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What went horribly wrong?
Incompetent devs
They RUINED Shirli.
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>the 4.0 JP trailer doesn't even have jp voice
I guess the AI and missing voices were a sign
retarded chink decisions as always
everytime i see a game flopping, i only need to take one look and not even dig deep to know what's wrong
and the best part is these companies deserve to have their shit games flop
>What went horribly wrong?
A lot.
The game has been shit for a while, but it held on due to cope and hope. People started to quit in droves once the hope of a better future was gone, and that was around mid way through domain 9.

Actually nothing went wrong and this game was a huge monetary success, Hotta made a disgusting amount of money through a very mediocre game and they'll be using that money to make something else and repeat the process again.
o7 /tofg/
Crew status?
You can check it yourself retard and no i won't bump the vg thread
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i use CN anyway kek
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Chink Fatigue.
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If only they released Molinia properly
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But playable Shelly back in early 2023 would have saved ToF
ironic this thread is still up but the vg thread is dead
nothing to talk about
I miss Poyayaaaaaaan...
How is that ironic? The opposite would be ironic since it takes a year for a thread to die here.
i heard she's gonna be playable soon. same with loli lan. i think after they saw people made mods for that, they are selling it
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Aesperia will always be special to me
NA world chat stopped working... how am i gonna get my x2 boss chests now...
Molinia being turned into a censored skin was the final straw for me. I stopped spending, eventually lost interest in the game and quit.
it was fun while it lasted bros.
What's up with the people that insist this game is great? Looked shitty on day 1, and played like shit. Years later the combat still plays like shit. what am I missing?
>what am I missing?
Nothing. Idiots chose to ignore the red flags and play a shit game we knew wasn't good since it nearly EoS right out of the gates in China.
Can you retards remake the thread already? Damn
Why, so it can die again before even hitting 100 replies? At least wait until there's something interesting to discuss.
i like the combat and the game was improving right up until 2.4 then it went downhill
I don't care about your arbitrary requirements for discussion. Make the thread bitch.
Make it yourself if it's so important to you.
Turns out a multiplayer focused Genshin isn't exactly a good idea.
No. Turns out trying to make a multiplayer focused Genshin clone as your first major title as a relatively new studio is a bit too ambitious.
I want to go back to the good times bwos...
You don't even play this game bitch
I hope you continue this shtick every game you play so I know which future games are total shit I should avoid
I still think back fondly of 1.0 with /tofg/bwos from time to time, it really was good times
hardly anyone does anymore
I just found this game a few weeks ago and I'm enjoying it on PS5, just have to get past the weak ux menus, the stories are hardcode
wuthering waves popped off a lot harder than I thought bwos...they're killing any hope of a tof revival...
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>What went horribly wrong?
they announced a new server that will make you lose all your progress, and with no powercreep, anyone that didnt had a good guild or didnt spent much in the game stopped playing to wait for the new server. And it never happened, nor they made a big deal out of canceling it (if it is canceled), im still waiting for the new servers, for months now
I miss my wife YoshinoUsagi
How many of those are still playing the game? Also post more guild meetup pics I want the sweet nostalgia.

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