
god I hope she becomes a god tier support that can slot into hybrids
she supports heroes and needs heroes allies on rotation for full passive and I doubt they would change that
>another meta newgrounds sprite
3 more years of this shit before we get to metal cooler.
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new missions
any 4 buus
negro every other buu is on sworn enemies
>fusion of vegeta and trunks
>not on hybrid saiyans
>not on bond of parent & child
>not on vegetas family
make it make sense
Anon your Buu 1, 2, 3 or 4??? Your Golden Frieza? Your Cell???
your seza buu? agl buu? maybe agl gf depending on the fight
>4 sworn enemies
>3 power beyond super saiyan
This fight could hit as hard as gogeta blue and these still would be babby missions.
then perish
so are you full blown schizophrenic or do you just have episodes where you autistically fucking shit up the thread with your same fagging weird bullshit?
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Man who even needs those mission tickets. Look at this shit.
Maybe the last few ezas will be good but
Not getting my hopes up
you're the same fucking faggot, we've known this for fucking ages, what the fuck is legitimately wrong with you
I already have 2 dupes in teq gohan but no dupes in teq buu. Should I buy a dupe or maybe buy 21?
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>tenSHARThan dragging down any team he's on
What else is new
neither honestly
>4 Sworn Enemies mission for Kid Buu's stage
>3 Power Beyond Super Saiyan mission for Kid Buu's stage
>no support memory so it isn't the final stage
I've spilled so much cum to Pan bros...
>your seza buu?
When was the last time he was on a banner? Didn't they even remove him from the new years step ups?
he was in the red stone shop (not this one) and the memorial stone banners, that's it
I got one copy with the memorial stone thing I think.
I was a retarded new player and didn't grab any of the old units when given the opportunity because I never thought I'd use them
I bet you build all your units dodge too
Nope. Gave a bunch of shit full crit.
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>got a single buu with red stones for the punching bag event
i'm glad phy is the choice stage or i never would've touched this ape
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um... stage 4 is actually a fucking problem
>hitting kid buu increases his attack
oh nice
every unit now has fifty additionals
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>seza ss3 and dfe ss3 kill buu in 1 turn with orb items
so this is why they banned nuking leads
>nullifies ss3 goku's attack and gets buffed from it
>same with int gotenks, transformed ulthan, godku, teq vegito's 12ki
This mission will be much harder than previously thought
oh i see, you nuke him before phase 2.
>global still doesn't have gotenks seza for this
Yep if you kill him in his str phase the fight ends
>agl buu nukes the FUCK out of him
>ss3 does a FUCKING NORMAL for his hipo additional
>kills with the counter
you're a lifesaver anon
800k normals
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>strat against Kid Buu is for SS3 Goku to kill him immediately
Pretty kino ngl
>kid buu's second phase he has his atk raised every time you attack him infinitely
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Only 1 left
>they made a boss that gets infinite attack the more the gets hit
additional sissies lost. Have fun with you endless additional normals buffing kid buu to 4 million supers.
>b-b-but what about that 4 year old event that f2p characters can beat now
Dodge chads keep winning.
How long until the kid buu SEZA is released?
24 hours + 5 minutes
Kid buu is unbeatable with the MBS team so long as he nulliies every super. New Goku is unrunnable. Gohan can’t transform. New Gohan can’t use active. And if you try to bring any of these character they just buff his ATK. Great design ofatsu make the unit we just pulled unrunnable in the redzone that came out with him
People posted sub 5 minute runs using the new goku in this thread retard, the same strategy probably works with lr gohan
My TEQ CHADhan took 1.2 million after 10 stacks on turn 8.... he had over 1.5 million defense...
just nuke the first phase with seza ssj3 goku for the power beyond mission
then nuke with the lr super buu for the sworn enemies one
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seza ss3 works for both
phase 2 is designed for spirit bomb actually
Phase 2?
>offenseGODs with 0 hipo dodge dont even have to deal with a second phase while defense sissies are taking 20+ minutes to clear the missions
bros we win again
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>nukes kid buu turn 1
>give him 19 or so orbs
>no crits, does 1 (one) health bar
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Can he sweep Kid Buu?
If you get him and the friend in one rotation between phy ss4 vegito, get them 20+ orbs for both with a nuking item, and have an attack boosting support memory, maybe
the reddit is melting down over the kid buu fight
So the strat is to just beat him in phase 1?

Phase 2 is essentially impossible unless you're going out of your way to not use units with unarmed super attacks?

I mean I guess that's not so bad but I kinda wanted this to be more than a nuke as fast as possible fight.
Presume that LR Buutenks and Kid Buus SEZA will melt the second phase. Also it’s probably built with the LR Buu duo in mind
>did the fight with 3 sworn enemies
>turns out it was four

Reeeeeeeeeeee. Oh well, my Super Buu is Rainbow, it's annoying needing perfect rotations even with orbs though.
>pettan is back
Excited for my phone to crash daily now. I have no idea what it is, I've done full reinstalls and it still has issues.
>get shafted for ssj3 goku
>don't have lr superbuu
>didn't summon for agl gohan
Am i fucked? Because the latest agl unit i have is diaper duo blue and they suck balls
Super exhausted dmbuu dish tomorrow and itll make the day easy otherwise jubt use LR buus duplicates and nuke true interfaces phase. Also done forging that sun eza phy super buuteanks is gorgeous versius internet
Did they make an entire update just to display icons on the enemy passive skill pop-ups, when what they should have done is remove the fucking pop-ups in the first place?
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>Buu has a 99% chance to rape you if you don't nuke him before he transforms
Thank you Omatsu, very cool.
do I use both cheelai when I have fistku and angelku in rotation or do I spread them apart for the extra angelku?
Whenever i see pettan i dream of the third nuke dropping.
>No bonuses
>Advantaged characters rarer than LR pulls
>Unless down to 1 line takes hours upon hours
>Unless down to 1 line can lose
>Have i mentioned no bonuses yet?
I like Kid Buu because it's destroyed the dodgefags. They're either forced to pop a Whis anyways or resort to hyper offense with items. Then complain how their add/crit HiPo doesn't activate.
idk probably, i used one for buu and one for ss3. put ss3 in slot 3 on turn 2 for the counter.
probably spread*, but my fistku is 55% so maybe rainbow can nuke
I care reddit spic
>AGL Majin Vegeta over the TEQ one
This banner is trash on purpose.
They never put dfes in those, only general pools and yellows
Then this shit is just trash because the rates aren't good at all.
I pulled LR Buu speak for yourself
I keep getting nothing but int hercules. Why did they stop doing gfssr tickets
This kid buu fight is one of the fights that can be fun half the time and really frustrating the other half of the time. I didn't think either of the missions were too bad but the pbss mission definitely seems to be nuke the str phase with the ss3 gokus or lose. sworn enemies with the full buu team was pretty easy with two int buu ghost ushers. excited to see how good seza kid buu is.
all in all i think fights like this are fun and are good for the health of the game even if they make redditors cry
They fucked up the animation for additionals on JP, an additional super isn't instant so it feels like it's going to be an additional normal.
Well, on global. JP rapes him with evoken eza, etc.
No one cares reddit spic
I-I jobbed...
what else are we going to get before anni?
you nuke him before he gets to that phase
dokkanfest frieza and toppo and lr ginyu
the only thing that makes red zone unfun is the attempt limits. If I could just battle them as much as I wanted, they'd be great
>what else are we going to get before anni?
Masturbate to Colombian whores on Insta
I think it's designed in a way so you can't simply reset over and over until you have perfect initial rotations.
>Colombian whores on Insta
lemme get some names
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most unfortunate release of the year
I just want to know what made them think it was a good idea in any way to release him alongside Kefla. The massive power gap made it even more apparent just how mediocre he is
>I didn't pull this unit so it's mediocre
He was bad when he was out on global. Can you imagine playing JP half a year post anni and getting this piece of trash? lmao
Ooof people summoned for this piece of shit
>buffs buu 9 times
He's probably a june or september filler when they're trying to give JP a break. It was cool that they gave global super bosses early and WWC return before july. But yeah he sucks.
Yeah I did my 6 attempts, got smoked, and just quit. I'll wait for powercreep.
I beat my head against stage 1 and even spent on support memories with baba points because I could keep going in, but the moment you tell me I can only try so much a day when event design is to just lose to random chance, I'm good. I'll consider these stones in the bank.
i did. hes so mid i cant even cope for him i just wanted him since i think goku black is cool
he's fine for that one super bosses mission (with items)
>leader skill is shit
>team is shit
>kit is shit
What was the point of this?
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Black is just like SS2 Gohan where they expect him to sell on popularity alone so they purposely make his units weaker
I think they just don't like the character.
>no WWC part 2
>worst eza of all time
>mid LR eza
>bottom 2 dfe this year with frieza, bottom 1 animations
At least the music team seems to like him
You're correct, if he pulled that unit he'd know it's shit designed back in 2022, not mediocre
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>ginyu on top IF you whaled a full special pose team with toppo and lr gammas (but why)
>bulma already falling off defensively and her leaders suck
>gohan LR is just a linkbitch for the eza instead of the other way around
>str UI actually works on any team but is a professional salesman
>trio is the actual strongest yellow in the game but relies on super class orb changers
The absolute state of yellow coins right now.
Buu should be #6, he jobs to 9th anni content he's the most relevant card on the list for the new RZ. The others are useless everywhere.
>LR Nappa and vegeta
Wtf are they really that good?
No and hes actually retarded for putting them above super buu when the MBS red zone and gogeta fight exist. They get guaranteed dodge for 1 turn so of course he is biased. Vegeta is only decent for 2 turns. If you dont exchange ASAP nappa dies cause hes just a 500k defense shitter after supering, but their exchange condition is garbage so exchanging isnt consistent at all.
No. There's just no one else to put there.
the nightmare is over
>jp already has a new series
the nightmare never ends
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I fucking love super saiyans.
>rotation rng fucked me over again 6 times
attempt limit is cancer
Went one more multi for Buu before saving for Anni. Whis animation blessed me.
It makes even trying different teams really stupid because now you can’t gauge if this team may take fewer tries because you have like 1 attempt to gauge that.
CHADhan, I fucking kneel...
Also pulled STR Broly in the previous multi. I've been playing since 2017, pulled on anything that guaranteed LRs, did all those free LR ticket summons for annies and its the first fucking time I pull this faggot.
EGGly seza finna cook. should be the third LR to get it after int ss2 and agl mv i guess?
Nah, I'll link him with TEQ CHADhan, seen showcases and does really well there.
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>spic namefag's opinions
Congratulations on the good luck anon. Have fun using him.
How does he know me so well...
I kneel, /dokkan/, my 3rd world IQ just can't compete...
Kid Buu stage will be the new filter for units. If you can't no item it with new units, it's trash.
Wtf did you run as slot 1?
I forget, do sezas have the same category/type conditions as regular ezas
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>stones x1
oh no....
bros... I can't no item the new Buu stage missions...
Not too concerned about saving for the anni, those banners are atrocious for me, got almost everything rainbowed.
Just found out if you ghost usher kid buu with Buu's active skill he gets no attack buff from getting hit for that turn. Also you can double ghost usher in a turn with both Buu's and the boss will not take any actions for two turns. This shit is pretty broken, it completely neutralizes Kid Buu as soon as you get a ghost usher off.
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>literally called KID Buu
>not on Youth category
How dare they
I know he's called pure Buu in japanese, you nerd let me meme
>network error
fucking piece of shit nigger game designed to piss me off
>got the phy kid buu in 60 stones
nice ill just play it safe and coin the int one, or is it worth to do the third multi
Same, I guess the game's just dead for now.
>kid Buu SEZA kills the game

Is this why they won't release an LR,?
Never punished
>kid Buu SEZA kills jp
Fixed. Global CHADs are doing fine over here
wish i was as lucky as you luckchad. ill take my kid buu in 2 multis though
I'm global and it's still not working.
sorry your mexican internet is not working anon
I'm in the UK though, I'm not the only one either. I think they fucked up some people's ability to connect but not everyones.
Stop replying to the Belgian.
I feel bad for anon, when these red zones vanish and he's no longer able to get the stones from them, he'll truly feel the pain of being on global.
Oh wait.
That doesn't happen.
He's just being a bitch.
I already EZA'd and cleared stages with Kid Buu. Must suck building dodge on your account and missing the release.
what the fuck are you even talking about?
Me? I simply can't bear to wait 3 months to see a redone animation of an anime episode that came out in 1991 on my phone for 7 seconds.
I need that fix to function!
>I don't like the game
Then leave?
there we go. would be nice to have teq bejita for this.
Nuke didn’t work, buus just shit hard on the second phase no problem. Maybe should go for int buu in the WWC
>90 stones
>every featured exept phy kid buu
Nice, and there goes 150 coins too
Same here. I was saving those coins. Now they're gone. For a 55% Kid Buu. I hate the shaft.
i couldn't hold it anymore and i blew 150 stones but got an lr agl gohan out of it (:
>150 stones but got an lr agl gohan out of it (:
I don't understand how you all function
How do you clear the seza in 4 minutes?
use seza ssj3 goku if you have him. also run double str super vegeta
I have neither...
if you have any other super saiyan/pure saiyan lead then try a str heavy team with a friend vegeta otherwise idk what you could use
>I have neither...
Uhh try double ssbkk maybe idk
friend STR Vegeta was enough, thank you
EZA pure sayians deal big damage. Units like the GT duo will preform worse than Str Godku. If you’re really desperate you could probably SSBKK spirt bomb him
we did it, /dokkan/
fellas i am gonna summoooooooooooooon on the buu seza banner
Don't I could resist temptation and got fucked.
>go to the Dokkan Awaken tab
>sort by SEZAs
>PHY Kid Buu doesn't show up
>find him by sorting Extreme PHY
>long press on the SEZA for information
>the passive is pre-EZA
Free Dragon Stone (singular)!!!!!!
This Kid Buu EZA is some bullshit
>90 stones 2 kid buus
toilet summons win again
>damage reduction and dodge has gotten to such ridiculous levels that enemies can't actually hurt you
>now every stage just takes a chunk of you health every turn
This shit is starting to get annoying.
why even summon for units they give out for free? In a couple of months they're giving out another redstone
Because we get a limited bumber of red stones per year, units want 4 dupes and we've gotten a seza every celebration so far. These seza are garbage at 55% and by the time you get enough to get them to 79% they could age out or be better options to pick up.
Best equips for 55% Kid Buu?
def and dodge
he needs to get hit
>he didnt have both rainbowed
the kid buu fight really show the MASSIVE gap between super heroes team and everything else, literally won effortlessly

meanwhile in global i still wasnt able to no item it, was close with the int buu team and power but needed to whis, power beyond super saiyan seems basically impossible right now to no item
I no itemed it with LR Buutenks team
ye i have seen no item clears with majin buu saga, my problem is that i just have these guys at too low dupes, int buu is at 55%, teq evil/good buu are at 55% and anyone else is about the same
Should I just buy Kid Buu with coins? 150 isn't too bad.
goathan and goatku destroyed kid buu
So that massive gap you talked about was a hyperbole?
beast and gogeta were both at 55% ui and ssbe vegeta 69%, still beat easily kid buu

i dont know if you are the "skip anni guy" but just in case let me tell you i dont care if you skip or summon or whatever, the gap between super heroes and anything else is MASSIVE and thats it
phy evoken were also at 69% and they are still ridiculous btw
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if you are planning on buying kid buu remember his stats at 55% are really really bad
he has the 7000 to stats hipo so he is mostly supposed to be used at 100%
>Gets super'ed
>Doesn't dodge
super heroes unironically can no item and auto battle these stages
I pulled one copy of Buu and I'm debating coining a second. Usually whenever I coin a dupe I get the unit to 90-100% off the same banner.
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Same brother, but delete this post. It'll only encourage her to change his name over and over again.
>gave 2 ex def equips for 7660
good enough for one meme mission
I think with 1 dupe and max defense equips he will be in the mid to high 9k range, at 79% hes at 8,703 without any equips.
Anyone know if vegito's counter gets nullified
>Globalchads no item an event with 170 leads
>m-my sunk cost anni unit can no item the event harder!
Ummm good for you sweatie but not summoning
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thank you kid buu
thankfully this majin buu saga celebration invalidated the anni and you can beat all the hardest content with them
Convince me not to spend 450 coins on three copies of Kid Buu. The banner fucking hates me.
>Convince me not to spend 450 coins on three copies of Kid Buu.
I won't it's pretty worth if you ask me, 70% support and he is not restricted to any teams, although he will obviously be better along side other Buu units for the links.
if you arent missing any other dokkanfest you want, go ahead
Red coins will become more important as we lose foresight. Also, anyone who isn’t an idiot will save for the 10th anni and you can use your red coins to get any 9th anni or WWC unit you miss.
easy like your sister
fucking kek thats a good one i will give you that
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I would not mind, these would be the first standalone LRs for super Vegito and Super Gogeta (Z Gogeta more specifically)
im not the venezuelan tranny tho
Didn't make me check, too good to be true
I don't feel like typing this out. Can you post the text?
I don't care for any of the 9th anniversary characters so I wouldn't spend stones on or coin them.
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thank you kid buu
I wouldn't put defense equipment on him yet unless you're on JP. On Global I'm struggling to even trigger his revive to the point where I'm purposefully trying to get him killed turn 1.
So did Dokkan World die or what happened
first post was talking about kid buu and the 7000 hipo, second post was talking about coinin a dupe, and the post you are quoting is talking about completely different stats

how you thought they were talking about the new int buu which is the one with the revive is beyond me
>Maybe should go for int buu in the WWC
reading is hard
you are quoting the post about phy kid buu stats retard
>quoting the post responding to my post about INT buu
Have you ever thought that maybe you're the problem
Dokkan world died so Datruth could run
so you are just a retard that assumed they were talking about int buu, despite the post having phy buu stats, a quote about them talking about how his hipo is different from other units and how defense equips can help, AND STILL THOUGHT it was about int buu, and come to say that you shouldnt put def equips on other unit because "you can get the revive"

ok, retard, reading is hard
Post about stats wasn't mine or the one I responded to. You're doing a lot of mental gymnastics on this one billy
truth ate him
you replied to this post>>1477234
its about phy kid buu, theres no buts or ifs, you are a retard, but its ok, reading is hard, its not your fault its your teachers or parents fault
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I can't tell if you're esl or autistic but they responded to my post about INT Buu, which their initial post was about coining him :)
the anti-private server bandits got him...
not that guy, but fat buu is at 10k defense at 55% so that post isn't about him
so you dont have any basic analytical reading skills, good to know, i recommend picking a book once in a while
start by reading slowly it will help you comprehend what you are reading
What's funny is I know you're the person who originally quoted me because no one is this autistic to spend their evening arguing over a post your misread.
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>Usually whenever I coin a dupe I get the unit to 90-100% off the same banner
Im not gonna meddle on you retards fighting but explain this? so you coin a copy on int buu on wwc and then rainbow him from the same banner?
thats a puzzling strategy my man
phy kid buu does not have a revive and int buu doesnt have those stats, spin it all you want that post you quoted didnt have anything to do with int buu
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are you ready for the 10th anni to invalidate anything that gets released this year?
>takes 128k from the normal, as the dokkan scholars foretold
>"ThIS iS wHy DoDgE"
>meanwhile max defense could've made survival possible due to damage variance while still having a 15% chance to dodge anyways
Full dodge retards lose again, as is usual.
Truth has a level 7 bronze defense and a level 5 gold def equip on his kid buu.
Nah, what I'm saying is I wind up lucky with dupes. It's happened almost every WWDC since 2019. At this point I'm assuming most of you are spics where english isn't your first language and just assuming I mean something I don't.
do normals activate kid buu's nullification and atk buff? because piccolo jr's super is not unarmed its other
I see, that sucks
Phy black is unarmed supers too
just for the kid buu fight since he can actually damage him
SSJ Trio and Future Gohan can go in slot 1 with a whis active. SSJ Trio active skill triggers their defense passive so they're at 800k defense with 30% damage reduction and an additional 40% DR with a whis.
>meanwhile max defense could've made survival possible
maybe you should actually look at how his unit is built before spewing retarded shit like this lmao
That isnt max defense. Buu saga has special equips you retards.
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>those copium comments
>"w-wow look at him only get slightly destroyed by content from months ago, he's so good!"
I guess that seems like enough. They gotta build up a bit though. So they can start doing enough damage. How many turns did it take you? 6?
To be fair its a shit build against the strongest normals in the game with type disadvantage. Next hardest hitting boss is unlikely to be str with how many hard hitting str bosses we have.
Me on the left

Fawk this would be so damn kino
>rainbow, max def links and passive, def equips
a drop more def aint shit he would take more damage if he didnt dodge. bosses wont get any easier.
>even the dumb fat bastard had to concede that a dodge build would get Kid Buu killed
Turn 5.
I love 21 so much bros.
>1000 extra raw defense is a drop
>cutting 83k off of 128k normals isnt shit
>would take 3 hits taken with max defense to match the damage he takes from 1 hit with a half ass defense build >you WILL take hits, this is certain
>still would have 15% dodge
>but 9% extra dodge is somehow better than damage mitigation cause.... w-w-what if you just dodge everything and w-w-what about a year from now!!
Nope. Not today dodge fag. Your fat lord is always calling everyone a dumbass over wrong builds and then he does the wrong build. So he will be reminded cause I know he is /here/
>the spic image is fucking wrong and probably incomplete
I hate pettan battle
I've never paid attention to any of the pettan bonuses shit and I still have every series complete.
Goddamn Kefla is so good. She just did four 20 million attack in a row, criting on 3 of them, and deleted 60% of Kid Buu's health bar in a turn.
I don't watch the retard but I'm almost curious to know what the fuck he does if a fight disables dodge
When will they rerun these haha
i can't nuke kid buu bros...
I'm just waiting for powercreep.
Limited attempts is shit design and makes me not engage with the game.
>but you have 6 now
Still limited, still shit.
It might be over for Yamcha.
Just get lucky, guess all of the supers and use INT Fat Buu. You did summon on him right?
I did 2 rotations and did not get him yay!
It's not the end times, but I make an effort to not fall into the
>spend hundreds of stones to get 5 stones
>>Hundreds of stones
Luckily my hideous luck keeps me from ever considering supporting this game.
i thought the strat is to just 2 turn burst him
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55% without BBB maxed Kid Buu did pretty decent work. Still kinda wanna coin dupes for him though.
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>esbr androids/cell saga
>forced to use str goku/gohan as leader
Gotta have the rainbowed SS3 Goku get the whole field and get all his additional supers.
no itemed the kid buu redzone now
The buu team absolutely shreds the kid buu 2nd phase. I was ready to use both whis for the mission but they wiped him in just 4 turns, no ATK debuffing needed
Surprisingly fun sbr. Got to use ss2 Gohan and future Gohan is always goated
All kid buu missions done with nuking.
Fuck phase 2
Fuck omatsu
And fuck dodge
May dev letter announcing early tanabata soon...
But every single anon in this thread told me Rose was gonna be early Tanabata?
Early tanabata is coming for Global retard
It won't be during the tanabata festival in japan.
It will magically drop earlier on global, before it comes to Japan. I believe you! Just like everyone said in March!
It won't come in November tho, we're still getting Tanabata early because the sync is happening during WWC, retardo
I'm glad we shifted the narrative now.
I do expect a simultaneous tanabata, yes.
Narrative never "shifted", we said Tanabata was coming early for global, you screeched at nothing, it wasn't Goku Black but is still coming before November.
Yes retard, you were wrong, it's okay.
I think Tanabata > anni > dlc is gonna be a nightmare, and they still need to squeeze freeza, toppo and anything else that happens between now and then.
Pisscolo no!
>every single anon in this thread told me Rose was gonna be early Tanabata?
>Just like everyone said in March!
Literally 1 guy said this and everyone called him a retard. Guessing you're that one guy and now are trying to backpedal
I'd pull receipts but there's no point when I know it's just going to be denied. Spin it however makes you happy.
DFE Lord Slug soon.
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skipping 9th anni
saving for 10th anni
anything else is a waste of perfectly good stones since everything will make a return on global in 4 months
*rather 6 months (from the anni)
lol are we talking about the time that the one autist was absolutely screeching when we said that global would share tanabata but it wouldn't explicitly be called "tanabata" and he was like "WELL THE GAME IS INTERNATIONAL SO PEOPLE CAN LEARN AND ALSO ITS A SYNC SO WHY WOULDN'T GLOBAL GET TANABATA" because he couldn't understand the concept of something being renamed for non-japanese speakers? good times
Yes, it was the godku spic being a schizo as usual.
79% TEQhan makes a world of difference over 55%. Damn.
I haven’t been around for a while but joint tanabata makes zero sense right? We’re just toppo behind now aren’t we?
Surely it’ll just be
>Toppo->Anni->New Unit->WWC
And for JP;
>Tanabata->New unit->Rose->WWC
And then we get tanabata in its regular position unless I’m missing something
toppo and frieza we are effectively two months behind jp
Fair you could easily squeeze them both into the celebration inbetween anni and WWC since it’s also a stretched terrible celebration.
theres a million things they could do, i dont even bother thinking about it, lets not forget the sync was supposed to happen this summer and then the next producer letter moved it to october
It sure does. Glad I got lucky on Goku's banner.
when is the actual producers letter
I'm almost done writing it.
>2 days of shit nuke rng
>normal whis clear is way easier
can confirm counters dont get nullified, though they do buff him.
Nuked him, fuck this mission
>finally get good rotations to beat kid buu
>get first lr angel vegeta dupe with the tickets
i would expect at least something on monday, but this friday could be possible i guess
honestly they have done shit like drop februarys producer letter the 12th of february so anything is possible
I just want to play Dokkan forever with my /bros/.
Full Dodge.
when the global and jp version syncs they will change the name to dragon ball SUPER dokkan battle
3 dodge
>unless I’m missing something
The games will be synced by "summer 2024"
Global Anni is in July, DLC is in August. Don't think anyone would consider September to be summer.
these ezas the past few months have been great. hope they keep this up
To be fair he still has the best eza in the game
All for characters I don’t give a shit about. Meanwhile my favorite fucking character (STR super Vegeta) is beyond mid. I’d trade every fucking EZA to have a good Super Vegeta. My seethe is fucking eternal.
They can fumble Int Goku because there another Goku that will EZA soon anyway
What one are you talking about?
Ssbe yes
he's great if rainbowed
Zamasu (Goku) with Spirit Bomb when?
Also, it would be “synced” by august in my prediction since all the same celebrations would be at the same stage. Other guy says they’ve pushed it back though, I’ve always thought a new year sync made the most sense imo
They could just skip toppo or frieza or ginyu's banners for the sync and no one would care
WWC makes the most sense for the sync, it's already a shared celebration
Tanabata in June, Anni in July, Toppo + Frieza and Ginyu rushed in August first half, second half new jp dfe, WWC in September
but Tanabata is in July, would would it be in June
you can't just move a holiday like that
Dokkan Thank You Celebration in June
There, happy?
thanksgiving june?
>nuked Buu with Ss2 Gohan
So satisfying
What comp?
Uh, need to try that one.
Thanks Anon.
No fuck that, what about Cell with a Spirit Bomb?
No fuck that, what about LR Frieza and Cooler?
gonna use something like this for the pbss mission
Good pick but Omatsu will make a base Goku for the umpteenth time.

For anyone who doesn't know that Cell can do a Spirit Bomb.
How come he never did the kaioken?
Cell has a crapton of potential as a character. The writers forget that Cell has cells of a saiyan, namekian and Frieza and his father. There's so much damn potential to be had there. Cell with a personality should have been brought back instead of frieza. Cell max is shit
I'm surprised heroes never did this
Imagine cell xeno helping fight whatever villains of the week were thrown at you, he'd be reluctantly good because he just wants to fight strong people or whatever, but could turn that around on a dime if he wanted to fight you instead. A wild card.
Maybe they never did it because bringing cell back was kind of feasible. They could only do either completely predictable things (every xeno, every ss3) or completely batshit off the wall stuff (kid Buu janemba absorbed, super 17 18 absorbed, etc)
>Imagine cell xeno helping fight whatever villains of the week were thrown at you, he'd be reluctantly good because he just wants to fight strong people or whatever, but could turn that around on a dime if he wanted to fight you instead. A wild card.
Would be kino. Cell could basically be like an evil Android Goku.

>Maybe they never did it because bringing cell back was kind of feasible. They could only do either completely predictable things (every xeno, every ss3) or completely batshit off the wall stuff (kid Buu janemba absorbed, super 17 18 absorbed, etc)
Sucks that they never did SSJ5 or Vegito and Gogeta fusion.
>Cell max is shit
Unrelated but the movies is now almost 2 years old...? And we still don't have a Cell Max unit.
>non-canon video toy
I think they said, in the anime at least, that the Spirit Bomb could only be handled by pure hearted people.
So that vid is basically a "what if" moment.
Omatsu and his team really don't like the extreme typing
only amerimutt fat faggots cry about "MUH CANON!! MUH NON-CANON!!" this much.
Well, he just got a full majin power team.
I can't complain for now, but I really wish they made villains work better together.
They need a new category and most likely a revamp to villain links, especially Cell.
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Only ones crying are incells.
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>advertising or begging
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What characters that haven't been added would you want to be in Dokkan next?
I just want a Namek Base Goku from his fight against Ginyu and Freeza. The only real animations we've gotten are tied to the Vegeta LR.
FF Frieza would be the perfect lead for Z Bosses. Of course it would have to include Z movie bosses since Sworn Enemies already exists.
would be dumb to not include them, super bosses includes DBS movies and the leader for it is even from a movie
producer letter doko
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Can you beat Omatsu's time vs Babidi?
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>transforming bug creatures
>dont have 変身タイプ
>all these replies with the kid buu stage
dokkanspics in charge of basic literacy
it's over... truth killed dbz world
bros my tablet fell off and now it's broken. i cant play dokkan anymore
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Are we at anni yet? I'm bored
your phone?
Just buy a new one fgt
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Super EZA's absolutely suck if you don't have dupes for them.
Honestly, it's great that our producer ACTUALLY plays the game now
Everyone and their mothers have those units rainbowed for decades.
I'm a newCHAD.
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>God Goku at 4
>Fartcollo at 8
Orange hermanos? What's the meaning of this?
I have Kid Buu and Gotenks 100% but my SSJ3 Goku is at 69% and the difference between him and a rainbowed copy is staggering
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Is he the worst non-DFE ever released (relative to the time he came out)
STR Golden Frieza/Ultimate Gohan exists, so no
Legends chads are gonna laugh at us tonight...
The trade off is that they're playing Legends.
Legends=Orange Fartcollo
Dokkan=God Goku
Wait until 9th Anni. Superheroes is in a slump.
>tfw newfag and had to buy every SEZA with coins or redstones.
Hopefully SEZAs get added back to the general pool with double rates.
>tfw newfag and had to buy every SEZA with coins or redstones.
Yeah I did the same, my Kid Buu dies to normals at 55%, still levling SSJ3 links but it looks like he'll be dying to normals as well...
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>Watching the friend unit AGL SS3 Goku with LL10 and Rainbowed HiPo hit for 15M while yours barely hits 8M.
I'm OK with my damage being lower, but it so dumb that they're borderline two different units defensively.
my kid buu is at 69%, should i try getting another dupe? i have 1500 stones
Test him out more, if he's constantly dying I guess you could get him.
But I'm pretty sure we'll be able to get him in the future with red stones or some other currency.
he needs rainbow for the hardest content. for meme missions/items, low dupes is enough.
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Then how can they "break their limits"?
Dokkan will break the UI leak curse
Should I roll for ulthan or continue saving for anniversary?
>should i roll for a not even top 10 LR
>or should i save for the anniversary, that has 4 of the top 10 LRs in the game
>Wait until 9th Anni
Not going to change a damn thing, Beast doesn't need Orange
>godku spic is sucking off havohei now
The fact that they gave every new Heroes unit a Dokkan Awakening last year instead of waiting for next year's celebration is starting to make a lot of sense now.
i just need that fucking teq buu aaaaaa are they coming back for wwlc?
the ezas? no, only ss3 and int buu
I doubt teq buu will be seen much on banners going forward.
New Years Extreme Banner if you're lucky.
fuuuck well i guess i can wait....
i dont want to spend more stones on a banner without the free summon
They got Vegito bros. It's over.
Does Super EZA Kid Buu really need the dupes?
my 55% takes 240k normals from phase 1 kid buu, so yes. but i'm not duping his old ass just to make him usable when i can save for new cards.
>from Str Buu
Post super?
Do you just not have him linked up at all or something?
my kid buu tanks the normals at 2 digits, are you using him at slot 1 wtf?
he's not link leveled and only on a partial lead.
He’s not Bulma on release bro. Partial lead is pointless.
i dont have any of his full leads. either way im pretty sure hes like 400k post SA at 55% so it's pointless.
I need dokkaner perspective: how tedious is it to just install Legends and summon for the newest ultra? Does it even stay meta by the time I can max it out?
i remember starting when Ultra Goku Black came out and having to grind the story mode for like a couple hours to get enough currency to do a summon or two. I actually pulled him first or second multi and then i stopped playing lol
This was a ruff stage
bros both versions are fucking dead
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10th anni...
But with Super Gogeta
i feel like at this point double Z SSJ fusions really is the only thing hype enough to warrant the TENTH anni of a dragon ball game. the only thing i could see eclipsing it is manga content, or if daima dropped and it actually had a form really cool in it or something but considering its kidshit that is highly doubtful. i really hope thye go all out for the animations 9th annis were not that amazing imo.
I would prefer them seperate
I hate this idea
>Fusions for anniversary
It's so predictable that it's kinda lame. They gotta do some bullshit like joined forces fusions, or diaper duos that can fuse into either one or something.
It definitely won't be anything related to Daima, they planned 10th Anni ages ago
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>Hapafaggot is a tranny chaser
Lol, now I know why he keeps calling me a "tranny", dude has a fetish, what a fucking faggot loser. Orangefucks is this your hero?
Don’t know why I have vegeta variations so many tries, pretty easy with orange
>Tennessee has these abominations
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eat shit, pettan, I reamain flawless
What the fuck is next? We have gone too long without content.
fuck... legends won...
Won what? What happened?
I did 3 rounds on the Vegito banner and didn't get a single LL
Legends is dead
So no producer letter at all?
>P2W PvP game
>So no producer letter at all?
Omatsu sent me a picture of his cock through email, you didn't get it as well?
they forgot
In a few days
Not sure, can you post it?
Can't, you mostly see his stomach I doubt he's seen his dick in years.
>schizo faggot posting his bf's nudes now
>janny not deleting it
Why are they trying to kill this thread
Based GTrunks chad
im gonna play legends, get godgeta (no shitgitto) and leave
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>ningen couldnt beat kid buu with pedroes
End of the line.
Hold up let me cook real quick

Dual dokkan fest what if LR ssj future gohan and ssj bardock with an active skill of them going super saiyan 2 and doing a combined beam attack

and a Dual Dokkan fest what if LR cooler and Frieza with an active skill of them both golng Golden and going a combined death beam attack
what's the best heroes team if I don't have Fuu awakened (yes I am retarded)
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Idk, this? Int Towa maybe? Ss3 goku?
you mean without items right? cuz i beat kid buu using cheelai and then beat it again without nuking just by using the robot item
>all rainbowed
it's so over for me bros
That's the pedro scam.
>look GFSSR!
>btw you need to rainbow 6 of them
luckily I'm not a poorfag/lucklet so I already have all of those dudes mostly with dupes.
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I am going to buy these dupes and then go full additional without dodge.
Whoever decided to make unit with revive INT needs to be fired
you should, he's awesome
can you faggots go back to your discord
why is this schizo fucking faggot still allowed to talk to himself without getting rangebanned?
can you fucking mods actually do your fucking jobs for once, christ sakes
>Toriyama dies
>DBS manga abruptly ended
>Vegeta is forever a jobber
>Black Frieza never gets to fuck up the Z fighters
>Daima is the last animated series published
time to rewatch kaiji for the 5th time
I've watched it two times, it's kino.
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This face plastered in blood while the bitch begs for mercy, amazing.
my hairline is something like that guy, is over for me? im 22 i dont want to go bald bros........
Keep up with the good work, I'm searching coincidences with the pictures in Yandex, Google reverse search, IQDB, and reddit/facebook/Instagram reverse search. It'll post an update if I find anything useful to completely dox his sorry ass
it usually recedes in the corners and back, not evenly like that. probably just mutt genes.
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what will their leads be?
New "Saiyan Power" category that includes all saiyans, hybrids, fusions and goku black.
Nah, that guy is a
>hapa mongrel with fucked up teeth
>disgusting schizophrenic junkie that smells like weed, piss, shit and cum
>lives with his mom
>he's a faggot
>manlet (5'9 LMAO)
>dicklet with a fucked up dick (botched circumcission)
>Has mommy issues and some inferiority complex with his sister
>Hated by everyone inside and outside the internet, not loved by anyone (I'll bet my fucking liver that his Mother barely tolerates his sorry ass in home just because he "provides" with whichever trash tier job he applied to
He'll never reproduce his trash tier genes, you still have a chance
Don't forget that he's getting rejected by /soc/ discord trannies just because he's hideous (kek), probably the reason he comes here to vent while calling everyone ITT a tranny.
Sore loser can't even score with a tranny with 0 self steem, much less with a real woman.
This shit is boring
Think we'll get Tanabata next or just Freeza and then Toppo?
not gonna lie I never thought I'd see the day dragon ball got the Dune treatment.
>DB ended nearly thirty years ago on Vegeta still being a jobber, Frieza cucked by ice and the last animated series involving Goku as a child
>DB ended on Vegeta still a jobber, Frieza cucked by the creator's death putting the manga on ice and the last animated series involving Goku as a child
Time is a circle
The DBS manga is on hiatus, not ending.
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You still believe that, my vmgga?
I can only hope that it doesn't end abruptly but it will end eventually. Just too much for Toyotarou to handle by himself.
Hard, only siblings bond and planet named left
All types 166
we're not doing the mason cringe numbers
Fuck this stupid nuking event! I'm always just slightly short
Sike! Get countered!
The sworn enemies mission was easier just to do normally imo with double LR Buutenks lead. Him and kid buu melt the second phase
I don't think we're getting a support memory from this rz.
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100% real, my dad works for Bulma so I know
7/10 on the pain scale
You all completed the 5 int mission vs babidi forces, right? You're not missing the title forever and bricking your account, surely
If they give out stones then I did them
Yeah can’t no item planet banks saga especially with no burter and jiece. Guess my run ends there until LR FP Frieza and Nameku eza
but... you can use items
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>nearly 200 posts of schizo babble cleaned up
Use the Sub EZA Goten and Trunks and LR Gobros.
They buff all Kamehameha characters.
Glad jannies are doing a good job. I'm tired of this retard
Jesus we really make a lot of posts. They should just turn /dokk/ into a rolling sticky at this point.
i'd rather have a ssj goku and bardock instead
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That's nothing! We genuinely used to own the entire board
Is PHY #21 (2 dupes) worth running over any of these Buu units?
I don't trust the TEQ Evil Buu
Really? He seemed pretty good.
No, she sucks.
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only if you plan to leave the agl 21 on rotation with it
She was fine vs Zamasu and Omega. Not good anymore.
Gotcha, thanks.
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I had almost 700 stones saved up for the anni and just wasted them all in an attempt to get Buu. Please call me a fucking retard.
Wasn't Global supposed to have a World Tournament this weekend? Any idea when that will be?
Which buu though?
If you went for INT past the 3+1 you're a fucking retard.
If you pulled on the EZA banner at all you're a fucking retard.
If you pulled for PHY on the MBS banner past the discounts you're a fucking retard.
2 of the 3 are coinable right now, with the 3rd returning soon. You fucking retard.
Save for WWC I guess, you're probably fucked for anni and int buu is on that (if that's who you mean)
Aw geez, you lack discipline
Gather them all up again
why would you sabotage yourself like that so close to the anniversary? You retard
Retard. They are coming back during WWC.
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>Did a YOLO round of the LR Ult Gohan banner on a whim
>got my first LR AGL Buu on the second pull, so now I actually have a chance of completing the STR Vegito EZA to make them not complete fucking ass
>got the LR Ult Gohan on the GFSSR, and I think my first animation with the Goku Black background
You'll get lucky soon bro. You're gonna make it.
yellow coin banners are cheating
you have one more month to save back up
summoning after the discounts are over isnt retarded its SUPER retarded
its over... legends won...
I haven't saved for the anniversary because I hate the headliners and have everything else rainbowed anyway.
based me
I'm skipping for WWC like every year
used to take 11 months for those LRs to return and I'd just coin the red coin anni LRs december
going by this logic they both come back for tenth anni so why even bother summoning for wwc
it has a bunch of units that dont come back for 10th like the gws and new years
Skipping the trannyversary is a smart decision. Only Beast is worth it, but his banner is dogshit.
Those units come back on like every other banner after the WWC
on banners that are a skip for the next wwc.
My presumption for stones until 10th anni is like
>Toppo - 70 approx
>9th anni - 1144
>WWC - 900 approx
>Frieza -70 approx
>Post WWC New unit - 70 approx
>Tanabata - 200 approx
>Crossover - 70 approx
>Christmas to NY - 220 approx
>10th anni - 1144+
Total - 3888
And that would be a lowball in my estimates plus there is probably going to be a sync celebration. I’m at 1150 and plan on buying cheap stone packs and discount capsules and hopefully should have near 6k for 10th anni
>but his banner is dogshit
>has the literal top 3 units in the game
stop being disingenuous you fucking retard
>not having UI and SSBE rainbowed already
Kek, ranklet.
10 minutes until we know nothing is happening tonight.
New DFE or Rosè for JP
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55% for me. Going to be an insane jump if I pull dupes AND do their EZA
Rosè it is.
Finally we can get datruths opinion on him
Reminder that Kefla
>does more damage than Goku Black
>has more defense than Goku Black
>Has a 50-70% chance to dodge
>does not have a domain that cucks his team
Reminder that kefla has no slot ones. Reminder that kefla has shit links.
Reminder that kefla is ugly.
Domains should’ve done something more exciting like orb changing or added damage reduction or dodge for the rotation or something dumb like everyone on the rotation gets a great chance to super.
Also, it should’ve just been a button when you’re on the character that you can activate
Oh so that's why the thread doesn't have 100+ replies when I wake, it's just PHY Rose.
Would JP get PHY Goku Black's SEZA?
>Reminder that kefla has no slot ones.
If you're facing a Universal Survival Saga or Pure Saiyan you have THE best slot one character in the game.
they better drop some info for global tonight jesus christ
Letter should come out before the maintenance on the 30th
You'll get 1st form frieza and you'll be happy.
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He's assuming JP will have a part 2 LR.
But what if JP has a shit banner and no Part 2?
That will be fine, thats still info
said this the first time they announced a sync
already changing his speech to 'the sync is bad and i always said so', how typical
>fat retard flip flops
Yeah, he’s always said global and JP should never sync and it was a terrible idea. Never said otherwise
Sync confirmed a success
Lmao, of course he doesn't like it. He wastes so much money on rainbowing everything in the jap version, and now all of that will be pointless since Global would be getting everything at the same time.
>antisync sissies desperately looking for affirmation from some fat new york jew that they hate otherwise
You lost and there is nothing you can do but cry :)
i genuinely think most of these replies are from the same guy, im all in for hating dafatfuck but why are they acting like the faggot is some kind of authority on the game?

also it doesnt take a genius to be able to tell that if they dont do something this coming month to speed up things, the sync might be a shitshow since they are either gonna have to cramp a bunch of celebrations or straight up have a sync where global still has missing units

imagine we get the frieza celebration on june and its just a regular celebration, when the fuck are we gonna get the other missing units before wwc
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>sync happens
>global is a week behind
>anni is still july
Don't forget that we've already got STR Vegito and Buutenks EZAs on Global, they'll have to put something there in global anniversary.
bros how do i stop simping for a girl that was in one of diddy's stream? blocking her channel would help?
producer's letter
maybe a seza
Who, Cinna? Her nudes are mid
How you know it was Cinna and how do I see her nudes? You also a simp?
Only female I've ever seen on his channel. The pics are gone I'm afraid.
Diddy has had a few grills on his channel though. I recently wanted to watch her video with diddy again because she's so cute and suddenly I'm being bombarded by Cinna videos on Youtube. It doesn't help that I thought Cinna and Emiru were the same girl so I started searching for both of them together on stream. I'm getting Cinna videos from so many different channels that I'm afraid even if I block her channel I would still be bombarded with her videos from all of these different channels. I'm almost infatuated with her and I want it to stop.
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What are the chances of global getting 9th anni AND Tanabata at the same time? Anyone familiar with other gachas know what they've done in similar situations?
One pierce treasure cruise went fucking balls to the wall to sync the games. It was basically like a world tournament every week
zero, anni and tanabata are big celebrations, getting something like toppo and frieza at the same time its more likely
My god. I have every unit on beast’s banner rainbowed. I’ll literally be pulling just for him.
higher chance we get it right before or right after the anni than at the same time
>still no info
eos before sync... owari..
>it's just frieza
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>banner unit Trunks
No GW wallpaper?
They finally realized the Trunks from this saga is SSj2 and not 1!?
Almost zero.
They did however transplant the main content from the "ex" part of the anni into global's golden week so I'd say odds are high they're planning on cutting the anni a little short (as in at part 3).
After that only the devs know what the plan is. Maybe they'll roll right into tanabata or maybe they'll throw freeza and toppo out to die quickly.
Feel like I complained about that all last year. Still annoys me that vegeta and trunks weren’t on power beyond SS
Pretty sure last year the changed a 30 day celebration to a 15 day one before the WWC.
Maybe do stuff like that
finally a new ssj2 buff
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>Global first
>But here JP, you get more stuff

Holy fuck, these retarded gooks have no idea what they're doing do they? Adding more units for a 'sync'? Do they understand what fucking sync means?
As a global main, I now know what it was like to be a jew in the holocaust
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Leaker bro's....
Is that flat 90% evasion or 90% split over 3 checks?
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hes trash
He has a 100% chance of dodging global
Fucking kek.
Nice, a banner unit that isn't even on the dfe's lead and the dfe needs units from a specific category to be useable. Retards.
So you're telling me V&T could have had PBSS this entire time?
He's built like a Dragon Ball Heroes unit, the hell?
HOW the fuck are they going to add Trunks to global???? Something similar to the old ass PHY Kefla banner?
Global is a timeline where Android Omatsu wiped out Trunks and the Z-Fighters, we’re never getting him
if the JP celebration has a part 2 LR, they could add Trunks to his banner when he releases on GLB
i think jp getting a banner unit all but confirms they are getting additional content for the goku black celebration. also i think this might soft confirm the int blue vegeta getting an SEZA considering he was not available for red coins like kid buu and theyre probably going to do the color autism thing where one unit from each type is getting an seza before a repeat and we have gotten all but int and str
>drop a new dfe that needs super bosses allies
>give him a super hero banner unit and a super hero seza
Just dokkan things
This is probably one of the worst syncs in video game history, they're absolutely clueless.
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1st for frieza confirmed for global.
I'll be mad if they SEZA him because I have him rainbowed so JP exclusive shenanigans will piss me off.
At this point I think we'll just sync schedules after WWC, then we'll get all the pre-sync jap content as little extra down the line
Doing what?
i think he might mean overhauling that ancient golden frieza event from eons ago that had horrible drop rates
Oh that's pretty cool. I'm glad JP gets more content than us. Totally fine, not seething at all.
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Remember that guy that claimed that tanaba HAD to be in june for global and assuming anything else was retarded?
i know you are here faggot, time has proven ME right
dafatfuck was right and you cunts were too blind from rage to realize he was right, this sync is gonna be a shitshow

the whole idea of the sync is great, the way they are doing it its not
what point are you even trying to make? everyone with a working brain knows the syncis a good thing but im pretty sure nobody is defending how they are going about it
see the seething replies to the post of the fat fuck talking about the sync here>>1481012
The sync is bad because foresight is better and because we will lose discounts. Tickets might stay judging from what JP is getting this celebration. Only fat fuck whales care about sync though.
imagine your favorite character get an anni lr, the unit is beast tier on release, you are on global so you gotta wait till july to get it, then wwc comes out and powercreeps your favorite unit, jp got to use the unit at full power for a long time, you didnt
Clearly this was too powerful to add to global at the time.
Foresight=always skip global anni save for WWC instead
Foresight is a meme. Sync is the best thing to happen to this shitty candy crush clone so we can all be hypepigs
This with dodge is not that bad. Way better than str gohan last year.
not that bad considering he has dodge
>not on dfe's leader skill
When was the last time they pulled this shit
He's got 90% dodge and 70% crit.
>Summonfag cope

Sorry I don't have an ADHD gambling addiction and can discipline myself to wait instead of summoning on every single thing. No wonder you retards like this, you're all obese landwhales like Dafatfuck.
>discipline myself to wait
You can still do that so?
that has nothing to do with just wanting to use units on their prime, but i assume you are just gonna throw insults and buzzwords, because thats all you can do
at least we can now see if the tanabata unit is better than beast...
nice h-haha
No, because you have less opportunity to check powercreep to see whats worth stones and what isn't.

Who said I care about using units in their prime? I care about maximizing my stone value whaletard.
They'll announce that the Frieza/Toppo catch-up banner is just the start of the big early tanabata celebration... r-right?
>whale whale whale whale
again, i havent spend a dime in this game you have no argument, just last year we got ssj4 fp goku post wwc when he wasnt even worth summoning, ideally we wanna avoid stuff like thi

>less opportunity to check powercreep to see whats worth stones and what isn't.
summon on wwc and anni, quite literally nothing has or will have as much value as the two biggest celebrations on the game, in fact arent you the same guy that was saying to just summon on wwc? how does the sync changes your plans then
>Spent a dime

Citation needed


Came out on JP before WWC. Easy skip.

Skip 9th Anniversary, summon on WWC since it will take a year to return for shared celebration and summon on 10th which will return in January and powercreep sooner than before especially if you have most units. Learn to use your brain autistic summmmooon faggot.
>summon on WWC since it will take a year to return
they come back on anni every single time
>summon on 10th which will return in January
so summon on wwc because they take a year to return despite they only taking about 4 months to return on anni, got it

you know what i dont like to be rude to people but you are just a dumbass so i will just leave it at that, you clearly dont know what you are talking about
the WWC units come back in january you retard, if you wanna get the most out of your stones you would just skip everything till the 10th anni

>inb4 but muh gw units
ok summooon faggot
>Implying they won't move a major celebration units like WWC to come back later

Lmao you clearly don't understand how the game works. They aren't gonna keep WWC units back for anniversary so soon. I might just skip WWC as well to make you seethe.
of course they have been putting wwc units on anni for over 5 years because the standard is units coming back after a few months not a year but they are gonna change it because you say so

you are an idiot and not being able to accept when you are wrong its just embarrassing
Anniversary units will come back on anniversary because they're anniversary units. WWC? Nobody knows because it comes back sooner for global.

I'll skip both so I can use my foresight whale fag. Enjoy being penniless and broke begging for one stone ;)
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>the frenchies getting the rope
Btw what happened to Dokkan World?
you are the one that doesnt know when wwc units come back, i am sure when they come back
>I am sure

Citation needed.
29-31 august units from 2018 and onwards is my citation, whats your source
That's when WWC comes out anon, not that they will be back in January
29-31 january 2019 and onwards banners which is anni when they have come back every single time, whats your source
> I can't read and understand context so I same fag strawman

Lmao seethe.
My source is the sync. Your information is outdated with the sync happening.
my bad i didnt know you were omatsu, let us see the detailed info and the reasoning on why just global is gonna get different anni banners instead, despite omatsu (You) saying that the sync goal was to release the same characters at the same time
Woah, no shifting burden of proof here anon. You said it was due to it coming out on anniversary, but you have no objective proof of that for this January. Are you Ofatsu? Tell me what the 10th anniversary units are and I might hook up with cheap dental treatment.
so you are saying your speculation its more certain that five years of proof and precendence
Yeah because Dokkan has never ever changed patterns before. Oh wait, remember carnival coins? Oops guess that is something different. But it has precedence so how could it le change!? NOOOOO!
there is 0 reasoning for changing it, wwc units have come back for years just a couple of months later on anni theres no reason to switch it specially with the SYNC coming if anything they should be 1 to 1, the reason dumbasses like you think you can come here and spout here your retarded theories its because this is an anonymous board and you dont expect to get called out

just like the other idiot that insisted that tanabada HAD to be before anni and started calling anyone else retarded, i will still be here and call you out when as every single year the wwc units come back in anni and you will do nothing besides just pretending it wasnt you

Lmao, seethe overload. Reminder that your argument is also a theory until proven, pot kettle black. Checkmate ;)
Im in no rush time will prove me right again
Truth ate him.
death in the family and taking time off
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>pan in the unit
Now I'm forced to rainbow this jabroni...
We've been over this a hundred times
Syncing versions for gacha games is always bad and it was always going to be blundered because of the history of fuck ups the devs have made over the years.
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>captcha RNGSY
oh my god I have to wait a few months for a png in a cartoon bubble popping phone game!!! kill the devs!!! the sync is ruined!!!
Nice RNGussy
It's sad, this is what most syncoids think. I blame Dafatfuck for making the sync happen.
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Imagine if they do this
>29 enero
lmao spic
>stealing Reddit screenshots

Go back.
>muh foresight
It's obvious who will age well, and if you're a dumb bitch you can still wait and coin them later. You'll still get ezas sooner, and anni stones sooner to use on whatever you want. So you can keep playing like a pussy if you want, but now you have the option not to.
I feel like it's so easy for them to get everything in line for Global in the next couple months

June (first half)
>Part 1: Toppo and Frieza
>part 2: LR ginyu and whatever part 2 LR jp is getting

June (second half)
>part 1 of tanabata


>part 2 tanabata and whatever dfe jp is getting for that spot

>synced up for WWC
I don't really care too much about the Trunks because his passive is too restricted to one category but I wonder how they plan on adding him to global
Can I make all vegito team
Yes but it won't be good.
low iq post
sure why not there's more than enough Vegitos especially if you include the Goku and Vegeta units that fuse into him
the real question is can you make a good one
they could have done it long ago, the sync is a simple thing, they just chose not to

reminder we recently got a yellow coin filler banner with no new unit for no reason, could have slapped ginyu there and they just didnt
Damn it
High IQ post
I'd imagine he'll come on the part 2 LR banner if/when there is one and it comes to global
that would work, watch that part 2 LR be a super class that doesn't help Goku Black at all just like Trunks
Esl spic faggot
That means fuck all if they don't slow the JP version.
And that has been the real issue here, they simply don't stop releasing content for JP.
>dokkanbabs complaining about too much content
There is too much shit to do and not enough time to do it which makes people not want to play at all. You can do stuff like SB and Red Zone whenever, sure but that is the minority of "content" in this game. Most of the events are time sensitive like Burst Mode, WT, Pettan, and even some of the EZAs that disappear for months with not even a hint when they'll return.

Not everyone has this app running 24/7 and the majority of players only actively play for maybe an hour a day if we're being extremely generous. There are far too many tedious grindy events for a game that is marketed to children and salarymen playing it for a few minutes on the train.
>unironically complaining about too much content
You have like a month to do that shit and none of it is hard. Troon missions like inevitable showdown or 6000 pt burst mode don't even give stones.
>oh my god I have to throw a tantrum like a toddler over the cartoon bubble popping phone game!! I have toooooo!!!
You're crying again and there is nothing you can do but cry :)
>I love waiting months for content for no reason at all! I'm such a HAPPY cuck!
Who knew dokkan"""Chads"""" could cry so well? Cry for me!
>I love wasting tons of money summoning on the latest units because I don't want to wait! Who cares about global discounts and tickets? I want the latest units rainbowed right now isn't they right DaTruth? Oh yeah let my suck that tiny flaccid cock for three stones *SLUUUUUURP*
>i had to wait so long for this unit that they're basically irrelevant or 1 month away from it, but at least I got discounts!
>it's obvious who will age well
I remember when SV was the best unit in the game on release in JP and an actual mandatory skip on global, but go on.
Don't worry, these retards assume the content and the units exist in separate vacuums, like this >>1481856 mongrel.
Clearly when we get Beast he'll now be outclassed by the 9th anni fights because... reasons.
Or... save those stones for wwc in a month. You were forced to wait this long so why bother?
>he needs a unit right when it's new because he can't imagine skipping a shiny new toy when another better toy comes out

Tell me you're a whale without telling me you're a whale.
I'm planning to do any limited discounts, but if they're just generic b3g1s then I'm really just rolling to 10th anni when all of these things will come back.
At most I miss out on ~50 stones and shitty titles like
>"Extra missions accomplished! Sucked LR Kid Buu's dick!"
Red zones are permanent and my account is stacked enough for burst modes and such.
>Anniversary? Skip
>WWC? Skip
>Heroes? Summon

Then wait till January for 10th Anniversary
I love sloppy seconds.
What do delays have to do with skipping retard? You're still rolling on "release" except your release is cucked.
>i WANTED to wait 6 months to roll on "release"
DB has literally been sloppy seconds all your life if you didn't read the manga in Japan in the 80s.
Because then when the unit is released you see if it's worth summoning or not based on future information.
>he can't tell
It's ok lil baby dokkanCHADs will spoonfeed you
then just summon for them when they return, its the same mount of time you'd be waiting for them to release on global and you can coin them, you can wait right?
Knowing about Beast before the rest of this year made every other unit irrelevant to summon on. The game will power creep reset with 10 anniversary and beast will probably be the only unit to survive. If you didn't know about Beast you waste all your stones on part 1 of the anniversary and other useless units like a retard. Sync fags like yourself don't think about that because you use daddy's credit card to buy stones.
Yeah but depending how meta relevant they are they might be worth pulling then.
We all know people who want the sync are either retards or whales.
I don't know how this discussion keeps coming up. If this was an original IP or a game which did new things, sure, I could see it. I play plenty of other games with both simultaneous releases (chinese garbage) and delayed (blessed blue archive).
The issue is these all have the benefit of literal content to leverage. Having to wait 6 months to actually see what happened in book 3 of BA was awful, but I still like being able to plan rolls around it.
Dokkan has nothing hype to look forward to upon translation. There's no story. The legitimate one moment I wished we were synced was when LR Trunks and Broly happened because what the fuck was even happening in the quest mode we all ignored because we spent 5 years training with piccolo while goku was missing.
>knowing about beast
What the fuck are you babbling about schizo? We'll know about anni units in February regardless.
Yeah because the games aren't synced you fucking retard. Holy shit, do you understand how abstract concepts work regarding arguments? Fuck double digits IQ retard. Kill yourself so I can jerk off to your bloated corpse.
They should just release the content as fast as possible. Frieza and Ginyu need to release immediately. Just don't slow down and give us everything on Global.
Do you have a legit mental disability? Jp also sees the new banners and compares them to beast. They obtain information at the same time. What the fuck is the difference except that they have access to him?
Because Global players can skip all the filler units before anniversary and with the sync you wouldn't know how much Beast invalidates every other unit up until next anniversary. Fucking moron, oh wait you're a summon fag and a whale it doesn't affect your autistic fucking cunt retard brain. Hurr duur my name is anon and I just sumoooon like a retard huuuuuurrrrrr..
And jp can skip those banners too you retard. They have the same knowledge we do. What the fuck are you smoking?
Holy fuck. How are you this stupid? We get to save more stones to summon for beast. JP didn't get that opportunity unless they could see into the future. Fuck your bare stupid, I hope your family and off spring get gangraped and skull fucked to death.
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Bonus points for when Broly and Gogeta came out and everyone remembered cooler and promptly dumped everything, only to get smoked by Beast.
But le hype! You could have not summoned on Broly until the last 8 or so hours where we knew about Beast and there were still discounts!
>still compare filler banners to anni lr
>still have discounts on part 1 when part 2 is revealed if you're a little a bitch
Right, so neither is an argument against the sync.
>i-i got to save more stones to waste on an outdated anni so I can be bankrupt for wwc in a month
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You do have 8 hours, it's entirely plausible.
Unfortunately, you have 8 hours to save compared to global's, I don't know, 5 months? Very similar time scales.
There is no benefit to the sync outside whales winning harder and retards being able to waste their stones more easily. If you fall into one of these categories, good for you! For those of us who think, it's sadly worse.
Absolutely based
I unironically enjoy heroes more than anniversary. Probably because heroes units are always a surprise. Only exception was Super Hearts, that shit was awful.
unfortunately it's doubtful that we'll ever get another heroes collab. maybe one more depending on the timelines with it and super divers release
Thing is though, they would still need to EZA all of the remaining premium units. Unless they do it all at once this year or simple EZA a batch same every year.

This is cope but I want to believe since it's coming to an end we get LR Universe Tree Goku. His aura and kamehameha is cool as fuck.
Sounds like you're the brainlet who needs 6 months to decide if a unit is worth it. Projecting as usual.
You're free to keep larping as a globalfag and waiting until July to clear anni content with ezas and friends. Except you'll get those 6 months sooner too.
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>retard once again dodging the issues and declaring himself victorious
At least if you were a whale it wouldn't be this embarrassing...
I imagine we got another year or 2 of heroes and then we start to get super divers content. Still need our SSBE Gogeta, after all.
Don't forget LB SS4 Gogeta.
remember when breaking a 1 million attack stat was mindblowing
Nice, I'll finally be bothered to actually awaken these golden dicks (...when it comes to Global)
they don't have to slow down jp releases. for june they're getting goku black who is already released on global and a part 2 unit, july is tanabata which is usually a new lr dfe and yellow coin lr and august is a one off dfe

should be easy to take those releases and just rush them out on global too and we're caught up by wwc. and seeing how global got the EX anni ezas early, they could drop something there instead
>Heroes? Summon
lol heroes is kill. waste to summon on that moving forward
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>it's GOOD that I had to wait 5 months, because now I can spend MORE stones on LESS relevant units
Globalcuck cope is so fucking funny. Being FORCED to wait 6 months to summon isn't self control you coping clown, it's cuckoldry.
i remember when 100k def was enough to tank everything
fucking finally
>retard triples down on another strawman
My SSG Goku doing 300k nuking against the SSJ3 dokkan event.
My 40 minute (real time) run against TEQ Beerus with two INT 13 leads.
Good times.
globalsissies in shambles
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>they're skipping GODza
Oh no no no
>tfw I skipped all the carnival banners and I don't have any of them and plan to skip gogeta and gammas too
>tfw 700 teal coins and nothing to spend them on
might buy broly trio cause i got no yellows
Based. Carnival LRs are shit.
I have every unit except for him and his banner unit rainbowed. Maybe I should skip.
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>all these dokkanFOSSILS who have to ration every stone because they can't use dupes
Feels good to be a newCHAD.
Dangerously based
i have a copy of all of them and the only ones i have used a bunch are the birdku and future gohan
the rest are kind of meh
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what krillin is that?
he's new, I'm guessing a F2P unit
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Yeah this sync is a shitshow lmao
guard is only on full earthling rotation
Syncsissies... our response?
>problem that won't exist with the sync
We won?
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solid little f2p unit
why is the schizo obsessed with this fag
>when there are 2 or more enemies
I mean he exists for like SBR and such I guess, but this is always such a wacky condition.
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>why is the schizo obsessed with this fag
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>he doesn't awaken from cop krillin
what's even the point
why kino?
better animations than goku black
LR DB trio, LR Babidi and Dabura EZA and DFE Frieza confirmed for global
according to what
In-game notifications
I hate the clash points so fucking much it’s unreal. Even if you have been playing since day one there is no way to have all the units. Or at the very least if you started late then that means youll never have the clash units rainbowed/EZAd.
i gave up on dupes im just trying to get one of each lr for the collection and maybe the eza medals but even then they are so expensive
>Ss2 Trunks coming to global too
Why not release him with Rosè? What's the point?
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>AGL SS2 Trunks added to Global

we had a meme banner with returning wwc units and ezas
what a fucking mess lol
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Aw yeah we /sync/ now bros!
Free zuh, free zuh, croora’s brotha
I only go for 79%. I might got to rainbow on dabura though
Trunks looks so comfy in that sweater.
I forgot how shit Super looks at times
>Rosè comes on Jp
>gets buffed
What's this now?
Or is it just shitposting?
more like he was unfinished and they just said fuck it, we'll fix him later. Global really is just an afterthought
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He's getting fixed.
Hmmm not sure it will make him good, but we'll see.
How is it broken?
He gets an additional super every 5 and 10 attacks now. This makes him more consistent and his blowout turns even crazier.
He'll still have the problem that in his team, his Domain shouldn't get the priority over Brolly or even Fuzed Zamassu.
Until they fix that... his okay at best.
Who asked
Sorry, forgot this is thread is about some tranny that posts here or whatever and not about Dokkan.
apperently its just a wording change to match how he actually works and doesn't actually change anything
it seems like he actually gets an additional super after 10 attacks on global im very confused
some people are saying he could already do that
Probably the unit was bugged on JP but not on Global then.
This, another boring, regular Krillin. At least cop Krillin would be something new.
They really should do something with those ancient cards... At least make them usable.
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It would be like that time they EZAd a whole team of Metal Coolers.
It's just kinda weird now, because most of these Friezas are summonable SRs that most people never kept. And I think a couple of them are straight up unavailable
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SEZA confirmed
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Decided to actually check which is which (because autism)

TEQ (Final Form): Rare Summon
AGL (Final Form): UNAVAILABLE! Was farmable in the original ResF event, but the one in the Prtal of Memories doesn't have him. (probably will bring him back with the revamp?)
AGL (1st Form): farmable in "A Lone Warrior's Last Battle" Stage 6
TEQ (3rd Form): Rare Summon
INT (Mecha): farmable from the first stage of Mecha Friezas Super-Strike event
INT (1st Form): "Special gift with Shonen Jump event", so UNAVAILABLE
STR (1st Form) (closed mouth): Rare Summon
STR (1st Form) (open mouth): Rare Summon
STR (2nd form): Rare Summon

So in total, 5 summonable, 2 (potentially 3 farmable) and 1 was a one-time gift
They better not fuck him up.
>Goku's Family restriction
Be ready
high chance to guard when he's the first attacker in the turn when facing against Trunks (future) and HP is below 30% (once only)
>Wants a full earthlings rotation
>Wants a goku on rotation
What the fuck
Double-dipping 2 PHY SEZAs in a row.
Cool Goku art, too bad it'll never get used as a character.
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>TUR for an LR
Might be a worse fate, honestly.
Another huge middle finger to global.
I had the AGL FF Frieza on my old GLB/JP accounts back in the day. Never got the INT 1st Form or any of the Shonen Jump code units, those are probably only owned by JP veterans
so global didn't get this because?
because it was before the SEZA for ss3 Goku released and I guess they wanted him to be the first SEZA for both versions
>still the better version on global
oh no no no will they add the extra ki support on jp?
probably but global version has higher stats by a bit and SEZA doesn't do anything for stats
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>better attack and better hp
dafatty is going to neck himself
He's gonna be the first objectively terrible SEZA
>mid on release
>mid eza
>mid seza

they hate goku black and rose characters
bro I love LR Ultimate Gohan! why does nobody talk about him?
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there was two meat events the whole time...
>30 stamina whis event to get a level 1 hp equip
what's their masterplan, make the stage unbearable to then sell orb packs?
This. Before you could open the turn on his 5th attack, get the guaranteed additional, have 3 rainbow additionals, the hipo additional and then the passive additional from attacking 5 times would trigger again. Now instead of it triggering again they made that once per turn and gave an additional for the 10th attack.
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Never seen this cursed goku
This is why there's no Super anime. Thanks a lot Mejicanos.
The sync will not fix the eternal global shaft
>implying he's not still shit after the "buff"
Don't worry, we'll also lose all our global benefits too!
he's impossible to get, from some V-Jump event in 2015 meaning he's JP only despite also being in the game files on global
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All I want is this event to come back, + dokkan awakening for the bye guys Goku
Being able to just throw Kid Buu on any team again is so nostalgic.
is their a wt this weekend or nah?
reminder to newfriends to do the rof event in the portal before they revamp it. it's 18 stones.
Assuming it doesn't get revamped before then, it'll come back for the 9th anni.
How many more days until Thousandfold Plea Goku gets his SEZA?
It'll be day 5900 or some gay shit like that.
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you did wait until the next celebration was announced before spending the red stone, right?
he was in that multi red stone with old teq zamasu during wwc
I want more Crossover celebrations.
i dont
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>didn't spend my stamina before maintenance
letter out fellas im too lazy to post it
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the first 3 images are just about Frieza and the 9th anni
likely this week or next weekend. we will know tonight because those wt ezas in the files will have their date changed tonight after the maitenence
>one more day for 500 replies
i don't think we're getting those 5 stones
>We're planning to release information on the OSUT during the 9th Anniversary Campaign.
That info? "The sync is still happening. More information in September."
the worst part is this isnt even a joke, this is the most likely outcome
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bruh moment
im not too concerned about the sync as long as the 10th anni is shared

if it isnt... oh boy
>people spamming for a producer's letter for 2 weeks straight and it's just his
It has to be the same right??? there's no way they could fuck this up
if I must, but I'm not going to enjoy it
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Pay attention to the updates and this won't happen.
so by the time an LR releases it's already a year old LR. now it makes sense.
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But that doesn't mean the passive can't be changed. Omatsu has planned obsolesce
It takes them 8 months to make an LR?????????
it's probably 7 months of assets and kit design, then a couple weeks of number tweaking
imagine they had said they had no plans to continue past the 10th anniversary
>month 1: figure out who to make the LR
>month 2-7: figure out how to fuck them over just right if extreme, take a nap if super
>month 8: tell Omatsu he's a good boy
The kit itself is a joke, art probably takes some time depending on the commissionee. The real slog is logistics, I think. They probably plan out celebrations years in advance, so they have to float the kits powercreep around that fact. It's not 8 months of active development, but probably 8 months from inception
>we don't have an LR from the general blue saga
to execution
"Do you have any plans to continue after 10th anni?"
"No lol, please stop giving us money."
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>info on sync?
No, fuck you lol
>LR dev time?
Ah, we are work very hard sir. Many month
>new units?
We have no clue please do the needful and gives ideas for us to make money sir
>Continue after 10th anni?
No end of service, sir. Please continue enjoy redeem the goku
34-4 the new LL stage?
>0.02 higher link level rate
>2 more stamina
mathchads what's the verdict
7-10 still king
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... I'ma call this a global W.
Only agl zamasu is worth anything on that toilet blocker
unironically this is way better for me since i dont have 21, 17 or int blues, and the wwc lrs i will probably get dupes of them on anni anyways
He's gonna getchu!
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Send this to all the doom-posters
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What the fuck are they planning?
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I decided to coin this guy a while ago and I just got around to using him....
Is it just me or is he aged out garbage? Probably one of the worst units I've coined in a while he is unusable in current content
He's great to me
To you? TO YOU? Who the fuck are you?
He will always take damage at 55%.
And yeah hes aging quickly.
he is pretty much dodge or die nowadays but its not like the other 2023 TURs are doing better
I am one of the greats here.
Without dupes he's a nice leader skill and that's it.
With dupes, he's usable. Will get fucked by orb generation/placement every now and then or will just refuse to dodge and eat shit.
>Send this to all the doom-posters
>EoS next year
>a year old
there's the problem
my 3 dupe godku is amazing
You need to actually read what's in the image. You can do it, I believe in you!
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My Nvidia tablet died a few days ago and I haven't bought a new one and I will not buy a new one until AMD releases a ARM tablet with Radeon graphics or Nvidia releases a new tablet.
No game in a good spot ever feels the need to say they'll keep making the game.
Of course, dokkan is incredibly low effort and churns out money. I think you'll legitimately see the dokkan 2 push after 10th anni and the sync.
>dokkan is incredibly low effort and churns out money.
So you do understand
I do, the game could enter an effective maintenance mode and still be incredibly profitable, which is what I think this sync is leading to.
yeah, reads like a bunch of made up non-sense
>effective maintenance mode
>Let's risk our incredibly low effort operation that churns out money by going into maintenance mode
Do you even think before you type?
Do you? It is never a good thing when a company admits people are asking if the game will even continue and having to answer it. The fact it's even been entertained opens up immediate discussion.
Go ahead and keep coping come next March when we get a "reduction in content".
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LR Frieza (Final Form), Cooler & King Cold incoming
>creator of series dies
>wHy wOuLd tHeY aDdReSs tHiS
I coined 21 and PHY Goku Black. I'm glad I saved up for this moment. Couldn't have asked for a better deal!
Did you not get PHY Goku Black for free during WWC?
I hope your day goes better, anon, you're clearly having a bad one.
i hope the voices in your head quiet down, doomschizo
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Love you too, anon.
They'll call EoS every single year until they're finally correct and then the dumb cunts will act really smug about it.
I didn't know he was going to SEZA. I had no reason to suspect he would anytime soon. He's a bit further down the line of DFE releases and he wasn't part of Global's celebration. This alone is a major JP shaft and it will only be made worse when he comes to Global with buffed stats. Why does Omatsu hate his own country so much?
>reduction in content
This is the biggest clue you don't know what you're talking about. Dokkan is already dirt cheap and quick to make and it already has barely any content to begin with.
When it dies we'll just one day wake up to the EoS announcement. Nothing more.
Truth-dono makes a good point. Whis revamp gives tickets for secret treasure chest, but wait until there's a good category exclusive chest before spending them. They change based on current banners.
>Legendary Frieza event isn't tonight
It was for Toppo and Ginyu.
There's no denying the game peaked with 7th anni, and then has been on a downward trend afterwards. I'm not a doomschizo (not that you'll listen or care, your mind's made up), but we can all agree the best days of this game are not ahead, they're behind.
>there's no denying my headcanon
>we can all agree with my headcanon
>your opinion? Headcanon.
>my opinion? Objective fact.
Sometimes I think the tranny porn arc wasn't the worst part of being here when the alternative is pseudo-intellectual retards like this.
>37 day campaign
nigga we ain’t ever getting synced
The Trunks in the background made me laugh, so out of place.
I'm not claiming everyone agrees with me, retard. You are. Because that's all you have to back up your meaningless claims.
Don't bother he'll just claim that "there's no denying" and "we can all agree" are expressions of opinion then have a meltdown about spics & trannies or whatever
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ready for the anni
Um sweaty, remind me who it was that killed Frieza?
>Trunks getting in place to dice Frieza again
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He didn't have on that yee yee ass sweater when he did it.
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Almost Frieza o'clock
Honestly if they just swap out Bardock for the new Trunks I will genuinely throw in a couple of summons, guaranteed if there are discounts.
I'd be missing everything besides Ginyu who is at 55%
they cut ginyu
>AGL Bardock still there
>Trunks over Ginyu
Eh, could be better but not bad at all
I'm over 2k stones so why not?
>Have to wait nearly 2 weeks for the Frieza event
That's a shame, I was looking forward to that.
>did the discounts
>got Frieza, 2 Dodorias, TEQ Bardock dupe
Cool I guess.
>shit luck
>almsost 0 SSRs
>Frieza on guaranteed
>Trunks on 2nd guaranteed
>agl cuckdock on 2nd free multi
>not getting baited for 3rd round
This is taking WAY too many stones for what is essentially garbage. Sucks I didn't get Gohan&Piccolo but they'll be back I guess.
>game just dumps a bunch of f2p ginyu/bardock copies in your mail
>1st rotation
>Frieza and Turles
>2nd rotation
>Trunks, Dabura, Piccolo&Gohan, AGL Bardock
>Various SSRs in-between
I'm debating pulling on the 3rd round for more coins. At 1600 stones. At 55% for all the featured units except Turles and AGL Bardock. What do?
Where's the fuckin ticket banner for RZ? Missions give tickets but it's not there
so you HAVE to do at least 1 summon right? Otherwise you brick your account by not having the SS Hercule statue
Never punished
Nigga you should have stopped the moment you got Frieza
... he'll come back right?
Well, this convinced me to do a rotation. Got shitza and a third agl shartdock.
You not gonna do the guaranteed featured multi bro? What about the AGL Bardock waiting for you?
I was missing all the units except agl bardock. Not I’m only missing 4/7 units, not liking those odds. They’re all just collector pieces anyway
the funny thing is i could literally rainbox frieza in one multi and i wouldn't use him anyways since his team is so ass
That's why 1 copy is enough for any meme missions that might pop up for him
Didn't stop. Got a dupe of Slurpza and TEQ Bardock. Back to farming stones.
>Coining red stone units
I share this board with retards.
>1st multi Turtles
>GFSSR Freeza
Could be worse for 120 stones.
Frieza is mid af
Now that the dust has settled is this card back to being usable with majin getting buffed or is he done for?
Nah he’s basically LR Cooler with no active
What the FUCK is wrong with the additional super animations
its so ass idk what they were thinking. the screen fades and i think the turns done its so jarring if youre not a total newfag
Other tab in news says it's due to them adding something to the battle screen in the future. No idea what that means, but I agree the shit is jank as fuck. It takes long AS FUCK for any unit with more than 2 additionals to finish now.
>phy goku black nerf
>buff him for JP release
>remember he's an EXT unit
>he's also Goku Black
>nerf him out of spite
>3 rounds of GFSSR and a free multi
They really want people to spend their stones before anni, jeez.
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Who knows. The christmas units never came back, right? And the Jackie Chun statue.
I think the only one of these limited non-battle units that was give out again was the Sandland one, because of the videogame
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>god goku sissy
To the trash. Here is your CHADcolo
>Do the discounts for Gohan/Piccolo
>Get two Friezas
Why can't I get this lucky on a banner I actually care about
Decided to finish the discounts because I’m a hypepig. Got everything off the banner bar dodoria
>frieza, dodoria and piccolo
Not bad for a rotation.
did 2 rotations, got 1 frieza, 2 dodoria, 2 trunks, 1 agl bardock, 2 turles. really solid overall but I'm missing gohan/piccolo. should I be an idiot and do another rotation? I know they're mid at best but I really like the moment and they're one of 3 Dokkanfests I'm missing
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autism won again
aren't they referring to the dodge-style cut-in when doing aa?
it's already on jp and it's ass
Yeah, it seems like it’s doing an additional normal everytime
Post your overall stone count my you coward
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Had to crop the original pic because iPhone screenshots are >4mb
Don’t hide your name you coward
Why is the new Red Zone so piss easy?
first stages of the event + pre-9th anni content
Rainbowed with SEZA Kid Buu and AGL Piccolo-Buu supporting, fully built up, under 200% lead, with his active skill going, and he only has like 800k defense with no DR or built in dodge.

You decide.
I got the tickets and the banner isn't even up.
Sorry, it's xXxNaT3Higg3r$xXx
You can add me if you want
goku black is actually really fun to use on jp, the buff is actually VERY noticeable, before you could easily go, one super 3-5 normals and another super

now im getting at least 3-5 supers afters transforming him which is pretty consistent
how many stones do you have saved for the anniversary?
Because it's half-a-year old
3380, pretty sure i can get to 3500 before anni but i dont plan to go crazy on it either
im just waiting to see how strong the tanabata unit is and if they give any info on the sync (they should)
None because I don't care about it.
how many red stones do we get per year and how many sezas are there?
I spent 450 stones on a 79% Phy Kid Buu
most of these people have newer accounts and we only get maybe 7 or 8 red stones a year in the best of cases and are on pace to get 1 SEZA a month. Not even sustainable to 55% all of them let alone put dupes in them. At 150 coins some of them are honestly the best bang for your buck because most 400 cost red coin units are going to remain bad for at least another year or more
I'm stuck in the loading screen...
only if he's rainbowed, and even then it's scary
3k, saved for WWC
3400. i tried all the missions on the private server with my box, only one i couldn't do is movie bosses vs boss rush, so i might go for broly. but i expect ezas for either teq broly or str boujack so maybe not.
I hope 1k stones is enough for anni and WWC.
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I look forward to phy bl-ACK being the first bad seza
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wonder if they'll do the same discount for Toppo
throw on rose and ill summon honestly toppo is still really good
>one rotation
>2 gohanccolos
>1 turles
>1 bardock
>1 frieza (black rift)
I blew my anni luck, right?
Glad the narrative has shifted from
>global will still get benefits bro!
>I'm okay with getting fucked, bro, why aren't you?
Glad you're still crying :)
Thanks, gonna keep it up pretty consistently until 10th anni. I appreciate you looking out for the homies.
That’s a valid thing to be pissed about though
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I love dokkan so much
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Why are all the bardock team ezas missions “NEW” for me when I’ve eza’d them all except the LR. The stones are nice but it’s confusing as fuck
Least gay Fagku fan
i think they changed the stage so thats why. its free stones though i wouldnt complain much
Because it's a completely new event. All stage layouts are different.
Instead of just adding the Team Bardock EZA stage, they revamped the whole thing
It will be fun to never have discounts or tickets again just to get units earlier.
>it will be fun to get units earlier
i agree
>I enjoy being jewed by the game because I get a new toy early

Sync fags whale mentality.
>i enjoy watching the game through youtube for 6 months until LORDmasu decides thats its time to give me hand me down aged units
You keep making this argument disregarding you can save stones for better units. Beast is an example of forsight for part 2 you would never have if not for desynced game. If the games were synced before 9th global and JP players could spend all their stones in part 1 only to realize part 2 was better.

And no, having a few hours so you can coincide information from part 2 whilst keeping part 1 discounts is dumb because I guarantee they won't be keeping that as a thing for future reference since it affects their stones sales. Not that it matters, you'll make some dumb shit synchoid fag cope so you can just repeat what DaStepSis says verbatim.
i dont even disagree with you entirely. beast is infinitely better than the part 1 LRs but six months is just way too much. also, side point, but i am pretty sure i never saw any jp players seething about beast coming and being better than part 1, if anything they were just more excited. by the time the units come out on global they are much less relevant and you have anons who then say saving for the 10th anni is the most smart thing to do, which is ridiculous for a gacha game. the few hours between banners argument is retarded as well, i dont agree with that. however by keeping so many banners months and months behind on global you have a game where literally no banner is worth summoning on ever. what i see nobody wish for is something like the gammas, who came out a week later on global. something like that would be much better for globalfags but if you actually think a six month lag is good then you are retarded
ideally both versions would get tickets and discounts, but why would bandai do that? Not to mention i bet japanese players don't want tickets because then they lose the sense of accomplishment from pulling a unit with less stones, i know that's some kind of asian autismo they have over there
In all fairness the only reason people are talking about saving for 10th is twofold.

One, it's a major milestone for the game so the power creep will likely be insane in order to be better than Beast and 9th Anniversary and WWC should return then.

Two, people are riding on the idea of 10th happening in January due to the sync. I guarantee if that wasn't the case most people wouldn't skip Anniversary or WWC since you'd be waiting a few months and that would only to coin them or trying to pull on a far worse banner. If that's the case then saving is viable, but due to the sync who knows how much they feel it's a good idea to bring WWC/Anniversary units back a few months later on a far better banner. They could easily change set in stones things precisely because of this.
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>month-long campaign
>no story events up at all

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