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Do you throw them all away and keep the extras/accessories in a separate container? Or do you keep them to store the accessories, or in case you decide to sell the figure later or to make it easier if you move to a new house? How do you store all the boxes?
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My cellar looks like a fucking garabage depot. One day I want to refine my collection enough to throw away the boxes but that day is not today. I might if I ever move....
I throw action figure boxes away since those would get out of hand quickly. Really, the boxes for anything I own get replaced with my own boxes/cases usually. I am very autistic and keep most things in a case or box when not using them but only keep the original packaging for video game consoles and other electronics under warranty. No need to hoard cardboard in most cases.
Yeah, i break them all down for storage and box them up with other stuff. They may not be 'complete' but i figure someone may appreciate that ive kept them all together.
At this point I throw out anything under $100-120 and under 10'' or so. I collect big mecha figures so it's more of a priority to keep the boxes for those than smaller or cheaper figures. Even JP imports tend to have very simple boxes for 6''/7''figures with no original art so I don't have any qualms about dumping them anymore. Tackleboxes lined with fabric can hold the accessories.
>but resale!
If I really need to resell, most imports will still get at least MSRP loose , hell even some domestics that are in demand will be at MSRP or more loose.
Yes, you won't get the maximum resale value- but that's a sick mentality to have. You will go nuts thinking of the money you could've made if you did this or that. If I resell a figure, the usual reason will be a better version has come out. If you hold onto boxes for everything because you worry you'll have to resell after a few years or a better version will come out-you probably aren't living in the now and enjoying the figure you have.
Keep the box for a year if you must, but dump it if you legitimately enjoy the figure and know you want to keep it. If you're still hesitant in a year just resell it.
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IF they have nice art on them, I'll save the box and/or break it down to store it flat.

If there's no art, it goes into the trash.

All accessories go into compartmentlized boxes or plastic baggies (which go into a durable box), whether the packaging is trashed or not.

I have limited space, so it really helps to do this. It's especially helpful that very few companies make the extra effort to produce nice packaging, so i don't even have a box worth of saved packaging despite owning thousands of figures.
unless the box is super nice or its a rare item, it goes straight into the recycling. I used to hoard them and the moment I ripped that bandaid off I felt so much better
In the trash, fuck packaging.
Throw out the plastic tray and flatten them. Put them in a bigger box for storage so when I sell my a figure the new owner at least gets to enjoy ripping it out of the og box. I use tackle, tools and screw boxes for my accesories.
so you send the figure floating around without the plastic in the box? lmao. You realize not having the plastic misses the point, right?
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i only keep the boxes of my imports (if i ever want to sell my figures the box of a domestic figure adds no value so theres no point)
i put all my accesories in some bead containers, works for the most part except for the bigger accesories (figma ann's whip is massive) i just keep it in one of those 3 tier mini plastic drawers. and i just keep the boxes with their plastic in the closet.
Keep them all for sure. (For imports anyway, if it's a black series or something fuck that) I consider them mandatory to store figures(I don't display everything at once) and bonus accessories. Also for re-selling purposes. I know if I'm buying a used figure that is out of circulation I absolutely want the box and am definetly willing to pay $20-30 more for it so I imagine a lot of people are the same.
I horde them. Duh. I will toss dupes though.
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I only own a few (less than 8), but I know some are valuable (the Smallville Funkos, for example) so I did keep both the box and the clam shell.

For McFarlane DCMV, I have dupes that are still in boxes including one Super Powers, that I will probably end up trying to sell; some of these were mistakes, some of these were dirt cheap and I bought for fodder parts, before I realized I don't really have ventilation in my new place to do the major work some would require and I don't know if I want to hold on to a box for that long.

Ditto, except I keep them in baggies, and then keep those in a larger box. IF I had enough accessories, I do think a tackle box is a great idea!

>I ripped that bandaid off I felt so much better
I've started to slowly purge them all, anything I see on the box that I like I will peel off as flat as I can make it and then add it to my crow journal with all my stickers and various other things I get from online purchases and toy shows. you save on space and you also get this cool unique piece of art with all your collecting adventures
i'm keeing all my boxes still but im sorta running out of space. I really need to do some storage purging desperately
I keep every box, including model kits box with used runners
I don't know why but I just can't throw them
Poor kid growing up, I liked looked at the boxes in stores and such. So I keep the boxes that aren't too big. Also being poor my collection was rather small.
Now I flatten the big gundam boxes and still keep all my figma/statue boxes.

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