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Guild Wars 1 is very much alive and our /vm/ guild has been surging with players. We are always welcoming new members.
>>1268194 (OP) Previous thread

We are finishing Prophecies progression, now that the Anniversary event is over. Future plans include some GvG scrimmages along with some endgame dungeons. We typically run at least 2 meetups per week: Friday which is campaign prog day, and Saturday for end game dungeons.

Friday (TONIGHT) May 17th Proph prog will aim to finish Proph. If you're fallen behind and want to catch up we're at Thunderhead Keep.
Saturday May 18th: HM UW due to popular request.
Friday May 24th: Tomb of Primeval prog day (Proph skills only), if we have spare time we'll do some Sorrows Furnace.
Saturday May 25th: HM FoW all welcome

>what is DSOAL-GW1
When GW was released in 2005, the audio component of Microsoft’s DirectX API was something called DirectSound. DirectSound had a 3D audio component called DirectSound3D, or DS3D, that could pan and amplify/attenuate sound sources based on their position relative to the camera in the game’s 3D world. PC’s with a high-end Creative sound card also had access to EAX, an extension to DS3D with a suite of hardware DSP effects for occlusion, obstruction, reverb, echo, etc. Like most games of its era, GW’s audio system was designed around DirectSound and DS3D, and owners of high-end PCs could get the “definitive” audio experience with EAX.

All that ended in 2007 with Windows Vista. Vista completely broke DS3D and EAX. Rather than fix it, Microsoft deprecated DirectSound and pushed developers to adopt its new XAudio2 API for future games. With DS3D and EAX broken, GW hasn’t sounded “right” in any version of Windows since XP.
I switched in Energy Tap, and yeah, his build is pretty cool.
third for gwen wife
I'd go with energy drain over tap. With daze up even the shittest player should be able to easily catch most spells.
You mean power drain? And yeah I totally agree in most situations unless he only has like 0-2 inspiration magic.

TO all of you who didn't show up for prophecies - by Kormir you're all K*rz*ck lovers.
>Honestly necrosis is a pretty heavy energy investment for a ranger, sure it's only 5 energy but ranger only has 25-35 and you need to spam it. Better off just sticking on Point Blank Shot if your bow damage isn't 0.
so far R/E fire storm and pet spam has been doing it for me but I'm not very far and wondering when I should transition to a real build. not even anything meta, just something a little more than half of one build and half of another
i'm at the grind 2500 rep part of the campaign :)

accidentally posted in old thread
I'm going to main assassin and no one can stop me!
*blinds you*
lol why, it's an assassin, just kill it
*teleports behind you*
thread dead as hell
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man shit bro got NO drip lol
Are there people here who can ferry to consulate docks?
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Today we finally beat proph, no picture from me cause in classic kensuke fashion he hard DC'd right after we beat the mission lol.

Tomorrow at 7 PM EST we'll be doing HM UW, and next week on Friday we'll be doing Tomb of Primeval proph skills only.

Current schedule is here >>1288324 after we get through everything listed I'll probably have us take a slight break. Our next prog will be a meme 1 class only factions prog it will start sometime in late June or early July.
shut up
no u
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>Our next prog will be a meme 1 class only factions prog
they took out the scam toolbox method, so low odds
How do you do that?
>scam toolbox method
lol you never needed toolbox to ferry to docks
you just need the quest "The Time is Nigh" at the right step

learned a new farm today :-]
Form of being employed?
obby armor is soooo mid fr
selling mods btw
i miss roka like u wouldnt believe
fuck it call it quits on that bitch the thread deader than Colonel Muammar Gaddafi (Peace Be Upon His Soul)
i need some damn goals
learn doasc
learn gvg from qq
me after I finish missions and vanquishes. solo farming and setting up this ranger will be the next steps
This week, I've been focused on grinding the Kurzick title. Finished Luxon awhile ago but Kurz doesn't have an AFK farm so it's taken me a lot longer.
I hit rank 1 on my ironman to get access to the PvE skills and have been doing Echovald Forest VQs on all chars on my main account.
Currently at 7.6M out of 10M.
obby was always just a status thing
arr rook arike
How are you farming points? I'm doing Altrumm Ruins and spreading the heroes around a spawn point, so every 5 minutes or so I go around collecting amber
take it back, obby headpiece is peak fashion
now you're just lyin
I have 9 characters with access to Echovald so I'm just completing all the VQs one time per char. I'll eventually GWAMM all of them so this helps me progress both the Kurz title and GWAMM.
I also grabbed the ZVs for Echovald over the last however many weeks and saved them for this week.
Other than that, just doing Urgoz SC with my guild whenever we can coordinate some runs.
i have one character (me) with no access to pussy (broke up with my gf of 4 years a month ago and been a trvcel ever since)
Quick question about today's UW run. Is anyone welcome? Even a retard who has never actually finished UW?
non-retards are not allowed
Hallo from /vg/gw2g/! Gachatrash refugees from /vmg/ are starting to push actual games out of /vg/. Many generals are struggling with page 10 issues and someone suggested that /gw2g/ and this gw1 thread combine. Possibly into /gwg/ with info for both gw1 and gw2.
no fuck off
fuck off nigger retard
man diessa sets are going for 250e i got to get my derv up
wtf that looks stupidly easy
what're drop rates like
i dont fucking know havent done it yet
fucking died in fow again fuck this
crushing blow abyssal motherfucker
running what
can you dstab with booze
gw2 deserved to die when that faggot furry was running the spam bot and it still does
you're tower farming? there's no free fow entry this week
i got $$$ and it's fun I've only picked it up today
you can pop booze when you go up the hill, but it'll eat your profits
maybe you'll get lucky but you'll probably go negative or barely even long term without pantheon
He's gone though and that ESL sperg that got permabanned for being shit at WvW
what a shame
You can combine with the GW3 threads
Is GW3 confirmed, or you just shitposting?
NCsoft investor meeting confirmed it's in development a month or two ago. ANet has neither confirmed nor denied it explicitly but we know for a fact they've been hiring for a new game project for years now.
>NCsoft investor meeting confirmed it's in development
Wrong, they "confirmed" that they were "thinking" about making it
>but we know for a fact they've been hiring for a new game project for years now.
That new game project was a mobile game that was cancelled
The "just thinking about it" was pure damage control official statement by the company afterwards. The actual phrasing at the meeting as said by the under pressure exec was very specifically "in development".
>mobile game that was cancelled
That's an even older thing. They've continued and never stopped hiring people constantly since then for other projects. You can go on their site literally right now and see open job listings for their "unannounced project". https://www.arena.net/en/careers#Open-Positions
So how did the GW2 niggers take it ?
Badly i assume.
Wailing and gnashing of teeth, going off the reddit screencaps posted in a GW thread on here.
No, leaving aside the seething hatred most GW1 players have for GW2 our /gw1/ thread is typically used to coordinate us actually playing the game combining with /gw2g/ would make coordinating stuff much more difficult or could drown out or talk in general.

You're thinking of an even older project that got canceled back during LS4, I don't blame you for not realizing because this is the THIRD time anet has worked on an unannounced project (the last 2 got canceled and had layoffs mid development) the new game they are working on was a UE5 MMO. You can see them hiring for it right now in the other anon's link for open-positions. They've been hiring for this for the last 1-2 years, until recently everyone assumed it was the NCSoft horizon MMO, but with the GW3 leaks people have begun speculating it might actually be GW3.

>"But anet have said it's not GW3"
Anet has also boldly lied to our faces multiple times even in recent years, they would 200% lie to you about this. If they were to confirm it was GW3 it would absolutely tank GW2 and cause the game to die, there is literally no reason they would ever confirm GW3 this early in development as it would only harm them given how long out GW3 would be. That said, I doubt they'll even have anything to show in the next half decade so you don't really have to worry about GW2 being canceled anytime soon. But given the state of development with SotO maybe cancelling would be a mercy kill for that game lol.

>our /gw1/ thread is typically used to coordinate us actually playing the game combining with /gw2g/ would make coordinating stuff much more difficult or could drown out or talk in general.
That's fair. Well, it was worth asking at least.
We don't use that word here
The thing about Arenanet's lies though, it's that they lie about how much work they're doing, so classic overpromising and underdelivering
Saying they're actually not developing a whole new game is the opposite of that, it's basically assuring everyone that their annual 80 million USD revenue really only goes into shitty expansions with almost no content, as if that's good news for anyone
>If they were to confirm it was GW3 it would absolutely tank GW2 and cause the game to die
Nah they'd just have to release more than 2 coom skins per year, coomers don't wait for new games they want their booba now
>That said, I doubt they'll even have anything to show in the next half decade
True, they basically have no talent left it seems, I guess right now they could have the opportunity to nab talent from all the layoffs in the industry but I doubt the leadership is competent enough for that, I mean their website has 3 job openings which is pathetic for something as big as an entire new AAA MMO in active development
I wish you the best luck fren. I still follow GW2 talk and news because I use to run a guild there and played it a shit ton years ago, looking at the current state of the game just makes me really fucking sad. GW2 was always a flawed game, but you could still have a good deal of fun with it. But now I realize all the people who made that game great have long since left the company and the game is a shambling corpse being puppeteered by dev's, writers, and management who don't have an ounce of the skill, nor half the vision the original creators had.

Nah it's not that they aren't developing a whole new game, they just claim it isn't GW3 (which maybe isn't or is a lie, but we're bound to find out eventually), a lot of it is yeah how much work is actually being done but its other small shit too. Like the time they removed mystic coin drops from CM fractals to which people accused them of removing it just to add them to strikes instead to artifically force players to play it like they did with dungeons and raids years ago, to which anet says "no that's wrong" and then their secret balance discord has a leak and one of the conversations is that same guy literally stating it was being done to incentive players to do strikes lol. Or all this alliance bullshit. remember when they made a forum post about that in 2018 and made all those promises with absolutely 0 intention to follow up on them, just to carrot on a stick keep WvW players playing? Then they confirmed in 2021 "yeah alliances are coming this year" and then all we had was 1 buggy canceled beta. Or how the last 3 beta events for alliances have all contained the same exact bugs (such as the achievement one which should be an easy fix...), or the time they claimed the server linking feature was suppose to be a temporary beta feature 8 years ago...

>Nah they'd just have to release more than 2 coom skins per year, coomers
This statement is so correct I laughed, and then I cried.
yeah, we say frick off nigger retard
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Bloodstone Fen? That's a painful one to do 7 times.
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the fronts and backs of a victorious party
After almost 18 years I finally completed UW.
Thanks sisters.
>guy offers to sell me elite mes tomes for 5e after I WTB for 3e
>I ignore him
>Feel like removing a few old ignores that I forgot what I had added them for
>immediately get a bunch of messesage from one calling me a noob and telling me I could just say ntynty

At least I know they're the same person now
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You don't get many noobs these days, GW is a time capsule.
he thinks you're funny at least
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This is from today's UWU, worth something? Sometimes people pay for novelty mods such us vs undead
fuuuuuuck I missed UW after asking for it for a month straight I couldn't make it fuuuuck I went out and got wasteeeeeeeeeeeeed yahooo
i think the undead mod is used for some farm isnt it? pretty sure ive seen multiple people wanting to buy it before, especially on bow. maybe soosc?
can we do UW again tonight haha
Any chance of us owning a town soon , or are we way behind in factions?
is that tb telling you the mats?
soosc uses longbows of deathbane, but I don't think they hex when you spike. the mod is probably a couple ecto at least
>is that tb telling you the mats?
yeah, useful
Yeah I was wondering where you were lol thought it was strange

think we're too far behind in faction (need like 500k) and for map to shift more so tanglewood is owned by luxon.

Yeah its a really nice new QoL, they also tell you how valuable runes are if sold to trader.
ofc not the entire bow, just the +20% vs undead
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I had some turboautist get mad at me awhile ago because he was desperate to buy superior dom magic runes and was offering 20e per rune.
He thought I was hoarding the runes when I agreed to sell them for that price and when I blocked him he switched to alt accounts and spammed me.
Anyway I reported him and got him banned lul
nah bro smooth with it respect that
poor broke nigger
dead guild...
Just don't like em
>full squad of guild members beating dhuum other day
>others disappointed they missed out
>weekly events going on
>all of this activity in a game who's development stopped 15 years ago.
>"dead guild"

/gw2/ user spotted. Please go back to your containment game thread where you can seethe about GW3 whilst you sit online in 6 guilds simultaneously to help pretend like you aren't sitting in 6 dead guilds, in a game with less guild content than GW1.
both me
/gw2g/ died again........
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i swear to my lord and savior jesus christ of nazareth that if they just put guild wars complete edition (prophecies + factions + nightfall + eotn) on steam for like $20-$30 that would give those faggots a bunch of money
Why do you need it on steam?
I think this is the first time I see black dyes at the trader ever since I started playing
probably just lowering the barrier to entry
like how apps will do anything to get your credit card info set up, because people buy things when it's a single effortless click. and people itt talk about wanting it on steam despite it making 0 difference
Was it removed from Steam? I rented it on there and can play it, but the store page is gone now.
because it's retarded and people use steam a lot and i would like more people to play the game, i've had this shit since 2005

so you got this which is confusing since it's just prophecies, not the entire game which GOTY implies
then these three
which then people go uhhh what
and then this
which doesn't have EOTN

my point it just stick everything together
How much erp does the guild do? Is there a fementalist brothel available?
they tend to keep it to post-midnight hours EST, although they're all into using ogden and jora tonics
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Not yet but we got pretty close when we were playing HA with 6 ele's in guild hall
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poor broke nigger
How are your oral skills and spear handling ability? There's always room for some more male paragons.
how much do i need to pay 7 of you to use jora tonics and sit on me on the peak of anvil rock
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fuckin weird lookin tiger
damn bitch you live like this?
I wish I could enjoy rit gameplay, the look and feel of the class is perfect for me.
zen daijun zv and the bonus week are lining up next week

Factions chars get those coins
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wym bro, that's one of my cleanest characters
I could get like 15 open spaces on him easy, I got 0 in my xunlai chest
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>wish I could enjoy
>feel of the class is perfect for me
what's the feel of the class
anyway go run this in ra
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Disgusting filth
favor up btw
got mods for cheap btw
maybe life isn't so bad after all
kamachat should have have a pop up to see if favor is up or not
just ask me i'll tell you
Is there a catch here for this weeks Gotts?
6 plat for 30 dwarven ale, for 5 gifts, for 35-40 ectos?
yes the catch is that you can only get 5 gott
there's a bunch like this, where you just buy some rare mats
Kill yourself you stupid fucking nigger.
>very much alive
What exactly does this mean? Does this mean I'll actually see players doing their own thing in wide level ranges with a whole bunch of afks in town or does that mean there are currently 50 people on running one specific activity
go back to your general...oh wait
Total Charr Death
>Mandatory TOTAL CHARRNIGGER DEATH read by Gwen
>actually see players doing their own thing in wide level ranges
how would you see players doing their own thing when explorable areas are instanced
there are probably a few thousand people in game, you can find pugs for daily missions and bounties, there are a few alliances with constant active ally chats, and groups form for scs/pvp stuff/so on every day
but if you go to a random town there will probably only be 1-2 people in it, you can't just pug your way through a campaign like it's 2005
gw1 is going to outlast gw2
as it should
my only concern is anet folds and the garbage pile that is gw2 takes gw1 down with it
If they shut gw2 down they are most definitely pulling the plug on gw1 along with it.
Imagine the nightmare private servers that could emerge in such a power vacuum. How many absolute dogshit balance ideas could be unleashed upon the world once power enters the hands of power-tripping admins.
it's the only good paragon armor in the game, though.
is favor up
as a penance, mesmers will be made even worse than they were before the rework
If we even get our hands on the server executables in the first place. Hopefully that stopkillinggames thing leads to something before GW1 dies.
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>farmed 5 guardian moss
>wanted to amputate my own dick off by the end of it
>forgot to actually turn them in to nick
I agree on everything except rit
it's pretty fantastic
i don't know i'm not in the game
but you said you will tell me I trusted you
droprates sucked but the farm was interesting with the guardians and wallows in different parties
I spirit spammed, and you only need to kill like 2 wallows (pulled to shrine even) to check all 3 guardians outside boreas for drops. once you clear the top of the hill, you can bow+spirit the one underneath from elevation, and then do another outside-compass-range kill on the last one down the path the same way
2 cheevos left for favor had to look that bitch up myself cause the thread is full of snakes fr
>trusting elonians
favor is up
I like these big icons because it becomes so obvious they just took pictures of themselves, drew some fancy clothes on it, and went to town with Photoshop.
favor is up
>when you drop the N word in the middle of Kamadan
favor is up
favor is up
favor is up
just finished gooning to NTR for 6 hours straight is favor up?
I hate elonians so much.
favor do be up
favor is down
>waited all day for favor and missed it cause I was busy jackin off
state of me
I saw the second comment, looked at the inventory "Yep I bet this is kensuke" checked player name, sure enough. We need to stage an intervention to help you kensuke

are those the wintersday presents we got when we abused some guys bot farm nearly 2 years ago?

PvP starting to come back to life with community cordinating hours and days to play, you can do your dailies often with full human player teams, and according to the game director last year the games population has tripled over the last 5 years so much so they decided to open more servers up. It's still nowhere near pre 2012 pop levels but for a game that's gone 15 years without any content updates I know there are several MMO's and games that'd kill to have population numbers this high.

favor is down
didnt log in for some days, missed character birth day. oops.
but 216 months is 18 years
which means: sex
come to guild hall, ill pop your account;'s cherry
a true guild wars player never touches his penis
My bad I have no clue what I'm talking about, I've literally never played this game before so I was under the impression that it was an MMO and was thinking about checking it out since MMOs suck dick right now. I've heard a lot about it but like I said I've never played it. What is it actually like, could you compare it to other games for an example?
It's an MMO, but unless you group up, the other players stay in town only. When you venture out of town (via loading screen, because instanced content) you enter a big zone with enemies and often quests direct you to explore these zones. The story quests will direct you to Missions (imagine a WoW dungeon or anything similar. it has a start and end, a boss usually, planned encounters). You can group with other players in town to explore zones, or group for a specific mission, but because the game is old and they added AI companions, many players just play by themselves. A solo player can bring along a few AI companions and fully customize their classes/abilities and even micro-manage them if you so choose. In this way it becomes more like an ARPG/CRPG than an MMO, but our guild is fairly active and there are lots of people interested in grouping together as humans like the good old days.
has anyone whacked off to their female characters before
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>What is it actually like
it's a co-op rpg. there are towns with merchants, traders, etc. where you can group up with 4-8 people but once you leave, the area is instanced to your party alone. you can play with real people or fill out your party with ai "henchmen," and you go through a storyline with missions (cutscenes, objectives) and side quests
gameplay is the real draw. it's based off magic the gathering, you pick out 8 skills from the hundreds of options (e.g. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/List_of_Prophecies_skills ) before leaving town and instead of grinding levels or gear, you just get new skills and adapt to whatever the enemies in the area are doing (protection from hexes, condition removal, knockdowns, energy denial, etc.). the whole game is built around this, enemies use the same skills against you, the best skills even have to be found and captured in the wild from bosses
I only play dudes. That said there are some attractive female designs in GW.
14 year old me x Livia
though these days i'd only be able to do it to ele.
no, I'm too much of a degenerate
I need actual sex animations
if that makes sense
I still do it semi regularly to my rit. Probably whacked off to all my female characters at least once.
I exclusively masturbate to other people's female characters without asking first
>without asking first
Do you at least let them know?
mumu kormir thunderstrike you
After playing mesmer for a while any other caster feels weak
PUREST form of love
I bet char taste good cooked over an open flame.
Are there any RP guilds/communities? Not necessarily of the E variety, although I'm curious about that as well.
GW2 takes a lot of resources to host, hosting GW1 is as good as free because the entire game can run on some random toaster at the office if need be.
favor is up
I would never eat a shit-matted dirt worshiper so I wouldn't know
they're lower than cattle
how come the subreddit gets dev posts but we don't
we got a poor broke nigger
i used to rape people with the start of the male elementalist dance and the male monk scratch thrust
>ex-rapist comments on rape in video games
The problem won't be a matter of costs, if GW2 goes down it'll be because the studio has gone under, and if the studio goes under there won't be anyone to pay those server costs no matter how cheap they are, even if there are anet devs who I am sure would be willing to cough up the money to keep the game up, it won't be their decision, it'll be whoever owns the IP, but most likely NCSoft.

Unless of course they launch GW3 and kill GW2 servers. That would be hilarious but I honestly think the backlash would be too great for them to do it, depends how tone deaf their management is and how bad they want to sink GW3 cause that'll 100% embitter any GW2 players toward GW3.

we do, you just don't realize that guy in thread who keeps saying he wants to kill himself is stephen after having to deal with anet faggotry day in and day out.
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fuck all the way off
I just didn't want to go buy a normal salvage kit
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>wood from charcoal
Today's zb will be Justiciar Thommis, wanna do him and Rand together?
i need dis nigga but ill be at work we should run it later today
Rurik died during Frost Gate but I still completed the mission
lol bro it's a cutscene he always dies :^)
Maybe when you play, shitter.
>wammo your way through the frost gate, don't let rurik's health drop even a millimeter
>leave him chilling in the krytan ascalon settlement while you adventure
>reach hell's precipice
>can't cap 100b
now who's laughing
post this image in presearing forum
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Spike in the raptor's den, I do
Across my screen, numbers spew
But I,
I would uncap 100 blades
If I thought that Dagnar would take you away
I've played this game for almost 2 decades and I never knew you could salvage rare materials into other materials. This is like when a friend told me identifying whites makes them sell for more a few years ago.
Did you know you can identify runes you extracted from armor to up their value so you can sell them to the regular merchant for profit instead of the pity 25g at the rune trader?
wait what
I check the price first, and don't salvage off the drop if they aren't worth something. I thought the merch price was a floor, how much does an id'd rune sell for?
Superior runes go for 100+ gold even if they go for 25g at rune merchant
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Are the JQ bots still gone?
in 2005 i put yellow + orange dye on a purple hammer that was shit and tried to sell it for 500g as a gold hammer cause i thought that's what people meant by gold when they were selling stuff
identifying greens ups their value from 35 to 55 or something.
after playing the game for a year or two i was talking to my mom and she was identifying all her white items and i was like wtf why are you doing that then
>didn't inherit mom's intelligence
Let me pat you on the back there, pal.
Ogrey Rock zm today, grab for ez coins
>doing desert missions ever

I don't have a single character with augury rock unlocked.
I kinda don't like this
you already had the option to sell runes for market-agnostic prices above the trader floor, just don't salvage it in the first place
I don't get it
just wanted iron or dust and hit two bad rolls in a row
why do you want iron and dust
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no one uses steel, no one uses wood, lots of people use consets
steel ingots are made by combining 200g+10 iron (390g)+1 charcoal (230g), yet they cost 180g at a trader
you don't have a single proph character or you never got your last 15 attribute points?
I always used to skip the maguuma and some kryta shit, desert is fine by comparison
only one proph char that I got LDoA on
all others are nightfall+factions
prophecies is too damn slow for me and the attribute quests are a big part of that
i don't know what you're talking about, common materials = shit, rare materials = good
Ohhh, I see. The other guy was just saying to post it to presearing forum because lumps of charcoal are super expensive there or something. I thought maybe you'd salvaged one in presearing without knowing
what a common post
You can really tell the drop in population after the anniversary event.
they disappear occasionally inbetween game updates. Check again next double competitive week.

REMINDER WE ARE DOING PROPH PROG TOMB OF PRIMEVAL KINGS TOMORROW AT 7 PM EST. All are welcome to join, but you are only allowed to run core/Proph skills, no PvE only skills.
pretty much how it always is play on weekends normally more people
Fow when
Protip for getting amphibian tongues for next week's Nick- leave Gadd's encampment and go south hugging the west side, you'll come upon 2 para frogs that are easily killable solo.
Tomorrow right?
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four posts above you, champ
is there a pre-searing gwen tonic
Ah shit thought you guys were running tombs tonight
>20 hours ago
It should be tonight whoops Friday night is Proph/progression-focused.
We are...
Tombs tonight in 3 hours, FoW will be tomorrow night at same time as tonight unless people object.

Tombs tonight is proph skills only, all are welcome just prepare a proph build no PvE skills. FoW tomorrow will be an HM anything goes run.
im out tomorrow evening gonna miss another game sucks!!!
>roka hasn't logged in in 3 days
thats it im killing myself
there's something always wanted to do since 2006 with vizunah square involving as many minion masters as possible
how many minions could you get with 16 mm's and that many bodies? would togo or mhelno get stuck anyway?
>would togo or mhelno get stuck anyway?
Mhenlo would try to heal minions so that's big suckage.
I'll get online if you want to try it
it's gonna take a concerted effort
It's two people who put minion skills on their heroes, not that hard.
bud i wasn't 16 people not two
one person in foreign district one in local
have sex retards
gonna run into corpse problems with 16, could use jagged bones maybe
I'm glad I'm not the only person who's had this idea living rent free in their head for years.

I don't think we'll have the corpses for it, and due to the fact the mission has afflicted (aka melee explosives) + mind burn eles I think we'll hit a critical mass that just dies faster than we can replace. You'll likely have better success on a mission with 8 people but with better conditions for maintaining minions. Old school discord builds are probably up your ally as well.

However sub optimal conditions aside, the optimal party comp would likely include something like:

Resto rit with resto spirits - the healing coming from recup + rejuv is not to be underestimated.

human ST player (I mention human because maintaining ST with this many minions will be a super human effort this is the hardest role in the entire party)

N/P bone fiend paragon for the movement buff heals - can be a hero

HR para for obvious reasons (higher level minions + better healing = minions dying less, also 1 HR para could in theory provide HR to entire 16 man squad). If they can fit stuff like "Go For The Eyes" even better.

It might be possible to skip out on a BiP necro for the sole reason that shit will be dying so often soul reaping will be going wild. However your ST player will IRL kill themselves if you don't bring it, and blood magic has Blood Bond which has fantastic synergy with minions. If possible this hero sticks 9 into death magic to run Vereta's Sacrifice so they can spam +10 regen to allied minions. (well of blood would honestly not be awful choice here but would mean less minions so bleh).

Each party should run 1 avatar of dwayna healing derv, they AoE pulse 50 healing constantly to earshot minions which is huge. Have them stick 12 into healing prayers to grab dwayna's sorrow + healing seed for even better minion healing.

A ritualist with weapons of 3 forges for INSANE minion scaling (maybe can be stuck on resto rit?)

duality of man
Oh god it's a twatter post

For last (non necro) slot you'd want 2 rangers, 1 running TaO with a pet because it's little known but TaO does actually work on minions iirc which is huge. This ranger should also run battle standard of honor and courage (extra damage + extra armor for the minions super buffing them to instantly melt anything they reach).

The second ranger would be for bringing lacerate and ranger spirits, if you stick with vizunah it's a great mission for this particular type of ranger. Lacerate is god like if you are running 100 minions with jagged bones meaning every time jagged bones slaps something, it does -5 health degen, winnowing spirits for extra physical damage for minions, and maybe even predatory season just for minions healing every attack (though not sure how I feel on this one, symbiosis might work too)

This would leave you with 9 slots for necros. DO NOT RUN AURA OF LICH. Aura will steal all the corpses constantly and use up 20 corpses to produce 10 minions. You can be pretty free with your picks otherwise, I'd recommend a minimum of 3 jagged bone necros per party, if they aren't running jagged bones they should at least have shambling horror on their bar. At least one necro should have Verata's Aura to fix any accidents,

A human player needs to be a human sacc and run 55 HP necro and just do nothing other than spam blood of the master. You need low HP for this otherwise blood of master will trigger on 40 minions and instantly kill you. They should run Vampiric Horrors and maybe even Flesh Golem for flavor.

With HR Para in play, all jagged horrors will be level 20 giving them 480 HP and 81 armor (equal to a warrior). There's more you can add to this comp but I think this is as many minions as we can make it without compromising viability, it might even be worth it to run 2 ST rit's each only maintaining 2 spirits.

Based dissertation poster
Does order of undeath apply to all minions or just yours? Could be fun to have the 55 run that alongside blood of the master.
does order of pain affect minions that aren't yours?
16 N'R's with jagged bones, summon bone minions and comfort animal with bears for brutal mauling and then some skills to initially kill stuff, and no healing that's gay
>16 niggers
Sounds like a nightmare.
don't think minions are party members, even your own
i have completed my goals in guild wars.

i wrote a long /blog post about it on completion a little over a month ago now. a couple of the caps have you guys in it (though really just as flavor text). i got busy after so forgot to ask about ~self promotion~ rules. it's not really about gw, it really is a navelgazing /blog post. let me know if you guys want to see it though, it's not like anyone read it or asked for it. i just needed to write it. gw was just where it took place this time. and it was good. i still think about it.

i still consider gw now and again. it's just not obviously more important than other things. i don't want to vanquish or continue campaigns. i wanna draw instead.

maybe one day i'll finally deliver on that long-awaited nika porn.
>gacha addict
>for a game called "Path to Nowhere"
oh no no no
stay gone unless you return with that porn
How did your Tombs go?
Much like our HA runs, we got to the Hall of Heroes and got summarily wrecked.
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Order of Pain does not affect minions. Unless you meant Order Of Undeath, which only affects YOUR minions, not other party members. Overall for a meme squad of minions order of undeath won't be that great unless you're going for flavor, N/P with incoming is superior pick for pure survivability of your minions.

Also I was bored so I decided to set up the builds for this hypothetical scenario that we'll never do. If any real players are playing the jagged bones roles mindbender is a really powerful choice, otherwise can be filled with whatever you are missing. If you choose to run a BiP hero have them run Vampiric Horrors and Verata's Aura as your side skills. You could also run something like a flesh golem with vereta's for flavor instead, just make sure someone has verata's to clean up any accidents a single necro or 2 dying would cause a civil war to break out ontop of the party.

If you're taking heroes it might even be worth dropping Death Nova since I don't know how the AI prioritizes when to use jagged bones vs death nova. Masochism can also maybe be dropped, but only if you have full confidence in your HR para or you are taking. Another idea would be going N/Me with arcane mimicry and have 1 person bring Flesh Golem, so now all the necros in the group could now have their own flesh golem. But that might be pushing this comp to its breaking point.

In total you should be able to maintain 90-100 minions at max. The Resto Rit, ST, HR, and TaO are most important roles for players to fill first.

Also after thinking about it, don't bring a sacc necro with blood of master, even if you were 55hp a single blood is master with 50+ minions would instantly kill you.
We got to halls but overpulled and wiped sadly. Not bad for our second attempt would of been nice to have more players though :P we had 3 henchies

All good Roka was a pleasure to have you while we did, feel free to drop in every now and then if you want to join us for stuff.

Speaking of stuff, HM FoW tonight at 7 PM EST
I'd be interested to read it, can link it if you're worried about obtrusiveness
>i wanna draw instead
good on you
i've used an avatar of dwayna healer hero and you either need to manually spam their enchantments (which doesn't require that much effort) or you need a player, they suck ass at effectively using that build
I'm in love with that ele's edgy drip
is she wielding the sword and offhand to hide her energy?
That was our /fun/ ally who ended up showing up. They were running an E/Mo build

also HM FoW 1 hour
can't make it tonight
I am about to do Ice Caves of Sorrow for the daily mission, if anybody would like to join in about 5min.
Don't forget to do the ZV on your canthan characters today. Easy 300 coins if you've done the attribute quest in seitung harbor.
i just use my 300k a year math job to pay chinese people to farm me nick presents and the dailies
I pay nostalgic math phds ectos and arms to do my homework for me
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Today's FoW run was a success, we went full meme and ran 5 mesmers. Watching shit utterly MELT was really funny

Friday we finish up tombs of primeval kings proph run

Saturday maybe we'll do double proph prog this weekend and do NM FoW proph only
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o ya I vanquished Xaquang Skyway today. It was quite unremarkable, as implied by its escape from my memory.
isn't that the one with fucking annoying 3d layered routes
I love the design of kaineng city, but it's a nightmare to navigate without a map
nah the skyway is only an upper area, thankfully
grab fendi nin on your rangers, sins, dervs, if you have space
You're thinking of SCs again aren't you?
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normal rangerway soosc is piss easy, at least on ranger and derv
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I'm assembling a team.
Putting the WAR in Guild Wars.
q9 cobalt staff (spawning power)
q9 suntouched (soul reaping)
worth anything?
the cobalt staff is probably worth a lot, suntouched staff probably just a few ectos
im going to kill myself
>The thread said anyone want a Sandblasted Lodestone? Have an extra. I asked for it. This week’s GotT was 1 lodestone each. I was only playing one character that couldn’t reach Desolation, but if it’s just to get to Nick, I can go there on another character. He showed up and gave it to me. I asked if he wanted anything. ‘Nothin, unless you wanna tip a playa’. ‘Have you gotten next week’s yet?’. ‘No’. Gave him 3 black pearls.
im a side character on someones blog this is my biggest achievement ever
im going to kill myself because roka doesn't play anymore
>only person online on a Sunday evening
it's over, isn't it?
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>absurd gratuitous amount of quotes
Reminds me of when I was ~20-22 and curating my last.fm account with totes epic song lyrics I enjoyed. Sometime when I can give a fuck I'll lurk through this and see what media we share.
sorry Thunderous Ranger I was afk, what's up?
Wanted to ask for help for today's zm , heroes on ranger are kinda sucky.
Today starts lucky week. Feed me all your proestest of tips on how to max lucky and treasure hunter.
Did you farm during the golden egg weeks? That's the cheapest way to get treasure hunter, I try to farm at least 250-500 eggs every year just so I can slowly chip away at it because I can't stand doing the locked chest runs

Did you buy lockpicks during the brief week we owned an outpost? That's the cheapest lockpicks you can buy for maxing treasure hunter.

For lucky/unlucky you just need to be rich and willing to afk on boardwalk for a couple of festivals over the years. If you're really lucky once in a blue moon you can get a lucky week during a boardwalk event.

Otherwise good luck. Luvky/unlucky tends to be easier to max then treasure hunter.
I got some eggs this year but hate farming, can't do the same repetitive shit over and over.
What about chest running near Boreal Station?
>can't do the same repetitive shit over and over.
>What about chest running near Boreal Station
that doesn't qualify as the same repetitive shit over and over?
It does but it has to be done.
If I'm going for Lucky it doesn't matter what chest I open right? Only that I retain the pick.
Locked chests are always ok, for other types of chests that you can use keys for, iirc the key value needs to be above 600 gold, otherwise it does not count.
Blog post time: I did sharts of Orr on my paragon with heroes and I went in expecting pain. I did it several times on my mes, warrior, derv and ass so I knew what to expect but thought it'd be hell.
I turned out to be the smoothest SoO ride I've had with heroes, by orders of magnitude. No wipes, only one death was the BiP necro. Fendi and his bois weren't a problem at all, I just stood there and yelled TNTF and SY whenever they were available, it was great. I was running Humane Resources on my para, squad was BiP necro, ST rit, Ineptitude mes, Picnic mes and 3 Esurges.
The tankiness from shouts and damage from 20 in mesmer attributes is too much.
yeah turns out that cranking attributes to their max is really broken lmao
Glad you had a good run, I fucking hate SoO. Para is the only class I haven't leveled, but I made one during the anny event so I could at least get the weapons.
>HR para, BiP necro, ST rit, Ineptitude mes, Picnic mes and 3 Esurges
damn bro that's crazy
It's not p2w because I enjoy it
I couldn't complete SoO with an imbagon build (Fendi fucked me up) but HR made it a snoozefest. The only aggravation is from the brazier mechanic because it adds padding and downtime. That's why I like Bogroot Growths because you just run, kill, and speedclear with HR.
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>Profession: Slave Owner
All fucking charrniggers must fucking hang
>tfw vanqing two different 200+ zones in the same night
if you are a masochist be done with it and wire me $200
I'm officially done with trying the AFK survivor farm , back to the YHoT storybooks.
vaettir farm takes a week for r3
I'm doing it with the warrior, and both vaettir farming and raptor farming are too risky for me to do them without dying, not to mention the connection can screw you in a second.
>YHoT storybooks
>45k xp when full
jesus is that worth it? nm fow is 100k xp
Well it's 67,500 xp if you only care about the xp, but I wanted to pump up my Kurzick title while I'm at it.
Raptors are a pretty good way to do it if you're a warrior and profiting from the runs, imo. Lose an hour of progress because your dumb ass stripped wary stance early when you were at 800k xp? Doesn't feel quite so bad when you've got a bag full of glittering dust and birthday cupcakes.

That said, you probably will die a few times.
I think vaettir is a good suggestion, it's very easy to do, and vaettirs do very little damage so you'll have several seconds to react and fix your mistake (or quickly zone out)

Also reminder to everyone, Friday at 7 PM EST we are doing tomb of primeval prog come join us for slow methodical progression as we try not to wipe again with old school builds. Saturday will be NM FoW prog also at 7 PM. Both events will be using old school prophecies skills only, no PvE only skills, no cons, no summon stones we'll have to strategize how to beat missions rather than just charging straight through everything. Last time we did this it was a ton of fun
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i know what i'm bringing
>Multiply Your Power
attribute number go UP
You must be pretty tarded to not be able to figure out the farm kekw
Try this out, it's a much better setup than what is on PvX. Keep in mind that this one is geared for NM, not HM
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Today, I vanquished Nahpui Quarter.
>Not chain vanquishing all the way from ToA to Ascalon
Pfft, casual
when I start my twitch career just for you I will vanq the entire game (minus EotNigger) in one stream
It's exactly that setup, I can't figure out a good position for the keystone mesmer, the Pain Titans always attack him either as soon as they spawn or after a couple minutes.

I made enough xp for the first survivor tier once, I guess I could mix all approaches to get the title faster...
I got some Zaishen Keys. Is there any guide as to what is worth keeping from the chest?
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eblade, crystalline sword, voltaic spear, obsidian edge, draconic aegis, celestial compass basically any rare with a skin you haven't seen before, and if it looks cool it's worth checking even if you have seen it
el tonics, especially the nonmonthly ones
"only" 500k lucky points to go, fuck my life
just wait for dragon festival, you can just 9 rings idle it
how much diversity is in this game
>Not soloing all dungeons in the game in one stream
Pfft, casual
That's a shield set. Not much point in using an enchanting staff as a ghost.
The vanquish for Pockmark Flats and Regent Valley went smoothly with the Rescue at Minister Cho HM setup from PVXWiki, maybe I won't have to wait to get the legionnaire summoning stone to vanquish Ascalon.
I would really recommend at least doing a caravan VQ from Yak's Bend. Having a party of 6 instead of 4 makes it pretty trivial. Not worth waiting until Wayfarer's.
the not-africans are literally spear chuckers and the not-asians are all real sexy bitches
when is this going on sale?
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It was last on sale in March, and before that was January. Soon(tm)?
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>The gate to Krok's Hollow may not open if any of the four Stone Summit Engineers are killed by a minion or other non-party NPC.
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>If the door just before Rurik does not open, yet you have killed off the local enemies, you will have to backtrack and find the Boss and engineers you did not kill. This has previously been misinterpreted as a bug.
the only white nation on the planet gets nuked in the tutorial level
so it's like real life
deldrimor dwarves are white (balkan)
damn what a chad
do they have to be q9 to be worth something?
really depends on the skin
for some stuff (e.g. voltaic spears) even q13 is worth a bunch of ecto
what did they eat after the searing
Total Crimsonskullnigger Death
what did the moa eat
dead ascalonians
You don't see many children around.
they all went to a prison camp up north
FA forming right now
busy tonight, sorry topkbros
maybe next campaign we could pick weekdays, usually got the most stuff going on friday and weekends

all good might post another "when2meet" to find the next best day. I feel like everytime we've tried weekdays in the past they've gone over pretty meh.
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>The gods have blessed the world with their favour.
>someone posts WTS offer
>whisper to them almost immediately
>they do not answer

this happens many times. Do people just want me to open a trade with them without whispering?
Did you offer? ;-)

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