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Penumbralcraft is a modded full PvP server for those who loved the raw competitiveness of Rust but crave the creative freedom of Minecraft.

The modpack can be found on curseforge (same name as server).
it started off as a kitchensink pack but has slowly turned into a gregtech styled approach to magic+tech

Some themes you'll see:
>Eldritch Exploration: Twisted landscapes, explore outer space, and break into nightmare dimensions.
>Engineering: a tech tree spaning stone age to type III civilization but based off materials and recipes so its possible jump-skip tech gaps .
>Magic: balanced against tech, heavily dependent on rituals and sacrifices.
Cryptids: Exotic mobs and animals ranging from Lovecraft/stephen king to your run-of the-mill furry convention (kos) you can train or recruit.

- no duping
- no xray
- no spam

Server Details::
Full PvP, Full Loot, Full Raiding
Progressive technology tree with fast-track options for the ambitious
Server IP: penumbralcraft.ddns.net:25685
Minecraft version 1.20.1
Forge version 47.2.17 required
Java 17 required
Recommended memory: 12GB (sorry potato bros)
Curseforge modpack: Penumbralcraft
oculus is currently buggin in prep for the distant horizons release so if you crash just download embeddium and embeddium++
reddit is down the hall and to the right
self conscious retard feels the need to outwardly present that hes very far removed from reddit even though hes posting anonymously :\
thanks for the bump
entitytickrate api was removed so go ahead and take that out of the mod folder if you download from curseforge
version 1.6.6 is the current modpack
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Prithee, Anonshire denizens! I'm Sir Reginald the Inspired, a 27-year-old Medieval Enthusiast from America.

I illustrate epic tales and enjoy strategic games like Chess and Crusader Kings. I'm skilled with a longsword, trained by master smiths, and uphold the code of chivalry.

I speak and write in Middle English, and I'm well-versed in European monarchies. I plan to study in England, aiming to become a royal scribe or strategist.

I wear tunics and cloaks daily to prepare for my journey and practice my old English.

Wish me luck in England!
good luck sir reginaldgv8t2
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>gregtech styled
>look inside
is it raw and touched or do you have to work for it?
there is no theme or direction to the pack, it's just a kitchensink and OP larps about what it's like every thread
the theme is minecraft faggot
go fuck yourself
servers kickin, world limit just got expanded to 12k blocks.

we're getting a new mod for player claims so it can be pvp-friendly. being made specifically for the server.
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low pop looking to grow. here are the regulars
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got some events coming soon now that server has been optimized and there's a bunch of you guys active. Anyone got something in particular they think would be cool to do?
last time I poked my head in penumbral it was laggy as fuck, has OP stabilized things yet?
convince me to play this

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