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On one hand, im glad Dune got big enough to get toys at all, but for a movie with such amazing designs I wish we got more than stillsuits and Feyd, and that stupid Emperor Shaddam Walken figure. Blade Runner 2049 deja vu. Anyone else have some of the Dune figures? I got a turban paul recently, pretty good.
>that stupid Emperor Shaddam Walken figure.

Seriously, though, I agree. A vehicle like those mosquito things would be nice.
I really want one of Paul in his uniform from the first film. Or an Atreides soldier. Need more army builders
I would like some Harkonnens.
I'm honestly shocked that Bandai decided to do Rebel Moon Figuarts and not Dune Figuarts. Not that it's either or options but can't help but feel they backed the wrong horse. Dune license can't be that expensive can it? And there are some model kits potential too, Bandai does the occasional movie tie-in vehicle models like Batmobiles. Maybe getting actor's likeness was harder, more expensive.
There's a Christopher Walken figure?
He's the emperor, and like Star Wars it's just a figure in black robe.
My Target had these moved to clearance. $10 for Paul and Feyd and $6 for Gurney and Rabban, a steal
Yes, we know Star Wars copied a lot from Dune, you can stop telling us.
Yeah but does he have a good Walken face? Could be fun for putting the head on other figures.
I don't think the emperor in Dune book looked like that? At least he's supposed to look pretty young despite his age. Not sure about the clothing though.

Not really
No. It's McFarlane.
ignore the two idiots who replied to you. yes, it's a good walken face. the promo pics look like absolute garbage, but the difference in person is shocking. it's probably like $7 at your local target at this point.
Man I just wanted a good Stilgar but, it doesn’t even look like him at all. He’s easily the best character in the movies.
>no baldgeserette witch
>no sardine cars
>no armored harkonens
>no armored atreyadiz
>no Duke Leto
>absolutely no 14" bendy worm

Todd shit all over the license he was given as he shits on the DC license.
Yeh. I was like, "wait, who is that?"
Why is Stilgar white?
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make some army builder grunts and then we'll talk
Meng did a few model kits, and is doing a few more. They did small-scale Atreides and Harkonnen ornithopters, and a Spice Harvester. They recently came out with a big 1/72 'thopter, and they're doing a 1/12 Paul Atreides figure.
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Tbh I kind of wish Paul had an alt head, since I dont think he ever actually looked like this in the film, but the turban look is *very* classic Paul Atreides to me.
Those arms are huge.
I get why they did it using the same stillsuit for Chani, Paul and Jessica but it does make them all look a bit off
I mean on the book. :)
Lmao yeah, that cover is wild. The worms look pathetic and Paul has crazy porpotions. Still, its a treasure of my bookshelf. 1965 printing :)
how is it a 1965 printing if it didn't win the nebula award on the cover until 1966
Yeah I got the kits and made me think of that. Bandai could do more interesting kits probably. But that 1/12 looks so bad.

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