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>That Feel When:
-you didn't fall for the ACR meme. Nobody gives a shit about some badge you got for all that time you wasted grinding for.
-you didn't fall for the "Mii Meta" meme. Just a waste of rubies and an obvious scam to get you to buy more rubies.
-you didn't fall for the Gold Mii Suit is good meme, that shit stayed at level 1 for me ever since I got because it never covered any tracks I didn't already have a driver for.
-you didn't fall for the LARGE HITBOX meme. You can do perfectly fine in rank without buying big karts.
-you didn't fall for the Gold Mario is the best Driver meme. Game was already Over when he released, So he's useless, no need for investment in him.

Anyone who spent money on Karts & Gliders was a fool.
Anyone who spent money on Premium Challenge Cards was just straight up retarded.
Anyone who still continues to buy the Gold Pass for a game that's not getting any new content anymore, just...what in the fuck is wrong with you???

In my opinion: F2P games should stay what they are- Free-2-Play. I had my fun with Mario Kart Tour and will continue to do so until its eventual shutdown and glad I was able to do so without needing to empty my wallet on it.
I'll also always miss the Gacha aspect of it, felt good not being a Lucklet!
>ACR meme
I dunno most of those badge wearing guys have maxed out meme builds that go giga try hard online. Shits wack although you could always learn the optimal way arround the track by copying their lines.
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you can just say you never played competitively and were casual about it, and no, you could be completely free to play and still be competitive, some players like carlos85 or antilev got their f2p accounts to tier 90 if not 99 already, by following the meta as much as it's possible.
>ACR meme
since you can see the badges from your opponents, it's useful to know if they are serious players or more relaxed, experience tells you, a regular ACR player gets a higher and more efficient score on the DKR scoresheet
>Mii Meta meme
Then don't complain when you lose against others using 2250 base points drivers, if you got to tier +80 and never invested into the gold suit, you're just limiting yourself, have fun playing with a toadette alt or a level 8 luigi cat that scores lower than even a level 6 shitty suit
have fun doing your coinbox run with the gold bullet blaster while I use my maxed blazing eagle
>Gold Mario is the best Driver meme.
nobody ever said this, from the very first moment he was playable, his performance was compared to a regular boomerang driver and even on his ultimate perfect track made for him, that rome variant with the coin rings, dk gladiator still scored higher, not even mentioning how the suits are way better than him as well
I was going to make a thread when the space tour trailer released, but they haven’t released the trailer, should we just use this thread?
technically people did say gold mario was the best... until they tested it. so like 2 minutes of fame for him
>toadette alt
is toadette a common alt?
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The sailor one, surprisingly has a lot of tracks but you never hear about anyone using her because of all the overlap with meta drivers
Yeah I can't imagine using a mushroom cannon character seriously.
>tried to play again after a long break
>all my data got wiped
Yeah I'm thinking I'm deleting this fucking app and quitting
what? isn't data tied to your Nintendo™ account?
If this thread will be used, then here are some links to prior datamine resources, what’s been datamined from MKT is very interesting and actually lets us understand the dev cycle of the game somewhat.
>Item IDs:
Lets us see the internal order for all DKGs, the internal order of machines also reflects the order karts were completed in which mostly corresponds to their release order
>Track IDs:
Shows the history of track IDs throughout all the tours, showing when tracks were prepared for tours and when new tracks were added to the ID list as a gap
>Map objects:
Shows all of the map objects (assets for tracks that are individual assets and not part of their track models) in the game, where they’re used and which ones stayed unused in the end, surprisingly there isn’t a lot of stuff that truly stayed unused
>Render dates:
This one is the most important, it shows the timestamps within the image data of every track thumbnail and driver render in the game, allowing us to know exactly when every track and driver in the game finished development/was finalized. This is the most important resource shedding light on when and how long content was developed for
Yeah that's the weird part, I uninstalled and reinstalled w/the same account and it was still the same
They added almost everything from Mario Kart 7 to Tour, but in the end why no Honey Queen or Tiny Tug or the Wuhu tracks?
dying to ask op his highest rank
Well to be fair they did already add some boat karts and I'm pretty sure most people hated honey queen taking a slot. Personally I wish we got the zipper from mkds.
Boo Lake T in next ranked cup is gonna be a pain - the only viable drivers are Knight Luigi and the King Boo mii
I was wondering when this was coming back.
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Did you get them?
There’s a minor change to space tour - there’s no longer a kart pro in the tour when there was one last year, so it seems like kart pro tours may not be 1/1 with last year at least
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I wanted at first to stay in my tier, but looking at the scores needed to stay there was no reason for me to not grind to go up a tier instead
Yup, finally got that green toad.
Wii Rainbow Road has never received any new drivers at all - the drivers then and the drivers now are exactly the same
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I played this game for like 2 years
After noticing the drivers were just for decoration really, adding only the slots for some races, and that having a higher tier meant nothing, no greater reward or anything

played hyper casually, just winning tiers if the character given was interesting, if not, i kept losing on 20th to have an easy time

I liked the variety of racers, the controls were really weird to get accustomed to use and i liked that the game remixed stages making some of them really good

Miis were disgusting, i hated using them, so i didn't despite the rewards, i only collected the red badge for rosalina as i liked the badge, sometimes i just accepted whatever position i got after completing a race, since as always, AI in MK will allow you to win or simply make you lose randomly and didn't spent a penny in the game, as it was just mindless entertainment for short periods of time

This game had a lot of hit and miss situations, I hope nintendo learned something from this game but i doubt it
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The shop for the space tour
>higher tier
>no greater reward or anything
>or anything
Technically you get more base points the higher your tier is.
In case anyone cares, the rainbow road R track on the lemmy cup with gold mario is perfect for token grinding
It’s a shame that we never got a city trick tour that contained every city R/T, the new year tour could’ve easily been that if they’d bothered
I forgot just how garbage Wii RR was in this game until now, really feels like they didn’t care how it played here
Just one lap and for some reason it's fucking hard to win every time.
At least you can get the coins of a coinbox frenzy on the first ramp.
Don't forget the camera is messed up too because it's not designed for the steep hill climb. Even in vertical portrait mode you can still mostly only see road, and not what's actually ahead of you.
The Comet Tail kart that was added in year 1 was actually an alt of a kart was never released at all, and it’s different from the Comets that were added in the mii tour, wonder why they never released the “base” Comet kart and only alts of it
>Play any other game
>You've run out of faggot points please wait until tomorrow for them to recharge

I need another game where I can just go into multiplayer and not get punished for playing more than five minutes besides eventually not getting coins/exp. Even Sonic Forces Speed Battle cockblocks you after like four races and that's one of the better ones.
Don’t you just love it when you take a halfpipe on Wii Rainbow Road and your driver simply decides to not do a jump boost for no reason and your speed resets when you land
You lose speed just to go up the stupid thing that the boost from the resulting jump is pointless. I usually only do two of them and ignore the rest, the points aren't worth it.
Is next weeks ranked the Mii cup?
Yeah, I've gotten 1st 7 weeks in a row but I'm only rank 45. I know at some point I'm going to start getting killed because my max points are in the 50k range.
Been having trouble with this track, guess it's not just me then.
It's always the one two cups over from the first. Too lazy to check what one that is.
That's Fire Rosalina cup, but it has both a balloon battle and time trial, there are only 2 normal tracks
Fuck ranked this week, time to rank down.

That's the one. If you have a good Meowser/Gold Boo, you can get an easy 50k on that battle track.
I didn't think they would put a balloon battle in a ranked cup. And no, I don't have them. I also have no coverage for that rainbow road track and will have to buy toad or peach.
Just get a kart with the mini-turbo plus like Wild Black, Dark Hop Rod, Magma Broom, and Blue Crawley Kart. Then chain mini turbos in a big circle for the entire match. Use characters and gliders that give you protection and just chain drifts non stop.
Your best bet is going for the well fought bonus after getting one or two frenzies, you need to practice finishing the battle within 90 seconds, you can burn out the bots a little to cause them to go lazy, less lethal and to get stuck against the wall constantly, by winning the same battle track a couple of times in a row
No King Mario from anni tour or Yellow Mii from autumn tour? Shame, but Space Toad is pretty good and worth buying anyway
Also, these remaining tours also have ranked battles:
>Mario Tour: Battle Course 1
>Spring Tour: Paris B
>Summer Tour: Paris B (again)
So is it not worth getting into this game in 2024? Also dumb question but since you ofc have to download this game from the appstore, does it auto-link to your Nintendo account or is there a way to block that?
They stopped adding new content in 2023 (So only recycled cups/drivers) but it also stopped being a proper gacha game so it's possible to just hop in save up some in game currency and buy a high end driver to make score setting easier.
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Sweet, it’s been a few months since the last one
>>Mario Tour: Battle Course 1
Do you remember if any good Miis get boosted for this one?
On that same note, will the ? Block mii be in ranked cups again? Mine's only at level 4 and probably would've won me this week if he was higher leveled.
>does it auto-link to your Nintendo account
iirc you have to manually access your account from the game. there's no way to play without doing so.
I'll give that a try, my score is pretty low for the balloon battle track right now. I have Gilded King and Crawly Kart.
No, I quit playing for a while. My highest ranked drivers for it are Kamek, Pauline Cowgirl, and Waluigi.
Not anon but my highest ranked Mii for that course (In fact it might be my only one) is Dry Bowser Racing Suit and Bowser's Shell probaly isn;t the best frenzy item for racking up a good score in that stage.
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Did you get her?
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1st place; hold Tier 99.
? block Mii is now my first Lv8 HE driver. 66k is my new all-time high track score.
Astro Toad’s total ranked coverage for those considering buying him
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20 most purchased drivers in the shop over 2023; based Poochy
Fun fact, Tour did have a stamina system during the beta but they removed that in the official release. Based Nintendo
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In case you're wondering whether to use tickets this week or not, remember that next tour is going to be complicated, singapore 3r/t is coming back, as one of the harder, if not, the hardest ranked track to cover. Take your precautions.
I hope to god, one of the latest meta drivers gets that track
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Thanks for the reminder.
Roaring Racer Mii worked well for me last year, but most people used Peach Happi. I liked how the R.R. Mii's dash rings closed the gaps to hold combo in the dead sections of Singapore 3R/T.
This year I have the Black Sneeker (>>1381628) on Tokyo Blur 4T, but I need a kart buff on Bangkok 3. Hot Pot Hot Rod was a dud.
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>>1382285 (me)
finished 4th
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Week 1: a lot easier to cover. Top driver options (not complete):
Singapore 3N: Luigi Vacation, Gold Mario, White Tanooki Mario, Toad Tourist, bunch of Miis [incl. Roaring Racer]
Tokyo 3T: Mario Samurai, Mario Hakama, Holiday Daisy, some Miis [Koopa Clown, Green, Reindeer]
Bangkok 2R: King Mario, Bunch of Miis [Yellow, Daisy, Chain Chomp, Cheep Cheep...]
This time last year was when many Mii-reluctant players like me got forced into Miis due to the tough driver loadouts. The next few tours are like this.
I almost hate poochy players as much as I hate charging chuck players.
I remember an anon here wanting chef luigi when he was only 70 rubies, and you guys clowing on him yet there he is on singapore speedway.
I mean Hapi Peach is a better choice.
I buyed him because I had no coverage for the rainbow road track.
I already used my tickets on astro toad. But my Happi Peach is level 3 and uncapped so hopefully that'll be good enough, or I'll get more tickets.
Yeah but at the end of the day the best choice is using the character you actually like.
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Surprised that Rainbow Taxi of all karts is 1st
The question is if this correlates to the actual tier list.
What does Singapore have to do with winter?
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To nobody’s surprise, Wonderful Diamond wins
It’ll be discounted in the shop really soon so don’t forget to get it then if you don’t have it
Trailer and roadmap if needed
>pink comet
yeah I use that too the drift boost bonus is pretty useful
As a reminder, in this tour:
These 4 all don’t appear again for the rest of the entire loop, SNES is next in Halloween and the other 3 don’t come back until this tour loops back around so grind their exp if you need to
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Man, I love Wii Rainbow Road
? block and Yellow miis as top 2 are pretty expected, but I’m surprised at no Larry, Morton or Wiggler miis on the list
I'm surprised that Gold isn't on the list, but many people are still working toward Tier 80.
I like it, but the last 2 weeks were an overdose of Rainbow Road. Ready for the next tour.
Is it normal to rack up like 7000 green coins? And it still wasn't enough to buy all the green pipes.
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Did you get it?
No. I got 3rd :(
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Yes, tanked this week last year do made sure I got it this year, also grinded an extra 2k on Ghost Valley 2 today to make sure I got 1st
time to buy thaisy
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So poochy was the only one who got it, I thought gold mario and/or gladiator would get the track but poochy is fine I guess
I might have to buy vacation Luigi, I don't have coverage for that one track
I was in 2nd and some player I didn't even see on the board all week tried to snipe my gold lunar cruiser with about an hour left, but I managed to raise my score and beat him by 200 points.
If you have the rubies consider White Tanooki Mario instead, he has many more tracks and is very useful during hit enemies for tokens tours, only thing is that 6 of his 19 ranked tracks have already passed and Mushroom Bridge R is first track of Mii Cup when it’s ranked so he’s not useful there
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2nd place; hold Tier 99.
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>need a kart buff on Bangkok 3
Didn't get it. Guess I'm stuck with the Hot Pot.
Wishing one of those middle shelf karts had a Lv6 unlock.
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Depending on the tour, the number of tokens needed to clear the shop varies, but it's always at least 8840 for the 34 pipe pulls
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The shop for the winter tour
>White Tanooki Mario
He does look like a better choice for future ranked. I was going to get Luigi so I could get Thai Daisy as well. I already have coverage for her track with GCC though. But he's only lvl 1, I've never really used him.
Which would be a better investment of high end tickets for future ranked, buy Thai Daisy and level her up, or just level up Gold Chargin Chuck?
Technically it'd be GCC if you can only do one.
I have him maxed out and use him every single tour.
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1 year later, Space Tour then vs Space Tour now, quite the difference
Do you get anything for getting into the top 3?
>and use him every single tour
I only have a couple tickets left so I should probably just do one driver. There's just never been a ranked track that CCG had coverage for since I got him.
Now this is interesting, these are presumably the highest scoring tracks in the game but a majority of these were ranked so scores for them should be higher, it’s interesting to see the ones on this list which were never in ranked
A lot of the ranked tracks are pretty low scoring for players that only have a handful of higher level drivers. Last week's highest score in tier 46 was 47k total.
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Space Tour ACR required 2.017 mil total to get a reward, so no, I was nowhere near getting anything
Did you find a way to fix it?
No. I cant seem to recover my data no matter what I do, anyone got any solutions?
Upcoming difficult ranked tracks to cover:
1. Exploration Tour (Feb.) - none
2. Doctor Tour (Feb. - Mar.) - Week 2 Shroom Ridge R/T drivers. Choice of Peach Happi, Lt. Blue Shy Guy Exp., and Larry Mii.
3a. Mario Tour (Mar.) - Week 1 SNES Mario Circuit R/T karts. Swift Talon and some lesser used karts.
3b. Mario Tour (Mar.) - Week 1 Battle Course 1 drivers. Gold Mario, Astro Toad, or Knight Luigi, and go for suckbox/boombox.
One thing I don’t get, why is regular 3DS Rainbow Road here but not the T version? Both were only in space tour where the T version was in Mii Cup and got Mii boosts while the regular version was deep in the locked cups so less people would’ve played it, and the T version scores higher than the regular version
Is there more exp on city tracks than regular tracks?
I can get an entire player level or more off of many of these Asian city tracks, even after having seen all of them at least once before. Especially the non-ranked ones.
It's possible (and painful) to get on one of these tracks, clear the bots, and grind tokens + exp for a hour and a half. Already +4 player level in this tour.
>Shroom Ridge R/T
Shouldn't have Peach Happi, only the other two. Regular Shroom Ridge is tougher for me.
>SNES Mario Circuit R/T
I think everyone that's been playing a while should have the green circuit and carrot kart. I'll be using the pink dozer.
It's been a while since I finished farming all exp but I remember they had the same exp as retros, nitros and battle tracks, after level 150, 70% of a level per track.
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Finally got the blue shell with a mushroom.
I've gone up more levels this week than I did in like 6 months. To be fair though I've been extremely bored.
I finally had a mushroom when I got blue shelled and guess I used it a little too soon and got hit with the shell and didn't get the achievement.
Go to 39:14, for such an otherwise well-done and well-researched video, why do people still love to clown on this game like that
I mean just look at the gameplay, dude is awful at Mario Kart. Tour would eat him alive.
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Did you get her?
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3rd place; hold Tier 99.
Trying to do the minimum to hold tier and save tickets because the next few tours have bad coverage, especially drivers and karts.
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>>1394435 (me)
... especially the Doctor tour.
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Thai Daisy is great, but I find myself using her less after getting the Gold Mii due to high overlap.
Probably using Goomba Mii instead of coinboxers on Bangkok 3 next week.
Yes I did (Though somebody sniped me off 1st at the last second)
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No, brutal ranked where I held my tier by the skin of my teeth, but at least I already had her from last year. Does it only get even harder from here?
Garbage game gave me the fursuit Peach for beating the cups so I'm just uninstalling.
ohh, tokyo blur 4t sucks ASS, huh
Tomorrow with the trailer for exploration tour we should see with the roadmap what, if anything, will be different about the mario tour and why it needs a new season ID
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Well, the track selection is still the same so I wouldn't get my hopes up
Gold egg Yoshi is in the shop, is he worth buying?
He is a ranked reward for week 2 of Yoshi Tour (5 tours away, Exploration > Doctor > Mario > Ninja > Yoshi), if you don’t need him during those tours you could wait to get him for free
it depends on your overall coverage for the future ranked tracks, for me he overlaps with a lot of meta drivers so I never took him to high level
Also, Gold Yoshi doesn’t actually have that much ranked coverage, with his future ranked tracks being Yoshi Desert N (Thaisy overlap), RT (Gold Chuck and ? mii overlap), Bangkok 2 RT (overlap with too many other coinboxers to list) and Berlin 1 R (exclusive), and if he’s gotten from the Yoshi Tour he won’t actually be usable for the ranked Yoshi Deserts that tour has
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If needed
Man what the fuck did they feed Red Birdo. If I weren't maxing out the stuff from the shop still I would've maxed her out a while ago.

People theorize the spotlight shop will be different.
Thanks, I didn't buy him. I already have Thaisy and Gold Chuck and don't have a lot of rubies left.
Don’t forget to save and pick up Explorer Shy Guy and the Wonderful Diamond next tour
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Since every Singapore Speedway track is available rn, got this decent shot to share
The city looks like a video game!
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This tour is a player exp feast! Already +9 levels for this tour. Level 352, going for 400 max.
Tip: Each cup has a Tokyo, Bangkok, and Singapore track, except for the cups with battle tracks. Do all of the Tokyo tracks first since they're short, and you get a lot of player exp in a shorter time.
Double bonus (optional): Harvest item exp at the same time by unlocking normal and super items.
Note: The Singapore 1 and Singapore 2 tracks come back in July for the Night Tour. Singapore 3 won't return until the Anniversary Tour in September.
Bangkok 1 and Bangkok 2 return next in the August Vacation Tour, with Bangkok 3 not returning until Vacation Tour.
Tokyo is gone completely until Tokyo 3 in Anniversary, and Tokyo 1, 2, and 4 not returning until a year from now. So prioritize Tokyo if you're grinding.
>Bangkok 3 not returning until Vacation Tour
correction: Anniversary Tour
Please tell me the next tour will have more variety. I'm sick of the same three tracks.
There’s definitely a greater variety next tour and the PPCs are pretty good
why didnt they just let you play against other players
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Multiplayer is alive.
Slight correction for you; Tokyo 1 and 2 come back in the tour with Madrid (in August), and while the “3” versions of each track this tour come back in the anniversary, the R/T versions do not, so each “3R/T” track this tour is important to grind too
They changed it from bots to randos ages ago
The highway section on Tokyo 3/4 really needs the T/RT treatment to be fun, in Mario Kart 8 it’s quite the long stretch of nothing
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Did you get her?
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>>1394435 (me)
2nd place; held Tier 99. Was in 1st and got sniped near the end, but it's OK. Only spent a few kart tickets on the Hot Pot to Lv6.
Got Blue Birdo
>pick up Explorer Shy Guy and the Wonderful Diamond
I feel like I should also buy the Wiggler Mii based on what the other anon said, but I have no coverage for piranha plant cove this week either. Dang, I don't have enough rubies to buy everything I need.
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>Piranha Plant Cove
I'm debating between Gold Wiggler and the 2 Mii suits. Lately Miis have been winning regardless of skill.
Saving my driver tickets to take Petey Piranha Mii up from Lv5 to Lv6 for PPC2 this week and PPC2R next week.
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It's cove 2 this week I don't have a HE driver for.
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Got 1st for the first time in weeks after grinding out an extra 2k on Bangkok 3 through a successful boombox
if you've saved up tickets, you can level up the wiggler mii for PPC
oh, nevermind, not for ppc2
I'm just using my lv6 Petey on it
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The shop for the exploration tour
grab poochy, it only gets better for him from here on out
You think he would be the best choice if I were to buy a driver? I'm not sure it's worth it though. Only 1st place gets yellow shy guy and there's already someone with like a 60k score. I would need almost 20k points to compete and I'm not going to get that with a lvl 1 Petey. I might be able to increase my other scores, but still...
Yukata Daisy is never coming back. She's the only Daisy alt I still need. And I wish gold Mario had a low chance with the other gold drivers.
Daisy Yukata will be available in the Princess Tour since Daisy Circuit N is the only ranked track she has
It was tough for me last year too. (pic)
Yellow Shy Guy Explorer is hard to get.
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Now that I got Blue Birdo, I’ve collected all the super drivers! (Skipped her ranked last year)
Triple boombox frenzy getting me my all-time highest score yet, wild
I played it for a month at most, the races felt too short and slow, the online often didn't find races
Missions were kinda fun
I liked the cute outfits
Nice. I'm not doing so good this week. Every time I grind my way back up to not going down a tier, I've been knocked back down like 3 places next time I login.
Guess I'm just going to focus on next week.
Which driver would be a better investment of my level tickets, Winter Larry or Happi Peach? Which one has more coverage for upcoming tours?
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Winter Larry is better. He stays around in ranked well into the summer. Coconut Mall W1 in the Doctor Tour, Rainbow Road T in the Ninja Tour, DS Mario Circuit R/T in the Mario Tour, Baby Park R/T in the Yoshi Tour, Berlin Byways R/T in the Spring Tour, and RMX Bowser's Castle R/T in the Bowser Tour. That's the next 6 tours. Then he takes off for the Mii tour and comes back in the Princess, Night, Sunshine, Vacation....
Happi Peach does have Coconut Mall for W2 next tour (Doctor Tour), Ninja Hideaway R/T in the Ninja Tour (March) and Mushroom Bridge R in the Mii Tour (May). She fills a hole for a lot of people, depending on your coverage.
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>Happi Peach does have Coconut Mall for W2 next tour
correction: Coconut Mall R/T
Thanks. Yeah, I think Larry has had ranked coverage every tour since I got him during the Christmas tour. Happi Peach has had a lot too though.
the fact that is shutting down, does it mean it will get deleted eventually? how long till it gets deleted? any date?, its on "hiatus?" help
>any date?
Nobody knows for sure. It got datamined and there are upcoming tours though end of July, I think. Some people think they might end service after that. Maybe it will depend on how well it does to that point. There's no definite answer.
The game can theoretically continue running forever in its current state, the only thing that has to be maintained is ACR and the online play infrastructure, nobody really knows when the game will end, also iirc there are enough IDs for anniversary badges up to the 10th
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Did you get him?
>>1401068 (You) (me)
Success this year. 2nd place; hold Tier 99.
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Kind of scored a lot higher than I needed to, now I’m worried that I’ve made these last 9 weeks to tier 80 and gold mii harder than they would’ve been…
level dos
might rank down this week, though
Nope 3rd
I'm missing Yellow Yoshi, Yellow Shy Guy, and Green Birdo, when do they come back?
Well look at it this way anon, if you don't play then they see there's less players so less reason to keep servers up.
I hope some people are trying to figure out the game to keep it around after eos
Like they did with dragalia lost
Sunshine, Night and Vacation Tours respectively, they are in July, June and August
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This player has a decently high score for our tier on the one track they have a score for. I wanted to see their high score/drivers etc. wondering if they were waiting and going to try to snipe 1st, but it says 'player info unavailabe.' Why does it do this?
That's a bot, it's automatic score to fill out the ranked pools, everyone gets at least one bot every week. when you can't see their D/K/G, it's because it's not a real player
I didn't know that, thanks.
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>3 bots
>7 afk players
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>>1404778 (me)
W2 update: 1st place so far. Hopefully not overbaked. 2nd and 3rd place are also Tier 99.
Took Candlelight Flight up from Lv6/2c to Lv7/3c, and it was more than I needed. Hoping to make Blue Crawly Kart my first Lv8 HE kart (unlock on PPC 2R), but it may not be necessary. Fun easy tracks this week.
I also need that Yellow Yoshi.
It's really annoying that the Super drivers that are hardest to get often have an unusually high number of tracks with clutch coverage.
It's also irritating that the main Mario franchise Super characters (Mario, Peach, Daisy, DK, Bowser, etc.) only have 10-12 tracks while some of the dumb recolors get buffed to 20-30 tracks.
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The schedule for the upcoming tours, same tracks
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>>1406500 (me)
Update: #2 passed me, so I leveled up Blue Crawly to Lv8 and passed him back.
Rare triple coin frenzy with the Goomba Mii (triple bobomb) and Black Starchute (blooper) for 56k+. Lucky Friday!
>Wii Rainbow Road T
This is actually the worst track in the entire game, good luck…
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Thanks for the reminder. That track is difficult because of the lack of item boxes. Start saving item tickets now.
Wii RR T needs some kart and glider buffs. We saw Wii RR N, R, and R/T in the Space Tour, but not T since 1 year ago, right?
It already has a finalised top shelf and it seems like boomerang is the way to go because there are 4 midshelf coinboxers, and getting a coinbox from the first item set is a complete waste
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Thanks for the suggestion. Maybe I'll stick with Rosa Volendam instead of switching to Winter Larry.
Gold Mario is also tempting. Is his pull radius enough to grab coins off of the twisting half pipes?
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Nevermind the last question; the data says to stick with boomerang to maximize actions.
Nintendo news from 2chan: next console delayed until early 2025
I like how we have a new Gold Mario tier and it has the same action count goal as Lucky Seven.
Question, now that we’ve had a chance to grind PPC in Tour again after MK8 wave 6, which game does it play better in? I think Tour PPC plays a lot better, the MK8 version feels too big and a lot of the fun of the track is gone without the combo system and the variants are good as well; I also don’t really like how bright the MK8 version is, it hurts the atmosphere
Love the aesthetic but yes you're right it's too damn long in 8.
Final reminder: Snow Land R/T and all 3 Rock Rock Mountains don’t appear again for the rest of the loop, get their exp now if you can
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Thanks for the reminder.
In recent tours, I've been grinding out all of the track exp with the goal to reach player level 400. It's easier to do the second time around the loop as part of my daily coin run. Usually only 10-20 tracks with 20 or fewer runs left to drain. Keeping track of progress on a post-it note with the cups listed.
yeah I don't think I'm gonna get there myself, I'm not even level 300. I play daily but not THAT much.
Correct my lizard brain. Do different courses give out different amounts of exp? Or is it all about how high a score you can get for certain drivers? (Like for example you're going to get jack all for a SNES course)
>is it all about how high a score you can get for certain drivers?
No, the amount of exp you get from a track depends on the engine class, 200cc gives you a little more exp than 150cc, and the other factor is your final position at the end of the race, 1st gives you the highest amount, 2nd a little less and 3rd even less, 4th you don't win exp and after 5th you actually start losing exp, wich goes in line with the burning out bots strategy, where you lose on 8th place several times to get way easier bots but you lose exp, which then you have to farm back again
Welp cockblocked from going up another tier again at the last minute :(
Result: 1st place; hold Tier 99.
Hope I don't suffer next week for overbaking a little. Winning big will earn more difficult opponents.
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Did pretty bad week 1 and ranked down because I had no driver for cove 2, but got 1st week 2
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1st again with the highest score I’ve achieved in a single cup so far, but still a close finish
8 more tiers to go to 80, will it be a smooth ride or even tougher from here?
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Tier 70-75 was rough for me last year, but after that it got easy.
The next three tours (Doctor, Mario, Ninja) have tough driver and kart coverage, since there's low repetition of items. A big ticket drain.
>Have God tier luck in the gacha
>save up rubies for Rosalina
>don't get her

I didn't even make it to the multiplayer release.
I’m using regular drivers a lot less now because just 1 point cap ticket gets any mii to 1410 points while I need 6 point cap tickets to get a regular driver to 1190 points…
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The shop for the doctor tour
>tough driver and kart coverage
I have no top shelf kart or glider for Shroom Ridge and it's hurting my score on that one, but I don't really want to spend rubies just to get one for that track
>>save up rubies for Rosalina
>>don't get her
Whic alt of hers did you want?
Rosalina was actually the freebie I got for starting the game. She's a common driver though so I'm sure she'll show eventually from a pipe.
Good luck in the pipes, Rosalina bro! Fire, Cat, and Tanooki Rosa often appear in gold pipes.
She is worth the effort. Thinking about taking some of my Rosas to Lv7.
Rosalina Halloween was my first, and still my favorite driver. I still use her on the Twilight House battle track.
Halloween. That was during her first banner
>1 point cap ticket gets any mii to 1410
It's even more at base if you have all the suits.
Your luck must be rotten egg bad if you couldn't get Rosalina.
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>Try getting kart pro during 3 item rules
>Streak broken twice at 2 wins, generally awful time
>Try again after daily reset, now 2 items
>Got it after the first 3 races effortlessly
I really shouldn’t try and get kart pro on 3 item days, so much easier without frenzies
I always wait until it's a two items only day.
next console delayed until next year
mario kart tour 2 here we come baby!!!
That delay could unironically extend this game's lifespan by a couple of months more, if not, another full loop
also on the shroom ridge kart/glider struggle bus
wiggler mii alone is getting me to 30k, imagine how much better that could be
What if they unironically extend the Mario Kart 8 DLC as a result? I know it’s not going to happen and the DLC is complete but there’s now another year’s wait minimum and there are more tracks from here they could port
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So many LOOOONG 3 minute tracks this tour.
Grinding is tough.
>Get win streak
>Next course is Vanilla Lake

Kill me
>often appear in gold pipes
Over the last 4 tours including this one, I've gotten 1 driver from a gold pipe and it was cat peach. I'm not having very good luck with them.
Only 1 item is good too.
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Now that the dust has settled, which drivers were the actual top tier throughout the game's 4 year run?
I used Donkey Kong Jr frequently since his release while all the coin boxers seemed to get rebalanced often enough where there was never a best one.
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>the coin boxers seemed to get rebalanced often enough where there was never a best one.
If you're above tier 80, that's not true, gold suit became the best driver in the game soon after its debut and it never lose that tittle, it just got more broken as time went on. gold chuck, thai daisy and meowser are the closest you get to that, but still inferior
Since Shroom Ridge is around now, I still don’t get why they put it in the DLC instead of GCN Mushroom Bridge, Shroom Ridge is boring as hell, has no unique obstacles and has worse music than Bridge; it’s also a track that was finalised earlier than Bridge and honestly feels like a beta test of Bridge with the Wigglers on T being knock-offs of the Wiggler buses Bridge has
Nobody even cared for Shroom Ridge either, I played hundreds of hours of DS and forgot Shroom Ridge even existed when the DLC was first revealed AND they somehow decided it was more important to include than Airship Fortress? Furthermore they went to all the effort of remaking the mushroom cars and Wiggler buses on Bridge but didn’t bother to put them into any of the DLC traffic tracks? They even got rid of the Piranha Plant truck that’s on Berlin and Ridge…
I think it reuses some art assets from Piranha Plant slide so it was probably convenience.
I don’t get what you mean, those two tracks don’t have anything in common
Reminder: The pink magnifying glass (next week) is the higher value glider of the two magnifying glass gliders, if you were thinking of buying one of them during this tour.
Is Sailor Toadette worth picking up because of her coverage, or does he overlap with a lot of drivers on most of her courses?
I've never needed her, all her ranked appearances must have overlap with meta drivers
I didn't notice there were 2 different versions, thanks.
I don't think she would've given me coverage for anything I didn't have so far, but wasn't sure if she was worth buying.
Yeah I made that mistake and wasted dollarydooss on the white one thinking it was the pink one
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I don’t think it’s needed, I got that glider during week 2 of this tour last year and I’ve never had to use it once since I still have it marked as new
Does having other coinbox drivers in the room affect your own ability to get coinbox?
Update: new Nintendo console in March 2025.
It will affect your ability to get coinbox frenzy, but not individual coinboxes.
Each row of coinboxes can lead to a maximum of one frenzy among all players (real or bot). If another driver is a top shelf coinboxer, your odds of coinbox frenzy are reduced.
Non-top shelf drivers can't get frenzies, and are often badgeless. These are the drivers that you want as opponents for grinding in regular mode (ranked / ACR), since your odds of frenzy are increased.
>Each row of coinboxes
correction: item boxes
Doesn’t using a top shelf driver make it impossible for any other bots to be top shelf period? So that wouldn’t matter? But can multiple racers get coinbox at the same time?
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Kart Pro finally! Thank you Waluigi Vampire.
It is possible to simultaneously have multiple individual coinboxes, but not multiple coinbox frenzies.
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Did you get it?
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Yes; new glider for me. Also a new White Shy Guy, which means only 1 Super driver left to collect (Yellow Yoshi).
>>1410554 (You)
Result: 3rd place; hold Tier 99. More difficult opponents led to expected result.
At Tier 99 it's very predictable. You will always be facing exactly two other Tier 99 players, and their relative strength will be based on how you did the previous week. Everyone else will usually be around Tier 80 +/- 5.
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Yes, but once again just barely. I was considering only going for 3rd but I grinded to 1st, good thing I did because 3rd was 93k yesterday but 99k today
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The changes for the upcoming mario tour
I don't have either so I'm boned either way
I got 2 coins frenzies and a blooper frenzy on Shroom Ridge, but one of the bots was so far in the lead I red shelled them and still couldn't catch up so I got 2nd and failed to increase my score.
Getting 3 wins is really hard
Yes, I was way ahead all week and someone almost caught up on the final day but I won by a couple hundred
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I think I might win this week
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Well, fuck
Tough week. This would be my chance to reach tier 99 and I'm sitting in 3rd with 20k difference with 4th and 1st equally. I think at this point it's just bad luck if you get an insane player on your pool, dude got over 70k on shroom ridge with the Larry mii.
Finished grinding, I hope this holds
Ugh, boomboxing is so annoying
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Report: Just upgraded phones (iPhone 12 to iPhone 15) due to dying battery on the 12. No problems with the upgrade. No issues with autoclicker, and none of the universal "level up" labels sometimes seen by others when switching devices.
Slight improvement in frame rate and touch sensitivity. Still a bit laggy in multiplayer sometimes, which is probably an internet speed issue or a Nintendo server issue.
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Status: Holding 2nd place between two other Tier 99's. Watching for late challengers. Have the tickets if I need to spend, but would rather save.
>>1418659 (me)
The one thing that freaked me out was that it loaded MKT the first time with a different OP screen (Mario vs. Yoshi from the app store), and then prompted me to re-download game data for the current tour. After this completed, it was no problem and I didn't lose my daily points which I already completed.
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I saw this score, it’s crazy, does going all the way to level 8 boost score this much? I have 195 AC with a level 4 Larry mii and my score is only 40k compared to this
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Yes, Lv8 driver makes a big difference vs Lv7. Lv8 kart and glider also helps to a lesser extent. Open any item and scroll to the bottom to see the difference (pic).
Congrats on 40k at Lv4, that is unusually high.
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Yeah, I was lucky with this score, boombox frenzy and 2 coin frenzies although the second coin frenzy was from the last item box so I couldn’t get all the points from it
Gotv 1st and a bonus in Lakitu (Party Time). Wasted all my level up tickets to do it though
Heads up, Red Turbo Birdo is featured in ranked in 5 of the next 6 weeks (including this one) - DS Mario Circuit, Donut Plains 3R/T, Dry Dry Ruins, Yoshi Desert, Baby Park R/T
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Result: 2nd place; hold Tier 99.
Took Gold Wiggler from Lv6/2c to Lv7/3c to hold off late challenger.
Finally got to tier 99, I have to get 1st place in this shit for 30 weeks?? I doubt I'll get there.
I'm so cooked for Luigi rt next week.
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The shop for the mario tour, the odds of getting a non high chance kart or glider in particular keep getting lower and lower
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Finally hit player level 400 today after starting the game in the 3rd anniversary tour, took me 1 and a half years to reach it
Some of those gold karts, what is really the benefit of them? They have low coverage and the skill isn't good. I've passed over a couple in the shop because they seemd like a waste.
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Congrats, you're finally free
Not all of them are that bad, there are some with large size that are exclusive on some tracks, others like the gold bullet blaster, while small, do have a lot of ranked tracks
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Congrats! I am trying to do the same in the next few months.
This tour is a good one to grind exp.
>dying battery
damn they sure don't make iphones like they used to
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I guess the two Standard 8 karts are really never going to be available again for the rest of the game’s whole life, no clue why they never threw them into some random loop tour as GP rewards or just put them in the shop or pipe pools
2nd Mario movie from Illumination announced for April 2026.
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Happy Mario Day!
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Did you get it?
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Oh yeah this is happening
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>>1419873 (me)
Result: 1st place; hold Tier 99.
Easy week. Spending most of my time grinding exp [>>1421009 (me)]. Already up to player level 364 with 7 tracks left to drain, all of them Mario Circuits.
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Won surprisingly easily, I thought my score last week was rather low
Only 5 more tiers to go to T80, will I be able to achieve it in 5 weeks?
I got sniped in the last hour or so and got 2nd place. It was by some player who had no score all week. I saw them sitting at the bottom. I don't really care that I got 2nd, but only 1st and 2nd got the kart in tier 50, so the person that was in 2nd is the one that really got screwed. Why do people do that? Happened a few times before too, so now I'm always paranoid.
The people in your ranked have their own opponents so it doesn't affect them if they lose in yours, and I think sleepers nowadays are only a problem amongst lower tiers because at least at tier 99, if you want to win consistently, you can't just play during the last hours, you need more time to achieve good acr and ranked scores
>get 1st place 30 times as Mario
This challenge seems a bit harder (more time consuming) than the usual ones.
Their opponents are different? I never knew that's how it worked. I assumed all 18 of us, or whatever, were just competing against each other that week.
Yes, every player has their own set of opponents picked from nintendo's algorithm every week.
If I remember correctly, I've never seen two players competing directly against each other on any of the MTK communities, sometimes you get paired up against people you recognize, but they won't have you in their pool, everyone also gets a couple of bot opponents too >>1406250 >>1406295
oh mario circuit r/t is really hard to coinbox, huh
Should i use King Mario or King Boo mii for DS MC RT
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It depends on their levels, base points and the action count for the track.
if you have all the suits, a level 6 triple uncapped suit could do as good as a level 8 high end with 1610 base points, the difference will be the number of actions, but that will depend on how good you are playing to maximize that number
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W2 status: 1st place so far. Easy week. Only 1 other Tier 99 this time (Player #2). Had to take Astro Toad up to Lv7/3c to get ahead.
Done grinding all the tracks. Player Level 366/400, up +7 from start of this tour. About 200k below Top 1000 ACR. Need more Lv8 HE items, especially drivers and karts. Next tour will be a good one to do Gold Mii and maybe Sakura Sports Coupe (triple featured w/Lv8 unlock).
>>1426225 (me)
I ran DS MC R/T with both Winter Larry (Lv7 coinbox) and Daisy Mii (Lv7 triple banana) and got better results with Larry.
Still 41k was lower than expected. Easy to hold combo, but not a lot of points for an R/T track.
EXP reminder: RMX Mario Circuit 1 is only in this tour and won’t return until this same tour next year, RMX Donut Plains 1 also won’t return until the loop restarts in October
The other tracks in this tour all come back once more this year, but the five Mario Circuits will all be in a VS tour where it might be harder to earn exp because of teams, so consider that
you can use any mario so I used gold mario because I needed the green tokens
>SNES course

And nothing of value was lost Okay they're short but still
I’d still rather RMX MC1 appear a second time instead of getting all the actual SNES MCs yet again in Mario vs Luigi
Can’t wait for DS Mario Circuit to finally go away, boring-ass track that had no reason to be remade and get an MK8 slot over Airship Fortress
I'm tired of getting blue shelled anons
Sucks it was 2nd week when I wasn't using any Mario alts for ranked grinding. I don't have gold Mario sadly.
does luigi circuit r/t return for ranked at any moment?
If you're talking about the current ranked track, luigi raceway r/t, we'll get the N version for ranked during the second week of the mario vs luigi tour in june, the other versions will be only on that tour, after that, that luigi raceway won't come back again for the rest of the year.
If you're talking about GBA luigi circuit, the T version will appear during the mario vs luigi tour too, during the second ranked week as well. After that, the r/t version will be on ranked during the sundae tour, until september, for the second week
yeah I meant the current track, my bad
I just don't want to invest in anything for it if it's never going to come back
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Despite the track not coming back for ranked, some of the top shelf items there are safe investments that have multiple ranked appearances, like astro toad, toad tourist, blazing eagle, camo tanooki, blooper shuttle, armored rider, choco pretzel, red checkered glider, boo masks or the 8bit block glider
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Did you get it?
Really borked it this time. Got 10th. No matter what I tried I just couldn't get a good score.

Oh well live and learn.
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Got 2nd. Needed this win because I skipped this ranked last year
Now I’m only 4 weeks away from the gold mii, really hoping everything goes well
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Yes; new kart for me.
>>1426225 (me)
Result: 2nd place. Got passed after I went to sleep. The downside of Daylight Savings Time.
Small improvement on DS MC R/T with Daisy Mii. Could've easily taken kart or glider to Lv8 and gotten 1st place.
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Had some fun today doing multiplayer on Frenzy Fans livestream:
hey you know that screenshot is in the video so we can just look at your player name there if we wanted to, right?
>4 weeks away from the gold mii
Hmm, maybe I should not try to rank up the next couple weeks, but I don't think I can stop myself from playing obsessively.
I wonder why they want to hide the name so bad?
So you can't be their friend :(
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An example of what I meant earlier >>1420903 this is in the shop but only has top shelf coverage for 15 tracks. Is it worth buying?
no lmao
Yeah, I figured. But it only has a .07% chance of being in the shop anon...
Do you think it’s worth buying Ninja Shy Guy for the future GBA Luigi Circuit RT ranked? Boomerang gives the highest AC on it, the other plus skills are Pink Ninja (never discounted) and Gold King bob-omb (coverage sucks) and the only miis have bad items
There are not many drivers that can get that track as top shelf when it comes back in june this year, so yeah, blue ninja works fine, but, regarding the action count, for boomerang drivers it's based on getting a boombox frenzy plus, at least another frenzy and/or regular boombox, if you don't have the skill or patience to grind for that, you have to see it as a base driver because regular boomerang frenzies are really underwhelming, so getting a suit would work better, taking advantage of the base points instead, so the rosalina suit would work better
Better spend those Quick Tickets :^)
It could still receive new buffs, but that's a gamble.
Actually, I was stupid and forgot something important; Luigi Circuit RT is the first track of the cup when it’s in ranked so Wiggler mii gets boosted, and Wiggler mii is probably a better investment than everything on the regular topshelf, so problem solved
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Putting this here for easy reference
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Tip: Yoshi's Island N is in next tour's Week 1 ranked. It is hard to get top shelf coverage, especially for karts. None of the Yoshi's Island tracks have been seen since last year, so they may get buffs. But it would be wise to make sure you have coverage now if you need it later.
The top pictures shows standard coverage; bottom text includes the Cup boost (Yoshi) and Mii boosts (Pastry Chef Mii and White Mii).
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The shop for the ninja tour
OG super Yoshi gets boosted on the Yoshi’s Island in ranked so nobody should be missing a driver for it, especially since I’d assume most people have Yoshi at a very high level because of Battle Course 1
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Did you get it?
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Nope but I did get Orange Shy Guy and pic related from the bonus pipe.
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Won with less grinding than usual, 3 more weeks until T80 hopefully!
These faggoty maps ruined 8 fuck this shit ass game
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Result: 2nd place. Got passed late on the final day again.
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Is this thing worth buy? It doesn't really have any coverage this tour, but I've seen it top shelf in the past. I need the drum kart too though, so I'm hesitant.
Taiko has much more coverage than the Gold Paintster, and if you have GP the Gold Paintster will be a GP gift in Spring Tour (the tour after next), the 70 ruby spotlight kart that tour, the Jumbo Jetter, is also much better
If it's an upcoming tour gift I'll definitely wait then. Thanks, glad I didn't grab it from the shop.
What's a good kart for Dry Dry Ruins Trick? I don't have any coverage for it.
The camo tanooki and the taiko drum dasher have a lot of ranked tracks
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Wow this is bad, I need to gain more than 3k to even get back into 3rd this week…
rough week without the gold suit
It only gets worse as you get higher after tier 80, that's why you need to invest into suits, especially the gold one as soon as you can
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Does the gold paw glider show up as a reward at any point?
Okay I'll see what's in the store today. Thanks.

On that note I forget what the coverage for Yoshi's Island was. I have plenty of Yoshi shit (Including Poochy) so I think I'm covered so I'll probably get the Taiko Drum unless I'm 100000% sure the camo Yoshi shows up in the shop before wednesday since I only have enough rubees for one.
*camo Tanooki
Don’t forget to have enough rubies saved for Toad Tourist in the Spring Tour, though
EXP reminder: Assuming loop, Waluigi Pinball, Shy Guy Bazaar and Ninja Hideaway are all only in this tour and won’t come back until this same tour next year, RMX Ghost Valley 1 and Wario Shipyard won’t come back until the loop restarts with Battle Tour in October
Daisy Hills and Koopa Troopa Beach both come back in July’s Sunshine Tour but that tour has 5 tracks exclusive to it so their exp might be better grinded now
Dry Dry Ruins returns in Pipe and VL1 returns in Sundae although those tours also have exclusive tracks
>I forget what the coverage for Yoshi's Island was
You can always check on the mario wiki.
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>>1423263 (me)
All Ninja Tour tracks drained; now at Tier 369/400.
According to the wiki if I buy Taiko I'm good to go.
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No. It debuted in a gacha pipe in the New Year 2022 tour, and isn't in any of the loop mode ranked rewards or tour gifts.
I don't have it (pic), and don't really need it. Mainly a collectors item.
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>>1435834 (me)
Update: Going all-in on Week 2. Ninja Tour is the best! Gold Mii suit is my first fully maxed driver (Lv8/4c), and Sakura Origami is my first fully maxed glider. Spent a ton of tickets this tour for my first all-Lv8 ranked lineup.
RMX Ghost Valley 1R: Gold Mii (Lv8/4c) / Blue Crawly Kart (Lv8/3c) / Sakura Origami (Lv8/4c)
Wii Dry Dry Ruins T: Gold Mii (Lv8/4c) / Sakura Sports Coupe (Lv8/3c) / Record Setter (Lv8/3c)
Ninja Hideaway R/T: Gold Wiggler (Lv8/3c) / Sakura Sports Coupe (Lv8/3c) / Sakura Origami (Lv8/4c)
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>>1439049 (me)
Hanging onto the bottom of ACR 999/1000.
Top 1000 is one of the last items on my MKT bucket list.
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If you want to go for ACR, you should follow rachid's projections every tour, usually the projections are around 20k above the cutoff so if you hit 2M this tour, you should win a top 1000 badge
If you're willing to invest more on it (if you haven't yet) then you can get a better score on ninja hideaway rt with the Wiggler Mii. I got almost 50k with a level 6-5-6 loadout.
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Is there any hope for me this ranked and should I still try to increase my score enough so I don’t go down a tier? Never had opponents with such high scores before
Tier 70-80 is tough. It is normal to have some setbacks (>>1410838). You will have an easier matchup next week if you go down this week.
But 4k is not too bad. Grind the tracks until you clear the badge bots, then keep replaying until you get a triple frenzy for max score.
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>>1439049 (me)
I had a totally different loadout last year, except for the Record Setter on Dry Dry Ruins T.
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Good idea, but I'm not invested in it yet. Going forward, Miis will take priority over regular drivers though.
My roster is a mix of Miis and regular coinboxers.
Miis: Gold (8), ? Block (8), Petey Piranha (7), Goomba (7), Daisy (7), Yellow (6), Chain Chomp (6), Roaring Racer (6). The Lv6s are all going to Lv7 over the next few tours.
Regulars: Gold Petey Piranha (8), Gold Wiggler (8), Winter Larry (7), Meowser (7), Kamek (7), Astro Toad (7), and a ton of Lv6 drivers, including all the Rosalinas.
Grinding Ninja Hideaway RT is getting very annoying and it looks like i’ll have to spend more driver tickets just to not rank down….
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Finally got my score high enough for 5th place, hope this holds otherwise I have to use tickets on Gold Chuck for DDR as well
Sucks that getting the gold mii is delayed by at least a week…. but at least I got mogul?
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>>1439133 (me)
First 2M ACR ever! Hope it holds for Top 1000.
Ending up taking both Gold Chuck and Wiggler mii to lv 6 and got into 3rd place, now just praying to the dark gods that this score holds for these last few hours
Holy hell was that last ranked cup a hard one. I was struggling just to stay on 13th place.
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Thank fuck, now just need to win these last 2 weeks for T80. (I would’ve gotten 9th if I hadn’t regrinded at the last second)
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Make it stop
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>>1439049 (me)
Result: 1st place, hold Tier 99. Awaiting final ACR rankings for possible first Top 1000. (Final score ~2,011,000).
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The shop for the Yoshi tour
I'm getting blue shelled by bots like crazy so far this tour.
I went ahead and grabbed it but it overlaps with other coin gliders I have at higher level this tour, so probably a waste.
Better get to work anon.
I need an HE driver for yoshi's island r/t next week. Which one do you think is the best investment? Looks like I only have Sailor Toadette, Sailor Daisy, Shy Guy explorer, or one of the Mii suits to pick from.
Oh, I just noticed Poochy should be a spotlight next week. Guess I'll do that.
Man, poor Pauline is really getting outclassed by DK hard, they’re now at 14 shared tracks and I haven’t used Pauline for months
Both Poochy and BSGE are kind of the same utility-wise so you can't go wrong with investing on either for next week.
Maybe one of the stats anons can tell you if one is worth it more than the other for upcoming tours.
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Goomba Mii has done well for me.
It's in ranked for the next three tours:
Spring Tour: Athens Dash R/T (W2); Bowser Tour: Bowser's Castle 3R/T (W2); Mii Tour: Mushroom Gorge R/T (W1), Mushroom Bridge T (W2)
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LBSGE has more ranked tracks than Poochy (data from Studfit).
They are both pretty good drivers; depends on overlap with existing coverage.
I still think getting that coin glider was a waste compared to the value of the 8-bit block glider from the Mario Tour, you did pick that up when it was discounted right?
Donkey harem
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>getting that coin glider was a waste
Yeah, I think it was. But I did buy the 8-bit block glider from the Mario Tour.
Thanks, I might go shy guy or goomba mii instead of poochy.
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first 180k on a cup while fighting for 1st place on tier 99
Yoshi’s Island is such a nice track, shame a lot of people will continue to call it a Mario Kart 8 track instead of a Tour track, it deserves to be properly credited as a Tour track
A lot of the new ones get this treatment for coming out on the pass first.
it doesn't come back until next year, right?
What are the ranked rewards for next tour? I might have to spend tickets to get 1st this week and don't know if gold egg yoshi is worth it or if I should just wait and hold onto them.
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Did you get him?
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If I remember correctly, we got these two karts, one for each ranked week
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>>1442681 (me)
Result: 2nd place; hold Tier 99.
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I won without having to spend any level up tickets! Just this week to go, if I win this week I finally get the gold mii!
Yeah. I think I might do well this week too because I have Block Mii and Larry decently leveled. Glad I got Larry, it almost makes up for my regret at not getting Santa Mii.
Thanks, maybe I'll just go ahead and try to win this week. I actually ended up in 1st but only by 2k so I don't expect it to hold.
>if I win this week I finally get the gold mii!
Is that only for the higher tiers?
The Silver Flower Kart has decent coverage but in practice I never actually used it, the Bronze Cucumber on the other hand I leveled and used quite a bit because it has more tracks and some of which had difficult coverage
Also don’t forget the Freerunning Koopas, they suck but it’ll be the only time they can be gotten
The Gold Mii is the reward for reaching Tier 80. Technically, it's the reward for completing Tier Challenges 3.
Silver Mii suit is for Tier Challenges 2 (Tier 50 + some other tasks).
Bronze Mii suit is for Tier Challenges 1 (Tier 25 + some other tasks).
I didn't know that. I'm stuck on the 'earn a total score of 80k in a ranked cup' challenge to clear tier 2. My current highest is only 65.
the silver suit is pretty good, too
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You should play Yoshi’s Island in the SNES switch online app while this tour is going on, it’s a fun classic, there’s a mission for playing it this month and you can appreciate the references in the Yoshi’s Island track more
What should I build if I want to get gold Mario on the anniversary tour remake
I don't have gold mii
You don't need the Gold Mii to get Gold Mario, but it helps.
Just finish in the top 3 in either Week 1 or Week 2 of the Anniversary Tour.
Gold Mario might be restricted to top 2 or top 1 in some of the lower tiers.
The game is surprisingly fun honestly. Wish this wasn't the end
You see, a lot of people who complain about Tour’s existence in the wider community have never actually played the game
Hooray I just reached level one two zero in Mario Kart Tour
Reminder for EXP: Other than Baby Park and Yoshi Desert, all the tracks in this tour won’t return until after anniversary; Yoshi Valley R/T and all Yoshi Islands in particular are only in this tour and won’t come back until this time next year
Speaking only about Ranked, will the ? block Mii be useful again? I have mine at Level 4 and a maxed out Gold Chuck for the desert track this week, and I can only get 1st if I invest in the Mii. But if it's not worth it, I can save myself the tickets.
It will be a ranked driver again during the mii tour, for piranha plant cove 3r/t, then until the vacation tour, for bangkok 2r/t. Blockhead value really comes from ACR not ranked
thanks, that's what I thought
sadly I'll have to cede 1st place this week to someone that did invest on it
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Did you get it?
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Hell yes, and I did it and got the gold mii with it!
Congrats and welcome to the top
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Also if you’re curious into my mii investments, the gold mii was my 51st mii and getting it got my mii base points to 1000 exactly
>Get Dream Glider from a pipe
>London Loop is the only track NOT in a ranked cup this tour

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>>1446805 (me)
Result: 1st place; hold Tier 99. Small chance at second Top 1000 ACR; finished with about 1.92 million.
Detective Baby Rosa still isn’t included in this tour’s shop, she might really be lost forever unless they put her in the mii tour shop which is very unlikely since she’s a city driver…
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The shop for the spring tour
anything worth buying in the shop?
Depends on your coverage, these are some items that appear on ranked frequently
Light blue shy guy explorer, astro toad, toad tourist, and if you get him to appear, gold chuck
Blazing eagle, camo tanooki, moo moo offroader, blooper shuttle, hot pot hot rod, silver cupid's arrow, sakura hop rod, blue crawly kart, boo pipes
Diamond, the 8bit ones, red and gold umbrella, garnet, yellow hard hat, wonderful wings
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Blue shelled anon here, I was previously complaining in the thread about the amount of times I got blue shelled. Got my stats from the Yoshi tour- I got hit with blue shells 40 times and dodged them twice.
>gold chuck
Since I started playing again last October, he's really only had like 3 ranked tracks.
He's on ranked this tour, then he will be featured again during the bowser tour, the mii tour and then the mario vs luigi one, only missing the princess tour, and that's from march to june, then from july to september he will have another 3 appearances, he's really valuable, I don't know what are you talking about
I got lucky and got him from the shop, he just hasn't been extremely useful in ranked. I think this is the 4th tour he's had coverage in ranked since I got him, but that's good that he has a lot coming up I will invest more in him.
Larry (winter) has probably been the most useful in ranked the past few months for me
Thinking about it, London is actually cucked hard during the tour loop, none of the London DKGs are ever boosted in the shop, Bus Driver Waluigi is the only HE driver to have zero ranked tracks entirely at level 1, Baby Detective Rosalina still has never returned, London is the only city out of the 14 to never appear in ranked at all, and it’s only in 2 tours total (this and anniversary)
40’s still a low number for me
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I get blue shelled a lot too.
It took me a long time to learn the timing of using a regular mushroom to evade the blue shell.
Using the super horn is easier, but requires luck to have it at the right time.
>>1451649 (me)
No top 1000 for Yoshi Tour; about 10k short.
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>>1438688 (me)
Now at Player Level 375/400.
Tip: There is a TON of player level grind space on these Euro city tracks, since they haven't been seen for a long time. It helps to use 200cc to do it faster, if you don't care too much about high scores (150cc is ideal for max score).
It's about 2.5% of a player level for 1st place at 200cc, but only 2.0% for 1st place at 150cc. At 200cc, I can do a player level in about an hour. It takes about 1.5 hours at 150cc.
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Agree that it is possible to succeed without Gold Chuck. I (pic) am doing fine with 21 of MKT's 22 coinboxers.
Since making this pic last December, I have taken Gold Mii, ? Block Mii, Gold Wiggler, and Gold Petey to Lv8. Gold Koopa went to Lv6 for my ACR push 2 tours ago. Everything else is the same.
Next possible coinbox promotions would be Meowser to Lv8 (for recurring Twilight House B) and Mario Tuxedo to Lv7 (for Paris B this tour). Still don't have any need for Gold Chuck.
Tip: Completing the center square of the Gold Challenges this tour requires enabling manual drift. Ultra Mini Turbo creates pink sparks (3rd level of drift).
This can be difficult if (like me) you are not used to playing in manual mode. It's relatively easy to complete on the Paris battle track. I used Daisy Farmer and did it in one track run.
you guys don't use manual drift? I got this without even reading the prompt
I just could never get used to manual drift. But I know it costs me on tracks where it's hard to hold combo without it.
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EXP grinding notes:
London 1, London 2, Amsterdam 1, and Amsterdam 2 do not return until the Spring Tour next year. Give priority for them for EXP grinding.
Athens 1, Athens 2, Paris 1, and Paris 2 return again for the Vacation Tour in August.
Berlin 1 and Berlin 2 return again for the Summer Tour in August/September.
The advice above includes the N, R, T, and R/T variants for each track. Paris B returns for both the Vacation Tour (Aug.) and the Anniversary Tour (Sept.). And Twilight House is always around in about 2 of every 3 tours, skipping next tour (Bowser) and returning in the following tour (Mii).
I keep getting into matches with only 1-3 people in off peak hours. I think the multiplayer is on it's last legs.
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Did you get it?
Remembered it was Wednesday and tried to do some last minute score raising but had terrible item luck.
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Got 3rd, sniped out of 2nd last minute because a few hours ago I was still in 2nd
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>>1451649 (me)
Result: 1st place; hold Tier 99. Not going for ACR, working on player level (>>1453685). Now at 380/400 with only 3 Athens tracks left to grind.
>Playing battles
>2 teams
>only 2 players on each team
>my teammate gets eliminated instantly
>I win
>lose 20% of my rank points
>144 blue shells
>127 blue shells
How anons?
It wasn't a clean win. I hit each of them once. One of them banana'd themselves and then time ran out and I won because I did the most damage, but still...
no, I got 3rd
Nice roster. i should've grabbed santa bowser but didn't. I'm sure gold chuck is technically best because of coinbox, but yeah the highest level player on my friend list does good with a high level wiggler mii and lbsge. I guess I would have to use cowgirl pauline this week if I didn't have him.
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The most anticipated by many and probably most competitive tour we'll have for the entire loop: the bowser tour is coming.
Plenty of players are getting ready to go for at least 200k on each ranked week and a top 100 of nearly 3M and breaking a record for top 10, even top 1000 will be hard to get this time.
>Wii Daisy Circuit
Oh boy, I have personal beef with that track, doesn’t help that Princess Tour is the definition of mid and it’s followed by Mario vs Luigi, the worst tour of the whole loop
Dumb question since this game is on maintenance mode but do you think its still worth getting into?
You can just play it casually, I wouldn't recommend spending money because we don't know if the game will exist past september 2024, which is when the loop ends, either we start another loop for another year or get the end of service announcement
you don't have to invest heavily onto it but it's been a great "mario kart fix" for me since it came out
It is a shame that the city-themed drivers got suppressed and bumped over by Miis.
I'm having fun with the top shelf themed characters in multiplayer, even if they're at a low level and/or weak skilled. Examples: Rosa Volendam, Baby Rosa Detective, Painter Luigi, Lederhosen Luigi, Mario Aviator, Waluigi Bus Driver.
Good thing Amsterdam 2 fucks off for a year after this, terrible track and one of the worst city variants of all
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Did you get it?
surprisingly easy week for tier 99
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The shop for the bowser tour
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Result: 1st pace; hold Tier 99. It's the Mii's world, and we're just living in it.
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Yes, easy week with the gold and Wiggler miis
Huh, I’ve noticed that this week >>1394593 back in Jan was the last time I failed to go up a tier, I’ve ranked up every week since then which is surprising
These are the DKGs with the most ranked appearances atm, highlights include Toad Tourist still having the most, Wiggler mii being the best mii by far, and the Gold Pipes of all things being the best kart
Still all lv1 drivers for BC4 this week like last year.
BC4: DK Gladiator or Orange Mii, if I have most Miis? Of note is that BC4 has no midshelf coinboxers, making boomerang more difficult to use
So is the most efficient way to play the game to buy a discounted mii suit every week until you hit critical mass?
I'm going with gladiator because he will also be useful during the night tour, I have no idea how good the orange mii is for ranked
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According to this account, baby rosa detective could finally be available next tour as part of the regular spotlight shop
Unless you got them as they were debuting, buying new suits for your account every tour is pretty expensive, you need to also focus on the karts and gliders, going for suits only is a difficult strategy for a f2p player
Is the Iggy mii worth buying? I see mixed things
Only for the basepoints, for investment he's bad
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Current state of content that hasn’t returned.
The 3 track variants are probably genuinely dead since there is no evidence that the tracks in the loop will ever be changed and those variants were never changed in the IDs post-3rd anni
Soaring Jack and the hanafudas are probably dead too because these gliders have no ranked topshelves at all, they could’ve made them obtainable by making them GP rewards like how the hanafudas first debuted, but since they didn’t even do that they clearly don’t care about making these missing gliders obtainable
Similar deal with Standard 8s, they could’ve been put in GP or a pack at some point in the loop but they weren’t
Detective Baby Rosalina is city-locked so it’s very unlikely she is actually available in Mii Tour, best we can hope for is for her to replace a challenge card reward like Bus Driver did…. However, Baby Rosalina’s also the most hated Mario Kart character by far so it might actually be intentional that her alt is the only completely unavailable driver
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>>1462046 (me)
Bowser Tour update: I have a famous opponent in ranked this week!
I know who that is but what does ER* mean?
emergency room :^)
>so it’s very unlikely she is actually available in Mii Tour,
you say that but don't mobile games usually do stupid stuff like that?
>here is a character you can't use now but if you don't get them now you won't be able to get them much later in the future when they're actually needed so buy buy buy while you can now!
best tracks to grind tokens for?
I used one of the kalimari desert tracks where gold mario is top shelf for my autoclicker, but neo bowser city R is good for manual farming
Thank you!
Actually I think GBA Bowser’s Castle 1R/T is best for Gold Mario auto farming, doesn’t matter that he’s not topshelf there
Thanks; getting 20-30 tokens per run on GBA BC 1R/T with Lv1 Gold Mario.
Gamer groups. Often they have a membership fee and a private Discord channel. If it's on Youtube, they'll sometimes use YT. Sammy D uses "PC" for his Pit Crew. But I don't know exactly what ER means.
I sometimes think about /vmg/ using 4C, but it would probably attract too many toxic people.
It stands for Elite Racers, a clan that's about fully p2w whale accounts
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Every track this week being a boombox one was a little painful but the scores boombox can reach are so satisfying, for BC4 in particular I was lucky enough to get double coin frenzy after the boombox too
Any where you can get a triple boomerang.
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I was looking at the ranked scores of other players and noticed something, why do I in T82 have more difficult opponents than some players in T99? Obviously those players have higher scores than me, but it’s weird
It's supposedly just their pairing algorithm, there used to be a time where high tier people would get just bots for opponents so nintendo changed that. Also, since the tiers haven't been increased, topped at 99, they keep getting cluttered with more players, so they turn easier for whales since the odds of getting paired with another whale decrease, but it gets harder for players catching up
Like everything nintendo, it was trash
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I think I'm getting sniped this week bros. The guy underneath me has better stuff and is only 1000 points away.
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Did you get it?
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Finally got the 30th, now I can just save tickets for a good ACR run to get top 100
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Yes. Also got pic related from the bonus pipe. My Rosalina collection is almost complete (Babby detective Rosalina never ever)
>downloaded the game again recently
I forgot how generally meh it was overall and how hard they push the gold pass.
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>>1463563 (me)
Result: 1st place; hold Tier 99. What an epic week! Had to spend nearly all of my driver and kart tickets, but it was worth it to face an MKT legend. Back and forth between 1st and 2nd all week. In the end, my Lv8 Meowser got the win with an insane run on SNES Bowser Castle 3.
I will continue to play, but MKT could end tomorrow and I'd be satisfied. No famous opponents for Week 2, just two other Tier 99 players. 2nd top 1000 ACR (>>1443973)
is likely.
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I won, but since I already showed my ranked I’ll show my friend’s scores instead, I’m surprised I scored higher than a T99 friend but that’s because they used a level 1 mii on BC4
I (>>1466526) managed to eek out a win by wasting an HE ticket on the Iggy mii
Is the 8-bit jumping mario glider super rare or something? I've been playing for months and have never seen one for sale.
The 8 bit jumping Mario and Luigi gliders are both only available in the green pipes, I don’t think either can appear in the coin shop
Next week's mii shop is pretty strong right? DK Suit and Morton
I guess and Morton mii is decent, but Wiggler mii still has more ranked appearances than DK and Morton miis combined
Thanks for the data.
I'm feeling good about my loop mode lineup. Mainly invested in a bunch of high coverage regular coinboxers (Meowser, Gold Petey, Gold Wiggler, Larry Winter, Kamek) and some key Miis (Gold, Petey Piranha, Goomba, Yellow, Roaring Racer, Daisy, ? block), with other drivers filling in the gaps.
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Rachid ACR projection: 2.11 M for Top 1000.
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This is the latest one, it's crazy how it keeps going up, people really want that bowser badge
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Guess I better keep grinding then. Barely above the ACR 1000 threshold.
So much top shelf meta power in these Bowser tracks, so I didn't mind blowing all my saved tickets. But I will be depleted for the next few tours.
You may want to save some tickets for the princess tour, it has awful top shelf items for ranked, like peach circuit and daisy circuit r/t
If future Nintendo game development will take longer, does this mean that MKT may stick around way beyond the debut of the next console?
Boy you're pretty much just hard gimped not having the gold pass, eh?
At this stage (1-2 years to EOS) in Mario Kart Tour, it's a waste of time to play MKT without gold pass.
A new F2P player just starting out this late can't afford to wait 1.5-2.0 years to naturally accumulate free tickets to reach a minimum level to be competitive.
Unless you are a pure Mario Kart lover playing for the joy of the game, in which case why did you wait this long?
I've played off and on over the years, I'm just expressing how stupidly little you get if you aren't using it. Which is weird for a game on maintenence mode.
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Seems like it has stabilized
EXP reminder, all of the tracks in this tour except BC4 don’t return until the loop restarts, SNES BC3, GBA BC1 and 2, and the RT of the RMX BC are also all exclusive to this tour
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Kalimari Desert 2 also returns in the Pipe Tour.
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Did you get them?
RIP Baby Detective, never to return, ever
…But it’s Baby Rosalina, does anyone care?
2 interesting things about ACR badges this tour - first, the ACR badges for this tour show Koala Baby Mario for some reason (the dates also show that this seems intended), and second, the ACR badges from this year’s Mario Tour have been silently changed to SNES Mario just like last year, so they are no longer of King Mario
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Result: 1st place; hold Tier 99. 2.2 M ACR, hope it's enough for top 1000.
Is the red comet worth the investment? It's on sale and would plug the hole I have in Mushroom Bridge R.
If you take it to level 6, you can use it on koopa cape r/t too next week, then next tour is top shelf on daisy circuit, which is a really good option because the rest of the karts there suck
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The shop for the mii tour
No, I'm intentionally letting myself go down a few tiers so I can get the red birdo in a few weeks.
>decent chance at more progress on Sailor Daisy
Who did she piss off at Nintendo?
I don't understand this tour, am I stuck just picking whatever mii suit I can just to get tokens? This is fucking gay, I hate mii suits
The mii tour is a shittier rally tour with a few differences technically:
>the tokens won't go away after clearing the shop
>automode doesn't give you tokens
>there's no team score, nor a reward for the winner at the end
>the tokens will always get in the way of getting red coins for the coinbox drivers on the team you're playing, and since it's the mii tour, only the gold suit and blockhead are affected
think of this tour as a handicap for scoring with coinbox miis but an advantage at getting tokens for clearing out the shop fast, since you can get an average of 30~50 tokens per race on ghost valley 2T with blockhead
That does me no good because I don't have that mii suit.
>mii tour
>only one of the miis on sale is decent
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got Top 1000!
It's also a good tour for easy leveling up in Multiplayer because of the team rules.
Got 2 HE tickets in Daily Selects for the first time today.
Recently got all my normal drivers to Lv8 (Ludwig was the last), and it has made a huge difference in the frequency of HE tickets. Used to be ~1x/tour with just my gliders maxed; now with drivers plus gliders it's about 1 HE ticket every 2 days.
This will be very helpful in rebuilding my level tickets after heavy spending in the Bowser tour (>>1469377).
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I got my first level 8 HE driver and it’s the gold mii!
I never really invested anything in the few mii suits I have and now I have to waste tickets on them to try to be competitive this tour
I got 80k during the bowser tour and finally got the silver mii.
Anyone know when the Dolphin mii should be on sale next? He's not good but I like him.
Sunshine Tour in late July
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This tour is very frustrating.
It feels like the game is punishing me if I run with a regular high end driver, and helping me if I use a Mii. Not a bad thing if the Mii is your best driver anyway, but several of these tracks (esp ACR) have great top shelf high end coinboxers like Meowser, Winter Larry, Gold Petey, Gold Wiggler, and Kamek.
Even when I win a race with a regular HE, often my team will lose to the Mii team, and my routine ACR grinding gets all screwed up. It takes twice as long to accomplish the same goals as a regular tour.
>>1473788 (me)
Week 1 status: Unhappy in 1st place due to all the time I spent grinding with Lv8 Meowser over this weekend while the game kept trying to force me to use my Lv7 Bowser Mii. But at least I made S+8 in Multiplayer Races, and my Token Shop is clear.
I forgot how much I abhor actually playing this game until I come back to it.
Between the slippery controls and bullshit AI, it just annoys the hell out of me
Should I get the 8-bit 1 up mushroom glider or the red checkered glider?
That 8bit glider is one of the best in the game, but I remember that red checkered glider covering one or two really tough ranked tracks, so it depends on your coverage
Yeah you HAVE to use a mii suit in order to get tokens. That applies to events where you get ??? tokens for playing.

Next tour can't come soon enough.
Isn't it princess tour next?
Went with the mushroom since I'm relatively new since it seems like a good long-term investment. Outside of Gold chuck, this mushroom and the blazing eagle, are there any never discounted things worth investing in?
Last minute PSA, you may want to get the Red Comet to cover Daisy Circuit N next tour, because in addition to Daisy Circuit being a garbage and boring track, the kart topshelf is a little awkward with the Yeehaw Wagon being the only other good kart and the super options not having enough coverage to really justify using tickets on
Although in my experience, I skipped the Red Comet last year and didn’t have issues so take that in mind
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Did you get them?
No, I got sniped out of 3rd. Every week there's 1 or 2 that wait until the last couple hours to put up a score. I usually grind my way back to top 3 but I took a nap and didn't have time.
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Yes, bless the gold mii for helping my score
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Result: 1st place, hold Tier 99. Almost got sniped last hour by #2.
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Thanks for the reminder. Next tour is tough for kart coverage.
I have the Dragonfly for both Daisy Circuit N and Daisy Circuit R/T. I use this kart for Princess Tour on a few tracks, and then almost never for the rest of the loop. Hope another kart gets buffed on top of it, but I'm running out of "new" karts which have a chance. Maybe just the Black Mk2 Dasher and the sub scooters.
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Glittering Glider is another trap investment next tour, but not as bad as the Dragonfly.
It's useful in ranked for a few of the summer tours, but then it disappears for 6 months.
>I have both tiara gliders
is a trap investment a bad thing?
>is a trap investment a bad thing?
Probably depends on your account. If it gives you needed coverage, then go ahead and invest in it.
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This is a SUPER EASY tour for leveling up in multiplayer races. Just completed going up from S+6 to my first S+9 ranking. Tips:
1. Always pick your best top shelf Mii as driver, then your best kart and glider.
1a. ALWAYS USE A MII. Even if you have a top shelf Lv8 regular HE driver, pick a Lv1 Mii instead.
1b. Slight preference to Miis with good defensive skills, so long as the level gap is not too great. In other words, maybe pick a Lv7 banana/bobomb/shell/Lucky7 driver over a Lv8 coinboxer, but not a Lv1 over a Lv8.
2. Maybe the first 2-3 races will be tough, but you eventually will get lineups with Miis greatly outnumbering regular HE drivers. The regulars may have suspicious fake bot names - and that's GREAT.
3. Crank out the wins. Play defensively; don't backspam your teammates.
4. Go up 0.5 - 1.0 levels per day or more. Profit?
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It kind of bums me that Mario Run is suddenly getting new missions again, first with Wonder plus Showtime and now TTYD, yet they didn’t bother to do the same with MKT, not even something like a challenge card containing new badges themed after the new games which is the equivalent of what Run is getting
Is the gold pipes kart worth buying from the shop? It has really good coverage, but rocket start isn't a great skill.
On paper it has the most ranked appearances of any kart and it has a huge hitbox for coinboxing so getting it should be a no-brainer, but it does get discounted during the Pipe Tour in July so you may want to wait until then; additionally I’ve never had to invest in it since other meta karts I’ve leveled have mostly covered the ranked tracks Gold Pipes has had so far for me
everyone else keeps using regular drivers for some reason and I'm the only mii so I get punished for my team not winning
Thanks, I'll probably wait until July then in case I need to spend rubies next tour on something for coverage.
>game just decides to ignore my finger on the screen to either force me in the other direction or flat out don't turn at all
And no, I do not have the assist settings on.
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i am fighting for my fucking life in tier 37 for this ?-block mii costume. should i start smurfing until anniversary tour for golden mario, or play legitimately and accept my loss when it inevitably comes?
Man, Piranha Plant Cove and Mushroom Bridge are both peak, I’ll miss them
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? Suit's usefulness really comes from playing ACR, for ranked it's pretty forgettable, if I'm not mistaken, from now until the anniversary, that suit will only be a ranked driver until the vacation tour for bangkok 2R/T, even though that suit is the best option there, it's not the only coinbox driver there, so you could take the L and save your resources for another tour
This happens so often to me, they laughed at the guy on reddit that pointed this out but I swear it's actually a thing.
I'm convinced the game just randomly decides to blatantly cheat.
I've had AI in the last turn of the race just drive around me on the outside and pass while completely ignoring what I hit them with.
You can't actually turn it off you can only reduce the effect.
I still have 8 500 pipes left, just kill me.
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I wish players could share extra tokens with friends; I'd be glad to give you some. Cleared my pipes in week 1.
Just keep running the tracks where you have your highest level Mii suits top shelf, and already have high scores. The coinbox Miis (Gold and ? block) are very helpful, but not totally necessary.
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I don't think I'm going to get the block mii bros
How the fuck?
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Did you get it? I fucked up my usual screenshot
got it to lv 4 1/2
I only remembered today it was the reward lol
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Yes, but I had it at Lv8 already and got the 6000 coins instead
>>1477784 (me)
Result: 1st place, hold Tier 99. Personal all-time high score on Koopa Cape R/T. 2.04M should be enough for my 3rd Top 1000 ACR.
No Dasiy (Yukata)... I thought I was finally going to get her
That's because all the Daisys are mine.
They skipped kart pro again, they had it in this tour last year but it’s gone from this year’s version
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Yes, easy game with my level 8 gold mii
I didn't get it. I'm probably not getting the red birdo stuff this week either because my coverage sucks atm.
Is the gold arrow any good? It'd fill the gap I have on DS Peach Gardens R
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We'll probably only get kart pro one more time, to get to 30
I don't have it, but apparently it has 54 tracks as top shelf so it's not a bad option, other good options that appear on ranked constantly and are on the shop are, tropical truck, moo moo offroader or the blue crawly
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The shop for the princess tour
Yukata Daisy is only available in the shop during this tour, she’s not in ranked in any other tour, so make sure you buy her this tour if you want her
Yeah, she's the only Daisy I still need and have been waiting a long time for her to show up. I see she is in the shop this tour, just hasn't shown up for me yet. I thought for a minute she was getting the Detective Baby Rosalina treatment.
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Man I love free progress.
I’ve spent most of the last year hating Daisy Circuit for being a bad track and a waste of a slot in both Tour and 8, now that it’s back I thought my opinion of it might improve… nope it’s still shit
I have no fucking idea why Nintendo thought this shit coming back was even remotely a good idea.
You guys don't like Daisy Circuit? Personally I really like the R/T version because of the spiral section especially when you're in first place since you get so see all the others speeding up the spiral trying to catch you.
The R/T version is the most interesting version, but it’s still difficult and awkward to hold the combo on any variant, even the T and R/T versions, making it not fun to play in any variant (imo), that and the R/T version isn’t the version in 8
Bad track with a poor aesthetic.
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I’ve gotten the 45 rubies from the daily challenge once during every one of the last 3 tours, should I be this lucky?
all item tickets next tour
Seems like a fine aesthetic to me. I enjoyed it more the Rosalina's Ice World. Man Rosa fans got fucked over with that shit.
Daisy Circuit, Ice World and Rome really hurt wave 6 for me, Rome was inevitable but nobody was really asking for the former two and it’s especially weird that they sacked PP Pipeline for Ice World when every other Tour track was in the DLC; Circuit over Mushroom Bridge or Airship Fortress was really questionable too
Oh, and Rome comes back in a month, not particularly looking forward to its return

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