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We thought of this idea on /v/ to play through random niche and obscure MMOs we vote on. Preferably games that 4chan hasn't already played together so the experience for everyone is the same. The rules are:
>vote on a game
>whichever gets the most votes gets played
>make a dedicated general for the game on /vg/ and play it for a month
>end of the month vote a new game
Feel free to suggest more games be added to the list and suggest rule changes.
You know how in anime sometimes Japs are shown playing these weird old-fashioned MMORPGs? What the fuck do/did they play irl during those time periods? Did they have their own pool?
How many votes should we wait on till a game is decided?
We were suggesting 20 votes at least but I think we should wait a day for the votes. In the meantime we can talk about the MMOs in this thread and encourage others to vote on a game. We can also shill this thread every time there's an MMO thread on /v/ to get more anons interested.
Maybe a 'pick 3' format would be better? Picking just one from such a huge list will split the votes maybe a bit too much.

Ragnarok and FFXI were the big ones over there AFAIK. I suppose there were some games that never made it to west or were quickly forgotten over here but I'm not sure if those would've been big enough in Japan to influence anime.
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I'm watching this thread with interest. I can't vote though, because I don't know enough about any of these games, lolz.
Google up the names and look at the images which one seems cool to you. No need to stress about it.
In hindsight I should've used a smaller list that we gradually update every month. I don't wanna redo it now but when it comes to the next strawpoll I can edit the list to games that got votes but weren't the played games, so that way we know what games anons do wanna play.
As someone who spent a lot of time on Atlantica back in the day, don't. It's basically the proto-BDO with minimal party play and socialization. That said, the jrpg-esque combat was pretty unique.
I think you should expand upon the rules more. Does a game we already played get removed from the list so we can't revote it? If a game only has private servers and there's multiple ones who decides what server we play on? What if we all decide a game is so shit and boring that we give up before the month ends?
Games already played can't be voted again but anons are free to stick to playing that game together if they're not interested in playing other games. For games with multiple private servers we'll just have to decide in the thread which to play based on our research of the server, like which server has a bigger population and better content. If we all decide a game is shit and pretty much all of us drop it way before the month ends then we'll start up another strawpoll. I'd say we give a game a week or two to decide on that.
>If a game only has private servers and there's multiple ones who decides what server we play on?
In some cases they will even have multiple official servers.

For most games it would make sense to go for the most "classic" experience as long running MMORPGs tend to get weird and often receive updates that trivialize the early game, kill partying and such. Though we could also vote on the server.
Way too many options I'm not even going to bother voting
You should touch up on the design of this list OP. Make it look better.
I'm not good at image designing but I'll get around to it eventually unless someone else wants to make it look better.
No way tales of pirates, that takes me back poorfag days playing every free MMO I was offered, perfect world I remember too

this seems like a fun idea if there aren't too many spergs or whatever, hope something comes of it, I'll bookmark this place

so when do the votes get counted and when does the playing start?
>so when do the votes get counted and when does the playing start
After a day or if a game gets 20 votes at least. After that the game gets a general on /vg/.
Sounds good, I'll try and make a nicer spread for it in photoshop, might take me a while because I'm dogshit at it.
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dnd online is a bad option, after a week you'll hit a paid content wall. the first 10 hours are cool but then you're hard stuck without expansions
Requiem: Desiderium Mortis would be a good addition, i remember playing in early 2000s and it was quite unique
>Requiem: Desiderium Mortis would be a good addition
I tried playing that on steam and it just wouldn't work for some reason. Had problems like no volume and getting stuck on the startup screen.
nvm got 3 games deep then accidentally closed out without saving, too inept sorry
I like how all the games are low spec that can run on toasters. I wouldn't be able to play if you had games like BDO on the list.
I voted Trickster. Let's go Trickster bros.
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I've been waiting for this thread, glad to see it got made. can we add another rule for no discord, or if we did only for voice comms?
voted Trickster as well, let's get it
maybe we can do a tournament style vote for the top picks if they're too segregated
I also voted for Trickster. Looks comfy and grindy.
PSUbros...not like this...
Checking this out from the SWG thread on /v/. It's probably unlikely SWG will be the voted game but I'll still play whatever does get voted. This sounds pretty fun.
I would've voted Wizard101 but that game is only free until a certain point then you have to pay membership to go to different worlds. The day someone makes a private server of that I would play the living shit out of it.
psu is actually fun but the controls might filter some anons. you do have the option to use a controller if you have one though.
EQ2 is starting its EQ2 Origins server in June btw. Reversing the mechanics to be similar to what it was like in mid-late 2006
I voted FlyFF
Nice premise, but I feel like we need to attract way more people.
then shill it in mmo threads on /v/ or shill it on mmo generals from here or /vg/
we do have a good amount of votes already assuming all who voted are gonna try out the game that gets played
>assuming all who voted are gonna try out the game that gets played
I will unless uncharted waters online wins, just not interested
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I don't care which game wins I'll still play it. The thought of anons playing an MMO they probably haven't played before and are experiencing it together and shitposting in the chat is comfy.
psu website seems to be down
>use a vnp to vote spam a game
>force anons to suffer
heh nothing personel
OP I think a better format would be we play a game that gets the highest amount of votes for 2 weeks then after that 2 weeks we play the game with the 2nd most votes. Then repeat. That way we can get through games faster and people who didn't have their pick win gets a guarantee afterwards.
I think your idea sucks, and so do you.
These are good points. I think we might have to cut some options if they aren't truly f2p.

We should add this to the next vote.

It's such a shame because it's a cool game but the controls are just max jank. At least with a controller you can get right stick camera controls but even the rebinding is jank because you gotta pick from a list of buttons and they might vary from gamepad to gamepad and the rebinding is done outside the game.
Enjoyers of niche titles may present your games to me for review and observation, as I am fond of the late 2000s and early 2010s when a new MMO came out every other week, finding new random titles off random MMO lists off random MMO websites and downloading betas off fileplanet.
Which one of these has world pvp? I wanna fight some anons.
Just dropping in to strongly recommend against Trickster, saw that it was winning the poll. I played that shit at launch and it was awful. I tried to find a related meme from launch but it's lost somewhere on my HD, but it boiled down to being fucked by the devs. But who knows, maybe you'd enjoy the jank enough to fuck around with it, but I'd still push you more towards PSU since it's a close 2nd.

Personally, I'd say try Anarchy Online. Much more fun game, especially if you're an oldfag and recognize the word l33t as something from your past, more than 'ancient text'
you can add asherons's call which has a large/active private server community with custom content. goodle gdle (gamesdeadlol enhanced)
many servers with weird custom new content and custom pvp rulesets to explore.

can also add warhammer online age of reckoning. good private server exist(cant remember name but easily googleable, there is only one)
what about private servers anon?
Doesn't fix a shit game unless they're like Ascension WoW or Project Epoch and take world/system/coding matters into their own hands (aka, extremely rare, most pserv hosts just put up the game as is and you're lucky if they fix anything)
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For the love of God someone please come play with me.
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My autism took over with the grid so I fixed it.

So that I don't have to be the one always updating this, if you make a codepen account and fork this
you can add or remove stuff from the grid. Simply copy a <li>...</li> entry and change the values if you wanna add something. Then you can use the full view https://codepen.io/wosin123/full/QWPeypL and a tool like https://www.site-shot.com/ to make a screenshot of it.
nice one anon
is uncharted water online the og voyage century?
To the anons who voted Granado Espada, I know why you did.
God-tier OST
Very nice
I have their discord invite and there's the download and account creation in there, so if by the chance PSU wins and the site isn't up we're still good.
>Secret of the solstice is back
It has a private server called Xen Rebirth
Add Dark Ages & Xenimus for the next list OP
So 3 more hours and a game is picked right? What if it ties? Phantasy Star Universe is in the lead by 1 vote. What time do we start when a game is voted?
If it ties by the time is up we'll just wait by 1 vote for a tiebreaker. I guess we'll see if the thread becomes active before we make the general on /vg/.
we could try starting the first thread on /v/, and move subsequent threads to /vg/, to get a bump in anons to play with
Goddamn the poll has a lot of votes. I turned block VPN users on so people shouldn't be able to vote multiple times.
I've been shilling this thread in the occasional MMO thread that pops up on /v/. I think whatever game wins we just move it to /vg/ and remind people here. We'll probably get randoms that notice the general on the catalog and check it out.
DDO's problem is it's essentially geared at small groups taking their time through content. Not necessarily suited for something like this.
>EQ2 Origins server
this will require a sub to play
Have they said that for sure? I noticed that the beta required it but is it certain that it will require a sub once it goes live?
EQ1 progression servers require All Access Membership so I imagine it will be the same here.
>fallen earth
that's still alive?
Well fuck. I might still go and check it out for a month when it's out.
So it's likely Trickster is gonna win. Since we were talking about private servers there are two known servers I know of for Trickster. PlayTrickster and LifeTO. I'm pretty sure PlayTrickster is more populated.
you spoke too soon, it's back to a tie
dudes voting with their phones or some dumb shit
vpn still works, OP is retarded.
What about Ragnarok, Lineage2, Priston tale and Asheron's call?!
I tried voting with a phone and vpn and it doesn't work
Only bad games allowed, sorry.
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>nigga mad his game isn't in the top votes
Ragnarok and Lineage2 have already been played by /vm/ before. Shit RO is still being played but if you go to that thread enjoy the dramafags.
It's missing way more than just those. Ragnarok is way too popular to be included here IMO. They have their own thread on this board if you wanna play it go there.

For the next round we might wanna do some sort of preliminary round to see what games people are interested in and then only vote on those.
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should we wait for a one vote tiebreaker or see which one gets to 20 first to be more fair?
we'd probably be waiting another whole day for 20 idk maybe wait till 15
If people were using VPNs or multiple devices you'd see more votes on other games
first to 15 makes sense
15 is a good choice
Half the votes in PSU are mine though.
prove it
Why would I get myself disqualified? You all will play my game, and you will like it.
so you're full of shit
btw trickster lets you make nude lolis
Heh, see you in game nerd.
I already voted for the game anon even though that's not true
>asheron's call
ah yes nursing home patient game
all the games in this thread are for literal geriatric anons bruh
Most of these games are no older than WoW
I'm flabbergasted that nobody is shilling the choices enough.
You should update it again with a gameplay screenshot that best represents the game next to each title.
And? MMOs in general are an old man genre. Only living fossils still bother playing them.
tfw 27 year old senile shitting in my adult diapers right now
Time for my pre-fap ritual to make my game win (PSU)
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>Granado Espada
It has both the art style and OST, but goddamn it's a game geared at AFK botting.
>wanting to play a literal tranny game
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>All Access Membership
Not that it matters for this as games should be F2P at least, but as far as subs go that shit is worth it if you're playing more than one of their games. You're getting a 4-for-1 deal.
Pre-fap rituals don't work, I voted RF Online.
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Love this art style. It's weird how well it has aged when it isn't outright stylized cartoony shit.
DCUO was trash and live servers for EQ are pretty terrible as well. Do you even need a sub for Planetside 2?
True but its the only mmorpg where skill actually matters
PSU at 14
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I'll bake the general
Since their website seems down atm here's a link for the guide

The installer linked there should be good since it will have to update anyway

Accounts are created in the launcher.

You can customize keybinds by opening settings on the launcher. Keyboard uses a weird WASD+arrow keys layout. Mouse control isn't useful. Gamepad might need to be rebound to make sense.
fuck it i am out, can't be arsed to jump through hoops to make that shit work
same, someone make a Trickster online general
>jump through hoops to make that shit work
why can't you guys just be fucking normal?
>let it update
What hoops?
Just try it out and maybe we can do this idea >>1277646 if most people don't mind. I think it sounds better desu.
It can be worse. It could be EVE.
stop being pussies
i expected it to be a shitty version of Phantasy Star Online, but it seems to be fine. I thought there were only going to be shitty odd games, what's the catch????????????
stop being grooming people to play your kusoge
The games don't have to be shitty just niche or obscure, or games that haven't been played together on 4chan before.
>what's the catch????????????
Grind that makes RO blush in comparison.
kek this is bullshit
I actually have a high level character on PSU myself and I can carry people and show them the ropes or I can just make an alt and start fresh with everyone.
keep the poll open so we know what people want to play next time and only poll those games also I'm downloading clementine right now
i'm for this idea too
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That sure is how this thing falls apart, "my thing didn't get picked therefore I will not play"
bet you were the kids in preschool that wouldn't play with a toy but started throwing sand at any kid that touched it
Trickster will most likely be next anyway.
I feel like that's a bitter samefag
you forgot your meds, schizo.
>download Silkroad just to kick some time
>every server is fucking full
I'm sure that's a convenient belief to hold, but no. Just following the thread and saw the whining
carrying defeats the purpose of this whole thing
I feel like having someone around that at least knows how to get started will help with retention, even if they're playing a new character.
True enough
a new character would be fine, I'm just not interested in running after someone who oneshots everything
Game needs to patch once you log in so anyone planning on starting I suggest you launch it early and let it run. Looks like it'll take an hour or two
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did you mean me ? lol
god I hope star wars galaxies never gets picked the next time we do this, that game is awful
based chink
If you count like 40 concurrent players at peak as "alive", then yes.

I like the idea behind what you guys are doing. I did something like this with my friend group years ago. I would just find some old MMO and get us to play as a group from the start. The thing is though we would only play for like a week before we lost interest and this was when we had 9+ hours of free time each day. At least for me it was mainly doable because I would log on with all my friends and we would all be at the same quest progress and such.

What do you guys plan on playing like? Just going in solo? Talking in town? Only waiting to party up with others?
I'll still play even if we don't have a big group from the start. If I'm playing solo for over 2 days and no one else joins then I'd give up on it. Another anon said it already but the biggest drawback about this idea is there's always gonna be people who won't give the game that gets voted a shot or they'll only bother playing if their game gets picked. There's also people that won't start unless they know a game has a decent sized group from the start.
should make a party for others to join when possible
How's silkroad currently? I remember they added european classes eventually, anything else new since then?.
I get the feeling I would enjoy Eve, but starships don't do shit for me.
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Realistically this won't amount to anything because there's way too many options and you have to account not even half of the people who voted any single game will actually play. I'll be shocked if five people get together in PSU.
I think every time a game that gets the most votes has almost no people actually playing it we should make a thread for the game with the 2nd amount of votes and see if people will play that or do a repoll. I think it's too early to call the PSU general now but if a day or two goes by with no one playing it then we should change it.
there's probably some faggot tourists who see this thread and vote a game without any intention of actually playing it
100% with faggots advertising on /v/ constantly. I don't know if OP has done this or if it were someone else. If you want /v/fags to play MMOs with then make the thread on /v/.
it was a fun idea but it's over...pack it up boys
even a small group will do, post ITT with your characters to group up etc
Is there a guild/method to group anons together in-game? That's the only thing that will make me play this, since organizing sessions otherwise would probably suck.
I feel like there's a better way of doing this that actually will get people to show up. Maybe we should put some games on the list that are well known and we alternate between playing a known game and a niche one. Just as long as the known game currently doesn't have a general for it already like Ragnarok, FFXI, Maplestory and Mabinogi. For example there currently isn't a Lineage 2 general so we can play that and the rule is we all have to start fresh characters even if you've played it before.

For one month we can have a separate list of well known MMOs and the second month a list like the one in this thread. Then we just go back and forth between them.
I'm around right now, nobody seems to be posting in the /vg/ thread
You all got tricked into downloading a game no one will play lol
/vg/ is where videogame threads come to die. /v/ finally had a good idea for anons to play together but it's wasted on a board for gachashitters and small circlejerks because no one new will come
make a /vm/ thread then
where the fuck do you think we are?
My favorite is when someone in the /vg/ thread stated that there was no guild system, and parties only go to 8 members so there's no way to lump everybody together into one chat or any other method of mass communication lol
What a godawful first pick how are you guys going to arrange anything in game?
I made a /v/ thread, it may be our last chance...
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We talk in the thread
Literally cannot fail.
I doubt there'll be more than 8 people online at the same time anyways and if there were then the remaining players can form their own parties.
>I feel like there's a better way of doing this
Run it tournament-style with 8 or 16 options. Vote (daily?) on each pairing to get people invested and narrow down mmo theme appeal. If someone's top choice loses they can at least flock to the next near interest that way.

After 4th day, game is sorted and /vg/ is set up. What >>1278698 this anon said is fair I guess. Not super familiar with how having a thread on /vg/ or /vm/ would differ.

I guess you could have the main vote thread on either /vg/ or /vm/ and then cross link the daily vote-offs on /v/?

Dunno, kudos tho, this feels like a fun idea. I just don't give a rats ass about PSU. I'll be keeping an eye on if it's remade or if not just wait until next month's game.
this is what happens when polls get botted, there seemed to be genuine interest in trickster from the posts here but all that vanished after. I'm still open for a revote because the threads on /v/ and /vg/ are sinking ships sadly
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We've got a few people playing man, anyone's free to join

Look at all the fun we're having!
/vrpg/ thread might be a good idea.
what server?
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I created the character for the time being. I'll try to log in tonight.
next time dont pick weebshit
most mmos from that era were weebshit lel
Evidently people want weebshit seeing as Trickster was the second most voted
next time lurk moar instead of posting some newfag shit and embarrassing yourself
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What do you do in this game?
I'm on right now if you wanna run a mission to get a taste of the combat
come to the first spawning area and guide me and this Jenga dude
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Thanks for showing me the ropes anon.
Make sure to bump the /vg/ thread
That's where we're talking about the game with guides and stuff too
keep an eye on the /vg/ thread too, it's got some useful info as well
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>laptop out of space
it's over... how big were mmos usually back then? I don't remember many hitting 6 GB
I think its about 5 gigs
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Star Trek Online might be a good fit for the list too, don't know if it's obscure enough but it only has like a thousand players at this point
Yeah it's 5 gigs
>Star Trek
that's old even for boomers
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Luv me trek
I wanted to play that
for some reason everything installed is 6GB on my machine
Ah yeah it is 6
we'll get em next time bros...
Lurking this thread, came here from /v/. I recommend Fiesta next time you guys vote. I might join in on Phantasy Star.
It was my childhood but even so I admit it’s bad. The most populated private server right now is even more p2w than the original, it’s disgusting.
>more p2w than the original
Which one? I remember playing playtrickster and didn't see p2w stuff.
I played it for awhile, it is surprisingly active and full of treckie boomers. Also monetization suck major balls, they don't even pretend to have enough catchups to level the playing field.
diff anon but I did some research and there's playtrickster (rTO) which is p2w and dying population. lifeTO is the non p2w and more populated and there's another one, eternal paula which has the latest content but might be p2w
I was referring to playtrickster though it has been years since I last played so things might have changed. What level were you at? The p2w stuff becomes more apparent after lv100 or so.
From what I remember, the official server gets occasional events that give half decent equipment, usually in the slot that you don’t get many from in-game. But while I was playing pTO, almost all updates revolves around change to the cashshop, with the discussion thread being people asking for limited time cashshop item and such.
The game also has autodrilling pet which is essentially passive income (at the cost of your electricity bill of leaving your game on 24/7). The pet is limited time cashshop in the official so its less prevalent. In pTO, the pet is always available so everyone is doing it, which probably hurts the ingame economy.
Another thing is the upgrade system in the game. Upgrades are notoriously bad, as it often gives the lower end of the range values. The pTO offers an alternate upgrading system in their website where only paying members can use, and it gives better values.
Okay but what about games that have multiple private servers? Do you then vote which server to play? Seems like you’ll get too many different opinions.
We'll just go by what most people suggest for private servers
I was looking around for private servers for old MMOs and it's disgusting how many of them are simply terrible
>in some cases botting or autoplay
>insane rates
I just want some servers with like 1-3x rates, no p2w, no multiclienting, no botting and no other bullshit. How is that too much to ask?

I assume that people are sensible and agree with what I laid out above and that we should pick a server that gets closest to that. But of course there's gonna be someone who disagrees.
LifeTO is the best bet if we get around to playing Trickster
probably the one closest to classic in the spirit of the adventure as well as
>least p2w
>proper website documentation (no discord only servers)
>no virus
>lifeTO is the non p2w and more populated
I’ll try downloading it later and see. I tried that server years ago and it was a ghost town so I never play.
鋼鉄戦記C21/Steel War C21
Sadly the only version available is the one post-cuckening.
>dungeons were simplified
>you can get free level 30 training for your bots
>events give you an OP weapon that trivializes the worlds
>the insanely RNG dependent materials to make the world-related weapon are still insanely RNG dependent
>it's less likely to acquire mob parts
A server being a ghost town shouldn't matter as much if we can get anons playing. I'd much rather play a server that's good but dead than a populated shit one.
>That one other anon who voted for Rappelz

My nigga in Christ. I had fun playing it back in uhhhh 2006/07 I think. Oddly, the version that's out now feels very uhhh...sterile ? I remember Rappelz being flashy and the UI really standing out for me. It just doesn't look the same somehow.
RF Online was probably my favorite of the shitty F2P MMO era, It looks cool, I liked the tech vibes. Shame these cool ideas ALWAYS HAVE SHITTY PUBLISHERS REEEEEE WHY GOD WHY
>the version that's out now feels very uhhh...sterile ?
That's a problem with most of these. The updates released over the years killed all the magic.
Whoever took over the UI Dept has ZERO soul and just wanted to make something by the book. It doesn't even look like it belongs in the game at all.
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I absolutely loved the Duty Officer system.
Ima wait Trickster Online to join ur fags
>tfw 11 hour time difference to lifeTO server time
It’s over before it even starts for me.
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So apparently lifeTO isn't completely dead (the rest of the town outside this pic is empty). I do get high ms for being a filthy SEAmonkey, but I'm used to it.
See you next month, perhaps.
Did they ever fix the native resolution to where you don't have to go change shit in the folders to make it bigger? Not that it's a big deal.
>See you next month
I'm with the other anons on the two week thing. A whole month just feels too long to wait to play another game. I think the point was just to experience a game as far as we can not get to the very end and do every content, which you can't do in a month anyways.
They offer 800x600, 1024x768 and custom where you just input the number yourself. I like the default res though.
I'm not in a hurry to start so I'll just hang around until other anons want to go.
Two weeks seems like just the right amount of time in my opinoin too. Anons who are enjoying the current mmo can always continue playing it together. There is always gonna be a number of people who are not even willing to try a mmo, just anticipating the next one.
nice DOGTURD anime "MMO" picks
arigatou gozaimasu
i miss uncharted waters online so much
osrs gim
Voted psu, see you soon ingame chaps
We're at /vg/ and active right now
If you voted but weren't willing to play the winning MMO if you lost, you're a faggot. I legitimately don't care what MMO we'd play but you faggots gotta make drama before we even play an MMO. Why bother voting and participating if you weren't going to play any MMO besides X? Why did you need to come here and suggest other people play? The whole gimmick was trying something random and likely new, together.
ayo this nigga spittin fax
I completely agree with you. The reason i haven't even touched PSU was because i imagined if these faggots would just taint the experience for everyone else. Thankfully seems kinda comfy from the screenshots i've seen.
I voted trickster but got filtered by tech problems. it does disappoint me though that even people who voted PSU didn't come to play the game.
I think next time OP could do a tournament style vote like some suggested, or do a poll that requires a password or bare minimum reading to filter outsiders
I just voted for PSU, thanks.
I voted for Trickster and I'm playing PSU. It's actually fun.
Two weeks is short if a game catches on but long if it doesn't. I think we gotta see if people are still playing PSU in 10 days.
Maybe consider Aika Online sometime. In its heyday it had 1k vs. 1k PVP. Has a nation system where you can invade other nations and openly PVP, and even a player-run government that lets you coordinate alliances.
Surely the population is dead now so the notion of large scale pvp is meaningless.
For the most part yeah, it has been repeatedly in and out of service the last several years, but I'd imagine they're down to one server at this point. I doubt the playerbase is as huge as it once was, but some coordination could probably lead to a few large-scale invasions.
>finally freed up space on laptop
it's so over...
Looked it up and closest solution I can find is on the forums saying run psuc.exe as admin and make sure nothing is blocking the connection (antivirus, firewall) set exception for psuc.exe.
The getting started page that was previously mentioned has a section on fixes, although it just kinda amounts to installing directx which you probably already have since it's so common.
Thread's been dying down. I hope you guys get active again when the next game gets played.
Most of us playing are posting in the /vg/ thread
Yeah but there were probably people who voted who only intended to play the game they voted. So I hope the next game that gets voted has an even turnout or better as PSU did.
Oh I see what you're saying, and I agree. If even half the voters played that'd honestly be a lot more fun.
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Any other mmoGROIDS play seal online back in the day?
pretty sure the servers are still up
>sound temp composer
Fuck they make good music
looks cool
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That's the plan yeah, this place is for voting the next game, we try to keep the /vg/ up for discussion of the actual game and screenshots, though I guess we could post a few here too. Not like it's at risk of disappearing, /vm/ is pretty slow.

captcha: SR0NX
So, when it comes time to vote the next game do we just leave the OP strawpoll up or create a new one in the thread?
I think the next game's going to be TO from the votes and thread interest. we really should find a better way of voting to avoid a bunch of votes from people with no interest in playing together though
Don't know that there's much way to prevent it, just figure they won't hang around for that long if they're not engaging anyway. And anyway, what's the nefarious plan, make us play a game we end up enjoying? Dastardly, indeed.
I think the issue is more why even vote, if it's not the will of anons interested in playing together? I think TO will be fine, but going forward I'd at least like a minimum number of anons playing equal to the votes for a game.

If I could suggest stuff like
>fake poll in OP to filter passerbys
>encrypting poll links
not foolproof, but minor hindrances to get anons at least minimally invested in voting
How many are playing PSU?
For the next set of games we should do a bit of research what games should be on the list. Like anons pointed out DDO and Wizard101 aren't really playable f2p as you run to a paywall very quickly. There's probably more games like that on the list. Like for example Twelvesky has a trojan if steam reviews are to be believed.
>fake poll in OP to filter passerbys
>encrypting poll links
Seems kinda dubious. Like other anon said, there’s not much you can do about it. Getting just half the voters to turn up would be good already.
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Yeah, personally I think we just play it by good faith and let most of the people skip out on it if they want to. We can always veto the game if we hate it anyway.
All this is a contrived excuse to play niche games and have someone to do it with, what strictly dictates which we play and why is superficial.

this might be wise, though it requires someone to do the research and if there's no volunteers we can still just trial and error with the voting process, not ideal but it will still work.
OP here. I removed PSU from the poll because there's no point in keeping it on there. It's also obvious Trickster is gonna win the next game so I'll keep the poll up and let the numbers reflect that but the poll site also gives me the option to reset the poll so I won't need to put a new link in the thread. I think I should do that after Trickster. I don't wanna have it to where people who voted once can never vote again.
Yeah there's always a game people want to skip but also we can assume someone voted a game and genuinely had second thoughts and skipped out on it. PSU had like 24 votes but in total I think around 10 anons played it so far.
I can replace those games but anons will have to give me some games to replace them with or just outright take them off and make the list a bit smaller.
here's how I think it should be from what we've all discussed in the thread
>poll gets votes
>play game with most votes for two weeks
>play the second most voted game for two weeks
>reset poll, take games off we already played obviously
tourney-style voting would be better
The only way i'd imagine you could make sure people would show up is by making a google poll and forcing authentication. That's a really moronic idea though, so might as well just stick with strawpoll and accept that some people that vote won't join.
I would second a tournament vote. the idea was to get people who're invested in the threads and playing together
How do you set up a tourney style voting system?
there is this https://www.polltab.com/bracket-poll
Alright we can do this after Trickster gets played.
Ok boss
Absolutely this
I picked up psu because of this thread
haven't played with anyone since I didn't follow through but it's been pretty fun solo, think I might keep playing this one and once I break out of my shell maybe talk to people
nearly level 40 and it's getting rough alone so soon i feel it
I wish people posted in this thread more
someone said they are using the general is that the pso2 gen?
makes no sense why split the potential for people to talk
keep it here or in game sheesh
Read the OP and thread
that doesn't explain why /vg/ and not here
example just have in the OP when the next poll is, what the current game is, and how to join current game
Did you read the same OP I did?
>The rules are:
>make a dedicated general for the game on /vg/ and play it for a month
I think that explanation is sufficient enough, but since that probably won't satisfy you, it's probably to garner interest in the game to get more anons to join in. I don't see the issue
These threads will probably last longer than a single game so it is difficult to keep the OP up to date
who's we?
because a democracy is somehow entwined with enjoyment?
literally all you had to do was make it random for it to actually be interesting
the whole voting shit just reeks of tranny drama faggotry
>"games that 4chan hasnt played"
so if you played a game, you shouldnt vote for it? keep this shit on reddit, faggots
>tranny out of nowhere
definitely keep your shit on reddit, pedo newfag.
>tranny and reddit obsessed ESL tourist trying too hard to fit in enters a thread just to complain and is still unable to properly read through the OP
Kek, why are you so upset? 2/3 of your questions were answered in the OP, you simply don't understand English or can't read words. Feel free to stay in your shell and keep playing solo.
This must be the same guy that has been trying to shit on the other thread.
Kill yourself faggot
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We've officially hit a week of playing PSU. Just another week for the next game.
can we replace some games like other anons said? from what people have already said some games are only f2p until there's a membership wall like ddo and wizard101 and apparently twelvesky2 has a trojan. a lot of other games are just really dated or unplayable that most wouldn't have fun with
>mu online
>dark eden
>champions online
>eudemons online
I can 100% guarantee no one would have fun with these games and drop them day one
Could always limit the amount of days for really dated games.
>thread about obscure mmos
>there's scant few obscure mmos mentioned in the thread
>it's mostly people arguing to advocate for their favorite piece of shit not obscure but definitely dead mmos so they can have friends
lol, lmao even.
>reddit drama jews ass blasted that their entire central planning scheme has been exposed
>no defense besides "no u"
exposing homo faggotry is too easy nowadays
damn anon, great b8 m8.
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Well shit, we've been exposed.
name obscure mmos then
we could have some sort of a trial week where a week before it's time for the next game, the more dedicated regular posters in here try out the game for a day or two and report back if it is actually any fun at all to reach a consensus on its worthiness before dedicating a new general on /vg/ to it and bringing in new people, if most are saying it's not fun at all move on to the pick with the second most votes and try again
Do we need such elaborated procedure? I imagine the voters themselves should have done minimal research on the game or have played it before to have voted for it. Maybe we don’t have to worry about those games since they won’t win the votes anyway.
the less work individuals have to do, the more likely this survives
Just let the voting work itself out, or tournament if you prefer, that works just as well
yeah I think some anons will naturally do a cursory look at games during the voting, barring some weird, unlikely scenarios where an actual bad game wins the votes. still a ways off anyways since Trickster will be next
To the people who plan on playing most games that get voted I hope you're saving some images from each playthrough, then once this project ends we have a big compilation of pics from our time in different MMOs.
Hopefully some videos too, there were some really nice ones made during /v/ and /a/'s rule over Tera closed betas. I would but my PC is a toaster and I'm ass at them
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We're definitely taking lots of pictures/gifs
I don't know about videos but honestly I think what we're taking now gets the point across well enough.
Hopefully this idea lasts long enough to have a nice spread of group pics that we took at the end of every trial period.
I'm down to keep it going long term, it's been very comfy so far.
How many hours do you guys normally put in a day? I gotta wageslave and only have like 1-2 hours a day so I might be lagging behind when people hop on the next game.
Well a sesh usually goes for like 4-6 hours, but people come and go pretty often, if you can only do 2 hours then do 2 hours, there's no pressure, it's a very chill environment.
some worth playing off the top of my head with decent private servers or still just live: dark age of camelot (sorta), perpetuum online, a tale in the desert, gloria victis, discovery freelancer. do you feel sufficiently spoonfed now you smarmy faggot?
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Now imagine a world where you lead with that instead of being a pretentious cunt.
you mean the one where I get disregarded anyways because you're a bunch of stupid nogames retards? is that really your last jab you can get in now that you've been crushed under the incredible weight of my vidja knowledge? suck a dick and get cancer.
Go in expecting not everyone who showed up for one game is gonna be joining the next, but at the same time we can get completely new people for each game.
Dude kill yourself no one gives a fuck about your sperging.
>get upset by callout
>say some stupid shit
>get shit on
>"wahhhh no one cares!"
>get upset by thread
>say some stupid shit regarding trannies, jews, and reddit
>get shit on
>argues with thread, advocating for his favorite piece of shit, not obscure but definitely dead mmo's so he can have friends
>"wahhhh no one will care!!! I'm going to be disregarded by anons!!!"
>conflating one shitposter with another because you have brain damage
>not knowing how to reply because you're a mobile using zoomer
>making contrived greentexts
>shitting up a thread you don't want shit up to get the last word in
: ^ )
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Well it sure as shit will if you lead with "all your games are shit wow what a gay thread" yeah, good job anon, you get to be right on toxic post #3 by burning your chances to participate in the first one, hope it was worth it.

>conflating one shitposter with another
so you're not only a hypocrite but you also acknowledge you're just here to shitpost, good I'm glad we could be open about something for once
see how much simpler things are if you just start with honesty? Now go hang yourself and see how long it takes for anyone to notice
He really thinks we don't know he's from pso2g. He's the same guy who was shitting up the /vg/ general because he chimped out after noticing some known general personalities from pso2g play PSU.
So Sunday marks two weeks for PSU. Do we start Trickster the same day or the day after? Or do we wait till that week's Friday to start? Reasoning is if people might need a break before starting another game.
How is the interest in PSU now anyway? People still enjoying it or ready to hop onto the next one?
We do have people eager to hop onto Trickster, but the PSU general may be kept alive from people who got interested in the game by seeing it on the catalog or it got shilled in pso2g.
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I got kekked by tech problems trying to run PSU, I don't think I can wait another week to play together
I'd be down to start day of or day after, depending on how much set up is necessary.
Anyone pondered which server we're picking or what we need to do/know to play?
I assume we are playing on lifeTO since that’s the least p2w server (you can convert ingame gold to cash currency). I’ve play other server before so I can try answering them when we got trickster thread up.
i'm late and i'm here to party
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we trickster waiting room now
Join the discord
Oooof yikes anon, yikes.
Yikes anon, ooof yikes.
Hard pass anon ooof, ooof anon ooof.
That's a yikes right there anon.
There is no discord and there never will be
i'm sorry they didn't invite you
Damn, nigga. You trying hard to sow dissent.
how do you guys talk to each other without discord
We talk to each other over discord, but pretend we don't.
Btw I'm trans
We just talk in game, smoothbrain-kun. Why do you need Discord when you have a fucking image board to communicate through?
Don't care, still not inviting you to the group.
I'm up for starting sunday since we're basically treating saturday like the last day by taking a big group pic that day.
Yeah we're playing lifeTO. I actually tested out the client (didn't start a character and progress) and the account creation and download is really easy. Your windows defender will try to block the download though.
>already using their discord schtick
He clearly doesn't understand how this board operates, so just ignore him. Now, we do need a guild name for those games that feature a guild system. Any suggestions?
We should discuss that in the Trickster general once it's made.
Good call
Could go with the usual <No Fun Allowed> but it might be fun to pick a new one for each game.
At one point someone in PSU asked us who we were and the term "tourist board" came up, since we only really demo the MMO's maybe incorporate that into the name.
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He called us a bunch of reddit kids
Just as long as the name doesn't have "cunny" in it like every other 4chan MMO guild name.
>he was tho

Simply incapable of handling the whimsy.
<No Cunny Allowed>
Nothing turbosperg like that, no

I was just spitballing ideas so we don't go completely generic
Only Boomers
[Geriatric Tour Guide]
Wet Rat Society
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LifeTO is going under maintenance for about an hour on Saturday at around 11:59 PM EDT
what time are we starting TO? early Sunday? it works for me since I play degenerate hours anyway
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So is LifeTO the server people are going to play on? Might as well start downloading it then and do a settings check
Most likely yes
Ok, I downloaded it and set up my character. Had some antivirus issues but they were pretty easy to solve.
Did one quest and hit level 11 so I assume the rates are REALLY sped up which is nice, hopefully it won't become too much of a faceroll at the start though
>He started without us
I just wanted to see if the game worked, I stopped already. I'll be in timeout until you guys finish the first quest too
It's too late now, Anon.. we can't forgive this betrayal...
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I just didn't want to sit in character creator for too long being indecisive about what to play
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Do I want to play a bnuuy boxer, or edgelord dragon?
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>You can chose your starting stats
Where are the boomer scholars when you need them? Someone explain this shit.
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The graph determines your stat growth per level. You need 4 points into it for the stat to increase. When you level up, you get that number on your graph + 4 points you can assign freely. Your main stat is locked at 4.

Power and magic is quite self explanatory. Sense is for your drilling (can explain more later), max weight capacity and luck (crit chance, block chance AND magic attack accuracy).
Charm is just defence, magic def and HP.

eg. Power type can go standard 4114 (4 power 1 magic 1 sense 4 charm) for survivability or cut some from charm into sense to get LK for crit.
I should explain about the classes a bit first. In trickster, the classes are gender locked. 1st job is the same but 2nd job are gender-specific. Then for 3rd job you get to choose between pure (get more skills that align with your 2nd job) or hybrid (get 2nd job skill of the other gender).

Bunny would be the most beginner friendly. You get one of the strongest single target skill (tetra punch) and for your 3rd job you choose between going pure (getting even stronger single target skill but have exactly 0 AOE skills) or hybrid (get some AOE skills to patch up your miserable grinding).

Dragon is a bit unique that it has 2 pure 3rd jobs. They either go light or dark spells. Light got a decent spread of skills with the best survivability skill in the game (shield of heaven, literally cannot die with it). Dark lord hits hard but die at the slightest touch unless you get lots of HP gear. Go dark if you wanna be an edgelord. Hybrid option will take too long to explain coz sheep got even more options.
How the fuck do you make the game run on full screen
In the launcher option.
Can't click on the options button, it does nothing. Even setup.exe isn't working
Are you sure you're not being blocked by an antivirus or something? I had some issues until I made an exception for it
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works on my machine

Maybe post a screenshot. I'm not sure what you meant. How do you even start the game then?
Linux bros... the winsissies are making fun of me...
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Are there any guides for where to spend your points in Trickster? Going all in on one stat is probably not the play I would assume
https://guides.lifeto.co/c/general/7 has guides for a couple of classes but doesn't seem like it has it for all of them
That is exactly the play. Power type goes all AP, magic all MA, lion (gun) all AC, fox (throw build) all DA, raccoon either all HV or all HP, cat usually all AP.
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>Cute Bunny
>Cute Sheep
>Cute Fox
>Cute Cat
how the fuck am I gonna choose
Checked out the guides, guess I'll go pure HV Diva. Cheers
Don't fall for the galder throw skill though, that thing is garbage because it's fixed damage.
yeah the guide I'm looking at has a rough skill build I can follow so hopefully it's still relevant
Use this one Linux bro. Worked only once for me though. After the first run I had to change the settings using the registry editor.
Err mean to quote >>1293260
The Trickster general is gonna be made on Sunday. If you guys have any more links and guides to the game, post them so I can use it for the general. And if anyone else happens to make the general before me reminder that we make it on /vg/, not here.
>everyone already playing
is over
>making a general for a two week project
I'm waiting, but it's installed
>Did one quest and hit level 11
I hate this shit.
Are people starting early or not?
Trickster looks hecking complicated to learn
on sunday
it's sunday in 3 hours
ok europoor.
in 3hrs is the group pic tho
stop living in the past anon
We're EST niggers here
I sure hope not, Estonians are cringe
what's an estonian? do you put mayo on it?
Mayo is cringe
How are we going to go about picking the next game now? A new poll?
Whoever sucks most cocks gets to pick
we make a general for the game, we keep it going for two weeks
it's basically a grassroots operation for nice MMO's, it's up to YOU THE PEOPLE to keep it going past that point

that'll be after trickster which was right behind PSU in votes, after that we'll do a new poll or a tournament style voting, whichever one people prefer and then probably play the top 2 like we're doing with PSU and Trickster
niche* MMO's

some are also nice but that's besides the point
by the way, any of you playing PSU, we're doing a group pic in an hour, check on the /vg/ for instructions
So what class is everyone going to play?
Please don't tell me everyone will go with sheep
Cat (Diva)
full support sheep
It doesn’t really matter because there’s no “support” or “dps” roles in this game. Every class can pretty much do everything on their own.
Anyone know how easy it is to catch up in leveling on trickster? I can't be around for the first few days.
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So what're dark dragon vs light dragon like?
oh how the tables turnt
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Seeing how PSU went from 5 to like 20 people, I am fully expecting 80 anons playing in 2 more weeks
Normally I'd recommend light for the sole reason of getting shield of heaven. Dark lord needs cashshop gear to do big dick damage but since this server lets you convert ingame gold to cashshop, it could be okay too.
anyone know if you can easily reset stats in lifeTO? I hate fucking up my builds even if I never hit lvl cap
I doubt you can fuck up the stat. It's really that straightforward. What you will likely fuck up is the skill build. Look up some guides before you go in.
There are cashshop items to help you unlearn skills but if that skill is a prerequisite to another skill, you need to unlearn the other one too.
I see thanks, hopefully anons can share some up to date guides with the skill builds and we can put them in the new thread
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well I found some guides deep searching youtube, I have no idea how up to date these are though. Trickster boomers let us know if these are still good
>Trickster Online Skillguide - Dark & Light dragons
>Trickster Online alternative Mage skills (voiced)
>Trickster Online skill guide - Raccoons
>Trickster Online skill guide - Gunners
>Trickster Online alternative skill guide - Gunner skills (voiced)
I hate whoever made this thread on a personal level
what about hybrid sheep? some dark magic ontop of elem stuff sounded neat
You know why, and if you don't it would be pointless explaining
Go find literally anything else to be angry about
Don't blame me if you are too retarded lol
>I hate this thing
>Okay, why?
Why even bother making the post at all? holy retard.
Frankly, embarrassing.
statisticians be like "if this trend continues"
Light dragon it is, I will express my love for god by searing the flesh off anyone I see
how, you don't even know them
>Duhh I am a retard please cum on my face
Shut the fuck up before I suck your cock, retard.
its pretty obvious you absolute faggot
Swallow my load you big gay retard
make a timer in the discord please
hide the thread and fuck off
stop replying to the most obvious of bait you fucking morons
hide my balls in yo jaw bichboi
You are no boss of me.
we never agreed to this shit fuck off
Jesus christ i stopped looking for 5 mins and it shat out a ton of posts. So yeah, can i get a blowjob?
Got linked here form /v/, you faggots are circlejerking on discord?

Fucking hell
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for me? it's the catto
it's 2025 already gramps, there's nothing wrong with discord or sucking cock
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>I am a retard please cum on my face
I'm like this, but unironically... hehehe...
I remember playing this game with my class as a lil kid
good times growing up in the 2000s. sadly old now
Intense level of samefag shitposting
v, ERP and discord are a winning combo desu
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I'm here because I missed the photoshoot and wanted to see if there were any anons left who'd want to enjoy some of each other's Photons for a small period of time...
It sure has been a while! It sure is a nice day today, huh? I love the feeling of the sun on my skin!
honestly not sure how much of this game i remember since elementary but ill try to work it back out. is anyone here a oldfag too there?
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Hi! I'm a dusty old hag with a 1980s birthday...
>no general
Make one already discordfags
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Hi /vm/!
Needs correction
Photon elf!
Is there an established time we should start at?
Don’t think so. either way I’m outside for another 10 hours so I’ll miss you guys anyway.
Check #announcements bro
after maintenance, maybe 2 hours from now
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hag? no way grandma you are too young for that. this is a mom gamer game
i need a boomer to handhold me through this cryptic ass game
Sadly I already tried Trickster when all my HS friends were playing it but I didn't like it that much. Still, fun idea you all have going here.
>linked here form /v/
That explains things
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Explain it, geezer.
Where is the discord?
Theres kids bloke
lifto guide site is fucking down, stuck at character creation stats screen send help
the UI is too puny for my boomer eyes I am suffering
hey i saw your post in /vg/, whats going on in this thread guise?
Oh one more thing, lifeTO has some custom changes to useless skills to make them better. As far as I know, gravity crush, siren song, berserk got buffed. There isn’t a full list because even the dev themselves didn’t keep track.

Also some high level skills aren’t available. If the wiki says it’s from chaos tower drop, it’s not available here coz there is no chaos tower in this server.
Log in and I'll send you an invite
How about you start explaining from the beginning. I don't even know how to get skills
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>/psug/ thread dies
>thread immediately fills with shitposters
good god somebody remake their thread
this'll help with the starting spread and where to put stats
haven't been able to find much to tell me which skills to focus though
Everquest is fine, its not hard to fuck with the interface to where you like it.
You can play on the Test server and the game will give you a 100% free premium account, perfect for a month long trip through a historic game.
all the guides for this fucking ancient boomer game where hosted in now dead sites
>he can't scale the ui

just a tard flood
it'll pass
Follow the quest till you get to desert town. The NPC will direct you to the skill NPC. Or just walk there yourself, they are south part of desert town. Buy skill card then learn it from your card inventory. The skill tells you how many points you need to learn lv1, then you need 9 points to get lv10. You can master the skills if you gather the required item, usually monster cards, which get to the max level of the skills
>desert town
Ah, I was still in the starting area. This fossil game is too esoteric. Thank
me, you gotta kiss me if you want it back
Since this is a private server don't do 2143 on Fox, 1144 is optimal. The 2143 build path was an option for poorfags.
this is probably just the most users it's had in years
>5 boomers is too much for their servers to handle
I'm going with sheep and nobody can stop me.
There's already 10 sheep players, dude.
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did anyone succeed in creating a character yet
Yeah, a lot of us were ingame. The server is in maintenance now though.
I did a few days ago.
oh yeah guess it went into maint while I was stuck in character creation fug
Yeah, I made it to about lvl 24 doing the tutorial then it crashed, I'm guessing for that meintenance they were mentioning.
>Leveling alone
I met skibidi, I've got your number bitch
What's the discord?
don't worry...we'll party together with exp boosts and harshly out level him as revenge
>Skibidi toilet zoomers
Jokes on you, you mainly level from quests so party exp bonus is worthless for at least the first 100 levels.
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It's unfair, you boomer scholars have the knowledge advantage. You should be helping us retards
I gotcha fanum tax cuh >>1294238
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>he thinks we'll stop at 100
can't wait to REFUSE you from my parties while you come begging, you backstabbing bastard
Log in for an invite.
I would help but I’m wageslaving, bro. You fags have fun without me.
Me you galders lets ride
Its maint still
>no general yet
did the anon leading this shit die or what
I hope you fags aren't level 200 tomorrow, I'm going to sleep.
It's popping up in the morning, most of the regulars played a long sesh and went off to masturbate and/or sleep
it's 12am in the only place that matters, :^) maybe they're asleep.
what dragon is tryna get rizzed up tho
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>went off to masturbate and/or sleep
Seeing there are some anons interested in magic characters, I should mention.

DO NOT GET MANA RING. DO NOT GET MANA STORM. THEY ARE GARBAGE. Mana arrow into arrow rush is your best friend. Ring and storm are only acquired as prerequisite for high level skills but do not waste points on them early on.
all the guides say otherwise though
We do be sticking gyatts out for da boomers
what's a TM Point
why is game freezing when I try to log in
Your skill levels. It’s separate from your base (stat) level.
you are banned
so i need to buy the skills and the use TM to level them up? hard....
Was thinking of making a sheep, but where the fuck are the skill guides?
>12 sheep players
Seriously, did that many people start early and actually make sheep? Fine I'll make a cat or bunny then.
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it's our time chuds...
It looks like you need to press enter to log in instead of clicking login
Mana ring will do more damage than arrow until you get mist of mana/arrow rush, which is like a day of playing. I’d rather not go into detail on damage formula here though. I’d say slug through 1st job with arrow is better, unless your build requires mana ring as prerequisite very early on. Or just ignore me and play however you deem fun.
someone make the Trickster thread on /v/ and make them suffer with us
I have this on my work wifi too kek. The game froze a bit then nothing happens. I have to switch to my mobile hotspot.
You do it, lazy bum.
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ugh k fine then anon...
Thread is being shit up by trannies from the RO general by the way. None of us are playing the game early and we don't have a discord. Don't fall for the bait.
Im level 20 where do we meet?
i knew i recognized their posting style
anyways i wonder if the private server is gonna shit itself with all of us joining at once
I was playing with dadstacker earlier, retard.
Post your character :)
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>we don't have a discord
Then who the fuck am I chatting with right now?
Come drill with me
I baked the bread
The UI is so fucking tiny
I’d drill you if you know what I mean.
Get glasses, gramps
>all this falseflagging
do trannies really?
What makes trickster fun?

I remember spending two days just drilling randomly and saying 'fuck it' to go back to RO
thats what makes it fun
post your character names so we can meet up sisters!
>>>/v/676883712 bros...
What about /vg/
Oh I just saw your post.
what do thread shitters hope to accomplish? all of us in psu agreed to not play the game until sunday afternoon and if we saw anyone in-game that was way above level we'd just assume you were one of the ones shitting up the thread
even if you actually do intend to the play the game you're just helping bump the general which is what we want
There normally shouldn’t be a case where people start early because we should be voting first. It’s just this time everyone unanimously agree on TO way before PSU ended.
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Just came from /v/. So Sunday afternoon (12pm) the general will be made? I assume 12pm EST right? So 9 AM PST for us west coast folks.
Sorry I meant to add (after 12:00PM EST/ 9:00AM PST)
I asked what time we were starting and nobody replied... so we just assumed Sunday any time would be ok
I'm a dragon.
4 or 5PM est is ideal
It doesn't make any sense to me either. It's like they want to dissuade people from playing by lying about a discord but at the same time pretend they're playing the game to get others to play. Weird falseflagging tactics.
im literally new to the thread and asked to no answer, so i started as it was said other people had. take your meds
Match is a cutie
A sense of disorganization in general can dissuade people from joining.
it's not really disorganization
we started psu two weeks ago on sunday, so one can assume sunday would be the day we start the next game
>match, dadstacker and a bunch of other anons playing
>already getting cliqued out for joining late
My husbands.
falseflagging trannies taking names from the psu general and pretending they're playing the game
it's literally
because leaving important discussions like when to start MMO to ingame chat and ignoring questions on /vm/ is not a good idea
Man you are all schizos, i'm out.
you guys do know we can literally hop back on psu and confirm who's who or not right?
I'll never understand how others find enjoyment in sowing dissent.
Wait so there's already a clique formed from the previous game?
Should I even bother joining trickster?
some people here are crazies and its not just from the dissent side if that exists
yeah i did the tutorial since I had time still, just trying to see if I can understand how the game works so we're not all headless chickens going in tomorrow, and trying to find info on how to build my character. Wasn't progressing beyond the tutorial which gets you into the 20s automatically.
there was a discord clique before PSU and trickster
its zoomers and normies trying to masquerade as /v/ users
>either being this schizo or this much of a falseflagging tranny
Pick one
Are you schizophrenic enough to think anyone would bother impersonating another person? lol Like do you really think there's some grand conspiracy out to get you? lmao
Don't know, don't care.
We're here to play niche MMO's not bicker. Most people will be online sunday evening, show up or don't.
are you schizophrenic enough to think anyone would bother forming discord cliques just to get others to play MMOs with?
no one wants to play with your shitty clique faggot
if anything we'll make our own /v/ guild
it's just the pso2 schizo, anything involving discord should be automatically ignored
>if anything we'll make our own /v/ guild
More people playing the game confirmed. The Trickster general is off to a good start.
i tried to download the client and was greeted by a cloudflare page. i give up, enjoy the game fellas.
servers are getting DDOS'd from the overload
>10 people caused the server to overload
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I don't masturbate...
There's a pixeldrain mirror
which one, boxy?
reminder not to play with the tranny PSU trooncord clique its just a power trip for them
>no I am not the same pso2g dramafag who complained about nym playing psu, why do you ask?
I'll play with everyone tomorrow, I'm going to sleep already. I just did the tutorial to see if the game was working. Thanks to that anon that was around.
Also I'll be sure to post a pic of my PSU character next to my post with my character name so I won't be impersonated by a dramafag
has the discord link posted already?
Yes. gg/zzpqGkj
this is the private server discord bro I was talking about the tranny clique server
sorry bro, here it is
Suggestions from extreme mmo player that plays all games
Remove rose due to grind + needing past experience to level in an enjoyable way (buffs that helped this got dropkicked also)
Remove latale as its a singleplayer game
Add lineage 2 because that game is crazy and isn't very popular in the west, i think people will love it.
(Also consider voting ether saga)
Lineage 2 sounds like it'd be fun, I recall playing when I was a kid and being completely clueless.
Rose Online has a private server so do you think it adjusted the grind? Also /vm/ already played Lineage2 before which is why it isn't on the list.
>/vm/ already played Lineage2
Like 10 years ago
>Add lineage 2 because that game is crazy and isn't very popular in the west, i think people will love it.
I would love to play l2 again, but retail is not lineage 2 anymore and every single private server is infested with russians.
Shit this is actually a good idea. I'll post a screenshot of my PSU character in the post of my Trickster name when the time comes. Recommend others do the same.
You don't want to play rose private because the official is the home for the community now, and im not sure it does help much.
Also damn I missed that
So we will be excluded if we didn't play psu?
no one said that
>i can't read
you sound like you dont even want people playing with your clique
why the fuck would anyone join in on this fake psyop?
Lineage 2 is definitely a lot more known than most of the others, good game though played it back in the day.

always has been, that or brazil
you sound like you're mad your psyop was exposed before it even happened kek
aww so sorry tranny-kun
nobody's buying the samefag drama anon, move along
awww he's so mad he couldn't get away with anything kek
By the way, go to control panel of TO and get the daily reward. You can sell for quick galder then we can start a guild.
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Oh, sick.
Thanks for the tip
So you guys started already?
A few people did the tutorial, that's all
Went ahead and made the tournament style voting for the thread. Added a captcha and IP specific with no VPN users allowed, so people can't complain about bots even though they likely will still complain. Made it to where the votes are tallied every 3 days then the game that wins get put in the next round, you know how tournaments work. Added and removed some games based off of thread recommendations and removed the games that got zero votes in the OP.
So the real start will be in like what, 9 hours?
How do you vote in this link?
How many rounds do this add up to? Specifically when do the final result come out? Ideally it should be close to the end of 2 weeks.
What does it show for you? It says vote next to the games.
>have to do a captcha for every single vote
fuck off
The results are two days before we get done playing Trickster. It's 4 rounds.
I just notice this. I thought we could make all the choices and captcha once.
This is tedious
You only get one vote anyways so why are you complaining. The captcha was to just shut the fags up who complained about bots the first time when that didn't even happen.
>you only get one vote
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guess you're favourite game isn't going to be played then
My favorite game is sucking your cock.
One vote right now I mean :)
nevermind kek, the captcha is really tedious, oh well we can remove it in the next tournament
It doesn't give you advanced options to make it to where to captcha once
>have to vote once in each bracket
>ten brackets
>captcha every time
your brain on vacation bri?
At least later stages of voting requires less captcha
I actually thought it would be one vote per round not one vote per game every round. Oh well.
>Age of Camelot
Is this DAoC?
the captcha isn't even worse than this site's captcha what's the issue
yeah it's keeps repeating the "pick the horse" captcha for me, I don't mind it actually desu and it looks like votes are already trickling in

Tales of Pirates ride or die.
As always feel free to persuade others to vote on what you want to be voted. Make a case for the game to get people interested in it.
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I'm having some trouble with it
Tales of Pirates has an OST that will laser print itself into your brain
I just noticed it placed some games in round 2 with zero votes. I thought it would just have every game on round 1 but I guess the bracket was too big to fit on it. This really shouldn't matter though.
So basically some of the games that won round 1 will be placed against those games in round 2 that weren't in round 1. They still both start off with 0 votes in round 2 but you can say those games that were already in round 2 got a head start. This wasn't intended, but based on people's voting patterns this shouldn't matter.
nah this is just how tournaments go if you see some of the lower brackets in round 2 don't have games in them
it's all even
I have a feeling FlyFF will be the next game
>had to google pictures of giraffes to remember how many legs they had
i might be retarded
Yeah you're looking at it the wrong way. Those games placed in round 2 are at an even advantage with round 1.
tales of pirates will come out on top
If we had psu can we have gunz? :)
Is that even an MMO
I have perfected the butterfly style, none of you would last more than 5 seconds against me
About as much as psu is honestly, instance based and has questing + social elements
*forbidden steps behind you*
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no, not really
this is actually how the voting should be handed
should've done this from the start
perfect world bros how can we lose to fiesta
This should never happen in any world
>was going to suggest talesweaver
>look for active private servers
>all dead
It's truly nyover...
Playing Ragna/v/ with them twice was terrible.
Man I loved that game as a kid, I remember being super happy about getting the magician level 30 set (and then quitting a few days later because I stopped being able to solo monsters around my level and couldn't find a group to grind with)
I voted for it
I remember playing it and being a bronze flying woman, it wasn't too bad
i am narrowing down your likeness rapidly
Yeah, anon?
You WILL vote the pirate games (Uncharted Waters Online and Tales of Pirates)
You WILL plunder each other's booties in the poop deck while singing sea shanties
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Frankly the most based take I've ever heard.
Need more takes like these around here, maybe it wouldn't be so infested with landlubbers.
Fuck you pirates, CABALchads we mustn’t lose!
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How about some eurojank? Margonem is a polish MMO that everyone from poland played back in the day.
Biggest gimmick is that every level has content to do, and like 80% of the playerbase is sitting below level 100 (out of 300) fighting each other over world bosses. On PL servers that is, EN ones are dead as fuck.
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Would tibia fit in with these?
I forget if I mentioned it already, searching for it doesn't pop up anything.
It'd probably fit in with >>1294516 in the eurojank bin, one of the oldest mmo's that are still officially running, it's "inspired by ultima online" old
I thought of Tibia too, but the requirement of buying premium to really play the game might be a dealbreaker for many.
not that it'd matter for a 2 week expedition, game is slow
private servers are an option but we would likely have to go to brazil, or poland
Actually looks surprisingly pleasant, funny that with how abhorrent runescape, tibia etc looked in what i assume to be roughly the same timeframe of original release.
tibia 1997
runescape 2001
margonem 2005

normally those wouldn't be huge gaps but 8 years in those generations is the difference between final fantasy 7 and resident evil 4
rough day for the age of conan stans
I mean nothing about margonem looks like it couldn't be made in 97, it basically has snes era jrpg graphics. Tibia and runescape just choose a different style that aged like milk, especially runescape.
Is there a timer or something for when people are playing
don't care, will play it with or without you
whats the point of these threads if there's a supir dupir sekrit dicksword server?
It's straight up RPG Maker graphics, actually
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Whoever is organizing the votes, add Myst Online: Uru Live
WE NEED to play it
gosh speed you naked weirdo
I prefer tibia's visuals, smoother, less harsh.
I’m coming, anons…in an hour…
You are cumming in an hour?! High stamina....
Didn’t mean to quote
When is trickster starting?
4 or 5pm est
Is everyone who's playing American? Kinda useless for any euros to even join in on the project if you're starting at midnight and will play during NA primetime
plenty of anons where on earlier and even now
Yeah I'm level 48 dont worry about people in other time zones
Then why delay it until after EU has gone to sleep instead of having it in the morning for NA and afternoon EU?
i'm not the one running things bro
I assume whoever is running it is reading the thread too
I assume people already started after the maintenance ended
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>Can party and play with other people
>Instead chose to play alone in a MMO
what's the point
it's just like real life
If you aren't already part of the clique, you will never be invited.
Go back to your RO thread
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Please don't leave me behind
you are late, everyone is already lvl 200
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If one of you was the cat in town that was using galder coupons, stop. You need some of those coupons for quests later. 500 galder coupon can also be used to trade in for elemental compound stuff later.
teach us how to play then, boomer
You niggas already started? Where's the general?
not me, i'm just idling in the starting area waiting for people
I only did the tutorial for now. it sounded like most people will be around to play at NA afternoon.
You're being gaslight into thinking most people already started by a pso2g sperg.
most people didn't start and if they did they only did the tutorial to test things out which is fine
there is no discord group either, dont fall for bait
wtf I'm being called out
I've been...bamboozled.
>all these new people in starting area in duck gear
Post pics of their characters with names next to them bro. Go on.
you're acting like duck gear is endgame or even mid game gear lmao
>People that say they only did the tutorial but are level +50
didn't this game blow up on the internet a few years back because a player reached the highest level and found a secret thing in the game
>when the people don't have names and pics aren't being posted of them but trust me bro
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What is it about /pso2g/ which seems to attract the dregs of the dregs from that board? Even /xivg/ is more mentally stable than those schizos on-average, it's wild.
Still cool to see /psug/ made it all the way to the bump limit all the same, of course. Hope the good times can keep rolling with /trickg/, or whatever the OP ends up calling it.
Do you honestly think newcomers aren't gonna play the game because you keep pushing out lies about discord cliques and lying about people already being high level ahead of everyone else lmao
you'll be like level 20 right after the tutorial but after that the leveling is actually pretty slow from I remember
I don't understand it myself. The grown men is pos2g really think they're dating each other and gossiping about each other like girls in high school. They actually post about how they've "had sex" with other namefags when they're talking about ERP, but they legit treat the ERP like a real experience.
Prove it.
you have to wonder what psug would've turned into had it stayed longer
pso2 at the moment has no content and probably never will, and these people have been playing that game for years
It's a symptom of any long running MMO general. pso2ggers are worse about it since their game is shit too.
I wonder why xivg isn't as mentally ill as it was in the past while pso2g has got more mentally ill over each year
is everyone just going to solo?
probably because ffxiv has a monthly sub and not everyone wants to pay every month so they leave the thread until a major content patch
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>Want to play as a smug c@ or suave raccoon
>Charm characters are apparently complete trash without extensive funding, according to the Primadonna Guide
Welp. Guess I'll be the 13th Sheep on the scene, in that case.

Hoping OP gets the next General up soon, as this'll get pretty messy otherwise.
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I assume some of the people I saw also came from here but I'm too shy. I'd just wait until someone made a guild.

How did PSU gang kick off? I was too late to join on that.
bro do you know how many people wanna sleep in on a sunday morning
we have work too
you guys work on saturdays? pity you
Shit I was gonna pick charm too.
Just get carried by the flock of sheep
I wanted to play a fox but they complain it needs funds too for all the throwing ammo...
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In skimming a few guides from the LifeTO forums, it looks like the best new-player classes are Buffalo and Sheep, due in part to their respectable AoE spells early on. Guess it depends on how in-depth you want to go into this random title, planning for future characters, etc.
Can speak from at least some experience in playing the original NA release from waaaaay the hell back in the day, that Raccoon is bloody awful to start completely fresh, and C@ is probably in a similar boat.
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Imagine not being a bunny chad and instead joining the cringe sheep horde
I can make the general right now since the thread seems pretty active. I thought people would still be sleeping this early which is why it was originally scheduled for afternoon.
PSU was fun
how in the fuck did you guys already reach bump limit last night it was 350 post what the fuck
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wtf you guys...
all me
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No worries, afternoon is still fine. Good to see you're around to keep this ship sailing.
Rolling through the tutorial at the moment, I'll likely be on later this evening (probably after everyone has moved past the first real starting zone, but still).
it's trickster one of those solo games anyway? are people even gonna party lmao
probably not. everyone seems to prefer to solo or play with their close friends
/pso2g/ trannies invaded /psug/ and found this thread.
I wouldn't worry so much about class choice, considering it's a private server and those guides probably only considers the solo experience.

Something set shitposters off and went into overdrive.
You should make it right now
Still don't know what class to play. I'm torn between Diva and Witch.
>you mainly level from quests so party exp bonus is worthless for at least the first 100 levels
So is this one of those solo quest faggotry until level x where it gets good?
I just made it anyways
This thread is about to hit bump limit too so why not get people to go to the Trickster general before making a new MMO thread here
/vm/ is so slow this is gonna take a while to die
this thread still has a few days left
Someone mentioned it went from 300 to 700 in one night
Is that retard still up? Fucker doesn't sleep.
He's a poojeet his morning was our night
the quests seems designed to be done in a party
/vm/ doesn't get much activity, it'll be a while before thread gets purged. Seems like people are itching to play anyways so it's all good.
I've plated Trickster a loooong time ago and not really. You can do zone quests solo and even some dungeons. The game does have its own versions of MVPs like Ragnarok.
yes but the board needs new threads for this one to die
no one will party with me then? it's so over
it really was a massive mistake playing phantasy star first
>free advertising
it was bound to happen one way or another
nobody foresaw the invasion
I'm going to invade you mouth with my tongue if you don't stop
do me next
when is fiesta's turn? looking at the poll it seems in about half a year lol
I heard from mmo experts that Fiesta is SHIT
Why? I made some new sex friends during PSUC.
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leak the erp logs sister
and I heard you're a flaming faggot, guess we're both in the same boat
That was Tibia I'm 99% sure, with its level 999 door.
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Post your username and I'll just introduce you in person.
There's a new poll if you scroll up a bit. Tournament style.
I see it and voted, thanks
>still probably will be played in half a year
Torah should be added on the next tourney
Meant to say Toram
Fucking retarded autocorrect
You should have played with us before to get the right to nominate a game.
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i dont want everyone to know i'm horni and stupid
Nothing to see here goyim
I'm here but I see nobody?
Trickster was a mistake.
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more like Digster
drill me
big brain brian
If you like wuxiakino
>Perfect World
>Ether Saga Online
>Silkroad Online
How about choosing games that don't make people want to quit on the first day
Everything is fine
Your soft hands never handled a drill a day in your life?
Hope you guys do research on the games you vote. You don't want to play something that's just another solo experience for the most part.
we chat more in this one than the other one, the social aspect is still there.
and again there's party grinds at 120 that are useful and we're hitting 100 on day 2.

i get kMMO's aren't for everyone but then don't vote for them. Everyone was yammering the 2 weeks of PSU to play trickster instead now we're not 48 hours in and half of you are whining to quit. I think some of you don't actually like playing MMO's, just whining about them.
also y'all talk shit but we have between 5-15 people playing pretty much 24/7, it's been pretty active this time around.
Cope. Being online doesn't equal being active. Most people are just treating the game as a chatbox because it's simply not fun.
>Most people are just treating the game as a chatbox
so an MMO?
Discord exists now, old man. If anyone wants to talk to people they can just use that. If there's no gameplay to interact with others then it's as good as that.
that's great man. have fun on your discord server and let others enjoy their mmo experience.
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Chuds seethe at the SOVL of this thread.
First vote concluding in 11 hours.
seems like one or two of the votes could still swing the other way
for most of the MMOs, there's going to be a WoW-like questing system that's going to disfavor party play. I think we should take a look at the MMOs and how much they encourage party play, how viable are party quests, etc.
so far FlyFF is the most voted, and that one definitely has the same tired fetch quest structure.

in the end it can't be helped, so unless we're playing all instance grinders there's naturally going to be an attrition of anons who aren't exactly into the MMO aspect of the project
there will always be some kind of problem and you can't make everyone happy. if we play a game that requires parties to progress then some people will be upset because they are behind everyone else.
yeah there's no happy medium, and with instances there will be anons angry they didn't get invited into parties. you have to take it as it is and just enjoy (or suffer) the journey
The real problem is that Trickster isn't really good
I had hoped the leveling was a bit faster, you got 20 levels in 30 seconds at the start and then around level 80 one level takes like an hour. Azteka's shitty quests lowered my will to play but the exp grind in the wharf killed it completely
what do you recommend then? if Trickster isn't for you then you'll probably hate all the kMMOs and cMMOs on this list
>trying to shill your discord server
I think it's funny these posts mysteriously disappeared when we started playing the game. I wonder why.
I told him to fuck off to discord if that's what he wants, how is that shilling anything.
Because you are a schizo jumping at shadows and thinking everyone is the same person. Take your meds
With Trickster specifically the problem is with the repeatable quests and shitty drilling. I get that those things mealow out eventually but some people just don't have the patience for that. Personally I would just tell people to play the game at their own pace and don't even worry about catching up to the anons that are higher level. They can chill in the chat if they want to.

Whatever the next game is, I don't care if you can't do group content until a point. I just don't want it to have the tedious system Trickster has. Maybe most people feel the same.
I just noticed that too
What were they even trying to achieve?
>everyone was yammering the 2 weeks of psu to play trickster instead
wut? we had probably like two people or a samefag complained that trickster didn't get voted the first time and accused the poll of being botted lmao
when we played psu in the general no one complained about the game and no one mentioned how much they wanted to play trickster
when we played psu we worked around the limited party amount (only 6 max can be in a party) by splitting parties when more than 6 people got on, and the game didn't have a guild or private channel function and we still had fun
in the case of psu the leveling was piss easy, but that was definitely because the server had bonus exp
PSU is just an example that not every game is going to be perfect but you can still have fun with it. There are people having fun with Trickster even though others have a problem with it. I'd say we just stick to the same formula and if there's a significant drop off at the 1 week mark (like less than 5 people on) then we play the current most voted game. That's also why we make the /vg/ generals. If people like the game and want to stay on it and get other players to play then they can.
It's just two weeks, and we're already on day three. Enjoy the ride, folks.
i agree with all of this but one thing i'm wondering is if we're still gonna play games that get the second most votes after we play a game that was most votes, or do we redo the votes after each game? i'm still in favor of that because it gives anons the guarantee to play the game they voted
Yeah game that has the second most votes in the tourney gets played after the one with the most votes.
I'd like Dream of Mirror online to be added in the next voting.
The selling point was niche MMO's not good MMO's. Hopefully some are, not all will be. We're here to try new stuff, and have people to do it with, if you hate it that much then wait it out for the next one. You have other games to play I'm sure.

This. The point isn't for everyone to be happy which is a pointless goal. It's for people to try and find some value in games they'd never try otherwise.
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>first vote, PSU wins
>faggots get angry it wasn't trickster
>trickster time
>everyone hates it
goddamnit i love you retards
who's everyone? there are 10 people currently playing and 26 guild members, it seems like a lot more people are interested this time around
Not only 10 people online now but in all that logged in today was 22
If you vote Perfect World for the next game you have a big penis
The truth is that there was 40 or more anons the first day, and only half of that went long enough to join the guild. I doubt we will have half of the guild pop the next few days
Huh? The those anons must've never entered the private channel either, because everyone in the private channel joined the guild. If there really was 40 in all I don't see why they haven't interacted with /vg/.
Like I said, they quit before the second day. The guild just got made not long ago.
there's no way, someone said around 25 the first day. we don't even have that many people voting
But 40 people still weren't in the private chat before the guild was even made
really makes you think
What does it make you think? Go on say it.
Round 2 is up
Cabalchad rises up
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what the fuck man
Tales of pirates may be weeb shit but it is still a PIRATE game, I vote pirate until we've all sunk.

also to my memory it's pretty laid back for a weeb mmo
Since we've gotten more MMO recommendations to be added to the list I figured I should make a specific post that people can reply to so I can mark them down easier and add them next time. Some of these will replace some of the lesser voted games the next time we do the voting. Don't want the list to be too big for bloat. Games will be cycled in and out. Remember they have to be niche, obscure, or a game 4chan hasn't already played together before. Here are some I've seen recommended and some I've come up with:
>Requiem Desiderium Mortis
>Toram Online
>Dream of Mirror Online
>Lucent Heart
>Dragon Nest
>Florensia Online
>Iris Online
>Ragnarok Online 2
>Luna Online
>Warhammer Age of Reckoning
>Knight Online
>Crystal Saga
Can I veto ragnarok online 2
there's absolutely nothing of value to be had there, and it was dropped very quickly by gravity so they can back to milking ragnarok 1, it was an objective failure in every single possible metric

Unless you're talking about the original RO2 that was scrapped while it was still in alpha, that one was kinda unique but buggy as fuck and I doubt enough of it exists for a private server.
>there's absolutely nothing of value to be had there
That describes all the mmos in this thread.
Look some of them are bad but they at least tried to be something. RO2 was the devs trashcanning a passion project because it wasn't WoW-like enough, scrapping everything they had, and slapping in the most generic investor friendly MMO slop possible.
Theres a reason it was dumped so quickly whereas all these other bad MMOs at least lasted longer than a year.
Or maybe i'm just bitter at how it turned out after all the anticipation, and feel validated at how quickly it failed. I still wonder what would have been if they didn't scrap their original alpha vision.
Pretty sure Dragon Ball Online hasn't been played by 4chan so I'll recommend that
DC Universe Online because aside from Champions Online and City of Heroes, that's the only superhero type of MMO out there. Champions Online is godawful ass sucking and 4chan already played City of Heroes.

DCUO actually made all of their episode content free a while ago and it made so much content free for everyone. So much group PvE stuff like alerts and raids. There's different forms of PvP where it can be player versus player in a 1v1, instanced team matchmaking, world PvP, or instanced Legends PvP where you play as a DC character with its own moveset. I think it'd be something we'd have fun with.
Myst Online would be PERFECT because it's an MMO puzzle game
Myst Online >>1298193
>Cabal won and is winning again
You niggas better don't complain about solo mmos later...
Don’t care, still voting solo mmos
we did hit bump limit a while ago so this thread is ferrying to a slow death
>Play kMMO
>Be surprised when the game is unfun and has kMMO elements
Why the fuck do Koreans like this stuff actually
shu the fuck up you racist fuck, all mmos are the same
not so
koreans love the grind
Don't want to stir up shit, but how are votes handled when it's a tie? Granado Espada and NosTale both had 14 votes, but NosTale went through(?)
movie magic
for me, it's secret of the solstice
I'm surprised FlyFF has such low votes.
might be the one most people have actually tried, they would rather try something new than something they played as kids
then again the game is so different now that it might as well be a new game
It had 25 votes in the previous stage thought lol.
>there's going to be a WoW-like questing system that's going to disfavor party play
These sorts should be dropped from the list to be honest. What's the point if people are just gonna solo.
>and I doubt enough of it exists for a private server.
There's actually some slav making it into a game. It had a testing server and I think it's still up.

Grind is core to the genre. Questing leveling sucks.

The usual problem with kMMOs is the monetization.
The site just automatically chooses one of them. Nothing I can really do about it.
Myst Online is lowkey GOATED, we finna play this one frfr
I assume there were tourists who came and voted, then completely forgot about the later stages.
>They idea was to play old MMOs TOGETHER
>Everyone just solos or refuses to party
ayy lmao
We've been partying what do you mean
>granado espada lost
it's over...
maybe next month
Warhammer Online should definitely be one of the games placed in the voting next time.
Ultima online. mu online
>mu online
my brother in christ you do not want to make people suffer through that
>he doesn't jam a key on his keyboard with a rolled up piece of paper to have his character casting evil spirits endlessly in a high spawn zone so the game effectively plays itself solo while doing anything else.
Yeah, MU looks good on paper until you actually play it lol.
people proposing these shit games just want others to suffer
Suffering together is the peak MMORPG experience.
the problem is that those people quit or don't even plan to play in first place
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>he isn't a struggler
Just up Esper. Go kiss boys somewhere else.
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Don't mind if I do
griffith is what happens when you give a bottom autonomy
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and that's a good thing!
can I just say how much I really like this project and hope it lasts for a while. I hope others feel the same way. I don't care how bad a game is it's been fun socializing with everyone.
Enjoy the ride
Aura Kingdom
Twin Saga
Eden Eternal
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people take for granted that the real content in MMOs is the playerbase. journeying with anons has somehow reignited that spark again
There has to be anons in first place
>he doesn't know
They're WoW clones and they don't even try to hide it but I'll suggest Rift and Allods. At least they're not Korean shit.
>all these games listed and more in the replies
Why don't we just make a completely separate list and we alternate between the two lists every time we start a new tournament vote? There's 20 on the list we're doing now and 20 games in this post and replies. Then when each of the lists get lower we add new games.

So the entire schedule would be
>hold a voting
>play the voted game for 2 weeks
>if most stopped playing the game at 1 week we start game that had the second most votes
>play second most voted game for 2 weeks (or 1 week)
>switch to the different list of MMOs
>repeat process
I'm not against this idea
I don’t think we HAVE to play the 2nd most vote. Setting it up that way just gives rise to the problem of people starting early (because we then know what is getting played in 2 weeks). People who got bored of the most voted game might jump ship early to the 2nd most voted game.
I will play EVERY MMO from the voting list a month in advance and then secretly transfer wealth onto my new character.
This is true. I thought the second most voted game being played after was initially a good idea so the people who voted that game and was close to winning got a guarantee play of it after. On the other hand when people do start a game early it makes people feel like they missed out because they log in and see a few people already high level. I feel like we should leave the second most voted game gets played after rule up until we start seeing people starting games early, and if that happens we switch to new vote every game. Unless people never cared for the second voted game rule.
i'm for the new vote every game rule because we can switch the list every vote
plus voting is fun because of the unpredictability, and it does make sure no one starts early
also the 2nd most vote isn't exactly the 2nd most popular game, because of the tournament format. a popular game could get eliminated in the earlier rounds
You all love to talk, but don't even play the games that are chosen unless its the one you want
This thread's fault for picking a game that doesn't encourage multiplayer.
Aion. I miss this motherfucker like i miss your mom.
Yeah exactly. We should only play the winners.

How about
>Play for 2 weeks
>see if people still care about the game
>if yes add a week or two?
I saw a video on Wizard101 recently and it looked quite fun, trading cards with /vm/ros might be fun.
I heard it's freemium, is the paid part of the game reachable within a week, or would we have enough content for 2 weeks of play?
incalculably wrong
you can reach the paid parts within a couple hours iirc, unless that's changed there isn't much to do if you aren't willing to spend money on a membership
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They don't make them like they used to
shut up boomer
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>Atlantica Online losing to Anarchy Online
guys, ishiggydiggy.
>he did nothing to shill his shit game
>expects people to somehow know about his shit game
most people just voted for whatever has the nicest sounding name
What's this from?
ai slop
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ai slop but used in some board game
Atlantica is pretty miserable as a "group" game anyway, parties were limited to 3 people last I played.
no point in playing games that can't be played f2p
I don't know about Atlantica but Anarchy Online in its modern iteration is awful. It's one of those long running games that got absolutely destroyed by updates because they tried to modernize it.
wizard101 would be fun but there's no way you can convince anons to pay a $10 sub fee
b...but the shiny armors!
Korean MMOs be like
>have good music
>have nice world design
>have nice character and enemy design
>have decent to good combat depending on the game
>have that one godawful mechanic that completely ruins the game aside from cash shops
Why are Koreans like this
>have that one godawful mechanic that completely ruins the game
Is Trickster not Korean then considering the majority of mechanics make people want to stop playing?
cope retard, the game is good. you just suck at videogames lol
I'm not defending the drilling the repeatable quests but evidently most people in the general still want to play the game because they just deal with it or work around it.
Dunno about anarchy but AO in current year is garbage because you’d unironically need to play for maybe a week before encountering anything remotely challenging. I will never understand why every mmo goes down the braindead casual route.
Poll starting in a minute
Why are people voting Solstice? Do we really wanna play that after playing Trickster? Okay then...
I heard you level mostly through group play. this is all I need
Most people don't know the games they are voting for retard.
We unironically need a game like SotS, but RF/Tales makes it a difficult choice at the end. SotS is a very casual RO ripoff, and if the server's rates have been increased, the experience should be good.
CABALCHADS this is it, the final boss. Once we beat the pirates, victory is ours.
>already losing
>People in the discord rigging the votes
>summerfag thinks adding retard at the end of his sentence makes him smart
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Not today, stinko.
We sail the seven seas come june.
you mean trannies in the ragnarok thread that want to play more ragnarok-like games because ragnarok itself aged like dogshit lmao
Ether saga is gonna win solely on splitting votes and then getting coinflipped and frankly I support it in this endeavor.

captcha: papaw
my shill campaign against FlyFF was a resounding success
Good you actually saved us. Now form a shill campaign again Tales of Pirates.
can't wait to see what excuse you will make to avoid playing the next game
Who are you referring to?
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>Make general for PSU
>End up attracting absolute schizos from /pso2g/
>Make general for Trickster
>End up attracting sadsack doomposters from /rog/
Which general will we end up pissing off by our sheer existence next, bros?
we got like one schizo that sperged out over a supposed tranny from pso2g playing with us
he fucked off when we didn't give him attention and he most likely came here to shit up the thread
I'll play it as long as there isn't repeatable quest bullshit
Before the game died off it barely had any quests, just enough to get you around. Expect to do this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MX2NAt2EwVw for 150 levels but much easier / fun with a full party.
What's the max party limit? I don't mind mob grinding as that's pretty much what most old MMOs are. Does the game at least have convenient chat features like a private channel or a guild system?
According to a comment on this video
>This is a very grindy game, yes. In this version you can take your time and level by doing dailies, or you can hardcore grind to level. It's all up to you :)
I believe it was 6 or 8. The standard mob grinding setup included a cleric/templar (healing), an archer/mage (aoe nuking), and a rogue/knight (evasion/face tanking mobbing). Yes to both, there was a guild system, which was added very late in the game's life span and was pretty basic but good.
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Everyone craves the pirate life deep down.
New Trickster general thread had to be made because the one we had up got archived
I've never played Ragnarok, but this looks almost exactly the same to me, and why would you guys want to play a worse version of Ragnarok?
I feel like half the thread would dislike it because they didn't like Ragnarok, and other half will dislike it because Ragnarok was better in most aspects.
this place is soon to follow, we're down to page 9
i'm not voting for a game i've played before so I literally didn't have a choice in this poll
though maybe I should reconsider because I bet a game (e.g. anarchy online) is a lot different now than when I played it it 20 years ago in the beta
Considering what Ragnarok has become I'd say it has a decent shot at being better than Ragnarok.
>secret of the solstice nearly tied with anarchy online instead of just running it over.
Oh you niggers better not do this to me, we didn't lose FlyFF AND Atlantica for this shit now...
>because I bet a game (e.g. anarchy online) is a lot different now than when I played it it 20 years ago in the beta
Yeah it's a lot different and not in a good way.

Looking like it might become a fight between RF Online and Tales of Pirates.
Think it might be due to Trickster being a pretty blatant Ragnarok-like (albeit with an animu coat of paint), so having two of them back-to-back might feel a little stale.
That said, it's leading Anarchy by two votes at the moment, at least.
>Trickster being a pretty blatant Ragnarok-like
They have nothing in common nigger
The biggest difference between the two is that you are forced to group up (especially if you play cleric or wizard) while in RO you can easily solo. I think after what Trickster offered us, we would want something that will actually make us party up from the beginning. Though like I said before, RF online (imagine the chaos we would cause, the russians would be scratching their heads) and Tales of Pirates (only if rates are boosted) are much more fun in my opinion.
The clique has concluded that tales of pirates shall win.
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No, just me.
I think for the future it'd be useful to have some short video for each game accessible, so you can quickly look at what you're voting for.
Just do your own research.
You're putting too much faith into most anons here.
No but I don’t see why anyone has to go to such length to spoonfeed people. I guess if you wanna do it, nobody would stop you but where do you draw the line then?
My point is that we're presented with 20-30 game names and nothing else, other than anons here saying a thing or two about them.
Video for each is one way to help inform people what we're voting for, but also a few sentences and two screenshots (compiled all in one nifty infographic) would also do the trick.

If we're doing the bare minimum effort here and not really caring what we're actually gonna play, we might as well just put all the games into a bin and roll the dice.
so make them
>Quest to progress with a PVP based environment
Cabal, Tales of Pirates, Shaiya, Rappelz, RF Online
>Story-based, endgame pvp
Anarchy online
>Grind to progress
Secret of the solstice
>Perfect world but anime (Quests to progress, occasional dungeon)
Ether saga online

I think what matters the most is the kind of content it offers imo. This is based on what I remember from my experiences.
Tales of Pirates is not that, it's another click to hit grindfest
it's quest based primarily
Yarr who doesn't enjoy a good booty plunderin' with me maties? Then after we plunder each other's booties we scrub the poop deck arrrr.
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>someone cheated a bunch of votes for cabal
This pair has like 1.5x the votes of all the other pairs. Tales of Pirates was winning by like 5 votes yesterday.
This thread was shillled on /v/ the other day so that's probably where it came from
Why didn't they vote on any other pair then? That's the only one that got a significant bump in votes and it just happens to be enough to push it ahead when it was quite a few votes behind. By pure chance none of those new voters voted Tales of Pirates, they all went for Cabal.
Probably because Cabal was the only game on the list that had way less votes so they wanted to bump it.
Oh yeah, /v/ wanted to make it fair and give the underrated matchup some love.
Sounds like totally genuine votes. I think we found the cheater.
Disqualify cabal for cheating
Checked the archives and if you mean this https://arch.b4k.co/v/thread/677428690/#677428981
>4 whole posts
Come on now, nigger. It's obvious some faggotry is afoot, just let things play out naturally for fuck's sake.
then get some of your niggas to vote whatever the fuck you want then pussy
personally I think it's odd secret of solstice and tales of pirates got a lot of votes before they were even mentioned in the thread, and secret of solstice mysteriously surpassed flyff but you aren't saying anything about that
lets go Cabal bros https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TgTyGu7J3Q
There was another thread that had a Toram pic in the OP and this thread was linked in it.
you can't win against these faggot crybabies
>dude let's get our ragnarok tranny discord buddies to mass vote secret of the solstice and tales of pirates
>*cabal gets mass voted out of nowhere*
>nooooooo that's cheating
>dude it's totally organic two ragnarok clones got a lot of votes there's no way people don't want to play another just after playing trickster lmao
and we would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling schizo
They're their own actual clique.
>get some of your niggas to vote
What's the point if they aren't going to play? Are you fucking stupid? The point is to play what we as a whole want to play not what (You) want to play. If you wanna play Cabal so much go play it by yourself.

Flyff clearly got cheated in the first bracket though it didn't matter because it was going to win AoC anyway. The cheater didn't stick around because else it would've won SotS.

Tales of Pirates was brought up quite a bit so idk what you talking about.
Couldn't find it if that was the case. My bad then.

Not the point, I don't care which game wins, I'll play anything. Just don't want faggots brigading the votes, especially if they won't even be joining in. Voted for Cabal, by the way.
Me and my clique of 15 all voted for the same game. You might have won this time, but not forever.
>secret of the solstice
>mass voted out of nowhere
>won 12 - 8
>winning 13 - 11
>cabal online
>mysteriously jumped from 10 to 16 when the opponent had 15 votes

we have roughly 25 people voting so any pair that goes beyond that is sketchy and yes some of it could be explained by shilling in other boards and threads but when that has happened the votes spread out
I'm gonna proxy some votes to even it out on other games, now chill out.
God forbid a girl has hobbies.
>game gets 30 votes
>5 people play it
>he thinks no one will show up for cabal
the game is objectively better than literally who ragnarok clone and tales of piss
>it's okay to cheat because the game is good!
oooooooor, you could just, like, explain to the thread why Cabal deserves to win, instead of acting like a baby
just my humble opinion though :)
>tragnarok fans acting like they would play anything that gets voted when they didn't show up for psu
>a good game competing with a shit game shot up in votes
Oh, right, I forgot it's a good game. Wait no, did I forget? Or did I just never find out that it's a good game?
Hey everyone, do you remember this anon ever explaining why Cabal is a good game? Maybe I missed a big post about why it's awesome and we should vote for it, and everyone did after reading it? Haha, that must be what has happened, I'm just a silly billy who didn't notice, teehee.
the people that voted it know its a good game :)
tell us why tales of piss got votes
point to me in the thread where there are tales of piss discussion and not memes
SotS was mentioned in game
Seems like organic posting to boost morale for the game. What does Cabal have?
are we gonna ignore how RF and Rappelz shot up over ether saga and shaiya?
they're irrelevant so yes
if you're gonna use those pirate meme posts as an example then by that logic uncharted waters should've got a lot of votes
Not games WE want to play
t. clique elite
Cabal was too actually
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I'm starting Cabal now.
based early starter
ragnarok troons are really seething because they want to start solstice and pirates before the threads were actually made, just like they did with trickster
Cabalbros...we fucking won
I don't care which game is objectively better

everyone should only get a single vote or it defeats the whole purpose of this thread
How about we start voting in-game?
>rewards participating in picked MMOs
>prevents fake votes if a level requirement is set
>green text, blue background
No you fucking retard
Mmm... why?
>shot up
>ether saga and shaiya have 11 and 9 votes
I think you're stupid

popular games have been reaching ~15 votes since the first round
>FlyFF lost
botting was obvious since round 1
Too hard to get everyone online at the same time.
this doesn't make any sense if your reasoning is because the polltab votes can be cheated
players in-game can do the exact same thing. You think we didn't notice in the chat how some of the players said they knew each other from ragnarok?
ROfags weren't satisfied with ruining their own game now they gotta ruin things for everyone else too?
This. We should make an exception for obvious shenanigans and its obvious cabalfag is a dedicated schizo who doesn't play the games with us. Let people mail them to keep anon if need be.
We still want to grow this project and get more randoms to join. At most we have 26 people playing Trickster and half of those have been getting on. Randoms aren't gonna wanna download a game to vote.
Retard see >>1301813
Stop trying to ruin the idea with shit fucking ideas. Next you'll be wanting games on the list that are already being played or have been played.
Problem with voting like this is that anyone can cheat and someone will because we're on 4chan

You're welcome to suggest a solution
this is fucking stupid lmao
Still we have another week for the 26 to get their votes in. We can always shill on /v/ before we start to boost the numbers
voter id
Vote through a mail system.

At least they're actually participating in what the thread is about?

And how is that stopping new people from joining? Because they can't vote before playing the previous/current game, like they should?

I want my vote to remain anonymous and I know I'm not the only one who feels this way
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somehow I have like 900 screenshots of this game
but I couldn't find any of people running around with level 200 buffs or the guy with the +12 card he claimed was "legit"
Nigger we did this format for the sole purpose of getting anons invested in playing together the vote. Not samefags or tourists coming in who have little intention of playing together
>because they can't vote before playing the previous/current game, like they should?
This was never a rule. Not every game interest someone and no one is forced to play a game.
This was never
>"diggernick voted for X? oooh doxxed"
You're not using your usual in-game handle on these, are you? If not, what's the problem?
imo the tournament votes are more exciting and you guys are trying to ruin this whole thing just because you want to be piss babies over a game that's tied
Obviously we're not changing it over a single rigging, but if it keeps happening we'll have to do something.
Where do we get voter id's from and how do we track that?

>Vote through a mail system.
If you get the person we mail to to screenshot the mail so that there's proof of the votes it could be possible

Besides it being 4chan why does your vote need to be anonymous? What does it matter if the people you play with know what you voted for?
>Where do we get voter id's from and how do we track that?
every vote needs proof of identification in form of a drivers license or government id
This shouldn't have been a problem if one of the cabal shills didn't go full retard and try ruin it for everyone
I like the tournament format but I do think Cabal Online was clearly cheated as was FlyFF in the first round but turns out that didn't matter and as such should be disqualified
>If you get the person we mail to to screenshot the mail so that there's proof of the votes it could be possible
True, could use screenshot from the game as verification then, here or wherever.
would you still be complaining if cabal actually did win and by some chance had more players than trickster?
No because at least it'd be legitimate and I'm actually here to play with anons.
Cabal had 10 votes before the 6 votes shot it up. I think it'd be equally unfair to disqualify it over 6 votes when most of those votes were genuine.
nta and if that were to happen it would suggest that someone got their friends to play cabal and they probably wouldn't show up for the next game

though if the next game and the game after that also showed increased player counts I wouldn't mind that
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>guild drama before we even start playing
but also cabal is a highly regard old school MMO so there definitely would be some passerbies who'll see it on vg and want to get back in it

also everyone who played psu showed up for trickster
It was still losing 15 to 10

If we play something that was clearly cheated it sets a precedent and the cheater will keep doing it to get his way in future rounds
Just set up the cabal vs top vote for ingame. Reset the brackets again if necessary. Hopefully anon doesn't go retard and we won't have to do this often
no because I'm not playing trickster
How about this and I don't mean to namedrop but Esper is the one who started the whole thing. So if Cabal does beat Tales of Pirates everyone just message Esper what game they want to actually win. That way we know the votes are legitimate and in the future if there's more cheating we can just keep doing this instead of getting rid of the whole tournament voting system.
>counting on some sperg on 4chan not going full retard
I'm starting Trickster just to vote on my pick in-game, fuck you all.
see but this is a problem >>1301866
this guy really thinks we don't know he's just gonna make an alt and pretend to be a "new player" to get a vote
if this is gonna be the precedent then you have to make rules against players that haven't already BEEN playing the game with us
Oh no, one guy made an alt, big fucking deal. Better one cheated vote than 10, don't you think?
This is fine. He's entitled to vote.
that's it everyone gets to make an alt now and vote
it's just as bad as the supposed cheating in the tournament but oh well :)
>everyone gets TWO votes instead!!
Le game will le win by 20 votes instead of 10 now, it's MMOver...
Just keep it as is... we're going to play them all anyway lol
>not even denying alts are a possibility of cheating
>bbb-but it's just ONE guy surely no one else is gonna do this
pathetic lmao
It'd be really obvious if a bunch of lvl 1 alts voted for a single game and the numbers were greater than the 26 or so anons playing though
guess I'll make a bunch of alts and leave them active in the game for a week before I play then I'll vote cabal :)
>logs in once
>never logs back in
>complains if a level requirement is set in place because it alienates newfags like him
what now, in-game fags?
>and the numbers were greater than the 26 or so anons playing
But good you decided to play trickster with us anon
because the schizos can't vote if you do that
you will answer ylmy hypothetical
26 people each make an alt to vote on a game
how many people show up for the next game :)
Huh, never considered this is just projecting from the cheaters.
are you guys really this upset about a poll on games that we will probably all play at some point anyway?
>You think we didn't notice in the chat how some of the players said they knew each other from ragnarok?
Literally who said that?
52 because the alts were actually people who joined from my 4-post thread on /v/ :)
hey just like the cabal votes
We at least have 25 or so from TO numbers. How many join us depends on how well we shill it outside of these threads
lmao they can't answer this honestly
maybe ask easier questions, we're MMO players not philosophers
There's multiple MMOs coming out every 2 weeks, we need to vote
There's no way we're going through all of them right...
We are....
I would be for this idea but the people being disingenuous about alt usage would ruin this. Also how do you know Esper is the one who did this whole thing?
I expect this to last one or two more games, at best. No one of you are actually interested in interacting with people and making friends.
>people being disingenuous about alt usage would ruin this.
Just ignore votes who people who played for 5 minutes and never spoke a word to anyone?
We already do that though, but i'm personally in it to play old games
he's full on false flagging and further shitting up the thread now that it's looking like he won't get his way
>Also how do you know Esper is the one who did this whole thing?
because we played with esper?
I mean go in game and ask him. I just had the hunch. He never outright said it but I'm pretty sure he was the one who made the polltab link.
I think MMO burnout will get to people, not socializing issues. It's every 2 weeks of nonstop MMOs that are gonna be grindy as shit of course people are gonna want a break.
Tell that to the people in the thread who don't see it as a big deal
>I think MMO burnout will get to people, not socializing issues. It's every 2 weeks of nonstop MMOs that are gonna be grindy as shit of course people are gonna want a break
Someone mentioned playing instanced games like Pangya as break during the weekends. Would this be something the thread's interested in
Forgive me for not reading the room, but how f2p friendly is D&D Online?
I mean I was getting around to the idea that people might want a break like spending time relaxing and watching movies or anime or going outside, not play more games.
It's a very expensive game, you are better off playing LotRO instead imo
movie weekend when
anime weekend when
dating weekend when
None of us are girls FAGGOT
Yeah but would it be a good candidate for these votes?
We already had DnD on the previous poll and it got almost no votes and people in the thread were saying it has a paywall.
Ah, well in that case it is a bad idea because most of its relevant content is time gated by in game currency which you use to pay to unlock content and two weeks wouldn't be enough to get through the good stuffs.
It wasn't just DnD though. Wizard101 had to be taken off for that same reason.
>1072 replies
all me
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Swordfighting tournament to blow off steam
Dick dueling tournament to blow off steam
If they do one of those content giveaways again then we should give DDO a shot.
I hope I'm not the only one who wants new people joining every game. Nothing against the 26 playing now but half of us are on at different times and a few quit the game. It seems like there's a weird effort to gatekeep new people from joining us for whatever reason.
That's what everyone that is playing wants ignore the trolls
>It seems like there's a weird effort to gatekeep new people from joining us for whatever reason.
because the usual suspects only want their clique dictating what games get played next
more people joining just fucks them over
Is there gatekeeping? I don't think I noticed any posts implying anything like that.
>dude we should change the voting to only letting players who have played the previous or current game vote
yup doesn't seem like gatekeeping
And how is that gatekeeping anyone from playing?
The only people I see being gatekept by this are ones who refuse to play games unless a specific game they want wins. In which case, lol.
>one fucking guy makes a suggestion
>everyone is gatekeeping
those are literally the same people
it's hard to fit in. good luck in your future, gamers
what the fuck is anarchy online
Ok, so... what should i install? i want to play something, faggots.
We're currently in Trickster Online until next week.
official server?
just b urslef
Poll drama is way more entertaining than playing the picked game.
Go watch your telenovelas instead, grandma.
I got something you can pick boy
Oh yeah, show me that bone big boy.
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I want friends.
We can offer respectful acquaintances.
hello newfriend
hello boomer
Please vote Ether Saga Online for cool pets!
Let's get Ethered!
Sorry chud, the clique has declared that cabal shall will.
how do I join the clique
You have to be specific. There's a clique within a clique now.
seems pretty lame desu
Say a random person's [Name], doing so will establish to others that you share a [Bond]. Not knowing how you formed that [Bond] their perception will place you in [The Clique]. You can become more well established in [The Clique] if you say more [Names].
Asking that disqualifies you from ever joining the clique, sorry.
This is some Persona shit right here
As the clique's supreme leader, I disqualify your disqualification of him. At the same time for your shameless behavior I disqualify your clique rights. You are now clique-less.
I saw Brian kissing Nym the other day and I was like OMFG, I wasn't he dating Esper just like last week?! That bitch must have seduced him, can't wait for eyelids to put this to right.
As a high ranking clique member I call upon the clique to hold a council regarding the impeachment of the clique leader
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Espero is kinda cute ngl
Sex with Esper
Stop it
>pic from an anime fujoshis love
100% biofem
for me? densetsun
Games should only last 1 week and then be voted if to extend another week or play the next game
People were actually thinking 2 weeks was too short and wanted it to stay the original idea of a whole month. I think we're fine with 2 weeks honestly. If we do change that rule it can't be now because there's still 8 games left on the bracket.
we technically already do that
what about the rule where if most aren't logged on in a game by a week we go to the next game? if there's still games being voted on we'd have to just outright pick the game with the most votes in that moment
If we decide to drop a game by the week mark (which in Trickster's case is tomorrow) then I can just quickly make another polltab but this one would be treated as the final round with the current games still being voted on in it. Then we can just wait a day for the votes to go in to give every game a fair chance. I think that's the best solution to that.
fair enough
even though I actually gave up on trickster myself I do want to see how the current tournament plays out over the week
Cabalchads, we’re about to lose…
The clique forced my hand. I had to resort to my triumph card, using my phone to vote a bunch of times and set things right. Also, Esper, my love, I love you.
Now you’ve done it. I’m calling the vote mafia right now. You don’t know who you are fucking with, bitchboy.
Semi-finals are up
Vote Rappelz. You can't spell Rappelz without rappe.
im conflicted they are all good
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Hear me pirate chads. I come to you now, at the turn of the tide and I ask you.
Can we get much higher?
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SotS bros...not like this
there's still many votes in limbo, HOLD
anon we gotta believe
It’s over.
If it ain’t Cabal, I ain’t sticking around.
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If you wanted an actual seafaring MMO, you would've voted for Uncharted Waters Online back in the first round. Tales of Pirates is straight sloppa even by old Chinese MMO standards (yes it's a CMMO, not a KMMO).
Although all of the semi finalists this round are pretty sloppy, by the looks of it. Secret of the Solstice might have been alright, if we didn't already have a 2D isometric grinder in the form of Trickster. RF Online and Rappelz are both stereotypical 3D KMMO grindfests (although certainly not the best ones in that bracket by any stretch), a relative change of scenery from the two games we've played so far, and a showcase of what we can expect from that format in future rounds. For the health of the project this early on, those two make the most sense.
I've played ToP so I know what I'm sailing into and I did vote uncharted waters online, nobody else did.
Tales I recall was both functionally a lot less obtuse than trickster and not nearly as grindy if we're comparing base levels, since even as a little retard I managed to get quite far on official servers with base experience rates. On private servers with boosted XP it'll be a pleasant ride, it was never on the KMMO level as I well recall the lineage 2 experience was grueling even on 4.5x xp back in the day.
To say after trickster what is needed is another KMMO with more brown in them shows how little you've understood of the reaction to Trickster.
For the health of the project, the last thing people want is another psychological torture level grind with no end in sight. We need something light and easy like ToP because it's both simple to understand (don't need to read through a manifesto on the decaying shell of a 2006 forum to not ruin your character permanently) and simple to play (gather quests in town, go out and kill some shit, come back and turn them in for gear, money and XP)
I would agree that perhaps in the early stages there might've been better MMO's suited for the job, that were stylized differently or had a more unique gameplay loop, I haven't played most so I wouldn't know. But at this point, from what I see and even what you say in defense of the games you want, It should be tales of pirates or at least secret of the solstice, which is still fairly unique if not still grindy.
Regardless, the votes will decide.
If it's more korean grindslop then that's what we get.
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>the last thing people want is another psychological torture level grind with no end in sight.
Trickster wasn't even that bad, people just got massively filtered by earlygame drilling (almost all of which could have been skipped). We had someone come in three days after everyone else started, and he's miles ahead of everyone else by now, just because he knew which quests to skip and what to prioritize.
Do agree RF Online and Rappelz are odd choices to still see in the running. Both of them are pretty damn questionable, and I'm not sure how they've made it this far into the bracket. If ToP is actually as comparatively chill as you claim, then hopefully it gets a resurgence of votes down the line.
>turn data off and on
time to make sure the clique's game win
sorry, but only 4 good games are left so I don't care what wins at this point
rig all you want, I have already won
>both losing this bracket
cabal cheater exposed
Who won
sots is still in it guys
Tales of pirates already won, you all need to stop voting for the others. This decision was already made.
I started doing some research about the two likely finalists. Rappelz on the last(?) official server play2bit doesn't seem too good. The cash shop is full of stuff that gives you stats.

For RF Online I think all the official servers are gone and most private servers are for SEA.
I came across this https://www.rfaltruism.co.uk/ for an English, EU based server that has no cash shop/p2w according to some reddit thread. They have a 1x 50lvl cap server and an 8x 60lvl cap server. The latter might be better suited for us unless you guys want some hardcore grind.

Both of these games have 3 factions and I think at least in the case of RF Online they function like they do in WoW, so you can't play with people from the other factions. Not sure if that's the case for Rappelz.
imagine voting for games that don't even have alive servers. dimwits all of you
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It's either SotS or skip for me.
Good. No one is going to miss you.
i'll miss them
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Correct. The clique will not be denied.
Assuming direct control.
i want to KISS every anon in this thread!
cut this boykisser shit out you HOMO
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too bad for you! kissing me makes you STRAIGHT!
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Not so fast pookie.
My socks were off.
Considering how destroyed most of these games end up after a decade of updates I think going for private servers of older versions would be a more enjoyable experience.
>17 votes for RF online already.
Huh? I really didnt' expect anons to be that interest in this game. Unanimously even. I wonder where the 25 FlyFF voters went among the current 4 options. Tallies look extremely weird to me.
>25 FlyFF voters
cheater who spammed the vote when it was linked in /v/
Faggots you better start picking a game or i'll fucking cum in all your anuses. You were warned.
The long con of the clique, to make us all boykissers
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Shame our first 3D Korean grindfest of this project might end up being RF Online, of all things. A midrate/highrate FlyffPC private server would've made for a more palatable introduction to the format (similar to how PSU and Trickster were good representations of lobby-style and Ragnarok-inspired MMOs respectively), but we're dealt what we're dealt with this cycle.
Maybe it'll still be fun in a janky sort of way when playing with other Anon. Highly advise choosing the 8x server rather than the 1x one if that's what we ultimately end up landing on by next week, since some Anon were screaming about LifeTO somehow being too grindy just a couple of days into Trickster.
Trickster's not even that grindy, people just got mindbroken by early drilling. Not sure if the anons that dipped out of Trickster early will survive the other games that we'll end up in.
On what world is Trickster even remotely similar to Ragnarok? One is entirely based around quests and the other barely has any. Are you freaking retarded?
If we want this project to have a lifespan we're going to need to shill it on /v/ or even hold threads there occasionally. There's a lot of different tastes and if Trickster is filtering some there's no doubt the next games can be even worse like anon said >>1303025 Just do the shilling after the game's decided or during early voting to attract newbloods.
That retard pretends to know English but he can't get it through his SEAmonkey skull that people have complained about the drilling portion of the game, and no one's complained about grinding mobs. Fucking moron and his blogposts.
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isn't even the grind, it's that there was no point to it. if there was a reason for the grind (partying, killing bosses in pt, pvp, or anything involving others really) i would gladly grind. doing quests just so i can do more quest, and then repeat to infinitum is so darn boring.
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I discovered a new game to add to the next poll. Someone brought it up in some /v/ thread. I don't recall any of the three names for the game despite having played way too many MMORPGs in the 00s.

Ferentus, Herrcot, Xiones or FHX for short.

Looks pretty cool. I have no idea what kind of game it is. Screenshots portion on the website suggest there might be some mass PVP but looks like there's PVE as well.
that looks crusty
so do you
Hot. I'm never picking up a game then.
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That's fair, soloing together is about all you can do in the Trickster and it's janky as fuck even then.

very true
I didn't mind the grindyness of Trickster, I just stopped having fun when I unlocked first classed and realized AoE'ing mobs meant hitting like... 2~4 mobs. Then waiting on a ~2 second cooldown to spam the skill again. To top it off, I had absolutely nothing to look forwards to in progressing my character as it would continue playing almost exactly the same way. Combat didn't even seem to be all that relevant in the game.

Still don't understand wtf happened with the votes though, following the trajectory of each pairing (and what I'd assume anons tastes to be like from them) makes no sense whatsoever with where we're at and the amount of people voting.
Cant we just play lineage 2? kill some raid bosses and call it a day?
Yeah if RF ends up winning I think that EU server is our best bet. We'd have to discuss what faction to pick if we all want to play with each other.
You're free to go make your own thread
It's so easy to cheat votes plus so many people just voted for the game they wanted and never thought about playing the others
There are like zero good lineage 2 servers.
Let's make our own server with blackjack and whores
I don't know about anyone else but I changed what I voted after seeing others discuss the games in-game. I'd imagine others have had a change of thought too.
You can change your vote?
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post more boykissers
Yeah I think it would be best to pick one faction or we risk splitting up too much.

Basically the choice is between humans, elves and robots.
The clear choice here is the robot faction with a goal to eliminate all elves.
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Robots would win unanimously just for the virtue of everyone here being a fucking old as fuck geezer
I thought waifufags might wanna play elves or humans but I'm all for robots.
Not in the same round
I did research on the game and the robot faction looks cool as fuck.
But are female robots fuckable?
robutts are the niggers of fantasy
No female robots in RF.

I googled a bit and looks like robots have one class less. Elves and humans have a magic class but robots don't. Everyone gets warrior, archer and specialist whatever that is.

There seems to be two specializations at levels 30 and 40. You can see the job trees here.
>No female robots in RF.
what? why?
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Could just go with Bellato (humans) and be a cute shota or waifufag while summoning big mechwarrior-like robots.
Ah, you can ride them too which is a plus
The Frontier server on that site is the best option. Better XP and drops for everything.
I used to watch RF videos a while back and robot get really cool customization and their hub area looks better
vote tales of pirates... clique bros... we can't lose like this....
Standard human male fighter
every single one of us
Rappelz has a cool pet system. Vote Rappelz.
if you can't fuck your pets, i don't care.
>semen of solshit
>4 votes
I didn't ask, tranny.
You're asking questions that are beyond my paygrade.

But it would be lame to have everyone playing the same thing. I'm kinda fine with any faction.
I don't want to play gay elves, anything but that
Everyone should play the same thing if they want to play with everyone, not just a small group of people each faction.
Aion bros, where are you?
at the retirement home
Can potato laptops even run Aion?
I'll buy you a new one.
how much potato we talking?
UHD 630
can't run minecraft without overheating
Classic Maplestory anons, where are you?
Ah yes, I meant that it would be lame if everyone played the same robot summoning class.
Cabal should have won.
that's not how voting works
We were so close Cabalchads
I'll vote my mouth on your lips, how do you like that nerd
so I checked out that rf altruism server linked earlier

on the 8x server you start out with a noob weapon that does 50x the damage of a level 2 weapon that drops from the first monsters so you'll be running around with an overpowered weapon oneshotting things for the first however long

1x server gives you regular starting items but some anons mite be too casual for that grind

what do you guys think? I suppose we could always drop those OP starter weapons but I don't know if that 8x server has some other retarded stuff like that
>on the 8x server you start out with a noob weapon that does 50x the damage of a level 2 weapon that
Anyone who picks this option should be hanged. And so do the devs for enabling this casualfaggotry.
If we're gonna be playing for 2 weeks and we just come off the grind from Trickster I would say the 8x server would be better for a change, but that's just me. However I'd also want to play on the more populated server and I don't know which that would be.
let's hang you instead, less rope needed since you are the only one complaining
>on the 8x server you start out with a noob weapon that does 50x the damage of a level 2 weapon that drops from the first monsters so you'll be running around with an overpowered weapon oneshotting things for the first however long
For the first 20 levels, these servers were really made to get you up to speed for PVP events but keep in mind that even if you speed through the levels you will still need to level up your skills so it doesn't really matter anyway imo. You need high leveled skills in order to do good damage, and the way to level them is to use them at the appropriate monster to get skill experience.
What does RF even stand for?
rune factory online, we finna farm turnips
Raping Faggots
i don't understand why people are voting for games that focused on pvp like Rappelz (actually it was completely forgettable and dogshit anyways) and RF Online
I just vote on names I recognized.
Rappelz and RF have group PvE content though
some of us just google the game and pick the cooler looking one
because i want and i can, dumbass
I agree it's fucking retarded

my main worry is that there'd be no point in partying until the weapons fall off and having zero challenge for the first couple hours of gameplay isn't exactly good either it might be the sort of thing that makes people quit early

rising force

the other options were just that bad though I wouldn't mind playing tales of pirates
It's not too late, vote tales of pirates
no clue about Rappelz but for RFO seeing as our first game was PSU I think there might be a couple of scifi enjoyers that want to try it since there's rarely any scifi MMOs
aka me
Tales of Pirates can still win me maties
Same and I didn't even play a CAST in PSU but I do want to be a robot in RF
You might survive this round but once you face off RF, your fucking life is over.
yeah I was a CAST in PSU
I want to be a robochad and I'm pretty sure Phantasy Star and RF are your only two options for MMOs with that, shit's a niche within a niche
Clique bros... We lost..
As a high ranking clique official I voted RF
It was all a ruse.
How does one level in RF? Solo fetch questing? PQ?
Shill me Rappelz too. I care about social MMOs not solo games.
You must ERP to gain levels and be able to face stronger foes.
when I played Rappelz there were very limited quests that were collect 10 bear asses and bear asses had 5% drop rate
99% of your leveling was grinding mobs
there weren't enough spawns to go around so you would PvP over them
you could solo or group up and kill things over your level instead, but it was generally more dangerous and wasn't really more efficient
this was literally back in 2008 though, so I cannot really say how it plays now
Sounds like Lineage 2
Sounds like 90% of MMOs
Sounds like barrens
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>flyff is still around so i'm sure this will survive
imagine being this prophetic in 2006
>How does one level in RF? Solo fetch questing? PQ?
IIRC you can grab a few quests for some extra exp, but it's mostly grinding mobs. After a certain level, all the mobs you encounter are basically mini bosses that require a party to kill. At higher levels, the leveling areas are shared by all three races, so you have to start playing like schizo to avoid getting ganked while leveling.
Can higher level players go to low level zones and kill low level players? I'm personally for PvP but not when gay game ruining shit like that can happen.
what's one high level gonna do against 28 of us low level niggas
Force us to suck his dick.
is aion obscure enough? does it have a decent pserver?
it doesn't just have to be obscure it can be a game 4chan hasn't played together before
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Does the thread baker have the next edition ready? We're finally nearing the bottom of Page 10, might need a new thread relatively soon.
I'm on right now. I'll work on an image for the list of games we're gonna cycle through after Trickster, and I'll update the OP with the updates rules.
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Great to hear, looking forward to it.
Sounds like my kind of autism
OP maker consider adding the JMMO Emil Chronicle Online
I actually never played it but a few features I found:
>kino soundtrack
>AI programmable pets
>shit ton of classes
>looks like a ps2 game (positive)
>handholding and 2 player emotes
>fishing, possession, marionette systems

there's a pserver in SEAland named nekogame and it appears they've started translating everything to english. if anyone played this game before do share your experience
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this is the only anecdote I found
>I have play this game long time ago in indonesia, the official game have no pay to win concept and no subscribe system, very fun to play even in the private server now.
>Similiar to Ragnarok online but in 3d graphic beautiful fashion choice, many item from monster can be crafted to furniture or potion.

>Most cash item are for fashion gatcha, in game money is hard to earn, monster can easily beat by normal weapon, you need to multi login to survive, posessing healer into body.
But most anons are NA, I think? Would they want to play on high ping?
I remember playing this when it got an English release, but I don't remember anything about it. Looks really nice.
No. I don't even want to play RF if it wins because of high ping
it's a tab target so hopefully it doesn't matter too much. I played Indo servers of DOMO and it was okay
Where is RF server?
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>you need to multi login to survive, posessing healer into body.
So in other words, have a multiboxed healer surgically grafted to your main character or don't bother playing. Not uncommon to run across this sort of complaint for MMOs from the 2000s.
If healers are so vital, it'd make anyone here maining one a valuable commodity, but only if every active Anon agrees to not fall for the multibox meme during the playing period.

That's going to be an unavoidable issue for some of these obscure/dead MMOs which only have private servers in EU or SEA and not NA.
Really not a fan of high ping either, but it just can't be helped for some of the votable options. If a game feels too bad due to high ping, I'll just opt to wait-out the 1/2 weeks until the next selection is chosen. We'll have to see how RF or Rappelz plays out.
Seems interesting but if there's no fully English version then it's gonna be a pass. No way people here gonna bother figuring out some SEAnig texts.
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I thought this was about having fun together, not finding the shittiest games imaginable to torture ourselves and other anons.
NA players are such bitches about ping
150ms or even 200ms is gonna be fine for these old games

altruism is in EU

multiboxing kills MMORPGs
not gonna touch any game where multiboxing is the expectation
It was about playing random MMOs. Fun is subjective.
yeah I'll have to give the game a try and see if the important stuff are translated

sirs this is an mmo adventure
Voters have spoken and this is the result. If you want us to play something you consider good maybe you should shill for it in the thread.
Try to learn English before trying to lecture people, fag
>not gonna touch any game where multiboxing is the expectation
this is where your bros come in
bitch cry more
Ok, seanigger.
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Made the next image and it has 24 games on it. Pretty much all the games that were recommended in this thread and have been recommended in-game are on it, except for three which were already played by 4chan before. Those games were Aura Kingdom, Eden Eternal, and Ultima Online.
I'm not from sea though
>Requiem Desiderium Moris
>that trickster windmill of peace
i was excluded from the picture...
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Good work anon
>death drillmill included
holy based
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Thank you for including this. Would be cool to check this out with anons but I worry it won't get voted because nobody knows about it.
Bonus Ferentus/FHX shill image from google.

This could be fun in a group. I played it a bit solo a couple years back. It's got some mobileshit in it but it also has some surprisingly good MMORPG features like a rather cool character build system and most mobs dropping materials and rare equipment so there's stuff worth grinding. It also has a bunch of instanced bosses that you can spam in a group for their loot.

Might be fun in a group. I don't remember how quest vs grind focused they were but still.

We actually played this with anons years ago. Based on my steam it was in 2016. I don't remember much but I think it was a pretty heavy grind based game. Could be fun to revisit.

This ends my shill post.
Dragon nest and dc have been played by Anons before though
>We actually played this with anons years ago
Was it with a lot of people? The games I know did get played I just searched on google and saw past threads with over 100 replies. If barely anyone played Dream of Mirror I'll let it slide on the list, unless someone has a quick game recommendation I can replace it with.
you're thinking of city of heroes
i'm not sure about dragon nest
didn't dragon nest literally have a general
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More Ferentus. Does this not look cool to you guys?

I think we had like one party full of people. It's been almost a decade so it's fine to keep it in. We didn't get very far.

Dunno if 4chan has played Dragon Nest but I think it would be a pretty fun game to play in groups. Even better if there's some pserver that doesn't invalidate the early game by making it too easy. I remember that became a problem later on the official servers. They flooded you with catch up mechanics.

How long ago was that? There was probably a general when it was new.
It must've been so long ago because I can't find the generals for it. If that's the case it shouldn't be a big deal to keep them on. I'd imagine most people didn't know those games were already played because no one said anything about it when they were recommended.
Yeah it's fine.

I mostly don't want to see the really popular mainstream stuff in there. No point in having WoW or XIV.
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Wouldn't you like to play THIS https://youtu.be/jS-rB7NxLSE?t=27
Looks cool. Reminds me of Everquest.
Myst Online would be pure ludo kino
Imagine solving puzzles with the boys
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>Dragon Nest made the cut for the next batch
One of the very best action KMMOs ever made. Those two weeks will be the highlight of this project if it's ever chosen.
Pangya too
>playing golf with the boys
Golf is gay, playing with sticks is homosex.
Holy shit, this lineup is STACKED
>Dragon Nest
>Warhammer: AoR
>DC Universe Online
>Myst Online
>Muthafukken PANGYA
Wouldn't even know what to vote for, they're all good or at least interesting in their own ways.
Would be cool if some editchad can make Bizarre MMOdventure in JoJo font.
I'll stick my gold club up your ass faggot
I know you can't contain your urge to play with a pole, but please behave yourself homo.
oh shit yeah golf would be hype
the list that saved the adventure
Honestly at this point I wouldn't argue with that.
EU bros been going thru it, I can't even imagine what SEA bros are dealing with, you will eat the bugs, you will endure
I volunteer as tribute
tales of pirates just keeps flying further away, I can't smell the sea anymore bros
ping is only an issue if you have below average internet
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>that list
Absolute 100% pure unadulterated fucking kino. Can't wait for the next poll.
Have played Requiem, DoMo, Dragon Nest, RO2, Knight Online, Allods, and Raiderz. Have a lot of good things to say for most, RaiderZ and DoMo have a special spot in my autistic little heart due to cross-class specc'ing freedom. Judging solely from the screenshots, DCUO, Myst, and maybe Pangya would be the only ones I wouldn't want to play.
Kino list.
I think alternating between goated lineups and B-tier lineups every month would be a good solution to give less popular games a fighting chance.
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According to some blog post I came across googling about the game it's a lot like EQ but with a slightly more modern take on it since it came out in 2006.

That's where the bracket voting will help. We get to vote on each pair.

After a couple games we could look at the games that got dropped on the first round and make a vote out of those.
It looks like it was made in someone's basement with a budget of three big macs
That's most KMMOs from the early to mid 2000s, barring some notable exceptions.
Nah, say whatever you want about Trickster, but it looks gorgeous.
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That's one of the exceptions, silly.
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I like how the game looks but maybe it's just me. It has aged fairly well and it has some cool armor designs.

I'm just blown away that there was a game I had missed that seems this cool.

Maps usually weren't KMMOs strong suit but they had some nice character and armor designs. Lineage 2 being the big one but there's a couple other games that did a similar style like Rohan Online.
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Quick Rohan pic for reference.

I wonder if it has any decent private servers around. Maybe it could be included in a future poll.
The schizo complaining about trannies in PSU and shitting up the threads was "relic" kek
why are you snitching on yourself?
>namedropping to stir drama
Congrats anon you're the first. Now show proof.
DCUO is actually good now. All the episode content that added more PvE stuff and new zones was made free forever. The main story takes about 2 days to get through and once we do that we can start queuing for group stuff starting from the first tier and getting gear drops that raise our item level that can work our way up to the higher tiers. The raids can actually be challenging. The combat, movement, and character customization can be fun too. If you like comic book shit that's a bonus.
I simply don't give a singular fuck about capeshit.
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Based beyond belief
Nice. Updated the pic with it. I'll post it for the OP when the next thread gets made.
Might be cool to have a 3rd lineup of games 4chan's already played together long ago, but the generals, playerbase, and/or retail servers died out. Should be a few gems there worth revisiting, though only after going through all the "new" stuff.
it would have to be a REAL long time ago and not like "oh the ffxi, ragnarok, maplestory, and mabinogi generals just ended lets go play them" because you do not want to play with the fags fresh off those generals
Strong agree. The FFXI pseudo-general on /vm/ was/is sort-of nice, at least.
lets go aion bros! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUsJCpg8hPE
God I forgot about these for some weeks can anyone update me of what happened? We're still in PSU or we have another game now?
Emil chronicle is solo and has built in multibox features for 10 characters dude... thats the intended way to play
PSU done, halfway through trickster online, poll for the next one is still up
>main story
>in an mmo
Definitely pass on those games. Well, Mabinogi could be interesting on one of the private servers that use an old version of the game. It was very different back then. However, I'm not sure what it's like to play it in a party as I never really did.
Played mabipro a few years back with anons and really enjoyed the slower paced more tactical combat compared to modern mabi. Not sure if that private server's still alive, but they had some custom made content too.
RF vs Rappelz we are in the best fucking timeline
>ToP suddenly got 10 more votes
Heh nothing personnel kid
i'm so hype for this guys
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piratechads we are so back
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not so fast
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we're so fucking back
OMG not like this!
Come on RFchads. It has a kino OST I promise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_q2DQMjwyw
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w-we can still make it into finals Tales of Pirates b-bros
Shit game.
RFS turn
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I giggled
i fucking love orchestral high fantasy epics
Horizon at Sunset goes kind of lit
pirate bros...
Does Rappelz have any good servers? Where would we play if it wins over RF?
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>this will never be played again
it hurts, bros
what the fuck is that
Yogurting, a high school themed MMO. it had a rad OP and never got a private server.

>ywn do silly dance move with oversized headphones to kill monsters again
Why live
new thread when
>want to play wizard101
>mmobros won't pay a sub fee
Pay it for us then.
don't wanna pay for a game we play for 2 weeks
I also hate microtransactions
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hi my name is pirate
Bend over
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This thread is literally the second-to-last thread on the bottom of Page 10. Surely the thread baker could whip up a new one by now, right?
It's not completely necessary to wait for a thread to be fully 100% dead and archived to start a new version on this board, so long as the original is past the bump limit and on Page 10, as this one clearly is. I know OP had plans to make another, but he's gotta get on that pretty soon.
Be patient with my husband Esper, he has the 'tism.
Not familiar with the logistics to setting up a private server. If someone wanted to set one up, where would you get the game files from? Or is this mmo an actual piece of media lost to time?
Probably lost to time.
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>Finals are Rappelz vs RF
Holy sloppa. I wasn't particularly interested in pirate shit, but was hoping it'd save me from making this lose-lose choice. I guess I'll just vote for whatever is losing last minute just to stir some shit up.
As expected of chatgptard.
there's at least one pserver but i'm not sure if it's even working yet

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