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can Super7 just fuck off? I'm sick of overpriced 5poa. I hate seeing this garbage at my target for $19.99 for one Foot Soldier while the Playmates vintage are right next to them for half the price. Fuck you if you bought these.
I thought Disney told them to fuck off?
Americans can't make anything worth a damn
America is stuck in the past while China and Japan just completely dominates. It's pretty funny seeing these old Fars trying to make modern articulated toys. They literally have 0 idea what they're doing. You see that Silverhawk shit? Lmao.
>$60 for two O-ring figures
Thanks Hasbro!
>Fuck you if you bought these.
I buy most of them. You can screech harder, faggot. And you can shove your crappy half price Playmates figure up your ass.
I will continue to buy these and there's nothing you can do to stop me
Enjoy overpaying. I'll be enjoying my Final Faction.
No you won't. You'll still be here bitching.
>pre-order 60% off
What the fuck?
Pre-orders for a restock. This stuff is years old.
Is BBTS under some contract to take more stock or something?
they must cost a nickel for them to keep making them
5poa is the reason I never collected toys as a kid. Alternately, these werent worth throwing tantrums over.
They're probably getting them cheap because S7 is clearing Disney stuff out of the warehouse
>that lightyear set is $80 retail
what the fuck is super7 thinking
Brian Flynn is a woke retard after all.
I thought that had ended?
Will S7 be $60 for one?
SOTA toys died, Palisades died, Super7 is making Buzz Lightyear toys in 2024 and somehow stays in business
This, mostly. I had a fair number of Hasbro WWF figures but otherwise rarely touched anything non-robot until Marvel Legends came around. Which is funny looking back because of how into BTAS and X-Men I was after TransFormers ended.
Super 7 is gonna be the downfall of so many small toy and comic shops. Every store I go to has tons of super 7 shit taking up an absurd amount of room that they're having trouble selling for less than half off.

Was at a place the other day that had 50-100 Ultimates stacked on top of each other taking up multiple shelves and counters. And they're probably going to have to sell each one at a major loss. R.i.p
I'm confused how S7 even got popular given they're offering a worse product than most other action figure companies for more money.
You people are so fucking autistic. I don't care about these things but I don't get so irrationally upset that I make a thread whining about them.

Is it just me or has this board gotten more mentally unhinged this past year or so? Like it was always kinda bad but it's gotten to a whole new level of you guys being babies. Seriously, is it a zoomer thing? It's concerning there are so many of you literal babymen running around.
As people see more lines collapse (like for a recent example Lightning Collection) they will gradually get more angry at lines they do not like and see as a waste of space in the toy sphere. They will wonder why those lines get made but their favorite lines stopped.
How did the store end up with so many? Sounds like bad management.
Everything will collapse. Toy lines are the least of the problems.
Toys will be our new currency
I'll trade you 7 Eternals for 3 Duke Thomases
I think they're just ordering 1 of everything that Super 7 puts out but don't seem to realize that they mostly make a bunch of shit nobody wants.
Better to discount them and move on then
According to Brian Flynn, $18 to $20 and will replace the Re-Actions.
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> just fuck off?
sure, bro. fuck off with my collection.
It has, im finally seeing the repaints show up in my area but as far as i know the line is dead. Fucking shame too, but hey, the bright sideis that kids can get good toys for cheap.
People keep buying their shit, so blame the customer.
Last year's reissues. And Hasbro STILL refuses to reissue the version of Snake Eyes the fucking Joe fans actually want (the 1985 version).
Reaction figures are amazing and you're poor. Cope broke.

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