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What's the future looking like for this genre? And any games now that are thriving?
The best current example I can think of is Hell Let Loose (Squad 44 is on life support). '83 by the Red Orchestra guys will be coming out god knows when but hopefully will be great
>'83 by the Red Orchestra guys
That's wrong,

RO:OST, RO2 = Tripwire
Rising Storm = Modders+Tripwire
Rising Storm 2 = Antimatter Games, published by Tripwire
'83 = former owner/founder of Antimatter Games
ill never give these fucknigger faggots my money i wont even do a free weekend. suck my shit hole
Genre peaked at RO2 but RS1/2 are okay too. Everything after has been dogshit.
Good for HLL, more maps and maybe even new factions coming soon. Here's hoping they add Operation Husky and the Italian campaigns.
>Genre peaked at RO2
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RO2 was shit
>exploited to death by campers and cheaters that could become invulnerable to return fire due to the games shitty cover system
>full of fat sweaty wannabe nazi and tankie neckbeards that treat the game as if it were real life, no fun allowed issuing orders as if they have actual authority
>cheesy voice lines everywhere, give away your position throwing a grenade or reloading
>shit small maps, no good open maps where armor and AT got to shine
>fucking bridges on repeat ad nauseum so aforementioned neckeards can get their camp kills
>cringe nazi larpers and tankies suck out whatever joy is left in this abysmal game by spouting their sides shitty mid 2010's /pol/ memes

HLL is infinitely better
Hopefully they add:
Better matchmaking/team reshuffles on new game (but squads stay on same team)
More cosmetics to unlock/purchase
More character progression load outs (but not OP'd)
And more maps and factions
Is Insurgency good?
Can't speak for Sandstorm but Insurgency 1 is pretty good, yeah there's lots of grenade spam roundstart, but it's fun.
There was good maps but the problem is that people didn't vote for those. Map voting means you play the same maps over and over. Whatever is at the top or has a catchy name gets clicked first. Map voting with retards sucks.
Hell let loose is just as clunky and designed for camping with the slow ads speed, and the kits are unrealistic and unbalanced. Why is there no bigger belt for the mg34? Because they want to funnel you to the op mg42 which can't even pull a 250 belt without an assistant gunner and malfunctions in real life. Irl the mg 34 could use 250 round belts better than the 42, but the meme rof is what people want, not balance or historical realism.
insurgency sandstorm is the right mix and everyone has mics so it's fun
By the time the update with the t50 and panzer iii came out the players were already leaving. If people stayed and voted for new maps you wouldn't be thinking this. The people who did stay continued to vote for the same maps instead of the new ones with the new vehicles.
Insurgency sandstorm nerfed explosives to shit to cater to rainbow 6 corner camping nerds, and there's too much smoke and obnoxious particle effects.
The first Insurgency is better.
all your complaints sound like a codbabby who just wants a sterilized esport
Insurgency got ruined by zoomers who camp and only use the best guns and attachments because if they die in game they die irl. That's why they nerfed explosives.
A codbaby would have good enough aim to dome somebody that used r02 shitty cover system. Only the bots used the cover system because it leaves your head exposed.
i don't have fun in insurgency that much anymore everyone just camps, it was much better a few years back
No one's "camping" in insurgency unless they're complete dogshit. People are rushing right off spawn up until to the point where they know both teams naturally enter each others sight lines. How the fuck do you think anyone wins on attacker if everyone is "camping?" How is a defender holding an objective "camping" to you? Do you just want to play Team Deathmatch? Other games have that mode. Maybe one of those 24/7 Dust 2 servers on 1.6 that slay you for standing still for too long?
People hug the ground and stay in dark corners. They play by learning the best spots to lay down and wait with a scoped assault rifle and those people are in every game. The types of people who got the rpg nerfed to uselessness because it's a counter against that style of play.
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Defending by laying in your favorite spot as long as you can without ever roaming, counter attacking or changing positions. That's camping. A good defender moves around the point to clear attackers as they come in, not lay in your gay spot with your scope.
>A good defender
>No one's "camping" in insurgency unless they're complete dogshit
Glad we agree.
Grenades are useless and flashbacks are just annoying and gay as a game mechanic. I don't want simulated tinnitus or blindness as a game mechanic and I only use it to troll.
I'm sorry you find the effective counter to niggers laying prone in the same obvious spots every game to be gay.
Flashbangs are gay, 5 million weapon attachments are gay, heavy armor is gay, camping is gay, only using meta guns is gay, nerfed explosives are gay, scopes on every gun are gay, excessive resource draining visual effects are gay,
I've never thought heavy armor was that good, who isn't running AP? And while I can't comment on "meta" because I don't follow esports for fucking milsims (lol?) the faster ADS from not having a sight on your weapon is incredibly useful especially when attacking.
Why is grenade or rpg not a counter? Because it's 2024 and the fag complaint department lobbied the devs to tune the game to their preference.
I think insurgency 1 is a better game but the graphics aren't good enough to make me coom and none of the femboys in discord will team up to camp with me.
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heroes and generals was the best gameplay wise. pacing was perfect and it actually had a lot of content. pay to win was so fucking expensive you had no choice but to grind.

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