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Check the catalog next time.
sorry saar please redeem thread
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> the poojeet designated
WTF was that and AI generated video with good scripts and some random broll footage. Really enjoyed.
Only a third of indians are online, with more coming online every day. Something to think about.
fuck off we were poor but we are improving . sanitary conditions are 10x better now . the economy is the worlds 5th largest one. you retards don't understand anything and live with your "we are great "dream any pathetic racism
Hark! The cancer speaks!
you mean your mother?
sorry but i'm not your mother to have cancer
may Jesus never bless your family with happiness
>average pajeet IQ 76
I believe
yeah yeah say what you want you're a retard anyways so who the fuck cares about your opinion nigger
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your dad is diagnosed with Stage IV cancer .happy now?
Pajeet, pajeet, pajeet... can't into Engrish? Are you trying to ask if I'm happy now, or if my father is happy now? Think hard and long, pajeet.
>Pajeet, pajeet, pajeet... can't into Engrish? Are you trying to ask if I'm happy now, or if my father is happy now? Think hard and long, pajeet.
sorry bro but i really think that you need medical attention .
>can't into Engrish?
can't you read . was the previous reply written in your mom's moan language when she got boned by your cancer diagnosed father
>Think hard and long, pajeet.
you should really try doing that yourself .
>Are you trying to ask if I'm happy now, or if my father is happy now?
i don't think i need to ask a man close to committing suicide like you , if you're happy.
also your father would be more than disgusted to have a retard like you as his child who sticks to racism a cringe retarded relic of the past.

here's something for you to educate yourself .

ok now you mr dumb fucker
That's a lot of seething gibberish, poojeet. The PIDF paying by the word now?
OMG that "documentary" was funny as fuck.
I used to work with a bunch of these fucking invaders in a "health care" IT shop in Tampa.
A lot of them were just regular human beings trying to get through the days and live their lives.
But a few of the fuckerz were like templates for the video - especially the head bobbling.
Fuck'n a they would rock their brown coconut noggins back and forth like they were missing a vertabrate.
Then what was reall fucking funny was when they would get pissed off, they would start popping words that ended with "T."
It was the damndest thing.
Oh yeah and a bunch of them smelled just fucking bad. And every once in a while one would warn something up in the cafeteria microwave that just reeked like death and ass and they would empty out the cafeteria as if it was a hazmat situation.
But still, If I had to make a choice, I would rather have immigrant Indians as neighbors than american niggers.
>That's a lot of seething gibberish, poojeet. The PIDF paying by the word now?
so a retard like you will never change. guess there's nothing that could possibly change you're outdated mentality
you are a tumor on the face of the earth, please hire more intelligent lifeforms to create nuclear warheads for you and eradicate yourselves from existence
> hire more intelligent lifeforms to save your country from debt lol
Not an american, visiting for a short period for work before moving on. Not that you would know poojeet.
>Not an american, visiting for a short period for work before moving on. Not that you would know poojeet.
least obvious mother fucker
well hope you get fired today
Go take a shower patel
my name is not patel stereotypical retard.
i showered earlier this morning mr monkey
Did you shower using the water of the ganges river? Or did you use the local sewer.
says the retard living in his coom cave
are you this much ill mentally? do you bathe in sewer water?. sorry to inform you but we have a centralized water supply board here
76 IQ confirmed
>ill mentally
Please stop you're hurting my eyes. Your grammar is aids, before you start whining on the internet about how inferior your shitskin race is please improve your grammar to prevent any annoyances in the future.
larping as a pajeet has to be one of the most foolproof ways to get (You)s on this website
He's not larping
that might be true for you as you believe in racism and stereotypes.
as far as grammar is concerned i'm not a native to be perfect and i don't need to be. i'm always trying to improve it and you know what any effort towards any goal is commendable and should be appreciated.
you're parent forgot to teach you the bare minimum etiquette to behave as a respectable human being.
Not a native either, but the fact that I'm not struggling grammatically and shines a small light on how your low iq bantoid race can't adapt to someone else's language while higher iq (white) races can.
>Not a native either, but the fact that I'm not struggling grammatically and shines a small light on how your low iq bantoid race can't adapt to someone else's language while higher iq (white) races can.
>not a native
>believes people struggling with grammar has low iq
dude you just exposed yourself for being a Schizophrenic cunt
language is only necessary for sharing ideas and you're a living failure of a human for recognizing it. go and end your pathetic existence . less racist people would make this world a better place to live
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Maybe stop feeding him?
Its fun I promise
education is important
im redeeming a bump sar

/t/ needs more racism
>Codex Pajeet II
The world needs to know: SAARS, IS THERE A CODEX PAJEET I?

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