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What we do here is go back
Don't forget to keep hoarding
>mfw when I realize I accidentally left the freezer door ajar all day
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>no metatron
>no mephisto
>no masakado
My only hope to finally be back to master is to get the golden week demon and it has good synergy with the guys I already have. Shit kinda sucks.
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"I've been having fun with the game so far, and I don't really know what I'm doing, but this is what I've got. Should I keep summoning on the banner? I'm on the second step. on the motes banner
Well the metatron and camael combo is decent but you should try rolling in the beginners banner with demeter, zeus and elohim
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Mermaid Love!
That's really good. I would do another step on the mote banner just in case you get Mithras. Aside of that, just pair Camael and Metatron together for some funny pvp shenanigans.
i got Indra
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>Idun,10th,Xi Wangmu, Maria
>Tiamat , Hachiman, Astaroth Unit 01
>ward brands
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The anti fun squad
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Very late, but I still love Demeter. YES, YES, YES! DEMETER IS CUTE!!!!
Stupid question but, if both parties in PvP have equal battle speed, who goes first? Attacker, defender, coin flip?
Actual integer equal speed? The attacker.
The reality is that sometimes that e.g. 41200 speed is actually 41200.4, so unless yours is actually 41200.5, you'll go second, so it's always best to at least be faster by 1 visible point, or you're rolling the dice.
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5 Foul Old One (G84)

Transferable: Epitome of Interception

Unknown Predatorial Being (Passive) Lv 4: +20% to Max HP
Adds Force Pierce. +50% to Max HP. +40% to AC.
While the one with this skill is alive, all allies will receive the following effect: +20% to damage dealt. -1 to MP consumed.
While the one with this skill is alive, all enemies receive the following effect: When in a state of Gloom, -60% to damage dealt, +2 to MP consumed.
Activate the following Chain Effect at the start of the 1st turn: Inflict 1 count of Spirit Chains of Indignation to the enemy with the lowest HP. Removes Zenith from all enemies and puts them into a state of Gloom for 2 turns.

Weird Pain MP Lv 6: +20% damage, -1 MP Cost
Inflicts Force (Physical, Power: 260) damage to a single enemy with Bulwark Pierce and 100% chance to Crit, and denies them 1 MP.
If the attack is successful, puts all enemies in a state of Gloom. (1 turn)

Aragami: Rending Wind / Force Survivor
Protector: Intimidating Stance / Epitome of Illusion
Psychic: Wind Avatar (+20% Force damage, +20% AC) / Death Vital (+15% Crit damage, +20% to Max HP.)
Elementalist: Repel Force / Force Vital

Null Phys/Light/Dark, Resist All Else

HP: 1169
STR: 192
MAG: 79
VIT: 170
AGI: 154
LUK: 170

P1: +250 HP
Adds Null Mortal. +15% to Force damage.

P2: +100 PATK
While the one with this skill is alive, all enemies receive the following effect: +20% to damage received when in a state of Gloom.

P3: +250HP
+20% to Force damage. +20% to AC
>Literally force T1 team to run a least Idun and divine brands if paired with Camael
Absolutely disgusting.
News in english out:
Oh hey isn't that the first foul that is above a 3 star?
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the jobber squad you mean
>all allies will receive the following effect: +20% to damage dealt. -1 to MP consumed.
Wait a minute, this paired with with Loup Garou and Izanami means we only need one more MP reducer to make an Elec skill with cost 4 to cost 0
They really want to keep free players out of even diamond now, huh.
Hmmmmm..... Strength+magic or magic+strength?
Golden apple is pretty op
bruva, your Samyaza?
I completely forgot he even exists, really wish they would just give us these demons that don't do anything in the selectors
this thread feels dead. did i start at a bad time?

Here is what I have. should I keep going on the banner with the that hate mote or summon for tonight
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sorry forgot picture
Reminder that 5 stamina missions give more event gimmicks overall than 2 stamina, unless you have more than 50 friends with silver event support demons.
/vmg/ is slow and dx2 is a somewhat niche title.
But to answer your question, Malice Metatron is great and I would recommend just keep pulling on the title mote banner in case you are able to get Camael and Mithras, because those two have great synergy with metatron.
Old One is good, but it doesn't fit any team you can make, so I'd say skip him.
did anyone manage to complete the metatron map without using non-limited time stamina jugs?
barely got halfway through it even while doing lvl quest constantly
I would have but I got filtered by both Hecate boss fights.
You fucked up, this specific event require you to farm the BoS stages because they give much more event points (*3-4 IIRC, need confirmation) than any other stages.
>this specific event require you to farm the BoS stages because they give much more event points
not him but is that true? I get more shit from training stages
Not the current one, but the take back tokyo events do, which is what he was referring to.
If this a decent account? Black Frost and Ose already are perfect, but I have zero idea of what is a "good account" or how to reroll.
I also got Indra if that matters.
Black Frost is shite tier and Ose you are probably going to get anyway while Indra is mid, rerolling would be a good idea
Are they still doing the banner with Elohim, Zeus and Demeter for new players? If so that one should be your priority
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Here is how to reroll
easier to just uninstall and reinstall the game

Na easiest way to reroll is just keep app info storage open and switch screen when you get a bad reroll. its quick as hell on android.

reroll. to rerolll do the first part of story and collect the gems. once you are done you need to summon on maybe the new banner or lost name dog. if you get them you should keep doing story for mote banner one rotation and try and get something good. if you fail reroll for lost name again or new demon and try mote again. it will take time tho
Ose and Black Frost are fusion demons so you will get them either way, so just reroll.
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I really should get better impulse control, I know I should be saving gems but I still rolled and got punishes by only getting a power crept vagina and a snake that was already meh on release
Okay, so I got Black Frost again with my beginner 5* ticket, but also got Demeter with the 500 stones. Do I go for Zeus now for the 1000 stones? Also how good is Demeter because r*ddit says that she is a "make new account if needed" demon.
Pull on the banner with narcissus on the thumbnail. it has some of the best demons in the game in its pool and is by far the best choice right now
Cute Mermaid.
/vmg/ is extremely slow, if you stick around you will notice that the thread can have 0 posts in 2 days and still be on page 2
What are good demons to get on that banner?
>old one is supposed to be weak against ice story-wise
>isn't actually weak against ice gameplay-wise
This trigger me.
Also Shoggoth teased but I don't remember a design for it?
>Also Shoggoth teased but I don't remember a design for it?
Persona 2 only, so don't expect it in the game unless they go batshit crazy scraping for designs.
they've taken stuff from persona series before why wouldn't they bring in shoggoth?
Please respond.
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First off, when? Second, Persona 1 and 2 are limited to isometric sprites with only a tiny number of designs like Satan and the main character Personas getting actual art. Neither of the Shoggoth designs got that, unless it appeared in a manga or something.
Lost name, Camael, Yggdrassil, Narcissus, Morrighan, Sukuna Hikona, Apsu. Just getting camael and pascal (lost name) should be enough.
>this triggers me
you are not the only one, bruva
the elder thing's design triggers me so I skipped the story
these things are scientists too, is this at least referenced?
What demon(s) do you hope to see being added? Hard mode:no Satan or Luci
>these things are scientists too, is this at least referenced?
Somewhat, they do tell you that they created the shoggoth, another intelligent lifeform, to serve them.
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I already got Barbatos this year. And Morrigan, Camael, Demeter, Lugh and Sukuna Hikona last year, but im surprised they haven't added Nyx yet.
I would also like to see Nemhain, Inti and Dimensional Hathor.
What a dogshit reward. For how much trouble it was to beat Long and Kohryu this is like spit in the face
Beat all Brands of Sin(except Deceit 14)
100% Aura Gate
Still haven't beat the story(characters are just too annoying)
>Still haven't beat the story(characters are just too annoying)
That's honestly a good thing now. You have extra gems just in case.
Archangels buffs.
for a second there i thought you meant they buffed archangel for some reason
Save id fr
Good lord the Archangel buffs are superb
God this is probably the game that I have the most fomo from. I hopped to it after star ocean amamamama died because I gained a hunger for good stylized 3D models in an rpg. But I dropped it to make space. Every time over the yrs since I've come back to poke my head in threads just to tell myself "damn... nah, surely it'll eos soon, how much can this even be making?" I'm always regretting not playing sooner lol
It'll never EoS. It makes a lot of money for the amount overhead they have. It's hard to believe for people whose gacha of choice died, but the reality is that EoS is 99.99% of the time not a financial decision.
Reminder to do:

- Tokyo Abyss 20F (at least)
- Kiwami
- Eclipse
- Hell Park
I just realized I did simulations and forgot to do the actual democ battles, I want to kill myself
this was a real menace, like, nine months ago
I literally haven't spent a single Jem since toming Masakado B. Got 21.9k Jems right now, feels good mang
tier list on the wiki brotha
Yep, we're never getting him. In fact, I believe we already got all Lovecraft demons that aren't restricted to Persona
Nyx + Loki A for the 6.5th
Let's just say you're four years late
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I'll do one step for my girl. What could possibly go wrong?
Good luck
If you are the guy that puts Dodge brands on Idun. Go fuck yourself
I got a flauros.....it's fucking over. But I need to keep trying, for my girl.
Why is advent demon is always some shit not even useful for PvE? I swear I can full panel Trumpeter just from the times I killed him
it happens, bruva
Don't give up my fren, do it for her
There should be like four Advents running at the same time. It's too useless as is. I'm fairly sure that no 2023 demon (and almost none of the 2022 ones) has ever been featured
They are always 2 years apart, if that makes sense. I think next few demons are Heimdall a d Sukuna Hikona, and those two are from 2022.
Probably expect to see a Hachiman and Hinokagutsuchi advent at the end of the year.
>misclicked a pot and used gems instead
I want to die
This was an advice for the future...
>Macca Beam
Here is a tip for everyone: Use a phys conbector so it reveals who has the null phys in camael teams
Disclaimer this does not help if everyone has the null phys or if you already have other camael counters
My Camael counter is that everyone on my team has bulwark pierce
Camael doesn't even put bulwarks what are you even talking about?
>he doesn't know
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Whenever I see stuff like this I wonder, what is going on this person's head
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And this is even worse when you notice what is wrong
Also kinda surprised nobody noticed that the team that this guy >>1427439 posted also has a barrier on Iddun
These are for a meta in the future, only people that can see it know about it
This is just supreme retardation however
Idun with ward brands makes sense because she only gains ailment inmunity with her first panel.
I forgot that part because every iddun I have seen has that pannel
Based clown poster.
Based retards nerfing themselves as a challenge.
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>check the tier list
>10th,6th,Zeus and Demeter is down from S to A
>Xi Wangmu is down from A to C
Jesus gacha power creep is real
okay I think I get how this game works now every team needs a speedster slut with all speed brands to carry every slow ass character
You didn't get it, there are plenty of slow teams that work you just need to have teams that work together
Your fast team has to be not only has to be fast but also tanky in order to survive preemptive attack, otherwise Tiamat, Unit 01 and Camael, Metatron teams will wipe you out!
Slow teams hace always been superior to fast teams, except for when Elohim just released
What are the chances of Loup-Garou banner returning anytime soon or at least before the game dies?
There is a high likelihood that all the banners since Camael before golden week/the end of the month.
>handicaps and side goals for this Battle Tower are "if you have Malicetron you win"
Nice, creative play, but I'm already using Masakado A (pierces) as a Camael check
>another aura gate event
It's over, EoS soon...
Basically Pendragon/queen mab but for light and dark.
>Good Fortune
>Increases Exp gained by Dx2s and all party members by 20% and Macca obtained during battle by 20% [...]
just now we are getting this. lol
when you're a newbie noob, are there enough firsttime gem rewards to pity a demon? i've been saving for idun, but most firsttime rewards have been poor amounts of gems or just mag, and you need like 30000 gems.
The poop foot had it already
No, if you're new you should reroll
I want to reroll, but how do I get 500 gems for 1st step? You start with 280. Doing story on every account doesn't seem very efficient. You get 500 for 2nd day login, so I guess the best strategy would be to make a bunch of accounts on an emulator, then roll the next day.
keep forgetting about dst and how i have an extra hour to complete stuff now
The best way is to wait for an event that gives you a fe wgems at the start, do a few story chapters, and do some if the beginner missions.
It's been a. While but I'm pretty sure you get at least 2.5k gems in a few days.
>one week event
>this close to golden week
We are getting one event after this one then a collab
Do you think SEGA will give people who used to play Dx2 some bonus like Pascal persona in Persona 5: The Phantom X then Dx2 hit EoS?
>Dx2 is a japanese gacha
>P5X is a chink gacha
just complete the first story chapter. if you want to make things go faster pick that one option that skips the story to 1-8 when you create a new account, then complete the rest using the free arianrhod. it takes at most 6 minutes per lap. also, when wiping a useless account, just rename the game's files folder to something else, delete data from the app, then revert the name change before beginning another lap. this saves some time as you won't have to redownload files during each lap.
fucker didn't even get his own banner
Dude P5X looks so bland, I legit don't understand how they managed to delude themselves into believing that it actually has a chance of being their own Genshin.
Persona 5 it's huge with normalfags dude. I don't think it's going to be the biggest thing ever but it's going to be profitable for sega, at least for a year.
when will Dante and Guts events rerun
Very unlikely that they ever come back.
Ainz at least please
Should I bother fusing fly Beez or stick with human?
Anyway to make aura gate 2 fully auto? By that I mean have it talk to spirits instead of always rejecting them.
Literally neither until they get a buff.

Check the auto options when you're inside.
Only settings I see are the ones that automatically click no when you find a spirit or get to a boss door.
Uncheck those.
Note that you won't fight bosses even if you uncheck that one.
You can't have them automatically talk to spirits, only manually.
It’s been like 2 months what’s the devil connector meta
Seeing the top ranking teams there really isn't any meta, just put your favorite demons there
Use the tomato on your favorite demons that are not meta and raise the connectivity or whatever it is called as high as possible for bonus stats for your active team.
That's it.
The active skill makes little difference and can largely be ignored
should I put dark pierce weak on Alice or Izanami
Doesn't Alice pierce with her unique now? Or is it one of her pannels?
it does but it’s a single use skill
none of the other demons in that pic did, retard
I'm fine with faction events. They should hold them more frequently, but also release more PvE units to go with them
what meta is this
yes they did you forest mongo
Neither, even at max level, you still get a damage penalty on your damage so it fuck you over in PvP and only makes battle longer in PvE.
It's a waste of slot in other words.
It's unironically better to wait for sega to buff them or release a new version of them.
malice alice
Question: which floors are the best for this event?
It depends on who do you want to kill.
I personally do floors 6 to 10 because I hate jack frost.
>because I hate jack frost.
Jack in shambles
what floors are the gremlins on?
AG2 50.
People clearly don't care about this event because we've barely killed anything compared to the Valentine one and we're still ranking decently high.
It's probably because golden week is close so some people may just not be interested on this event and would rather play more pvp to get more gems instead of some shitty rewards.
Really wish there was a list of all encounters that are on the Aura Gate somewhere, I am pretty sure some zones have pixies as random encounters too but I don't know which
AG1 floor 6 has an encounter with 1 jack, another one with 2 and most importantly one with 3 pixies
Nice, thanks for sharing
Who is the fastest fusable demon Kartikeya or Hresvelgr?
I swear Morrighan banner was programed to give anything other than Morrighan. I have 100 tomes of Morrighan and only demons i got from her banner is shit like Uriel and Sraosha
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Don't forget anons, save for the demon that will be realeased near golden week, next demon we will get will probably be bait
I'm saving for Furykado redux and nothing else
Should I?
Only if you have enough to also buy the red bean next month.
He's decent in democ if you're new because chances are that you won't have anything better.
I was think about using him for shieild
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This is Osiris right?
From what I could get he gives himself fortyfy, each count of fortify gives him 10% damage reduction and revives himself + party members at start of own turn or if he uses his skill (once per battle) and if an ally is revived gives +1 press turn (once per turn) and heals allies on the opponents turn
Attack is HP based and gives him one more count of fortify
Yeah, Soul Hackers' Osiris.
So Maria but better?
News out:
Maria but no revive ban removal, so he blows ass.
Don't care. Give me a good fast unit for fuck sake, i'm so tired of fast Pascal/Masakado teams
>No revive ban removal
I didn't even notice.
He's really bait then.
I rolled once and got her.
My Seraph is P3/T50; he's mogged hard by an unpanelled Mada I have but I still love him
it's a 200-tome demon, of course he's bait.
just use another demon that bans revival on the same team ez
don't matter, furrycado cancels all passive revives
Dang, Osiris probably means we aren't getting a Yu-gi-oh collab with the God cards for it's 25th aniversary since Slifers original name is Osiris, there is even already models in duel links
You're saying this in a game with three Masakadoos.
The thing is adding them close togheter, the 25th Aniversary of Yugioh is this year and I doubt they would add in two demons with the same name in the same year
>Godly Osiris would trigger his second head each time a demon is revived
>the opposite of Deity Osiris
uh, kino?
and three beelz
event is live
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It's not like it matters. They named the evangelion units "6th angel" and "10th angel" because there are already demons named Remiel and Sariel despite not being in the game yet, so they could easily just rename him.
Love me some aura gate
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They're called 6th and 10th because those are the official names from the Rebuild movies. You can tell especially with 10th because its game design only appears in the movies, although I didn't bother actually reading the event story to tell if its appearance is lore accurate.
This is also consistent with other Eva collabs with other gachas. They collab with the movies, not the original show.
You forgot one very important thing, the God cards in yugioh aren't the Gods themselves, they are the Sky Dragon OF Osiris, The Winged Divine Dragon OF Ra and The Giant Divine Soldier OF Obelisk
They are avatars or the enforcers of those gods, only Horakhty is straight up the Deity themselves because it's Creator God instead of Divine Beast type
There's no guarantee that they would add the god cards over Dark Magician, Blue-Eyes and Red-Eyes either
And the anniversary was months ago so it might be too late eother way

>They collab with the movies, not the original show
Actually, they collab with IPs that already have 3D models ready to go. In this case the collab was with Evangelion's relatively new gacha that still hasn't come to the west. All the other collabs were from games or gachas of IPs. That's why we can't have no-brainer collabs with e.g. Castlevania, Ghost 'n Goblins, etc. There are no models available that fit with Dx2.
Fair enough, but either way the point was that the collab units were based on the movies, not the show. Hence why they're called their movie names and given their movie designs.
make me, bruva
>that already have 3D models ready to go.
are the models from Duel Links too big or what, bruva?
I fell like SEGA added Sukuna-Hikona to have synergy with Dagon,Apsu and Vivian similarly to Zeus,Botis,Indrajit and Odin. But unlike Elec demons the Dagon,Apsu and Vivian all sucked ass then they first release so nobody bothers to use them dispite potentually amazing team synergy and everybody just use boat miget as speed boost in their fast teams
Zeus worked because He is midrange so S-H should have been midrange too
Vivian should have been faster
SukHiA mostly works as a soft Camael counter so being fast is good, the problem is keeping him alive against Camael+Malicetron teams.
Meme Team. Elohim-Tiamat-Zeus deletes them.
They should have used Ward.
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>Be me
>Have full panelled Elohim
>pull two Elohim from the festival banner
Well at least you are already half-way ready for when the p4 drops in a decade or so
Imagine wasting gems when golden week is around the corner
This, but at the same time:
>gems from democ
>gems from the battle pass
>gems from BT
>gems from the event
I think you should be able to do at least half a step with the amount if gems we are getting. I wonder which dimensional demon are they going to add this time.
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Dimensional Satan
Yes, before regular Satan.
How do you survive Camael and Malicetron teams?
Even with Idun my team get deleted with only Idun surviving .
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is he good
Only exist for democ.
I made my team to counter them.
Going first: Tiamat A strikes Camael weak point and Zeus triggers killing Camael or Malicetron (Furykado, Lost Name and Yggdrasil cannot stop this) then Elohim clears
Idun and Ward Brands are the issue against them
Removing ward brands can be easily countered by using moloch, botis or even vasuki.
He is good for democalypse but he has a small niche with Malice metatron because of his chain effects.
Have full panel Pascal/Furykado
that too
Apparently panel 4 Gabriel has preemptive attack light attack which is why i keep seeing her in teams with Malice Metatron. Now where do i get enough Gabriels to fully panel her?
Idun+10th Angel
doesn't work that well if there's a tank on Metatron Maris's team, though
Have neither.

Only have Idun and she's sadly not enough.
>kuzuryu banner rerun
What, already?
He's going to be powercreeped soon, isn't he?
>4 fucking differents bait banners
Damn, the next demon must be meta defining.
I am pretty sure he was powercrept on release
He regularly appear in the top 100.
>4 baits
>no Furykado
I sleep
>a use dark attacks x times mission finally appears
>the day after Altiamat isn't one of the demons that gives bonuses
I really hate Aura Gate SP with every fiber of my body
It literally play itself.
Optimization only matters for when you have the bonus.
Suck's to suck, bro. I dunno what to tell you. Without 5k HP demon you gonna eat shit in current meta.
Try giving Idun "Recarmdra" if she has free skill slot
Alilat Buff doko
Two of them (Vivian/Dagon and Kuzuryu) are there as ice democalypse bait, but the other two are interesting.
I wonder if the next demon will have something that helps affinity down demons or something that counters them
Considering Ygg is the only affinity reinforcement demon, I wouldn't be surprised to see more.
*cough* *cough*
I really hate Gold, it's such a fucking crab bucket. Everyone here has these stupid tryhard teams, but at the same time nobody in gold can even touch whales in Diamond so they just stay in Gold fucking with other loser crab tryhards
Put some divine brands on your Pascal and run it with a suicide MaskA and that's an easy sweep against those teams.
>play the aura gate sp every time I get 20 stamina
>get an s rank every time
>Still just rank 6803
Seriously? I know oji-san's who play this game have alot of free time on their hands, but cmon!
No stream announcement? Thought we would get one by now since the golden week event is so close
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Stream announced, in 32 hours from the time of this post
Ah there is the stream, doesn't seem to be a collab like last year
leaks when?
Wow... a stream for.. 100 useless fodder... 100 free gems... 30k pity banners... Epic...
You're doing it wrong.
Use a stamina pot or wait until the stamina has refilled completely and let the game play on auto.
Rank doesn't mean shit, you can get a S rank if you spawn near the boss and kill it ASAP, even if you didn't complete any mission.
The only time where quality matter is when you have the daily bonus ticket that multiply your score.
I forgot my password for discord so I have no idea if the faggots from the mothman server posted anything.
Either way I doubt anyone did it yet because rarely GW demon get leaked.
>want Loup-Garou
>reroll 30 times
>get Morrighan AND Tiamat on step one

I know it would be retarded to not use this account, but I just want Loup-Garou.
>>want Loup-Garou
Why? He sucks. I have him and Botis and they are worthless without Zeus, and with Zeus your team will be slow as shit
I just wanted at least one demon that I actually like and is "good enough" instead of being a meta slave.
>I forgot my password for discord
bruva, couldn't you just write it down in a notbook?
I simply don't use discord often and i only joined to check the leaks. I'm not really missing anything.
Stream in 2 hours.
Stream in 1 hour.
>2 hours
liar, pants on fire
Stream started
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I have no idea what this means
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It's new mode
Another new mode for whales to assert their dominance...
why is inugami jewish?
stamina will be cut in half for chapters 14 and back
100 free summons with chance of getting david, futsunushi and human beel
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h.masakado, lanling wang, fariedone, commemorative sumon

missions involving activating conbect skills and conbect related titles
they're removing negative effects demons have on skills
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improved sorting to find demons with better element effects
they're removing 2* items for improvements
you can now see what kind of conbect loadouts your friends have
don't know what they mean but the slots will change depending on intimacy
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they're removing 3* and 4* brands from black market and more 5* and 6* ones
Animation skip for events, thank you based god
erlkonig and seraph panel 4s
4th panel to erlkonig and seraph
Hallels P4 WHEN
elec/dark pierce on 3rd 15% heal on 4th
sorry that wasn't panels, that's the innate passives, first passive is changed to elec pierce and 50% less chance of ailments
second passive is a 15% heal on allies at start of turn
4th panel is a bit lackluster with a defense increase on death

seraph will be getting a damage boost from 10% to 25%
also buffs attack for 3 turns
panel update is a passive light or fire attack that's activated when using trisagion or thunderclap, a 60% damage boost on 3rd, and a press turn increase and concentrate on 4th
Coomers won
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fuck off
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What if she is the ailement pierce demon, haha...
ok so this goes pretty well with tiamatA
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spirit chain that increases damage dealt
80% charm on hit
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removes barrier and inflicts charm at start of first turn
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Which way summoner?
so there you have it, heal buff and pierce to erlkonig
immense damage buff and extra press turn for seraph
and the new ailment demon cleopatra with 80% chance of charm on hit and on first turn, and spirit chain that increases damage taken
black market update that removes 3* and 4* brands, adds more 5* and 6* brands, and spirit stamps
conbect update that removes the need for 2* items when upgrading skill slots and conbector level
added function that lets you look at friends conbect demons and their skills
RIP my gems, I just can't resist her tits.
Looks like I'll miss the semi annual powercreep demons because there's no way I'll have 27500 gems in time after Cleopatra unless I manage to somehow get her on my first pulls.
A shame, I wanted a dimensional demon. I wonder if they will have two parts for this event just like last year.
just drop half of your gems on her and save again dude.
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>super golden week
Dimensional demon copium activated. The last super golden week I can remember was 2 years ago when they revealed ame no uzume and vishnu.
I'm not that lucky, I almost always need the 300 tomes to get a banner demon and I really want her.
I just hope Artemis is not the half anni demon...
I hope artemis never gets added. But I feel you dude. Either way, just in case you get cleopatra early just stop even if you only get one copy.
The half anniversary demon it's probably going to be really strong.
Cleo's full details
I'm going to spend everything I have on her but I'll say it: she's 100% bait and I fully expect another demon that will actually change the meta.
Thank you position hack, you just gave us more free stuff
Why is Director-kun dressed like a girl
List of demons in the GW choice file
5 General Masakado(GRADE 98)
5 Hero Tokisada(GRADE 92)
5 Hero Guan Yu(GRADE 85)
5 Fiend Mother Harlot(GRADE 95)
5 Fiend Daisoujou(GRADE 81)
5 Fiend Pale Rider(GRADE 84)
5 Fiend Black Rider(GRADE 82)
5 Fiend Red Rider(GRADE 80)
5 Hero Yoshitsune(GRADE 97)
5 Hero Huang Di(GRADE 88)
5 Hero Rama(GRADE 86)
5 Hero Siegfried(GRADE 83)
5 Fiend Trumpeter(GRADE 94)
5 Fiend Alice(GRADE 89)
5 Reaper Mot(GRADE 91)
5 Reaper Ixtab(GRADE 84)
5 Reaper Nergal(GRADE 82)
5 Reaper Orcus(GRADE 80)
5 Genma Frost Ace(GRADE 80)
5 Herald Gabriel(GRADE 88)
5 Herald Raphael(GRADE 87)
5 Herald Uriel(GRADE 86)
5 Deity Vairocana(GRADE 93)
5 Deity Atavaka(GRADE 84)
5 Tyrant Hecate(GRADE 81)
5 Yoma Master Therion(GRADE 82)
5 Vile Echidna(GRADE 87)
5 Drake Ladon(GRADE 83)
Guess I'll P1 Ladon
who’s worth getting
Gasakado if you don't have the armaments I guess
Hecate if you want soft and furry tits
Yeah i'm pulling. My team is slow as shit and i need fast demon to work with Malicetron and Camael
It was hint for cleopatra, just how he dyed his hair blue for pascal. Quite humorous.
Your favorite.
Otherwise herokado, the archangels (only if you can P4 them) or whatever you need for democ.
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how do I inflict gloom
Read the skill description.
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>another barrier removal demon
>meanwhile trash Loup is the only bulwark removal
>Demeter+bulwark brands still the only guaranteed ailment protection
She will never go away. She is eternal. Like the changing of the seasons, she is forever inevitable.
Cleo's viability will depend very much on whether her first turn charm proc before or after the usual ways to nullify ailments (Demeter and Apsu).
Otherwise, she's pretty much a mix between Morrigan and Pascal, good but not meta changing.
Nice mod.
Assume it'll have the same priority as Tiamat A's.
Awful mod
I assume she is just like tiamat, activating her skill when she attacks first, especially considering she has light accele and Epitome of Swiftness and a respectable agility stat.
Activating charm and removing barrier may be fun alongside other two fast demons and Lilith for Bind shenanigans.
With Cleopatra's addition, is there any hope for a return of the Fafnir meme team?
That team is really slow, so I don't think so. The new alternative now is tiamat, p4 lilith and p4 vasuki, and that tram does gets better with cleopatra at least.
I get it it’s just fucking bullshit “oh inflict ailment that this demon relies on if your opponent does this one thing otherwise it’s useless” is there a demon that can just cast it off rip
Odin A.
Lovecraft demons.
Echidna (not sure about that one).
The reaper nigger
There's probably more but that's all I can think of.
The one I can think of is cthulhu, he does it at the start of the enemy turn, and nyarlatothep, at the start of your own turn for 3 turns. Of course, those demons are not that good anymore but those are your best options if you just want to inflict Gloom for some reason.
Thank you AI for being stupid enough to use Iai Isshin just because it's an all-enemy attack, and not Divine Flash.
Also Apsu. I should have pulled for him the last time around. I hope he comes back soon...
Played this like a year ago. Is the PvP still absolute cancer?
Yes, that's the fate of every PvP focused gacha.
It's worse than you could possibly imagine
>Morrigan and Pascal
>good but not meta changing.
People can already deal with both without much trouble hence my post.
Is my Pascal broken? Intimidation from enemy Pascal would half my damage but my Intimidation doesn't seem to do shit
Intimidation doesn't work on attacks that scale off HP, MDEF or PDEF.
He is right but also it's an oversimplification. She has the same chains that morrighan and lost name have but she is missing the other stuff that makes them good.
Overall cleo seems to just be okay, but it will depend on the teams that people make day one.
I am going to do a prediction, next demons are going to be Amon-Ra and Khonsu, the Egyptian demon streak will continue
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We are in Golden week territory, so my copium is that the next demon is going to be Dimensional hathor.
Maintenance is over, update is out, event is live
got her first roll
Nice, I hope I get that lucky too.
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I got two, probably the best luck I'll ever get in this game
>Cleo challenge battle
How the fuck do you beat that without Cleo and Malicetron?
use ball head, ama, regular meta, and Ishtar
I don't have Shaddai
who said anything about shaddai?
you just need an ailment healer
Sorry, I legit forgot kinmamon existed.
took me a couple tries but here's how i did it
I am waiting for the Seraph buffs, want to try it on that quest
Bro your Idunn? Your Raphael?
Boss Cleopatra doesn't have barrier break, you don't need an ailment cleanser
what panel is ishtar mine is 2
4, but don't use the almighty skills you will be punished for it
The buff is going to be added after the event ends
Thank you, used that exact team and the fight suddenly became so trivial, it actually surprised me.
Welp, looks like I'm fucked for the half anniversary event.
At least I'll have Cleo by the end of this week...
they're gonna give you something trash like a yoshitsune or someshit
I'm at 5/10 cycles which means 300 tomes which is a single guaranteed banner demon.
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Here's your spirit chain cleanser for 2025's anniversary
Flat is justice but I really dislike this design.
Flat is trash but i really love this design
I'm neutral about this design and won't pull for her unless she's a meta-defining demon.
Yeah it's surprising how the right demons can turn a tough boss fight into a walk in the park
Shit, so Cleopatra is not a flattie like Demeter. Do I roll? Can she fit in a Morrighan/M.Metatron/Mephisto team?
how many gems for a tome again
Rude, flat is good and demeter is cute!
Also yeah, she fits quite well but it's not a demon you must pull if you are already running that team.
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I saw that mermaidanon managed to pull cleopatra. Good shit dude.
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Thank you, hope you manage to pull her if you decide to roll.
27500 gems for 300 tomes.
why is the background on the conbector portion ia different for that guy in the midaythndle?
He has stronger demons. They said in the stream that it changes colors depending on the level of your connector.
just means their friendship level is greater
Why in the absolute FUCK charm lasts for 3 motherfucking turns?
Unironically tranny-coded design. Doi is such a hack.
Skill issue.
>be me
>luckshit Cleo 2x
>barely break 100 in devicon
Can someone explain how so many people have her fully transcended and paneled already? It can't be this easy to find 7 copies of a character, and gold spirit fragments are not common either.
I think you need to take a break from the internet, you're seeing tranny everywhere.
>Unironically using twitter slang
When people said that spending 500€ on this game would only make you a minnow, they mean it.
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So far nothing, but I'm close to step 6.
Unless you really want her, I recommend waiting until they announce the next demon before splurging, Cleo is very probably bait.
She is bait but I really need a good demon now.
So what are the main sources of gems after you complete the story and auragate.
500 euro total in most gacha isn't whale tier. Maybe 500/month
events and hell's park
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I eas checking my friend list and realized some of these players haven't play in a while.
I'll probably delete everyone else and keep the metatron dude and faglord.
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Cursed image do not open
add me, bruva
your wallet
I’m still stuck on season 1 because I can’t clear aura gate 2
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tried this game out yesterday and the Game seems fun so far. The only problem I'm having right now is that in confused

pic is all I have so far
Oh geez. These are really good demons
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>my Malicetron under intimidation: 800 damage
>enemy Malicetron under intimidation: 5500 damage
>my devil connector attack: 500 damage
>enemy devil connector skill: 2000 damage
I like how Idun hard cancels Mephisto Decay but there is no way to fight against her Fortify other than just waste turns attacking her fat ass
I like how Tiamat Tempestuous Malice attack activates before my 6th and 10th can even put up their Bulwark
I like how Tiamat Tempestuous Malice works with Hachiman and Malicetron, so i just sit there and eat shit as soon the battle starts regardless if i go first or not
What a well balanced game
Really good set of starting demons.
That's literally just a (you) issue. The gMe isn't balanced at all but all of those are eproblems ghat you can solve yourself by not being retarded.
bruva, are you okay?
Whats my PVP chances or am I hard stuck?
Cleo, Sukuna, Morrighan and Demeter is a pretty good team, you could get to master rank with that
But you need good brands
wish you could choose which skill to replace
You can just cancel to get the genome and transfer it later.
that's not how it works, when you cancel the skill is recycled into connect component that you use to transfer skills you have
to get a skill genome you have to go into the transfer tab and harvest the skill or else it's gone forever
Very good chances, you just need good brands, that's all, and those demons are very good for farming brands.
It's very good account.
I literally cannot believe I got Cleopatra
I usually only do 1 full step and It was honestly shocking to me I got her on last step
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>even more bait banners
>still no furykado rerun
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Oh man, Idun rerun JUST when i wasted all my gems on Cleopatra
Is that a cheater or the game is just coded like ass?
Coded like ass probably. But most of the big whales can get big scores like that.
People say some demons are worth rolling on reruns, but for me, it's better to just save up for the next busted thing at that point. We know how sega does things, if Idun stays relevant for more than 1 year like Demeter, they'll come up with hard counters.

I remember years ago when Demeter was getting reruns and everyone said it's unskippable if you don't have her. Fast forward to today, Demeter doesn't exist in PvP.
Power creep is so bad at this point that the next busted thing is at most 4 weeks away
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>everyone said it's unskippable
That's because she is beyond cute and you'd be a fool to skip her banners.
Retard, anon is right. Cancelling the transfer gices you the genome. Why argue about things you don't understand?
Too early.
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>blow all jimmies on cleopatra because i like tits
>get nothing
>out of jimmies
>mephisto/idunn banner comes back
>i'm 20 scrolls short of 300
skill issue. Study the game
He's a dum dum but the sloppy translation doesn't help. "The skill will be relinquished"? What does that even mean? Would it kill $EGA to hire an actual English speaker to translate these and actually test how it looks in game?
there's tits elsewhere on the internet, just look up "big boob", retard
actually, keep being a retard. One less nigga on my way to Master
Shouldn't be that hard to get. The battle pass just started, and there is another democalypse soon if I'm not mistaken. You should be able to get those tomes soon
the edgy kissless virgin is back bros
who should I pick with the gw choice file
Archangels, with order of priority being Gabriel>Raphael>Uriel.
Managed to get Cleo on the last step and now I'm finally able to go back to diamond 3. Feels good, even if I don't really like her design.
The archangels are the best pulls followed by ladon and echidna, but this choice file is a bit underwhelming.
The only time I can remember a choice file not being underwhelming was the last one that had Indrajit, right after the Eva collab started.
Yeah, the one with the tenma demons was good because they also got their extra panels and buffs recently.
I was kinda expecting some buffs for atavaka and co. last time because they added the atzulith demons, but nothing.
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>last one that had Indrajit, right after the Eva collab started
What a timing
>oh shit, we accidentally gave something half-useful for free, better take that away for the next one
Honestly surprised they even put the archangels in this one after their buffs and Malicetron.
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I hate using female demons, but I LOVE MORRIGHAN GAMING
>I hate using female demons
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I love male demons they get me cute and funny
Ok i got Gaby. How do i full panel her?
With more gabbys
Everyone calls them her but I don’t see it, and Gabriel is a masculine name.
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Have you not played SMT 2 or SMTIV? Also she has breast armor
consider MAID you insufferable shitdick faggot
is this word from the dark tongue of ebonics?
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is he good
Decent in PvE content if you're not dealing with a Kiwami/event boss that lowers affinities, but otherwise garbage.
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I see this guy in PvP sometimes so he must be good
Only as a speed booster.
>Gabriel is a masculine name.
I don't know where you live but here in yurop, it's considered an epicenous name and so are the names of the other 3 archangels.
>it's considered
opinion discarded
stick to the hebrew
I don't speak joo, sorry.
post from 2021
I assume the golden week event is over now. Are we going to get a new demon tomorrow or just another dead week? It's a shame they didn't add a new isekai demon this time and just went with basic ass cleopatra, but overall the event was fine.
>filler week
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Aura Gate event: Murder cats!
Tree Banner rerun!
Spirit Chains Festival, free summons on 5th step, guaranteed 5* on 3rd and 6th step. Double motes, no parchments
>Lost Name, Camael, Morrighan
>Okuninushi, Gozu-Tennoh, Kalki, Elohim, Ardha, Angra Mainyu, Astaroth, Maria, the Alice trio, Tenmas, the Moirae Sisters, etc
lucifuge winning team
Mainyu was the mvp
Erl and Seraph buffs:
I lost access to my account, I have proof of a previous purchase from the Google play store. Is there any way I could recover my account? I had 2 White Riders and an Alice. I've emailed sega before to no avail.
Silly anon, you can wipe him the fuck out with just Lilith and Fafnir. I added Erlkonig for good measure and Ahriman for the Bind, but literally any demon with Mahashibaboo/n will do.
I'm not complaining, but...
>Seraph P1
>Before Adjustment: +15% to single-target attack damage. +20% to max HP.
>After Adjustment: +20% to Max HP. +15% damage to skills that target all or random enemies.
Why not just make it +15% damage in general, considering...
>Seraph P2
>Before Adjustment: As long as this demon is alive, +5% to damage inflicted by all allies when attacking the enemy's weak point.
>After Adjustment: Activates the following Chain Effect when Trisagion or Thunderclap are activated: Inflicts Fire/Light damage (Magic, Power: 20) 4 times at random on enemies. The attribute will be selected automatically based on the situation.
Or at least when striking a weak point? I get that it's to boost the 3-4*60 damage skills, but a LOT of players don't have access those, making his base ones and its elemental counterparts, which, are single target, not getting any extra damage from this panel at all.
You didn't save a transfer code?
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>mfw anons will inevitably realize they should have followed the advice to save democoins and now will take forever to P4 seraph
P1 is a localization typo, +15% is supposed to be for all damage.
It just keeps getting worse
They also messed up Erlkonig by calling it Spirit Chains of Threaten instead of Intimidation
Localizations is a trip uncle funcle.
There are two different Epitome of Wisdoms, Pendragon has two separate skills that are both called Dragon King's Pride, there are two different Soul Judgments, there are still multiple chain effects that show up as DUMMY, etc.
The translation is terrible. It all okays that Seraph reduces atk and increases def when it should be reduces def and increases atk.
Yeats why you should always use the Japanese site just in case. Even the normal Google translation gives you a better result.
>all okays
I have no idea what happened.
sega's translators hacked your keyboard, bruva
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It's 2000 DemoCoins for 400 Spirits, right? I should be safe, then.
Kek, I just encountered a Demeter with Zealous Counter in D3. How silly.
Is Yoshitsune good for Deceit 14?
He is good, but you also need Dimensional Kali and hagen to do it faster.
Damn they really gave her armpit pussies
anybody got a list of farming points for this ag event?
How are those brand 14 stages even done, I have many meta demons but none of the most used for each stage, and I can barely get past the first wave if at all
Same as it's always been. 46-50 for the third demon (Cait Sith), 41-45 for the second (Kabuso), 36-40 for the first (Nekomata), work back in steps of 5 from there if you haven't cleared the Aura Gates yet.
>How are those brand 14 stages even done
You need specific demons to clear them decently fast because they all rely on a gimmick.
Boring and sad. I can understand raising stats a bit compared to stage 13, but come on, at least add a tiny chance to get the new brands in 13 too
haven't encountered a single kabuso this entire event
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Do you guys miss the days of the old meta?
having to grind weeks if not months to get a clear metatron wasn't as much fun as you'd think
Man AG2 was a pain to beat not only cant you fully auto it walking going back and forth between floors to unlock the next one was not fun. Also how long do I have to wait between posts?
I honestly haven't hated a single meta despite not having hood demons, aside of the "Beelzebub" meta and maybe the early sisters meta and Astaroth/Maria meta.
This one is alright imo, I like that there is some semblance of variety unlike other years
>mephisto, barbatos
>Malice Metatron
>Lilith, Cleopatra
>Idun, Osiris
>Old One
>Erlkonig and other tanks
>everything with Fury Masakado
Not that bad really, even as someone that is missing almost all of them, but I feel the meta will change when half anniversary drops.
>>Erlkonig and other tanks
what a return to form
anyone else having connection issues?
I hate that the stupid "AI won't use the same move 4 times in a row" bullshit is the only thing keeping me from auto grinding BoS 14.
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5 star Yoma Queen Frost.
Very interesting pick. If I'm not mistaken she was only in the demikids anime and tcg, either way it's nice to see her in the game.
She is a demon that will help brand farming. Also new raid event.
The Kingdon of the Hoo has arrived.
Each day we draw closer to Lucifer Frost.
>at least add a tiny chance to get the new brands in 13 too
That's actually a sensible approach. Make it 5% or so.
>tfw I was running King Frost, Ishar, Surt, Zhong
>tfw I grinded for a trillion years to get a clear metatron because back then Enduring Soul actually made a difference
>then gave him Judgement and maxxed it red beans because it was actually a good skill back then
>tfw I replaced KF, and I skyrocketed, perfect defense
>now yellow is so much better but mine is already P4 with everything maxxed
It's not fair, bros... when are we going to get at least one (1) clear-to-color selector?
Skill issue.
Easy skip but I'll admit that I did not expect her at all.
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Hi, did you know we have several open spots in /smtg/ right now? All you have to do is search for our faction "/smtg/", apply, then reply to this post with your name (or a hint / initials if you're wary) so we know it's someone from here and not some random. Apply now before the Caturday event ends to get the rewards!
That's gay.
Avarice 14 sure was something. I like how not even Dx2wiki gives you team recommendation, it's like "figure this shit out yourself, retard"
Cool reward also, can't wait to put them on my demons
Demeter has funny Bind animation
Very cunning animation...
>queen frost
i now regret dumping all my gems in an attempt to get idun
Don't worry Frostbro, you and I are definitely going to get her on step1. All you need to do is believe.
The Idun and Mephisto banner leaves in a few hours, should I dump my gems to try and get one or save for the half ani? Currently i have 22k gems.
Idun is going to remain very useful for quite some time, but I don't know if dumping everything on it is worth it. If you dont have Pascal I'd dump it on that banner instead.
How do I speed up D.14 farming? Kali + Metatron are my damage dealers and I use Asura for survivability but I need to use Demeter for both MP generation and survivability and that leads to ~ 20 minute clears with what I believe are good brand setups.
You don't need Demeter nor Metatron if your Asura is well panneled. Get Kalki and Asura Lord with Nihil Claw, and then you're set for at worst 7 minute clears if you get a bad support unit. If you want to reach below 5, you need more panels, better brands, and definitely a support D.Kali.
Metatron just does big damage when he hits P4 and speeds up the first phase by repelling the physical attacks from Athena/Cerb and removing press turns.

Asura Lord did get me a 7:40-ish clear but I don't see how Kalki will speed things up. Doesn't he do 0 damage?
He's there for the heals and the revive if you need them. If you don't, then replace him.
Kalki + Asura Lord (p3) + Asura (p3) + Kali (p1) get a greater than >10 minute clear. What sort of brands are you using that get you sub 7 minutes consistently? Metatron gets to a faster clear but there is a real risk of losing since Asura finishes successful clears with less than 200hp remaining.
I'm sorry but did they forget that helper frost and Halloween jack exist?
why they giving us regular jack and frost?
>did they forget that helper frost and Halloween jack exist?
Did the fact they don't have unique models / palettes not clue you in? How hard would it have been to make Helper Frost's blues into reds, and Halloween Jack's orange into green and purple into black to resemble a witch?
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>didn't get queen frost on either step1
Step1bros... go on without me
They have tag. It's probably for the newfags that don't know how to fuse a yellow jack. Besides, the Halloween and Christmas variants are saved for the end of the year, alongside Kabuto, Jack the Ripper and Nadja.
They're handing out the Jacks with Tag because Queen Frost has a chain effect when you use Tag.
Brainlet here, why is every at the top using archangels vs BF/QF (besides teams with Malicetron) when they must definitely have all the ice units pimped out?
Buff bonus, affinity reduction, massive damage increases. Ice is only optimal against QF if you have SukA, and you can only have him in one part. If not then you need to waste a turn lowering her ice affinity before she's weak.
I said besides teams with Malicetron. Other people are using them too.
You don't need Malicetron for that.
Also they're event demons so that helps with point farming.
>You don't need Malicetron for that
How so? Who else inflicts affinity reduction for Light besides Malicetron?
Other than that epitome and slowda skill, is there another way to reduce battle apeed?
Gabriel. QF is neutral to light, so you only need one stage.
Shiiiiieeeet I forgot about the archangel updates
Thanks buddy
No, unless you want to count purposefully not leveling a demon so their agility stays as low as you need.
Nevermind, got her on Step 3. 3000 gems well spent.
Just saw the Japanese twitter's Mother's Day post. Very cute. Sad that the International social media is so bare bones, but I guess they don't have the staff.

You know remember Intern-kun.
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Derp, forgot pic related.
>black frost literally act like a nigger
Art imitate life.
chances of them doing kaiser frost just skyrocketed
Based racist Sega staff.
I'd immediately become a whale if they added my daughter Diana to the roster, even if she's a 2* like the other certified hood classics.
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Kaiser Frost is not really a thing. The TCG card just says "Hel" (ヘル) - the Demikids version of that demon, which is female... meaning this "Frost" might be female too. I recall being confused when I started seeing people call him that, but I still haven't found where this error started from.
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Based Diana enjoyer. She's so cute.
how many spots?
Frost Five!
where do you see other people's teams? I need a sample team; my Ice units are shit
Ranking screen.
>they added queen frost
>first time in ANY videogame
>despite debuting in the anime 20+ years ago
>and only being in the TCG after
Do we need anymore proof that D×2's developers care more about fans than Atlus?
No anon, it is the absolute ultimate proof.
I just wish they'd use these assets for something else. Do remakes of the earlier games using all the 3D models or something. A lot of the early designs use the same basic body, so you could cover a lot of the rosters. I think I'd rather play Devil Summoner 1 or Soul Hackers with all 3D enemies than anything new from Atlus at this point.
Same. I didn't like V and I doubt future titles are going to be any different or better considering the dumpster fire that was "SH"2.
Lost name was the final proof, but you also had them making the first mermaid model, making an original model for Zeus, Odin and Demeter, and adding Elohim.
I'm sincerely still in shock and awe that they added Queen Frost. It's like I've been abused by Atlus for so long now that I didn't remember what it was like to have hope.

She's great for A14 too.
Sorry, didn't see you reply. You shouldn't had an issue with that team. What skills do you have on each, and how much health does Asura have?
Sorry, also somehow miss yours as well. We have
Bros... could it be? Could it be possible that we might actually get Messiah Terminator? These factions haven't been introduced into the game, but... am I allowed to hope?
Have hope my boy, he is coming
can I get a quick rundown on the jack lore
Watch episode 15 of the Devil Children anime. In the comments there is a link for the "subtitled" version (better than nothing if you can't understand from subtext):
Oh, I can link directly to it. It might take a bit too load, just pause it and wait a bit:
>thinking of using demeter for battle tower defense
>hmmm I'll give her life surge and epitome of fortitude
>go to register
>she already has epitome of fortitude as the first passive
>skill is blacked out and can't switch it
REEEEEEEEEEE why are you allowed to give a demon a skill it already has!!!
>still no page about Queen Frost page on dx2wiki
>Newest Demons is still Cleopatra
Even wiki admins gave up on this game
Typical gaydittor issue. I used to contribute on the wiki until some faggot started reversing my changes because I kept refusing to join the discord.
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erlkonig is pretty good now
Hey! don't give away the cancer defense comp.
>I had to drop my Zeus-Tiamat A battery due to this
I kneel
Zeus should be a good counter unless he's running Erl with Ygg, since Erl's P2 -30% doesn't apply to weaknesses so affinity down is the most reliable counter.
how do I stop narcissus from wiping my party in the event
Why the hell are you using Narcissus?
I don’t have any boost characters so I’m going for big damage
Ah, pity. Then you're pretty screwed since the damage boosts will make him kill your team, the only way to mitigate this is with units like Demeter.
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Would you... ?
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>queen frost
Crusaderbros, are we finally getting ours?
so tired of baddie tower and it's "lol these are random debuffs that happen to effect your party literally every single time this game is nigger trash btw you should uninstall it but you have sunken cost fallacy out the ass"
i think im gonna do it
>random debuffs that happen to effect your party literally every single time
What do you mean by this?
I think he meant the bug that may affect your mag/atk stats
>Furykado and Camael rerun
I didn't think they would rerun furykado this soon.
Well we are getting close to the half anniversary, it's in like 3 weeks isn't it?
So furykado is bait?
Unless the anniversary demon is going to finally pull the trigger on spirit chain cleansing, Furykado is still a top tier demon.
Furykado is currently the best unit in the game. If you don't have it, I'd say it's worth dumping your gems on him.
I still won't roll for Furrycado
I will never roll for japwank demons
>play japanese game
>of a japanese franchise
>made by japanese people
>for japanese people
>muh japwank!!!11one
I will complain about amerigolems thinking they are the best in their stuff and I will also complain about nips wanking some samurai as if he is on the same level of gods and demons
That's fair, but by that logic a lot of units would be at different grade levels. e.g. Pascal being so high and so good, when he's obviously not stronger that Metatron or Lucifer no matter what.
Grades are just retarded overall some random examples being
>Cleopatra being a retarded 97 so on par with Chtulhu and Vishinu while Shiva is 93
>Osiris being lower than a random french werewolf
>Jeann D' Arc being the highest grade 4 star when she was a historical general while Loki and Odin are also 4 stars
Also why the hell is Thor above Odin?
You already answered yourself. It's pandering. And it's good pandering. I'm glad Pascal is so strong and I'm glad I rolled him.
I am talking only about grade not power, Osiris is miles better than a ton of stuff on the 90+ grade club even if he is 84 in grade
Grading is pandering too, we already established too with Masakado.
French werewolves are pretty tough tho, and Jeanne was serving the Lord so of course she’s stronger than those shitters. Also Tarasque fucking when?
What’s the best I can get from the medals, mahakala or the angels?
In theory, medals are to summon demons to make swords and shields. Very, very, VERY few demons have Common as their ideal archetype, and for common, unlike the other 4, you can never change it... so I'd avoid summoning anything you plan to keep and level.
>gabriel - ziodyne vs mahamadyne/elec enhance/repel dark
>uriel - agidyne vs thunderclap/fire enhance/repel dark
>raphael > mediarama vs mahamadyne/prayer/force enhance/repel dark
>mahakala - magic amp 3 vs merciless blow/drain dark
As you can see you would be gimping yourself and you will regret wasting resources in inferior versions of the same unit so just get asura for the sword and or shield
I got Aniel and transferred light enhancement I’m good
Is there a demon that give all other demons "Concentrate" at the beginning of the battle?
There should be!
I agree.
It should be the event right after queen frost shouldn't it since the anniversary started with 1/1 and 6/1 is next week?
Maybe. These banners do seem a bit like bait. If there's a stream announcement next Tuesday, then there's probably kino incoming.
Grades in this game are the same thing as levels on other smt games. It's not a big deal
half anni was in july last year, i think it has always been like that
Yes. We have two or three events left until half anniversary.
Should I grab Mabufubarion and give it to my Black Rider as a demo project or should I hold my coins?
Anyone from Aragami Assembly here? We have 8 spots and could make room for more at /smtg/ if you guys want to finally merge.
Hold the coins, always get the blank genomes.
what does spirit chains of threaten do?
Mistranslation of "Spirit Chains of Intimidation", same as Pascal's, which halves the afflicted unit's MagATK and PhysATK.
>collab incoming
any guesses?
my Aniel has Light Enhancement on his fourth slot and two other transfers. He mogs yours so hard
Yeah, he could have transferred Mahamabarion when he gets it if he wanted a multi-target attack. I don't understand why rookies think they know better, despite they themselves asked for advice. Now he's stuck with a clear Aniel which who knows how many red beans, mirrors, swords, etc. are wasted on him.
Something that already has a game with 3D models like all the other collabs, maybe a new JP gacha.
Overdosing on hopium?
I read there was a Castlevania collaboration for August for a game called "Dead by Daylight", which I haven't played, but that would mean brand-new 3D models for them, so I can dream that it might be related.
Something I don't like so I can save gems for half-ani
Fears: its something I really like and I end up using all my gems
Would be really funny:
Fire Emblem Three Houses, just to see 3 more years of Three Houses discourse this time with law-neutral-chaos added on
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
Please no, keep that gooner series the fuck away from Dx2.
If it happens to be a rerun there is a good chance that is ghost in the shell again, but as for new collabs i have no idea.
Chainsaw man would make sense because from what i heard the guys that made the anime needed money and started doing a lot of collabs.
There are no CSM games AFAIK, much less with 3D models Dx2 can use. Reminder that all the collabs had previous usable models.
It says New Collab in the announcement
Posting the Dead by Daylight teaster trailer for /smtg/'s faction chat:
I want to believe.
If not too late for (you) and you're already level 50 in the season pass, reminder not to claim the weekly rewards since the month ends this Friday.
English stream:
Japanese stream:

Starting in a few minutes.
berserker rerun
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berserk rerun with one? new unit
Berserk collab again, only new thing is Femto.
>berserk rerun + femto
Oh, well, could've been worse... like a 7 Deadly Sins rerun, which nobody wants.
It seems a free Berserk Guts will be given
>DoGuts was the only one of the previous batches I was missing
Nice, now I hope I get Femto in the free files
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>mfw my gems are safe because I already have all the units in coloured versions
Happy for you newfags who don't have them though.
Auto-screen-translator, are you around? We need those buff screenshots.
I am not home, I am having to use my phone so I can't do it
Anyone can just print the screen and put it in Google lens though
Damn, I'm outside too.
RIP Serpico, never getting added at this rate
This is lame as hell, and my poor Schierke will never be good.
I just hope they give a lot of gems so I can have something for half-anniversary next month.
She was always meant to be Demo fodder though.
I know....
Hey, it's the rape man!
>??? Race
Femto joins the Sonic and V club!
Rape man is fast!
Neat, now I don't have to give gifts to either of those losers to get the title.
>they literally make him a pvp rapist
Kinda based but hoooooly shit he's broken
>rape man
I hate it, but it's also kinda funny
Next time they will add in a hard counter in Rickert with the new skill slap
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>??? and grade 98 and speedster and over 300 ST damage and fortify and decay and damage reduction and null ailment and ailment cleanse and puts phys weakness and hates kikes and niggers and ...
This woman is very funny
However when you have him in your party if you are facing someone that has spent more money than you his miss rate becomes 90%
I honestly don't remember the last time I saw a demon dodge an attack of mine.
5 ??? Femto (G98)
>Transferable: Epitome of Wisdom (M)

>Wings of Darkness (Passive)
Adds Phys Pierce. Adds immunity to all status ailments. +25% to Phys damage.
Activate the following Chain Effect when attacking 1st at the beginning of battle: Give all allies 2 counts of Fortify, and give all enemies 1 count of Decay.
While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: While the demon with this skill is alive, Pierce will have no effect on any party member that can repel or drain the attribute they are attacked with.
While the one with this skill is alive, all enemies receive the following effect: When having 1 or more counts of decay, -40% to damage dealt, and +20% to damage received.

>Jet Black Light 6MP (5 at max level)
Inflicts Phys (Magic, Power: 300) damage with Bulwark Pierce and Remnants to a single enemy, and reduces the enemy's Phys Attribute Affinity by 2 levels. (1 turn)
If attack is successful, activate the following Chain Effect: Recover status ailments off all allies.
*Ignores Endures

Aragami: Vajra Rend (Phys (Magic, Power: 130) to all enemies) / Phys Enhancement

Protector: Solar Prosperity / Life Force Survivor

Psychic: Epitome of Swiftness / Phys Accele

Elementalist: Null Light / Null Dark

Repel Phys, Resist Light/Dark
HP: 1089
STR: 70
MAG: 208
VIT: 153
AGI: 272
LUK: 142

P1: +250 HP
+15% to Phys damage. -1 to MP cost of Jet Black Light.

P2: +100 MATK
+20% to Max HP.
Activate the following Chain Effect when activating Jet Black Light: Decreases DEF of all enemies by 20% and Increases ATK of all enemies by 20%. (1 turn)

P3: +250HP
+20% to Phys damage. +20% to Max HP.
>femto is anti-semitic
I will now roll on this banner
Oh it's phys magic so it doesn't even miss
Translated changes are here
lmao he's even stronger
I hate it when a new demon steals the gimmicks of older demons, even if they weren't super popular in the current meta.
Anyhow, he looks strong. The only way to make him balanced would be to make his phys attack physical instead of magic, but it seems that all current meta demons are magic demons now. I don't see any clear counter for him.
The free Berserk Guts is colored
>??? and grade 98 and speedster and 360 ST damage and bulwark pierce and remnants and can't miss and reduces enemies' phys attribute affinity and then reduces it again and ignores endure and grants fortify and decay and team drain pierce and team repel pierce and damage reduction for team and damage increase for team and null ailment and ailment cleanse and puts phys weakness and hates kikes and niggers and trannies and jannies and...
>Femto, Mephisto, Barbatos
Start the battle with your opponent having half health!
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Femto will have a different thing to spark for him
Is he going to be in the free summons? I can see sega being jewish enough to not have him in there.
The free summons doesn't say excluding Femto while the one bellow does so he will probably be in the free summons
I see. I hope some anons are lucky and get him then.
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Confirmed in
>leaving 10th for last instead of Iddun
And it also recovers 2MP to the whole party.
It's on purpose. Some time last year a gacha addict who plays like 8 at the same time said that gacha streams always do this because it makes the whales feel superior (e.g. "Heh, I'm even better than the developer").
On one hand Femto is probably bait
On the other hand he might actually have synergy with the ani demons
I only have enough gens for one guaranteed, really hope I get Femto on the free summons now
Wait are the other Berserk characters on the Femto banner?
You can always wait until the collab event is about to end to see what's coming after. Femto is fantastic, he'll probably be top4 demons along with Pascal, Furykado, and Malicetron. He'll be THE best support unit in the game and it's not even close.
There is no "bait" anymore unless it obvious demo filler. Look at the list of most used PvP demons, it's all guys released one after another. They don't design bait anymore, every demon is designed to be strong at the very top because it's the easiest way to milk the whales.
Osiris and Kuzuyru were definitely bait.
>5th highest usage in the top 100 is bait
Alright, I got Demeter. I'm almost invincible in PvE but I lack damage. Should I roll for Masakado even if he isn't a cute girl or a cool demon? Is there a decent demon in multi-fusion or somewhere else? I would like to save my gems.
They're going to give bguts for free tomorrow.
If you just started and are still re-rolling, ditch your account and re-roll until you get Femto.
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>3 absolute summon files
I hope I get something good.
Thank you Iwasaki-san
Thank you Iwasaki-san
Thank you Iwasaki-san
>zaou, black frost, asherah
>no fiends, hero, nor tenma
Iwaski you son of a bitch
tbf it says you'll get step1 success not summon file success
Neargal again, Vasuki and Frost nigger. Fuck you man.
niggaz have you even looked at the absolute summon lineup? The best thing you can ever get from it is a few transfer skills for Democalypse
You get Tenmas though.
Nigger my mother harlot isn't even p3 yet and I could use yoshitsune and alice for sword panels
Can you really? I already rolled so cant check
I could swear he had a different name or it was a different person but I can't find the credits menu anymore. Could someone check for me in case I'm retarded?
No you don’t, at best you get Fiends/Echidna/MasakadoH, Tenmas are for medals and other special files.
Got Baal, Ishtar and Trumpeter, Baal has Force Enhancement which is nice.
Is great aim or damage panel inmunity worth harvesting?
>femto doesn't give a press turn
Great Aim yes, there are enough people still running evasion in PvP that it's worth shoring up your accuracy.
Immunity, not really, just put an Orochi or purple Zouchouten in your secondary party.
If the skill isn't 5* (you can see that when it asks you to confirm) then it's waste of a blank genome.
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>>1482433 >>1482453 >>1482593
>doesn't give free press turns
>doesn't apply spirit chains
>doesn't block affinity down
>doesn't grant bulwarks to team
>his skill can't crit
wait for the collab guy before trying to roll for anything, since you'll get free summons. he sounds very busted and just what you need
>decent demon in multi-fusion
indrajit, unless you can afford herokado
>somewhere else
some of the fusible ones but not really, unless you can afford their panels
Is common herokado worth getting ?
All of his awaken skills suck unless you're running him in teal with Ygg for some godforsaken reason, so even clear isn't bad. All of his value is in his passive skills and panels. You could also make his armaments, both of them are pretty good.
Thank you Iwasaki-san
He is the director
Yuko Kawanishi (MC)
Dogma Kazami (Guest)
Iwasaki (Director)
Miyamoto (Game Designer)
When will Lanling Wang get buff and 4 panel?
Is Femto too slow? He doesn't have innate speedster in his passives (though he does have EoS in purple) and 276 base agility with no innate boosts outside of EoS seems low for T1 teams. You already probably should run FMasakado to ignore a bunch of bullshit.

I guess I'm asking who you would cut or swap out for Femto on a hyper fast T1 team. My T1 currently looks like FMasa, Morrighan, Sukuna A, and Pascal.
In purple Femto is easily faster than Pascal and purple Furykado, and of the 5 Furykado is easily the slowest.
The issue with that questions is that while the answer right now would be "Sure, if you actually have that much MAG to spare", who knows how they'll buff him in the future, making his common archetype that much worse. One very glaring example of this was common Metatron.
If you check the older credits, the director was Keiichi Ono. I don't remember when the change happened, but it was a while ago, maybe after the server merger.
If I get him, which I won't, then I'd run Pascal, Fuykado, Femto, and Morrighan (or Unit-01 if I need more damage). You'll easily break 80K without issue, and 100K if you fine-tune it.
Also, no, I don't see a Credits button anywhere in the main settings menus, which is where I thought it was and would be. It'd be crazy if they just removed it though.
when battle tower stops being cancer incarnate
Yes, I understand that FMasakado is slow. I am saying that a T1 team probably needs FMasakado to not get raped by Idunn/10th comps.
86k is too slow for higher tiers of PvP I find. I think that is probably the best composition though. I use Sukuna A for the MP generation but Femto sort of does that as well.
Update out on appstore
Same on Google Play Store.
>3GB download
so whats the word on new demon. worth getting?
I don't know, mang, have you read the description of his skills?
no i dont speak english. can you read it for me
This is an English/Japanese website. If you can't read either, go back to whatever shithole you came from.
Ok, let's see if this works...

You lied to me!
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Got Femto from the summon files, later virgins
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I am kinda surprised it only took 12 rounds to pull him
Now all that is left is to pull a colored Zodd from the files and I will have everyone in color
>immediately spiritized Berserkman and used him to panel
>there are quests giving you stuff for leveling and evolving him
So uh, has anyone find a way to complete those without the level 1 unit?
It's over anon.
>connection error every time I do anything in duels
Can’t even get the gems from training, fuck this shit is unplayable.
Seems like a (you) problem. Haven't had any connection issues.
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>charmed Demeter uses Recarmdra
It's the little things, even after all this time.
Can you explain why you would immediately spiritize him? Are you autistic? At least play the event a bit then spiritize a unit they give you right as the event starts.

Sometimes I'm amazed how you potatoes remember to breathe.
Because I already had him. Also calm down faggot, I'm only missing out on a few swords and yata mirrors.
what are the other transfers
If you don't get him you're going to be stuck in gold until next meta
looks like next crossover event might be gits again
Motoko with Ailement pierce will BREAK the meta

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