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Welcome to the Lego General, the worst place on the net for any and all LEGO discussion!
Please note that any new thread that uses promotional imagery or leaks for the OP image is a corposhill spam thread and should be avoided at all costs.

Previous Thread:

>FAQ (Why?):

>/lg/ Flickr Group (lol):

>LEGO General Archive (lmao even):

>Third Party Information:

>Sister Board (dead link niggers):

>General Resources:
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You are a faggot and I hope you die.

Fuck original themes!


Barad Dur reveal Tomorrow!
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thanks i love you too
holy shit this looks cool
Might be the first time in a long while when i'll get the "huge building" set

I remember, even as a kid, I though this seemed stupid.
How the fuck does that dinosaur even get up on that building, anyway?
I was more frustrated because the huge helicopter that made this set was too expensive and basically trolled everybody who loved dinosaurs but didn't want a random huge-ass helicopter.
I wanted that dinosaur figure but didnt even think of asking for it. Even if my parents would give me - I didn't want to build or have that helicopter.

>giJoe set + there is a random dinosaur toy
Why are you so obsessed with gays?
You tanked the MOC thread by filling it with pride MOCs and blamed it on "muh shills"
You vandalized the OP and never let anybody else make the new thread, causing drama in the /lg/ thread.
Why are you doing this? Did your mom only buy you Megablocks as a kid? Are you one of the usual /toy/ trolls trying to derail the Lego threads? Do you get your jollies by making people have an awful time?
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>You tanked the MOC thread by filling it with pride MOCs and blamed it on "muh shills"
Anon there are multiple gays in /lg/.

I'm not the gay parade-gay.
I'm the "badass gays wearing leather" gay. I post just sometimes and then disappear for 5 years or so.

Learn how to separate different types... I clearly focus on "bara" minifigures only. No buildings/no gay signia (flags/etc.). (mostly because i never bothered trying to build them haha)
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>You vandalized the OP and never let anybody else make the new thread, causing drama in the /lg/ thread.
also what the fuck
I just created a new thread because the old thread was "image limit reach"
>You vandalized the OP and never let anybody else make the new thread
that's stupid
What makes your waifu/random stuff image more worthy than my image for OP thread?

don't be a slowpoke next time
can someone make a new non-gay thread please?
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Holy shit what a snowflake.
kys fag
Why did you use the vandalized OP then? We have the good model here:

Welcome to the Lego General, the BEST place on the net for any and all LEGO discussion.

Previous Thread:


>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>General Resources:
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idk what are you talking about - i just copied the last OP and created a new thread.
anonimous board, not a discord. Not a "cOmmUniTY".
I wasn't going to start wishing you die but you're really making this difficult.
>I wasn't going to start wishing you die but you're really making this difficult.
wow scary. you have to be 18 to post here btw
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There are already quite a few posts in the thread, but I'm still the only one posting original photos and Lego creations.

It seems to me that you both are completely useless to this thread, and I hope that you will leave it. For this reason, I stop any attempts to lead this discussion leading nowhere.
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>based gay responds intelligently and comprehensively to shitposts

>shitposters with the same type of limited messages of 1 word, trying to win
holy based
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hey everyone new axe design just dropped
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>key piece
that's...actually super clever
I never seen a key piece since that 2012 theme of red dragon castle
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How is that skull so small
Or is it just the perspective?
Btw cool guy
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i once made a frog blasters!
it's ok anon - you can have fun here too! Post mocs!
I think it's a small baby-sized skull from a harry potter set.
It's a baby skull head -- I think it's from a Harry Potter set.
I only buy licensed products
>2002-2009 is an "edgy scary phase"
A lot of IPs had an edgy phase during tha time period.
speaking of which - i didn't see anybody making a cruel/edgy scene with that Shadow minifig holding a gun or something like that... what the fuck
posting licensed products is also welcomed.
This thread is pretty tolerant to gay stuff as you see! :)
>It's a baby skull head -- I think it's from a Harry Potter set.
HP sets have skeletons of kids??!
I am gay
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idk why old lego city sets so comfy. They feel like something from a dream.
Perhaps this is because their size and limited number of simple cubes give the impression of simulating miniature life.

I felt the same towards picrelated.
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>I am gay
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heckin epic moc bros what a chunkin kinorino homo thread we gots goin here
comfy like my bulls cock tightly wedged between my rock hard trans tits?
Eugh, looks like weeb shit
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>comfy like my bulls cock tightly wedged between my rock hard trans tits?
should we make this into a next thread challenge??
you may have just killed what was left of the lg good job op
Yeah Lego used to be miniatures that can be posed. Now it's statue shit.
It's called noatalgia.
interesting is that anything like nostalgia?
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>you may have just killed what was left of the lg good job op
anon all those gay klocki photos from pre 2020 when /lg/ was KINO and literally everybody liked posting fun stuff and didn't mind occasional gay mocs.
you might be new here.

You don't contribute anything. Only whining.
>interesting is that anything like nostalgia?
Similar. Noatalgia is just a bit more retarded.
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>start of thread
>faggots alredy whining at nothing and arguing with themselves
What a suprise
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>*gays and faggots arguing
>wedging anything into trans pieces
May as well kragle your shit together, those are never coming apart
Based drill bar anon, continue ignoring dumb teenagers
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sick more dinos
so coon. we need more brick build dinos
Why does future DnD series has so many females. Wasted slots.
they come with both male and female heads
For real? That's a relief then.
This is the proper way to display legos
>2001 dino is smaller than the current ones
Huh, i always thought it was the other way around
Just no barbarians or white males period. Plus the horrible flesh tones.
Kinda ehh on em.
Probably pick up the allosaurus set (during a sale) just because we might not get another one.

So many nice dinosaur molds but only ever use the raptor and trex 90% of the time.
When's the last time the carno, baryonyx, Indominus or even the Indo have been used in anything?
the 2001 dinos were tiny
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Y'know I tell ya what they just ain't as red as they used to be!
>vandalized the OP
No, that was me, he's just copy-pasting. Nobody uses all those fucking dead links anyway, they're just there because people expect /generals/ to have a wall of links for some reason.
based Rob Halford
you outta get yourself a McCullum.
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The boys are back at it again.

(three of my oldest sets)
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team work makes the dream work
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work is done

time now to play
That's the only Rock Raider set I ever had as a kid. And a tiny thing with Jet.
I remember when 4chan didn't even really have generals but I cant remember much about back then. Some dude did giveaways and a lot more OC pics. I don't want to remember ill miss it too much
cool color scheme, I want to buy like 2 of those and make a spaceship or hover tank out of that
Baron obviously crashed as his plane has no controls. Even as a kid it made me wonder how is he supposed to steer it. Especially because I got Jungle seaplane which actually had flying stick.
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What did I think of it?

Build was kinda boring but I guess it was expected. I like the size of the set but it does look lanky with the backpack balancing it out a bit. The stand is a cool thing for a Creator set. Wish it had more detail but it is a Creator set in the end. With how disappointing the B-models are maybe it should have been an Icons set. The gold helmet is really cool. Overall decent set but not exciting.
It even has room for something. A stick on a 2-into-1 plate...a steering wheel...hell even a tiny printed control panel on a hinge or something.

It's all flown by mind control I guess.
This is literally the worst set to have a SPACE label on it desu. Pure NASAslop, main build is a dust collector, alt builds are shit, can't even make a cool spaceship out of it because it's 50% small white slopes/detail pieces, big obnoxious gold dome seems like it would be a cool piece in theory but is terrible in practice for most uses beyond its original intent.
Ah, dammit. Ankys are my favorite, and that's a lovely color scheme.
Anyone else remember three weeks ago before the new cmfs came out and there were three dudes posting about space?
From this distance the spaceship build looks cute. Like an R-Type fighter. Just needs a big ol Option to dock on the front.
If you do more than put it on a shelf, you have some serious child issues. Grow. up.
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Finally built my Galaxy Explorer. This thing is awesome and has tons of fun little details.
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It's not nostalgia. City is the most popular theme because it depicts real life. Old city sets are special because they depicted more with less. They used to use more imagination.
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Sick nasty.
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Have you heard of the beautiful servant? HAVE YOU HEARD OF SAURON?
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Harvey Weinstein
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Haha wtf Sauron's tiny
You'd think they'd use the long Avatar minifig parts or something
Helmet and chest armour also look like one piece
This is sucha downgrade for gollum wtf
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Fell beast gwp with Barad Dur
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Seriously, where the fuck do they get all this terrible decoration from?
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Anon it's an "adults collectable" set. So they showing it standing in that "your grandfather's house" background.

This LotR set is basically a male version of those flowers set.
I have a lego loving friend like that. At first i was excited to find another guy that like lego but then he sent me photos...
>darth vader helmet standing in a hallway of his house next to vase

Still it's cool that lego entered the mass market and not just for kids i guess.
I get the love for Zelda and LotR

But DnD has FAR more potential for fantasy creatures and builds. Including that it can lead to a MTG theme.

Like there are so many sets they can make, playsets like castle Ravenloft or castle Never

Dungeons, like make small sets for campaigns, use those Mario and Animal Crossing pieces tiles, created combining environments.
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I want to get excited but i hate how all of them have a weird brown colors (im not talking about skin colors - literally everything about them is toned down brown)

That birdman looks worse than Chima eagles. what a shitty series.
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The renders look very desaturated so i'd wait till we see them in person
It's like judging the overwatch sets based on the awful back of the box art
The renders are not even finished and AI was used to make it look clear because the pics looked grainy
oh yeah... i guess that will change. Plus lego adds shiny silver colors and stuff like that.
plus that eagle has actual eagle/griffin legs that i want
Interesting to note that The Rings of Power Season 2 trailer was just announced to be dropping tomorrow:


The timing of this aligning with the official reveal of the LEGO Barad Dur set can’t be a coincidence.

I know that the LOTR merchandising rights for anything that isn’t based on the Peter Jackson films are tied up in a complicated knot right now, but I feel like that knot may be about to unravel…

With at least four more seasons of The Rings of Power, War of the Rohirrim, and the new Gollum movies all in the pipeline, there must be some major merchandising negotiations and coordination in the works.

Is it possible that this new content will be our ticket to the full-blown return of the LEGO LOTR theme with play-scale sets?

LEGO even mentions the Rings of Power TV show on its official Theme page for LOTR.

While I would prefer more sets based on the original Peter Jackson films, I wouldn’t be mad if we kept getting one D2C based on the original movies every year, with five play-scale sets based on new content and another play-scale set or two based on the originals.

I imagine it may take until 2026 when the new Gollum film comes out to get the merchandising rights sorted, but in the meantime I am placing my bets now on the next D2C set being something related to Rohan to align with War of the Rohirrim - either Helm’s Deep or the Golden Hall of Meduseld.

My ideal comeback would be in 2025:
>2 sets based on RoP
>2 sets based on each film from trilogy
>2 sets based on war of rohirrim
In 2026:
>2 sets based on RoP
>5 sets based on hunt for gollum
>5 sets based on some trilogy films
>1 or 2 based on the hobbit
And make the theme evergreen.
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Better pics of gwp
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i wonder how much it will be
i want those wings..
Well, you have to buy the $500 Barad Dur set to get this gwp so...June 1st
this + DnD minifigures will be a perfect mach to play with and modify
I know it's a gift with purchase but where tf are the eyes
>We Wuz Rangz
Well, if we're letting that level of fanfiction faggotry in, I want Shadow of Mordor/War sets.



I thought the ideas set was meant to be a tease and create hype for more sets, by this quote from the challenge:
>Excitingly, all designs that reach the Fan Vote phase, will be eligible to become an official LEGO® IDEAS™ set! Unlike typical LEGO® Product Idea submissions, the Fan Vote phase for this promotion is intended to help the Judges gauge fan interest in specific designs, and validate fan excitement for the theme.
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Why didnt lego use the ilu head for the fell beast?
why the fuck is the Ring so huge. it looks more like a bracelet now!
>Lord of the Bracelets.
Lego Icons Rohan next year
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Why bother
Collecting goyims will still buy 10 just to get the ring wraith
>Why didnt lego use the ilu head for the fell beast?

>Collecting goyims will still buy 10 just to get the ring wraith

are you fucking retarded?
You kept complaning when lego used plastic molded heads for dragons calling lego LAZY because you miss brick-built dragon heads like in "m-muh childhood".
And now they make brick-build head and you STILL FUCKING COMPLAINING AND WHINING you pathetic loser
>Why didnt lego use the ilu head for the fell beast?
If they would reuse this head for that lord of the rings set incels would be crying that lego is lazy and reusing old parts for expensive sets insetad of "being original".

Just ignore incels whining
Looks like shit, no offense. I just don't find the set very interesting. For a play set, mount doom scene would be better. The books and the movie never go into the interior of this place other than perhaps Gollum being tortured. Compare that with Rivendell where you have multiple movie scenes.
They decorate houses with the worst furniture ever. Stupid modern crap. Who the fuck frames a bunch of pieces of paper cut up? Also the Mona Lisa set is a terrible take on the actual painting. The landscaping does not match and the face looks horrendous. I've seen the Mona Lisa in person. You can buy a really good reprint on Amazon for less the cost. Notre Dame is a good looking set though.
>Stupid modern crap. Who the fuck frames a bunch of pieces of paper cut up?
it's normie adults around my age (millenials but uttelry normies). They don't want to be boring like boomers but also don't add anything wild or nerdy or "gamer-ish".
So they use weird or stupid decorations.
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>Why bother
this is fucking stupid.
Reusing that Avatar monster head is clearly mor "why bother" than designing a new brick-built head.
Oof. Swing and a miss. Zeldafags prepare your anus it‘s not lookin good.
You'd have to change the entire print and probably get rid of the back antenne slots for it to work
The head build look like it's not even 20 pieces
How is that more effort
The 3-1 castle dragon looks better than this fuckin garbage.
How? He actually looks more like a Lego version of Gollum
>Fell Beast GWP comes with 3 minifigs you guys I promise
Taking away the crazy eyes and replacing them with blue orbs is getting rid of at least 50% of his look
at least it's just a gwp I don't need to think about
yes, leaks can be wrong sometimes.
It's less "accurate", sure, but it looks more like actual lego.
That's like saying that Clone Wars figs got a downgrade after they went back to regular Lego faces instead of cancerface because it looks less like the cartoon.
i dont care much for lotr but i like dragons and small builds like this

you think this will be crazy expensive on the secondary market?
I appreciate that there was an actual effort to make it a playset rather than a pure dust collector sculpture, but $500? Fuuuuuuck no.
I also really hate the brown/burnt orange around the Eye. I get what they were going for with a light effect, but it just looks shit in plastic form. Gives me flashbacks to shitty OSL airbrush abuse on 40k models. Would be better if they'd stuck with black.
why are you whining? You won't ever have money to get it anyways. It's a gift after you buy the main lotr set...

Poorfags cant even

Rings of Power season 2 trailer is kino:

Also, Sauron man tower can be made taller if you buy two more copies of the set.
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Put Fright Knights logo on it and it will be good. Licenses need to go.
anyone built an Akira bike moc?

with how big the movie is there are a few builds out there but idk what the best one is. i know there is one that is very accurate but also uses rare expensive parts

We need full themes for licenses.
The orc kitchen part is bigger than most normal sets for area which doesn't exist anywhere in books nor movies. Couldn't they made palantir chamber there or whatever?
love me some turnips and sausages in barad-dur next to the evil sorceries
Actually, the throne room has a secret gimmick in which it reveal a secret palantir chamber
You gotta have a consistent menu to ensure your troops' maximum efficiency
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ah yes, just watching reveal video. Still, kitchen is ridiculously idea.
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More helmets
no way, original themes all the way. Ice Planet 2002>anything else LEGO has done after 1999. so sad seeing them waste their time, money, and ideas on licenses.

They make billions
That looks bad honestly.
Weren’t they wearing armor as well with the helmets? Why didn’t they go all out and provide them that as well? Or at least provide both options?Especially since as far as I can tell these are the same as the Rivendell versions. Could’ve at least added some wear to their outfit at least if they were gonna stick with this.
I absolutely can and won’t lmao! Only display faggots and losers are going to get this and it’s gonna be covered in accidental discharge from tweezing your tiny needle dicks. Lotr fan fiction with niggers and fags is your gig huh? Seems about right. The set and gwp are shit and no amount of “you just can’t afford it” will make it not shit. I can. I won’t. Seeth cope dilate.
Jesus Christ is that fucking rock stand 40 pieces?!
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Nursebot augment
Im still hunting for my mommy milker space robot nanny.
is it just me or does this suck?

i hate lotr though so i might be biased
It’s not you. I love lotr and this is garbage.
Yeah I love LotR too and was saving up to buy this, now idk. I thought it would've been more black and menacing looking with a taller looking Sauron.
>only one yellow person
Jegus christ
there's no skin printing on the torsos at least, so you can swap the heads out for whatever you want. people already use minifigs for DnD minis so it's not surprising that they tried to make them as versatile as possible
I’m going to get the aliexpress version just to spite legoS.
What happened to JangBricks?

I don't watch his stupid streams or anything, but it seems like everything went downhill after 2019 and it seems to be his own fault. No idea why he made 6 different channels for niche things but it's part of the reason I stopped watching.

Is he divorced now? Is he working a 9-5 again? I know he's become a super snowflake lately but that's par for the course with California drinking water.
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why do they keep making the same damn set over and over? Also allos weren't that big...
His wife died recently
just looking at that rock shows me exactly where lego went wrong since 2009.
No, but I am curious, are you going for minifig scale or full-size?
It's really funny that you could edit this to say any date from 1999 to 2015-ish and at least one guy would always agree
Lego should've went for a look more akin to that and they should've included the Nazgul w/ the fellbeast in the set. I was a vocalist for a black metal band called Nazgul in hs too so I feel compelled to get it.
Too intricate for your sub-70 IQ ass
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More figs like these Lego plz
I don't know about the general consensus, but the reason I stopped watching his streams or following his media was because he was taking positive statements about either himself, or lego, and twisting them into negatives and spouting them back at you in a dismissive and holier-than-thou fashion. There was no substance his retorts had no relevance to what you actually said. Specifically with me, he got into a pissy back and forth about how I said I liked GWPs that add on to a particular set but can also stand alone. He then began some rant about how "people don't actually like" some very specific GWP that I never mentioned, and when I told him that I didn't understand the connection and that I didn't agree with what he was telling me I believed, he tried to tell me that I didn't say the things I did, in fact said things I didn't say, and that my chronology of events was incorrect and an attempt to start an argument. He's just psyching himself out on his own shit and dragging everyone else down with him.
Just wait until you see the azure, bright green and trans-purple pieces inside of it.
Real queation
Wtf happened to artifex creations
...and the 1x1 poop cone
Is that yellow jacket robot from vidiyo?
If so then:
Never watched his streams, only his reviews. And those were getting pretty redundant anymore. The same complaints, the same comments, ect. He comes off more like he's just going through the motions because he has to anymore. For as annoying as just2gay is, at least it has some genuine interest in the stuff. Given I still wouldn't watch that creepy trainwreck if you paid me, just saying at least that still has some passion for the job.
Yes but she is my waifu not yours.
>Also allos weren't that big...
don't tell this guy the size of Raptors they used
>no studs on back
This kills my soul.
I want it to bew rideable or to be able to put cannons on it's back, fuck you Lego.
I hope this isn't just a one off and we get more brick built baby dinos.
Highway 237. West.
Needs a custom printed Monster Energy Zero can.
>it has minifig sized interior
That Gollum looks like he came straight out of The Binding of Isaac.
Nah I am with you. I expected a full tower maybe with some nanofigrues, not a minifig dollhouse.
Is that leather daddy custom?
[X] Fuck off and die.
As someone only interested in the shield/armor/helmet-y bits, the fact that there's such a variety, and that they're all likely exclusive to this set depresses me.
The complexity adds nothing. It would have looked better with less pieces. This looks like a jumbled mess.
“It adds nothing”
“It looks like a jumbled mess”

It clearly adds something by your own admission. I find it more visually pleasing than the more primitive approach of using a few large pieces, or worse, a giant unique mold.
do you really find the many slopes and overly processed look that attactive? it makes the terrain look less like actual terrain and more like a sculpted gem or something.

Maybe every lego set from here on should come with 200 cheese slopes to satisfy you people.

2009 is the cutoff for me, medieval market village was the last great lego set (outside the modulars) to me. I still buy new sets mind you but this is just what I think.
Its just some enhanced dust-collectors tbqfph

fuckin new phone keyboard
>It clearly adds something by your own admission
you clearly have poor reading comprehension. the jumbled mess of parts DETRACTS from the look of what should have been a simple model
from the pride cmf
What's the white and red ship to the left of the M-Tron vehicle? Looks neat and not of Lego's typical construction.
all Lego can be a dust collector in the hands of a faggot but some sets lend themselves more to dust collecting than others.
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>he does not buy sets just to make mocs from them
>he does not rebuild older sets he does not display anymore into something new
Piss and shit rock is the absolute state of Lego at this point.
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>another $500 lotr set with a dollhouse backside

Into the trash it goes. I wish they would stop doing this shit. If I'm buying a set for $500 it has better be a complete structure from all 4 sides. I absolutely hate the dollhouse shit
>do you really find the many slopes and overly processed look that attactive?
Certainly better than the alternative where it is hardly distinguishable as rocky terrain

> the jumbled mess of parts DETRACTS from the look of what should have been a simple model
Why “should” it be a simple model? To satisfy you?
>it should be MORE of a dust collector
God forbid a kid looks in the direction of my ADULT ONLY Lego collection
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kys shitstain
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For how much he complains about being overworked and fatigued you'd think he'd just get a real job or actually play for his environment. Across all his channels his adsense has to be completely fucked and he thinks getting back to his old baseline only takes grinding harder. He could tear it all down today and start a repost tiktok specifically for Brazil and make more than he has been.
>t. started an auto-posting tiktok specifically for Brazil that makes more money in a week than Jang probably makes in a month across all platforms
Is there any proof to this?
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Who's the strongest LEGO minifig, and why is it pic related?
darndest yeah, particle ionizer and rebel hunter, i'm getting those next. 90s lego peak soul. wish they'd quit licenses, they are the worst.

deep freeze defender
Legit how is jang not divorced? he constantly harps about how he works 7 days a week and like 16 hours a day. Also why not just get a normal job again, he used to be a senior designer at paypall so surely he could get a 6 figure job white collar job again easily
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This is what Jang is reduced to now, endless reaction videos to whatever new slop Lego puts out. The funny thing is he probably makes more money off these than his dead reviews channel
Why would you use a drug reference!
He’s fucking off the deep end now.
you have to be 18 to post here
Some guy made very very cool wipeout sets, the pdf are on his page. https://steponabrick.com/wipeout
It cost me like 30$€£ on bricklist, some parts were tricky to find

Hnnnng idonthavetimetoclean my bad

The particle ionizer was the one i wanted for AGES as a kid. I had to jump on a decent offer 20years later heheh
I mean, i loved the old starwars yet i havent watched all the more recent disney stuff, but every s.i.n.g.l.e. starwars Lego is literally made of grey plates, yo how isnt that boring after 15 years lads ?
Space lego had ORANGE iceplanet, RED mtron, etc
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if only they made pic related in white
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https://steppedonabrick.gumroad.com/l/AGSYS *
Ah that's it.
Looks sick.
I'm waiting for the day I can justify spending the money to build a Battletech Catapult or Marauder. Hansenbricks has the former and I've seen the latter elsewhere. I'd have to modify the Catapult though as I'd like to give it PPC or even autocannon arms optionally instead of the missile boxes he modeled on it.
>looks sick
Thanks fren, yeah i fell in love with those ships

>catapult or marauder
Care to share pics or links ? I dont see what these look like
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Here's the catapult. It is pretty accurate to the modern depictions from the games. I want to look into color swapping it though.


I can't remember where the marauder was.
Hansen has a couple others from Battletech including the King Crab, as well as some Borderlands stuff including a Loader mech and a Runner.
I'm a lego club member and all that shit but how to I get more points to my account? It says to scan the code in instructions, do I literally go to the camera on my phone and take a picture? I feel like there's some kind of hyperlink I'm missing that opens my camera like when you scan for Amazon gift cards.
Is the Sauron helmet attached to the shoulders?
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Dunno, don't care. Just want this cool personal customization back.
I've always felt it weird how many 90s theme there were part of the same whole as the ones by the mid 00s, including the bonkles
Is it wrong to buy used Lego at absurdly cheap prices from people who don't know the value of what they're selling? I'm about to pick up $200 worth of minifigures for only $10. Not sure if I should offer more or if that would only make her realize she got ripped off.
these helmets are so detailed they read as bootlegs
finally someone calls them out. bitter nostalgiafags are the worst part of /lg/
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is Jang right about 4 wide cars being the best scale? I'm starting to see his point that if a car holds only 1 minifig then theres no point going over 4 wide. If in your universe or city cars are supposed to hold 2 minifigs then yeah 6 wide can make sense, but 6 wide cars that only hold one fig are wasteful, and 8 wide is just gigantic.
When you scan the code with your phone camera it should just open the Lego site and when you log in it gives you the points
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fuck fleshies!
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I think Lego needs to dial back on their design. Lego already has a cute aesthetic that can be used in really nice ways. Going overboard makes it look like someone put action figure parts on a minifigure, and it just looks strange.

It's like Lego is having an identity crisis whether or not it's a model or a toy with some things.
I remember making a fake second account so I could vote for my own profile and briefly appear in the leaderboards
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you will now learn that Lego Friends is an old as fuck theme.
No ones cripple or retarded bring out the guillotine and gene splicer
6 is the way to go, but if it can't hold more than 1 fig it can fuck off.
Why doesn't he just put everything on one channel again? I still watch him review new sets I want but I don't care about his reactions
This shit looks bad, I mean REALLY REALLY bad. I can't believe pay pigs will gobble this shit up. Should be no more than 200 dollars. I don't care how many small pieces they used to rack up the count. It doesn't even have a back to it or close. All the shit on the interior is made up because we never see it in the film. The tower is always in the background from miles away in the films and books. There's no point in making it a play set. The set is an ugly display at that. Just a hunk of black bricks. How do they go from making Rivendell to this piece of shit?
I think you're being a hater but I see your point because it looks unfinished with exposed interiors. I'd like to see terrain plates on hinges to allow access to the back. How would you improve it?
What the fuck is with you people? There are no haters. There are people that like sets and don't like sets.
Is this the perfect size for a one man spaceship / starfighter?
Sorry, friend! Even in Legoland, the record stands.

Handsome if not a little overly detailed.

Lego at the time did not feel the need to bury its own history to appease licensors.
anyone remember what set it was where the lifestyle image was next to a bathroom sink or something like that?
Seethe nig
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I love to keep my set next to the sink in my lego workshop
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I don't conform to book shelves for my books because I'm a millennial
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Whenever I change my panties I knock over my minifigs
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I took my wife's son to the lego store to buy him some ninjago sets when I realized this would match my ikea coffee table!
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My ex husband bought my house in 1995 for 100k lmao
It's from the cap of the Skele-grow potion bottle, not meant to actually be a real skull.
These are good. I remember when I was a kid reading the books and the fellowship of the ring was the only Jackson film released and I saw pictures of awesome lord of the rings MOCs pre lotr themes that blew away anything in the real sets.
It's not even that tall in the movie is it? If I was going to spend ridiculous money and buy three of these, I'd put in the effort to make it wider too and properly to scale.
The movie it's very top heavy like that. Would be impractical for a set. Yes there will be people buying multiple sets of this to make it bigger and three dimensional I'm sure.
>lego includes orc restaurant
>no menu
There is a menu that shows meat you can't see from that angle. But yes the orc restaurant is stupid. They obviously were like.. umm guys what do we put on the inside?
I would make the entire set much smaller and priced at $100 - $150 as the 'big set' of a wave of smaller sets ranging from $10-$80
They only $10 lego sets these days are brickheads and most are more than that.
Obviously meat was back on the menu
What do you guys do with the minifigs that are not part of any set, like those Lego minifigures series.
Do you just display them or do you build environments for them to place into?
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*Sigh* Maybe she was right...
Maybe I HAVE an issue...
Maybe I SHOULDN'T have sold almost all of my belongings and the house for that fucking Hulkbuster...
God, Sarah, please come back to me...
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And here is my display stairwell.
Occasionally, some bald dude who looks like a Milka cow spots chocolate bar comes in and fiddles around with some male-focused Relic Hunter knock-off set or some shit...
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Oh hey, there he is again!
But on second thought, I think it'd fit better here on the floor, right next to the fake fireplace.
I like this photo, it symbolizes afols very well.
The motion blur always kills me
>"Hey sailor, you could put somebody's eye out with that thing"
-Studded Steve (shown on the right), shortly before his accident
Finally I can recreate that iconic movie scene where Aragorn fights Sauron in his throne room.
This guy probably throws his legos in the fire when he's done with it
I hate Jackson's Mouth of Sauron so much.
You are never going to get a website like that again.
Minecraft is 15 years old Today! The best selling game of all time!

The Lego Minecraft theme is 10 years old this year...

What do you think?
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Gruuugh , me AFOL , me good AFOL
a bit bigger ,needs landing gear, and a tiny cargo bay.
Yeah it's pretty detailed. Unfortunately it's display only and not play-durable, and changing the angle of the knees for example requires partial disassembly so it's not even fully poseable.

Should design my own that's actually fully poseable and playable, even if it sacrifices a bit of accuracy I'd prefer more fluidity.
Love his willingness to share instructions for free. Buuuuuuut, micro is the way to go. 10000% more swooshable

(Admittedly still working on this agsys...)
50 Bucks for THIS?
Thank god that job as AI-model is paying well.
Hahah nice, theyre so cute.
Made by the same guy ? I just grabbed the first link from my history, didnt browse all his stuff
As a polaroid user (i still use my polaroid i had since 90s) i don't want nu-polaroid even for free (it's so bad - a shitty toy for normies). Let alone a fucking LEGO version of it for 50 bucks

what the fuck
i can't stop cringing at each one of those AdULt garbage they making.
I think these were done by someone on reddit but I put together the aysys myself as the dude omitted the best team. Jsjs
God, I love KISS so much (Million Dollar Babies= best album evar) that I just HAD to get this set to hang it next to my beloved picture frame.
I wonder if Steven Tyler is still with them...
I part out minifigs to fit into my environments. If some parts won't fit in any, they go into storage.
These posts are as cringe as the images themselves.
Neat, thanks
I laugh when I see these images of someone holding the product while looking thoughtful. They need to find some way of justifying having a shelf warmer as more than some piece of display hipster trash.
man prison in denmark sure is different
whats' the fucking point of buying this as lego?????????????????? what kind of an autist wants to sit and assemble just TWO COLORS for hours??!

just buy a fucking piece of paper with kiss logo - it will look the same
Okay LEGO, I want a $10 Sauron mini-mech next year followed by Witch King/Fell Beast Microfighter
you have to go back
A buildable Sauron wouldn't be that awful of an idea at least, Bale batty is decent apart the shitty head which wouldn't be a problem.

But knowing Lego they'd rather make buildable Gollum.
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Its up !

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About to disassemble this bad boy. How many broken reddish brown pieces will I find? My guess would be 5+
I disassembled my SW Republic Gunship and had like 7 or 8 and that only uses maroon as an accent color. I was pissed.
Gah, it was a jumpscare clicking on this and seeing freaky vitiligo again
I assumed he was white from a quick glance at the thumbnail
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Sorry, republic *frigate* I guess the *gunship* is the LAAT.

God why can't they just call it the LAAT that's what it fucking is.

This is what I broke down and found a bunch of busted pieces on
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Why do they broke? Mine are fine.
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I put together this sealed pharaohs quest car recently and literally every single maroon piece aside from the chassis and the fez headlights cracked when snapping together.
guess I'm never taking this apart.
might as well have glued it.
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Wow lookout I just got two Minifigure packs. Super rad. Second one was one I hella wanted.

post pics of these cracks
may be cool for a rat rod haha
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i had so much fun with this set
it's my favorite lego set after Chima Mammoth walker.
The only con is that this elephant is like a toad-bulldog. He looks strong and has longer front legs but super short.
While Chima Mammoth Walker was super tall because it was built like Star Wars' AT-AT
I mean one is indian elephant the other is a mammoth
Quite thw difference
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Yeah i actually like that i guess despite saying it's a "con" (his bulldog-like body is super unique. His front legs are really long compared to stubby back legs).
I'm so thankful that there is a second ROBOT elephant in Lego... how cool is that.

But yeah I had so many fantasies about it being super huge and ultra complicated after seeing it a couple of times online and not seeing it for months until I saw it in a lego shop. Like those times when you was a kid and imagined additional stuff to a toy you really wanted, lol
they all split at the corners
holy soul. i remember this. bless you anon.
"hardly distinguishable as rocky terrain"

idk anon maybe you're just fucking dumb.
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jang is too soft for social media
Our girl Just2Good made a new Just2mail video after over half a year.
Isn't Sarah so sexy?
ashnflash has the personality of a lukewarm wet sponge but he's an ok replacement for just2good i guess
god, where is that dress from shein?

this is what peak SLOP looks like.
Same, honestly. I used to watch Just2Good religiously from around 2016 to his transition, now Ashnflash is my Just2Good replacement.
He has some milquetoast taste and bad takes, but at least he's not a ugly troon.
It looks hideous, and he doesn't even have the bust to fill it out, I don't think he even had a sex change operation. He's exposing his audience of kids his sissy fetish, like the groomer he is.
he wont, this is most likely a cry for attention.
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He saw the reality of man on that bloody roadside on Highway 237 west all those years ago, He starred into the abyss.
I've had this happen way too many times.
>meet new person
>they find out I like lego
>Oh cool what sort of lego do you like?
>shows me a picture of some gay-ass starwars ship like I'm supposed to be impressed
>I show them a picture of my mocs
>they also appear to care very little
>conversation ends there
crazy how two people can have 'the same hobby' but have nothing in common to talk about within that hobby.
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In the scene, I also used several elements from M:Tron sets, such as boxes and printed tiles characteristic of the series.
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these look like guys from Judas Priest
Are there any good lego youtubers to watch half paying attention to while I browse 4chan in 2024? Jang is genuinely depressing as fuck, and most lego youtubers being corpo lego sponsered chills (cheesy studios, rr slugger, solidbrickstudios, etc) pisses me off. Kinda like that german guy who updates his city but idk
I feel like older Jang videos are less depressing and annoying than his modern ones. He seemed more enthusiastic and less fragile back then.
>rr slugger
how is he a corpo shill? his latest video is him talking about how he doesn't like the space cmf series
That's a gorgeous hideout, I hate to think what's going to happen to it when Space Police find out they've got that fuck hueg military laser stashed in it.
looks great, only suggestion I'd make is to add some texture to the floor instead of having it be completely smooth

This is Alpha levels of chadtastic giga-energy
September 22nd they say time heals al wounds… >>10992244
German guy is good duckbricks used to not suck but sucks now. I really enjoy this guy cause he’s not pretentious, does other things and likes bootlegos as well>>10994025
nvm, I thought he got sent stuff by lego like most lego youtubers
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My purchase from the lego store
Some cmfs and a pick a brick box
Neat, Orion's the only one I'm missing. I see they gave you stickers too.
>>I show them a picture of my mocs
>>they also appear to care very little
>>conversation ends there
haha yeah that's exactly what happens.
I even think that that guy thought im a bit infantile and childish for actually putting some "retarded" autistic kiddish set like giant mech dragon or a SKY PIRATES or something like that.

To impress them you had to show them something like that adult NES set or starwars helmets or so
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>these look like guys from Judas Priest
it's because Rob Halford is gay who also into "leather uniform". It's a type of gays that like to wear uniform stuff
>4chan educational
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Holy kek i had no idea the big grey ninjago guy was rare and expensive...
The set with him was kinda cheap - around 20-30$ i got it on discount...
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WHAT THE FUCK?!?!??!?!
i thought by expensive they meant like 40$.

Why is this expensive? i was seeing that set quite often
I like it

I disagree, the smooth floor gives me that creepy out in the endless void of space feeling which is nice.
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With all the expensive $400 UCS-esque sets based on IPs coming out these days, I'm surprised Lego has still yet to make one for the Black Pearl for thirsty pirate fans. The aftermarket for that ship released in 2011 is truly fucking insane. For nearly the same amount, you can bricklink mocyourbrick's custom black pearl instead (or a fraction of that price by making even cheaper substitutions).
>colorful simplistic pirates riding a realistic black pearl
Robinhood bricks

If you put this guy in instead of kai in any of his sets people here would eat it tf up
I agree, don't like the tiles where legomen can't stand. otherwise excellent moc. And 90s space is peak.
Speak for yourself you gay fucking weeb
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Made a quick alt build of the Majisto GWP. A cave and small tower to be part of my Forestman hideout.
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With the rest of the base.
nice toddler set. where are details?
No need for details. Overtiled 1x1 slope shit has to go. Bring back the 90s aesthetic. Great moc!
Duckbricks is legitimately a mental illness aired on youtube under the guise of a hobby
Guys I think im in another dark age.
>multiple sets that I should be stoked about, like castle, dnd or even some lotr stuff to grab for mocs
>despite it something is missing and im not intrested like I expected myself to be
>prices are growing, quality is shit
>minis infalte set price even further
>meanwhile my other hobbies like woodcarving/sclupting or even vidya cost a fraction of lego
I know it costs a lot of money, but its not a big deal itself. I just really feel like something is absent. My last purchuse was 10 months ago and it was lion castle, which I tried to moc with but dont have some specialised pieces to finish and i didnt have motivation to order bricklink.
the flags are facing the wrong direction
>”I’ve been up for 33 hours and if I plan it right I’ll hit 7 lego stores and then work for Microsoft for 12 hours”
What do you mean he seems so normal and well adjusted.
The ship is reversing.
>Bring back the 90s aesthetic
90s aesthetic will never come back.
It looks simple outdated and boring. Like some pre school toy.
I usually have the exact opposite experience. If I mention liking Lego it's immediately assumed I'm talking about splurging on dust collectors until I show them a few mocs and they openly express relief that I'm actually being creative and not spending a million dollars on shit. Doubly so that I'm not some investment loser.
Sounds like you need to switch to the aftermarket. Become a facebook marketplace chad and start picking up 50lb $20 bins from hot moms with college sons. It's trivially easy to make Lego pay for itself if you filter out what you want and resell the rest. If you keep either a mental or actual Lego account in your finances you can keep your collection net neutral by only spending what you made selling the extra. It's *literally* free Lego, and it's always 10-20 years out of phase so you're actually getting good stuff.
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Sorry i just assumed nostalgiabaiting with power rangers would work, seeing how the same 10 sets from 25 years ago get posted with text like "MY childhood was better than yours" every thread
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Tried to browse it a couple of times but seems like in my country/area people think 2nd heand lego goes up the value and probably I dont browse it like cryptobro (few times a day) to grab best deals that vanish after dozen minutes. When I checked it last time people eithier sold unopened, unwanted lego presents (with -10% pricetag) or bens full of some bootleg klocki. Every old set on marketplace wasnt diffrent pricewise to bricklink, I dunno where do you live but in my country even old dumn soccermoms seem to check online prices before they post any klocki of their adult children.
Jesus Christ play with it or dust it if you fucking heathen.
I don't get it, why do normies find it more impressive that I followed some instructions and made something they recognize from pop culture as opposed to building my own original castle? At least my gf thinks my builds are cool. The mass appeal 'lego for adults' has really drowned out all the autistic fans building entire worlds in their basement. Sad!
>The mass appeal 'lego for adults' has really drowned out all the autistic fans building entire worlds in their basement. Sad!
unironically yes.
Being "geek/nerd" made a backflip few times and landed in a completely different spot.

Back then:
>being geek seen as childish and dorky
Few years later during hipsters hype:
>I loooove lego i have a super realistic titanic LEGO that i bought for 9000$ to put in my house!
>nice!!! I just bought a GEM MINT pokemon card with Charizard that i paid 15 000$ for!
>cool! i have this rare funko pop i bought for 5000$!
>awesome! i have this GEM MINT mario paint in a perfect condition i bought for 3242342342$
>Adult Collectables standing on Ikea shelf
Current year:
>being geek (seeing nerdy things in a genuine view and enjoying toys and fun, actually being interested in retro games and playing them) seen as childish and infantile again
>landed in a completely different spot.
*exact same spot as before
I’m just saying a majority of the cast of revenge of the nerds is still around and it’s been 30 years since the 1994 hit “revenge of the nerds 4” and we’re due.
kek it's not dusty at all you fuckin retard
prolly cause your mocs are shit
This can't be gay my dad and his roomate dressed like this
if they are targeting artsy afols with designer furniture why did they replace architecture with tourist crap?
a shit-looking moc is still more impressive to me than following instructions to build the exact same model everyone else has. The worst mocs I've ever seen still require a degree of creativity.
Perfect for grog afol.
>shit-looking moc is still more impressive
eh not always
They always require more creativity. If a set is impressively built, then props to the designer. The consumer who follows the instructions to essentially rebuild someone else's design is never as creative as the set designer, nor the retard smashing duplo blocks together.

I have nothing against building sets, I do it, I'm sure the majority of others in here do it. But it's not creative until you start modifying it or building on top of it or better yet building your own thing from scratch.
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>shit-looking moc is still more impressive
>eh not always
a l w a y s
Shit looking moc is ten times better than a starwars helmet or stuff like this: >>10995173
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Why is lego incapable of making a big earth dragon
We got like 3 and one is tiny, and two are mid at best
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The legs do look good on the Chima eagles though.
>4chan is only one person
Is that not the Rolling Stones logo?
Since Lego makes female Stormtroopers, POC Stormtroopers and POC women Stormtroopers, why don't they make Stormtroopers with disabilities? Are Lego designers ableist chuds? Where's the blind Stormtroopers? The Stormtroopers with limb difference? The Stormtroopers in wheelchairs?
So goes for clone troopers, female and disabled clones exist in canon.
I urge every army build to add disabilities to their platoons, representation counts.
Make your own.
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Sometimes their designs do indeed slap
>I wonder if the radiation levels outside have gone down since I checked last week
Absolute shame the vampire rocker girl was online story only series 2 and that sold out very quickly.
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it's true
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Yeah I went out of my way to grab a few on bricklink before their price inflated. The ice dragon was still $20 but eh, felt worth it
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Why did this bitch glue blue paper to her painting. Where even do they find these sets? Is it a random warehouse with sets or some weird fucks actual home?!
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>love the train
>hate the bridge
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I made an upgrade to my M:Tron figure and am building him a ship with ny spare parts. Still working on the ship, but this is my guy with an upgraded dish on his pack and a new hella sweet gun.

>I really enjoy this guy cause he’s not pretentious, does other things and likes bootlegos as well

Thanks friend, I appreciate the kind words. I just like doing what I do and am super happy if others want to join me.
>lego makes female stormtroopers
Yeah because they are enlisted individuals and not clones (or for the sake of the new order, orphans/stolen kids)? Sorry that women existing is woke for you
Like do you think the guys goes "ugh, there goes the WOKE and PANDERING propaganda..." after seeing a woman in the army. Or even a black guy.
someone make a new thread.
>no no we love our mouse fan fiction esg slop!
That’s you that’s how you sound.
What’s the point lol
>it's disneyslop fanfiction because i said so!
Ok buddy
I will when I got home.
Because otherwise the corponigger will make a thread with some promo pic that was already posted in this thread, then post 20 other pics that he also already posted in this thread and sockpuppet to agree with himself about how excited he is for it, because he thinks that just because there's no unique poster count everyone is retarded enough to fall for it.
It's just tedious at this point.
>I always meant to--
Yeah, no, fuck off. Didn't buy it for all the digitally altered rereleases with retarded CGI everywhere, not buying it now.
No trans-lime visor?
The director that made a princess in distress have a blaster and shit talk the heroes says "uh guys there were some female faceless grunts as well" and you go "NOOOOO HOW COULD THE AUTHOR DO THIS, NOT CANNON"
Are you autistic by any chance?
We can bring back the ip counter and put post ids on shit for all I care as long as the slop stops.
>if they are targeting artsy afols with designer furniture why did they replace architecture with tourist crap?

Because they're not targeting artsy afols with designer furniture.
They're targeting people who want to be artsy afols with designer furniture.

These people think that type of stuff and style is hip and cool and what to emulate it. However they're idiots and things like a artistically designed houses don't really appeal to them, so instead they're drawn to stuff like well know landmarks and pop culture icons.
>we always meant to have imperial walkers in the background.
I understand you’re too young to remember when they updated the old versions and you’ve probably never even seen return of the Jedi where they didn’t cover David Prowse with Hayden Christianson. It’s okay to be young and stupid.
>cover David Prowse with Hayden Christianson

Never happened mate.
They replaced force ghost SEBASTIAN SHAW with Hayden Christianson.
Come on dude I’m trying to bait the guy in a dead thread don’t be a buzzkill.
I loved the part where they had chimp eyed palpatine, that was pretty good
I like the smooth floor
Is Barad-Dûr a phallus?

Are the ones interested in purchasing it fags?

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