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Goodbye forever.
After a bit over 5 years of service, the servers for Kirara Fantasia have been shut down.
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While the game is undergoing it's final maintence to end the service, players are still able to download and store data from the game and will be able to read the stories that they've seen in offline mode.
Furthermore some fans have began work on establishing a private server to keep the game alive in some form, but it remains to be seen how succesful they'll be.

By the end the game featured 246 individual characters, 685 character cards, voiced by 170 difference voice actresses, quite impressive for a niche RPG game from an already niche source like the various Kirara magazine mangas.
I love Yuno so much! Her game was the better part of my last 5 years!
If Bocchi anime released earlier and they rode the hype properly would it save the game.
I remember picking this up on day 1 and rerolling for a while but I didn't stick around for long after that. RIP I guess. 5 years ain't bad.
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A lot of people say that, but it only would've prolonged the inevitable.
Bozaro alone wouldn't have carried the game for too long, and wouldn't have generated the big long term profits it needed, because player retention would be poor. Kirara lacks any big series to keep the momentum and not many cared about the original content.
It also wouldn't have fixed any of the underlying issues with the game itself, or the managment of it.
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100% this
It's over...
im here to pay my respect. 5 years is a good run for a mobage.
What caused the eos anyway
Likely contenders are:
>Arc 2 of the main story based around the antagonist torturing the main protagonist to try destroy their scripture/manga for that chapter e.g K-on!'s having HTT's memory wiped then also having Yui brainwashed and tortured
>It focusing more on the original character instead of the Kirara characters
>It stopped being profitable
>Google mid way through May 2022 prevented non-Japanese players from purchasing gems, bundles, etc
I wonder if the google change actually had mattering impact on JP gacha in general. I know I drop quite a bit of money on HBR, but I tried this and was quickly out of the game again. Didn't feel very beginner friendly, and that's usually ending up being a problem. (same with the yuuki yuuna one, though it was still different there)

This was the first gacha I played where I reached a clear power wall, but I didn't even manage to figure out how to increase my chars further or what to grind to break it. The menus were.. well. 5 years old, I suppose. No hotlinking where to get what item (absolute standard in gacha), and in general cryptic systems that were probably added on top of each other over years. Not something long time players will mind, but with the market being what it is, you won't get new players. Like stuff you can unlock, but no condition given.. just weird shit in general.
>>It focusing more on the original character instead of the Kirara characters
>>It stopped being profitable
these most likely,
the game was on rabbit support for a while but even them couldn't help the game forever
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I seriously feel like it was not timing properly the release of the characters what killed it, that's not an issue for big gachas, but for games with small budgets that's important, and making most characters limited wasn't the right answer. The events weren't producing enough profit, that's why even after adding the onsen and marriage events they still were having polls about what kind of event the fans wanted to see next even until the last year of the game.

There was also sometimes a lot of dead time between events that could have been used for reruns to limiteds, if limiteds characters came back every once in a while, it would have given motivation for the fans to keep playing.

Also the swimsuit events becoming worse every year didn't help, at least the valentine's events stayed with consistently good banners, and both of these events were the main appeal to roll in the game each year (which is a problem in itself) but it's like they used their best characters and designs for the swimsuits first year and then had a hard time coming up with good ones.

The inconsistency with the sex appeal is a big deal too, each mangaka sexualized the arts however they wanted, most fans were in big series like rabbits and kinmoza and both of them had only pure art while the lewd art was only for stuff with less fans like achannel and fruit tart, because it depended on the artist instead of drecom having any plan for it. They should have timed it when release a sexy adult character, then a sexy loli, etc, and then cute art for small series regardless of body type.

Shamiko is even less lewd in the game than she is in her own manga, and the only version lewder was never in a banner, how were they expecting to make money with this kind of decisions?
At least Hamayumiba delivered on the lewd card arts.
>last bump 4 days ago
>still on page 6
So this is purgatory.
I need something to numb the pain.
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Hold into little Kaos
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Sugar died and got isekai'd into the normal world
What happened to the manga btw?
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Threads here can last 12 to 13 days without being bumped, so no need to worry about the thread dying overnight
So I can marry her finally?!
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Are we truly きらら if we don't have floorhands posted?
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good old floorhandsrara
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some anon asked for this gif in the last thread
Absolutely delicious
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Is Madoka Kirara?
was it that hard to at least run a collab with pmmm, きららsisters?...
>only 3
Well this is pretty disgraceful.
Why would a crossover game have many fics in the first place?People are very unlikely to know every single franchise and their characters,which is essential for writing unlike art.Then again,most Kirara works aren't popular on their own either.
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>no kirara bd in my bd
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Happy birthday teachers
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Happy birthday fat chair
Damn, that's too bad. I played for a bit to get Merry I was always hoping this would get an English release because it seemed like the story and character interactions were the best part. I played for a bit to get Merry, but wasn't really able to keep up with it.
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Here's how you immortalise Kirara forever. Wait for Winter.
I hope bocchi joins
Happy possible Birthday Jun
The cool bassist who doesn't mooch of her friends
No! Mio shows off her panties to everyone, therefore not the cool bassist
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cool bassist?
every bassist is cool, don't fall for the anti-bassist propaganda
Mooching off your friends while being rich isn't cool
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K-on! Shuffle Chapter 39
K-os shuffle when?
Next month when the anime is announced
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Was there ever a scan of the second illustration book?
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I don't know if there are any scans, but if you want to see a specific character I can make a very scuffed photo with my cellphone for you.
So how's that weekend boss going?
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I forgot
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why are we still here
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Happy birthday Kaos
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Her first birthday after the end...
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hamaji hates Hiroi, this was part of Aprils fools
It was posted 5 mins after April fools day ended in japan, and it's still stickied on the comic fuz twitter account
So any news about that private server?
The client lets you connect to custom servers without needing to modify your device or app
As for the server side, they gave a rough estimate of about 6 months without new help
If any sisters have experience with Golang then it would speed things along
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deader than kaos' flop manga
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Are we in here yet?
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This is okay. You can rest now thread. The spirit of Team Floorhands lives on forever.
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That's not Jun's floorhands....
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Ganbare Shamiko ;_;7
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Here I go again...
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So does anyone know if there's been any developments in ripping the remaining files?
>> >>1176805
What files you mean?
Think it's about this >>1162112
are you making a game?
Mainly the audio. The current asset site doesn't have any (I know there's a mega that has some audio up to a point). I also don't know if it's just an issue for me, but I also don't know how to get the scripts/backgrounds from the .muast files
Happy birthday Lamp...
What even is the point?
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You tell em lil K
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preview stills
cute kaos
>no floorhands
and here I was looking forward to it
The /jp/ Kiarar general is slightly more active and gets slightly more shitposting.
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Bocchi recap movie spring 2024

She was supposed to save KiraFan...
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bocchi …
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Missing /きらら/
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Old Kirara is officially dead
Anything had to end. Accept death.
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Kaos has returned
is the yuru camp game out yet
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The site has completely been wiped
Why so smug, Karen?
I blame Kaos
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They could have saved us...
time to kirara myself
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Today would be the day, if I'm not mistaken. Happy anniversary
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I hate you
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I love you
Does anyone know if there are high resolution character portraits from this game? Specifically looking for the Yuyushiki characters
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Hoshikuzu Telepath anime preview

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That's a long Kaos clone
Is it true it's a boy?
Kaos is a boy
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never forget
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I can't believe Kaos is fucking dead
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It is now.
can you get 3 star from tutorial roll?
Yeah, I got one but I'm not sure if it's guaranteed. To retry you have to delete your user data and start from the beginning of the tutorial
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After Kaos comes idols.
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time to kirara myself
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is it good?
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kita chang
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I blame kaos
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That's not Mugi silly sis
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chotto ippai in kirafan when
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Kiniro Mosaic anime 10th anniversary
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could gay camping season 3 have saved us?
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cute boy
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by me
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Best I could find were these two
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new kaos?
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I love crossovers, thank you hanzawa kaosri
You should be able to find what you're looking for here:

If you want to dig into the actual assets yourself, try here:
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I missed the thread...
Does anybody have the link for the kirara magazines?
Is it still being updated?
It's linked in one of the /u/ raw pastebins
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Why did this game shut down? I thought it was successful and kept hoping it would get an English version someday.
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They didn't add Jun!
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Cune Fantasia when?
Afaik the game wasn't really that popular at all. They released a new volume with new characters and lore and everything, but it didn't bring enough people to the game. To be fair when you compare kirafan to other popular gacha it looked very dated.
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They hired a bad programming company
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Where's Kita?
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kirafan redive when?
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That's a lot of floorhands...
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New chapter Kaos
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post kaos
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Stinky Smelly Kaos!!!
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genki alien kaos
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Seems they're still working on it
Saw this in the catalog, played it a bit with you guys way back a month after launch or so. Sorry for your loss, love these girls.
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New Hoshikuzu Telepath preview

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14 Lovely floorhands!!!!!
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I'm gonna get a new phone soon. Does anyone remember what do you need to do in order to transfer your account? Just copy all the files from the Kirara Fantasía into the new phone?
You transfer the files onto a new phone the cache will reset and it won't load stuff correctly anymore
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The manga has been ended
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how did it end?
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Kaos went back to her home planet
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I like this new look
Much more like the manga
where's the bun?
It went back to it's home planet.
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well, well, well...
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one more day
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It's time.
Won't be dumping here as I'd quickly fill the entire thread.
Did you like the episode?
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We've for some strange reason not had new content for a while now
Why is space Kaos genki?
The gradient hair girl feels more like Kaos than space Kaos
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Pink doesn't mean Kaos
As in: ""This character is PINK""
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It's time.
Did you like the episode?
Loved it, but I feel it needs more gay alien x Human crossbreeding scenes
I want to go to space now
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It's time.
Did you like the episode?
Yeah, it was pretty fun.
I hope it keep delivering.
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Not like this sis
Floor arms are for the floor, not the air
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Where is the lesbian alien floorhands breeding I was promised?!
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It's time.
Did you like the episode?
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God this is so gay
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A year ago today...
It's time.
Did you like the episode?
Were these gays ever in Kirara Fantasia?
Wow, they are of legal age now
Why are we still here?
It's time.
Did you like the episode?
Made me wish I had friends
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It's time.
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Did you like the episode?
I liked her space dress
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It's time.
Did you like the episode?
Needs more bath scenes
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It's time.
Did you like the episode?
No tongue?
Cute tippy
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Happy Anniversary!
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It's time.
Did you like the episode?
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Very much so!
It's time.
Did you like the episode?
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smelly fox feet
It's time.
Merry Kaosmas
Did you like the anime?
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>>1173506 (Me)
Since we are at the end of the year now, it's time to share the work I've done on this mod for eraMegaten.
Currently included are 10 characters (Kirara, Lamp, the seven sages and Archive) along with skills and unique weapons for them along with a complete storyline.
While I'm definitely not a good writer, I do hope that anyone interested in playing it has some fun with it.

Here is the download link:

Simply unzip and run emuera-anchor to play.
If you want to know more or have feedback, then please let me know.

Either way, I hope everyone has a wonderful new year.
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Do they have cute floor hands?
As cute as you can imagine.
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cute feet
Jikai mo...
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>No Floor gloves
What did they mean by this?
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First Kirafan, now Yuru Camp...
This is why we need Cune Fantasia
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You already got Cune Fantasia when Amatou drew Mio
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Mono anime in production

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me and my gf
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Why did she do it?
So you can try them all without getting fat like Mio
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It has been a whole year...
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One year and nothing to replace it...
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I haven't watched any Kirara anime since the EoS
Even Kaos died
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Kaosu lives
Wow, she is pretty. I want her to be my wife
erotic toes
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id rather take poo-chan's plumpy soles
also shes wearing boots like everyday
imagine the smell and taste
anyone else reading this IdolxIdol shit? I think I hate it. you're just waiting to see who's getting eliminated next so you can't get too invested in any character. like, the first girl who got eliminated is already forgotten ffs
does it have enough footshots to be worth reading
You're not supposed to like the elimination fodder in the first place
Thanks to 1 specific based japanon seeding the Kirara art torrents on Ex at fast speeds
id only pour my seed on kaos floor hands
don't say that cause I'm gonna do it
its too late now tho
ive done it
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holy shit
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why are we still here
kirara floor hands never die
Because it's fun
I'm still waiting for that person who was making an offline game
Stardust Telepath is getting a tv drama:
huh I thought the anime flopped
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the appeal of floor hands?
kirara yourself
no more kirara
*posts floorhands*
When is the next Kirara game?
Mono anime officially announced

nice, I hope it has Kaos
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New Kaos!:
I don't get it, this isn't Kaosu
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You didn't forget her birthday right?
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Kaos will fight
Happy birthday Kaos, sorry we forgot
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I remember this game... it was fun until I lost my account. Sadly I was never able to recovery it because my nihongo was really bad. I'd probably be able to get it back now if the game was still around.
It's time.
Wait, its already out? What the fuck
Did you like the episode?
The loli bun was nice but I still don't like her new hairstyle.
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It's time.
I actually forgot this airs on Thursday.
Did you like the episode?
Chino killed kirafan
Me on the right
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It's time.
Did you like the episode?
I did, thank you for asking
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It's time.
Did you like the episode?
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There was no camping
It's time.
Did you like the episode?
Finally some fucking camping, I loved it
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It's time.
post floor hands if they appear
Did you like the episode?
yes, I want to molest campers while they are crossing bridges now
It's time.
Did you like the episode?
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I did, thank you. I enjoy the heya camp girls interactions more than watching shimarin doing non camping stuff.
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It's time.
Did you like the episode?
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I'm still not used to the new art syle
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she is too flat now it makes me mad
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It's time.
Did you like the episode?
That was rude

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