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>What is this game?
BallisticNG is a PC anti-gravity racing game available on Steam, based mostly on Wip3out, with optional mechanics from the newer Wipeout games.
If you like going fast, good tunes, and good fun, this game is for you.

>How do I join?
Get the game.
(Optional: Grab the Outer Reaches and Maceno Island DLCs too)
Download and install our track pack (instructions in the pastebin).
Launch the game, go to Multiplayer, and join us.

Links to download the latest track pack, install instructions, and some extras can be found here:
The mini-pack is just for updating from the previous version, get the full one if you're joining us for the first time or haven't played for a while.

>How do I play?
A 3-step guide will be posted containing the basics of going fast.
We can also answer any questions you might have, either here or in the lobby.

We have a Steam group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/ballisticnv
This is used just for organizing race sessions, no circlejerking. If you join the group chat you'll get a (You) chat bloop when lobbies go up on Saturday.

We have a regular session going every week on Saturdays at 9PM UK time, but hosting is easy and anyone can start up a lobby if people wanna get racist during the week.
Previous thread: >>1055526
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helpful stuff for newfriends
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Going out of bounds is how you spot the enai seal of quality.
i really love this track, i wish it didn't crash half of the fucking lobby
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New 2280 camera is so fucking fun
Beta lobby someday mayhaps?
bought this game and wondering how many players are usually present for a /vm/ lobby on saturdays. are they full or close to full?
Sometimes it's a full lobby, during tamer hours you can get less. Been pretty active recently though, so you can expect at least 6-8 regular players
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yeah, around 7-8 players is the average, some weeks it fills up and sometimes its dead gaem
usually every saturday we get a good showing of a mixture between autistic sweatlords and casul racists, so theres often good competition to contend with no matter your skill level
those seem like pretty alright numbers. thanks for the info anons!
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>no longer blasting yellow
FINALLY. I fucking moaned at him about that like 3 years ago and his response was basically "lmao turn off bloom" because his crappy monitor couldn't display it as eye-scorching as it is.
This track:

- Allows you to go out of bounds and get stuck
- Crashes everyone
- Has broken sound (I suppose this is fixed now)
- Causes you to respawn endlessly

And yet it has a "skill issue" sign if you fall off the poorly marked blind turn. Skill issue on the creator's part maybe???
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>poorly marked
Maybe if you don't have eyes
it's up bros, get in here
In your clip you can literally see sentinel fall off
him making an honest mistake doesn't mean the big ass u turn sign isn't there
Fuck off enai and fix your tracks
>t. base game track updates enjoyer
can't wait until all bng tracks are straight lines
9/11 is best track and that is a straight line.
my retarded ass setup as taken from the store ipad
i fucking kneel
At least they won't fucking crash all the time
I have that same exact mouse.
Fuck these captchas. I swear, they get harder every day
thanks for having me guys, im off since my phone is at 15% from running a kbd, mouse, and running a vpn to my home network, despite always being DNF it was fun, wish i could play from home more often
fun to race with you, have a good one
closed now, ggs bros awesome races
What's funny is that I actually tried out the track the day prior to the particular raceday on which Fudge's clip was recorded, I just fucked up the turn despite knowing what was coming, so yeah, it was a skill issue on my part.
gamestop gaming
>this is the person telling you to kys and 1080p is all you need on /v/
funnily enough my phone is 1080x2400, though i think moonlight was set to 720p at the time
also still dealing with no engles brownskins, and literally a retarded midget
Shimoda Run got fixed by Enai in case you guys haven't heard, one of my favorite tracks.
the enai updates are on the list for the next pack update, think im just gonna leave it until 1.4 releases though since pushing updates too often is kinda gay and will likely lead to a bunch of racists getting desync memed if they dont have the updated files n shit
Works for me
gimmick raceday this week bros
sorry for the late poll, i forgor
it's up gamers
M-Tech vs Mako raceday!
probably gonna be late by like 2 hours
reason: gentoo
Big lag with streaming? Gaming on the clock at the game store?
yes anon, but mostly did it for the proof of concept, i tried hunt and some other ganes before remembering the weekly races
update, its pretty much certain now that im gonna be missing this session, due to needing to recompile a bunch of libraries with 32 bit support for steam, but it'll be ready to go next week
closed, ggs bros thanks for the races
Fuck it I am finally going to attempt to get play the game again after spending probably 2 years turbo salty a crash nuked my save. Now the question is how insane will I go?
The only real sanity-testing part of the single player is the small vehicles campaign because of how boring it is and the sheer number of events.
But the non-race modes suck and I still ned to get gold on some of them to rank up :/
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>playing on a 240hz oled
i thought the small vehicles campaign was pretty fun, vega waterway is way too long of a track for weaponless racing though
I had fun in the beginning but it really starts to drag on not even 40% of the way through.
I did some testing today using the same methodology described in the note written in red text, most of the damage values are no longer accurate.
Base damage of ~0.98370976635 per shot, ~29.51129299 total if you manage to hit all 30 shots.
Base damage of ~23.85496183 per rocket, ~71.5648855 total if all 3 rockets hit.
Base damage of ~29.0408231, this one seems to have been left unchanged since the image was made.
Base damage of a whopping ~139.3534002, not sure about the secondary splash damage, my guess is that it does the same amount of damage.
Base damage of ~9.8370976635, total of ~49.18548831 if you collide with all 5 mines.
Base damage of ~15.5575838
Base damage of ~29.0408231, same as missile if fired at a single target and all 4 hellstorm warheads connect. Not sure about multi-target.
Base damage of ~15.5575838, same as tremor.
>Autopilot provides you with a weak shield
It reduces the damage you take by half, weak shield my fucking ass. Note that it's only active during the first 5 seconds after activation.

Note that the values I gave are slightly inaccurate approximations because while shield effectiveness, weapon effectiveness, and current energy values are recorded as decimals internally, the energy bar on your HUD/above other players' ships only shows integer values. Also floating point precision limits for the shit-nobody-cares-about enthusiasts out there.
>all those decimal places
I don't fucking know man, ask Snake. I'm pretty sure the base damage on the plasma is probably a nice flat 140, (I got a number close to that with one of my calculations) but I have no way to confirm it for myself.
Oh, this also means, in more practical terms, the damage you'll take from the most damaging weapons in worst-case situations will vary by 7-10 energy at most whether you're flying the NX2K which literally has a 'negative' shield effectiveness value (1.1 = incoming damage amplified by 10%) or Diavolt/CYGON. Mines are overpowered no matter what you run into them with, and cannons are completely fucking worthless.
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>cannons are completely fucking worthless
Well they seemingly only exist for minesweeping.
Disregard, turns out I'm a fucking retard and did all my testing on double damage mode.
This is a troll, right
>double damage
...and you still got that number for cannons!?
No? I'm probably going to go back right now and get new numbers. Autopilot really does block half of all incoming damage while it's shield is active, that much I can confirm.
New data, this time I made sure the damage model was set to normal rather than double. Going to approximate to nearest tenth that doesn't break calculations
A measly 0.5 base damage per shot. Good luck hitting all 30 in realistic race conditions. Glorified mineclearing tool/defensive reverse flamethrower (which was only slightly more useless in Fusion) at best due to how lag compensation and hit detection work, annoying interruption to weapon pad cycling at worst.
Base damage of 11.5 per rocket.
Base damage of 14
Base damage of 70
Base damage of 4.8 per mine.
Base damage of 7
Base damage of 14, same as missile.
Base damage of 7, same as tremor.
Tested using weakest weapons (P-Delta) into strongest shields (Diavolt) followed by strongest weapons (Diavolt) into weakest shields (NX2000).
So in other words weapons are useless beyond their ability to slow opponents down and mines remain the best weapon.
Pretty much. Firepower is the weakest stat in the game btw, because while 8/10 shielding 'converts' to 0.92 shield effectiveness (resulting in an 8% reduction to incoming damage), 8/10 Firepower only results in a weapon effectiveness of 1.048, which is only a 4.8% increase in outgoing damage. Combine that with the fact that every other ship except for the NX2K has a shield effectiveness stat of at least 0.97 for a 3% reduction to incoming damage and it turns out that against the whole of the standard ship roster Diavolt only has an effective ONE POINT SIX FIVE SIX PERCENT increase in damage output. Comparatively, Diavolt does 15.544% more damage than the weakest firepower ships (P-Delta and Orbitronix), but this doesn't translate into much of a difference in damage taken, surprisingly. Like I said in a previous post, although amended in light of the fact that the older information was derived on double damage, actual damage received will only vary by 3-5 points of energy between worst case situations and best case situations. There's not exactly a lot of room for skillful maneuvering within a margin of 10 energy, much less half of that.
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Thank god for barracuda
Cannons are ok because they slow people down by a lot and seem to be less affected by lag than other weapons.
Don't forget firepower makes cannons shoot slower and has no effect on tremors.
>seem to be less affected by lag than other weapons.
They're the second most reliable way of killing somebody in last place besides mines and next to impossible to use in the midpack because of how precise you need to be + the lag offset. You can at least prefire people with rockets/plasma/unguided missiles because they come out instantly or in the case of plasma have a charge up buffer that you can reliably account for.

In theory, if you are playing with high latency, the best way to use cannons would be as an extremely brief impromptu minefield if you just fly straight and keep firing along the most common racing lines (imagine trying to prefire where you'd expect somebody flying perfectly to be).
lobby's up bros
Checked, but equally wrecked by the pitlane divider as god intended.
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Remind me oh sages of the speed - what is the ideal multiplier of framerate right now? I've got a system that can push 300+ fps at my resolution and I have some vague memory of someone saying because lmao unity measure in ticks of 50 it is best to have an fps that is a flat multiple of that (so 100, 150, 200 etc).
someone said ages ago it depends on your screen, you should set the frame cap to a multiplier of it to avoid framepacing issues - if you're on a 60hz monitor then you want 120 or 180, etc, the highest multiple your system can push
someone else said it should be a multiple of 50, higher than your screen refresh rate, im not sure which is correct. i play on a 165hz screen and haven't noticed any issues playing with a framerate cap of 300
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closed, awesome races bros
woah the weekly lobbies run for 4 hours? damn that fedls impressive, at least compared to power pomberman fridays
the racists are dedicated
usually its between 3-4 yeah, generally once it gets past the 3 hour mark when racists start to die off we do a 7 race tourney (5 reqs + kinopurna + 9/11) then call it
Holy FUCK the thruster on orbitronix is huge. I love it, wish it would've been more pronounced on older model.
I really should hook my ps3 up again and play some WOHD.
I hope those ship designs aren't locked solely to 2280 as I really like some of them.
>cannons are completely fucking worthless.
cannons have the highest cumulative slowdown of all weapons, you can bring a ship to half speed if you land all 30.
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yeah they're basically a guaranteed pass if you get a good angle on someone on a straight or in the pit, better than rockets and even missile in a lot of situations - even taking lag into account, getting hit with just a small burst can fuck over your turning angle into a corner
their mine-clearing and final stretch popping utilities are just a bonus
Damn that is one sexy pit lane wall. I just want to touch it, caress it, hold it and never let go.
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Afterburnerlets, when will they ever learn
whats the point of strafing/opposite airbraking
feels way too delayed and slow for you to ever realistically use to dodge shit like mines or go into a pitlane, I got every cheevo and platinumed everything and I never strafed once
is there some tech you can do with it or something?
Every time I've seen opposite braking mentioned it's been cited as a way to dodge mines and enter pitlanes that might be hard to enter normally (pre-rework Harpstone Reverse comes to mind). Opposite braking was something I found myself using in a recent playthrough of Wipeout Fusion when trying to take corners as close to the inside as possible, sometimes I find myself doing it in BallisticNG but the effect isn't really the same.
i typically opposite brake to enter a tricky pit lane, or when i fuck up oversteering and need to correct a bit
It is for taking absolutely crazy racing lines usually at the exit of a corner or through a chicane to keep the craft straight while getting sideways momentum. As BNG is very wipeout 3 based for its physics i'm not convinced it is of much use any more. When the game leant more to wipeout 2097 physics in the early days where the ships are less rigid and turned more akin to a power boat than a plane opposite braking is fantastic for reigning in the drifting inherent to that physics model.

Protonic got a huge amount of use out of it before it was tweaked and probably does still now.
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i dont really think about it mechanically too much but i tend to use it for dickhead pit entrances/exits like that one anon said - atlantica's exit for example
lobby's up bros
looks like theres another one up surprisingly, newfriends the one you want is Starskink's
closed, awesome races bros
Anyone know where you can get this as a custom livery?
not sure but it doesn't seem too hard to make custom liveries
I ended up finding it, it's not actually a G-Tek livery but a custom ship version of G-Tek.
oh, i thought you meant you wanted the "post this gtek" image on your gtek kek
I hope new 2280 update will also add new UI more similar to nuwipeout. UI framework is so flexible for mods, it will be shame if snake won't take advantage of that in a official release.
there's a menu ui update happening. Adding hud shake would be pretty neat too
lobby's up gamers
custom ships only gimmick day?
closed now, great racism
next week will be a gimmick raceday, here's the poll
eh not everyone has custom ships installed, and the only ones in our pack are old caliburn and protonic, the latter of which apparently has incorrect stats (and the AE86 which is just old protonic that can't do damage with weapons)
Mirror + Floorhugger, or at the very least Mirror.
wait wat
people can write their own things and it gets put into the voting list afterwards
scorplet is currently bugged like the pdelta thoughever (using it prevents people who arent forklift certified from joining the lobby) so a scorplet day wont be happening until 1.4 unfortunately
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why did you feel the need to try to censor your username for a bng webm?

Reminds me how bad I am at zone :(
Are they going for a Pulse feel with the new music tracks? Also wonder what VonSnake will work on next if this effectively covers HD's gameplay to a fault
>VonSnake will work on next
He needs to then go off and make totally-not-rollcage. The audio side could be covered by remixes of BNG songs (and would help keep costs down), he already has the track design philosophy in hand, weapons are already covered so it would just be a case of lrn 2 wheels and seeing what art can be recycled.
We already have GRIP, hell we have a ship from GRIP in bNG. I can't see snake bothering to step on his friends toes unless they pull a switcheroo and Caged make 2048/hdfury era wipeout clone while snake goes off and make ps1 style rollcage clone.
GRIP is already a thing. BNG has also been worked on for quite a few years so I'd imagine it could also be anything but another racing game. Still plenty of racism left on the roadmap otherwise.
I hope Vonsnake's next game is an FPS or RTS.
When I saw the track I knew what was going to happen.
Cannons work great with lag because of the way lag affects aim.

A lot of people get this wrong and think all they have to do is lead the target to compensate for lag, but you also have to compensate for YOUR lag to THEIR client because hit detection is handled on THEIR side. You are lagging on their screen, and that means your weapons are also lagging on their screen, which is the only screen that matters.

At the very least, you have to lead them twice as much, but you also have to account for the fact that you are behind on their screen and they may do something between the moment you press the fire button and the moment they see you fire.

Cannons are much less impacted by this than rockets and plasmas. You are going down a straight and have to keep your aim on the target, so you automatically end up going in a straight line for a while, which compensates for the firing delay.

The lag sucks and we should review bomb this game until Vonsnake fixes it, but there ARE two benefits:

- Missile lock range is extended. You get a lock on a target that looks closer to you than they actually are, and on their screen you are shooting a homing missile from miles behind but their client doesn't check for range and just accepts that you did. Also, while the missile goes after the lagging target on your screen, it goes after their actual position on their screen, ignoring lag.

- Plasmas don't actually have splash damage. A double kill with one plasma happens when two clients determine independently that the plasma hit them.
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cleaned up my autismo ship tier list, tweaking some placements and hopefully making it more informative for newfriends
r8, h8, appreci8, tell me im retarded etc
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>banned tier
>no g-tek
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forgive me, gtek-sama...
do you really consider nucaliburn a tier?
its probably on par with hyperion, very small gap between those two imo
before the nerf it was S tier, post nerf its a shadow of its former self but still quite strong on the more technical tracks
>sacrifice speed for more well-rounded stats
>Mako and Omnicom
>Not in gimmick tier
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wyvern trades top speed for some more accel and handling, orbi completely dumps its accel in favor of handling
there's nothing gimmicky about mako or omnicom, they're uninteresting ships overall stats-wise
Omnicom's statline is basically identical to Scorpio's to the point where it may as well be a reskin, and Mako does the full weapons/shields stat lineup just like CYGON.

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