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When they showed this zombie cobra commander off in the gi joe concept vault back in 2012 i was so hyped but alas, it never got released. Im still bitter the modern 3.75 joe line just doesnt exist anymore too
Bandai thread?
I really should just save my rants over hasbro killing off 3 3/4 joes, but im mad at hasbro. Oh s7 has the license now.
Pretty much everything that was in that Joe display still has me seething. Especially the Renegades Coyote. Even if you didn't like the show, it's still would have made an awesome fucking vehicle for toys.
Who was supposed to do the Dirty Pair in Japan? Figma? That one hurt
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I will never not be salty at the death of this line. Especially when it happened at the height of it's popularity, with a brand new anime airing to bring it even more attention and two of the coolest figures in the line in the painted prototype stages practically ready to just roll right into production. Even more waves were planned and designs were already popping up, so it's sudden death was even more tragic.

Many imitators have popped up since then, some even re-doing some previous concepts and designs. But none of em even come close to being as fantastic as the original run of figures.

Would've been a cool box set, but I don't think they would've gotten too much mileage out of a full Zombie wave of figures.

This however is an eternal pain that it never made it to production. Renegades was actually a really great series, especially since it was actually a stealth prequel to an actual G.I. Joe series. Had it been on a network that actually had a chance I could've easily seen it getting a follow up season/series where all the plot points they built up over the show took center stage.
Was renegades on an early streaming site? I recall a sticker directing you to watch the show somewhere.
The Hub. Habsro's channel made from investing in Discovery Kids. Presumably they didn't want to have 6AM airings like the past. It turned out to be a mistake and they pulled out with only a few young children shows left.
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Still salty after 30 years.
Would have gotten made if poorfags weren't such poorfags.
Easily, lol. Vinnie Mac, Kamen Rider Yongou and Marushina all hurt.
That was CM's Corporation.
Still bummed.
There was a boutique 1:6 maker that showed off a 1:12 orgy raid Conan the Barbarian, then promptly went our of business. That sucked.
that is on brand for her character
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The Aliens Dropship. I've been salty for 30 years.
Now it has zero chance
I'll never forgive the Japanese.
Would have been a cool vehicle, shame it wouldn't have actually scaled with anything since those Spartans were in a stupid in-between scale (1:15 or something dumb). Too small for 1:12 and too big for 1:18. Plus, the McFarlane Spartans were kinda shit figures. At the very least, smaller Figmas could use it but they wouldn't actually be in proper scale.
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I was all set to use it with the 1:18 Joe's that were coming out at the time. All it would have likely needed was some slight seating mods.
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I think it would work fine with 1:18.

Check out the Lightyear jets, trucks, and cargo ships, which are basically the same scale as McFarlane's Halo line. They fit in fine.

Even some of the McFarlane figures work well with 1:18, and basically all the covenant aliens, because aliens can be any size.
He looks like shit like all other shf but that would have been the best figure we would have ever gotten of him. Would have bought. Too bad its never coming out after all the recent scandals
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I have several of the vehicles, here some with different figures.
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Sorry on the paint job I am still cleaning my work up on this one.
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This one I will have to mod to make it work better with the 30 Minute Sisters
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Todd wasn't going to go through with it when he realized the cost.
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Still pissed that they never made this, could've been the only decent looking affordable power armor figure. Hope they dig this one out for the Fallout show, just gotta pitch the nigger head in the trash and get some Enclave decals and we'd be golden
remind me again, they cancelled their entire 2012 line up of Joes just because Gi joe retaliation underperformed right?
i dont have the picture on me but I remain eternally salty over that one SHF USO Captain America. It would have been the perfect Cap figure.
i know right
Brotherhood of Steel armor is basically FREE MONEY if you make an articulated figure of that.
literally everybody wants a figure of that - even those who don't play fallout.
I was waiting this shit for years

there is a cool 1/6 one but it's way too expensive
I think they really curbed it to make room for too much Marvel crap.
>negged out of all those unreleased skeletons twice because of that shit revival
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I would have loved to get three of them.
No Thor frog...
sad. I remember really wanting to get into joes at that time and nothing but the mechs were on shelves. even the family dollar joes were hard to find.
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fuck me we could float the entire thread with toybiz mentions alone
Man, seeing how big it is from this angle makes me regret not getting it.

It's basically the only thing from the Lightyear toylines that didn't go on clearance. It might have been cheap for a while, but it was so in demand it went up in price by the time everyone was reviewing it.
the base and angles of the ship reminded me of LEGO lol
McFarlane also had the game licensee and didn't do anything with it.
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>pic is from 2015
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GI Joe Retaliation's delay killed retailers interest in the GI Joe line.
With no movie to sell the overordered movie toys, Target and Walmart cleared shit out by the time Summer hit and didn't carry the line by the time Retalation actually came out in theaters.

So Hasbro lost two of its biggest retailers and only had ToysRUs as the major retailer that was open to supporting the line. That's not enough to support a major toyline with full waves, so they cut the budget hardcore and mostly did redecos and retooling. The line was further supplemented by bigger internet stores like Entertainment EArth and BBTS.
So anything original wasn't possible, like that Coyote.
The zombies MIGHT ahve been possible, especially since the line basically came a collector (read: adults) targeted toyline, buuuut Hasbro did say that was never going to happen and those customs were just for fun

Gotta wonder if something like pic was actually something that might have gone into production or if it was some video game only creation.
Not to be a douche or anything but >>10977102 was meant to have been a pack in with a hasbro 3.75 marvel universe thor figure but said figure came out without thor frog in the end. Suffice it to say i was very pissed at the time and i still am too
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Anon, that came out, to great acclaim I might add.
I picked up two before they became outrageously high.
I also have two of the XL-14, >>10976856
one of the XL-15,
two of the Plasma Drills
one of the RC Jeep >>10976873
Right now I am modding and painting three of the trucks, my only mistake was going with testor's light aircraft grey and dark aircraft grey spray paint. turns out testors does carry those in their bottle line, so touch ups are a bitch. as you can see in the pics I used a number of greys to match and no luck.
recently caved on the sentinel flcl canti since there was no news on the chogokin one
I didn’t think it was possible to use “actually” so often in one sentence but, I am impressed.
found it. literally the perfect captain america figure and they didnt make it.
>could have doubled as both a comic and a movie cap
>fits just as well in a modern line up as it would a WW2/golden age line up
>while the face resembles evans its also vague enough to double as a fittingly stoic comic cap face
oh my mistake I confused it for the toybiz thor-frog that was meant to see release in series 8 of marvel legends before the company got nuked by hasbro.
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post ate my pic
That design was actually better than an of the H.I.S.S. that have gotten releases.
It's a meme.
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They had a painted prototype and everything, but we never saw it release.
The insect bricks. Beag never. Venetta, never. The line died just as it was hitting the road.
Yeah they did a small wwe line. The Kane was pretty cool.
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>"And then they (almost) all got released by GSC instead - THE END"
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I wish CCBS was still around, it sucks that way of building died with this shitty Star Wars line.
>trannies out of nowhere
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There were a lot of cool cancelled 80s and 90s things like Scotland and Sea People
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a nearly 20 year legacy of a building format unceremoniously pissed down the toilet by the very company it saved after mouse wars insisted the line include their shitty human OCs. it still makes my blood boil even now. now the closest substitutes around are outright knock offs and offbrand efforts like gigabots. it is truly the worst timeline.
people who complain about lego sets getting cancelled have no idea what they're doing
I remember seeing pictures of a Micha jawkan figure a long time ago that were really on point (partially because shes canonically a doll basically) but cant find any signs that it ever came out. heck i cant even find the images of it i saw back in the day.

thats pretty sick
Get the DNA kit for the new version of that figure, watch him come with the faceplate/head sculpt.
While it sucks Bionicle G2 was canned for CCBS Star Wars, what pisses me off is the retarded mandatory human sets.
Grievous looks rad and is the only one I like from that line.
if they were allowed to stick exclusively to droids, helmet guys, and aliens I really do think the line could have gone on for another 5 years. they clearly had alot in mind when you factor in the concept vehicles that they never got to make. instead one giant bomb was dropped on a staple of the entire lego company. its truly unforgivable.
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Classics 2.0 concept Sunstreaker & Sideswipe.
At least we now have a fully transforming El Dora V with the moderoid kit.
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tomy was supposed to continue their sonic line but it never got finished and we got left with a small modern/classic sonic lineup.
sucks because they also made the best figure ever being the collector figure
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Feels bad man
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another one that ends up getting released by GSC instead
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I will never forgive hasbro
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I need a streaker, im ok with my sideswipes.
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Resaurus was going to do more Duke and Quake 3 figures. I'll never not be bummed they went under. I loved everything they made. Would it kill Gearbox to give us a modern Duke figure?
Apparently it'd kill them to do anything with Duke. It's been 13 years since DNF released.
Dc direct had alot of figures they never made
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Tomy didnt have the power to deal with 2 lines. I often wish Jakks was around during Boom too, at least for Sticks
Not Joking, you can actually make your own, You can by the parts and it's the easiest paintjob
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that's what really killed their line from the start.
from what i remember they wanted to make modern/classic stuff ever since they got the license but they couldn't due to contractual obligations.
that might be the reason why jazwares ditched the sonic license because they didn't want to deal with boom.
this, i need to source it again but I found out the creator has model files somewhere actually and he had prototype pics on his website
Night Landing Craft did get a release but this version of the Eel did not. This was supposed to be some kind of deluxe release like the motorcycles from the Retaliation line.
Where would one obtain these files?
Nevermind, I found some guy on etsy selling the thing.

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