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New thread and a new license for Storm!

Looks like Momotaro, Date Omito and Hien will be the first 3 of the line. This was one of my never evers so this is exciting news.


SHF Naruto
SHF Bleach
SHF One Piece
SHF Demon Slayer
SHF Sand Land
SHF Kenshin


Buzzmod Demon Slayer
Buzzmod Kenshin
Buzzmod City Hunter


Figma Demon Slayer
Figma JJK
Figma CSM
Figma Guyver

SC Baki
SC Sakigake Otokojuku!
SC HnK 1/6

GSC Guyver 1/6
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I wonder how they'll do the jacket and if it'll be removable or a seperate torso/arms.
>previous archived thread >>10946421 only 57 replies
>all replies from the same anon
seek help schizo
Finally decided to buy some SAS Jojo figures to see how they are and I went with Jolyne & Stone Free. Happy with the quality and they look great however the little elbow piece on the back of Jolyne's right arm popped straight off when I went to bend it. It's not broken it just clips back on but I think the whole elbow joint is installed too deep as it springs back off again when I move the arm more than 90°, the left arm moves just fine. Are the arm joints on these just pegged in? Don't want to try pulling the lower arm off yet in case it just breaks the joint but I'd like to pull the arm a little lower expose the joint slightly more and add a drop of super glue so the piece doesn't fly off never to be seen again.
>captcha 0rah
They better make him
Too lazy to post them all again individually, but here’s stuff storm collectibles was showing off at their event in Hong Kong
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Please let this General die. DBZ is more active. A One Piece General would be better. This is just sad and pathetic. Pretty soon half the thread will be one poor bastard replying to himself or video game figures which are NOT SHOUNEN.
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Stop gatekeeping. There are lines we have nowhere else to discuss which is the mean reason for this gem.

In that note, the digaction 1/24 hokuto figs went up. Did anyone one pre-oder? What do you think of the articulation at this scale?
what the fuck is wrong with you? even if it is only a few anons I’d rather this thread exist than one of the many spam off topic posts. Just don’t come here if it bothers you so much
>nowhere else to discuss
Trying to generate hype for shit that isn't even out yet is something you can do in every general already.
>spam off topic posts exist
We have threads for fun posting and toy photography but no we NEED another thread theorizing about stuff people don't own. The only actual /toy/ poster is the One Piece guy. Everyone else is HYPE RELEASE COMING. Post your actual figures that you currently own or gtfo.
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kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself
Can anyone help me with this or is this place just full of fucking monkeys like every other general on this board now.
you'd probably be fine with the drop of super glue anyway instead of performing an armectomy, just keep the whole thing moving for a few seconds while it dries
that’s rich coming from a jojo fan
Just don't want to risk gumming it up but I suppose I can use a toothpick or something to apply a tiny drop.

You're in a fucking shonen general retard it's all the same slop. I remember there used to be a dedicated SAS thread I'd much rather be posting there, you can thank your general autism for forcing everyone into once place making no one happy and depriving people of information.
>little elbow piece on the back of Jolyne's right arm popped straight off
Yeah. This is common across the line. I actually stopped collecting for a while after losing my Dio elbow, but thankfully Medicos sent me a free replacement when they did a re-release years later. Just something you have to be careful of when you are posing them around.
Maybe try not hamhanding your toys?
>Yeah. This is common across the line
Oh really? That's kind of unfortunate I'll need to be careful if I buy any more of them.
>Piece literally just flies off from bending the arm as intended
Maybe try actually reading posts before being a smug retard anon.
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So a few threads ago I kitbashed together a Rikuo Nura from some Anime Heroes figures. I ditched that and attempted a better version of it and I'm pretty satisfied with the end result. I've never really done any kitbashing on this level before so I learned a lot. I don't really know what compelled me to make this guy that I half-remember from a series I don't even think I finished, but I'm glad I did. Don't let those dream figure projects die as dreams, anons.
What are the best Alphonse and Edward figures? I really don’t mind paying $400-$500 for the two of them I just want the definitive versions the RAH look best to me but I can’t tell if they pose well
Do you have any tips for replacing Ed's arm? My one hangup with buying all the FMA 3Z figures is that fucking rubber arm.
I too honestly couldn't care less if they stopped making female figures since Storm's so bad at making them
I don’t even have to preorder if I go straight to three zero but with my luck buzzmod is going to reveal an Al and an Ed rerelease the moment I purchase
Honestly the three zero Ed is all over the place. the face looks off, his arms look too long, his legs look to skinny. the old RAH despite the weird neck joint looks way better and his pants are the correct material he’s just $500 on his own tho :/
Oh wait a minute the RAH Ed is like $160 on eBay I’ll just mix and match him with the threezero Al, scales close enough anyways
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Storm is so based for not pandering to coomer faggots. I love that every figure in their line is about male violence. They need to get some Go Nagai licenses.
They're catering to fight fans. Women will never understand the deep emotional connection between two men trading blows :)
"No I dont care that every street fighter line dies at chunli. Or that every KOF lone does at Mai, or that ..."
Im glad, there fem figures suck. Im tired of everyone making the same two females characters in every series and killing the line

Maybe storm needs to stop making bad figures and make good figure of characters that people actually want. They're basically gay chinese super7 kek
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will forever irk me that buzzmod made edward, prototyped mustang... then only made edward and killed the license.
He scales well with revoltech Al if you can find a real one
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I respect you guys, and One Piece Poster is cool. That one poor bastard asking about repairing his figures shoulder joint or whatever gets a pass too. Everyone else in this thread can suck a dick since they seem to love fellating company promos instead of posting YOUR OWN PICS OF TOYS YOU OWN. Also holy shit the OP image is atrociously blurry and isn't even a photo of figures.
Sadly Jolyne's exploding elbows is a common issue with the figure due to being cut incorrectly. You can attempt to glue but I'd just leave it as is and be careful when posing.

Anyone here own any of the Dasin Bleach figures?
>Go Nagai
If Storm is the one to finally make a proper manga Devilman and it is in their retarded giant scale I will actually kill myself.
That is my theory too. He was from an untested line and didn't look all that impressive. Shame he couldn't have come out further down the line.
Holy fuck.
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Fresh news from Medicos. JUZA IS COMING!!

Still can't believe they haven't teased Shin yet, but pleased we can expect more after Toki and Yuda.

HNK Kicks Ass
Cool, let's see the prototype in ten years.
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True dat. It's already been 3 since we say Juda and still nothing. I don't mind though since it's nice to be drip fed sometimes.
>OP image is atrociously blurry
Yeah. Sadly that was all we had when that first image leaked. Here's a better one for you.
>Post pies of your toys!
What did he mean by this?
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Post toys holding pies, anon. Pizza counts as pie.
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>shf shill can't stomach other brands in the same thread
just fuck off back to your echochamber you pathetic redditor
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I actively despise SHF general also being 90% HYPE NEW RELEASE NEXT YEAR posting. Again I respect you and anyone else posting pics taken of actual toys they own for being actual /toy/ connoisseurs. Trash talk me all you want.
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whoa mama
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Looks like Megahouse is rereleasing Chopper and Nami
Gives me the smallest bit of hope for Crocodile and Whitebeard
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Crocodile I might get. I'd rather have a megahouse Gol. D. Roger. That would be a 10/10 figure for sure.
>New VAH figures
>In 2024
I hope you're alright with figuarts
Nah, I gave up on SHF. Shit colors, shit face sculpts, horrible QC and worst general on /toy/.
And yet another one thats meant to be stupid tall anyways so you could have him with some of the shf. If megahouse were smart they'd realise nows their chance to get people buying stuff like croc before tamashi inevitably make their own. I'd take some vah admirals too
274 cm (9'0")

oof ok maybe thats retarded afterall. I didn't realize he's THAT huge. Even an SHF would 3 cm too big...
Yeah I was surprised too. When he gets executed and we see him in flashbacks super early on I thought he was just regular guy sized but then after the skip in flashbacks hes like twice the height of regular dudes. Maybe his disease made him shrink or some shit lol
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idk if its been shared here but dasin sonic. I'll probably grab him since I'll be getting the yamaguchis for sure https://gundamit.com/dasin-model-1-12-one-punch-man-speed-o-sound-sonic_p5302.html
one piece hights are so cringe dude. It could have been a really good figure with normal proportions
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ONE PIECE GUY I'm assuming that you'll have these figures since you have so many, will either of these two WCF heads work on the anime heroes body? In terms of how big they are and the skin tone? If you don't have these ones dw
price was too high. I think they wanted 150 for a Figma-sized figure. Should have been half the price.
>Anyone here own any of the Dasin Bleach figures?
Have Ichigo and Aizen. They won't scale with anything Figuarts but currently the only good way to have a pre-TS versions of Aizen, Ichigo, Hollow, Gin and Uki. I just wish Aizen was more his Areancar arc appearance rather than his Soul Society. Sucks that they seem to have abandoned it since the Figuarts started getting released.
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Just bought kengan ashura figures. Just in time for the baki crossover.
i just preordered it because i came across a fist of the north star volume 1 hardcover at my local bookstore and decided to finally give manga/anime a chance after seeing the cover. instantly gave me mad max vibes and the artwork looked great. i dont have any 1/24 figures but got a few hiya dredd, robocop, alien and predator 1/18s and might be able to scale with one of those. i saw some of the medicos sas ones but they don't seem to scale with other 1/12 like revo, mafex which is what kept me from getting those for now.
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Medicos lottery orders open on 15th! Wish me luck!

I have the one on the right. The heads a little derpy, but it scales fine with the heroes, both would as the heroes is a bit bigger. I am still using the iron pirate set head on mine.

me 2. BBTS? Excited to have Baki fighting Tokita.

Good man!
>they don't seem to scale with other 1/12
That's not really an issue considering a lot of the character sizes in the series. HnK's art also lends itself to making the characters appear larger than life so I don't mind Kenshiro towering over some of my figures.
i was going to probably only pick up the kenshiro and jagi figures and try fit them in to my existing stuff i mentioned but the few size comparisons i did see online made them feel a bit too lanky and tall in comparison to other 1/12s i got. i am a little autistic and have sort of pair ups between different franchises and companies on my shelf. i don't know anything about medicos desu but it looked like revoltech with the exposed joints and gaps and the plug in stand so i initially thought they'd scale perfectly. i will most likely go all in once i receive the book and get into it. i hope they reissue the first kenshiro with his jacket on because that is very much the look which caught my eye.
I am not really sure why I would need a Kenshiro that small but I really like my 1/24 FAGs and Hexa Gear toys so I kind of want one.
As someone just getting back into One Piece for the first time in like 15 years (I stopped in order to wait for it to end and only recently gave up on that idea after the Figuarts line gave me a gentle push) I really hope they at least re-issue Whitebeard at some point.
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Can I ask this here? This figure from DIGACTION, I usually order from HobbySearch, but for some reason specifically won't ship to Americas "for licensing reasons." I've never encountered it on HobbySearch. But same figure is available on AmiAmi and other sites.

Does this company have licensing issues or is HobbySearch just mislabeled these figures?
Do you think these would scale with Revolmini?
It's probably a mistake or just something to cover their ass like Amiami used to do before they were forced to actually enforce it, in which case they don't even put the figure on the english store. If it's up on Amiami then I don't there's any issue.
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Reminder to preorder the biggest chad in the Dragon Ball franchise for dirt cheap
the fuck with that dog head? also proportions are off
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>t.zoomzoom shf shill
proportions are on point. Based chinks took massive shit on bandai once again
hoooooooooooooooooly shit kino
Nah. These are tiny. Only 80mm. Think revo minis are bigger.
Oh bloody baki is arriving today...hope based chink reseller doged me my customs fee by sending it unmarked.
Neat. Mine arrived as well. Should be out for delivery today fingers crossed.

BBTS just shipped my Kengan figs as well. Gonna give the anime another try.
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It has bestest girl in it and is overall just MORE baki with a new coat of paint. It has it's own charm though. The manga is pretty great too and has some light hearted bonus chapters.
Mine are on the way too lol.
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So first of all: BASED chink send it unmarked so no duty fee. Then I was about to complain about the cheap packaging but look at those cool corner protectors.
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Moving to the main dish now. The effect is a whole extra head and the head all look really fuck good.
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Pretty big dick move to make this exclusive desu but then eveyone who wanted it surely got it anyway.
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quick family photo
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Yup, certified kino. Can't wait for Kengan Ashura figures to arrive.
Based! Mine wasn't delivered in the end. Hopefully tommorow.

Annoying the effect is attached to that head. Kinda wanted to use it for other figured, but oh well. The variations from the original make this a very unique addition so glad I got it.

These pics also remind me I need some already clothing for baki. I should take a look on aliexpress. Never really been one for soft goods clothing until these guys.
yup, looks like shit but it's a bootleg so...
I've only seen a couple people post about him after recieving him so far but apparently his articulation isn't great, hardly any ab crunch at all which isn't what you want in a ninja. Guess I'll just have my fingers crossed the yamaguchi line does more than the first three and makes a sonic
How did you all get the bloody Baki delivered so quickly? I ordered it the day of the convention from that Matrix-King seller from Hong Kong and will only get it at the end of the month. Not really in a rush, just curious. And if I may ask, almost every Bloody Baki I see for sale has a no returns policy - is that also normal for a convention exclusive release? Maybe I'll give that Jo Li fella from FB a try next time
Check again. Its always marked like that but it might be out for delivery right now. Go check your tracking. Chink stuff is always marked as up to one month. As for no return is pretty self explanatory. Those aren't official distrobuters so they won't accept a return. Literally scalpers at conventions.
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This. Shipment from HK seem to come pretty fast even if they have a 4 week estimate. Mine arrived today in the end.
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where do I get those see through thingies? Or did you just glue microscope slides together?
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It's just a plastic riser on its side. You can get them in multi packs of different sizes for amazon.
Based, I got my bloody Baki in a few days ago. Did you guys notice the rubber chest piece kind of rode more on the right? I noticed the butterfly joint was more exposed on the left than the right. I was able to futz with it and get it more even, but I’ve never had that happen before. I do notice this pic >>10991887
kinda shows what I was talking about.
Same with this one >>10993550
which both of those are right out of the box pics, so maybe that was an issue across the board since all 3 of us seemed to have that

uh if you mean the plastic thingy between arm and torso like >>10991976
here with yujiro on his right arm. It's just twisted (probably from putting on the clothes). You can try twisting it back or like I did just pop off the arm (it's really smooth and easy) and place it right again. I fixed it here >>10992205 . It's probably still wrong but all sides looks samey so whatever.
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yeah you can see it on this pic well, mine was the exact same out of the box. I’m also noticing the rubber overlay chest seems to not be symmetrical on both sides? His traps seem not as wide on the left side and the overlay seems to be cut different. I think that’s also making that joint feel more exposed.
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Yeah thats just twisted/misaligned. If you place them like this they are symmetrical
oh shit it's blurry for some reason but there is a triangle on both parts. Just don't zoom in and you can see it from the thumbnail.
oh okay so those lines should line up with the overlay, thanks anon
No wait there is more than one triangle every 30 grads or so. Just twist it until it looks right. You don't need to pop off the arm for that. I just tried and missaligned it on purpose. What you want is basically for the top to be barely visable...I think but you can twist it and see for yourself
yeah just use those line as indicators. There are 3 and if you twist the arm 3 times with that thing it should allign itself nicely
weird that all of them seem to have that problem, wonder how that happened
AH Zoro
well...they look the same from all sides. So if you assmble them in a chink factory they probably just pop them in fast and package it. I can't blame them I only noticed it myself after >>10991976
posting this and even just now thanks to you actually figured out how it's supposed to be placed. All I knew was it was missaligned. If you pop off the arm and look at it you'll see how it looks basically the same from all sides but it fits differently if you place it back. I mean it's alright. All you have to do is twist the arm so whatever. The bigger question is how many people will notice it at all
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any medicos expert in?

any chance this fella is getting a reissue?

i don't want to pay $160 (excluding shipping/customs) for him atm :(
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No worries. With a good blur effect you can hide them well without editing.

Not bad.

Not as far as I'm aware. Your best best is the shirtless version.
make sure to align that left shoulder cover anon!
The anime is getting a remake this year, if Medicos still has the licence by then, a reissue is 100% certain.
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The shoulder covers drive me nuts. I know with balrog after I swapped the torso I never worked out whether I was putting them back right. You sometimes get bulges in the back as well, so I imagine they are just designed to be rotated as you need for posability.
Poor Baki, maybe let him win once?
Medicos WF lottery items are up.
They're probably start filtering on to auctions sites after the event and eventually standard po's will go up without the bonuses.
Damn. When'd it become so much. I saw them all languishing on mandarake for months after I got them and thought I shoulda waited, but I guess everything has to sell out eventually.

I honestly can't wait for this. HnK has always been my favourite IP of any genre, hope they do it justice.
Went ahead and entered into the lottery. This will be my first time trying, hope I can win HP and Gyro Third.
Wish the jojos were 1/10 too...
The medicos phantom blood figures are the same scale as the hnk ones which is closer to 1/10. I really need a company to do new part3 figures. I don't care who as long as they're good.
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Got my kengan figures today from BBTS. Just finished season 1 part 1 so perfect timing!

Do we know if Storm still have the licence?
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Anyone know if Figuarts Piccolo is a good buy? Always wanted a Piccolo.
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More Kengan

It really depends what you are after. It's the best Z anime accurate piccolo. He's well scaled and sculpted, but the downsides are the lipstick on the neutral face and the shiny finish on the plastic.

The super hero version is better made, but the muscle design and color is based on the anime and he wears god awful shoes.
Damn, I was just eyeing the Super Hero one as well, might have to do a coin flip as the pros and cons kinda even out for myself.
That said, appreciate the insight Anon.
I have super hero and he's alright. Doesn't come with a stern face or cape which sucks but his other faces have good likeness. His torso design gives him a weird sorta hunch bacl when you use his ab crunch. Ankle pivot reeaally shit. And kinda ugly shoes but I don't mind that, nor the manga colours. I'm waiting for a new piccolo with a soft goods cape like the gohan but god knows when they'll do that, could be waiting til like 2030 lol. If youre interested they do sell some soft goods capes on ebay and stuff though.
Overall I think superhero looks better (unless the shoes are a breaker for you) but proud namekian comes with muuuuch better accessories, like it isnt even close
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Should Oden's SHF be to scale?
Only if they plan on making kinemon. It would be shit to have oden shorter then kinemon and kinemon needs to be shoulder to shoulder with brook, who in turn needs to be taller than franky.

If it's a stand alone oden then I'll probably pass. For kaido at least we have the figuart zero linlin to pose him with.
Theyre never making oden but if they did hed only be yamato height purely because of kaido, hes probably firmly set the upper limit of heights for the line and anyone meant to be significantly smaller than him in the show will be. Whitebeard and Big Mom if theyre made will be around Kaido height but characters like Katakuri, Doflamingo and the admirals will reach his upper chest at best
Yeah. I get the feeling this is their plan. Set kaido as the max limit and then literally have all the figures shorter by 1 mm intervals.
moria at 244
kuma at 243
newgate at 242
king at 241
That way they still ensure the heights are comparatively correct even if they don't scale 100% accurately.
I'm more interested to see at what point the accurate scale resumes. I would have liked to have thought Franky and have him 200mm, but Yamato should have been taller than him so who knows.
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preorders up for angry boi
Kuma and Moria are two I hadn't considered that could get away with being closer to kaido's height yeah. We'll probably end up with a few ranges, regular height -> yamato height -> height between kaido and yamato - > kaido. I've already given up on exact heights in my display, my franky, brook, yamato and robin are all close to each other in height which isn't accurate at all
*boa not robin, I wouldn't want a robin the same height as franky>>10999907
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Sweet. Jan release. Looks like only Genki so far, will try and grab one from Nin-nin during the week.

Katakuri, Magellan Jozu, the list goes on. They'd all have to be very close to if not the same heights as Kaido even though he's supposed to be 3 meters taller. It is what it is. I just hope they plan it our properly as we don't want to end up in a situation where we get a kizaru that's taller than franky, because they didn't want to make him as big as kuma.
I'm expecting figures to scale closer to the anime then the official heights.
magellan and jozu probably won't get made and I feel a katakuri would have to be neutered in height purely to make him smaller than kaido/big mom, he'd probably go into the 'between yamato and kaido' range. I have no fucking clue how well kaido sold though so they might be put off super big figures anyways. I just want more OP announcements, it feels like its been ages. When were Kid and the two EB figures shown? Beginning of December? End of Novemeber? Its been like half a year, I want them to announce something interesting already. You could count the ace 'prototype' but it isn't even that, since its part of a competition some statueslop will probably win anyways
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>kizaru that's taller than franky
I was being a retard, I meant shorter. We don't want kizaru too small.

>When were Kid and the two EB figures shown? Beginning of December? End of Novemeber?
Yeah. Kid was October I think and the EB full reveal was mid Dec. It's been a minute. We're only 2 months away from ComicCon, so should definitely hear something before then and we'll see it on display.
I have placeholders for most characters, so i'm mostly looking forward to playing shf bingo and slowly swapping them out of my display.
Right now I want some good battle pairing as having characters fight is the big draw. so far they are all inaccurate scales or the wrong clothes. EB might be the first ones to get it right with a good Buggy, Arlong, Crocodile or Eneru.
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>Buggy, Arlong, Crocodile or Eneru.
Would take any of these, such great designs.
Just ordered a WCF head for Usopp I'm gonna try putting on the anime heroes body like I did with Franky and Brook. I know the hat isn't accurate but the one I saw with the right hat had strange face proportions I didn't like, he looked weird, and I just preferred how expressive this one is. If it fits decently and has a matching skin tone I'll probably grab more with different expressions and hats anyways, will be fun being able to give him different looks.
Dont actually have the AH yet, but gonna mod the slingshot with rubber bands and a fabric pouch since the current one with the black strings looks kinda dog shit from photos
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Yeah. I just want someone for luffy to fight. Arlong would be awesome to pose with his Kiribachi and Luffy dodging and throwing punches.

Neat idea for usopp. I just left mine with this head for now. Hopefully bandai announce an official one soon.
Usopp works better with an expressive face, the stern ones anime heroes gave him and franky are criminal
Very glad this is one of the Buzzmods that AmiAmi is selling
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oh sweet. thanks for the headsup.
>nami doesnt come with beat up luffy dlc face
are they even trying
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Its crazy that with all the luffy heads we have, there are still so many more that would look great!
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>tfw becoming very close to breaking my self made rule of only having one figure per character
I've been jumping between the two for two days now, and my OCD dumbass can't decide
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Do it! I ended up with 4 of the proud namekian in the end and still got the super one. This look is consistent across all of Z, so makes sense to have him.
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I know statues aren't popular here, but I got this masterlise today as is scales perfect with styling and it once again reminded how cool sabo and fujitora figuarts would be.
reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wtf why did you get yours already mine still haven't arrived and shipping hasn't updated in 7 days
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got my first sas delivered now
beautiful sculpt and paintwork
only complaint is that he's a little floppy by the hips, might need to add some finish or polish to tighten it up
will definitely be getting kenshiro, jagi, souther now
would be nice to have a deluxe option one day horses, helmets, capes
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Congrats. The SAS HnK line is pretty solid. I still wish kenshiros head was closer to the original proto. I imagine we'll see a 1.5 sometime down the line. The Storm shits on it by comparison, but it is a bigger scale.

Also deluxe items would be nice, but knowing medicos, Kokuoh would be small, fixed posed and cost an arm and a leg.
that is my dream set up you got there, incredible!
where'd you get that horse? is the helmet a custom 3d printed?
i was contemplating getting the storm stuff but it's the lack of articulation not the price or size that actually put me off
i would still prefer revo to do them again with their updated engineering over the last few years but otherwise I'm very happy with what i got today
It's from the old kaiyodo xebec 200x line. I remember this was the first figure I saw along with the max factory guyvers that made be get in to toys as an adult.
The scale is a bit bigger than medicos, but the helmet and cape fit relatively well.
There were 4 versions in the 200x line. 2 with raoh and 2 with kenshiro. Think they also did one in the old 199x line and a smaller one in the revoltech line, but these ones are my favorites. Still have the raoh repaint one misb.
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just checked and there unfortunately only 2nd hand ones for sale, i might bite and get one purely for that horse
everything seems to scale pretty damn well in your setup
thanks for answering all my questions and giving me some good ideas!

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