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Discuss joseimuke games and those with similar appeal to the same audience.
Rei get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant
What's his 5th room?
Good night sweet prince
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How many of shotacons here looking forward to any shota character you like or strikes your fancy?
Rei reverse cowgirls Eiden, it was good.
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To be afraid or not be afraid, that is the question.
if dante was a day 1 character he'd be top 3 popularity dont @ me
rei from enstars
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How far down can you go
I can safely write off the Mahoyaku anime. It already lost me at the female sage anyway.
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It's a shame Bungou to Alchemist never really went anywhere (though I suppose being Tourabu's little brother gameplay wise was always gonna be a death sentence) because turning this guy into a socially awkward anime boy was really, really, really funny
Idol DTI was unironically the best deconstruction of idol culture
I miss Band Yarouze...
It's a huge shame they only rolled out the Expert+ mode when the game was dying. I didn't get to clear all the Expert+ songs before EOS even with full healer teams and now I can only live vicariously through youtube
Lucifer D was crazy hard because of how long the song runtime was but shit was fun.
>socially awkward anime boy
sounds fitting as the type who would spend all day shitposting about n*ggers online

i said this before the last thread got archived but he's one the best characters in the game. Dunno why he's not more popular, i thought the east would like his character archetype
Truth. Dante is a great character. The excuse of "it's because he was mean to Eiden" is stupid because so was Kuya.
I like that he's mean. So when he's nice it means more. I love kuya too so maybe that's a recurring theme but kuya is deffo meaner and dante's blushing half the time too so we know it's just an act??? why does he get people so pressed
Who fucking cares. Popularity doesn't effect SSR turnaround or merch so why does it matter? If you like him like him
You're smoking CRACK if you think popularity doesn't affect merch.
Oh so tell me anon, what merch line since his release was Dante excluded from because of his unpopularity?
Might not affect merch releases (at least not in a game with a small cast like nucani) but it absolutely affects prices
He's too brown for most people unfortunately. It was never going to happen.
japan has a pretty good relationship with brown as long as they contextualize it as "our brown" and not "their brown"
Where does Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail stand in that iceberg? Surface level?
What jap game besides Twisted has a brown boy that is popular?
mammon? from Obey me? Cyno and kaeya dunno if they count
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I haven't kept up with the game in a long while so idk if he's really popular, but there's Simeon from OM. He was evidentially popular enough that fan demand made him eventually romancable? Oh, and Daivolo and Mammon though idk if they're dark skinned enough (or popular enough?) to count

I guess you could count Gran and Walter from yumekuro, too. Both of them seem fairly popular, I guess
Resale? Because retail prices stay the same for every character
Listed prices? Literally does not. Aftermarket prices? Yeah, it's cheaper to buy Dante merch from nips which I would consider a positive.
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Dantefags want to experience the character tax.

Thorns from Arknights and I don't keep up with it anymore but last I checked Arjuna from FGO is popular too.
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Compared to most otome games, Obey Me has a surprising amount of dark-skinned/tanned characters in it because Mephistopheles and Raphael are dark/tanned also.
>LaDs is still in maintenance
reee let me in
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>Otome Yuusha
I miss the twins. It's a shame the gameplay was boring dogshit.
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Why do you think so many boys and people live Lumine so much?
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Gone too soon
It's a wonder how rei was able to climb the popularity polls so fast where dante, garu and blade couldn't

Either way I'm not mad since it just means his second hand merch is cheaper
>400% price increase between wife and Dante
wifefags I kneel...
how are Rei and Olivine doing?
>anon asks for jap game brownies
>everyone replies with chink game brownies
its over
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Does Jamil count?

Do you agree?
gig schizo posting dumb shit for the millionth time...
Does the new SSR Blade still top Eiden?
I can't remember the last jap gacha I played.... Probably Dragalia?
I wonder this too. He’s also mean but I guess he’s not brown? Does this mean japs prefer bottoms?
It’s a man cosplaying as a yume
Duh? They’re not gonna suddenly change a units position. Eiden is the only switch
Because she's "literally me."
Garu is a pale bottom and only caters a specific niche. Doesn't help that Garu is the retarded bottom to Blade's retarded top.
fgo characters like archer arjuna, Raihan from pkmn etc..
>Obey me
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Absurdly lucky banner: 75 rolls got me 2 Arturia, 1 moose, 1 dupe Gnosis
Yeah but Dante isn’t retarded
I'm praying they will
I need to have that faith
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>130 rolls
I wonder if I should do another 20 to grab a single dupe from the selector. There’s not much of a bonus for just having one card duped.
Tourabu has Ookurikara. He's popular. Doesn't deserve it though, the miserable sod. Easily top 3 worst boys.
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Lumiere skills are so pretty. Is this the only other companion with pull effect besides Abysswalker? I read the others' skills but couldn't spot it.

Congrats sis! 20 rolls for a guaranteed 5* is nice, maybe you'll be able to get the other dupe whenever it reruns in a year.
I was mainly refuting the bottom comment. Garu is proof there isn't some major preference.
> Lumiere skills are so pretty.
I love that your matching weapon is a laser gun. So much more convenient for continuous DPS than the melee weapons.
>Palette Parade
I only recognize this one because it died like,immediately after the anime aired and everyone clowned on it for a while.Unless that was a different gacha,this happened to a lot of them.
>wifefags I kneel...
Don't cry for me, I'm already dead.

And Olivine seems around the same price as Yakumo. Rei's a little lower. Haven't checked in a while, might have changed.
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Had to organize them around Levi's fat ass.
We need more slutty designs in gacha games tbqfh
Yeah not much has changed really, prices usually go something like:
Edmond > Eiden >> Quincy >= Kuya > Yakumo >= Olivine > Rei >= Blade > Garu > Dante > Familiars >= Rin.
Rei's anniversary merch did sell out before Blade in all storefronts so I would put him slightly above, and for what it's worth Olivine did so before Yakumo as well.
My sexy husband arjuna
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punished dante....
Bully Dante
No way, he's even less popular than Retard and Puppy?!
>the annoying dog is more popular than dante
it hurts...
It's hard being a dantefag, sure we get cheaper merch but there's much fewer fan content to enjoy especially since a good portion of it turn him into a bottom
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the great retard vs brown debate
the devs cannot decide what they want me to feel about dante
he looks "demolish me daddy" in some scenes
and then "I need this whore raped" at other times
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Edging dante
Impregnating Dante
Dante would make a fantastic switch character, though I like him better as a top.
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Pure angel boy not so pure
Blade would be the best switch. I'd vote Quincy but barely anyone will agree.
I’d picture Quincy being a pillow princess if he bottomed. He lets Eiden do all the work. I personally feel like the whole cast is capable of being switches (in their own ways)
I know it's for a collab, but I'd love for that to be an actual card. We definitely need more pure angels in speedos in gaming
Damn thats hot
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Paid only Lucifer slut
Rara always so fertile slurp slurp.
Rara always so kawaii slurp slurp.
Rara always so slutty and getting off fubs bukake-in him while watching him getting humiliated by MC.
I promise he is a virgin tho!
I feel like grandpa and wife would be the worst switches. Wife can't even ride Eiden to completion without him taking over, and Eiden just doesn't have the ability to tame grandpa. Maybe someone else could, but not Eiden.
I do like Luci but the horse in the background still just kills me idk why
>I promise he’s a virgin tho
It could just be hidden but it doesn’t look like he’s wearing his cage in that art (tho possibly it’s just well hidden but still there)
Actually in the Christmas event mc removed his chastity belt . So maybe that's why.
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Sexy Cyno
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I feel like edmond could use his vice captain aura for once and make eiden a bottom, except Eiden still does all the work. I also think gramps has enough of a soft spot now for eiden that he might consider him taking a bit of a lead. First ear licking, soon ass eating (delusional)
bets on who has it bigger, him or the horse?
You're right, I don't agree
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Reminder there is AdventurinexAcheron other than AvenStelle and AdvenPaz
Kill yourself. Only men are sex objects
the game would be better with just tops. Rei would have made such a good one
Rei is better as a bottom cockslut
It’s a close call desu
Debatable. I look at him and see wasted potential. I wouldn’t have cared so much if he was as disgusting looking as garu desu but he isn’t
Kill yourself spamming tranny
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another day, another slanderous remark about my retarded son
Well I think the game would have been better with just bottoms. And a proper Aster SSR!
if it was all bottoms it would have been a game for fags but aster does need a proper ssr, in both forms, morvay can rot
no one cares that you have bad taste
another day, another reminder to be thankful that anons on this board don't run the nucani team
we would have made blade and yakumo switches like kami sama intended
and a flashback chapter with furious rough old fox taming
and probably fewer garu cards
I like my idea of 2 character one unit blade/cooler blade and Garu/Karu duo banner.
You say that but I would 100% run the WHB team way better than they already do
glad it's not happening
no thanks i don't wanna see top eiden 24/7
According to prettybusy it's 32cm. So far Michael's the biggest one at 38 or 39cm.
From next update they said that they are going to include everyone's heights and pp length.
Funny that the angels are the sluttiest kek.
wtf i love bestiality now
>removed all the piercings
Does losing your cock cage stops you from self harming or China has any weird nazi laws about piercings? If it's the latter it's funny because if their laws are no homo and no piercings but bulges and cock cages are daijobu, my freaking sides sisters.
Mr hands ref?
Ah, I never managed to get his Christmas card but that kinda makes me wish I did. Makes me hope even more that this is an actual card not just a promo
It should be a game with only switches and you can choose which ones to top and which ones to bottom
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ZZZ boy
but then they'd have to make double the scenes
Wearing too many clothes. Is he a muslim woman? If there are no shota I am going back to bed
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Bring back clothing damage to kusoge
Oh nice random background npc from a side-scrolling beat 'em up. I wonder if there'll be any playable guys in ZZZ that aren't robos, furries, or repurposed background characters
gotta satisfy the dev's cfnm fetish somehow
er, no wait. reverse that. cmnf lol
garu is cute but karu is annoying enough to count as a debuff so im just flabbergasted that he's somehow more popular than the tanned lord of solaria thats also a tsundere
I like the idea of duo SSRs a la FEH
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Anyone here plays or has played Another Eden and it's later stories and events? Surely there are some femanons here who'd joke or unironically be Yakumo's girlfriend or would go on a date with Curio.

And apparently Aldo is liked by female gacha players that he gets voted as a no.1 favorite character.
Sex with Hardy and Dewey
Too many waifus and furries, not worth picking up for one guy.
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I didn't know Caim had a twin
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Consider: aged/adult Aether.
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Men are hot when they dont look like a woman
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Thread's not hurting for a bump bro stop posting
it’s just some schizo from gig looking for attention
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The mentally ill tranny wants friends that desperately
Are we really having this discussion over shipping posting and Hoyoverse posting? I don't know- but isn't hoyoverse and enstars yume basically posting thread and topic relevant shit in the first place? All I'm seeing is hoyoverse fan art posting so far, but is it because the hoyoverse pics in question are Twitter images judging from the filenames?
Stop playing dumb with this shit, the problem isn't about shipping or hoyoverse. The retard from /gig/ isn't adding any "discussion" to the thread by posting random pictures every few hours and asking people's opinion about what they think about some shit youtube video or twitter retard drama they found.

We've had ship, hoyoverse, fujo ship, etc discussions (chaotic as it was) here before anyways, you're stupid if you actually think this art posting is anything but spam. Go to /vg/ or /cm/ for that shit
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Puppy trauma time :(((
God can the puppy get out the story. Always so uninteresting when he’s it
Stupid babies need the most attention
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>same outfit
>bad unit
>boring fates
They didn't even try with this one, at least Vampy had Malinda with her same outfit alt, there's no point to this unit. This could've been a point shop skin (like how Vampy has a point shop skin and he doesn't)
No, instead he's top Edmond that came too late. Also tsunderes are better as bottoms.
Dante curbstomps Edmond. Also Tsundere tops are better since it feels like they fucked the other one out of their own free will, showing they like them rather than just getting raped
Dumping random pics and asking reddit-tier questions is not on-topic. This stupid cunt doesnt even discuss any actual content in the games posted ITT, just a bunch of fanart slop and irrelevant youtube links. There’s a reason why no one replies despite his desperate need for engagement.
>Dantefags shitting and pissing themselves because no one cares about their shitty top
can you at least wait until page 10 before having a meltdown
people talking about something isn’t a meltdown anon…
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Why did they have to waste lingerie designs on artbook sketches...
It's a discussion. No one is mad. Go talk about whatever nucani fave you like and let the Dantefags talk about him.
Sketchbook designs only mean they’ll make even sexier designs for h scenes in the future, believe it
I swear Veight uncap happened last year.
brothel energy
starring ed as the timid newbie trying to find his footing
and rei as the cold yet caring nee-san full of veteran advice
and olive as the miserly old hag that runs the joint and smokes a foot long pipe but secretly has a heart of gold and wants her girls to succeed
wait is it page 10 yet
It did, this is his new wind alt
Are the frames in the Nucani shop something new? Does this mean the repeated events will give us a chance to get them like in Chimes of Darkness?
I was deciding between starting Genshin or HSR. I feel like Genshin gacha is mainly just femboys and women, so i picked HSR. Did I make the right choice?
Star Rail is taller men but still overwhelmingly women and they force a waifu on (You) so you're still screwed
>deciding between starting Genshin or HSR
Probably the best choice between those two. It's just my opinion but HSR feels like it's at least trying a bit with male designs (and actually has male 5*s coming up) whereas Genshin just feels stagnant with nothing to look forward to at this point.
Also if you like men that are for (you), HSR is pretty much devoid of them. Tho genshin doesn’t have much either their are some
my tinfoil hat conspiracy theory is that puppy is getting extra focus in the main story in an attempt to gain him fans or there's a Garu dev
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Hey now. If anything, Genshin Impact and hoyo in general help make pretty and cute femboys be heterosexual friendly and loveable with a good personality.

As I've said before take a look at Venti and Scaramouche. Both a slim twink femboys who have so many fangirls who love them and ship 'em with Lumine and female OCs. And more recently, Lyney. Genshin fangirls even consider him a MAN of Fontaine or the "Lumine loves the Men of Fontaine" category.
Genshin's just been dry since they dumped all the dudes at the start of Fontaine. They did add another Cyno quest recently and announced Sethos, but Sethos's design is shit.
Which the dry spell did make me try HSR, but the gameplay has been so fucking boring, and the designs seem about as empty as Genshin's anyway
>and actually has male 5*s coming up
Have to get through another waifu patch though. I'll burst into treats if Screwllum is not a 5-star
Well it ain't working. Rei's been here far less than Garu and he's already rising in the ranks
>Sethos's design is shit.
between this and how boring sounding all the leaks I've seen for Natlan look, I guess I'm just in a doomer mindset about Gensin. I hope they prove me wrong, but I just feel over it at this point

>I'll burst into treats if Screwllum is not a 5-star
I feel this. If they fuck up Screwllum and/or they don't let the leaked foxian guy actually look like a foxian it's owari da for me
didn't say it was a good attempt
not really understanding the hateboner some people have in this thread for garu/karu, getting more backstory is a good thing
I'm only playing genshin because I love some fatui designs, but it hurts knowing they're going to fuck it up. There's no way they'll do Capi justice. He's just gonna be another lanklet isn't he. And Dotto will get dindu'd.
On the other hand, Boothill ticks all my boxes (white hair, long hair, robot, spiky teeth), so I'm happy to "play" HSR a while longer
I kind of figured Dottore would get offed like that other harbinger since he's actively been a shitter
But they also did olympic gymnastics just to asspull Scara into being a playable character and even seemed to rewrite Arlecchino to be significantly less psychopathic than voice lines suggested, so I wouldn't be surprised if that was wrong
There’s deffo a Garu dev. He’s been getting a lot more content than some of the more popular characters recently. Hopefully tho this means that after this they’ll put him in a dungeon and forget
>He’s been getting a lot more content than some of the more popular characters recently
Other than the recent main story chapters (which was going to happen eventually), how so? It’s not like he’s surpassed any of the older characters in event alts either
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>because I love some fatui designs
Who knows? Maybe in the future we will get a storyline of more humanized Fatui operatives with actual unique faces of their own regular voices that isn't gone through a vocoder. Ikemen Pyro Agent or a Electro Warhammer Vanguard Skirmisher.

Or a Pyroslinger Bracer twink who'd look like Levi from Fear and Hunger 2.
NTA but Garu did surpass Kuya, and at one point Quincy in SSRs. Though you could argue that Kuya got fucked over by his SR and we are "short" one bottom. The only of the big three he hasn't surpassed is Edmond, but he does in terms of story presence (for now?). I think people are so used to mobage milking their popular characters that this is throwing them off.
>but he does in terms of story presence
Christ, why does that faggot supercede Wife? Or even the top darlings. Some dev must be really into him
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>limit whale character exposure
>artificial scarcity makes the piggies so hungry
>they empty their wallets at the trough when they eventually appear
galaxy brain devs
More like it lets them save 900 contracts like that one Quincyfag
>wifefags are STILL not over frozen echoes
victim mentality is strong
I thought we liked Frozen Echoes...?

garu/karu centered event is gonna be bad kek
Garu is getting his backstory and then they'll move on to other characters. Surely they are not going to solely focus on him till the game EoS. The snail slow pace of new chapters is what really kills the momentum. I don't understand why they are so against running events concurrently with new chapters, but maybe that's an unpopular opinion.

There was this scene in the last chapter where they spoke about the King of Klein losing faith in Eiden and pulling Edmond away from him, I have a feeling they are going to explore that when they go back to the Light Kingdom. And they have to get back to the Morvay is missing plotline eventually.
I'm a wifefag and I like Garu and I loved Frozen Echoes. I've seen a few Quincyfags whine that wife and puppy got more lines than him in Ray of Melody. There's always going to be people who bitch about everything that isn't about their favorite.

Being a Morvayfag is suffering.
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>Another Eden mentioned
It was promising until it became the "WHERE IS KARU?" show.
so expanding on only the bottoms for the foreseeable future........................... How fun......Atleast the game will last longer with the snail pace they're going at
>Quincyfags mad that the character that doesn’t like talking much doesn’t get many lines
that’s funny
>Quincyfags whine that wife and puppy got more lines than him in Ray of Melody.
his VA didn't sound good so they did us a favor
I feel kind of bad for him, imagine having no experience with singing and having to perform next to Kent Ito.
I like Rei being a bottom, but am I the only one who kinda feels nothing for EidenRei as a pair? I don't know, I like the smut and everything but I just really can't feel anything between those two unlike say, Yakumo and Eiden or Edmond and Eiden.
It's not like it's bad, but it's a bit bleak to get invested. Which is a shame because I still do like Rei, just that Eiden is a glorified cock to me.
Rei has a lot more trauma from being beaten and raped, when he eventually breaks down and falls for Eiden it will be worth the wait
Has anyone here played Wuthering Waves? How's the story? Obviously I'm not expecting Shakespeare since it's a gacha game, but is it at least entertaining? PGR opinions welcome too, I guess.
PGR story is suffering porn, early on the story hardly involves (You) but they fixed that later. Dont know about ww but i bet they toned down the story to something that will appeal the masses instead, afaik they rewrote the entire story from the last test because it was that bad. Honestly I think the only people who will stay in it are the ones who are into its combat
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Venti, my beloved in different outfits.
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Kuya and Quincy...what does old man drink taste like?

>Kuya and Quincy...what does old man drink taste like?
Mint, apparently.

>Peach Syrup and Hot Calpis, Whipped cream and a chocolate star

Yakumo and Edmond
>Muscat grape jelly and Mango, soda

Olivine and Rei
>Blue jelly, ramune and a chocolate star (same as eiden)

Garu and Blade
>Violet jelly and tonic water + flowers (I'm guessing purple grapes?)

>Red berry jelly, soda, topped with a strawberry
But if I ran the NuCarnival team there would be threesomes, switches, and Garu/Karu would be a pair of sexy ass twin hole brothers
>Quinya drink
Time to check my timeline
I like that the male characters in pgr are extremely for (you). Dunno if that’s the same in ww
this art so ugly. I hate fat noses
Oh damn, it's already out? I wanted to try it, but maybe there *is* such a thing as too many gachas
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Don't want that

Don't want that

It still wouldn't fix Karu
Not yet. Release date is on the 22nd
Why is this game in particular obsessed with only het ships?
i can't see threesomes with the clan members and eiden working without major fandom drama so i think the devs are gonna stay away from that but his first SSR did imply he wanted to be in one so most likely it'll be with morvay/aster good ending would be with 3 eidens at once

ngl a room where both get penetrated at the same time with their own physical bodies would be nice
Tell me you've never played the game without telling me. Most male characters in it are for fujobait
The only one obsessed with het ships is the /gig/schizo, don't mind him
>t.seething fujos when hetero ships
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Zenless Zoneless Zero you say?

How about the Male MC?
i cant get into the zzz art style knowing what the main artist's fetish is
Which is?
Not exactly beating the npc dressed in layers as heavy and bountiful as a Victorian maiden allegations tbqhwy
blacked ntr but its more of a me problem because i used to play gfl in the early years and people used to shitpost about it a lot so its what i see when i see his art
He cute.
Wait this triggered a theory!! There are two characters per region except the Fire Kingdom. What if the next bottom is from the Solaria region? Will the speculated sleepy/lazy Quincy equivalent bottom come from there?

Someone call in Detective Blade!!
solarians arent doing so hot in the polls
if they do that they'll make him not brown or just a tiny bit tan
there's only one
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Love this cutie
If anyone needs a guild in NuCarnival, NU:Anons has two open spots.
Usually they get taken pretty quickly, but it feels like the game has slowed lately. If I kicked you from the guild before - apologies. I usually preen people when they hit 7 days of inactivity/0 points towards the guild rewards for a whole week.
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What characters do you think are much better if genderbent/r63'd?
New LaDS code:
Gives a few kite themed photo stickers
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Well sisters, which one are you all picking from the Beginner Choice banner? For me it's the shotasexo
I'm not playing a game that is 100% all chink shit unfortunately.
Little lion man really is the only decent design in the game, huh. I wonder if they’ll at least do as much male fan service as their other game
forehead surgery
>kite themed photo stickers
so useless but cute
I would but I'm sick of omnitrash that's just unequal amounts of waifutrash. I'm about to delete everything except Cookie Run at this point
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>Sex with Hardy and Dewey
Which Dewey? Regular Dewey or alternate Venom Punished Dewey?
I quit most of my mobile games and I’m basically only playing arknots and tale of food right now. Why wont Japan give me my kamige…
Obviously lionboy. This game had better have some fantastic gameplay or characterization because I can’t see myself sticking around long for one single boy, even if he is mega cute.
for 200 gems
What are the predictions for the next banner in NU:c? Olivine + who? Grandpa?
If we don't consider the 77 day cooldown, which I'm not yet, then Yakumo and Kuya are the only tops with 91+ days since their last appearance. Yakumo just got an SR so that lowers his chances plus two Yakumo/Olivine banners in less than six months would be strange.
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Unreleased guy is also meh
Does upper right have battle damage or is it just something they did for that picture?
I like top right and top left but my taste sucks so that's understandable
Struggling to tell how many of these are the same guy with slightly different hairstyling
Are they even trying?
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Play this new shitty idle auto game instead
I only like the poster boy's design
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>tfw omnyoji designs will remain in the shitty autobattle rpg from 10 years ago
>instead they are stuck with the same chinky techno sci-fi slop designs for their new games
I just want to violate a monsterboy in full 3D HD
ugly as fuck
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Why the fuck is every Genshit male a main DPS
There are 30 male characters, a whole 15 of them are on-fields. Even Sethos seems like he'll be one.
Did the devs do this as a joke?
I actually love techwear and bodysuits so this is cool.
Star rail is like that too. 0 (z-e-r-o) male supports.
also most males in arknights are guards, a class that can be described as basic melee damage dealers
To force you into rolling for broken support waifutrash
His clothes take damage during his ult
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The amount of seethe Kazuha and Bennett created was too great
>Meanwhile Harmony in Star Rail is STILL only girls and the one Harmony guy in existence lied
it's genshin all over again with electro and cryo. it'll be years until there's a 5* equivalent male and even then they'll be mostly weak as shit
Onmyoji has some of the best looking boys. Wish I could look forward to the open world game NetEase is making but meh
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There are 0 harmony males but luocha gallagher and aventurine are all good supports
It's not just gachas, look at any old jrpg and its traditionally male swords/tanks, female mages/healers.
Luocha carried me throughout last year, and now Aventurine has become the best pull of the game for me. Followup teams are so much fun now
Still need Harmony units though. Without Ruan Mei/Sparkle/etc. my Imbibitor Lunae team is coping with the 4-stars
A mc doesn't change how waifu pandering the game is
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rei's feet look way more palatable than aster's, even if it's still not my thing
artist kun is improving
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>Activation Date letter reminiscing about the times we slept together
Thank you Wanshi
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Ye just as many other people here still post Genshin Impact males and plenty of yumes and female gamers love them.
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Our resident sleeper is so cute.
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But what about the fact he has a nice and hot voice?
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Okay! Now I will buy your Gamer Boy Water.
All posts are made by me.
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Spirit Gems x100, Essence Vial (M) x3

bliss code: 3XWEFA4GSPJPLSG
PV for Lucifer's Victory L card and Nightmare Pass on the 27th
his left shoulder goes on and on and on and
Wanshi wuv
Big bottom vibes
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Master Kuya presenting his pits like a whore
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Jiyan featuring that guy with a mullet
Watalite saying "forsaken" made me chuckle, hope we see him ingame.

half the males in it are furries and the mc who is supposed to be a self-insert for waifufags isn't gonna cut it. Also fuck off here with this vtuber bullshit, you could have just put the trailer with his voice in it. No-one wants to see that
aster is so cute. He was cute even when he was big but the devs were retarded and didn't have him and eiden fuck. I know no-one cares about the familars but that was such a bad move having aster and morvay together instead, that i don't know what possessed them to do it. Im sure if aster was a regular SSR in his large form he wouldn't do terribly. Can't get worse than garu/morvay
Hey leader of nu anons let me in please, I will get back on the normal schedule, I was busy this month
why is eiden such a bad top? I finally got round to unlocking some of the scenes where he tops and it's cringeworthy
There's a new open spot right now. I'll save it for you. Just let me know your in-game name after you apply, so I can accept the right person.
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real image
cute & canon birthday
It's Garlic
Also, I cant find the guild for some reason, can you recruit me with my nick only?
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Make sure you're typing in NU:Anons
No spaces, and capitalization is important. I don't think I can invite with just nicknames, unfortunately.
>when you like the bottoms but Eiden sucks at topping
true pain
im pretty sure even aster and morvay haters are confused by the way they've been handled
Done with this gacha. That new chapter story though...
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I immediately got Albedo (Xenosaga) vibes from that outfit, but his personality is a bit similar too, not as cuurazy though.
Wonder if he'll end up being a villain-villain.
Please keep posting screenshots, I'm too old to play yet another gacha but onigiri guy is cute
Please play new Liber game
>install Wuwa
>play for 20 minutes
>remember I hate 3D open world games on the phone
>remember I hate daily login games on the PC
You know what I’ll just wait for the lionboy lewds and forget about actually playing.
What happened?
The story? Just surprised they are doing character lore
I had planned to play for Calcharo but the fucking embarrassing fawning over the MC was too much for me. Then I found out that most of the dialogue in the game was rewritten because chink incels found the female characters "too harsh" during the beta. It's very cringey. A Scar banner MIGHT get me back but until then, strong nyo from me.
same here, i dont care for meta so im fine with playing lionboy but it just felt like i was playing genshin again and im tired of the openworld shit
>no controller support in 2024
>the fucking embarrassing fawning over the MC
yeeaaa. this is what's filtering me hard, along with the fact that it feels like the entire opening is just being stuck with waifus endless cooing over the mc while they exposition dump things I don't care about. I'll probably stick until I unlock the gacha so I can do the free rolls but I have no real attachment to it at this point. maybe having lion boy or calcharo will help
What are they offering
Isn't it a
>It's a Garu/Karu episode

I swear these chapter updates and banners play like a Saturday morning cartoon kek
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>some god chick rapes me in the first few minutes
>first 3 free playable characters you meet and act as your bffs are females
>your stalker is another female
>the big boss who needs you and only YOUR help is also female
>game wont stop making me gay for one of them in the story
>the only guy who wants (You) is bootleg kaworu
thats it im uninstalling wuwa
whole story unlocked to read without any conditions

Rei is also involved
Why don't they just make a 100% waifu game? I'm sure it'd still make a bunch of money, I don't get what's the point of begrudgingly adding in male characters when your devs don't want it.
Because there's money to be made off of women, who don't have any other options for actual games with male characters designed to appeal to them, and will therefore accept being treated as second-class citizens to get any amount of content that appeals to them. How many games can you think of that:
A) Are aimed primarily at female audiences
B) Have attractive and/or sexualised male character designs
C) Aren't a gameplay-shallow mobile game or visual novel?
I reckon companies just don't think there's a market in women, but if you look at LaDS, well, that game's doing pretty well for itself because it has some form of proper gameplay, despite it honestly being kinda shit in all other regards. Or TKRB warriors, which sold a not insignificant amount when it released, hell, Tourabu in general- fucking microsoft office for gameplay, yet whenever those swords get rolled out there's always a cardboard cutout in front, and Fukuyama city put up a bronze statue of Kosetsu in a castle park. Waifushit could never, ha. Yet the female audience is still treated as a mere afterthought at best.
Make a 100% husbando 3D game.
> im tired of the openworld shit
Same, it’s really not my thing. I’m hoping Endfield is more geared towards Factorio autism than another BotW-wannabe.
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>most of the dialogue in the game was rewritten because chink incels found the female characters "too harsh" during the beta.
This sucks. Look up CBT footage from that same scene, having them doubt and be wary of you was far more interesting than ~wow you're so amazing!!~ Get off my dick. Also the Crownless' intro cutscene was far better before.

To quote Scar
>"From the moment you opened your eyes, everyone you've met, including that girl you care so much about... They all knew how valuable you are."
I'd like to believe they could pull a twist that "yes, everyone is being super nice just so they can use you" and the antagonist faction isn't really that bad, but there's no chance of it happening since the waifufags would be pissed off their cute friendly waifu betrayed them, it'd be financial suicide for KURO.
The Scar fight was the most fun I've had so far in this game.
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Lupo Love!
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Because then we wouldn't have the nice little beast boy
How is Scar anyway, aside from lionboy he's the only one I'm interested in
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18Trip is pretty decent.
Definitely the best Liber game since Ichuu.
Gameplay is some kind of weird tower defense minigame for toddlers, but it is decent.
Some of the boys are cute too, but the artstyle might not be for everyone. The GUI is slick and clean though.
Also, you can play as a male MC and the scenario writer done BLVNs and it shows. One of the cards has one of the character hold a BL doujin and is a fundanshi. It's great desu
shame he's one of the weakest characters in ww
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Not playable yet
Manipulative villain nigga with a lot of for (You) bait. I like him at least

True, but try as they might it won't stop me from using him
So cute. I can't decide which voice to use for him though.
Is there any yume pandering or is it full fujo
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Bit of both like any joseimuke.
A lot of fujo stuff, but surprisingly a lot of stuff to make yumes go crazy.
This brat is your childhood friend, and calls (you) one of the biggest bets he's won.
There is also a DK from the second group that is into (you) with this CG.
Also, (you)r cousin is lowkey into (you) too.
Alright. I just like knowing what to expect going in but I enjoy both anyway. Thanks for posting.
I’ll hold out longer for Wuwa, if only because Kuro earned my goodwill from PGR. That, and I already like the combat more than Genshin.
I pulled Calcharo on my 6th reroll, so I'm staying for now. The only other characters I want are Yinlin and Scar.
Post some art from this monsterboi game you speak of.
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>Wuthering Waves comes out
>Buggy, crashy, unoptimized launch
>Overhyped mess

And everyone said it was going to be the next great Genshin killer what with all the "Genshin could never" postings. Been a loyal Genshin lover since two years ago. Still am, and I still love guys like Ayato. Dude's voiced by Chris Hackney; voice of Dimitri from FE3H.
No, he's voiced by Akira Ishida, but he's so damn boring.
At least Wuwa is cool sci-fi.
Ayato is so boring and forgettable I thought you posted Kuya
>free rolls for reading the story
I don't have the confidence to read 100 eps of the story on my tiny phone that quickly and the game weirdly doesn't work on any of the emulators I've tried.
idk man. wake me up when genshin has a new 5* guy worth rolling on...or a new male design that isn't boring npc trash
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Look at him go
so are his ears and tail fake? because i havent seen anyone with animal parts other than him
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>20 rolls on beginner banner
>get lion boy twice
>10 rolls on Jiyan's banner
>get lion boy again
What a loose slut.
I want every game with gross furshit to take note of how much better this is
>rover has to bend down to talk to him eye to eye
HOLY manlet
>hey kid, wanna /ss/?
God I love him so much
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The new food soul's battle damage is wild
Was going to pull for him anyway, but that just seals it. Helps that I really like his design in general
This guy's pretty sex
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After the most recent Penacony chapter. I do hope Sunday does become playable or at least an ally. Wouldn't want that pretty Angel Boy or beautiful winged person design to go to waste.

I mean c'mon! Look at that elegant well dressed "angel" person design. Don't forget he acts as a "priest" you can confess your sins to. Imagine confessing your lust to him?
I don play honkai and every time I see the word penacony my brain automatically reads it as penectomy... I can think of a few men who I'd want to give a penectomy to...
Chinese males HATE Lingyang!
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Neat. I'd like this a lot more if my toaster could handle the game.
There's no day on this Earth where chinkcels aren't seething about some male character in their omnipandering game.
All this seethe and I'm over here crying cos all I get are shit waifugarbage and pedobait.

pls, wuwa. pls. I'll take the lion boy off their hands. just pls. (god, I hope, just this once, a dev has the balls to tell these chincels to just fuck off instead of immediately kneeling and apologizing)
when's snow leopard lewds
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No, he's certainly a beast man, and didn't use to look the way he does, apparently
explains why the initial design was that furry thing
If I have to look at the goblin lolis then they can deal with some cute shota
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>tfw he is the only one of his kind left and he is looking to mix together with humans
>lolis are fine though :)
I fucking hate the hypocrisy.
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My stinky son can’t possibly be this cute
I was excited for this skin but sucks that it's a top up reward
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>the only way to get stinky baby’s feet skin is by topping up
I… I’m gonna do it…
>400 jewels = $40
Nevermind... this looks like a scam
GFL2 was a mistake
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Uhhhh hey, yumejos and Genshin to yumes out there... Are you okay? Care to explain these?
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Sorry for this late reply. But here, I offer a better art. Venti with modified hair.
go back to >>/gig/
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Kuya/Olivine event where they become whores please
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I'm ready to help repopulate
do they have tops at the brothel?
Did we do it anons? Did we manifest the brothel episode?
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Agh, my account is cursed by loli, yellow on beginner banner and pink instead of Jiyan.
Too late to restart now though. And accidentally chose male MC on my google account anyway.
At least it wasn't the full 80 rolls so I still have time to save.
Theres that 5 star selector
Used the ticket on Lingyang and have the gatcha set to Calcharo.
I just hate that 'ooh it sparked yellow' anticipation turn into damnit a sheep?
>Too late to restart now though
Is it? I thought new players get 40 standard rolls and 20 limited rolls. Rerolling should be a bit faster too since they added the skip button to more scenes.
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Gran is so generic but hot at the same time, I don't know how to explain it.
I don't understand why there can't be any joseimuke games with actual gameplay. Of course women will accept subpar treatment because the dime a dozen shitty idol raising games don't get nearly as much clout for them as an "omnipandering" game that has a bigger audience for their doujins.
Genshin characters are boring and the story moves way too fucking slow.
Exported chibi xav https://workupload.com/file/YEJT5VgqbE6
they binned off red wuwa guy's dick zipper. I suppose all zippers on a dude's crotch are dick zippers, though. That's why there's a zipper there
glad to know kuro's working on all the super important stuff while their game is burning down around them
mostly unrelated, but I just chose him from the selector and I had no idea he actually showed that much back on his in-game model. No wonder he's one of the favorites among male-likers.
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Fuck this game
Fuck those incel devs
Just cover the guys in blankets at this point, most retarded change I've ever seen for a game already plagued with issues
>god, I hope, just this once, a dev has the balls to tell these chincels to just fuck off instead of immediately kneeling and apologizing
this aged like fine wine
wtf how is he gonna piss now
I made fun of the crotch zipper but the design looks strangely unbalanced without it
I know that modeling the bulge on male characters isn't a thing most non-joseimuke bother with, but damn does he look flatter than a ken doll. Without the black stripe it just looks like he's wearing dad khakis
It really was integral to his whole look. RIP load-bearing crotch sticker
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I realized why it looks so weird even besides the censor bar
They changed the fucking suit into a shirt and pants
>JUST fought him for the first time yesterday and it was there
>Fighting him the second time right now
>It really is gone
Certified kusoge, the lack of QC is really getting to me
undoubtedly ruined design
no more bodysuit, just generic boring pants
I expect the next guy they release in 2years to wear a fullbody bag at this point, retarded gamedevs are not getting a single cent out of me
Worst part are the retards probably paid by kuro to keep yapping about how "awesome the male designs are, so much better than XY game!" and then you have them censor some nothingburger pussy patch.
The women on socmed are acting like beaten housewifes putting up with being some lowly dog because they already get fed next to nothing in the omnigames sphere
Oh, that’s why his design looks so disjointed and weird to me, now. I mean, not that his original was flawless but this just looks bleh. I have so little hope for future male designs at this point…and, since chincels couldn’t stop complaining, I’m guessing the lion’s the next up for some creative editing
>chinese gacha ran by incels and have the ccp breathing down their necks
>jp gacha shit gameplay generic cookiecutter designs
>korean gacha stingy p2w powercreep galore

pick your poison
haven't played enough taiwanese games to categorize them
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I'll straight quit if they change the lion desu
Unironically all 3 of them have incels sabotaging shit all the time
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I always found it silly but it grew on me, it's weird seeing it gone. I still prefer the OLD cbt design and don't know why they didn't swap to the older model.
Pick your crotch design.
2 > 1 > 3
he should've had baby onesie crotch snaps
Don't get me wrong, I think the male designs in general are absolute dogshit in wuwa. They're all covered up like nuns and faces are weird but at least Scar looked unique and his pussy strip contributed to it
2>1>3 for me
Flexible lion
JP annoys me so much because they absolutely could release something good if they wanted to but they dont give a flying fuck and they will never experiment with anything new
>unzips dick
Seems R****t hates him too. This doesn't bode well for future chars. Meanwhile in PGR Changyu is like the only short boy among the multiple womanlets and loli.
I finished his story quest, it was entirely predictable but the Hollow Knight segment was pretty. Didn't find anything particularly detestable about Lingyang's character. I even tried picturing him as a loli to see if he would annoy me but nope. He's cute and definitely not worse than the snoozefest that was the main story up to that point.
That said I'm gonna check out of this game just in case they pull a Tower of Feces or Aether Garbage and phase the men out. Maybe come back in a month if that's not the case and the game is properly optimized.
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I like the first one because it makes him look even more Roland. Dick barcode would have been the only acceptable replacement
>phase the men out
no idea how accurate it is since I haven't seen a source and leaks are often bullshit, but leaks seem to indicate that the next bunch of banners are all going to be waifu through like 1.3
Poor guy desperately needs a leap, he's so bad that Ayla did a better job as an ice tank than him pre-Chrome. Having done Lingyang's quest I can say he's Changyu 2.0 + extra cute, there's so many overlapping characteristics to ignore: ice type, small build, performer, has a tail, punchy, weapon: gauntlets, food enjoyer, etc. I wouldn't mind getting spooked by him if I lost a coinflip. I've been slowly farming Changyu shards to get him to SSS+ and he should be there for the next Babel Tower.
is it not enough that we only get like 2 males for every 5 waifus? They're also taking away our onigiri manko? It's so tiring
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Friendly PSA: there are yumejos and Genshin fangirls who do yume and are in love with the "lesser" four star boys. Besides, the "lesser" four star boys have been your go-to heavy hitters way before you've F2P rolled or whaled for a more "superior" five star.
Not now, gigschizo. We're in mourning
More like I'm already world level 21 and just don't feel like regrinding everything.

Ugh this sucks, but I don't really have room to complain cause I don't spend money so they don't care about my opinion.
And I'll still play cause colorful sci-fi games with gameplay, single player story, and hot guys shouldn't be so rare.
It's always just slice of life, horror or fantasy.
Doctor Gran makes my nonpp happy. To be honest, all Special 2 and Class 5 Grans are good.
Kurotards haven't learned from their other kusoge PGR. These subIQ devs really wonder why they make no money even though they copy hoyos design/systems 1:1
Soulless dogwater game can't even optimize their shit game for PC but instead focuses their manpower to fix some nothingburger crotch slip
How fucking low can a company sink, I hope they go bankrupt
True. But I would rank chink incels higher as they will rat you out to the government and attempt murder
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im just not touching any omnipandering mobage anymore, specially chink ones
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Have you ever wanted to turn your LaDS into furries?
God, this is so ugly. Who the fuck thought this was okay?
kigus arent furry...
that is atrocious though
Hello ello. Is anyone familiar with Im@s side m? I really like Ren Kizaki and think of him often. I request more submissive tsunderes, pompous brats. When I'm resting at the gym I fucking message a Ren bot, it's too late for me. Sit me down beside a lake and put me down. I'm not even gay I just wanna fuck him until he cries.
>water balloon tits swaying while stationary are fine
>a zipper isnt
This already speaks volumes about how this kusoge will play out over the next few years, looking forward to the embarrassing flop it will become
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>I'm not gay but I'm in love with this dude
I haven't played SideM but maybe you should try Nu:Carnival bro
Can plow uptight tsundere Edmond ass, or maybe you can be the world's first Karu fan
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And gd there it is the mascot character. I was worried this would happen when you hear that cute voice going 'hungry'.
And Calcharo doesn't even show up in the main story...
what the fuck is that thing
Looks hideous, personality can probably be boiled down to "eats food", overall a very corporate "everyone else is doing it so we have to do it as well" thing that clearly had no love whatsoever put into it
Have you played the main story? How’s the (you) pandering from the male characters? Is it like in Pgr where they’re only for exposition and only get flirty in their own character stories so as not to make the pissbaby chinkcels mad?
I hope this game dies
>All 5* males in wuwa are main dps
not this shit again...
>And gd there it is the mascot character.
Every fucking time.
jp only care zell merch
It's just exposition. At least Jinyan fights the boss with you. And the girls didn't feel flirty either (well besides the crazy yandere...).

It just went right back into the MC's hand after the brief cutscene, so hopefully it doesn't become an always there Paimon type.
And we have dumb nips to thank for buying 100 gorillion copies of the same cheap acrylic trash. That's basically the reason why twst is still alive despite the game's sales nosediving since launch
Nonexistent besides one line from Scar, rest is pretty dry or normal. Jiyans companion quest really had no pandering besides maybe one tiny line at the very end but it's not enough to balance out the blatant fanservice cutscenes in ch5 with this one rando girl.
18trip looks decent wish there wasnt a language barrier
18trip has bugs galore unfortunately
As expected cant have shit in a game that bends over backwards for incels
>blatant fanservice scene in chapter 5
Man, I know it’d never ever happen but I would love to see what it would be like if they gave Scar a blatant scene like that as part of the story. Just once, I wish these games would have the balls
Think of the poor incels that would have to be subjected to that. No, it doesn't count that they get numerous girls for them.
>all these yume tears
Get a hold of yourselves, holy shit
Aren't the koreacels even worse than that too?
>implying everyone is a yume
Anyway, if companies are going to do the most lackluster job into adding men into their games to clearly pander to yumefujos then just don't add men at all. wuwa tries to be genshin while having NOTHING of what made genshin popular, similarly I had a similar feeling with r1999 where it tries to be arknights but obviously doesn't care about their men either
Unlike a lot of people here I actually do like the girls in a lot of these games but simultaneously if the men are going to be treated like shit what's the point? I have too many long-term GBF and FGO traumatic memories of not having even be bare minimum. Either you don't pander to women or you do, end of story.
Imagine if a joseimuke started adding girls to pander to dykes and yurifags, and then forget they did that to begin with and phase out the girls. Wouldn't be fair, no?
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>literally unplayable on iPadOS
>had tons of problems with linking and data shit
I would say there is a lot of bugs, but the game is not unplayably bad unless you play on your iPad (rip lol)
I ended up liking the characters quite a bit to stay and the story from what I read so far looks fun (if a bit generic for joseimuke) but I heard some characters are actual wackos (i.e. one of them got isekai'd into the world, one is an android, and one of them is an actual alien(?)). Plus, game's an equal balance of yumepandering and fujoshipping like any Liber game which is always great.
Wish they would fucking fix the game being legitimately unplayable on iPad already since I read the story there.
>unplayable on iPadOS
I too am inconvenienced by this. It feels stupid having to jump between devices when I could be running two accounts instead...
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>Unlike a lot of people here I actually do like the girls in a lot of these games but simultaneously if the men are going to be treated like shit what's the point?
Yeah, I'm not against waifus but games that are blatant waifubait pretending not to be by tacking on breadcrumbs and acting like it's equal fanservice are absolutely disgusting
Onmyoji is an 8-y.o. game at this point but I can at least appreciate them keeping the cast 50/50
is grubble the last nip kusoge to be proper omnipandering? if so the future is grim
Sprites don't appear in the story for me at all and I'm on android 14 aka the latest one
I've been on and off with grub the last couple years, but it seems like they've been more about shipping than pandering. Cygames was at its peak with pandering in RoB. Gender even mattered and resulted in different reactions but there were some characters that were for you no mater what.
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worth rolling for?
i do want to save for WHORE fox..
Calm down, hettie betty
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wat do
The gameplay isn't that great (as usual) and the guys are goofy and mentally ill like the Enstars and Twisted guys, if you already play those this isn't really that remarkable
Good rooms, decent striker, but since you're waiting on Kuya you should probably hold off. You could see if his silhouette comes out today and it interests you then roll last minute if you really want quincy or just do a 10x roll and see if you're lucky
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Holy whore numero uno is here

They're finally doing full body previews now it seems
Could this be Dante? Idk I’m not getting olivine
It’s so simple for an ssr
Dante's ahoge face the other direction
Let Olivine fuck other men!!!
Half a dozen bugs that require fixing aside, 18 Trip so far appears to be a well thought out game that has a nice number of QOL features for those who just want to experience the story and nothing else, from the option to skip all battles, the ability to go back and forth between scenes, the way you can leave in the middle of reading a part and resume from that spot later, even the novel mode which is just the text and nothing else.

Event stories have been announced to be added fully unlocked sometime after the event ends. It seems you really can just play this solely for the story and not touch the rest of the game if you so wish.
Soon grub will be the last nip kusogame period.
It's over, time to move back to actual games...
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daddy came home to roost in 9 rolls
im so glad they're doing these older character solo banners
Not sure if I want to roll for Booty. Another phys DPS feels redundant when I already have Argenti, but he has cute teef
Go back to the Housamo thread.
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I watched some Relink vids today and I kind of felt something. I just want Grub II to be real already.
This is how I feel about a lot of things," Hey you may not be the main audience but we have a thing you like. Keep playing...it's there. Blink and you night miss it"
his pp will be mine...!
He’s so cool…Actually kind of surprised they didn’t do the mask off thing for the E2
18trip ch1 was enjoyable enough for me. Not sure if I was in the right mood or what, but it's quite funny too. I'll likely keep playing/reading since I'm curious about the other groups. I do hope they'll do something about all the bugs and overall qol though.

Kind of made me curious about what the story for that other new one (break my case?) is like. Has anyone here tried it?
Playable Ulpipi and Jordi in the event PV, I couldn't be happier sisters!
…at least Jordi is in the event and looks great
I've tried it and the MC is kind of a loser, only a select few npcs seem to be interesting (fukuyun sweeps once again) Gameplay must have been very uninteresting because I can't for the life of me remember what it was about. Dropped it after a few days. I just know systems were very similar to yumekuro which I already play so...I just went back to yumekuro
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Old grannies seeking out young males in your area
Finally, it's been fucking dire out here in nucani land without gramps
11/10 art, good he looks good
>but he pulls
>and teleports with stuns
Wtf, can’t wait to see his kit
is he holding a buttplug?
Hopefully they save the face reveal for a cool skin.

VA is OnoD by the way. Art is Skade I think.
Kuya and Olivine event? Based. I am curious how they'll interact
The music is GREAT, but the "groove puzzle" gameplay is just timed match-3, and the writing is a bland mess. They somehow made a gangfight boring. Card stories are basically a paragraph long and worthless, and only 3 of the 16-or-so guys have personal stories available and they are also only a few sentences long. It's clear that like &0 coly's plan is to shut down the game after half a year if it doesn't take off. They have not learned anything from &0 except to hire a better artist. And then there are the bugs that the game inherited from Stand My Heroes that will likely never be fixed. I uninstalled after deciding I no longer wanted to tolerate this company's shit
Everytime kuya is there the game gets better
Options for games that are not rhythm or purely VN?
Everytime kuya is there the game gets worse
> match-3
I’m kinda shocked more joseimuke don’t have this, considering it’s kinda the stereotype for housewife gameplay
LaDS but for some reason they refuse to include the combat in events
ToF is simplistic 2D turn-based
ToT has turn-based cards and some detective segments iirc
Can't wait for Candy Crush but instead of candy you match-3 and crush the boy's balls
and the VA groans every time you match
I don't know those acronyms.
Love and Deepspace, Tale of Food, Tears of Themis

Also I think What in Hell is Bad and NuCarnival are tower defense and turn based, respectively, but I haven’t tried either.
He seems to be popular with male players. Why is that?
Nintendo, hire these two
Same as Mlynar: he’s cool, he’s had some enjoyable story appearances so far, everyone’s been waiting years for him.
He isnt a threatening bishounen
Men like hats.
this is not funny anyomre

he's old. that's it
Faceless cool guy that apes like the average man think is literally them
The class for MEN.
“He’s literally me!”
They call him a guard but somehow he’s a puller and FRD
Karu looks kinda wack. Edmond is much better but a bit too big/lanky?
Public forest sex with fish. Causing a publicity scandal with famous celebrity artist.
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>Delos is NOT bottom
Sisters... it's SOO fucking over at least gib me Heidi FUCK
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Do you mean tall? Nothing thin about Edmond
give my man a cute bulge or give me death
at least other games are sorta starting to do that
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It's out now
Forest Carnival Kuya was on the rag the entire time. He sucked in that event
At least his rooms were pretty good...
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Everytime kuya
i need him to suck eiden's dick
Him and Dante are the only ones who haven’t yet
Took Kuya a year to get a kiss CG, maybe in the third anniv he'll suck Eito
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My husband and our adopted daughter look so good in their exercise clothes. Seriously though, I kinda wish hoyo would use these collab outfits in game, some of them are really sharp looking
I love him.
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>birb keychain on his water bottle
>they're teaching how to design shotas for AK in the China Academy of Art
cant they teach them to design simple designs
If you're on English speaking twitter, they're just like that in general. They hate shotas, they think it's pedophilia. They think femboys are transgirls. Westerners hate pretty boys so of course they want roided up musclepigs or old men.
God why can't the japs make a good joseimuke instead of cheap slop like this and tokyo debunker?
GBF and FGO should have been the first clue that omnipandering is a lie, GBF especially. Even Genshin panders more.
I just realized ZZZ doesn't even have any playable shota does it? Another reason to skip it
AK needs a 6* shota
Genshin is shit at yumepandering, but they're okay at fujobait stuff I guess.
My AOE medic Mephisto any day now…
ZZZ doesn’t have much in it, if you aren’t for waifus, furries, or robos desu
>no global version
why are the japs SO bad at this
A3 had one but it died. This one might if Liber isn't completely over the idea.
Your Aak?
It's funny how Liber released two games with one of them being a decent gacha game with a nice responsive UI and fast loading times while the other is a sluggish game with loading lag everywhere and feels like a cash grabby game that is a blatant attempt to pander to women.
Also, guess which one of the two games is backed with much more funding.
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Hopefully Infinity Nikki can launch without being a buggy mess
I'm a huge sucker for swashbuckling/free-spirited, fugitives-on-the-run type (think Locke from FF6) so i rolled. Assuming break teams are the main meta for 2.x you don't have to worry too much on the meta side. In any case the meta keeps switching up to shill the latest units so just roll for whoever you like
I want to play this but my laptop is so shitty
>tfw love afk journey's boys but i hate idle shit
>lilith is also one of the worst companies when it comes to ruining their games in record time
i cant cope sisters
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>Your furshit?
aak should get a redesign skin just like lingyang's tbqh
But being a whore is your dream, Olivine. Don't fall for the memes, stay asleep and indulge!
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Official reveal of WHB Belphie….kinda?
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>rare S card it's not even L
>only Chinese yumes and fujos can get him but he is not guaranteed they get a 30% chance
Please tell me their sales drop i cant wait for their doom
On the “bright” side, if nearly no one shows up to this cafe, maybe pb will just sell the excess cards like they did with the overstock of prerelease collector editions.

Man, I really do want to support pb but they are just chock full of the dumbest decisions sometimes
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Me with Dislyte, I can't quit because I love the guys but the game sucks so much...
The fuck with the hanamura mai anatomy. That's not done by nori.
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What's the verdict?
I was inspecting the bottom half of the image for a while before finally noticing his face
how unbecoming of a priest..
furry or not this made me realize how SLUTTY legs is maybe a bit underutilized, for men at least
if this ends up attracting every furryfag to zzz the seething from every community will be hilarious
god paper games just release breath of the nikki already
You choose watashi/boku not gender... so I'm assuming they never mention mc being a girl or boy.
Lame, it saves having to make two separate voice lines, but what's the point of having a butler if he doesn't call you ojou-sama.
Probably won't bother. I'm not too old for gacha but I'm definitely too old for generic high school boys.
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I mean.....
Everytime I pick up a Nikki game I end up surrendering my wallet to her. I will not be tempted this time
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A big fucking slog of a game with a fun gameplay loop.
>choose a card
>do a stat-raising gameplay
>read stories while on said stat-raising gameplay
>each card basically is a mini-scenario
>apparently has different endings depending on the choices (you) make and what stat parameters you have
>at the end of the gameplay, it produces a stone you used for the (Auto) Battle part
The stat-raising gameplay is oddly fun, but takes so fucking long with the amount of interruptions it has (i.e. animations, stories, voice line, and the game being sluggish in general) and the Battle Mode is a fucking joke and is just a numbers check (i.e. BIG NUMBER with correct attribute = WIN with no user input).

Also, the game looks to be quite greedy (because Bandai Namco)
>now discounted paid ten pull
>tutorial gacha limits only ONE 4*
>diaya income looks scarce
Like, at least 18Trip (another Liber game btw) lets you reroll with multiple SSRs

It will probably not be big into yume stuff because it must also appeal to hardcore male Kamen Rider fans, so that will shoot itself on the foot for my long-term interest.
Some of the guys are good looking though (for me)...
18trip is better than Nu Carnival and the other joseis launched this month. Im having a lot of fun, so its time to main it along with Wuthering Waves (because it at least has an skip button for all events, side quests and even some main story conversations, if Genshin had it i'd be playing it instead but hoyo hates the word skip after HI3rd)
>stat-raising gameplay
oh so it's one of those uma musume/mahoyaku types
meh skip
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>18trip has sluts
It's a good game
I'm having a hard time caring about new properties unless they include the option to poke. I think I'm in my degenerate arc.
NuGovernment needs to stop being cowards and make Olivine fuck other people.
This is the fox influence, Olivine is getting fucked by 10 Eidens in the foxy mist
What do you think he was doing when he went undercover in that Klein cult?
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show hole
olivine x kuya x mob

tags: drugs, anal, kemonomimi, humiliation, blackmail, bukkake, blowjob, deepthroat, gokun, paizuri, hypnosis, urination, kissing, spanking, body writing, nipple stimulation, piercing, navel fuck, eyeball licking, ahegao, masturbation, double penetration, group, nakadashi, big penis, moral degeneration, mind break
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Finally have him, he kept avoiding me whenever he was on rate-up and guild wishes took so long to collect 100 pieces
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>Roll on novice banner in WuWa
>Get pink loli
>Roll on Jiyan's banner
>Get green loli
I was just testing to see if the lion boy had a secret 80% drop rate like his antis said but of course those dumb fucks LIED. This game even having 50/50 cancer is a mistake
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I think olivine might take the rare W in this event.

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