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Preorders coming in hot very soon

Iron Spider (Reissue)
Lunagaron Armor Set (Monster Hunter)
Winter Soldier (Marvel)
Spider-Man Ver.2.0 (Reissue)
Buzz Lightyear Ver.1.5 (Reissue)
Supergirl (DC)
Jessie Ver.1.5 (Toy Story)
Stitch (Reissue)
Shigaraki Tomura (My Hero Academia)
Revoltech Expansion Pack Vol.1
Batman Arkham Knight Ver. (DC)
Fudo Yusei (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's)
Woody Ver.2.0 (Toy Story)
Sally (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
E・HERO NEOS (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX)
Revoltech Expansion Pack Vol.2
Dabi (My Hero Academia)
Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
Shirai Kuroko (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
Shokuhou Misaki (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
Uraraka Ochako (My Hero Academia)
Midoriya Izuku (Reissue)
Junk Warrior (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's)
Saitama (One-Punch Man)
Genos (One-Punch Man)
Garou(One-Punch Man)
Ryu (Street Fighter)
Chun-Li (Street Fighter)
Luke (Street Fighter)
Juri (Street Fighter)
Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden)
Ayane (Ninja Gaiden)
Attack Titan (Attack on Titan)
Armored Titan (Attack on Titan)
Female Titan (Attack on Titan)
Tartaglia/Childe - Foul Legacy Ver. (Genshin Impact)
Mirko (My Hero Academia)
Toga Himiko (My Hero Academia)
Revoltech Expansion Pack Vol.2

Previous: >>10971600
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>thread name in the name
Oops, my bad!
>thread name as name
>clearly projecting
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Ayane WHEN?
You jumped the gun, fucked the title and didn't do the schedule right. Just leave it to the regular anons next time.

For the record I want to say this isn't the usual OP
Sorry for the mistakes. Next time I'll prof read it better.
finally I can get rid of that piece of shit NECA figure.
Will Amiami or HLJ have it or do I have to go elsewhere? I've fallen out of regular collecting and noticed Revoltech is barely available on JP sites lately.
Now give me Hotsuma and Rikimaru
More of a timing issue I have. There's not much going on now with GW. Junk Warrior will have more photos soon but there's not much to show really. But in a few days we might have more for Hayabusa..
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No way to know until PO day.
>Ayane will include the fucking ribbon
I knoe this only could happen if these where from the first game but it would be funny if they do that
Kayate WHEN!?!
I bit the bullet and bought AV with the exclusive head from Aliex during a choice-week sale. Paying $285(cad) sucks ass, but it's going for $400+ on eBay.

Last time I waffle about an AY before release week.
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Jesus, you mustve really wanted that head.
>flashback to when Hobby had the extra head for 30 bucks
Still wouldn't pay the 30
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Yeah, not willing to let this be a Cable/Deathstroke situation. Besides even the base version is like 200Cad now.
You think that's bad? People are paying $160cad(plus shipping) on Ebay for JUST the venom head.
Suffer Leaf.
I mean those heads are still around $120usd for you mutts too.
Yes, but thankfully I don't give a fuck about Marvel. The day of the rake can't come soon enough.
Why is Ninja Gaiden Sigma worse than Black?
Easy mode and less gore.
you have literally no clue about what youre talking about. sigma is harder than black and has the exact same amount of "gore". the gore was basically removed in sigma 2 compared to ng2 which also has massive balancing changes which arguably make the game harder according to the best ng2 players in the world (like individual enemies being stronger but there being less of them at once)
If I gave in an bought one of those numerous Arkham Knight bootlegs how much will I regret it? I swear the real thing never goes up for sale.
I bought one and I like it
The paint job for the metallic stuff is sloppy and I don't have the real one to compare articulation. But for 25€ I don't have muche to complain about.
Tho Im a bit of a poselet so who know maybe he have some limitation I don't know about.
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spidey 2.0 wouldve been perfect if the torso was a little shorter
Have you got a picture? I just want one for the sake of adding another villain to my bat collection
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Just keep in mind I suck major ass at photohraphy and I used my flash.
While the NGBlack boomers could argue all day about “muh superior igataki codes”. I agree with the NG2 points. But then again, NG2 was shit to begin. The director/game designer was actually monkey brained who thought “more enemies=more challenging=harder than NG1=better game”.
Id say black is superior simply because it doesnt force you to play as rachel and the "puzzle" portions are a nice change of pace, but as far as actual pure combat goes nothing about sigma 1 is easier or "dumbed down" compared to black
Not bad, if a real one continues to elude me I'll probably pick one up, thanks for the pic, anon.
Nu-nja Gaiden is inferior to the NES originals anyway.
Now I'm in /v/? what the fuck
Ryu is just that powerful. How long do pre-orders usually take to go up after they reveal the painted version.
between a week and a month
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Predict the exclusive part
My bet's on either the windmill or explosive shurikens. Haven't most of the exclusives so far been like faceplates or smaller accessories?
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Unmasked probably.
That would be another super shitty move, so I guess it's most likely.
I suspect it may be the Dabilahro or the Dark Dragon Blade.
Don't know the source enough so my non specific guess is some effect pieces.

Also not sure if it was discussed here but some think Ayane would come with more weapons for Ryu. Kaiyodo haven't done shit like that in a while but there is the case of the Railgun girls.
He was unmasked in NGII?
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Amiami has put up Junk Warrior. https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail?gcode=FIGURE-169705
And surprisingly at a 'discount', though I'm pretty sure the retail before Japanese sales tax is 10k, but still unusual since other limited Revoltech figures are never discounted on there. Might have to grab him from here unless A-E has a better price. It'd be an excuse to get to ship Neos right when he's released rather than wait for Junk to show up too.
That's fucked. Maybe I should have gotten it just to make some poor sap pay for my figure in exchange for one accesory kek.
>preorders closed
what the fuck?
>Ayane in fortune bikini WHEN
These are made to order no? Surely they'll reopen...
Not always. I suspect semi-made to order. Like they have most made to a set amount and have some wiggle room to make extra. But that's Ksiyodo's stock after all. If Amiami don't feel like ordering extra then their orders are closed.
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we need a poison ivy asap

now that we got catwoman harley isnt alone anymore
The inside of the shoulders are different from past Yamaguchi's AY. Like it's very flat, usually it's more concave. I wonder why. The usual shape lets the arms overlap the chest more than other action figures
Well fuck me then. I wanted to see what some other stores would price him at. I figured with Neos still sitting pretty with open preorders it'd be the same with Junk. Less than one day feels a bit too quick, so I'll hope they'll get some more. I do also wonder why AmiAmi has a discount on this one.
Yeah it was unexpected for me. But I know nothing about YGO series after the original, so is JW popular or something? I thought maybe Ami ordered too much of Neos and lowered the quantity for JW, hence it sold out fast. But giving him discount price sounds like they ordered a good number, presumably more than Neos who had no discount. I was 50/50 on getting him anyways. Even on last resort BBTS there is partial down payment so I'm not even gonna safety PO.
Oh yeah also the discount might have been all Kaiyodo's doing. With Neos they didn't give Ami that much bulk order discount but for JW for some reason, did.
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Harley is outdated now. Head so smoll. They need to make a new one. Preferably picrel.
I'm happy with my harley still but would welcome a new one just so the rest of you dont have to pay scalper prices, you all deserve jester lady
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you gonna get monke paw with asian harley
I'm not opposed to Rebirth design, it should've been that one anyways, not New52. This was closer to most modern media HQ anyways. By coincidence AY HQ did end up like the recent cartoon ver, if you mix build.

Now I want 2.0 Wonder Woman more, since they finally decided to upscale the girls. And do New52 for that one, so the DC trinity matches up, no stupid skirt hiding the asstech.
you'll get a figma of harley from that new isekai show and youll like it
>isekai show
See another example of using >>10986504
AY should've done the Rebirth ver they could milk that sculpt for so long.
So he's back up, but without the discount. I guess they got a few units at a discount, and now we're back to standard fare? I guess I'll opt for another store. 5 or so bucks cheaper than Amiami, which is 5 or so bucks more expensive than their initial preorder price. Kind of annoying but it is what it is.
>Preferably picrel
No they wont. Not enough stuff to help cover the cuts and joints.
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Harley is textbook overrated capeshit and her original figure is so milkable that they wil never make a 2.0 version.

Now step aside bitches and let new characters take the spot
I'm thinking of making my own custom Agent Venom head. Of course I could just use sculpy, heat it and paint it afterwards. Or get someone to 3D-print it.
But what's the best way? I think to get it cloesest to an original head I would have to make a mold and then cast it myself with some kind of plastic. Probably can't use PVC, right?

Any anons here who have the head and could post pictures with rulers next to it? Front side, back, top and below.
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Hah they don't care about that all the time. They're okay with these level of cuts then they have no problem with full body rubber suit design. She's better off even with the perfect cut spot at the torso.
let me tell you up front you won't be doing any of that shit and 3d printing comes with it's own issues and will cost you money anyway even if you let someone else do it. So unless SOMEONE on ebay or so prints them up front already customized you'll never get it done. Just fucking wait or buy that damn thing or pray someone will print fakes but don't bother wasting your time on schizo planning shit and then never doing it anyway.
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Can't wait to see HIS effect parts.
>”harley need new figure she oudated”
Lol no. She ages fine. AY Captain America deserve 2.0 way more
>using 3 nonyamaguchi sculpted figures with shit articulation as example for an UPDATED version of yamaguchi sculpted figure
Anon, i…
With all the agent venom posts on social media and the already skyrocketing price of both the figure and head alone I'm pretty sure we'll see people selling copies or alt heads
As a figure functionally he's fine. Male AY only really updated the engineering of the torso and shoulders and they were more for ease of use.

But I get that people didn't like the look. Going for bulk with the modern suit design was doing two things in the wrong combination. Bulky classic or athletic modern would've pleased more people. Classic costume was never going to happen though so it's more of a proportion matter.
yeah probably. Just wait a month or two. I'm sure based chinks will make some and if they are not just email so knock off chink maker to do it
Who cares. The company is the one that gives the go sign at the end. And then what makes you think Yamaguchi would be the one to do it? Supergirl happened.
>Supergirl happened.
Holy shit I already forgot about her
I just wanted to point out it's stupid assumption to make that smooth skintight costume characters won't get an action figure from Kaiyodo.
And look at Supergirl. She is such an underwhelming figure with an even uglier knee joints than knee spikes. But hey if Harley fans want an underwhelming figure then they’re easy to please.
I'm just pointing out that the character design doesn't affect selection in the way that anon thinks. Who makes what quality of what fuck is not the point here.
This thread already has anons thinking kaiyodo should make a 2.0 harley as opposed to just keep reissuing her. Stupid assumptions all around.
I've dabbled with Sculpy before. It's fun to think about the ootimal way, but it's also tedious with the shit load of variables. What type of resin is best, what silicone for the mold, mold-release agent? There's also primer you can spray in the mold. Or why not color the resin..?
This would be easiest.
Reissuing her is fine, just fucking stop with the metallic one. They can't get the paint right twice in a row, they should give up.
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Amazing Yamaguchi Yotsuba when?
Never. So much money can be made with that IP from reissuing Danboard hundreds of times. No point wasting money on producing anything else.
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I just need one more yotsuba for my collection
When the FUCK are we getting a full reveal for Ryu?
Would a Marvel Legends Venom head compatible with AY Agent Venom?
You'd almost definitely have to change the size of the head's hole or just have it sitting there on some sticky tac. Othet than that the finish and colour might be slightly off, agent venom's head looks like a matte black but a lot of venom figures have a shiny blueish sheen
Most of them are likely too big, the closed mouth Movie Venom might look alright but the Agent Venom heads are connect to the body with a thin barbell style joint which is at a obtuse angle, I could take pictures of the heads connector and show how some of the ML Venoms I have look on the body.
Bootleg Revo MGR Raidens are out..Fuck yeah Im not paying $200 for an original
are we talking cheap china bootleg
or fairly skillful third party reproductions a la demoniacal fit
Im assuming regular bootleg, usually if its a ""third party reproduction"" they try not to advertise themselves as the original product to scam stupid people
Is this your pic? I'm assuming not but if it is what's the durability and range like? Worth grabbing for kitbashing and customs?
>those wrists
Cheapo shit bootlegs.

There isn't a 3rd party market for revos.
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I bought my legit copy probably 3-4 years ago from Mandarake for 9000yen, which was alot at the time. Now we're at the point the point where 9k yen is cheaper than every new AY release.
The figures are pretty decent based on a bootleg revo Wolverine I bought years ago. Also every single accessories of the originals come with them too so great value wise and for customs
I'd only buy bootlegs if I already had the original and wanted a similar looking figure to mess with or figures I don't care about to mess them up. MGR franchise is getting rebooted this decade with a new game according to konami so we might see a reissue in the next couple of years.
>MGR franchise is getting rebooted this decade with a new game according to my ass
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>MGR franchise is getting rebooted this decade
>"the souce is i made it the fuck up" -cringe Ytuber
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Do any of you know if the modern revo stands fit on the Hobby Base multi plates?
>Bootleg hand posing
Yeesh. Also, why do you hold it in such an autistic way? It looks incredibly stupid.
Is it even bootleg? It looks like the real thing except the ugly handposter replaced the wrists and elbow joints
Why do people hate the hand posing again? Not defending it, genuine question, I don't really care. I guess I wouldn't take a picture of my own hands with a figure since I just wouldn't want to be in the photo in general
>autistically starts judging some pic taken from some Spanish forum.
Shut up cum gargler, just appreciate the free information
> It looks like the real thing
Because the real thing is just as ugly. I’m just glad I’m getting the character for cheap
Why people here fall so easy for bair?
Because the ESLnigger hands are ugly and main focus should be about figure. Its like one of those cum guzzling figure reviewer who mainly show their face during a video.
It's weird, attention whoring /soc/ shit.
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12100 yen
january release date
pre-order date and pre-order bonus still TBA
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>bonus still TBA
It's gonna be the scythe and I'm gonna be pissed
Who asked?
>No Scythe (to recreate the NG2 cover)
>No knife shuriken (to recreate the NG1 cover)
>No second katana
I'm still gonna get it but dissapointing. I know it's unrealistic to expect every single weapon from the game but I think they should have dropped the Kusari-Gama for like any other weapon.
Where do you get the bonuses anyway? Does revoltech has some online shop like goodsmile? I never preordered a revoltech before.
You first pissy sissy
I don't think kaiyodo's store ships worldwide yet so some people use middlemen sites like hobbygenki to get the bonuses
I'd like the kusarigama a whole lot more if it had an articulated chain, that shit is not gonna be good for any cool poses at all
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>item will be available for purchase worldwide
>excluding bonus parts
alright thanks for nothing
>EXPANSION PACK has scythe for some reason
>anons surprised hayabusa doesn’t come with scythe
Probably the same monkey brained anon who still couldn’t piece that kaiyodo will never make classic design.
he's a ninja so he needs to be aware of all directions at all times
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>no scythe
Um, anon? You DID remember to buy the expansion pack, didn't you?
Wow yeah a cheap looking halloween store scythe that I have to pay 20 extra dollars for, so good
It has more than just a scythe, you cheap kike
This looks sick as Hell. The kusari-gama was my favorite weapon, though I wish it could swap out with a wire for mid-swing posing.
Yeah a fucking book, a fan, and a few more cheap looking weapons. None of which hold any value to me, faggot
Keep on crying then faggot
As long as you keep throwing more money at this company than they deserve
As long as it means getting more bangers like hayabusa and you crying, I'm happy
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I never really used that and i was hoping for more katanas.
Man, what a lame choice. The real chain is going to make any attempt at an action pose look limp and unconvincing.
The scythe is on the goddamned cover of the game and any of the dual katanas would have been a lot of fun.
That would genuinely make me not buy this thing.
Genshin's sword
Agent Venom was a niche character and look at the post-release demand for him.

Ryu is gonna shoot up in price aftermarket too.
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>"muh dual katanas"
Im starting to think most you dont even buy toys
>>Agent Venom was a niche character
I dont keep up with comics much and even I knew of him during his run. He's not ironman household name tier but he's far from unknown considering many consider him better than eddy.
I am a huge Flashfag who is over the moon about my boy having a smash hit figure that is easily worth the hype but I am not going to pretend it wasn't mostly just because of the Spider-Man/Venom connection.
It is almost like the Ninja Gaiden katanas have a different look or something. By your logic why bother giving him any weapons at all since we have some other weapons that might look almost right if you squint?
>nooo his generic looking katana is not the same as other generic looking katana
I like the games so I actually care about shit looking right. If you don't that is fine.
And Ryu is going to be the only god-tier ninja action figure made so far.
I get you anon.
I'll make 3D files for printing the missing weapons and post them here. You'll have to find a printing service and paint them, but it's better than not having them at all.
It seems like the shurkiens on the thighs are removable.
So fucking tight
>Information of bonus parts from Kaiyodo and Koei Tecmo Games online stores will be released at a later date!

Am I retarded or does that imply that there will be different bonus items from two different stores?
lol I hope not, that shit would be as bad as videogame pre-order dlcs.
My favorite weapons in II are the Dragon Sword and Falcon’s Talons so I’m winning.
Get normal figure from any online store 12100 yen
Get bonus parts 1 from Kaiyodo online store 9000 yen
Get bonus parts 2 from Tecmo Games online store 9000 yen
I only played III because I was poor and couldn't find a copy of II but I like Ryu's design and I want a badass ninja figure.
You mean
>Pay hobby Genki 13000 yen for any bonus part
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>Information of bonus parts from Kaiyodo and Koei Tecmo Games online stores will be released at a later date!
They better fucking mean that you can get the bonus from either store. If not then we are hitting line killing levels of bullshit.
> That would genuinely make me not buy this thing
Who asked?
Moar like 17000
> hitting line killing levels of bullshit.
Lol you’re delusional. This is the only good Ryu Hayabusa figure we’ll ever get and whales are gonna pay top dollars to get the complete thing and KT will see it as a win and continue the line.
well Im hype. now the real problem is deciding which look i like best, the claws or the sword or the sickle
Buy multiple figures and put different gears on them.
Hey guys, don't forget to shit on them in the comments for fucking over their international customer-base.
do people really do that?
>line killing levels of bullshit.
What is this doomer schizo level of thinking. Just by looking the hype around Agent Venom and the aftermarket prices for his venom head, more people will probably shill out for the exclusives.
D(umbass)-amazing bought 2 Arkham Knight figures to display AK and Redhood
>Why people here fall so easy for bait?
Yeah, today the troll is feasting on (You)s but for some reason retards feel the need to feed him
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what, it looks like the same sword
movable eyes are shit
Found the geriatric robo fan
this one could make sense
Please don't use youtuber terms like "bangers".
39 cunts in this thread alone, more than enough to flood their posts about the issue but these lazy bastard would rather whine here instead.
Then why don't they make them easier for people outside of one country to get if there's such a demand?
Publisher licensing fee
Reseller licensing fee
International IP licensing fee
whatever bs licensing fee
If the head adds so much value to the figure, why not include it with every figure in order to have a more attractive product that sells better?
Is it worth it to try and force people to your store?
Yes it’s worth it to them. They get an extra $30 out of suckers who need every accessory or really need the bonus one. Meanwhile that bonus accessory probably costs them pennies. Most people don’t care half the time and so they’ll buy the normal.
that's cool and all but where's luke
>Luke Skywalker Revoltech?
fuck yeah sounds awesome
>no just a shitty irrelevant zoomer street fighter character
oh never mind
People that buy at the Kaiyodo store don't pay any extra, just people that import it through a middleman since those middlemen are paying full price when they order directly from the Kaiyodo store.
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seethe more. Luke skyboomer will only get shitty SHF and Nigga Series treatment while the real Lukegods will be eating good kek
I accept your concession
star wars characters wouldnt make good AY.s at all. they dont make for very good "posing" because even though the characters are obviously varied their actual character expression (visually) is obviously way more muted than the average superhero or other prime yamaguchi targets. figuarts is basically the perfect line for star wars because they mostly look like the actors while not looking like cheap trash. If you actually own a single star wars figure you already know that theres zero point to AY tier articulation or accessories on someone like Luke
Why would they need to pay all those extra fees to throw 1(one) more accessory into the product they are already selling internationally.

Don't be retarded.
Exactly what I asked myself when color variants for Assemble Borg Nexus happened.
idk I own the whole ANH Figuarts lineup and a lot of black series and a stylized super articulated line of Star Wars figures sounds cool for certain characters at least like Grievous, Vader, and Boba Fett for example.
grievous maybe, for vader i have no idea what the fuck are you smoking because the character is known for literally 3.5 poses and one of his traits is his extreme lack of mobility
I'm guessing the Koei store actually does the worldwide shipping part. So I guess Ayane will be too. Doesn't matter unless the regular stores decide not to carry these.
All those talks about what weapons are missing from Ryu Hayabusa...don't forget the possibility that Ayane might come with some. I don't know but does she have need for much accessories of her own?
>why not include it with every figure in order to have a more attractive product that sells better?
The bonus is for preordering at KAIYODO'S OWN STORES. They get more profits when people buy from their own stores because there is no discounting for retailers. Then why not ship internationally? That is so much more time and money that's not worth doing. Because the reality is there aren't that many customers overseas, despite what you may think.
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Revoltech Vader and Fett already exist.
I always thought the animated shows characters would make great revoltechs. Hasbro isn't making them in that computer animated style anyways. Ahsoka and Maul in their duel outfits that can actually pose well, Rebel's Vader with that early concept style helmet, Grievous too of course. Asajj Ventress with that cool head design. So many good sculpts are in the animated stuff, mostly Clone Wars.
In the early days when SHF Vader and Stormtrooper were dogshits, this had some appeal. Revoltrech Fett, Stormtrooper and the droids were really good. Revo Stormtrooper drove subjectanon mad I remember that.

SW Revo had Millennium Falcon planned, shown off at events and online videos and everything, and then they silently cancelled it.
>Millennium Falcon planned, shown off at events and online videos and everything, and then they silently cancelled it.
Now lets just pray they dont silently cancel OPM, SF6 and Ayane
>SW Revo had Millennium Falcon planned
huh, interesting. any pics?
Not them but with UC's Vulcanlogs, they never released one of the first IP they showed at WF. Later had sculpts and everything. Or the Dino Getter that they outsourced to make. Pretty rare for Kaiyodo but there was that Muv Luv pilot figure that looked pretty good. But they flooded that line with so many variants of the mechs it killed the line by then.

They will make at least few of each IP, they paid for that already, but might cancel one or two later ones if they bomb.
this literally looks like shit though. star wars is the one franchise where you legitimately just dont need to compromise the look of the figure to achieve posability because the characters do not do poses like these, especially vader. figuarts can reach almost the full range of anything youd want someone like anakin/ obi wan to pull off. literally the most exciting ay specific pose youd get vader to do would be crossed arms
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It's the Falcon, what is there to see lol. I think a painted ver was shown on their streaming show pre-Youtube channel, and of course that's gone. I recall Senmu saying they had to delay because the details had trouble at the factory, so maybe they never got it figured out so cancelled it.
The helmet sculpt was better than the Figuarts around that time. Stortrooper just looked better overall. That posing bs is exactly what subby mental breakdowned about. The thing about posing, you can just not pose them in extreme action. The option is just there and that's fine, it's called having fun. Fett being Raiden style jointing was a good bonus. Toys aren't for just recreating scenes in a movie.
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Oh there was a painted display later.
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>literally the most exciting ay specific pose youd get vader to do would be crossed arms
>he doesn’t know
Also, you’re thinking only in poses he did in the movie, in which the armor was extremely bulky and hindered most movement. Go look at things outside of the OT and Vader is seen as being extremely agile. Like in the Force Unleashed games he’s moving around just as well as a normal person. Plus a super articulated Vader just sounds really cool.
>Toys aren't for just recreating scenes in a movie.
toys from specific IP.s kind of are, at that point you might as well get any generic samurai/cyborg figure unless youre planning on some epic reddit memeout photoshoot where vader is doing le epic crazy poses

the force unleashed is literal garbage though. the entire reason vader is cool to begin with is that hes an immobile inhumane tower. grievous was already mentioned and he would actually make some sense as an AY especially now with the new improved cloth capes
>this is how I view my toys therefore you all must too
Is all I'm seeing. You lack imagination we get it. If you want to talk what we see, human body is a lot more poseable than the most articulated figures. Even Vader besides his neck can and have moved in ways an average figure can never do. So trying to have good articulation isn't a big deal. That Revo obviously had to do ugly tricks because they couldn't do cloth capes then,
>You lack imagination we get it
no I dont. I literally prefer generic toys/ shit like blank bodies to IP based figures. Having an imagination has literally nothing to do with posing a vader figure in a way that doesnt suit the character like some demented toddler
>Go look at things outside of the OT and Vader is seen as being extremely agile.
Why would I want to look at trash that ruins Vader?
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Amazing Yamaguchi when?
You can't imagine Vader acting outside his character.
Besides I'm not even talking about him having to be able to do a high kick or something. Just basic shit like kneeling down or crossing arms requires high range of motion for an action figure. Two-handing and swinging lightsaber too. A generic figure isn't capable of doing that level of basics. When they are met, the figure tends to be able to do a high kick or a shoryuken, but if so who cares? It's a toy. Why you have to be so anal about what a toy can do is puzzling. You should be anal about what a toy can't do.
Nobody said the figure gets worse by being able to do those things, I said star wars is a franchise where you dont need to compromise the look of the figure to achieve those things because the characters themselves are barely doing anything complex to begin with (posing wise) to make the tradeoff worth it. Quite frankly star wars toys are boring as shit because the coolest thing in the entire franchise (the lightsaber) is just lame as fuck as a tiny accessory and is much cooler as a toy of its own
>Quite frankly star wars toys are boring as shit
I neglected to mention that its also a prime army building franchise, so it unironically works better as something like lego than as a line of highly articulated action figures. stuff like figuarts are okay display pieces but I have one and I legitimately barely feel the urge to get a second one just because of how lame star wars figures are for varied posing, its all going to be some variation of "using the force", "standing","meditating" or "holding a lightsaber somehow".
Again this all sounds like lack of imagination and I'm not even being funny about it. Maybe you feel like that because all the toys aren't poseable enough? Like wielding a sword in various stances requires decent range of motion for the shoulders and wrists that I honestly haven't come across that often outside of AY. All the poses the toys can hit are indeed boring because they can't pose well. Meditating? Can any SW toy actually sit down on floor with legs crossed? I don't see the harm in higher articulation, and there are plenty of scenes that demands it. You just picking out moments that are those boring poses. And the Jedi are the ones that do the high kicks.
why are you being this anal about the Star Wars figures? Seriously it’s bordering on autism at this point. What you’re saying about Star Wars figures could be said about any figure. “oh uh that figure sucks it just stands there, it holds a gun, it can crouch”. If you hate Star Wars, just say it and we can be done with this.
>Can any SW toy actually sit down on floor with legs crossed?
Answering my own question but ironically most Vader toys can due to the fact they don't have that plastic robes covering up the hip joints.
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Most people aren't crazy hypebeasts anon. If they move into multiple store exclusives we might end up with a 4-inch Nel situation where you have to buy the same figure multiple times to get the complete package and just wind up with a figure that doesn't sell well at all. If that happens a couple of times the line might just crash and burn or move entirely to boring safe picks. Even if it were to work out for them why are you even batting for us getting even more fucked over?
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Honestly, after rewatching the prequels and Genndy Clone Wars, I could really do with some dynamic stylized Jedi figures
Because we get more accessory options? People need to realize you don’t have to have everything. People that want the scythe can go with one store preorder, people that want the dual katanas can go with another. If you want both, either suck it up and buy the figure again and sell it or buy the one you don’t get later.
>Comes with alternate set of arms and boots, multiple paint apps and jointed

You guys are killing me. On top of that a mediocre IP that's a miracle getting a figure made.
>Can any SW toy actually sit down on floor with legs crossed?
probably not, but being able to do that isnt worth the tradeoff of looking like shit when the characters were always real life actors. and im not saying that ay "looks like shit" in general because the more abstract/ stylized look doesnt damage their appearance at all while doing stuff like comic characters, but it would if they wasted their efforts on star wars
>If you want both, either suck it up and buy the figure again
How about you fuck off? This type of bullshit shouldn't be encouraged. Bet you defend on disc day one DLC for vidya too.
kaiyodo marketing employee pls go
>if they wasted their efforts on star wars
One of the biggest IP on the planet? Yeah what a waste. Well no money in China so there is that.

Most of the needed articulation wouldn't change the appearance that much, since they really require cloth coverings. Around the hips and shoulders at least. If you're against soft goods on 1/12 then can't help you, but the Jedi stuff are mostly flat cloth pieces so won't be too terrible. The under jacket can be plastic. I don't think it's a big tradeoff. And AY has done baggy clothing characters and gave them good range of motion without soft goods, and they don't look that awful. They will never do live action human faces of course. The soldier types are already good enough, they got armor, moving armor is just like robot toys there are ways to achieve aesthetics and range.
Let me clarify, I wasn’t encouraging it, if anything I’m more encouraging anons that feel like they need all the accessories to rethink their position. Do you really need that extra faceplate? Do you need it so much you’re willing to pay an extra $30? Look at Uraraka, she has the puking faceplate as the bonus, which she only ever does this after using her powers. In what display is an anon ever going to use that? None. It’s for people who take pics and or make animations. If you don’t do those things, why would you feel the need to have such an unnecessary faceplate?
>live action human faces
Again I mean. They did at least two in Tokusatsu. They don't have the budget now or interest in digital painting
Look closely at >>10989627 It already has the Eye of the Dragon.
I don’t see it
Based beyond belief.
>despite what you may think.
And how would you know?
Because if there was money in it they would've done so already? You know when their selection of IP's were overseas friendly? Soon after they got bought out and had some cash?? Now they've geared more towards Japanese audiences and oh yeah not making much profits. Probably more to do with ventures other than figures but regardless they're never expanding that way.
THIS, the fucking Dragon Sword is his official weapon the rest is an extra
Then make the change you want to see and go to cry to Kaiyodo page or something, you think you will make a difference crying in a chinese forum?
>No knife shuriken (to recreate a cover from another game)
wut? also a knife shuriken is supossed to be a Kunai or something?
Good, I'm glad they included the Eye. Wouldn't have felt complete without it.
Ay yoda could be funny or genndy Grievous
It depends on the level of stylization they're allowed to get away with. Going with a slightly anime look will make live action and even game characters more viable, if they're photorealistic.
>I wonder how this character would sell.
>Even if you’ve never played the game it’s still a cool looking character I guess.
You answered your own pondering. He is just a cool masked ninja, people will eat it up.
> like the games and all, but I thought they weren’t the most popular?
According to this article the games have sold somewhere in the ballpark of 7 million units. That's hardly unpopular. Ninja Gaiden has always pretty popular. especilly with gamers growing up in the 80's and 2000's. It would probably still be popular if they bothered to make a 4th.

Well there is that issue of the series being an older one, newer is better usually. But you are ignoring the fact that he is also a DOA character. I bet more people know him from those games than playing NG. More so for Ayane of course. Kaiyodo's production size is pretty small now for certain Revos so I'm sure they would sell out no problem. I don't think they would sell as many as say Winter Soldier, or any of the MHA Revos. We wouldn't know truely how well it did until they announce more for NG or even DOA.
I would kill a crowd of people at a country and western festival for a Genndy Grievous.
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>Then make the change you want to see and go cry to Kaiyodo page or something
i love how whenever someone bring this up those criers immediately shuts the hell up
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well, not all the time
It's genuinely pathetic, these lazy faggots.
You’re autistic if you think that would change anything either. The only way to truly get change is to act with your wallet, don’t buy it if you don’t support it.
If they gave a shit what we thought there wouldn't be Japan only exclusive parts to begin with you fucking retard.
I wonder if they were surprised by the demand.

I wonder if they will stop being pussies about "the guns" and re-issue him and cable.
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Amazing Yamaguchi Marie Rose when?
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Honestly sucks how Yamaguchi used the MCU version of Black Panther and not...something actually cool like how John Romita Jr. draws him? But I know Yamaguchi likes his militarized looks so maybe something like this instead. Just give my boy a damn cape.
No scythe?
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shoulders look horrible
Revoltech Lara Croft when? Unironically I think she would fit within the line. I know there’s that playarts figure, but I think a classic Lara would make for a really good Revoltech.
The real question is, would Nu-Crystal Dynamics allow it?
Probably not a classic Lara, but I’d even take a nu Lara if it meant finally getting a solid Lara figure.
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>MCU version
Inspired but I think it was actually the card game ver technically. They look for the designs closest to the movie version that's not actually the movie version. No AY have been the MCU/DCEU ver.
Aren't the games published by SE? So can they even get other places to make figures or is it like FF and DQ and we can only hope for Bring Arts?
Don't care, still gonna be the best ninja toy.
Squeenix sold off all of their western IPs for NFTs like half a year ago.
You don't need to respond to posts like this. "shoulder bad" isn't much of a discussion.
Poselets seethe, you can easily hide shit like this with a revoltech.
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pretty obvious what bonus weapon will be
i'd love the dark dragon blade and kitetsu though
fuck, give me everything
You don’t think they’d subvert expectations and do something wild like give his infected arm, maybe!?
I’m fucking tired of hearing about this scythe already.
that was ng3 cringe, so probably not
brehs, I'm worried that even if we get new DMC Revos, that the weapon selection will be underwhelming like with this Ryu
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Happy birthday to me ~

They were all about 100usd or less each. Red Hood has all custom parts.

It's a good day.
And if some theoretical DMC figure did come out and had all of that, you'll be the one to complain about the price tag, I bet.
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what will luke's exclusive part be? sandblast?? alternate pumped arms?? pog face???? When will it end....
>translucent Carnage
Good choice.
blast effect for the lightsaber
Happy birthday man, nice haul
Where's the fucking preorder
It'll be one of the faces you can make in the VS screen I bet.
What a fucking haul
Depends on the game and a couple other factors, I suppose. Like if it's DMC5 we're not getting Cavaliere, I'll tell you that right now. Balrog might require even more work than the Falcon's Talons since it changes appearance based on mode.
Rebellion, DSD, E&I, and the Coyote all seem like safe bets. If they go all out on accessories, I'd say we'd get King Cerberus in all its forms, and then either KA2 or Dr Faust?
100 each... Wow! How did you get Cable and Arkham Knight?
And what do you mean with "all cudtom parts"?

Also, happy birthday. Enjoy your haul.
Well, the good news is, you don't have to worry about that in any capacity because it's highly unlikely that we'll ever get more DMC Revos
Good haul stranger! Happy Birthday!
I got Judai off Amiami recently, they should have Ryu.
that shit was fragile as fuck also
uh oh
He patrols every thread, lmao.
nah he's right about neca ryu.
the tonfas were silly huge and not accurate.
and i had one of my ryu's ankles explode after sitting on a shelf for years.
Sorry, but /ourguy/ Anthony gives Neva Ryu his stamp of approval
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Classic pre Revoltech Ayane
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Fuck you phone.
I'd love to see Yamaguchi remake this.
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She can do better bro.
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Really can't wait to see they announce the look with AY Ayane also Chun Li from SF6, although I hope it's sculptured by master Yamaguchi instead of other.
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This KT figure collection DX DOA set which sculpture by Yamaguchi is really beautiful and fun to be posed.

Sadly it's too old, and also they used bad plastic so those joints is fragile.
Custom head, sword sheath and guns. He's a pretty awesome figure.
Was the sword sheat an exclusive part or did you found it somewhere else ?
It is a custom piece, I believe. The person I bought it from included all this.

Oh! The chest is a custom piece as well.
>My combo weapon
>My delimbing machine
>AND my boss raper
Yamaguchi knows the best weapons in the game.
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Joker's getting a special rereleae as part of Kaiyodo's 60 anniversay celebration, seems like he'll have new accessories
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>Wanna know why I use a knife?
>DC banned guns with their toys!
might actually get him this time especially if they dont axe the guns on him, way cooler figure than most people give him credit for. Although honestly even the guns could be forgiven now that the accessory packs are a thing
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He's actually coming with guns
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And a Kaiyodo shop exclusive head, the prospect of older figures getting this treatment is... something
>mfw your post.
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Our battle shall be legendary
Neat. The extra knives are probably to "justify" the price markup. I'm curious how the promo material will differ with the actual Japanese one. AY Joker was famously the first sign of strange gun policies where they hid all images of the guns. Either way could be good signs that Japanese companies are finally to the bullshit decision of self censoring. That's what I think they did anyways. AY Batman reissue even removed the grapnel gun they were so paranoid. So the same could've easily happened.
They want to up their store sales so it's expected. But this Joker is like a 1.5 update so it's not like your typical reissue. They also suspect good sales for Joker due to the movie so that's why they bothered with so many new molds.
Pretty trash for people that already own this figure. Can happen with any figure in the line now I guess. They could have just thrown the accessories into a dlc pack instead.

I really don't like the idea of suddenly owning the inferior version of a toy because I didn't wait for the re-issue.
>idea of suddenly owning the inferior version of a toy because I didn't wait
Regardless of reissues that's the nature of this hobby pretty much. For the popular characters at least. You wait enough a better one comes along. It's rare it gets worse.
No you are talking about iterative improvements on a figure/character, not the exact same figure packed with 2-3 more accessories when it gets *re-issued*.

A "better figure coming along" means an entirely new release. This shit isn't normal at all.
It was for Kaiyodo at times. When they update their joints and rerelease things. Or fix paint issues. QB had a lot, Eva had a lot, Iron Man Revos mostly for the red shiny paint.
Fixing unexpected problems still isn't the same thing as adding more shit to a re-issue and purposely fucking the earlier customers over.
Updating the joints is kind of like that. Besides the 6mm joints there weren't any real issue, they just decided to change the rachets number. And that affects every release ever potentially. Same for some recent ones with the Geo joints. Ratchets to smooth. Most see these as improvements and can bitch about it just the same.
I don't care, none of that compares with adding SIX new accessories to an otherwise identical re-issue. I didn't buy Joker, but if I did, I'd feel like Kaiyodo just shit all over me.
Sounds like a (You) problem then
Ok Corposlut.
Sounds like you haven't bought a bunch of Iron Man where the paint fades away. Or QB with shit 6mm joints. As they are released so no way to know the problems. Then we just have a period where all the revolver joints are improved so naturally you want the better overall feeling of the new joints. Some random shit that you can easily get off of other toys are not the same at all. Besides the exclusive head these new additions are no big deal at all.Bitch about something that actually sucks.
No, I'm just not equating QC fixes to throwing in abunch of extras with a re-issue. I did have the first issue Iron man.

*Both* will likely be true of future re-issues if this is the new trend. Might as well just not be an "early adopter" anymore.
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never been a fan of this figure

is there a reason to own him? he look bad like the old kaiyo
Not talking about the AY, but yeah that was even worse. The MCU Iron Man Revos. Reissue had the joints improvements too. With joints though they were not QC issue besides the first couple of QBs' 6mm. It was just an overall change. I'm saying that was worse compared to mostly weapons you can easily have already from your collection.
Only joker that's poseable enough to move like a Joker. Is that good enough reason?
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>Get fucked for not buying things
>Also get fucked for buying things sometimes
This fucking line I swear.
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>mostly weapons you can easily have already from your collection.

Except most people aren't going to have a 1:12 crowbar or shaving knife in their collections. Probably not the bundled knives either. Only the regular standalone knives are something that would be easily replaceable.
Self entitled cry baby can't shut the fuck up apparently. Buy it or leave it. Your choice. You won't die by spending a hundred bucks and neither will you bite the dust from not owning a 1:12 shaving knife. Things release. Not many things you own will forever be their own best version.
>make a logical counterpoint about how "easily found" these actually are
>enraged Corposhill responds with seething ad-hominem

>muh "entitled" customers who don't like getting beta-tested on expensive import toys
its the same fucking figure you fucking autistic fuck

the new one is more expensive and you feel entitled somehow
The only thing I consider rare there is a razor. Bundle of knives? Dude stick bunch of knives in holding hand blade first it's the same result.

I almost wish they dropped the guns in this. Anon(s) like you don't deserve it frankly. They try not to make people feel ripped off by what must be 2~3000yen increase and we get "then why bother getting first release"..
>*Corposhill agitation increases*
>I did have the first issue Iron man.
post it with a message
Cry here:https://twitter.com/kaiyodo_PR
>poorfag who didnt even buy the first release is malding
I wonder if Deathstroke reissue with original guns is a possibility now? Yeah yeah make the joke he comes with more stuff and an exclusive head.

Or people wanted him just because of the DC gun problem and the demand isn't actually there? He wasn't really featured in films. He's no where near Joker and HQ level is what I'm saying.
> He's no where near Joker and HQ level
Pretty much that. A lot normies barely knew him when AY deathstroke was first teased and comments on video reviews say they skipped him saying he’s not a very prominent batman villain to get.
Happy Birthday anon
Cable is cool as fuck, and I'm sure the other ones will be as well
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Oh he's actually called Ver.1.5 kek.
5/22 PO, Dec release, 9000JPY

He's cheaper than I expected.
I'm gonna guess Ryu's PO is the same day.
ninja gaiden 2 engine in levels made for the ninja gaiden 1 engine, its fun to play but once you understand that, it changes the way it feels or explains why everything feels so off if you played the original. its a weird choice. idk why they would remaster a game in any franchise but not use the same engine. there isnt any way it wont have rough spots. just feels gross. fun for a play through as a novelty.
kusarigama was cooler than the scythe. i like that its a ninja adjacent weapon. scythe was always weird and out of left field to me. i thought it was boring.
i wonder if he'll be an exception from other recent DC figures and get store discounts. Also, that is pretty cheap since his first release MSRP was 9130 yen. Deku's re-re-release MSRP is 11000 yen
What kind of tomunobu"fired due to sexual misconduct"itagaki cope is this? Ninja gaiden 2 engine in NG1? Delusional.
I'd say sigma 1 is superior as it doesn't force you to play the lame ass "puzzle" and playing as Rachel was a nice change of pace.
That must be with tax. With tax this Joker 1.5 is 9900 yen. I think he was 8300 yen without tax then.
Oh you did type 9900 lol. Yeah not a big increase. Maybe they are producing in a high number, Deku already had a reissue so unlikely to be produced in a high quantity as before.
>What kind of tomunobu"fired due to sexual misconduct"itagaki cope is this?
Wasn't he fired due to royalty disputes over DOA4? I thought the allegations came after.
they refused to pay him his bonus for some made up reason to smoke him out on his own terms
>they refused to pay him his bonus
Good. The guy was a hack like kojima. He couldn't even make a single good game after creating his own new game studio
I’m convinced the bonus weapon is going to be Genshin’s sword.
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What weapons/accessories will Ayane come with? Canonically she only uses her 2 short swords and special shurikens, but now I wonder if they'll pull a Bandai and have Ayane come with Ryu weapons. So if you want Ryu with the most amount of weapon accessories you'll have to buy both
I honestly kinda hope she does the Dark Dragon Blade or the Dabilahro would be fucking sick.
Yeah I wrote that like twice here before. I'm pretty sure she will come with something for Ryu. So they will likely keep the release timing close together in that case. And to non fans it's just another cool weapon she can hold. I hope she can hold them, with Catwoman AY finally made the female figures more standardized.
>So if you want Ryu with the most amount of weapon accessories you'll have to buy both
Works for me. Shame Ryu is from NGII and Ayane from NGIII
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Got my Toasty armor over the weekend just missing Zinogre armor now.
just a heads up, the revo zin and rath hunters are shorter than the vulcanlog and AY hunters
How good is that hand ? I kind of want to put a glove on one and use it as a master hand figure.
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I own Rath as well I just want Zin armor for completionist sake sadly.

I love it! I wish the other hand wasn't exclusive but I'm hoping it gets a retail release at some point.
I've got that kirin on the way I can't wait to get her. That rath with the gun makes me kinda sad we don't have any gunner hunter figures
Btw does anyone have any pictures of the rath/zin standing upright next to the vulcanlogs so I can see exactly how much smaller they are? I've seen a legiacrus one floating round somewhere too, although I don't know if thats an old revoltech or a sentine
>but now I wonder if they'll pull a Bandai and have Ayane come with Ryu weapons.
Real fans will want both regardless of the accessories so it works out as far as I'm concerned.
rath hunter with a sword makes him a MH figure
rath hunter with a gun makes him a lost planet 2 figure
the lagia hunter is a sentinel figure
if you want a rath hunter to scale with the others then you've gotta look for the sentinel one too
though the revoltech has better articulation
the sentinel does beat it out in accessories since it comes with both the regular shoulder pads and the relic ones that you find during expeditions in 4U
it also comes with a hammer and LS as opposed to a GS
To this day I still can't believe nobody has made a series of MH figures with interchangeable armor pieces, weapons and accessories.
You'd think that someone would exploit the concept of a game that revolves around mixing and matching equipment.
luke is such a shitty character. he will never replace ryu or be as iconic as 3rd strike alex who capcom tried to replace ryu with before. i so wish capcom would bring back C.viper
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lol alex was a failed character just like necalli and will be forgotten. Lukechads stay winning, we'll even get a buff next update
I love David from Edgerunners!
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revoltech need save us with a rebecca, jada show some early prototypes a year ago
do any of you have the older FOTNS revolution figures? found a kenshiro and raoh for a good price, and they surprisingly still look good outside the outdated ab crunch. do they scale decently with some of the more modern yamaguchi figures?
>do they scale decently
Hah! No. They are in their own unique scale, they don't even scale with SH Figuarts. If you want a modern scaling Kenshiro and friends you need to go with SAS. The only benefit of that old Revoltech line is you can get almost all the major characters but you can't crossover with other lines.
that's a bummer. the sas line is also its own weird scale and doesn't seem to work with other lines. i guess this is an excuse to try and hunt more of the older stuff then. the articulation and posing seems to hold up really well and they look so much more fluid with really expressive body language compared to a lot of modern figures.
>Real fans will want both regardless of the accessories so it works out as far as I'm concerned.
B-but Bandai forced me to buy DBZ figs to get the dlcs for Goku, what they think? I don't want to collect their colletion of DBZ figures, and I don't want Kaiyodo to take that way. Why people force me to collect figures from an IP I like it, WHY?!!
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>bats couldn't come with his grapple gun cause DC faggotry
>Joker comes with his guns and more
Japanese companies are realizing they over reacted and it might even be hurting sales.
Yeah this would be fun, a charming part of monhun games is the mismatched frankenstein armor sets you end up making, either because you can only build a few things, or youre trying to get specific skills. Having that in figure form would be scuffed but in a fun way
Just ordered the lagiacrus on surugaya with their free shipping thing, will hunt down the rathalos too, though he unfortunately only seems to be going for like $120+. I also threw in some of these trading figures that seem to be 1/12 scale.
Soon hopefully I'll have a four hunter group with kaiyodo kirin/teostra and sentinel lagi/ratha
Be careful moving the Lagia hunter, the joints fall to bits on mine due to the materials they're made out of aging badly. Otherwise the jointless body parts hold up great, you could probably replace most of the basic joints with revo joints.
Ah alright thanks I'll be careful. I've heard people online say his neck can snap easily but its also hard to even find reviews of this guy. Had a similar experience with the vulcanlog teostra I opened couple weeks ago, elbow split instantly with minimum movement due to its age. Luckily had a spare revo joint on hand that matched colour well enough. If Lagi takes those too that'd be a help
It's more likely that WB eased up on it's no gunz policy.
I doubt WB had anything (direct) to do with the Japanese toy companies. Are you saying McFarlane too will start having figures with guns? Did WB allowed MAFEX The Batman to have grapnels but not the AY reissue? That makes no sense. What makes more sense is that the Japanese were acting on their own, hence no clear guidelines, no clear distinction between Marvel and DC.
AY The Tick when!
>post-timeskip David
>those faces
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those are prototypes, but yeah jada faces on final releases is a 4.5/10
Pic unrelated? It's not horrible, but it leaves something to be desired.
Better than David's, though, sure.
But now I want a Revoltech David.
i gave it almost a 5 because they are fine
but there is something missing
too mushy, I feel like.
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Do all versions of bakugo have that annoying issue with his arms not being able to hold up his explosions, or did they fix it later on?

I've kind of been hoping for a reissue of him just so they might sort that out, it really ruins the figure for me
I dunno if later versions can hold up the explosions, but I do know the later versions had an extended elbow peg.
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atleast isn't Mcfarlane
Movie Revo
Don't give up, SF6 is only in wave 1 out of [however long Capcom expects to milk this game] of its DLC!
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ryu hayabusa POs open on the 27th JST
PO bonus is the archfiend sword
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I'm surprised it doesn't include the scythe at all. I hope Ayane has it.
>no scythe
>strange choice of inclusion of scythe in weapon pack 2
>duuuhhh I hope Ayane haz it
Come on...
Nobody gives a fuck about the shitty weapon pack
I wonder if the Koei-Tecmo store will sell this internationally.
what character are they going to announce soon that typically has a book as one of their iconic accessories in the source material, then not include a book in the actual release
V from DMC5
woah, DMC5 Revos confirmed!?!?
cry here: https://twitter.com/kaiyodo_PR
I was only joking, the book just seems like such an out of left field accessory
>no discourse but positive discourse
Railgun girls, they are all school girls they have text books for some reason in that near future school town.

Not everything has to be specific to a character but if you think after bothering to include a scythe they would do it again soon after I think you're really stupid.
ha! I told ya >>10989770
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NGIII scythe is ugly, desu
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It just wouldn't have felt right without it.
So do you have to preorder from a specific store in order to get that?
I haven't bought revoltechs since... I don't know man, they still came with those orange chips to exchange for assembleborg shit.
>no negativity in the dojo
NEXT >>11000748
Usually Kaiyodo store only and you have to middleman it pretty much. This time Koei store might be carrying it too?
>moron misses the point

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