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Halo has fallen , Microsoft killed it , 343 killed it , their greed , they where blind , no one will ever buy a halo game again thanks for their bad decision making destroyed the franchise , they gotta pay for their sins , they took from us one of the greatest games ever now gave us shitty Micro transactions

is it 2010 again already
i was just playing halo infinite its got really tight mechanics and it's tons of fun especially with all the new maps
I really like Elevation, and Illusion has a neat gimmick, but most of the other maps range from bland to straight ass.
Also, what the fuck were they thinking adding three DMRs to this game? It was bad enough with one overly dominant precision weapon per game.
where is master chef when we need him most
Off in space with new e-girl and Uber driver
It's a fact.
The evolution of the Halo competitive scene is a fantastic example of this.
Independent of the COD brained meta slaving, Halo managed to be devolved into a (worse than) COD-like experience through the competitive playerbase insisting on limited starts and limited weapon type drops.
Halo 3 was peak retardation with the MLG ranked list:
BR (only) starts. No AR, No pistol.
3 weapon pickups on the map: covenant carbine, sniper and missile launcher.
NO grenades
NO equipment
It was just... stupid. And to this day that cancer infects the Halo series.
And this was a fucking Arena/Boomer shooter at it's core.
I don't understand what it is but the idea that left clicking at cookies is peak skill (let alone fun) in these games just baffles me.

MLG aside tho, Halo 3 was the last game in the series to feature a ranked mode with actual basic starts and no self indulgent bullshit.
That all ended with Reach with the DMR starts and has continued to today
It's kind of funny people bought more halo after 4. I mean 5, okay but that's enough. If you gave them money after that you are the problem.
halo has fallen, millions must flood.
You're 12 years too late. Shits been dead since 4
Halo fell like in 2010
Reach was the last Halo.. i still play sometimes.Good stuff.
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I agree, at least Infinite looks promising, can't wait for it to launch.
Everyone knows that the Halo PC Version 1 was the rage.....

Everything after that was merely a marketing tool on a path of obsolesence
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is halo 5 forge offline? It was basically a free multiplayer forge mode before halo 5 was released. This may have even been before any of the other halo games came to PC, come to think of it, unless you count that russian thing. I remember i downloaded it for free from the microsoft store on PC in 2016/17. I just tried to load it up yesterday for the first time in years and it won't even load.
i would have thought halo has every advantage over quake-likes and ut clones in terms of mainstream. so how come people don't like halo all of a sudden?
Uninstall the Halo app.
>all of a sudden?
Halo hasn't had a good game in 15 years and was already on a downward trend before that thanks to Call of Duty exploding in popularity. People only played it because it was the most casual-friendly game on the market. Then easier games came along.
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true halo is back
duh. it's just another FOTM slop of a bygone era just like cs in America. few understand this
I have never played a Halo not made by Bungie.
Its sad the best feeling Halo in years is in the hands of empty headed retards. I just know that whatever shitheap they are working on over Infinite is gonna suck and all my friends will love it.
>all of a sudden
People have not liked halo since reach (although that was more like a 60/40-80/20 dislike ratio) but 343 halo is where it really killed the franchise. They hired people who hated halo to make halo (their words, not mine) so the game became a crappy cod clone in a sea of crappy cod clones. The campaign sucked, both gameplay-wise
>every covenant race was the worse it has ever been in the series.
>the prometheans look like they were made to look cool by someone who is not cool.
>they range from boring to fight (crawlers), to annoying to fight (watchers), to frustrating to fight (knights).
>due to being pushing the xbox 360 to its limit, there was basically no ammo pickups, meaning you are forced to use the light rifle because there is quite literally nothing else to use.
and lore-wise.
>humans were always meant to be forerunners, and a non-canon comic book that no one read and terminals that do not say anything definitive (and bungee did not care about them) that were both written by the future head writer of 343 does not change this.
>"master chief is sad" is a dumb plotline.
>cortana dies, immediately made irrelevant in the next game.
>didact does not die, read the comics lol.
And the multiplayer sucked. A cod-clone that cod players would not play and halo players did not want to play.
Halo 3 one year after launch had over a million players still. Reach a year after launch had over 900,000 players still. Halo4 a year after launch had less than 18,000 players.
>>humans were always meant to be forerunners
You still get retards arguing to their final breath that this isn't true, as well. I still can't believe 343i has simps and bootlickers.
They will regurgitate "comic book/halo 3 terminals" as 'proof' that bungee were not decided that humans were forerunners, despite multiple times throughout the games (and books) where it is either heavily implied, if not outright stated, that humans are forerunners.
>"Reclaimer" literally means someone who reclaims.
>Basically anything guilty spark said in the games.
>Basically anything the prophets say about humans.
>Humans being the only species able to light the rings.
And my favorite.
>The entire reasoning behind the human-covenant war existing in the first place (humans being forerunners mean that their Gods are mortal and weak, and the the great journey is a lie, which would destroy the covenant).
To name a few.
Worst bait I've ever read, 1/10 for getting this (You)
Sprint in Halo 3 is a terminal cancer, just like "advanced movement" has been killing Halo for 4 games.
343 Guilty Spark literally says "You ARE Forerunner" to Master Chief around the ending of Halo 3. That said, tho, Reach wasn't even canon to the books, so the series started going off the rails before it ever landed in 343i's hands
Nothing in the books were canon to an extent because bungie did not write them and they did not want to be restricted by lore they did not write in their games.
>343 Guilty Spark literally says "You ARE Forerunner."
Um, actually, Guilty Spark is literally insane, so everything he says in regards to humans being forerunners is him schizo ranting because Master Chief has the spirit of the Iso-Didact, whereas everything not about humans he is perfectly sane (yes this is the unironic retcon reasoning 343 has been using).
You can play with Halo 3 ruleset separately
>Guilty Spark is literally insane
stopped reading
That is 343's reasoning for why guilty spark says "humans are forerunners" multiple times throughout the games lol.
Yeah and 343's reasoning is dogshit. They even changed the way rampancy works from Bungie's.
>forge budget still limited to ~600
>can't port great custom games/maps from og halo 3/reach
>player base is 50 - 75 at most
theres a reason why people call it elDEADrito
why are the loretrannies shitting up my comfy /muti/ thread?
and stay there.
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meanwhile halo 2 xbox servers and at peak time no one is playing it LOLE
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>the one btb guy
Halo 3 fanport when
It prevents Halo 5 from launching.
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honestly if i want to experience halo, at this fucking point i just read the books. fuck the video games. fuck anything done by transvestites
Whenever I'm feeling some Halo I just go back to CE. Might achievement hunt in Halo 2 at some point, who knows.
Well said. Perfectly describes the creep of sweaty metaslave "pros" pushing watered down gameplay that benefits their small brain "skill".
All FPS is affected tho, I do think you're right that it started with MLG playlists.
Dewrito was the fan port. Was amazing. Blew MCC and Shitfinite out of the water.
MS shut it down via DCMA
>3 weapon pickups on the map
Sniper, rockets, mauler, carbine, plasma pistol, BR, and the sword on Heretic. Everything else was removed because nobody would pick it up anyway.
>NO grenades
>NO equipment
Because it was all defensive cancer or was used to break out of maps.
You absolutely are the problem in Halo.
Are you a millionaire today because you played MLG playlists?
Then you fucking wasted your time on those nearly dead playlists.
And no I'm right. Maybe the cock suckers added more shit in later years, but when I played, it was so empty of options it was cancerous.
>b-but no one would take those items.
I know my friend and I got into the 40's in team doubles with me consistently abusing the bruteshot on certain maps.
Just because you didn't stray from meta weapons doesn't mean others didn't experiment.
You only FEEL like those other weapons are bad exactly because you were told they were bad.
I would unironically bet money that you took the clot shot.
You are not the problem, he is deathly afraid of competitiveness.
>but so far, no org or sponsor has committed
Can't imagine why
>he is deathly afraid of competitiveness.
Cope. Link your Twitch or YouTube channel.
>only a 40 in doubles
That was the easiest 50 in the game.
MMC Halo 3 is just annoying sometimes. I dont know if people are just better now but BR starts are utter cancer. The only playable mode is Auto Slayer.

Even then it just feels like...halos sandbox is vastly overrated a majority of the guns are kinda ass outside of power picks.
Non-power weapons post Halo CE have been basically useless all the way up until Reach with some minor exceptions (notice how the Bruteshot and Grenade Launcher both aren't necessarily power weapons but are really solid if you can get good with them?), and even CE had a useless needler. But man, quick camo with plasma rifle + it could headshot + rotation and movement stun, that weapon was a monster. AR shredded people up close, Fuel Rod was never on original Xbox but it's probably the best iteration of the Fuel Rod Gun.
I’m with you. Halo went from great (1&2) to terribad.
I've never played another game where the ranked/competitive mode wasn't just the regular game but with MMR. Is this not normal in COD? I can't even find a ranked match in halo infinite there's not enough players, who is it that wants this?
this is retarded. in actual competitive games no one would use any of the other weapons anyway. It might be fun to blow someone up withe the needler but its just not something you'd pick up in a serious match. I also don't fucking want to use an AR basically ever as it's boring and takes exactly 0 skill to use with matchups being decided on who shot/meleed first.
None of this is remotely true.
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It's insane to me how much people overblow how popular competitive shit was in halo 3. It was absolutely not the norm. Most people just played social slayer or btb and forge maps with their friend list and fucked around with theater mode and file share stuff. Like you guys either had a way different experience than anyone I know or you're just straight up lying. Most people just liked to watch the MLG montage videos because at the time they were cool and barely anyone was on that level, but never gave a shit about being competitive themselves. That's like saying MMO players back in the day were majority nolife minmaxers because they watched montage videos of higher level players when the fact is that most of them were low level noobs who preferred to fuck around and chat in towns with their friends. Complete historical revisionism.
All of them have near identical dps though.
Microsoft super leans into the idea that Halo was always a serious competitive game every title they've done sans 4 which changes the way people talk about it too.
>people overblow how popular competitive shit was in halo 3
The MLG playlist in EVERY game was the least populated, consistently. I'm not sure about Infinite's playlist distribution but I doubt it's anything but bottom 2.
I tried getting into infinte but the forced console-like aim assist and poor performance (yes I know I could upgrade my hardware) turned me off very quickly.
Also no one else was suckered into playing with me.
>Microsoft killed it
Bungie's staff was bleeding away from CE to Reach to the point where only a slither of the OG devs from CE were working at Bungie
when Reach was in development. On top of this, Bungie wanted out. They were tired of the franchise and wanted to do something else by the time Halo 3 was in late development thus left Microsoft (in exchange for a contract to work on two additional games for them being ODST and Reach). In other words whether Halo's franchise ended with Reach or it ended with Infinite, it wouldn't have matter, it was going to die regardless.
It's funny because Halo was the bane of FPS's before CoD skyrocketed to fame with CoD4 in 2007 by normalizing two weapons, matchmaking, and regeneration (mental gymnastics need not apply). Every single PC gamer back then loathed it.
I still enjoy it, but I won't pretend and use revisionism to act like it had no part in the watering down of the genre.
cont from this:
>Halo 3 was peak retardation with the MLG ranked list:
>BR (only) starts. No AR, No pistol
To be fair, Halo 2 also introduced a BR matchmaking in mid 2005. One of the reasons being is because of how unbalanced many of the maps were and due to how slow you moved in Halo (compared to Arena shooters back then), you basically lost the moment the BR and Plasma Pistol or Sword was found and were sitting ducks spawning in with the SMG's.
>And to this day that cancer infects the Halo series.
Because Halo was always very unbalanced. It's not an Arena shooter where fast paced movements/jumps play a key role.on equalizing ones ability to make a comeback.You don't have to be competitive to understand this either. But what I am saying is that this mindset was there since the start; since the legendary Magnum in CE.
Halo is not an arena shooter.

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