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so I miraculously managed to pre-order one of these almost 13 hours after pre-orders went live
I've never had to import a toy sword before, how do I deal with customs exactly?
DHL? FedEx? EMS?
what HS code? 950300? or should it be 95030081?
(main material is ABS)
usually is like 30eur import taxes
Look up reduced tax rates for your country and give them a fake number. Like coffee table art book. Books are 7% in Germany.
Then undervalue, too.
that's not the issue
my issue is the thing's a toy sword
I'm looking at a proxy service's FAQ and it says FedEx and DHL won't even take toy swords
again, not the issue
I just don't want to be taken to court for importing a "sword"
Have you encountered a problem already or are you just anticipating it?
Is that 21000yen? That's around 125€, under the 150€ treshold that forces you to do a fully detailed declaration yourself. Do you need to give specific instructions to the proxy? Can't they just put "plastic collectible toy" or something like that on the label?
Shipping costs for something that big plus customs are going to rape your wallet anyways so you should have just bought it locally. Just checked and found a store in my country that has it on perorder for 150€ shipping included with no other extra costs. That's only 25 euros more than what you paid only for the sword, way better deal than importing it and having to find a proxy and paying the ridiculous shipping fees and the customs tax
>Do you need to give specific instructions to the proxy?
I also need to know what courier can actually handle it
can't find it in my country
even if I could, it would be like €200 to €250 because retailers here are scum
It’s not a sword, it’s a ‘video game prop replica’.
what HS code is that
yeah, as I said in >>10990444
this thing was €200 in my country
>>10990572 was meant for >>10990410
What video game?
>this thing was €200 in my country
I don't think there's going to be much of a difference after you pay the proxy, shipping and customs. I can see it being even more expensive after all that.
there's no alternative to begin with, so
>there's no alternative to begin with
There is: buying from an European country store. It would have been a better choice for an item like this nonetheless as you would have saved on customs and most probably shipping. I also learned about it the hard way, so I'm just giving advice for next time.

OP, just cancel and order it from another EU country. I've seen past Proplica swords go for 115-125 at several EU retailers.
well buying from Europe I'd have to ship the sword on its own and the issue of it being a "sword" wouldn't really go away (local laws)
I can bundle it with other stuff like vidya and magazines through the proxy
canceling is not a thing
I had to apply for the right to pre-order, then the application got approved manually a day later
>the issue of it being a "sword" wouldn't really go away
It most likely would since your shipment would have almost 0 risk of being inspected.
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Merch and people travel freely within the European Union without having to explain anything. Nobody would know the transport van is carrying a """sword""" and even if someone found out it'll be much easier to justify it's not a sword when you don't have to deal with the customs people.
I live in Britistan, can’t help. Probably you could find a code for memorabilia or something.
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Have you tried not living somewhere that doesn't allow you to own toy swords?
bruh, hundreds of people ordered the Excalibur toy sword without issue many years ago
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