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The ride never ends

MHN Database, contains everything you could ever need such as a set builder, info on monster HP, partbreak HP and break rewards, upcoming event info, and more

Current event - times are your own local time
>Qualily’s Special Quests - Tuesday, May 7th, at 9:00 a.m. until Sunday, May 12th, at 11:59 p.m.
>Lots of gathering rewards, zenny, and a Wyvern Gem Shard

Upcoming Events - times are your own local time
>Prepare for Zinogre: Ice Element Quests - Monday, May 13th, at 9:00 a.m. until Sunday, May 19th, at 11:59 p.m.
>Barioth returns as a Hunt-a-thon monster, and increased Legiana in the field
>Also a Wyvern Gem Shard reward from the quests, and boosted basic rewards from killing Legiana and Barioth. You can expect it to be the first 2 items being doubled like with the Thunder Element event in April

>Bolt from the Wilds: Zinogre - Monday, May 20th, at 9:00 a.m. until Sunday, May 26th, at 11:59 p.m
>Also a Zinogre plate as event mission reward

>Even Happier Hunting! - Monday, May 27th, at 9:00 a.m. until Wednesday, June 5th, at 11:59 p.m.
>Join more group hunts during this event for epic rewards and even some limited-time quests to boot!

Other notes:
Season 1 will end on June 12th. Make sure you have finished the Vernal Invader storyline, and finished your season pass.

How to Spoof:
>unrooted: fake gps, wont be able to kill anything as long as you have it open but you can paintball monsters for later
>unrooted: VMOS, shady as fuck, will steal all your data
>rooted: magisk, lposed, playintegrityfix, fake gps

Previous thread:
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first for monster breeding
I hope the next update allows you to track sub species. Maybe have it as rare spawn to normal version. Like 5% chance tracked rathalos will be azure.
Really liking how things have been changing for the better.
Finally got all my main weapons to 5 stars thanks to the tracker, time to get to collecting armor pieces for skills. Hopefully zinogre and barioth gets added to the tracker too when they get their field time
I got my Tobi Hammer to Grade 9. Thinking about powering up another element to expand my Wyvern farming capabilities. Ice seems to have a ton of easy monsters, but I could use the extra damage on Fire monsters since they're tougher. I got a ton of Jyu mats for Water, but I hate fighting all the Water fuckers.

I might just go Ice. Any suggestions?
Decided to upgrade my Fortune Fan DBs to grade 8, but I guess that still wasn't enough to kill an 8* Radobaan. I have max Dragon Attack and Burst 2, but the armors available don't allow for much more than that. Maybe I have to get every the perfect dodge I can, or just focus on a single broken part...
It's what I had to do with my 7.5 Lance. I focused on the left leg. After I broke it, I just kept the pressure on it. It's important that you dodge the sleep attack. Don't back away and wait, every second counts.
I start the fight with a special, and build up enough to execute another one with 20-30 seconds on the clock.
>it's important that you dodge attacks
gee really?
Actually, it looks like I can kill it, but only just barely. And it requires two specials. One immediately at the start, then another as soon as I can get it.
>Barioth and Zinogre can't be tracked
I'm really quite miffed with the way Barioth is being handled.
Aw what? That's bollocks.
Thanks to the HaT update I've been able to hunt Zinogre 5 times. Yes I still don't have the materials for a single weapon or armor piece.
>Thanks to the HaT update I've been able to hunt Zinogre 5 times. Yes I still don't have the materials for a single weapon or armor piece.
How the fuck have you been unable to solo a 5* Zinogre since it's release? Wtf are you even doing
I'm constantly having to throw away grade 1 monster parts I'm going to eventually need because I'm running out of box space and absolutely starved for small bones and iron ore. I have like 10 different pieces I could upgrade to a whole higher tier right now if I suddenly had like 200 each of iron and small bones. I have 103 Malachite right now. I have single digit iron.

But the way everybody talks online they're supposed to be super plentiful, the base starter weapons are alleged to be worth it for the first few star levels simply because of how cheap they are, one guide even recommended iron and small bones be one of the first things to throw away if you start running out of box space because they're easily replaceable and you probably have hundreds lying around.

Both are considered "special" spawns, so that's not surprising. From the sound of the announcement, Barioth isn't even in the normal field spawns, which hardly makes sense for being one of the only two Ice monsters in the game at this point. Removing Barioth from the field but then adding all these Ice-weak-only monsters is just puzzling. It's not even like it's even a minimum 5* rarity like every other limited variant.

I do throw away Iron Ore, Monster Bone S, Sharp Claws, and Wingdrake Hides the most often, but they are used for just about everything. It's just that later upgrades use so much at a time that you'll quickly deplete any reserves you have. I'm constantly butting up against my inventory limit now, so I do a complete dump of rarity 1 parts for monster equipment I know I won't use.
Rarity 1: 0-100
Rarity 2: 40-60, up to 100 for field materials
Rarity 3: 30-40, up to 100 for field materials
Rarity 4: 30-40
Rarity 5: 15-30
>Removing Barioth from the field but then adding all these Ice-weak-only monsters is just puzzling.
it's called making you spend money on HAT.

before it was ice and barioth it was electric and zinogre and dragon with pink rathian and deviljho.

>It's just that later upgrades use so much at a time that you'll quickly deplete any reserves you have.
I'm just trying to get a full set of rank 6s for the abilities and so I can finally accept the deviljho rewards and upgrade to 7 star monsters in the field. It doesn't matter how good I can dodge, I'm not taking on 7 stars with 5 1/5. Hell, until monster tracking, my water attack armor was still in the 4's even, it's just all water weak monsters are jobbers.
*HAT and carving knives
The problem being that Barioth was a normal field spawn, but then later removed as part of the "seasonal change", and then they added all of the Ice-weak monsters before you even knew that you should have been building up Ice weapons.

Not only that, but Barioth hasn't even been available in HATs again until now. So it's been like... 2-3 months maybe, where your only source of Ice weapons has been from Legiana. I understanding wanting to get people to actually play HATs, but Barioth has been largely unavailable for hardly any reason. At least the other variants and special monsters are usually a grade above to provide stronger weapons and armor, but Barioth is a tier underneath the evergreen Legiana.
do you just sit at home to play this? do you go out at all
Because I live in a crap area with two spots
One is on private property and the other I'd 2 miles away
>open game
>look for my daily 8 stars zinogre humillation ritual
>nothing but barioths
>close game
Admittedly mostly at home and work. Between my 3 daily paintballs and tracking, my roommate's 3 daily paintballs and tracking, whatever is currently spawned in our house when we run through those paintballs, whatever spawns at work, and whatever HAT is going on at the mural in the dance studio next door to work, it's enough to eat through my 5 free medkits most days.
Plus with a little finagling, both work and home are positioned to hit most of the normal gather spawns all the way around their respective blocks. So I'd have to drive somewhere specifically to play like a park, or else start with a fully charged phone from home play while walking out until 50% battery, and then turn around and come back the other way to really increase my gathering. Which is what i was doing for the first couple weeks it was out, because I had just severely hurt my back and it was good exercise to regain feeling in my leg. But my phone is usually nearly dead after work these days, I have to charge wirelessly because the port broke, which both restricts my opportunities to charge and slows the speed, so by the time I'd be back to full and ready to walk it would be close to dark. Plus my roommate works from home and is overweight so is legit kind of sedentary, the couple times he came with me on those he was as dead as my phone by the end.

Speaking of why my phone is nearly dead after work and needs charging at all, I run deliveries at work and have adv sync turned on, so presumably the cat should be picking up any gather spots I pass running those all around the county, unless google maps being on turns it off or something. Literally went all the way from BG to Gallatin today, surely I should have passed some loot somewhere in there, right?
Since Barioth is going away again, there's no point in building any of its weapons yet again. But at least I managed to finish up my Barioth chest so that I can fit Focus 4 onto my Ice set.
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This Ice Event was fucking awful. Barioth only in HATS, but Zinogre can take over a spot. This stupid thunder dog already had 2 HAT focused events and it has another wild event coming up, fuck off. It should have been Barioth and Legiana only HATS.
And despite the claim that Legiana had boosted spawns, it didn't fucking make a difference. They only spawn in swamp. Good luck if your area didn't get the swamp biome that day. Most spawns are still taken up by the 13 other fucking monsters in this biome. I ran into more Tzis, Odog, Banbs and Rados than Leg. I've gotten more from using the tracker than out in the wild.
honestly the only worthwhile part of the event is getting double WGS drops from 8* legiana, too bad i havent gotten a single WGS from him during the whole event so meh
I just realized I probably should have been tracking Legiana even if I was trying to build a Jyura weapon right now. Make the best use of the event and all that.
this game is not very hikikomori friendly
HAT events are just cruel :c
just live on top of 2 gathering nodes
they should just ban everyone using the black diablos bow and then we'll be rid of 99% of spooftranneis
I detect a note of salt
So what's everyone's current problem monster? I'm still incredibly inconsistent killing an 8* Radobaan, but at least all of my water-weak monsters seem to be under control now. Actually aside from 8* special monsters, the most things I seem to get tripped up on are all Ice-weak monsters: Radobaan, Diablos, and Odogaron. They're huge and/or all over the place and I'm using ranged.
Managed to get all my weapons to grade 5 and the damage output is just right for my current rank, so now I'm just slowly progressing the story to grade up the field monsters and getting my weapons to 5.5. If I had to think of one it would probably deviljho, bastard always comes right up to you before attacking so my tobi bow has a tough time doing optimal damage. Gonna see how doable soloing it with dual blades is and if that's more fun
Banbaro 8* but that's just me still toughing it out with a 8 5/5 Datura String while also working on my elemental sets, a support Girros Nadja build, and a Tank DPS Grief Lance set. :/
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>Need a Jyuratodous Primeshell to upgrade my water gs to Grade 6
>They're dropped from *6 Jyuratodous
>Mark a *6 Jyuratodous in my personal cat grinding paintball
>Hunt around 60 of them ever since this method was introduced just awhile ago
>Absolutely no primeshell from it yet

This game sucks.
After all this damn time I finally have enough zinogre mats to make one fucking piece of Zinogre gear
And idk which
You mean armor? Because although you could probably build an 8* weapon with the event rewards they've given out so far, you're still going to be limited by HATs.
I built the gloves first, just because I needed to getting Thunder Attack 5. It's also good to have redundant sources to be able to mix and match your other armor skills.
Weapon or armor, doesn't matter.
I have a Tobi SnS and Tzitzi DBs.
I'll go for the gloves.
>not breaking the tail
6* is bare minimum. Go higher for increased drop rates.
Bets on the new weapon?

They're also adding one new monsters every month during the summer season. Rajang bros, is it our time?
There's Heavy Bowgun, Gun Lance and Insect Glaive left I think. Last weapon was Charge Blade, so I'm thinking they'll add one with an easier moveset, which would rule out GL at least.

Kushala is starting out the summer, so there will probably be a buildup in difficulty before Rajang shows up. Potentially replacing Zinogre as the featured HAT "pinnacle" monster, with hopefully a permanent shift for Zinogre to field monster. The monster-unique Rarity 6 materials will continue to be AIDS though. It's hard enough being able to farm WGS from all other monsters.
We're missing Switch Axe, Insect Glaive, Heavy Bowgun, Gunlance and Hunting Horn
Mine is on Switch-Axe, with a bar similar to DB
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We’ve updated the roadmap with the latest coming to Monster Hunter Now. Updates bring new monsters, new weapons, and even new elements!

Get ready for the first-ever appearance of elder dragons to the Monster Hunter Now field! Plus, we’re turning up the heat by adding one additional monster per month all summer long!

We’re also planning an epic event to close out Season 1 and that is just the beginning!

More monster events are coming, plus this fall look forward to another major upate to commemorate the 1-year anniversary of Monster Hunter Now.

But before we celebrate, it’s time to prepare for our first-ever summer major update, so ready your equipment and head out for some thrilling hunts with your fellow hunters!

Thank you for your continued support of Monster Hunter Now!

Additional Information:

*Details of the update are subject to change without notice.

Be sure to follow us on social media for all the latest news!
they are kushala, mizutsune and basarios or lavasioth
they have all been data mined ages ago
>the legiana event gave me so many mats that when i finish upgrading my sns to 10.1, i can start a new weapon and upgrade that all the way to 10.1 as well
Other than being gated by WGS and earth crystals, of course, but wew
Just got b2b2b gem shards from an Odogaron, a Jagras, and then a Rathian urgent while sitting at home just wanted to let you guys know
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Correction: b2b2b2b
Turns out I can solo a field 8* Zinogre... IF ZINOGRE DIDN'T LAG THE FUCK OUT OF THE GAME.
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>join 9 stars zinogre hunt a ton
>reach the 9 stars one
>faggot LBGT user joins my hunt expecting to be carried
>gets one shot almost every third attack
>keeps joining my hunt
>after the fourth hunt attempt i just stop trying the hunt a ton and leave
this shit needs a block or kick feature, i am not wasting my time carrying random low level faggots
Wonder what Zingore weapon I should start dumping mats into. Clearly I'll have an abundance, so may as well put those pieces towards something rather than having to dump them.

Not sure what the restrictions are if there are even any besides unlocking 6* hunts, but people shouldn't even be able to attempt 9* HATs without being able to successfully hunt normal 8* monsters.
you guys are being VERY toxic right now this is a social game you know!!!
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>these are the kind of people you are playing with in HATs
kek, link?
Was able to find a couple 8* Zinogres to take down with my girl! <3 Haven't been able to run into a 9* yet but if the HP conversion is the same as a HAT we can take one down already. I can confirm seeing a 10* Zinogre but it was out of reach so well see!
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Looks like we aren't getting decos.
>you can put up to 10 skill on a single piece of armor
Huh? I'm assuming you can only have one "active" at a time, but have a bunch to choose from.

Note that you can't get Focus, Recoil Down, Reload Speed, Dragon Attack, and some other specialty skills through this, making some base sets a lot better- especially ones without a standard Elemental Attack.
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>0/5 km for a random skill
fuck, that sounds like a lot
>can't get critical boost
Well shit. Crit isn't nearly as good as elemental, no idea why they did that.
Hope you built your LNY Helmet!
Is crit and crit boosting even good in this game? It takes up so many slots and I'm sure there are better options like Burst and Offensive Guard depending on your weapon.
There's definitely worse things to build.
I don't blame them for being weary of letting it get too strong though, if it was then that's all anyone would use since it's universally applicable.
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gunlance is next
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bros I am so tired of walking
my thumb hurts from changing directions...
This sounds convoluted as fuck
why are westoids like this?
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this u?
I love GL, but I'm going to fucking hate the controls in this game. Tap, hold, directional swipes, etc to chain together your moves properly.
I wonder if the shells will continue to be partly Fire-based or if they're swapping to Blast or something. It's normally pretty ass to fit in all of your Gunlance-specific skills, so I wonder if it will be simplified at all.
>you can only have one "active" at a time
You can have as many active as they have driftsmelt slots. Most have one slot and only a handful have two slots. Slots seem to be unlocked at either grade 5 or grade 8. Most two driftmelt slot armor pieces have trash to begin with (I think the only good one is the lumu belt), so at least they have a use now, but only as flex slot pieces that require a shit ton of investment or godlike rng.

The two driftslot slot armor pieces seem to be
head: jagras, girros, jyuratodus
chest: kulu,
arms: rathalos
belt: kulu, lumu
legs: pukei, rathian, tzitzi
found a google doc spread sheet from a trannycord
man this sucks donkey balls
Ah, I thought you meant most had a slot, but might get 2 at grade 8. But according to the spreadsheet, some only get their single slot at rank 8.
Also looks like most of the current "good" armor gets slapped with their first slot unlock at rank 8. I assume this is balanced by an internal point system regarding the value of each skill already available on the armor. Most 2-point Elemental Attack armors are stuck with a single slot at rank 8 too, except for Zinogre and Barioth gloves apparently.

B.Diablos gloves might be worth looking into for charge builds. Resentment 1, Focus 1, and 2 possible slots.
I used Paolumu belt before fighting 8* stuff, but it might be nice to have Divine Blessing 2 plus other abilities now.
jyuratodus waist also has 2 slots
Wow, the HATs are really garbage right now. 6* spawns everywhere filled with complete junk monsters before getting to Zinogre.

Oh yeah, all the other junk skills were listed in smaller print underneath all the decent ones, so you'll be rolling endlessly just to get some measurable bonus on your gear.
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Predictions on the amount of people confused on why Khezu doesn't have a hunt theme?
0 because niantic won't keep up the meme. There will be more people getting mad about the 5+ second roar however
The 7* version has two barioth and the 9* version is all zinogre
I don't know if there is an 8* version
The 8* version is Zinogre -> B. Diablos -> P. Rathian -> A. Rathalos -> Zinogre
But everything except 6* HATs seem a lot more rare.
I did it anons, I have reached the dreaded "your item box is full" milestone it sucks!
time to paypig
The inventory management is easily the worst part about this game. Having to go into your stash to continually dump handfuls of items at a time just so you can continue to pick up more garbage.

>5,000 item spaces for $20
Ugh. Time to set arbitrary item limits for yourself and completely dump common monster parts that you have no use for. Biggest problem I have is running out of the stuff from field nodes (Iron Ore, Carpenter Bugs, and Earth Crystals right now).
>>5,000 item spaces for $20
its cheaper if u just buy the hunter pass, besides $20 isnt much are you poor?
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>theres people who fucking multilog mhn
also lol he struggles to kill 9* monsters using 2 bowguns which i kill faster solo using a melee weapon
Driftsmelting is finally live for me and boy, spending WGS on armor feels REALLY bad. But I gotta do it.

I considered doing this briefly, but you would look like a maniac unless you spoofed and only hunted in your own home. I've seen people doing Pokemon Go on multiple devices and that looks bad enough even if you barely have to pay attention to play that.
im convinced every person joining my HAT is a bot
Actually, this spreadsheet is wrong. At least partially. Looks like Barioth and Zinogre gloves require rank 8 to unlock their only slot after all.

Also 5km per smelt and being limited to 1 in-progress at a time is rather Niantic of them.
It's cool though. It allows for new a new gameplay. You now get to focus on biking for the purpose of travelling distance and can easily smelt 3 times an hour. Stock up on 10 smeltstones and get biking fatty.
Don't all niantic games stop counting your movement if you go above a certain speed
Yes but at a pleasant cycling speed it won't restrict you
>spreadsheet is wrong
yeah, after I posted it, I saw some chat saying it had mistakes. Oh well, it's a google doc, so it can be copied edited, and corrected. Or just wait for mhn quest to update
max speed is like 5 mph iirc
Pretty sure it's 10 mph, which is like half the speed of what PoGo allows (at least since the last time I played it).
Had extra Zinogre parts, so tried making a Greatsword to complement my Tobi bow. Boy, leaning this weapon is painful. The weapon is constantly taunting me to use full charges and go for TCS, but that rarely seems to be possible.

Well, whatever it is, going on a bike is likely to trigger the game's speed limit. Think you could just barely get away with running, but Niantic is pretty strict about anything above walking speed.
Great sword suffered a lot from the strict time limit and HP recovery being premium currency, and when you couple that with how similarly leveled weapons do just about the same amounts of damage just makes the weapon not worth it to me. Atleast the moveset and general feel of the weapon was adapted pretty well into mobile though
GS is pretty fun with gyro if nothing else
IMO what feels like hurts the most is the lack of free movement. Seems like you really have to learn the weapon differently for this game, as it seems like it's relying on perfect evades and shoulder charges to get your damage in.
There's nothing wrong with the GS, you just can't nobrain tackle everything and fish for TCS. The damage on every GS move is very healthy, and even uncharged lvl 2 attacks deal a fat amount of damage. You can also very easily get KOs by spamming roll > tackles, most things will get KOd after 4-5 tackles which means a free TCS

It plays differently
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>12km/h = 900m every 6 minutes
>10km/h = 1.2km every 6 minutes
>going 12km/h will drifsmelt every 36 minutes
>going 10km/h will drifsmelt every 30 minutes
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POV: the leech shitters are chain carting for your personal entertainment
>not seen above, another ice resistance
wow you already walked 50 kilometers?
thats not a lot
maybe on planet retard
are you fat or what
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retards, both of you
so yes you're fat?
>gem doesn't save between loadouts
Well, that's going to be really annoying for a few sets.
just make multiple of the same armo- oh
Some of the skills you can get are highlighted in gold, so I'm assuming those are "rare" on top of all of the other possible rolls. So basically any possible skill that would actually be worth adding to your loadout is probably rare.
im the guy with the 9 star field and i got 3 shards on my 2 hour walk once again niggas mad
Yeah, the Driftstones seem to be a “roll for a chance at the rare skill you really want” thing. If you’re more intent on only getting one of the gold “rare” skills, it looks like you’ll have to smelt 100 stones to be able to buy one of those “Driftgems” which ONLY have gold skills on their list. So there’s a bit of a pity system that you’re gonna have to do a LOT of walking (or shelling out for those auto-smelt potions) for.
yes and no.
gold doesn't specifically mean rare afaik, but rather exclusive to that color of driftstone. That said, based on MHNquest there are two skills of each stones list of gold skills that are rarer. It's elemental/Wex, and the other skills that increase damage output by a sizeable amount like burst and heroics.

have fun with your ban. i already have one warning from like a decade ago playing Pogo.

how are you gaining driftstones fast enough for that to matter?

LBG has always been easy mode. It's literally just "don't reload when the monster is glowing red, hit special every time it's up"

>Is crit and crit boosting even good in this game?

just mention it in the suggestion box
not pictured in that is the months of grinding out 4, potentially 5, separate elemental sets.

But yeah, compared to elemental it's practically like going in with a 9.5 weapon instead of 10.5. If you want a general set, i'd probably go poison bow or paralysis/stun instead depending on how much you group hunt vs solo.
What's the best way to gather rank 1 bones and ore?
Oh, also does ranking up increase your gathering, in the same way that fighting higher rank monsters increases your drops?
no it doesn't it's part of their business model
The "best" way is to go to gathering nodes and tap them until they're exhausted. Then wait another 3hr before it's active again.
And nothing affects how many materials you gather from a node, but by default, nodes can give you anywhere from 3-10 materials.
what business? it's not like i can pay money to increase my gather drops either. Not increasing them despite increasing the increased need just means i have to walk more.
it's a lot in like 3 days, which means either you're a spoofer or a NEET
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I have been spoofing since the beginning of Pokemon go and I have never gotten even a warning, only retards who don't know how to spoof and use the apps that require your credentials get banned

and to answer your question, I set a stone, leave the joystick walking for 25 minutes, come back and see I got nothing good, repeat, this one is me too btw
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I am the hidden third option; a government worker
they started selling packs carp bug, earth crystals, and monster bone+
every event with missions feature them as rewards
the new season pass rewards them too
gating your progress through this shit is how they keep you playing forever
Amusingly A.Rathalos weapons are just worse versions of base Rathalos with limited access to parts. At least the higher raw damage and Dragon element on the P. Rathian bow let it stand out a bit more. At least the armor is good, I guess.

Also which armor pieces are you currently driftsmelting/upgrading to driftsmelt onto?
The only thing I can think of is just trying to slot in Elemental Attack onto whatever I can, so I'm trying to put all elements on my Jyura pants and then move onto doing the same for my A.Rath helmet. Just freeing up space to allow use of Doxus 5 on more elemental bows.
>Also which armor pieces are you currently driftsmelting/upgrading to driftsmelt onto?
Trying to get WEX onto coral pukei helmet (already rolled special boost with attack+4 which is neat). Planning on also rolling WEX on pink rathian legs, water up on jyura arms/body, thunder up on tzitzi helm/zinogre arms, and ice up on barioth arms/body so I can wear coral pukei and rath legs on all those sets, except for my thunder greatsword set where I will be running black diablos body to abuse resentment.

This is honestly the peakest of monster hunter I've ever played not gonna lie bros
I take it this season will last 13 more days? Got 6 more days until I get 1k jewels for the season pass
It tells you exactly how much time you have left in the battle pass page. Only weird UI decision is that they let you look at 999 levels of the battle pass, but there's only really rewards for 1-100.

Also Coral Pukei is finally coming back.
Now I can finally upgrade my armors, but I doubt it would be worth making another water weapon now that I've built my Jyura LS. Pukei weapons are so limited anyways that I wouldn't have much selection if I wanted to anyways.
Just finished upgrading Rathian vambraces to grade 8. Time to grind for amber stones and hope for burst.
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oh fair, meter maids would do a lot of walking, wouldn't they.

Now that driftsmelt gear exists, TECHNICALLY if you grind for it, you can get full +25% crit, total 50%, boost with 100% affinity.

+50 from wex, +40 crit eye, then you just need +10 from weapon or gem rolls for guaranteed crit as long as you're hitting, which means you can still potentially use an elemental weapon.

And since elemental +5 only adds (an admittedly sizeable) +500 elemental attack, as long as your total attack is above 1000 then the full crit build is not only a generic set that works for all elements, but meta.

You're basically trading one kind of annoying grind for another though. Make 5 sets or make 1 set, which needs an event piece and two variants, not to mention a gorillion fucking specifically white driftstones
use the pukei for armor, its armors are insane.
>meter maids
Us gov chads can choose when we want to do our work. We're basically NEETs getting paid a full untaxed salary with insane benefits and freedom to do whatever we want

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