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You are given 2000 dollars at a toy convention, whether it be something like Wonderfest, or Kane County, or SDCC, and you are told to spend it within an hour otherwise you lose it all.

What do you buy? Do you go for your grail, or do you just try and fill up your collection?
Littlest pet shop
>Kane County
Buying up MotU origins figures I don't have yet.
Buying up Godzilla, giant monster, or tokusatsu stuff.
I don't think I would find anything I'd want there, unless it was a MotU or Godzilla exclusive thing (but it would probably be sold out by the time I got to it).
find the bustiest cosplayer...
I take that $2K, add another $500 to it and buy myself a PVS-14. I can't justify spending the price of a new PC on NODs that I'm only going to LARP around u backyard at night in, but if I had a free $2K I could. I want night vision so fuckin bad... Oh that's right, toys. Uh, maybe a Haslab Galactus or something.
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>me every year
Buy art and comics, and a couple of toys.

Last few years have been a bust though. COVID fucked over a lot of toy vendors and toy companies aren't making as many exclusives as they used to, so there's less reason for me to spend money on toys at conventions.

Also, you won't make it through the convention in an hour, unless you already mapped the place out a day before, marked out what each booth sells, and you'll need to hire someone to carry all that shit for you, unless you're buying super-overpriced shit.
Even medium sized conventions take a pretty long time.
and buy her panties off of her
It's subjectanon, the epitomy of terrible taste.
Buy a knife, wave it around and walk out the door with the money?
Guy at the door has a bigger knife.

2 of them to be precise.
How much are they paid each?
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Do they sell classic legos ?
They most likely sell classic legos.
more like buy some time inside her warm fuckhole
Are there toy conventions in Europe?
I'd get some celebrity like Warwick Davis to sign a zillion personalized 8x10s for you guys
Honestly would buy every megazord or chogokin I see there

Easy 2000 done in under an hour
Why would euros enjoy anything? They only care about taxes.
classic LEGO thread
You wouldn't get much done in an hour, especially a large con like SDCC. When I went, I was there for three days and only really spent $700 of my 1k budget, though I was being careful as I had to actually carry home everything I bought on a cross country flight. If I had a free twp grand and more time, I certainly would've bought more but mostly I would've sprung for the overpriced shipping options they offered at the con. Though if I only had an hour, the shipping process alone would've eaten up that entire time.

The past few cons I went to, I've actually been struggling to spend my whole budget (usually 500is). It's not exactly a bad thing to leave a con with cash in pocket, but I'd much rather come home with cool, rare toys and merch as I set that cash aside specifically to spend on this stuff. These days I have a small checklist of categories I can aim for to help feel like I made the most of my experience at a con, and I've bought some cool things I may have otherwise ignored had I not had some set goals in mind.
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are you a real life boomer or zoomer?

When did you last go?
Last few years have been pretty shit. I used to spend way more money at SDCC and every other convention id go to.
I blame Funko Pop shit taking over, but i was actually hopeful last year, because there were article after article about Pops being less popular. But there were still a ton of Pop shit and booths carrying them had even larger booths last year.

Before 2018 or 2019, booths were actually larger and since there were more regular toy vendors, they carried even more products than they have post-COVID. Lotta deals to be had, where even on the last day i managed to get stuff for 90% off.
A current year toy collection wouldn't have a lot of my grails (something like SDCC). I could probably spend $400-500 in 20-30 minutes but it would be hard to spend $2K on just toys in under 60 minutes because it would take too long to do the transaction, even in cash, and there would be lines, waiting, and just moving from booth to booth would eat up too much time.

Short (10-15) minutes works in those grocery store game shows because the store is empty save for maybe 2-4 other contestants.

NOW, let me in the Con for an hour before show time, with all the booths manned and ready to do transaction very quickly (e.g. agree to/take my cash but do the receipts or paperwork when the hour is up). then sure.

But with the rules OP gives us, it would make more sense to say buy $400 worth of say Stranger Things Funkos (2x10 of the main characters), and pay $50 per actor ($500) for autographs to end up with signatures on those 20 Funkos, to resell them at $100-125 each, and spend another $250 on a signature, sketch and signed copy of something by Lieber or Jorge Jimenez (or $500 on both) and the remaining $500 on 50 Superpowers to also re-sell.

The reselling is so I can actually then buy my grails with the $1500-$2200 I would end up netting after fees and postage, etc.
>you are given 2000 dollars
>what do you buy
I pay third worlders to spam this board with literal keyboard mashing and improve post-quality by at least 25%
I only been to SDCC once in '19, and the last cons in general I went to were NYCC 23 for one day on sunday and then Anime NYC 23 for Sat and Sunday. But I didn't buy many figures at either of those last two cons, mostly books and shirts.

I do feel you on there being way more toy vendors back in the late teens, I used to always find some booths with boxes of loose/used figures for good deals. But the most recent ones were all MISB stuff and all of that was things I could buy online currently for similar or usually lower prices.

I'll probably only hit up NYCC this year as I just don't have the energy....or budget...to hit up two big cons at this point, but I may look into some of the smaller local ones to see if they're even worth going to.
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>, I used to always find some booths with boxes of loose/used figures for good deals.
Medium cons usually have these and they're almost always better than buying online. If you pay cash, you don't even have to pay for taxes.
I was able to army build pretty cheaply, but they're not as common anymore, because fuck covid and funkos.

And i think smaller cons are really shit. It's all locals (many of whom i already shop at) and even though i live near a big city, I've never really found good deals there. And i mean they're shit if you want toys, because I'm always surprised by artists and talent who are actually local.
If you want toys, it's better to hit a flea market than go to a small con. Your mileage may vary.

I almost never post other convention loot, because of how common the shit i buy from them is and the fact that it's almost all comic/manga related. Pic of how weak the first post-COVID SDCC was. Not even a lot of cool freebies.
>low iq burger
you are fodder for your government be it left or right
Yeah. I went to Otakon for many years. The first few, it would've been easy to blow through $2000 if I'd had it. I'd usually leave with one or two figures/statues, a DVD or a couple of manga volumes, and maybe some random small item. My first Otakon, I bought this small 4x6 frame drawing of Lina Inverse, which I will treasure forever. But as time went on, it was harder to find anything with buying outside of the artist alley. Last couple of times, it was a struggle to find anything. Even though SHF/Figma got big over the same period (albeit too late for most of my favorite series), it always felt like vendors just had leftovers from Japan.

I make one or two western toy shows a year now. But I'm renting a booth to sell stuff so that puts a hard limit on what I can go out and spend. Usually it's like after $500, I can go look around and pick up something. Every $200 or so after that I can go back and pick up something else. I usually pick up about three figures. Last year I was so abnormally busy, as in tripled my usual sales, that I could barely get out a second time. I bought a retro Scarlet Witch for virtually nothing,a 1:48 (or whatever the Diaclone cars are) die-cast A-Team van, and some guy inexplicably had the black NewAge Megatron for under $100.
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>it always felt like vendors just had leftovers from Japan.
oooooof... you just reminded me of when i could have bought up a ton of Figmas and Revoltechs for under $10 at comic con one year (2010-2013. i forget).
Japanese toys actually fell out of favor around that time and one of the official distributors in the US was offloading their stuff for super cheap. It felt like i was in the middle of Akihabara during one of their clearances where vendors put shit outside to advertise their shit is super cheap.

I don't remember the Figmas that were being pushed off, but Revoltechs were easier, since it wasn't a bunch of generic school girls: patlabor, dante, transformers, and a bunch of other shit i didn't buy, because Revoltechs at the time were still archaic with their articulation. Weird cuts.

Seriously, you can get some really good deals at conventions and why i generally stop buying stuff a month or two before SDCC and other bigger conventions. ... but you can see that the last few years have been busts. Disappointing.

Also, you can get a lot of freebies too. I usually forget to post them, but Hasbro, McFarlane, Mattel, LEGO, Diamond, and even Kaiyodo have given stuff out at conventions. IT can range from blind bags, to exclusives, and even shit you can buy at the convention floor for $20-30. But again, last few years have been a bust. I got some keychains and table top miniatures. meh

pic has some "exclusives" freebies from MegaBloks and a diorama piece from MCFarlane in 2015. plus some things in baggies i forget what they were
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Paying the cosplayer prostitutes

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