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Couples with a distinct difference in size and attributes. Can also be age difference.
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I love these pairings so much, especially if the smaller one loves huge boobs rather then being envious of them.
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Unsure which I prefer more: one small plus two large, or two small on one large.
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Two small on one large, as long as the large is producing milk. That’s the best right there.
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Two giantesses could use a small girl as a shared dildo.
I swear the gap between these two grows with every pic.
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Wait should this be posted here?
Jesus the art for these two just gets better and better.
Is this legal?
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Height envy is so cute.
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Surprised these didn't crush her skull.
Titties that are both tiny and huge.
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Shark and her Remora
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Basically giantess at this point desu
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love it, might translate later
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Doujin with Vivio and the tiny Reinforce Zwei.
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>no Kirari x Anzu
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Remilia gets dominated by a tall lady.
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>check the artist's Fanbox
>the big girl was a futa all along
Every fucking time.
Not enough bitching about that in the general split?
I think it was a retcon given there are pics (like these two right here >>4078479 >>4078482) where you can see the outline of her pussy
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I never check the general.

Bad thing official futa art has been created so yuri card is gone.
Fuck off bitch at least they are warning us. I FUCK Swear you futa faggots need to hang.
I wish it was easier to find ageplay
>it was a retcon
there's no storyline, what are you talking about
the fact that a character has a penis in an image doesn't mean they do in every single one
The fucking coping sister she is no longer a pure yuri girl
There is nothing good in this world
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i tried to look up femdom hentai but all i found was the small girl being the dom, is there any image of the bigger one being the dom?
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Sorry if this is the wrong thread. Can anybody recommend me some CONSENTUAL age gap relationship manga. The older person's gender doesn't matter, so long as it's with a loli. Larger breasts from any party would be a bonus.
Jk to OL Fujoshi and Toshishita no Senpai spring to mind

But your holy grail is probably gonna be Onee-san wa JS ni Kyomiga Arimasu
>Onee-san wa JS ni Kyomiga Arimasu
JESUS CHRIST that looks so perfect. Bless you anon
That's futa
the author never came out to say it was so we can't really say it is futa or not
There's art of that character with a big penis, that art needs to be banned on sight, most of this thread is futa right now, the mods need to wake up.
>The older person's gender doesn't matter, so long as it's with a loli.
What the actual fuck are you doing here?
Just go back to the /a/sshole you crawled out of, you fucking retard.
>What the actual fuck are you doing here
It should be pretty clear if you read the post, I'm asking for suggestions. Are you inferring I haven't made posts on /a/ and /r/ as well? Do you need that spelled out for you? Now give me a manga suggestion or don't bother replying.
You need to calm down, sis.
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Kei's boobs now look big enough to crush watermelons (and Rika for that matter).
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poor girl, suffering from abrupt onset gigantomastia.
Given how much their size fluctuates, I imagine they grown and shrink according to how aroused she is.
everybody knows the power of yuri causes girls with a noticable height difference to have an even more noticable height difference
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Is she wrong though?
I don't see a cock in any of those photos. Who gives a damn about what's official?
Anyone who cares about yuri.
>giant tits
>flat ass
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She'd be too powerful otherwise.
the things you haven't seen could fill the grand canyon. you haven't seen it, and yet, the artist who made all of these and creator of these two characters has already made art showing that the big girl is a futa.
Every image with these characters is futa. Look at the pose here, I guarantee there's an alternate version with a dick there.
Stop posting these images, you know what you're doing, it's impossible to not know what's going on here. The artist is a retard and the mods need to get up off their lazy asses and do their jobs.
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I feel sorry for you and your delusions. That you see dicks where there are clearly none. Seek help.
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Fanbox versions with nipples.
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Is there a collection of like 300 of these anon is trickling in as it takes their fancy, or does the author make another dozen every couple of days or so?
Most of these are from last year and their uncensored versions have only recently become available.
Imagine fingering a girl and she just goes :D
Good thing you didn't post the fanbox pics that aren't /u/-friendly.
Understandable, but, to be fair, there's a lot of people who keep trying to unnecessarily put them in.
by your logic, this entire board needs to be nuked immediately because nearly every non-original character has been drawn genderbent or futa at least once
I think they just mean the futa stuff.
>Poor Little Dwarf
do you have a lot of people who keep trying to unnecessarily put them in you?
That's futa why is this being allowed?
Mods not doing their job
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says the one who is posting fake yuri remember the rule if one looks at the viewer it's a threesome invitation and het.
Fuck you too nigger.
Why would you ask that?
Evil onee-sans take advantage of a kid who went to the public bath by herself.
The words in comics usually relate to the images. If you read the words on these pages, they'll give you the context.
So, that artist can go to hell.
>making up rules on the fly
>while breaking /u/ rule 2
piss off tourist
About that...
would you be opposed to generously telling us what they're saying if you can read them?
>Hey, look at her.
>Oh my...
>What a cutie

>You here by yourself?
>Um... yes?
>Wow, how mature.


>Is she doing that on purpose?

>Oops, I bumped you.


>I-I'm getting out, okay?

>Oh no, you don't

*additional rubbing*


(various slurping, rubbing and sucking noises along with protestations)

>Heh, you play with yourself, don't you?
>I know it feels good. Let us hear that lovely voice of yours

*sounds of loli going rigid in throes of sexual pleasure*
I agree. More of this.
What you're asking for is retarded. If that wasn't clear.
Except that it exists and seems quite popular in certain circles, so I don't think it's too much to ask.
Same anon

The only other one where Onee-loli unequivocally wins is Joshikousei To Ouji Chan

But it's stupid short
>Onee-san wa JS ni Kyomiga Arimasu
Its probably the most based manga i have ever read
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Found something cute on one of the tags, hope pixiv stops being slow so I it doesn't take a whole day to see the whole thing.
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Oh, the full doujin is on fanbox
Thank you very much.
its too good, so of course its not gonna be there much.
What else is there then?

Onee-loli cabaret?
What? What do you mean by this?
There is nothing else, that’s the point being made.
I was looking for more recommendations

Cause that's all I can think of/ have seen.

Unless Hachi-sensei comes out from hiding
You're absolutely right. Unless someone else comes along with better knowledge than me on this topic, sadly, we have only that.
Both girls are futa
Whatever stop self-inserting
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Gotta give my props for the Onee-san wa JS kyomiga arimasu recommendation. I originally read this when it was just starting, but dropped it because I was so certain that the whole thing would never develop farther than comedy and the 'let's make fun of the lolicon onee-san'. I was pleasantly surprised that the Oneeloli couple actually progress their relationship and actually care for each other not just purely in a physical sense. I'm currently reading it and having a great time. Thank you.
Glad you're enjoying it.

Tbh, I think it got better when the Mangaka was told that she was writing yuri the whole time
Only the artist can really "self-insert".
I'm confused too. The chair and desk suggest that the smaller girl is average-sized, but the door is gigantic compared to her and only slightly lower than the big girl.
There's basically no art for my crackship
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What did she tell her to act so needy?
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Well, who knows. I don't. But it's mighty cute.

It sucks artist talks about self inserts turns her girls into boys and calls lesbians and pedo something.
Damn sis, how about you learn to speak English more coherently first?
How old are they? The smaller one definitely looks younger, I'd almost say 10 or so but she has the boobs of at least a teenager.
Smaller one is probably older by hundreds of years.
I could see her being middle school and the other girl is just really tall
They're fucking elves.
The equivalent of a middle schooler for an elf then. If humans live to 70 and Elves live to 700 then she's just 120 instead of 12 but still considered the equivalent of a middle schooler
They're fucking
I don't think they age at one-tenth speed. They're not still babies at five year old. I'm pretty sure they just progress through adulthood at a vastly slower rate.
But chronological age aside, in terms of body shape they'd look like a young woman and small child if it weren't for the little one having well-developed breasts.
love the "small humilliating the big" dynamic <3

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