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A thread to discuss (the absolute state of) Space Station 13 (SS13)
Space Station 13 is a round-based, multiplayer role-playing game set on a chaotic metal deathtrap masquerading as a space station. Do your job and try to survive, or get picked to be an antagonist and sabotage the crew!

Played on the BYOND Engine, install it to play - http://www.byond.com/
SS13 Hub servers: https://www.byond.com/games/Exadv1/SpaceStation13
/tg/station website: https://tgstation13.org/
/vg/station website: https://ss13.moe/
3 years away from my 10 year anniversary of getting permabanned from /tg/ at exactly 1000 games played
What'd you get banned for?
being a shitter griefng greytider retard which is the only way to have fun on ss13
assistant on boxstation? excuse me captain i understand the round just started but ive already broken in and stolen the keycard
ahhhh those were the days.....
I thought /tg/station was mostly tolerant of that kind of shit, that basically describes half the playerbase on Sybil before it became a deadpop server.
nah from what ive kept up with its basically a medium rp server now you're not allowed to "break character" at all anymore
SS13 is dead.
Not even SS14 can save this dead game.
there is no /tg/ station
there is only TGstation
>whats the difference?
the one that exists doesnt want to associate with 4chan, and only has the letters T and G as a legacy thing
therefore it doesnt want to associate with 4chan values
the TG stands for transgender
>being a shitter griefng greytider retard which is the only way to have fun on ss13
if everyone is a greytider then there's nobody to grief
doesnt seem that fun to be honest

why is any amount of roleplay or a light case of the whodunits not fun for you?
also true, i'll remember it for next time i need to remind someone of the late /tg/'s corpse being reanimated by flesh manipulators
i like "roleplay" i dont coffeetalk bar RP
if my first natural instinct is to try and jerryrig a pipe bomb in the maint tunnels and security decides to amputate all my limbs and put me on display in the main hall only for me to convince a borg to let me free and drag me to the cyberneticist (clueless) so i can get new limbs and continue my reign of terror by growing botanical weapons of war out of hydroponics bay i found in the dumpster, that's roleplay
"roleplay" isnt coming up with some faggy OC and 'socializing" like you're writing furry fanfiction where the most interesting plot event is spilling hot coffee on a department head so he docks your pay
this game is a mechanical emergent sandbox and rpfags/furries ruined it
Everything you are saying is 100% correct but you also sound like an underaged insufferable edgelord faggot
thats why i got banned lmfao
>4chan values
What, they didn't like the jokes and slurs from here? Do they prefer the upvotes and walls of texts from reddit, or even the image spam and constant e-drama from discord?

Now that makes sense. They could've just said they were from /lgbt/ but it just seems like they were too scared of losing their user base after a drastic rebranding.
>Do they prefer the upvotes and walls of texts from reddit, or even the image spam and constant e-drama from discord?
Unironically yes. The fate of /tg/station is an excellent case study in why you should never allow transgenders in your community.
They're no longer the same people who founded the server. Most of them didn't come from 4chan.
Same thing as with goon which also doesn't really associate with SA any longer.
>or even the image spam and constant e-drama from discord?
That's pretty much all TGstation is these days, several notable players were banned as a result of e-drama which even bleeds itself into the github, and discordfaggotry has permeated nearly the whole community surrounding the tg servers.
Ironically, the actual game itself, while being fucked from trannymins and years of shitty PRs seems to be mostly absent from discordfaggotry except for when the admins are on.
It's almost like the people who actually play the game don't give a shit about drama.
everyone who plays ss14 are either third worlders or insane discord trannies. the old community will never return to the game. it is unironically over for both games
barotrauma is the only good thing that came out of ss13
everything else crashed and burned to the ground including ss13 itself
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>vtumors discovered ss13
Trannies killed this game and now vtumor fans will mutilate its corpse.
vtrannies found the game in 2016 when mandalore did a vid and then again in 2018 when sseth did a vid
Same thing happened with Bay, IIRC. I think there was nobody from Bay 12 by the end.
>the old community will never return to the game

"The old community" are the trannies that have ruined the game. Everyone that didn't go crazy from being terminally online got a life.
SS14 is releasing from play test in a couple months and consistently has maxed out servers. It's unironically saving the game by bringing in young blood that aren't middle aged adults corrupted by 15 years of chatroom mental illness immersion.
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There's been talk on some servers about trying to get new players and a new audiences, but does SS13 really need that? Sure, the player count has been dropping, how how many of these new players are going to have a net positive impact? Keep in mind they're likely going to be a full decade younger than the player base from the golden age of SS13.
I think some of the old players who left would return if there was a server that wasn't filled with nu-SS13 bullshit codebases, rules, players, and admins. /vg/ is the closest there is but it's not perfect.
At the moment nothing has seemed to come from that one vtuber who streamed on TGstation, thankfully, because vtrannies are cancer who would only make the game even worse. I commemorate those Terry players who ate bans to grief the vtuber and spam her with nigger. I hope one day they get unbanned and the TG administration team properly thanks them for their service, and doing the job they wouldn't do.
>I commemorate those Terry players who ate bans to grief the vtuber and spam her with nigger
Is there a video of it?
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her stream has some of the moments recorded, the vtuber's name in question is Jelly Hoshisomething
Here's the TGstation public bans for the incident, it's only the permas, maybe more were banned temporary. Individual round logs should also have some more information, her CKEY was J3L if you want to look it up
Thx anon.
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As someone who hasn't played SS13 in a decade, what the fuck has it turned into? This used to be the game I'd go on and dick around on and watch the mayhem, casually RP on, the game full of shitposting shenanigans.
It's a reddit/discord game at this point. For SS13 and even more so for SS14.
TGstation was hosting 2019 code on one of their servers earlier, was pretty fun
update: they are still hosting the 2019 codebase, just switched to a different tg server
>it was yesterday
Bring back Hippiestation
>streaming gets you banned
>touch the streamer in any way, permabanned
the only new players who'd join consistently are trannies and anyone adjacent to them. I really can't see the pixel rp game appealing to anyone else.
What would an ideal new player even be? A guy like me drops onto yogs like every other month just to get btfo by regulars, I can't imagine anyone else interested in that.
trannies don't play the game, they sit in discord bootlicking the elder tranny admins because they get some sort of satisfaction from being in authority positions or just being close to them, give it a year or two and they become ""coders"" whose contribution are in the form of meaningless PRs which don't actually affect the game itself but are rather just made as a way to garner attention among the community or stroke their ego in front of players who simply play the game
They all hangout on RPservers because they are too whiny and unrobust for lowrp, RP allows them emote their way into killing some guy or powergame as sec, if something negative happens to them they start ahelping completely random shit to get the buttbuddy points
You will then find them in discord again because they are suffering from a "burnout" apparently
Dunno about net positive impact but I can be considered a new guy?? since I only found out about the game during lockdown
For me I only liked this game because of the whole atmosphere of everything can happen and will happen, no other game lets me maintain a supermatter engine or a singularity and provides the freedom to blow the whole shit apart, all the little mechanics like surgery, qm market, atmospheric interactions, actual power generating engines, making drugs from raw chemicals, mining, xenomorphs, pathogens, botany, cooking, ttv bombs, energy swords, stun weaponry, futuristic laser weaponry, traitors, nuclear operatives, blobs, space wizards etc etc and multiplayer too??? all this shit hit me like crack and I liked playing it and it would still be me favorite game
Call me a zoomer or whatever but if the golden age consisted of 2-3 hours long rounds full of NEET jobbies rping their video game job, then I don't think I would have liked this game very much either
I simply can't afford to play rounds which go on forever with nothing happening and an admin above my head looking to ban me for rp break, I have a life outside the little spess game too and the lowrp chaos simulator is the only way I can now enjoy this game
SS14 might have had a chance if they stopped fucking around for years and added basic shit like genetics and station AI
>station AI
They still don't have that? Malf AI is one of the best antag, alongside abductors and xenos.
Would you say it's easier for a newbie to just play ss14 and gradually learn new shit as they add it or just rawdog it in ss13? Asking for a friend
SS13 isn't that bad. Just start as a janny
rawdog ss13 as an assistant or janitor or chef or something. If it is for a friend maybe join with them and looc them how to do shit.
it also helps show whether they'll actually like ss13. I tried to get a friend into ss13 and all he did was type emoticons very slowly like it was a chatroom. It didnt stick with him
Things work in a different way on SS14 so if you start there you'll have to relearn a whole bunch of shit when you go SS13.
If you plan to play 13 just play that.
That said playing 14 isn't necessarily wrong or a bad experience, per se, if you're ok with missing out on some of 13's complexity.
ss13 in cargo with friends is the best experience. Stealing all the stuff to build forts in the storage rooms and LARP as a new kingdom
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>Surgery "soon" for a fucking year now
>Don't worry though, we still have time to make sure borgs can't generate racist laws.
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>>Don't worry though, we still have time to make sure borgs can't generate racist laws.
is it against IRL racism or specism too? Specism should be completely normal in ss14 especially against the arachnid and slime races.
I'd imagine a mix between spiders and humans to be terrifying for any normal human, and slimes that can transform between humanoid and slime balls full of unknown fluid running around you would be disconcerting to say the least. Then there's the plant people that would grow branches from inside their uniforms and be a general annoyance due to their need to hydrate every half an hour. Lastly the moths and lizards are the same as ss13's, the lizards eat raw organs and speak weirdly, and the moths eat their own uniforms and are humanoid insects with weird faces.
I honestly cannot see how specism would NOT exist in space with such races around. It makes no fucking sense from that standpoint, and can only be explained by the modern day political view of racism which has little to do with specism.
specism makes complete sense sense, so much so that it was originally in most ss13 branches (i.e nonhumans can't be heads).
It's been altogether removed for fears of parallels to irl racism. Saying ligger is an autoban on most servers.
It removed malf laws like
>Only Slimes are Cremembers
>All Lizards must be detained for 1000 years
and the like.
On Wizden, pretty much any reference to species that isn't for purely mechanical purposes is running the risk of a ban.
What about on the russian servers? Do they allow racism and specism or are they also moderated by redditors?
They brought back Roguetown and it's better in some places than OG Roguetown.
what's the point of having "job content" in my combat simulator/bar rp game
sorry but the job content guys are in charge and they're more interested in adding 30 extra layers of bloat to engineering, medical and chef instead of changing up the combat meta
it's not rocket science guys, c*ders just love tedium and hate fun, it's that simple
and m*ds are fags/troons but that's another problem altogether
my post was sarcastic, if you unironically play ss13 for pvp or bar rp then you're a retarded faggot
if you want player combat there are better games designed around that. byond is too clunky for it
if you want bar rp just play vr chat or some other tranny game
and engineering has become less "bloated" over the years, most servers have removed various power generation methods leaving only the supermatter as the main one.
everyone who plays ss13 as a combat or roleplaying game is indisputably a retard who just can't actually interface with the mechanics
there's so much depth and complexity in ss13 that never gets utilized because combatfags just want to left click until horizontal and rpfags want you to spend 40 minutes having a boring ass conversation with them about their snowflake static and the shuttle gets called 45 minutes in because half the station is dead with no doctors who actually want to revive people
Those are the ones that create the chaos, without them the game would be way less fun. You very well know what happens when the antags are forced to be stealthy and only kill their targets then stop being antags: nothing happens on the station and it's just round #6412135 that felt like a greenshift. The most fun I've ever had while playing ss13 was when shit hit the fan and I was desperately surviving against the odds. rpers can't make me feel that, jobbies can help a bit, but combatfags cause it when they are allowed to be free.
And sure, not every round needs the thrill of survival, it's also chill to relax and enjoy working and helping others, if the work isn't insanely tedious or the the rpers aren't in cliques, ignoring the rest of the crew.
The game isn't only a pvp, rp, or job game, it's an interactive space station simulator with chaotic situations. Going to far in any category leads to focused servers like CM, HRP servers, or modern TG which are not the classic experience that was simple yet fun.
>if you want player combat there are better games designed around that
Yeah, like Space Station 14 for example.

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