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Calling all diecast enthusiasts!

Welcome to the Diecast General, your one-stop shop for everything diecast! Whether you're a Hot Wheels fanatic, a Jada Toys collector, or simply love miniature metal marvels, this is the place for you.

From cars and trucks to figurines and statues, we celebrate all things diecast. So buckle up, join the conversation, and let's roll!

>Hot Wheels:



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I bought this hot wheels Porsche a few days ago. Nice little car.
BuT iT dOeSnT tRaNsFoRm!11
What does that have to do with diecast general?
Cool! When is Optimus hitting shelves?
June or July

Line should be revealed this month.

This one is $8
I'm excited for these. With officially license cars they can do pretty much all the G1 accurately. I wonder how they would handle Megatanktron though.
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I bought some MiniGT's in the mail (+1 Inno64). Wanna branch out the HW's with some hype pieces.
What scale is that Honda?
Oh, you guys are alive now. Isn't the Jada Toys Cammy Corvette Stingray's wheel on the wrong side for a woman from Britain?
Same as the others: 1:64
It's fun when they make card arts run together.
Its $10
The best hot wheels are from the 2000s. Indestructible, cool models and sick colors. I could throw them at the wall and the paint would be untouched.
>Hot wheels scalpers
>Now combined with Transformers scalpers too
LoL unobtanium
Lies, paint chipped anyway, chrome on wheels faded away and plastic bases bended :(
Is he going to be packed in a solid case?
It's what made me preorder a Hotwheel for the first time ever. Optimus is up on BBTS preorder.
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>make a hot wheels bumblebee
>its a treasure hunt
The only Transformers Hot Wheels crossover I want is the one where original HW fantasy castings are turned into transforming robot toys. A Boneshaker decepticon or a Twin Mill autobot would be pure kino.
We are actually getting 3 Transfotmers x Hot Wheels figures from Hasbro in 2025, based on original HW classic cars like twinmill.
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Wait, really? Man, I've been out of the loop. That's sick. I'm a huge simp for Evil Twin, which is definitely a more popular casting, so I'm crossing my fingers for that, but really I'll take whatever.

Transformers have such shit and boring alt modes lately, a Hot Wheels crossover is exactly what they need.
Yeah, there is also a Sonic crossover planet for Transformers and possibly He Man/Barbie.
I wonder if we'll get a Bayverse Optimus
Could recolor him into RID Scourge too, maybe
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>when you live in thirst world cunty and it's just a matter of HOW you get scammed
it hurts to live
is not unlikely
Is there any way to decode mystery packs?
In my local market there is mystery series that had rare Brazilian Dodge Charger casting and I want to grab it.
i was going to pass on the TF Hot Wheels but when I learned about this they immediately won me over. Its a simple gimmick but a damn fun one. I hope they make cliffjumper and nemesis prime.
>tfw no sharkruiser decepticon
>Is there any way to decode mystery packs?
Tbf Transformers RPMs sort of did this except with the full robot mode sculpted underneath the (plastic) car
Thanks, so R 49 / 01 is Dodge. Thank you.
I just press the car against the white part of the packaging. You can pretty much see the car through the bag.
Went into a Secondhand game store last night that happens to sell Hot Wheels secondhand as well as other collectibles. Saw the paint from the side and grabbed it. Couldn't believe it. Thinking about it further, I think the store bought a case and put it with some of their used stock.
Nice, you found a Super.
What's special about this? Found one at my local Target today. Sorry for being a newfag. Just got into collecting Hot Wheels. Just casually picking up one I think are neat.
This one is a super treasure hunt. HWtreasure com will show you what regular and super treasure hunts come out and in what cases. This being a super has the spectraflame paint (Like a candy paint job), and real riders (actual rubber tires) versus plastic wheels. Even the card art differs on STH's. Very rare numbers. I've only found 4 as of this one in the wild, that's how rare they are. Exciting finds when you do find them. They are grail pieces for many collectors. Though you should collect what you like, not just what's valuable.
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I'm getting these this weekend. Just wish they'd do another edition with characters from the 86 movie!!!FACT!!!
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Started to loose interest like a year ago...strange feeling after 7 year of enjoying this hobby...
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It happens. Most people fall in and out of hobbies as time goes by. I got back into diecast a few years ago after having lost interest for well over a decade. I spent a fuckton of money on RLC shit and whatnot and it was super fun. Now I'm just kind of back to buying whatever I see on the pegs at my local dollar store every couple of months or so, and that's cool, too.

These totally look like the kind of thing I never would have picked out for myself, but that my mom might have bought me for my birthday and I would have had a blast with, anyway.
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What is the most sovlful car you guys have. I don't want to see some NFRB bullshit; I wanna see bent wheels, rust everywhere, and preferable little to no tampos left after months or years of wear.
I have a Ferrari F50 that I found in a parking lot that was run over by a car.

Some day I'm going to bang his roof back out to normal and fix his spoiler and get a proper paint job on him.
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My Matchbox Bigfoot. Had it since I was a kid, and I took this thing EVERYWHERE with me. It's been in snow, sand, dirt, mud, gravel, underwater, you name it. The roof a-pillar is crooked, and the axles are so bent it does this adorable hobble when it rolls. I love it.
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>bought Tomica Evo X red years ago
>bought a car that closely resembles it and put that on my dash
>Get another tomica for shits and giggles, this time premium
>got an itch, got JKM chink to see the quality
>got another BM creation to see the quality
>got a MiniGT on preorder
>looking at some inno64 limiteds
Is that how it starts? I always liked cars and toys but never got into diecasts until now. Seeing reviews and closeups online makes me want to get more especially due to their low-ish price.
Thanks. Going to try to find it this saturday.
I absolutely need to add it to my small MOPAR colelction. Can't wait to put Brazilian 1974 Charger next to standard 1974 Charger.
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Mine on the left, my olders brothers on the right.
We drove these across miles and miles of railings and fencing across italy.

You can't argue with that tread wear. Looking at them make me proud.
side mirror bros...
Thanks anon. Yeah, just buying what I find interesting. No hoarding or reselling over here. Mostly fantasy ones for my kid and real ones for myself. Overall they're cool as fuck toys.
Try buying other premium brand. They are nicer to look at due to better details and cheaper than RLC slop.
Imagine letting strangers on the internet tell you how to spend your money, lmao
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I tried...My favorite collection piece:
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NTA but I am new to this. Is this U2? Just quick searching
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Yes, currently they offer the most detailed 1/64 Zondas on the entire market.
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Found me an armored Camino. I think this'll be funny if I put the armor on a Ranchero or something.
The carbon fibre decalling and brakes look mad good. Nice.
At some point, I'll pull out one of the 3 big cases of cars I had as a kid, with over 200 cars, and ask what everyone wants to see. I got cars in bad shape, and like new. Some of my cars I had as a kid I took the greatest care of. Dunno why, but one of them is this exact corvette that I never played rough with or dropped, etc. One of my faves with axle wear was my first edition CLK GTR though.
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Hello, there was a link here on /o/ so I'm checking you guys out. I occasionally paint my HotWheels and painted the base on this Mighty K.
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Thanks anons. Got it.
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And as promised. 1974 Brazilian Dodge Charger next to standard 1974 Dodge Charger.
What do you guys display your hot wheels in? Not really finding anything like shelving that would be good for it for sale except boutique things at craft stores for literal hundreds of dollars.
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make one yourself lol
Piggybacking off this, I am looking to buy/make display spaces compatible with the ikea skadis pegboard
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>Google "1974 Brazilian Dodge Charger"
>It's actually a thing
Okay I didn't even know Brazili had own version of Dodge Charger
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Here's more inspo/info for you:
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imagine the dusting
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>imagine the dusting
if you only knew how on point you are...
I am 30 years old.

I have this exact Corvette from my childhood.

It has been down the track many many times, but is still in excellent shape.

Must be something with the paint back then.
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Went to a small convenience store from out of town and was surprised that there's a lone peg full of OLD HW models.
That seems to be the sentiment around here as an anon a few threads back showed a side by side comparison on his old Ferrari and a newer Hot Wheels Hako-Suka Skyline and how the paint just chips on the newer cars.

I've noticed the general complaints Hot Wheels gets now with lower quality. T least with the increased use of plastic and more innovative ways to use less metal on basics. They have a point. The new Ford Transit Super Van is a prime example.
From my perspective I would skip past hotwheels and go for the good stuff - Mini GT, Tarmac Works, Inno64, Pop Race and Tomica Limited Vintage

I still collect the odd hotwheel here and there - but wasted so much time with hotwheels and the fact that it's a beanie baby speculators market.
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Pictured: Mini GT, Tarmac Works, Inno64, 1 elite 64 and 1 RLC Hotwheels
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I'm feeling that way too. Nice parking garage. I have the Japanese parking garage from XCarToys. Here's my cabinet.
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Here's my garage. Sorry about my censors. My room has a lot of GR15 in it.
>display your hot wheels
I don't. I keep a few handfuls out on my desk and rotate them as I get bored. I keep the rest in drawers or storage totes.
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>GR15 and into diecast cars
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What's GR15?
The body matched base really gives it a better stance, I didnt even consider that.
Global rule 15 which disallows posting of certain cartoon equines from most boards.
>Jada metal figures
Good luck, the paint flakes off of those SUPER easy.
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Anybody into RacerVerse or Mario Kart? I've been ignoring them until I picked up an XWing Luke and now I really dig them as something different, a subsection for my collecting. I'd kill for them to do some legit Big Daddy Roth stuff
>>10990041 yeah - I need to get a few cabinets since I have totes upon totes filled with mini GT/tarmac and Inno still in their boxes/blisters just waiting for space
very nice setup - I was thinking of getting that garage as well - but running out of shelf space
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Oh yeah, cars, trains, tiny horses, it's all good. I was at Road Atlanta a couple weeks ago. I only have videos, so here's a screencap of the Japanese sprint race at the HSR Mitty.
Nice. I have the 7-11 kit and the Initial D starting line/parking lot kit still in the box. No more room.
So how do the fists work? I assume you have to pop them off and store them like with the original toy.

This is real cool, and I might have actually spent some money on it if the Missing Link figure hadn't just come out.
Yep, it's a die cast KO of the original at hot wheels size.

If you want one to pose, get the missing link, but if you want die cast and hit wheels sizing, get this, same prices.
>same prices
Kinda pathetic, really. Missing Link was already pretty cheeky with the pricing because they knew they were targeting older collectors, but the one without the trailer is literally 10 bucks cheaper than this. It's absurd, but I can't accuse them of not knowing their customers, I guess.
>tfw still waiting on miniGT turkish RB16B to release and ship
I just want my white bull, bros
The trailer is being sold with a nontransforming prime cab for $10

And being a hot wheel, you'd better pre order Now or else it'll be scalped for 10x or more MSRP.
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>Road Atlanta a couple weeks ago.
Great track to go see a race at. I saw AMA Superbike there a few years ago.
>Good viewing areas that don't get too crowded
>Clean permanent bathrooms with shower-houses for the campers
>Inner loop road that seldom gets jammed up with traffic
>Most of the spectator areas are on the infield of the track which is good for photography (ironically, not where your shot was taken). Go to Barber and you see what a difference that makes.

Sorry, no pics, I'm away from home for work.
I'll just re-post the Ford GT army.
Where do you buy these dioramas? What I have found is scant.
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Aliexpress for the GFans - starbucks, 711/Lawsons and apple store ($20-$30)

Magic City - pricier but can be found on ebay or whatnot from time to time ($90+)
Nice. This was only the third time I've been there. Formula Drift in 2019 and the SCCA last year. I wasn't prepared for the noise. I'll bring my earplugs next time.
My XCarToys garage and the Fujiwara tofu shop model were all from eBay.
How big will the shitstorm be if the trailer isn't compatible.
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Hell yeah, Road Atlanta is wonderful.
Been trying to find Vanellope in a single to go with my Sonic ones. Also, if they have any balls, they'll release Ralph in his All-Stars Racing truck.
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I open every hot wheels package i get my hands on
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Same. I know different people collect for different reasons, but there's something so exhilirating about that moment when a tiny metal car first tumbles out of the blister and into your hand.

I collected Johnny Lightning James Bond cars when I was a kid, and tried to keep them in the original packaging as "collector's items", then I finally caved and ripped open the DB5 and V8 Vantage to play with. Chasing that high ever since.
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Just ordered this guy as my first large transformers figure. I'll have him next to my 30cm 1992 Godzilla figure. Is the Ultimetals line good?
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bazed lol
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Same. They are just toys. Most of mailnile are worthless for collectors and I see no reason to keep them in. However if it's something rare I use acetone to open blister.

I don’t even collect die cast cars for the most part (though I do have a few) but it’s easily my favorite toy to shop for in stores. Even when I’m out looking for Star Wars or something, I always swing by the hot wheels aisle because there’s usually at least one other guy there looking for cars. It’s usually great conversation about cars/collections etc…
The only people I see in stores looking at other toys are the usual parents shopping for kids.
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>However if it's something rare I use acetone to open blister.
I don't. Then I throw the cards in the recycling bin. Where they belong.
Wrong thread.
I'm new to /toy/, sorry about that. There's multiple transformers threads and since there's diecast parts I assumed it was relevant.
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I know it's going to be HTF, but is this going to be theoretically available anywhere that carries Hot Wheels Track Fleet?
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I picked up the black mainline version of that Riviera. It's a pretty excellent casting. I hope I can find the new Lincoln Continental they did this year.
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How much diecast is in it?
>that moment when a tiny metal car first tumbles out of the blister and into your hand.
honestly, this. I've had some collector cars that I've kept carded, but eventually gave in and opened them. Being able to hold a car in your hand is so much more fun than just looking at it through plastic. Especially the RLC spectraflame stuff, it really pops way more.
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Damn that is wild. First time I've heard of it.
I saw a Tooligan treasure hunt today on the pegs. I already have one on care, so, I left it there. I think it'll get scooped up by another autistic man but I hope a kid can find it instead and freak out over getting a treasure hunt.
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is this a factory error paintjob? brakelights on the front
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What's up with all this nasty crud inside the package?
I've heard you can send in receipts/card backs and get a car back but I don't see how on any website.
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Got a walmart brand die cast car pack for this neato vac metalized alien car

Yes. There are mail in promotions Mattel holds several times a year when you usually buy $20 worth of Hot Wheels at particular stores they name. Mattel Creations' website will have details on that usually. Or if you sign up and get emails from them, they usually let you know in advance.

Some of the cars are better to get this way. Others are cheaper going to ebay and buying directly from Thai or Malaysian sellers.

Lastly, as someone to have procured some of these cars, they will usually have a number on their side, denoting which release it is of the year, and the color throughout the year will likley be the same. Spectraflame purple and a couple Zamacs were last year's colors, while Spectraflame Red seems to be this years.

Pictured is last years set

At the moment that's Kroger.

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Found my first super chase the other day at kroger
Dayum, first release too. Nice find. That thing musta been sitting in the backroom for a while. Our Dollar Generals are slow to move cars so they are sometimes a year behind or skip entire releases.
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Is the R33 the best Skyline?
why are purple cars so sexy bros?
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Decided to show off this group of cars.
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I hated the Hot Wheels XJ220 mold, the shape of the A pillars was so wrong. I was so glad the Matchbox existed despite its lifted looking suspension.
are we saggin?
New thread
why new bread?
Saving the thread.

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