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Which toy line has the best community AND makers/designers who enjoy connecting with the fandom?
the people at jada toys seem to enjoy and understand the appeal of toy collecting and posing
>Which toy line has the best community
Masters of the U...
>AND makers/designers who enjoy connecting with the fandom?
oh, never mind
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All those Ask Jakks segments were no joke. I've even emailed them in the past and they're humanly responsive. I dont know if that's changed yet though
>toy collecting
Very gay concept, I mean sure creating community to share protips ect. is ok but fandom leads to bootlicking and worshipping of brand (toy lines in this case) which should never be a thing.
This is why Hasbro shit on Marvel Legends line and didn't improve anything.
I hate that this is true .... damn you mattel, y u no want my money?
None for both.
I mean Hasbro tries their best to do both, but it still takes them years to learn
The diecast community can be toxic and cringe as fuck, but the creators connect with the Fandom and actually are part of the community. So they know what we want (sometimes).
Did this Asian guy give a homeless guy a hot wheel?
That's Rob Zombie
Rob Zombie is homeless?!
>"hey are you going to actually release characters that we want like *insert popular mario or sonic character*
>"we here at jakks do believe in providing for our fans with the best quality-" *nothing of note and basically just a nice cooperate way of saying idk*
that's what all of those retarded Q&As were like.
half of their figures are shit and they have god awful distribution.
Kotobukiya's mecha musume franchises but strictly within the borders of Japan
Yeah, they’ve done a lot better lately. Especially with Haslabs,
I need to move
who cares, stop looking for "community" in your consumerism bubble and go make real friends.
maybe I want both?

I still can't figure out why anyone cares about Magnus Walker. He's only famous because there was some documentary about him which he probably paid a studio to make. His cars are not that interesting. Anything he makes for other people related to the cars is just some brand deal with another company (Mattel, MOMO, Nike, etc).

I haven't seen him on interviews myself so maybe I'm missing something, but you can see businessmen, designers, and prominent diecast historians doing interviews with YouTubers who have just a couple thousand subs. Those are the aspects of the community you're referring to. Walker isn't doing that, he's just shilling his shitty style.
Nah, I'd say Skylanders
Idk either.
It turns out Crimson Commander is a pedophile.

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