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new freya sexo skin is out
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How do i git good with Karina bros, i got her kof skin but i suck playing her, I'm used to more tanky junglers, or do i just let go of the glass cannon thing and go tanky with a smaller burst?
do i buy guinevere arlott or nolan?
You want your teammates to deal 3/4 of the damage first before you go in, unless you are facing squishies. She used to be good as a tank jungler, but she's all about magic damage now.
Exploit either Guin or Nolan now before they're nerfed.
with Kadita
they just announced honor of kings is going worldwide this year
obviously this will kill arena of valor on the spot, but what about mlbb? do you think people will switch games?
AOV had a global beta and it changed nothing, if wild rift did not kill mobile legends it means its a forever game at this point, like pc league.
aov beta isnt a good comparison, it wasnt marketed much and the people who did know it existed also knew it was just the shitty western port of hok
obviously hok wont kill mlbb but i can definitely see a chunk of people switching, especially if they play their cards right with acquisition
>they just announced honor of kings is going worldwide this year
Didn't it have a global launch last year?
nah it was mostly just brazil, it was just called global because they its the version theyre gonna use for the actual global launch
Ironically enough, Wild Rift is big in China.

Oh, thanks.
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This guy did.
with Ruby
>1 into 5 slot for KoF bingo
This is my first time doing this but people are saying that my pattern is guaranteed to be 1539 is that true?
Support bros...
It'd seem like it, there seems to be new pattern sequences this year. I got 8 into 7, and the only pattern I've found is 8-7-4-9
How often do they release skins like the Freya one? I just recently cameback and I have 200 shards from back when I used to play but I don't know if I should pick one or just wait until a character I play more gets a skin.
They release them every 6 months or so, there's no store rotation so you better hold those shards if you end up playing any of those heroes in the future. There's also the event exclusive legendary skins, were you can only get through diamonds, so far only Granger, Lesley and Guinevere have those.
you guys dont actually paypig for skins....right?
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if you dont ban or pick these heroes, you are throwing
This is me >>1322987, and I couldn't keep my word.
Yeah I know, I have the Lesley and I don't even play her, I think I was going for the Ruby epic back in the day and ended up getting the legend
Normally Guinevere, Yi and Hanzo are banned in my games.

>those pick rates.
It is a far cry from wild rift
whats going on in wild rift?
Huh, no Balmond? Bharat? Lunox?
In a perpetual state of power creep.

Only direct store purchases during discounts. Gacha and event skins are usually way too expensive for what they are.
>only hayabusa, vale, lunox and claude are left
This fucking sucks.
just started playing this again a week ago after a 5 or so year brake, immediately made it to grandmasters and everyone is still shit. Do people only stop sucking in epic and above or is the game simply filled with idiots (playing on EU btw)
Fuck I hate grinding legend rank around this time period. Shitter roamers and their shitter BF marksmen forces me to play Gord mid every fucking game and I'm losing my mind.

Floryn is free MMR for pub ranked. I have no idea why people insist on banning shitstes instead of her unless you're playing comp.
*locks bane*
I regret getting Ruby's Aspirant skin. Everytime she opens her mouth all I think about is molesting her and it's affecting my in-game performance.
You do believe in a comeback right anon, you dont surrender?
>that kda
I was tanking alright
Its official
what is it with yin and anime protags?
I believe a comeback is possible if I'm roaming, our jungler isn't a retard, and no one in my team is using a vpn.
He was literally made for "anime MC who transforms" collabs
best way to grind battle points? im trying to hit the weekly cap asap
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Hey anons check out my starlight points
I believe it's vs AI brawl
tips for adc mains? when to stick with the team and when to get that juicy lonely T1 that nobody is looking at?
Just got Iori from the bingo and I’ve never used Chou in my life. I’m getting dumpstered by literally everyone going full damage exp laner while full tank roam gets me better results. Is that the way to go or is it just skill issues on my part?
Look at the map.
This are just simple general tips.
Always check the map - if you can't see where the enemy jungler or roamer are, you shouldn't overextend. Try to ping for a gank if your team's jungler or roamer are nearby.
Don't join team fights until you get your core items - depending on the marksmen you might need 1 or even 3 items to make a difference in a team fight,
Farm the mid lane - if the turtle spawns on the opposite lane and a team fight happens, consider clearing mid too as long as it's safe to do so. You can also ping for a split push, and hope your teammates know what you meant.
Most people would take down one side lane tower and enter team fights, if you lost your lane's tower, it can be a bit easier to take theirs in return.
I don't use him, but 中國 choou often gets in my yt shorts and does some crazy shit. If you feel going tank is better for you, stick with it.
those are great tips, thanks anon
Fuck Moontoon why my teammates always retarded holy shit.
bought masha
she is alot less tanky than i thought she would be
They rebalanced her so that she's all damage or nothing now. They've been flip flopping with what they want her to be we might get tank Masha again whenever they feel like it.
Why are heroes so much gold? I know you can get a bunch of freebies but damn 32k just for a braindead hero is a bit much
If you play enough to complete the daily and weekly challenges then it’s essentially a 1 hero per month salary.
i dont see why more games dont go the dota 2 route, it clearly works
are the in-game builds any good?
if not, where do I look for some? Youtube suggests me a lot of stuff but idk what channels are reliable
theres builds from top players ingame, i dont know what else you could be looking for
>playing layla
>notice mathilda and balmond coming to gank me
>retreat to t2 but can't run enough due to being a mobilitylet
>they dive and kill me anyways
>losing team lashes out on me for being 1/2 due to two ganks like that
tips to avoid that besides not picking Layla?
If you're new to the game, you better learn about itemization, buying specific low cost items early might just give you the edge over your enemy. Afterwards, it'll mostly depends on your build preferences, burst, CD, regen, high PEN, etc, specially now with the new emblem system. Just don't try some shit like golden staff + crit build, and you're good.
Yeah, there's not a lot you can do in that situation. Try quantum charge for a bit of mobility, or even sprint as your ability.
not much you can really do, either your roamer is there to help you or you play as pussy as possible until you powerspike
>Yeah, there's not a lot you can do in that situation. Try quantum charge for a bit of mobility, or even sprint as your ability.
what is hilarious is that i did hit Balmond with it but he stil outran me, idk where he got that movespeed from but on those 2 specific situations all that could have been done was by team taking advantage of 3 guys in my lane to push somewhere else
marksman's lives ain't easy man
am i the only one whos teams refuse to show up to lord?
Just pick Lunox and just solo lord himself the second he spawns.
some players have a demon inside themselves that everytime they see a ping, it forces them to do the opposite
nothing makes a jungler chase someone harder than a retreat ping
Freyabros we keep winning
I love these little niggas so much.
>radiant armor is nerfed in advanced server
tank bros, we're not gonna make it...
why is freya the only hero thats paywalled? wouldnt it make more sense to paywall the newest hero?
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>Had to abandon game minute 1 because of IRL stuff
>Come back to find not only did the AI did better than the ADC and jungle they fucking won the game too
Esmeralda bot I fucking kneel
Barely met Barats, Nana,or Diggie users now in Legend. Everyone always ban them together with Balmond, Lunox and Alice.
nana? surely therese more important mages to ban
Probably because she's annoying? I'm not threatened by her at least, but it seems people think she is.
she is not paywalled anymore, but you need some grinding first
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She's used as an incentive for beginners to spend money.
Buy the smallest amount of diamonds and get an exclusive hero for free?!Isn't that a great deal?!
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>Street wear instead of the usual Cyber shit
Holy fucking based. I guess they're doing casual outfits for Starlight this year then.
Good, that cyber style got old fast, just like the celestial motif for collector skins.
Aurora visual revamp is literally soul vs soulless. Can they stop making all the females into Odette clones?
slow and passionate sex with Layla
Calm down Nolan
>"damn im losing alot and theres never anyone tanking"
>*buy meta tank*
>"damn my teammates dont clear waves or come to objectives or follow up on my frontlining"
>*buy meta marksman*
its a vicious cycle
What do we think about Chip? Permanent ban worthy? Trash? Yiff in hell?
probably pretty good, that fact that all his skills are crowd control while he also enables absurd rotation speed means he will probably be permabanned
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sex with revamped aurora
Literally similar design with revamped Vexana. bBut i won't complain, my dick love it.
It is a stealth nerf to Angela, now you have to double check who you ulti
Aurora looked fine before. Why change her to generic princess lady?
oral sex on melissa
you are the top 1 in your city/town with your main champion, aren't you anon?
Sumata with Wanwan
can i get someone's personal info out of their profile? this guy and his friend trolled my ranked game like i never seen before, banned my main hero and then picked my second hero and proceeded to feed causing us to lose in 12 minutes, i would like to know their names and email adresses.
eh idk man, ive seen people try their hardest and lose in 10 minutes
normally a troll would take as long to lose as possible
why does classic have more smurfs than lower ranks?
Naizuri with Chang'e
every single fucking time i lock in a roamer my worthless abortions of teammates either completely abandon mid lane or never fucking show up to lord, or both
my winrate on minotaur is fucking 10%
I don't think Mino is good for solo matches.
pounding melissa's shaved pussy
the key to being a good roamer is having zero faith in your team and just picking an extra damage dealer
Sex with pre-revamp Layla
Threesome with Chang’e and Nana?
Roamer and Support always being slandered, it's not limited to MOBA as well.
roamers in my team are always killing themselves doing 1v3s inside the enemy jungle, getting 1/7 and them using their death time to coach the other players even tho they are sinking us
holy shit arlott is fuckin crazy
Is it even possible to consistently rank up solo queueing? My team can’t play more and I’m hard stuck in legend ever since, I get MVP most games but it’s never enough to offset the retards on my team
you cant get a new team
it is, for 4 retards in your team there are 5 retards on the enemy team, if you are as good as you claim to be you should be able to have a higher than 50% win rate and climb
Bros how do I counter zilong's 1st with baadang?
Try to bait him to use it and then when he misses go in
hit epic playing mostly masha
not enjoying this pick ban system even thoigh masha never gets banned, might just grab the ranked rewards and head back to classic
you got epic playing against bots, and you don't enjoy the new ban system because you still haven't face a good player with meta picks, then you will be happy to every game ban some shit like Angela or Wanwan
actually i got curb stomped by alice smurfers a couple times, still dont like bans
just feels like an excuse not to balance the game
>playing more than 1 hero
>Ban Vexana
>Throws tantrum
>Refuse to play
I hate people like you.
The AoT look skins way better than the JJK ones.
>riot lays off a bunch of artists
>a day later moonton posts ads hiring graphics designers and such
Kek, based unironically hope they poach some of the more talented guys
Based autism
i'm like this but with layla
if moonton hires riot artists you can expect a very quick and noticeable decrease in quality, not that moonton has very far to fall
I like montoon art thank u very much
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I’m about to make some poor financial decisions bros because holy shit
how bout you post the in game model
Nursing handjob from Rafaela (seraphic selfie)
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how accurate is this tier list?
Not actually agree. All heroes all situational, you pick them after considering what hero your enemy will use. For example sometimes i use Zhask for roam or Gatot in mid. I also use old Aurora if my enemy pick Ling as a jungler.
Why do people go insane if someone tries to play as Fanny?
everyones had a fanny completely feed at one point or another
No, breeding Rafaela (fertility goddess)!
wanwan bros.... lunox bros.....
quick, someone talk me out of buying argus
fuck yeah total wanwan death
He kinda sucks right now wait to see how will his buffs affect him
All they have to do for Wanwan is revert the 3 marks to 4, and everything will solve itself, but they're simply to retarded to even consider it.
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who the fuck decided to give mathilda such tasty and delicious toes on her splash art?
so after the new player freebies it's essentially 1 hero a month? is there any event that usually gave out hero?
All the time, the game devaluates everything, their always giving free stuff
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>he kinda sucks

buy him, hes broken
some motherfucker locked in jungle and then went tigreal, i swear im being target trolled at this point
Got tired of WR shitty servers and I decided to play this chink garbage instead. Why the fuck do champions/heroes cost so damn much? $10 in diamonds for a single champ.. WTF. Been trying to pick a fav but all of them kits are so badly designed holy fuck... I already own two marksmen that have going invisible on their kit; the game feels unbalanced af; the pool is horribly boring; the pacing is weird; and I'm always being matched against pakistani bots. Any tips on how to enjoy this piece of shit game? Thanks in adv. (I've already tried all other shitty mobas; they all suck.)
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every other moba sucked and you quit them, and yet you thought this one would be different?
I figured as much since this one has the numbers; other games are dead, population-wise. Just by watching the global chat, people whoring themselves over diamonds or likes, or pedo baiting, on a 10 messages-per-second basis; it's crazy populated. That's why I find being matched with bots hard to pass.
bots go away once you hit epic rank
id say drop the marksman and play a fighter if you actually want to have fun
>My pool of heroes ended up being the trio of manlets and Edith.
Heartbreak empress babs we won
Edith is a womanlet when youbtake her big mech out the equation
Both Aurora and Sun are fun
should I buy novaria
she's on discount
She's a pretty strong artillery mage, if you'd like to fireshot people repeatedly for masive damage then yes
>Only 10k less BP
What happened to really fat discounts?
yeah, im thinking nolan still busted
yeah, im thinking aurora is sexy
Pls teach me how to use her new ulti correctly why it's so hard to use it's so slow and easy to avoid.
I love the way Dyroth plays but my god does he look like a massive faggot
Novariababs where the fuck is our skin?
>implying I know how to play
idk man she's just sexy
Ideally you want to use your second skill first to freeze them and then third for massive damage and to freeze them again, you can also use it when people are already engaged in a team fight but optimally you want to go 2-3-1, keep in mind that you shouldn't engage 1v1 if you dont have to or if you cant burst a squishy/wounded opponent down you are playing a team fight oriented mage here.
Also keep in mind that your skill 2 and ult can also freeze towers so you can use them to assist in tower diving
Everyone told me the same, but unlike the old 2 i feel like her freeze time is now way shorter, and the animation time for skill 3 is way longer.
I guess i'll stop using her as damage mage and build her with support equipment instead.
Magic chess bros, what do we think about this season's changes?
How many are you here that isn't from SEA?
Still adapting to it. Like, too many new heroes and synergy. Kinda overwhelmed ngl
We are at the stage when people are experimenting with her as she's now available to the wider audience so godsspeed anon
Im European, anon
If you start now in HOK global in Brazil you won't be able to change servers rights? Just making sure it's worth waiting
Why do I need currency to upgrade emblems when they could just give me them all at the start?
chinese company, theyre pretty much obligated to make the game pay to win
I thought you can't use them for ranked match?
you clearly dont play ranked then
or you dont know what emblems are
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are these cumulative? like if i reach mythic am i getting 10k or am i getting 33k from all the other ranks i climbed as well
feels weird that warrior and elite give skin fragments but the higher ranks dont. so theyve gotta be cumulative, right?
Is this thread just for the League ripoff or the (trash tier) Adventure game too?
probably the former
Noted, bye.
You are Gatotpilled right anon?
every time i try to play gatot i get nuked
lunox, wanwan, nolan
all gutted
all still being banned almost every match
has anybody played mlbb on google play pc beta recently?
when I tried it a long time ago it was pretty terrible, couldn't even change keyboard bindings. I wonder if they've improved it
I wish Benedetta would sit on me.
I wish Rafaela and Floryn would step on me.
I just realized no sexo skin for Yve.
the problem with roaming is that you never know if your team of randoms is good enough for you to build tank or shit enough that you need to build damage
every match you flip a coin and if you make the wrong read you cant correct your course unless the match goes past 20 mins
If you're forced to roam, but don't want to tank for randoms, then pick a healer support.
If you see a decent assassin/fighter jungler in your team, pick Angela. For tank jg or bully mm like Bruno, pick Estes. If you see a lot of burst dmg in enemy team, pick Floryn.
They're less reliant on teammates to be useful. Unlike tanks, they don't need teammates to be smart enough to follow their sets. Simply heal these retards to keep them from feeding too much.
It's not like you're going to lose without a dedicated front liner anyway. Pen items are broken in this game. You'll die in a matter of 1.5 seconds late game if enemy mm/mage builds Malefic/Divine Glaive.
not subjecting myself to healslutting thanks, ill take my chances on the tank coinflip
I am at Epic 3 rn and I've been doing rather decent with exp lane fighters, but the picking phase is so fucking chaotic; fucking clowns pick a lane or role then change their mind last second; or don't give a shit and pick a lane that I had already picked, forcing me to either change to what is needed or play a game with a troglodite shitting on me. I noticed that, starting from Epic, it is draft mode; but still everytine I have to contest the lane I want to go, or concede. This is deterring me to the point of going back to WR: bad ping is way better than dealing with this bullshit every game. How do you handle this?
honestly i just blacklist and report the dipshits and log off if theres been too many in a row
I'm also down here in epic and from my experience team compositions end up fine more often than not. Sure sometimes I see two idiots arguing over a lane but it's definitely better than pre-epic, that was just pure chaos with 4 retards insta locking marksman a lot of the time
I'd let Fanny tie me up and have her way with me.
>How do you handle this?
Show winrate on heroes I'd like to pick.
Sometimes people don't bother showing theirs, and pick another lane.
If they show their wr as well, and theirs is higher than mine or decent enough (with at least 50 matches on a hero), I'd pick another lane and let them go where they want.
If they don't show their wr, but still insist on going that lane, I'm picking a hero I don't usually play and don't mind losing with, or that is fun to play. Like Nana roam etc.
I finally got it! It only took a team with 3MMs and no real jungler
Licking Novaria's honey glazed pussy.
apparently the advance server got a patch that reduced every heros attack speed by 10%
now im not going to rush and say this is completely retarded, but it is pretty fuckin retarded
Coming from other games, it's pretty high IMO. Although I don't see the point of changing it if you can't even hit any anyone three times without being nuked the fuck out with insane aoe and forever cc.
This is coming after they improved how attacking while moving works. 10% is high, but we'll have to wait for the feedback of those in the adv server to see if the changes will go through.
RIP Wan Wan user.
they already killed her with the jump nerf anyway
>way more mvp-losses this season
Fuck I guess Mythical Honor just isn’t meant to be. Picked up Mathilda this season and man she’s pretty damn fun might make her my main roamer.
i started using masha just because she had the highest winrate
now im carrying matches and jacking off to drawings of muscular tribal women
i dreamt of an amazonian trio kidnapping my younger self and using me as breeding stock
i tried to play xborg and i lost 3 matches in a row
i cant win a match without high attack speed and a gap closer anymore
allah, what is happening to me
You're becoming based
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Never mind ez mythical honor, why the fuck does nobody ban this thing?
best strategy to max the emblems?
there is no strategy, just grind
how do I ixia
just got her from lucky spin
Try her out on classic i guess?
I'm more of a clint/kimmy user.
>Martis exist
>Balmond exist
>Karina exist
>Karrie exist
>Lesley exist
>Xborg exist
>Every meta fighter running waraxe
>Mages exist
>ult slow af
Nope, you only get 10k gold
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Anybody rolling Aspirants? I’m pretty happy with how the skins turned out and I don’t mind getting either but I do have to practice Chang’e if I do get her instead.
Yeah, I'll be rolling for Chang'e. The very first aspirants event I wanted Fanny's skin because of Nana Mizuki as her VA, even if I don't use her, got Layla's instead, then I got lucky and got Ruby's which I wanted.
Oh shit they give you a choice for a free hero for your birthday, i took Kaja the birbman
CCP like this post.
>Videos confirming Mai, Kyo and Terry for a KOF part 3 event
>Masha, Valir and Paquito are supposedly the featured heroes
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I only played a few games some years back. I come back to my account and some filipinx hacked it.
-I have 28 heroes
-I have 23 skins
-I have 353 matches played

-I have 5470 charisma
(i've no idea if any of this shit is good)

should i start over or continue with account? last casual match i played the people were too good for my skill level and i'll have to spend money to change my flag and name.
>They nerf wanwan in Magic Chess already
She's not even that good.
It depends, if you could list which heroes you have you could hop into rank and climb easily. Casual matches will pair you with different skilled players, you'll want to play ranked for a slightly more even match skill wise. Everything else doesn't really matter, but if you really want a different name and flag, then yeah make a new account.
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>Lilia April starlight
Yep, sexo.
there is literally, zero fucking reason not to use Assassins emblem unless you're tanking or support.
MM emblem gives lifesteal which you need for sustain when farming, going base to heal can mean a lost turret and lane
its not poor if its aspirants
i always get AT LEAST 1 epic skin per 10 draws on there. maybe i jinxed it now shit
Got a dragon epic skin for ling with the free aspirant pull, the gacha in this game is so based, its rigged in the players favour (when it comes to pulling skins, the actual event skin mechanics are for whales)
yep they killed masha
uninstalling until they fix her
Every hero has high rank players crushing with them. No excuses.
Spam first skill on enemy heroes
You can flicker while you ultimate to catch up to runners
She's not hard to use. Play classic and watch some YouTubers play her
stay in bush, skill 1 enemy for movement speed boost to kite, sustain off of minions with your passive, repeat ad infinitum for laning phase.
in teamfights, wait for tank/fighter to engage/set enemy up with crowd control before ultimate from a safe distance. as mentioned previously use flicker to extend your ult range.
>passive healing
Jesus Chip is nuts
Melissababs we won!
>chip teleports jungler directly to the backline to kill squishies
Yeah he's gonna become a banlist mainstay for teleportation alone
Shit's is so broken i don't know how they will nerf him after this.
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>download this game because of the cute fennec fox
>you have to unironically play ranked just to play him in casual games
Holy homosexual game design
>Have to play ranked to get new characters
Yes, get good noob
I played for 2 weeks saving up 64k coins for Chip and Diggie and I even spent the crustiest dollar in my bank account for Chip's skin I'm better than you are lol
I just think it's retarded game design when League of Legends lets you buy and use new champions in casual game modes without having to play an arbitrary game mode where your teammates decide your ranking, not you
I went 12-6 and I had to win the game because my Silver 1 bot teammates couldn't splitpush so I had to push mid right to the nexus while killing the 2 actual players on the other side

The worst part is finding out Chip does literally 0 damage so you have to rely on your teammates to take out the enemy team. What a waste of a character design. Even supports in League of Legends do more damage. Why do his portals not stun and dot enemies? Why does his slam not knock up enemies into the air? So much wasted potential.
Yeah, Chip should be able to 1v5 the enemy. So much Wasted potential
Like he said get good noob you're clueless and want everything free and overpowered
you guys have obviously never played a moba it's a rule to make the newest character broken and overpowered to sell them to the players and then nerf them 3 patches later once the next one comes after
I have played mobas before. And besides, that wasn't what the OP said.
I don't understand your point
I bought him, tried him out in practice mode only for the keybinds to not proc his skills and die to a bot and yet everyone's screaming he's the most busted character ever
>Even supports in League of Legends do more damage
And it's a big problem in League now, support outclassing ADC.
Bunch of high ranking player has been mentioning it, even Riot acknowledging it and trying to buff the class by buffing bunch of ADC item
>t.green moss rank
>losing lane against Silvanna as Ruby
Damn that buff did her good
>hit master 4
>now even casual games are 5 real players on the enemy team
>haven't gotten a single kill since promoting and have died 13 times
It was fun but I'm going to uninstall this cancer now
What a mistake to rush Ranked games as a new player
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>nerfed her damage
>nerfed her Ult's shield and range so Assassins can easily get her even under turrets
>still no new skin
Yvesisters how do we cope?
Can the upcoming new/revamped items save her?
Use the anti cc spell and know how all skills work and you should survive long enough to escape or not die too fast
We got a new map skin for the events, pretty sweet
Gamer Furry representation with the new hero.
Also his ult needs a buff, middle lane portals would help
What really killed her was the ice queen wand change. It's not worth picking her in solo queue.
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Holy shit jungle Bane is some of the most fun shit ive done in vidya in recent memory, i love this squid motherfucker like you wouldn't believe! What are some other beefy junglers?
>What are some other beefy junglers?
Alice, Barats, Fredrinn, Baxia, & Akai but idk if they're still fast at jungling
Monke is kinda beefy if you know how to play him properly and he can also split push
Gonna go with Fredrinn cause he looks cool
FUCK YEAS, HILDA BROS WE WON! Got her on 99th pull so im getting another zodiac soon, I'm never getting as lucky again am I.
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As is, this bitch's 2nd skill is going to be such a pain in the ass, jesus.
>got muted for 168 hours
... remember when it was only 2 hours? Fucking nigger moonton let me call 2 digit iq mouth breathing retard niggers mean words
lmao should've been creative with insulting subhumans
>remember when it was only 2 hours?
damn that sucks. hopefully SEA server is a bit lenient with all that
Nope fuck Moontoon for giving me shit teammates.
>doesn't play the game with chat muted
You deserve it lol toxic piece of shit
Just a few more hours until the aspirants tokens are live again. I'm on 21 rolls, and I pray this shit better not be a 5-6 digit pattern.
Got Chang’e. While I prefer her skin I’m not that good at her. Time to feed on classic.
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It was a 5 pattern, and got Chang'e. Let's fucking gooo!
>Wah wah why can't I unlock all the heroes IMMEDIATELY
There are 100+ heroes, I'm 2000 games in and I still unlock new ones carefully. It's got plenty of play value
Well anon? Is Joy for sharing with your friends?
Running a train on Joy? I'm in.
Moskovbros eating good
Yvesisters? Still not enough though but at least she's a bit faster at clearing lane
Nananiggers where you at
>muh toxic gaming
Kys zoomer
Sup my fellow nananigger
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Don't forget to check your star memories, bros.
Damn anon, im a huge newfag in comparison
Why do you open the app so many times? Even when i sometimes feel like looking at my stuff have not accumulated so much logins.
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Mostly because early on I tended to play magic chess on my downtimes at work. One quick match, do something for a few hours, launch it again, oh something came up, close it, come back again, etc.
Either way this are my other things. I've neglected ranking, so I don't think it's accurate.
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Imagine having a good winrate
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>both dolphin
Am i the only squirrel here.
>Zilong canndrag people with hisbspear through Chip's portal
Moskov keeps getting cool looking shit consistently
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I'm a PC League of Legends player, I was browsing the catalog and when I saw your thread I asked myself, why do people choose to play this game instead of Wild Rift? And I couldn't figure it out, now bear in mind I myself don't like Wild Rift, but I'm really curious about why you guys like this game over the allegedly better game.
matches are (usually) shorter
id rather play pc lol than the inferior mobile version
some mlbb heros that have unique kits as opposed to wild rift releasing the same old stuff from pc lol

theres also the fact that mlbb had multiple years of every third worlder downloading and sinking cost into mlbb before wild rift even existed
the only good thing about wild rift is its movement
nothing else
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I like the naked fennec fox guy he's cute and my dick gets hard when I play as him
Also the character designs and kits just feel more balanced compared to "Oh shit another Darius buff/Urgot META!!!!!!!!!" or whatever
Having like 5-15 minute matches is also cool I don't like playing half hour matches
That's interesting, iirc the time I tried WR when it released matches were already shorter than PC league, usually 15 to 20 mins, I figure the meta changed or something, or does mlbb just have 10 minute matches? (Actually cool if it does imo)

I'm not used to mobile mobas so I didn't like it.

> "Oh shit another Darius buff/Urgot META!!!!!!!!!"
lol, there was (is?) a Darius meta? Darius been just a pubstomper for the longest time in PC league.
I don't want to convince to play WR cause I don't even play it but there is male yordles if you're into shota furries, or are they too furry for your liking?
mobile legends is moba smash bros with higher power levels than lol, while theres depth that pros can exploit, the game is overal balanced around fun, lots of characters are capable of 1v5 and i don't ever feel like insulting my team in chat cuz even if i lose at least the game is inherently fun.
LoL? Nah this game wins
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Nah I love Kennen and Rumble and the rest I just got tired of matching up with bums in league and frankly my phone is so full of porn I play mobile legends on pc bluestacks so I don't need any more dailies to pile up on me
I guess if I ever get bored I know diet League is an option but for now I'm not in any rush, haha
Cause im having fun
>why do people choose to play this game instead of Wild Rift?
because MLBB is a better mobile moba, simple as
wild rift has shitty servers with ping going 999 for a few seconds every minute, their UI completely SUCKS in comparison to MLBB, the profile customization is superior in MLBB, the community in MLBB is friendlier in my experience and makes it easier to meet cool people to play with, only thing WR has that ML doesn't is graphics and universe/lore
also the third worlder sunken cost as mentioned above, why leave the game i'm ranked globally to play the laggier version with less players and souless community?
I DID IT BROS! GOT THE MONTHLY BUNDLE AND BAM! It only took 8 months to get enough for one of these skins
Nice, anon, enjoy it. I just got myself 200 cores today, I'll wait until another tank gets a skin.
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Lyliachads eating good rn
Only really started playing today and a bit yesterday. How the hell is my wr this high? Am I being matched with bots in ranked?
Or is Layla just really good for new players?
Its all bots until you reach Grandmaster. If the enemies keep getting inside turrets even without minions then they're bots.
You also get bot matches in higher ranks if you're in a lose streak of 3 or more
Damn, magic kinda ruined ngl I almost thought I'd suddenly gotten good at MOBAs LMAO
Actually there are real people from gold upwards and in plat there so many noobs, you'll botice a big uptic of people typing dumb shit in chat there
Cunnychads we won
>Riot Games has formally withdrawn all related lawsuits
We won bros, they even signed an agreement
Crossover collab when?
I bet riot thought they could sue and put stress in moonton by bleeding them with lawsuit costs but turns out even the third world can give 5 dollars for the pass and that ended up paying the lawsuits.
Darius as Ruby skin when?
How is LoL in SEA market? I mean they have been exist since 2009 yet everyone i know is playing ML instead.
There are some who played LoL but DOTA is really popular and everyone looked at LoL as DOTA clone. MLBB became popular because everyone is too poor to afford a PC, phones are cheaper and MLBB being a phone game means everyone can play anywhere with net
SEA is either MLBB or Dota. Nobody really plays Riot Games except the Chinese here, mostly in Singapore/Malaysia.
who is the darius of this game

t. ex pc shitter
Balmond, but his peak was long ago, dariuse's ultimate is shared by a couple of characters, but balmond embodys darius and garen in one character
Her ult is kinda like Darius
I've literally never won a ranked game as a mage. Every match I've had as one I've been cursed with the worst shitters imaginable and it's just me playing tower defense for 30 minutes. I have a 73% winrate on edith though
Are you me. I mage main yet my Edith win rate is unbelievably high. Now my teammates made me play as exp instead. Also fuck Moonton.
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This season feels really shitty. I always get matched with shitty duos and/or with shitbrained people who only plays one character (and is bad with it) or people who won't adjust
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Things have been fine for me with the exception of double mm games but that's typical.
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Did you guys notice that we get a lot of gay porn, like a lot of gay porn considering our game doesn't get nearly as much porn as some others, specifically on sites like rule34 when you look up ML you're greeted by it immediately.
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I've never looked at porn for this game.
Here i am maining Valir and Franco (Pudge from DOTA2) and i still can't fucking win a single match even if i Try my best. It's either the jungler's a bitch or the fighter only cares about kills and solo pushes.
What are you anons gonna do with event jims? I used mine to complete the skin line, especially cause i only have Estes's goofy vanilla skin
I'm planning on using them on the wymlord event.
None i have over 100 skins, i'm a happy man
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I got whitewashed Mathilda.
I'll prolly buy the captain Cronos or susanoo (badang)or dictator(valir) skin IF I GET ONE BLUE GEM
Still the best mobile game by far and it's not even close
we need more delicious brown math skins. If she gets an aspirant skin, it better be barefoot tasteful choco.
Got myself Lightborn Alucard and its so fucking good, even better than his Legend skin.
Just settled for timewielder natan his other skins look so crap. Also is Playing Esmeralda worth it bros? If so which build should i settle for?
Finally got this one
>Just settled for timewielder natan his other skins look so crap
Oh no no no you can get that for "free" from Lucky Spin. No one should ever get basic skins if its not from Lucky Spin
>Also is Playing Esmeralda worth it bros?
She's a safe choice for exp because of her shield and easy to use, just poke enemies and run away if its too much. She struggles against bulky exp laners who doesn't have shield like Terizla, burst like Dyrroth and also Sun.
>If so which build should i settle for?
I only used the tank build but I wanna try the magic damage meme build because it seems fun

Sexo. Too bad the animations are lackluster because its a bit similar to vanilla because of the colors
>Sexo. Too bad the animations are lackluster because its a bit similar to vanilla
Exactly! This is why i seethe endlessly how they made it a exclusive skin that i had to use event shop for and not a regular skin that you can get anytime, doesn't even have new voicelines.
Seems like they forgot about revamping the rest of the Lucky Box skins, which is a shame because this Estes skin revamp actually looks good
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I thought it was a myth but I actually got a collector skin out of this shit lmao
How much will it cost me to get Edith's collector skin?
She's the only hero I like.
I have 2018 Crystal of Aurora and 160 Grand Collection Tokens
3800-6500 I think? Gotta hope her Collector appears in other draws
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This new KOF event might be the worst one only because you gave 1/3 of a chance, with the least amount of draws too, of getting a shit hero that lacks identity and has gone through multiple changes, while there's no sign of the devs stoping any time soon. You are better of skipping this one unless someone's a die hard KOF fan.
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>open game
>pic related
What did they mean by this?
It also has that tag thing from All Star Moskov skin
>of getting a shit hero that lacks identity and has gone through multiple changes
Masha getting "buffed" while Yve and Wanwan getting nerfs randomly
I don't feel so good bros
Thanks, anons. She's guaranteed to go home later. I'll just wait for the daily 50% discount to get reset.
I ended up buying 2000 diamonds, so I can get Edith and the Sparkle recall.
I'm enjoying this game again.
Is Akai a good tank/jungler?
if you're playing in trio/5-stack, he's one of the best tank junglers out there due to his fast clear, utility with CC, and being able to zone/pin enemies with his ult while contesting for turtle/lord.
updated tierlist as of the latest patch, though this will be outdated in 2 days
Belerick has been outstanding for me so far.
I'm convinced the game matches you with shitters on a losing streak if you keep getting mvp because the game believes you can hard carry them.
I wonder how good helcurt will do after tomorrow's changes.
It is possible to carry a shitter.
You can't when the other team doesn't have a complete shitter
Man they do kill Joy in one single patch. The last CC spam deterrence because the enemy is too stupid not to pick Phoveus.
Also good luck playing tank without maxing out your emblem.
Gee KOF97 how come you get to have two gachas?
these defense item changes were retarded
Where's the item merge? Necklace of Durance is so shitty that it feels like a wasted item slot and Glowing Wand is so underwhelming. They should also just merge CoD with Blood Wings because who the fuck uses Blood Wings?

Fighters and Supports getting cucked. Most of exp lane mains are retards who doesn't know how to counter build anyways
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>try honor of kings
>looks/plays ok
>full of turks and other sand people
A rip-off of a rip-off? Is MLBB still superior?
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This is literally just Lancelot but with vagina.
Charlotte predates Lancelot by a lot, and yes i play both of them, HOK Charlotte is a pretty good translation of her SamSho moveset and is closer to that than to mlbb Lancelot.
And her first game was in 1993, Lance is closer to being a male Charlotte than Charlotte is to being a Lance ripoff
>full of turks and other sand people
And slavs, they launched a server for Asia and East EU and balkans but not EU west and US, yet.
It's fine, it plays well and is responsive and it's way cheaper than MLBB both premium and free currency wise also way easier to max out HOK version of emblems cause they shower you in upgrade mats and you'll have heroes at max level emblems in days, all that being said HOK has a bigger jungle and more neutral objectives which impacts the gameplay greatly, HOK is more of a macro oriented MOBA than MLBB which is more teamfight oriented and if you're like me and you enjoy constant team clashes then nothing really comes close to MLBB, I actually thought i could replace MLBB but now I'm just stuck playing both cause although they look similar they fundamentally play different.
you WILL only build defense on Tanks and you WILL like it
Xborg is dead now since they made his 1 and ult only get 50% lifesteal.
deserved. being able to have ult CC immunity to everything except suppression while she runs towards you at the speed of sound is retarded and i hope that rat fuck stays dead.

glowing wand and necklace of durance now being merged again in advanced server

deserved. he was simply too oppressive being able to sustain that well alongside his max HP based damage on ult, vs most if not all of his exp lane matchups.
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>East EU server
Are you sure? people said it's just China,Brazil and Global.
I'm from eastern yurop and most the players are middle eastern and turks
Non humans are based
I thought so cause game is available to us as well kek
So now that they fucked the defence items how do I deal with high penetration heroes?
Dyrroth bros we have been eating good this patch.
Shit's so broken even hardest tank build easily penetrated.
>HOK has bots in Diamond
It's DOA outside of China
Oh shit, I got Kyo on the my 20th draw. That's the luckiest I've ever been on these events.
See the fucking map
You dont.
Enjoy playing minesweeper and hopefully not get exploded by two mages/lolnukes sitting in a bush. Yes this applies to the hardest tanks.
Fuck, I dont think you even need a marksman or a "support". Just get two nuke mage with glaives and assassin emblem.
I roam?
>Locks novaria/hellcurt
Thank you moonton for this healthy meta thats definitely not revolving aroud bursting opponents as fast as possible cause xp lane and tanks are fucked
You hope your team's high penetration heroes deal with them first or just build Truncheon + Immortality and hope for the best
Apparently there is a leak about Alice getting another remodel, literally why she gets revamped, remodeled and changed so often it's crazy
>she gets revamped, remodeled and changed so often it's crazy
That's Masha except for the remodel part. They recently (like 4 seasons or so) remove Alice's blood orb stacks and make her good at jungling.
Wait who is that on the pic, the one arrows are pointing to?
The leaked Alice
yeah, this patch actually broke my enjoyment.
pick 4 instadelete heroes with faster TTK than Call of Duty.
Whats the american skins and character?
Hmm looks hot, i hope they update her epic skin with this revamp
this patch is based I can just pick a burst roam and we win
This is why i always pick purify.
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Didn't expect this when I was just using 2 potions for the ticket. Also wish all the painted skins (or at least for Starlight painted skins) change the skill animations like this one

>uses Novaria on you
Nothing personnel
Base clint or any of the police skins
You already claimed your 100 diamond epic skin, right?
Fuck yeah
haven't played in a few months
when will they add that new footslut mage?
Next season
I'm waiting for Premium Supply to recharge
Me when I solo queue
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I spent 100$ in Honor of Kings.
And what did you get?
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That's it. I'm done with this """"game"""".
In any MOBA, playing with randoms is a coin-flip.
it's even worse in mobile mobas with all the bots and toddlers.
You need to learn how to carry shitty teammates.
Fuck off with this shit. You can't carry 4 shitty teammates while your opponents only have 1-2 shitty teammates. Its fun to lose with your friends though
>enemy team has 20+ kills three minutes in
>yours has 1 (ONE) kill that you got while laning
>don’t even know what’s going on because you were left solo in exp lane against two enemies
Yeah, carry the shitty team, right.
Of the 9 other players in a match at the very least 4 of them are worthless feeders and you have to gamble how many if any end up on your team.
kino if real. Wonder what they’re gonna do to her if that’s the case? Make her a full out mage? Keep her as a mage tank hybrid? Change her completely to be a magic fighter or assassin? imo they should keep her blink skill and maybe some aspect of her ult. Having a life drain stays true to her character in the lore and the teleport is fun to use
green moss rank
You only have the right to complain if this is mythic.
We're so fucking back bros. Yve's win rate in this current season is 41.8%, which is a good thing since it was 34% before the current titles came in. Fuck you Moontoon
Why do you like this character when she's so trash?
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I just like her kiting style more than other heroes and she's easy to use. Even in Mythic she's rarely seen so they don't know how to deal with her or just completely ignore her because they underestimated her
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>MOBAs in a nutshell
Why is nobody ever talking about Leomord he's great, i almost never got him in favour of Ling cause Leomord is never brought up? Also why are all his builds for jungle when he can clearly be a xp laner too? I now regret not getting pic related when it was available
What do you like about him?
Underestimating her is fair. I've had her in my games twice these past 4 months and her players weren't even bad it's just that it seemed they couldn't even do anything with her.
His poke is very satisfying to land, turning the tide of a fight with his ult feels so good also the way he CCs during his ult is just fun, although without his ult his 1 and 2 seem basic they're well done
>enemy team picks Dyrroth
My team basically lines up to feed him kills constantly

>I pick Dyrroth
Teammates ks and abandon me at the slightest inconvenience

>someone on my team picks Dyrroth
He chases supports under their tower and dies to secure the kill, dies immediately after to their carry
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>Just hit Mythic
>"egirl" account adds me as a friend to play games together
>several weeks later after a few messages person asks me to exchange charisma
>i send 70k worth pf charisma
>this motherfucker just send edited messages so it seems like I got something
>check my account
>nothing chnaged
And then i got blocked, anons i got baited.
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>anon shares thoughts about Leomord
>Leo gets a buff in adv server
It really gets the noggin jogging
Now time to hit Mythical Glory
>Get Bingo because I have a 3 number pattern
>150k+ people got Kyo before me
Holy fuck I only bother getting a bingo cause I noticed I got 3 pattern bingo but I can’t imagine 150k people being as lucky as me. How much money do they make from this game?
Reminder to take your daily dose of Harithpill before he gets the nerf hammer.
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Use Lunox
>being this much of a simp
look a female chatted me on global and said we should exchange likes on profile. she didnt do it and i already felt like i gave out dias to a scammer.
And today I got Mai, after a 5 pattern bingo.
you stole all my luck
I hope Dyrroth doesn't get a nerf any time soon. I enjoy deleting people before they even know what's happening.
They just need to revert the defense item changes. It's not a Dyrroth issue
This, they need to unfuck the balance this isn't a one hero issue
Wasting time doing brawl as tank isn't fun nowadays. Nolan and Lancelot literally one hit kill me easily.
I'm currently roaming as saber to decimate the enemy nolan,lancelot and martis
After getting so many Layla, Miya, and Hanabi shitters in my ranked games I decided to start playing mm myself and I've been winning a lot more.
hero tierlist as of the latest orig. server patch (May 13)
If you cant perform well with miya.... you don't deserve to touch the adc role, then once you get it for real, you move on to her direct upgrade hanabi
>akai roam
>their yin keeps ulting me randomly all game
>it goes back and forth with us killing each other
>final 1v1 we're both at a quarter health
>lord destroys our base before it can end
That was the coolest shit I've had in this game. I'm sure I would've won that final one though.
I got my gf to finally give MLBB a try. She's never once played a MOBA, only seen someone play LOL before. She still does significant better than my third world teammates somehow every single time.
They should really change the tier names because its so silly.

Post your gf
Finally, hoarding COAs paid off
Specifically post her hole.
man i stopped playing that shite 2nd week of release as people just dont know what to do when you finally use your ult
Doesn't help that enemies can enter your allies' hole. Also he's getting buffed soon, like his ult gives shield so he can use Flask of the Oasis.
She's black, you wouldn't want to see her.
Does she appreciate black representation in the form of Brody?
Sasuke seems to be released this years.
Thoughts on the possibility of devs making all physical heroes not mana reliant? I feel this could be their worst change to date, if it goes through.
You can literally just back to regain mana. It woudl be a retard change catering to epic ranked players.
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Absolutely brutal. Arlott, Terizla, Ruby, Claude and tons of other characters are going to be broken. Especially those lifesteal/ spell vamp heroes since they can just sit in lane now farming.
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>teammates with their cancerous unwinnable picks after some guy picked the hero they wanted to play
it's feeding time

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