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This is a containment thread for all cosplayer related links to avoid having 10 different threads for a specific person.
Please use this thread for posting links to or about cosplayers rather than making new threads for every girl

Active megapacks:

>cosplay_photo_library - this pack contains organized cosplayer sets from 432 cosplayers (only photos)
part 1 (aery tiefling - christina volkova)
part 2 (chunmomo - hua qi hana)
part 3 (indigo white - miyamoto sakura)
part 4 (miyoki - shimo)
part 5 (shiro kitsune - yoshinobi)
part 6 (yuffie yulan - 黑猫猫)

>New Cosplay_Megapack - The latest iteration of the cosplay_megapack, contains a separate .torrent file for each cosplayer (photos + videos)

>Tokyodoll image siterip - This pack contains most of the photosets from the now functionally defunct tokyodoll (only photos)

>Original Cosplay_Megapack - This pack contains well organized sets from over 80 cosplayers (photos+videos)


>wtf is this string of numbers and letters?
it's a torrent hash. paste it into your torrent client
if it doesn't work as a hash, or looks like this: eW91J3JlIGFuIGZhZ2dvdA== it's encoded in base64. find a decoder

>how do I make a torrent?
your torrent client has a "create new torrent" button
>how do I make a magnet link?
add whatever trackers you like, I use

>what if i don't want to make a torrent?
cyberdrop.me - allows larger folder/file sizes
mega.nz - easier to use

don't forget to sneed and use a VPN

Previous Threads:
Active torrents from the previous threads:
>Nora Fawn
>Cosplay Collection (Misc videos)
6e6ef0c2589542c8ddba068ad7a96bcc7c34b13b (94%)
>Virtual Geisha
58ab0c2ec3167eba10836f85ca327d2d10d25c26 (93%)
8bcdb2b83ad7dd82bedf7df6658c6c229db3f68c (90%)
6429d3243f418d0e0fbd8c0cf9140a8635922367 (69%)
the update to the photo library might take a little bit longer than expected, about 160gb are ready but i still have most of the large cosplayers to go through and a bunch of those have several hundred sets that have to be checked manually, i'm almost certain the torrent will reach 300gb easily but if that's not the case i'll just add smaller cosplayers until it does
Is she wearing contacts or something? Because christ, her eyes unsettling.
It's probably a filter. Tons of cosplay girls and models use absolutely terrifying ones, make them look like some sort of alien attempting to poorly mimic human form. It's even worse when they make videos because they just stare unblinking into the camera with a vague not-quite-smile on their face so the filter doesn't have to try and keep up.
I am an absolute sucker for girls doing double peace signs. Is there a specific place where I can find videos like that? I know the COSX line tends to have a few.
azami stalled @ 99%
Has there been any good anal cosplay recently> I always struggle to find it
who the hell is this person in the picture?
could be the drugs she's on
both, i went through over 380 of her sets and she is wearing contacts on most of them, shit gets particularly strange when she is wearing lighter colors (picrel)

170 cosplayers updated/added, only 53 to go (the bigger ones mostly), i'll probably end up posting the update late next week but if things go smoothly i might be able to get it done this weekend
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forgot the picrel
looking for the full christmas and halloween set of caticornplay's senko
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can somebody get this or anybody has any way to bypass the like of rapidgator/katfile?
this guy has bunch of interesting stuff
would it be possible to include one medium-quality pic of each cosplayer, as an example? i don't want to waste hours googling each name i don't recognize to see what they look like
i've thought about this for my megapack, i used to have them up on the site when i was able to host it before.
if i ever get around to making another megapack (probably split it up like the new OP is doing) i'll include those as thumbnails.

would it be better to have a grid of like a dozen pics to get a better idea? i can probablt script that if so
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Anyone have rioko photosets?
Is nikumikyo in part 4? I checked it and didn't see her there
How do you use this?
I have a 92 GB UyUy folder, is anyone interested in it? Asking since I see the Cosplay Megapack one is massively incomplete
yes, absolutely
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And .torrent download link: https://filetransfer.io/data-package/qvWo5mNR#link
meant for
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Can someone attempt to download all of this?
Such a waste to leave it uncovered
thank you my brother
>OP is literally child porn
Total pedo death
she's in 031fcf0429e0f081a614c9be357f7c007ff43bd2
why are chinese girls so gorgeous
nikumikyo is like 28 dude
are you gonna tell an adult woman what she can and can't do with her body? that's pretty bigotted of you
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anyone got kittkatt cosplay/queenie chuppy/qqueen's early stuff, she used to release full nude sets under the name qqueen

also why the fuck does she keep changing her name every few years
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she's on the update, i think she is actually the one with the most sets of the newly added cosplayers (362), her sets are fairly small but with a lot of partial and full nudity
if that's rioko凉凉子 there are 100 sets of her between part 4 and the update (minus some dupes) under the name rioko chan, don't have that particular set though

here's the update 1 to the cosplay photo library series of torrents, bringing the total size up to 1.98tb and the total cosplayers to 487, i was thinking on rounding it up to 2tb and/or 500 cosplayers but i really don't want to go over 300gb

cosplay photo library update 1 - 297GB - 55 new + 145 updated cosplayers

i'm still scraping new stuff every day but it will probably take a few months to get enough for another update unless i start adding cosplayers with less than 10 sets
where are you scraping them from?
is this a place you can scrape them off?
Not my fault she LITERALLY looks like a prepubescent child
>where are you scraping them from?
i have a bunch of spiders set up, the ones that bring the most stuff are on dht crawlers and some public trackers, i also have some on gallery type webpages but those bring mostly dupes on lower quality
>is this a place you can scrape them off?
i don't see anything new there, i think there are the same amount of sets or more already in the torrents for most of the cosplayers i see listed, also i'm pretty sure a lot of the items on that list are not cosplayers but softcore type modelling agencies (huayang xiaoyu mistar feilin miitao miicat etc), that said i'll look further into it, some of those might be cosplayers that i missed

responding to the actual question, it might be possible but looks like a nightmare, it would be faster to look for the sets elsewhere than to deal with that page

for anyone trying to download the update before i made this post it should be working now, parts 1-6 were choking it so i stopped seeding those for the time being, shouldn't be a problem since there are other seeders
not her fault either. you gonna tell someone they can't do what they want with their body because they happen to loom a certain way?
the difference is noone is forcing or coercing her to do porn, she's an adult that chose to do it and theres nothing wrong with that
a child has no say because they aren't mentally developed enough to reason the decision. it's got nothing to do with how they look, if you can't underatand that then you are on a dangerous path into becoming a pedo yourself.
does this include the stuff from my old megapack (previous few threads)? if so, i probably won't bother updating unless i have some stuff you don't

awesome work btw, doing a much better job IMO. world needs more people like this
how does it work OP, what's the difference between cosplay_megapack and cosplay_photo_library?
I did upload the original cosplay_megapack to nyaa as v2.
So if I understand it correctly, cosplay_photo_library has six parts + you recently updated the #1 part?
Also where did the cosplay_megapack website went?
Thank you gentlemen
cosplay_megapack was mine and i've stopped updating it/hosting the site mostly just due to irl circumatances
the photo library is run by another anon, i'm not sure if he absorbed my megapack into his library or not but his is much larger in terms of total number of cosplayers/sets and filesize, hence the splitting of parts

i'm still downloading his library so i'll make a list of the changes and upload a pack with only those as an addition, then his will be the "definitive edition"
Posting to say bless you anon
It is your fault for being retarded
why is there a "for all mankind"
lmao never noticed, i probably included that accidentally when i grabbed all the .torrents
it's just some scifi tv show someone added to my plex
>need membership
also most of these are available elsewhere just need to dig for it especially on Chinese tracker sites
Anyone have a collection of Chouzuki Maryou? Would gladly seed it as much as I can
anyone got this torrent specifically? it 42 sets of Hokunaimeko
from what i'm seeing most of the megapack sets are on the library but i didn't specifically add or exclude anything from it so there are probably some sets that are missing (note that i'm using a different name for some cosplayers, i.e. Mafuyu_MkVII = 神楽坂真冬)
the files on that torrent are compressed with password, most chinese torrents are like that
it's very incomplete but she's on the photo library as tyouduki maryou, only 25 sets at the moment but i'll probably be able to at least triple it by the next update
also the library doesn't have any videos on it, the update is an addition to the 6 previous parts, not a replacement for any of them

Some bullet points to clarify how the 6+1 parts of the cosplay_photo_library are structured:

> only images

> all parts are smaller than but close to 300GB
the library contains nearly 800k images in total so far which translates to about 70mb of metadata and torrent clients really struggle with that, technically rather than keeping the torrents under 300GB i'm trying to keep metadata to about 10mb but since i can't really measure that before hashing i'm approximating 10mb of metadata to 300GB of images

> all parts contain .torrent files for all previously released parts

> parts 1-6 are the "main" parts and they are divided alphabetically by cosplayer name

> i'm only including cosplayers with at least 10 sets (some smaller ones made their way through by accident)
if i hadn't set that limit there would be over 1000 cosplayers but about a third of them would only have 1-4 sets and i would have needed to make 8 main parts instead of 6 making things a bit too unwieldy

> the updates are designed to go on top of the 6 main parts
the updates include new sets for cosplayers that were on previous parts plus new cosplayers that crossed the 10 set threshold since the last release, they do not contain any sets that were released on the previous parts (not intentionally anyways)
the password are BnY#03539. The problem is the torrent behind a paywall
oh, nice i think this is it, i scraped it a while back, i guess the next update is going to come way earlier than expected
nevermind, wrong torrent or different password, maybe someone bought the original and reuploaded to that page
ok, I'll probably sit down when I get some time and work out the differences, then maybe upload a pack of just those
about 400GB of my pack was JUST hidori rose's videos, which are available already as a pack albeit an unsorted pack (mine is sorted and includes the photosets where available)
I do still actively scrape to expand my own stuff too, but it's too much extra work sorting out the torrents.

as for the different cosplayer names, I usually try to keep the romanised or english names with the kanji included at the end but I can understand that makes the paths longer, etc. In some cases they actually have a different "english" name than in their native language and use them interchangably.
what I'd like to know is the best way to handle name changers, eg helly von valentine -> disharmonica, or qqueen -> queenie chuppy -> kittkatt cosplay
yeah, i gave up on including videos pretty much immediately because of the size

the best thing i can come up for the aliases is to include a text file with the cosplayers as they are on the library and their aliases and let people deal with it in their own way, any other solutions i can think of are way too convoluted
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merged this today, next release of the megapack will contain this. great finds, about 40 new sets plus another 50 or so sets with double the pics/vids (higher reward tier i guess).
i love this chick so much, this was unironically a joy to sort lmao
just ran through and made a small (>2MB) collage for each cosplayer a la picrel. the pics are chosen at random from random sets, but theres enough to give you an idea
i've been unable to download your library, each one stuck on metadata and then times out. i'm used the trackers from your first magnet in this thread, so not sure what's happening there.

i also have some 300 hane ame sets from another pack to merge, but they are sorted and named very differently so that's a very manual (time consuming) process
would that be that hane ame torrent from the other cosplay post that you were posting in ?
can the collage pic be linked here ?
Does anyone have legendarylootz yor cosplay videos?
>but they are sorted and named very differently so that's a very manual (time consuming) process
Try a program called AllDup and search by hash, that's what I use to filter duplicates
how do you pronounce UyUy anyway
that's weird, here's a torrent with the .torrent files to bypass the metadata download

Torrent filles for parts 1-6 + update 1 of the cosplay_photo_library

by the way, this shouldn't be a problem for most people trying to download it but i'll have closed ports for the next couple of days
Do you have Hane Ame's Blue Archive stuff?
oooo yes please hane ame sets are a must
It’s ridiculous how good Tokar’s content is. The cosplays and views are amazing. A bit too bad her bf is a bit the fat bastard vibe.
I only saw a couple videos, but I like her moans. Do you know where I can get other videos?
tried posting about HA but the post was deleted and the warning was a DMCA takedown, might be risky to post about her in plaintext in the future
the pack was from the previous thread so check the archive. when i get time i can make a torrent of what i've got; just the HA stuff since i'm still having issue making a full megapack and getting it imported.

also, if you use slsk at all, you can find it all on there in the meantime...
isn't that just for MP3s and shit?
theres no restriction to what files you can have in a share
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Peachmilky 14,4 GB
one seed. hop on
there is an archive ? is that what the post is at the top ?
i only found this page from the torrent on nyan.
trackers? where we're going, we don't need trackers!
fuck off newfag
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caticorncosplay-december 2.1gb magnet:?xt=urn:btih:B0038C2EDB7720036010C495992F783DBBF0BA90&tr=udp://nyquist.localghost.org:6969
yeah bro ill just add a hash and have no way to track it and sit with 0 seeds becayse theres no tracker to faciliate any connections
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fuck off newfag

but in all seriousness the dht network and pex discovery should be enough, if you are worried about trackers you can add as many as you like from your client (right click -> edit trackers), usually the people who post hashes are also announcing the torrent on at least some of the most popular trackers but using the hash is less cumbersome and harder to detect
so, yes you can just add the hash into your client and it will most likely work (picrel), if it doesn't it's usually because there are not enough peers/seeds to even get the metadata in which case you are fucked either way
Thank you very much
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new(?) Hokunaimeko 491,4 MB
ANY Hokunaimeko stuff is rare. hop on
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the password is correct for this torrent but you're better off downloading the stuff found on EH or PLab. this torrent isn't any more complete, thre "42 sets" include a few repeats
a couple updates on the cosplay photo library

recently i've started doing my own dht crawling and in the past week i've come across a lot of content from chinese cosplayers, the problem is that it seems that a lot of sets are higher quality versions of the ones on part 6 with photos regularly going over 10mb so i'm not sure if i should include the HQ versions on the next updates or only the entirely new sets, thoughts?
for reference with videos it's just over 500gb so far, so about 200-300 gb of photos

after doing some basic sorting earlier today it seems that even without the sets mentioned above the update 2 is already at about 200gb (36 new and 144 updated cosplayers)

i tried to look for some new stuff on slsk, didn't find anything new but i've put the library there as well, it's definitely not a good way of downloading the whole thing but i guess it would work if you only want a couple of sets or as a way of getting the .torrent files
I think just upload the higher quality versions yeah
well.... i've looked into it a bit more and while i have 500 gb on sets there's almost 700 more gb incoming so i've stopped grabbing stuff from the crawler for the time being, i'll probably be able to get a cross section of what i got soon but it will take a while to sort it out, mainly because it's mostly on chinese so it's hard for me to pick on patterns in order to script the sorting (patterns like cosplayer or character names)

that means that the next update will probably be similar to the first one (as in leaning towards well known cosplayers with a more or less even spread between asian and western) and once i've gone through this new stuff there will probably be enough for a third update with mostly asian cosplayers less likely for people to know about, that said i've only taken a look at a few random sets from the new stuff so there might be a lot of fluff in there and not enough content for a full update (i really like what i'm seeing so far though)

there is more cosplay smut in heaven and earth...
so i think i've found the issue, deluge doesn't want to add the torrents although qbittorrent works just fine. no amount of juggling hash or metadata seems to allow me to import them into deluge. However, i can get parts 5 and 6, which are the two smallest ones i beleive (deluge tells me the .torrent is under 10MiB, whike the others are all over 10MiB)
i suspect it's some kind of limit in deluge, which is frustrating. for now i can download in qbittorrent but i won't really be able to seed much since my seedbox runs deluge
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hmm, qbittorrent has a setting for max torrent size on advanced options set to 100mb, maybe deluge has something like that, i just pulled a deluge docker container with the default config and it works for me (that's part 4 on the image) using the torrent file, it could be the hardware on the seedbox or some provider fuckery, in any case judging by the speed i was getting it seems there are enough seeders for now even though when i posted >>1290092 it got caught almost immediately by a certain dht crawler so activity peaked again on all parts recently
how bizzare.
i'm using ebrianne/docker-deluge-openvpn with more or less default settings, and it's running on local hardware in my garage. plenty of ram, cpu power and storage, so i'm not sure what's going on. the logs aren't helpful, only saying "invalid metadata received from swarm" which can't be the real cause otherwise qbittorrent wouldn't be able to pull them.
i doubt it's the VPN either as every other torrent i've added works, except for your library and my megapack (which also works in qbittorrent just fine) which lead me to the 10MiB size limit.

FWIW i've tried adding the torrent via:
uploading the .torrent through the webUI, remote client and remote mobile client
adding the hash via all of the above
placing the .torrent into a watched folder
none of which have worked
yeah, i was using the linuxserver's image, if i use ebrianne's i get the same results as you,it works with the smalller torrents but when i try the larger ones it gives me "unhandled error in deferred:" and then no actual error, tried swapping the config for the default one but nothing

the image i was using before was running the latest stable release of deluge (2.1.1) and ebrianne's image is using 2.0.3, looking at the changelogs of the deluge releases i see some fixes regarding adding torrents and one regarding hash problems so maybe it's an old deluge bug, also the last github commit and response on the issue tracker from ebrianne are from october 2021 (the same as the latest docker image) so it's not looking good
right, i had suspected it was an outdated deluge build, but theres no newer container with openVPN configured for my VPN provider, so i'd have to do that myself I guess.
thanks for the help, i'll see what I can do to resolve it, hopefully get seeding full time.
well, ebrianne/deluge-openvpn seems to be just a fork from haugene/transmission-openvpn, last updated last week, the setup is the same and uses the same repos for the vpn configs, even the docker-compose is pretty much the same
awesome, problem.solved. i found a newer image for docker-deluge-openvpn
i'd rather not switch to transmission, i just don't prefer it over deluge (when it's up-to-date and functional)
so i have your library coming down now and i'll be ready to release the next and probably final megapack soon, i may even just compile what is missing from your library rather than force people to figure that out on their own
your atsuki stuff: first of all, thanks for collecting and uploading them! I'm comparing the ones in the torrent with the stuff I see on e-hentai and a lot of the times I can't tell which is which because of the different names. What's your cut-off date?
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technically the cutoff date for all cosplayers would be about a week before the last update so about mid january but essentially i just set up a bunch of bots that grab anything cosplay related from different webpages, public trackers and the dht network so i don't usually get the sets chronologically and sometimes it takes a while before i get the most recent stuff, for atsuki specifically i 'm pretty sure there are sets on the library as recent as last christmas on part 1 and some other sets on update 1 that might be from january this year but i'm not sure about that one
For the names i'm just trying to use {cosplayer} - {character} for everything in order to keep it somewhat consistent and easy to query, with atsuki i think i stopped at three quarters of the way and then forgot to finish it (for some reason i wasn't able to auto rename her suff and had to do it manually) so her directory looks a bit out of place

I looked at the newer stuff and it seems that about half of it was originally a massive torrent locked with passwords, eventually someone released it in the clear and then it scattered all around the internet in about a million half seeded torrents, so far i think i've been able to frankenstein together about 90% of the photos (i'll be looking at it on more detail this weekend) now that i have a rough idea of what's in there i'd say is kinda hit and miss but leaning towards hit (picrel)
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Did she deleted everything or does she goes by a new handle now?

Also, anyone managed to get the shion sets?
What traps are in "cosplay_photo_library"? I only recognized lostwind10 and velvet.
oh nonononono
oh yesyesyesyesyes
megapack anon here, was getting ready to release cosplay_megapack 8 but my trusty old 4TB segate barracuda seems to be dying and i can't get anything off it. obviously i have backups but notably my last backup doesn't include about 100GB of new stuff i've been scraping and sorting this week.
will try to have an update within the next few weeks
heres the magnet for that, only one seed atm so if anyone previously downloaded it could re-add for a bit it'd help
base64'ing because seems she has scraper bots now


just use your favourite decoder
i don't really know, skimming a bit through the library i found darkwaifutrap, astolfitoliz and tepes harin but there should be a few more in there, the next update will have a couple new ones

on the topic of the next update, i gathered more than enough content for a new part so i'll start preparing update 2 soon, so far it looks like it will have around 35-40 new cosplayers and 150-170 updated cosplayers, these >>1292345 will be on a future update 3
if it's not too much work, would you be able to mark the traps with like a T or something so people who don't want to download them can skip?
do you have the names of the cosplayers in that picture?
i cannot do it retroactively, due to the nature of torrents i would have to remake all of the parts which would create a lot of confusion and it would probably end with two sets of torrents with half the seeders each so i'd say it's not really worth it considering it involves probably less than a dozen cosplayers out of 488 so far
that said i was looking into including an index of some sort with some tags (which would include traps) and aliases for cosplayers or something like that but it will take me a while to see if it's viable, code it and scrape the tags
i grabbed them somewhat randomly from mostly unorganized files so i can't name all of them but here's a few i managed to find again 柚木yuzuki, Kanami酱, 西尔酱, 呆萌橘子酱, 木花琳琳是勇者, 工口小妖精 (i probably butchered a few of those names but should be close enough)

as i was doing some bulk operations while working on update 2 i noticed that the IO on the hard drives i use for the library is close to saturated almost all of the time (i have two copies of the library on different hard drives and i'm seeding half of the parts from each to mitigate IO saturation) so i'm thinking on putting the library on some more widely known places (sukebei and tokyotosho) with the idea that after a while more people downloading and seeding the torrents will lead to less burden on each member of the swarm, with that in mind i would like to ask sukebei account anon to put it on there if possible, i can try and post it as an anon but i don't think i would be able to edit it afterwards and might need some sort of clearance by the mods due to the scale of it
if it doesn´t pan out i can always stop seeding or heavily limiting bandwidth on old parts as i post the new ones but i'd like to avoid that
I'm not the sukebei account anon but you can message the people on IRC that you have legit shit to upload
sadly astolfitoliz is just wearing a strapon and darkwaifutrap is disgusting
nah, i explained the situation to them and told me that i need an account to post

tried tokyotosho via uploading the torrents to catbox but it choked on it, too many files i guess, for the time being i'll just slow the torrents down while i'm actively preparing the new updates, once those are ready i'll probably stop seeding some of the parts with more seeders for a while
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atsuki anon here, I've been X-referencing the ones in your torrent with the stuff on e-hentai, so far here's what I found that apparently aren't in your torrent (yes I have both the original and the update)
but take note, I'm only using Dupe Clear software to check, it's just too much to check manually. I'm not autistic enough for that
nice, i can't really put much focus on each cosplayer due to the number of them so that helps a lot

looking at that image the two last are going to be on update 2, darkness suite is on the library already and i probably deleted collection 43 and suite monster because i thought it was a dupe of other shigure and shirogane sets that are already on there so i'll grab them manually and put them on the next update as well, going by the name the kancolle junk set looks like some sort of random collection of characters and i try to stay away from those as much as possible but if the images are unique to that set i'll probably add it as well
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>darkness suite is on the library already
yeah, you're right, Dupe Clear didn't pick up on it because the filesizes are slightly different, also I see your version is from the defunct website of cosplayjav.pl ran by a polak untermensch who put his watermark on other peoples' releases and released them as if they were his own
kancolle junk is a mix of different kancolle characters yeah
this is where I'm at now, I don't think it's missing anything anymore apart from atsuki's "generic" cosplays that I'm not including either
will this be updated as you go along after part 6 ?
Anyone has chisaicos/kurainu sets or videos? Haven't seen any on the megapacks and I can barely find anything from her anywhere
I'm not sure if i understand, if you mean the OP on this thread, that can not be edited so no, once this thread dies if i happen to be the one making the next i'll put on the OP as many parts as are available at the time, if someone else makes it it will be up to them

update on the library
- update 2 is just over a third of the way ready (160 of the updated cosplayers done)
- on the eternal quest for more seeders i'm setting up a bot on the fediverse that will post a semi-random cosplay image from the library every hour and will mention the torrents on its profile, the bot is mostly ready (i'm doing edge case testing and code cleanup) and the bot-owner account is setup but the actual bot account is still under approval process
How do you join this fediverse?
Tokar浵卡 / Laurus0711 HEVC Collection
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COSPURI HEVC Dump ( 01-330 )
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Which torrents? if its asian stuff I can uploaded them to Sukebei then, anyone can contact me over https://discord.unclebane.xyz/ btw , Im on the lookout for people to help with help out cataloging a lot of the shit I have been releasing, dont worry I already did a big bulk of it, rather I just need people to remove the tags of shit that the automatic scripts may have tagged wrong and such
not the post but ment the cosplay library, your torrents, if you are just finishing update 2, where is update 1 ? Ive looked up and down this page but ???
>tyouduki maryou
Can't wait for more then, thanks!
Anyone have Ushijima Iiniku?
I found i have a new fetish. i love when the cosplayer get oiled, touched behind the scene in a photoshoot. someone have some video ?
something like this https://twitter.com/xiaoyaoyaoyao12/status/1586314327123845122
the cosplay_photo_library ones, it's a megapack of images from over 450 cosplayers but only about half of them are asian can get the torrent files for all the parts here >>1290255, or download usinng the hashes for parts 1-6 from the op and this magnet for update 1 >>1287288
here's the magnet >>1287288
here's a magnet with the .torrent files for all parts >>1290255
you can think think of the fediverse as a bunch of small social media sites that can talk to each to each other so you could join any of those instances and see what people are posting on the other ones as well

that said i'm having trouble finding an appropriate instance to host the bot so that's on a bit of a standstill, my first choice of instance was going to be pawoo but apparently it's "not available on my country" or any other that i tried through VPNs, then tried gameliberty club but it's registration closed, after that i went to bae st and managed to get one account made but the site went down while the bot account was under approval process so now i'm looking for a new instance to use while i wait to see if bae goes back up, i don't want to use one of the bigger ones (mastodon and similar) because those are basically twitter and the smaller instances that i know are chill have registration closed, the strongest contender right now is poa st which seems to be a bit of a shitshow since the gab thing so... not an ideal situation
why does she look like that
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Oh ok... well I dont want to push my luck getting what was an exceedingly hard thing to get (a nyaa account) to post my shit, as mentioned before Nyaa admins arent making new accounts at least for your average joe and they dont mostly care what great find you found to post to the community with it, I tried to do that a year ago when I release the first UBUCA release btw dont bother with 1337.to either, they are the same, reminds me once again why private trackers are still a thing, at least shit is properly seeded over there.

She saw your dick
no worries, honestly after the brief exchange i had with the staff almost two hours of wait on the irc i was left with the impression that they don't give a fuck or their internal rules need some serious tweaking so i'll just stop actively trying to get the torrents there

on some more positive news the Cosplay Bot™ is a go, it will be posting a random cosplay image every 30min for a while to check if it's working correctly and after that it will post only once an hour (i'm still tweaking the code so expect some kinks even after that), the actual account is cosplaybot@bae(dot)st for those interested but should be visible from any mastodon, misskey or pleroma (or anything similar that uses the activitypub protocol) instance that federates with bae(dot)st
a couple of words for OP, not criticism
first of all I really appreciate the massive work and effort that has gone into not only making the packs but also seeding them
now I downloaded the helly von valentine and there are many duplicates, not only identical photos with different names, but also identical photos with different resolutions and filesizes. I did delete them all because I don't want to spend hours sorting through them
hokunaimeko pack, same thing sadly
now the rioko-chan pack, well there are many many corrupt photos. I did force recheck and it's still like that, unfortunately, I had to delete it too
so this has really just been a very small feedback since of course I did not and could not download everything

I hate private trackers severely but if public trackers are behaving this way... yeah, although I suppose your things will live as long as they're on the DHT and not passworded
also hey look that's vinnegal. don't look up her without-make-up photos, she looks like an mtf trans or something
though I still have many gigs of her photos KEK
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anyone have any ravvcoser stuff? I have a decent bit but it's relatively old. was surprised to not see it in the list, or maybe I'm just retarded
Any Yamisung pack? Including her vid since the photo lib doesn't have them and still missing some set
yeah, i noticed it too and i'm keeping it in mind, i can deal with the identical photos rather easily but the solutions i found so far to deal with different sized versions of the same sets take too much compute resources to do on a large scale, i have some ideas but whatever i do will disturb the parts that are already out so i've been pushing it back but now that i think about it this sounds like an interesting problem to tackle nonetheless so for now i'll try and find an efficient way to find all of the dupes since that will help future releases anyways and depending on how much size can be cut i might just remake previous parts, luckily old parts are fairly self contained so that's good
czkakwa is pretty good and fast at finding groups of duplicates
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>don't look up her without-make-up photos, she looks like an mtf trans or something
lol true but in cosplay shes hot as fuck, they literally made a 1/6th scale power figure based on her pose in this pic
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wrong link format if you are expecting peoplet to look it up, it is bae.st/users/cosplaybot

I feel is because there isnt any public tracker dedicated to anime/weeb/Japan stuff like Nyaa out there lets be honest, sure some trackers *may* have some Anime posted to them and some JAV along side if they have a XXX tab but is mainly basically reuploads from Nyaa at the end of the day, like it or not they have become the defacto public tracker of this stuff and its rather easy to see the Admins are on an absolute power trip about it.
Actually because of my UBUCA release I was able to get into some private trackers after being invited to them, specially the most infamous one of all that many online try to get into it, Im now there on looking up some rather rare stuff that may have been not being posted public yet or such, gotta need to build up a healthy ratio for now though.

Also lets be honest, pretty much most women need to put some make up to be decent, how caked they have to be differs on each one, its quite exceedingly hard nowadays to find legit true All-natural beauties .... also yeah I havent see her without makeup yet and Im kind of afraid to do so, not like Im a fan of her just that I would rather not have that image on my mind if I see another of her pieces around and cant unseen that kek.

I have been cooking >>1293514 a Stash instance for a while with everything I have been releasing lately and I have been thinking in maybe do a fork of Stash depending what their next releases focus on, since it has been some request for them to improve many things regarding the Gallery portion of the software and such, thus I was telling some folks anyone wanting to test out the stuff I put out could join me over my server and such when I drop that stuff
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Oh she was the one that did this Cosplay? she also went autistic about said unofficial figurine and kicked quite the fuzz about it, I remember about it because I was like, bitch you dont own the fucking IP in question here, you are also profiting off something you dont legally own, so fuck off your morality high horse kek. Reminds me so scum that is quite DMCA happy about people sharing their MMD mid coom shit online so I went and posted a torrent about it on nyaa too, they are making mad amounts of money on patreon for making MMDs of Azur Lane and similar shit, if it was at least OC shit, ok fine whatever but its fair game when its parody shit like this

Kind of tedious to do but Im slowly building this shit out, would help a lot get more people for that though
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yeah it always baffles me how bad of a personality the vast majority of these girls have, lime if they didn't have such good bodies they really wouldn't be that popular because they just treat anyone who doesn't directly give them money (and sometimes even people who do) like trash
i get that it's a bit of a cutthroat industry what with the vast competition and the, ahem, leaks, but a bit of kindness would go a long way to making you more marketable.

by the way, hana bunny just partnered with novel horizons to make an official figure, which is pretty cool

unironically, belle fucking delphine is the most likable of all the ethots out there, for a recent example when famous black man twomad died recently, she was one of like four people to show some respect when everyone else immediately started talking about how terrible he was or whatever. i don't really care what he did, he's dead and the dead deserve respect.

ok, thats the end if my rant lmfao
okay, yeah some cosplayers are pretty bad in terms of dupes so here's the plan
- i'm going to try and remake all parts removing duplicates and fixing some errors
- in order to make it as painless as possible for me and the people that already have the current parts the new ones will have the same amount of cosplayers even if there's enough space for more, that way it would be possible to switch gradually from the old parts to the new ones and will allow me to release the parts as i have them ready (if i was to include more cosplayers per part new part 1 might conflict with some of the sets from part 2 or update 1 and so on)

i tried several options from opencv to random software to AI models and i think i'll just stick to good ol' digikam meaning it will take a few days but i'll end with a fairly robust persistent database of picture fingerprints on one go

i'd say the key here is stash-box rather than stashapp, the stashapp part of the equation is pretty robust since you can put tags, performers, etc on the galleries but the problem is that you can't sync it with any stashbox instance to take advantage of the collaborative tagging part of the stash project because it doesn't support image galleries at all
a stashbox specifically for these cosplay sets would be a godsend, right now i'm just barely hanging on with autotagging getting the performer and set from the path but it's a bit of a hack
ideally i use a photoview docker container, since photoview is one of the few (if not the only) photo gallery servers that allows "nested albums" eg
(while other solutions force every folder to be a unique album regardless of path)
and it's facial recognition is pretty ok at picking out individual cosplayers, but obviously with all the wigs and makeup it gets confused easily.

if someone hosted a stashbox for cosplay i'd definately contribute to it, that would solve most of my biggest issues with organisation right now
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Stash-box doesnt support Galleries actually if you check Stashdb as an example or check their code, Im running an experimental server right now after all since is not like Im cataloging Cosplay galleries here, Im mainly doing it for (hentai) manga and doujinshins, is only a happy accident I do like me some (Uncensored) cosplay stuff from time to time when I want to do some 3DPD stuff and it just happened to be a good test run for me to also check up on scrapping data and such from some places and see what scrappers still work and which doesnt (the vast majority doesnt because they either messed with their sites/APIs and/or Cloudflare to prevent scrapping and the works) thus why I said I was looking up their code to see how difficult it will be to add Galleries/Image tagging to their backend since that is the sole reason why Im giving the time of the day to Stash, for being build around a collaborative catalog effort tool too, otherwise I would just keep doing a mix of Lanraragi + Jellyfin for my shit because lets be honest, their image Gallery its just kind awful to be honest in comparison with do anything other manga viewer out there and such. Im just making a call to action to see who are interested because otherwise I wont waste time then
i tried adding the characters as tags as well, the autotagger works pretty well for that on the library stuff so really a stashbox with the cosplayers and the tags + soundchaser128 /stashapp-tag-importer and some variaton of it to import the performers should do the trick for most cosplay stuff provided it's organized on a similar way to the library since tags like "big tits" are associated with performers rather than sets and there's support for that
honestly it sounds like hydrus might be a more ideal solution, but i really don't like all the bloat and overcomplication of hydrus, it'd be better if there was a headless solution akin to photoview that supported tags.
my other solution was lanraragi but theres no real way to do autotagging there that I know of, and it's front ends only really support the "one page at a time" model that works well for manga and comics but not much else
might not be worth doing a stashbox then until stash can better handle galleries. IMO the best, but tagless, solution is photoview and just using the existing folder structure for organising but being able to search by character name or "swimsuit varient" or whatever else would be nice.

I do use stash but only for JAV or siterips, i've added my image galleries to it but yeah, it's really a pain in the ass to use stash for that.
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I'm half way through deduping part 1 and now i think i have overreacted, helly valentine seems to be a bit of an isolated case where i really fucked up on update 1, there are over 20 dupe sets out of 183 so thats very significant but so far the worst case scenarios from part 1 have four or five dupes on some of the larger cosplayers so unless things get much worse once i finish deduping i think i'll just leave it as is and just use the deduper on future updates to avoid splitting seeders and all that

yeah, i gave up and i'm just using lanraragi for mangas and stash for everything else, by the way, just out of curiosity what are the problems you are having with the stash gallery system?, just with the autotagger i'm able to pick both performers, characters and type of cosplay with fairly high reliability, all grouped in galleries just spun a quick container and added a couple of tags files and performers to check (picrel), granted i had to check -Create galleries from folders containing images on options and i used a couple of plugins (back when i had the full library indexed not in this quick instance)
my biggest issue is it doesn't do nested albums, eg "Zelda/Selfies" or whatever else may crop up
the "performer -> album" model is ok, but the UI layout isn't what i'd prefer, as I prefer something more like a raw folder view with thumbnails.
i never did get the autotagger working, either. best it could do was set name but it never gets performers because they are nested like so
>Cosplay/Shirogane-Sama/Asuka Plugsuit/001.jpg
and it only looks at filenames and parent directories, not grandparent directories. i'd like to try making a plugin that handles that one day though, doesn't seem too hard now that I have a GPT4 subscription lmao.
currently i don't have a good solution for serving the images, and unironically just using an SMB file browser on my phone is the best way so far. photoview spat the dummy once i hit like a million files and stash... well, picrel. might make a seperate instance for this to see if it helps at all

also i know the other comment is for the photo library anon, but i've noticed in my megapack the same issue. i'd incorperated another helly/disharmonica/vandynch/red room/whatever the fuck she calls herself this time of day pack and it was chock full of dupes, shitty AI upscales, and so on. i deleted the entire folder and am slowly, manually crawling for her sets to make a much cleaner archive.
also noticed something similar with shirogane-sama, i've got it more organised but theres still a lot of dupes and low-res pics, her stuff is much harder to get though so i'm not sure how much I can do.
don't hold your breath for the next megapack release though, between dead HDDs and this, plus some libtorrent shenanagins, it's taking me longer than I thought to get it sorted.
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i might be misunderstanding something but i think i'm not having those problems (the nested thing)
>gotta need to build up a healthy ratio
use Ratio Ghost. just don't overdo it.
mine doesn't get those performer tags
but also, i meant if there was a folder called "selfies" inside the asuka plugsuit folder, it would be shown as a seperate gallery called "selfies", meaning icd have a few hundred galleries all called "selfies" without any indicator of where they came from

whereas in photoview or jellyfin, i navigate to the asuka plugsuit album, and inside that album is another album called selfies. the same way it is on the filesystem.
Ill be putting the next parts of the library on hold for a while, a couple of days before setting up the cosplay bot i started monitoring the seeders/leechers and availavility in general of all of the parts of the library on a programmatic manner to plan which parts to throttle and such and turns out that on 4 out of seven parts i'm the only seeder at various times of the day fairly consistently (i'm at over 20 seed ratio on all parts so that's weird but well...), as a matter of fact right now i'm apparently the only one seeding 1 and 4, that leads me to the conclusion that i can't really post more parts without hurting the availability of the previous ones which would be counter productive so for now i'll focus on deduping and refactoring some scripts

TL;DR: library update 2 won't release any time soon
i'm still only about halfway done downloading the library, but once i am i'll be seeding it indefinately
alsl, i'm sort of waiting for the next thread to release my next megapack, just having minor issues but i don't want a repeat of the last time where i "released" it like three or four times before it actually worked lol, so i have a few clients and i'm making sure it's all good before i post the hashes, just so fucking slow with this many files
so right now i'm manually creating all the performers because i can't see any way to autogenerate them from galleries (theres a plugin to do it for scenes if it's in the filebame, not the path and not for images)
but then how can I get it to automatically add every gallery to a performer (or i guess vice versa) based on the path?
the default path information plugin or whatever it's called requires me to manually configure every single path to it's performer, which is a massive fuckaround, and the path parser plugin requires basically the same thing except it's even more limiting because i have hard-code every path rather than using regex or something

is there not just a way to automatically find a performer's name that matches part of the path?
i never understood why stash is so over complicated and yet still requires doing nearly everything manually, eg manually creating .js for every single performer and path combination
LMAO nevermind the autotag literally does this if i have the performers pre-made
thanks, i feel like an idiot now. would still prefer nested galleries, but i can work with this for noe.
Wanted to move the torrent to qbt-nox but the webui can't handle the amount of files :(
if it helps i used the json importer to dump all of the metadata i have from the library to stash so i can just automatically create all of the performers on the library plus characters-series tags with proper parent-child relationships (as in genshin impact is parent of keqing and things like that) i can add it to the next release or something, should be 487 performers and 2769 tags, the only limitation is that some characers are problematic (things like illyasviel von einzbern not matching illya so you'd have to make aliases manually)

Regardless of the number of seeders on the current situation with seven parts i'm stretched too thin so i've started a full refactor of my backup copy of the library fully deduped and with some fixes here and there in the hopes of getting it down to at least 6 (i found the limit so might as well optimize as much as i can), i'll continue adding parts if it picks up, to that end i'm contacting some trackers to see what can be done about that but so far the only positive responses are from fully private trackers so that doesn't really help matters
yeah, that could be useful. i'm just manually setting up the tags at the moment; the auto-tager works well enough but i will probably also run through the folders and rename them to fix any glaring issues. just stuff that sticks out at an obvious glance.
i'd also like to go set up a real naming scheme for files so they are all the same, rather than the haphazard approach you get from combining other peoples work.

i've already accepted that this won't be compatible with my previous megapacks and so i'm not in a huge rush to release it, gonna wait till it falls off and then the next one will be the "final" version.

what sort of tags do you use anyway? just series and character? do you bother with tags like say, latex, lingerie, selfie, backstage, etc? i think they'd be good to have but would require manaul tagging, at least initially.
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yeah, only characters and series i'm using the metadata that i originally gathered for the library and at the time i didn't really bother with getting anything else

i just finished deduping the library and removed a total of 45937 images and 682 full sets but that's only about 100-120GB of content so not enough to cut the library down to 6 parts meaning ill stick to seven parts and just use stuff that was going to be on update 2 to fill the space left by the dupes (plus 50 gb or so more since part 6 was smaller than the others)


V2 of the library will be a full refactor with the following changes:
- all duplicate images removed
- watermarked files removed (most notably the 8kcosplay stuff)
- unnecessary metadata removed from images (some images had links and tags on their metadata, that's gone now)
- various fixes to do mainly with naming

because of these changes the new library will not be fully compatible with the old library but between filename changes and the metadata removal i'd estimate it will still be about 70-80% compatible so if you have the old files you can still skip a significant part of the download

as for the ETA, i'd say i can probably get all the parts ready in a matter of days up to two weeks to give me some leeway, the deduping and metadata cleaning is done so i only need to merge the new stuff which i already have sorted from when i was preparing update 2 and probably another deduping pass with a lower threshold to make sure that all the duplicates are gone plus a visual check to see if i find anything wrong, once the new library is ready i'll stop seeding the old one while i sync my backup directory to the seeding directory and then i'll post the first parts of the new library
>watermarked files removed
how are you habdling this? just manually?
i noticed that a lot of the watermarked images have also metadata on them with links and stuff (most notably 8kcosplay and mrcong) so i'm looking for that, just to be clear a lot of stuff will still have watermarks, i'm only going after the watermarks from rereleases so the onlyfans watermarks and stuff like that will still be there
what is the image tool you use ?
what do you mean?
that's stash, a media server/organiser for porn
so heres the question

in stash, every alias/tag must be unique. so take for example the case of Asuna Yuuki (SAO) and Asuna Ichinose (Blue Archive); both can be called Asuna, but how can I put this into the tags? I can't give them both Asuna.

is there a way to have regex matching, so Asuna Yuuki can be "Asuna but not ichinose or not blue archive" and Asuna Ichinose can be "Asuna but not Yuuki or not SAO" for example?
or should I not bother with "Asuna" as an alias and just manually assign/rename anything called simply "Asuna" to the full name?
same applies to some other tags too, like Reze from CSM or Reze from Tokyo Ghoul, etc etc
as far as i know there's no way to deal with that automatically so for those cases you'd have to make a tag for "asuna ichinose" other for "asuna yuuki" to match the sets that use the full name on the title and then tag manually the sets that only have "asuna", the way i'd go about that would be to go into the galleries tab and search for "asuna -ichinose -yuuki" (galleries that have asuna in their path but not ichinose or yuuki) and tag those manually in bulk

the new version of the library is pretty much ready to go, i'm now doing a manual inspection and some last minute changes so i'll be able to drop it on the next few days, it will be divided on 7 parts for a total of just over 2TB, there was no space for new cosplayers but there are a lot of updated ones plus a few of the cosplayers originally on part 6 have been completely overhauled with the HQ versions of their sets
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COSPLAY_PHOTO_LIBRARY V2 - Part 1 (50 cosplayers - 297gb)
>preview (a bot that posts one random image from the library every hour, should give a decent cross section of the library):
>magnet link:
>.torrent file (for the people having problems fetching the metadata):
Is there any plan for preserving the files from v1 or should I just overwrite it?
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COSPLAY_PHOTO_LIBRARY V2 - Part 2 (00 cosplayers - 293gb)
>preview (a bot that posts one random image from the library every hour, should give a decent cross section of the library):
>magnet link:
>.torrent file (for the people having problems fetching the metadata):

there's nothing on the original that's not on v2 except some watermarked sets so i'd just overwrite it
>00 cosplayers
*60 cosplayers, forgot to change from the template
Does anyone know if HA's new Owari set available anywhere? It's been months since its release and I still can't find it.
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COSPLAY_PHOTO_LIBRARY V2 - Part 3 (59 cosplayers - 293gb)
>preview (a bot that posts one random image from the library every hour, should give a decent cross section of the library):
>magnet link:
>.torrent file (for the people having problems fetching the metadata):
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COSPLAY_PHOTO_LIBRARY V2 - Part 4 (84 cosplayers - 297gb)
>preview (a bot that posts one random image from the library every hour, should give a decent cross section of the library):
>magnet link:
>.torrent file (for the people having problems fetching the metadata):
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I'm importing the photo library into hydrus and I'm having some issues identifying some characters and the folder names don't help.
Is there a good place to post these? /r/?

From the screenshot
ak-hee - chaos
akane araragi - vampire
akemi101xoxo - lili
alice delish - aegir
alin ma - kobeni higashiyama (a bunch of misc images, it's not actually kobeni)
alina latypova - agraest
alina latypova - alien
alina latypova - angie
alina latypova - cyber rabbit
alina latypova - draugr
alina latypova - mantis
alina latypova - seraphim sacred knight
annchirisu - yot
arty huang - chen
why are all alina becker torrents so shit quality?
i really want the mikasa set, but every torrent is like only 30mb, while her gumroad has it at 158mb https://alinabecker.gumroad.com/l/uazmu?layout=profile
a bunch of those are right as far as i can tell
lili -> lili from tekken
agraest -> that's a videogame series, agraest generations of war, i remember the purple haired elf from the first game
alien -> alien from the movie alien
chen -> ch'en from arknights
the kobeni and aegir sets were removed on V2
most of the other sets are generic not really from any particular series so the name was taken from the original name of the set (cyber rabbit, mantis)

Also as a sidenote id suggest using something other than hydrus, it's extremely heavy and slow, messes with the file names and locations and has essentially only one developer (the hit by a bus problem and all that), you can get a similar result with digikam or stash, both of them faster, with more features and don't mess with your filesystem which means you can easily migrate from one to the other or use both (or neither) plus you can have your files organized while seeding at the same time

my guess is a combination of small relatively expensive sets and not that famous of a cosplayer so a perfect recipe for that type of thing, i'll update to HQ sets if i find them but i don't think that's gonna happen

I was about to post part 5 but i think i'll wait 5-6 hours more, activity has been pretty high on 1-4 the last couple of hours
i bought a few cosplay sets and uploaded them to exhentai to replace older low quality ones
>akane araragi - vampire
original set, not a character
>alina latypova - seraphim sacred knight
the seraphim player character from the video game series sacred, specifically sacred 1/gold (i fucking love that game)
>alina latypova - cyber rabbit
original set, not a character
>alina latypova - draugr
pretty sure that's just a skyrim draugr, otherwise just a generic draugr (norse/viking zombies)
>alice delish - aegir
aegir is usually agir from from azur lane just spelt the mythological way not the copyright friendly way
but that alice delish pic looks nothing like agir, would pressume that is misnamed. in my collection that pic is from simply "angel" so i'd guess it's an original set

bottom middle is a touhou character, not nazarin but one of the other mice/rats im pretty sure
>my guess is a combination of small relatively expensive sets and not that famous of a cosplayer so a perfect recipe for that type of thing
but for them to leak, someone bought them, and would have received them in the original quality, and then shared them in lower quality

the answer is because most leaks happen via VK originally, which like facebook will compress images to fit under a given size, usually 1MB. a lot of leakers also drop the resolution to upload at all.
it's only gotten worse since all this retarded as shit russia boycotting because they have less and less access to the rest of the internet like as if not letting them use google or mega will prevent ukraine from being liberated
that's probably part of it too but most of the sets were published well before that shitshow started plus it seems that torrents are very popular amongst russian and chinese people (more so than in the west) presumably in order to get around restrictions and on torrents size is not that relevant, what i've seen a lot is problems on the source of the sets itself due to the restrictions, cosplayers diversifying or moving out of onlyfans or other major sites seems to have slowed down leaks

but yeah, overall vk and similar platforms being one of the major vectors for leaks sounds like the most likely explanation

i have to rehash part 5, while picking an image for the post i just noticed that there is a nyannyand that is the same of nannian d on part 4 i'll merge and dedupe them and post part 5 as soon as it's done
>why are all alina becker torrents so shit quality?
I feel you, anon. I long for the day that some messiah releases all of her sets in their original size and quality.
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COSPLAY_PHOTO_LIBRARY V2 - Part 5 (64 cosplayers - 295.05GiB)
>preview (a bot that posts one random image from the library every hour, should give a decent cross section of the library):
>magnet link:
>.torrent file (for the people having problems fetching the metadata):
Any of you guys have HaneAme Navia?
i'f you don't mind the wait i'll probably start adding newly released sets for cosplayers on update 2 (it looks like update 1 will be all new cosplayers), if that's too long, and i'm just talking to myself here, some sets are easier to find if you look for them on other languages, chinese is a good one to start with
I'll try to look for it myself, thank you for the hint! At least knowing it's out there is enough
Ah shit the Ehentai gallery of Vinnegal is gone that's what I get for not archiving it
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OSPLAY_PHOTO_LIBRARY V2 - Part 6 (53 cosplayers - 296.43GiB)
>preview (a bot that posts one random image from the library every hour, should give a decent cross section of the library):
>magnet link:
>.torrent file (for the people having problems fetching the metadata):
Could someone here help me verify a WeChat account? I'm trying to buy some sets
who is the picture of ?
so... while getting part 7 double checked i started working on updates 1 and 2 and checking some of the new stuff i scraped recently, turns out a few more cosplayers on part 7 will be getting a full rework and/or significant update to the point that part 7 would overshoot the 300gb mark by 60 to 100 gb so i'll be splitting part 7 into two and throw in new cosplayers until both reach 300gb, in order to keep it on alphabetical order i'll be adding only cosplayers that would go after yuzuki which in practical terms means parts 7 and 8 will be almost exclusively asian cosplayers i.e cosplayers with a name that starts with a non ascii character, as a side effect of this it will take me a while to get part 7 ready

TL;DR: the photo library has gone from 7 main parts to 8 and will take longer to get parts 7 and 8 ready compared to the previous ones

niannian d
File deleted.
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Does anybody have some sort of Haneame set index/catalog?
Cosplayer Annchirisu had kind of a yearly collage with a cover photo for each set each month (see picture)
I just wanted to sort my Haneame collection and don't want to go to each patreon post to see the dates if I can avoid it
File deleted.
I have that set, and apparently is complete as the numbers match with Gumroad, yet can't seem to find that specific photo I shared, weird
It's an edited picture, most likely. Especially within the hip area where the string is cut into two. And the leg on the right seemingly looking shorter than her left.
I see, that makes a lot of sense, at least that picture made me check the set in detail and realize how good it is lmao
Guys any of you have the HaneAme original picnic set? Mine is missing 3 pictures, they're 50 in total
>any of you have the HaneAme original picnic set?
sure, got you senpai.. >>521528
Found a large collection of files from Chinese twitter users, including a lot of cosplay, but I can't grab it because pan baidu nonsense. If someone wants to put it into a torrent or something go for it

part 7 of the library is hashing and will be posted soon, part 8 is also ready but will be only 234gb, i ended up adding all of the backlog of new cosplayers i had since i removed a bunch of stuff that was a bit sketchy or didn't qualify as cosplay even if i stretch the definition even more that i already do, the total cosplayer count including parts 1 to 8 will be 571
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COSPLAY_PHOTO_LIBRARY V2 - Part 7 (100 cosplayers - 297GiB)
>preview (a bot that posts one random image from the library every hour, should give a decent cross section of the library):
>magnet link:
>.torrent file (for the people having problems fetching the metadata):
Anon are school uniforms considered cosplay?
depends who you ask
strictly speaking, yes, since cosplay is short for costume play and a non-student wearing a school uniform is wearing a costume. you'd find the cosplay tag on JAV like this for sure, same for things like maid; nurse; OL; etc outfits
but I think most people here (eg western weebs) would define it as dressing up as a character from a game or anime etc, so unless it was xyz character's school uniform, it might not really fit
But does cosplay Anon think it is... Because I love the look of school uniforms. Would be a shame to have that cut out.
i'm not sure about the cosplay megapack but in the library i'm kinda using a double standard, if it's somewhat rare stuff as soon as some cosplayer has a set or two with a jk or maid uniform i'm putting all her stuff in but for easier to find content i usually don't put it in unless there's at least a couple character cosplays, by the way by rare i mean rare in the parts of the internet i frequent, that means weibo stuff or more amateurish asian cosplayers so mostly the ones on parts 7 and 8
i'll be posting part 8 soon and also something like this >>1290255 in a couple of days as a backup of sorts in case the rentry goes down or something, after that i'll probably wait a while before making another update to see how the demand/availability of the torrents evolves over time and figure out an efficient workflow for updating existing cosplayers as opposed to only adding new ones (plus i'm probably still about 50 gb short of new content to make an update anyways)
File: coslibv2p8.jpg (1.56 MB, 2732x4096)
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COSPLAY_PHOTO_LIBRARY V2 - Part 8 (101 cosplayers - 233.2GiB)
>preview (a bot that posts one random image from the library every hour, should give a decent cross section of the library):
>magnet link:
>.torrent file (for the people having problems fetching the metadata):
Thanks anon.
Some of the sets are like super resized (<1MB) and originals can actually be found easily on sadpanda
Where are you getting these?
at this point i gather most of the content from the dht network (most rare stuff comes from there) and various public trackers and then select the highest quality available from the duplicates, one of the trackers is actually ehtracker so in theory if a set is in sadpanda in the worst case scenario quality should be equal to the best torrent there but if you notice that any particular cosplayer is on better quality on sadpanda than in the library i can fix it pretty quickly

note that some sets that you'd instinctively think are on sadpanda aren't actually there, as an example i was looking into improving kitaro recently (i'm currently selecting some of her stuff for cosplaybot) and they are missing a lot of the more common looking sets like the ones featuring atago, prinz eugen,utaha and some of the hatsune miku sets, they are missing over half of her stuff
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Does anyone have Keep2share premiun account?
can you reupload this to torrent? or any web that don't need premium!

yes please
Already posted >>1287092

not your 4k link but better than nothing
What a hero!!
Even it was 144p, I'll gladly accept it!!
Bless you anon!
Is that Bella Grey? do you have Mitsuri Kanroji one?
Anyone have a torrent of sweetie fox's yae miko shoot? Can't find it in any of the megapacks.
Yes, it's her!
and Anon already share it right below you.
Also. . do you have Nucosplay collection?
i mean, its kinda rare to get it (unless you buying)
I have everything, just tell me which one you want
does anyone have the PeachMilky lili set?
Send me whatever on my session the more fucked the better
does anyone have sharkparty?
Any Raiden shogun cosplay with a good video?
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just out of interest, heres the most popular tags in this collection

I haven't added every tag but I don't think any of the ones I haven't done yet would be any higher than these
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and cosplayer's by set count (don't mind the ratings, thats just my opinion)
haven't visited the thread in a while, where is this accessible?
is that from a megapack or your particular collection?, it doesn't look like the library or the cosplay megapack
from the cosplay_megapack torrent
I haven't made a new one in a while as I've been struggling with actually packing it all, storing it, and i've just plain been busy. I'd much rather just hash the whole thint at once, the size on disk isn't an issue but with how many files there are it crashes most clients (the metadata alone is nearly 100MB)
if i split it up, i have to store it split up and not modify anything inside, which means basically storing a second copy, aka eat another 1.5TiB. I beleive most of the stuff I have is already in the photo library anyway, and since he and I use different organisation, it's time consuming to try merge the two packs so I didn't really bother
Any Rakukoo 洛洛子 torrents?
Do you have Hanabunny collection brother?
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Looking for any torretns with @rurutancos
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newfag here; the infohash for the Peachmilky folder doesn't seem to work (using qbittorrent). What I am doing wrong?
anyone got murrning glow and labinnak mangoloo stuff?
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Mangoloo put out a new RWBY workout cosplay set in collaboration with 3 others. Id love it if someone would buy it and share it here
even if one of them was attractice i'd consider it
shame they all look like a horse with fetal alcohol syndrome was struck by a bus
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How are you going to tell me that none of them are attractive? I can get that the blake is ugly but the rest nah
they are some of the most inbred looking downie fuckers i've ever seen in my life, and unironically blake is the most attractive of all of them (by a tiny amount, but she sure as shit isn't the ugliest nigger i've ever seen)
>and unironically blake is the most attractive of all of them
This fucker finds the nigress attractive
if the others are 0/10 she is 0.1/10
i wouldn't care to be in the same room as any of them
Bro shes a nigress every straight dude who isnt a basedboy beta cuck knows that the hottest nigress isnt nearly as attractive as the ugliest white chick
"bro everyone knows bro"
go back to pol you fucking retard
you're literally trying to jack off to downies, i think you have bigger problems in life
Blake is ugly as what are on about?
so are the rest of them, are you cunts blind? there isn't a single attractive person in that image
The ruby cosplayer is objectively hot
Call me a retard but how i can see this library thingy?
I'm with you man
click okay and once it's added qbittorrent will fetch the metadata after a while using DHT, if that doesn't work you can also add trackers by right clicking on the torrent and selecting edit trackers, there's a fairly complete list of active trackers on the op so that torrent is probably announced on a few of those

That's a self hosted instance of stash and i'm assuming it's not accessible from outside anon's LAN, think of it like a jellyfin or a plex but specifically designed for porn

by the way here's a file with a bunch of tags as mentioned in >>1294139 , unfortunately right now tags seem to be a bit buggy on stash (probably related to issue 4755 on their github) so use it at your own risk i guess https://files.catbox.moe/bh09xi.zip

traffic on the cosplay photo library seems to be constant but fairly low so i'll start building update 1, for now it looks like it will have 200ish updated cosplayers, about 20 new ones and a couple of major cosplayer overhauls but i haven't started deduping yet
>be me
>decide to make a twitter to follow some of these chicks to find out about updates as I buy sets from time to time
>generic profile with some DBZ character as the pic
>like and retweet posts i like, make my account less likely to be banned for being fake/bot
>get DM notification
>it's from shirogane-sama, one of my faves
>"stop following me you disgusting pedo, get the fuck off this app"
>you cannot reply to this conversation
w-what did I even do wrong...?

bro when even the chick in the pornos thinks you're disgusting, do you just end it?
I see, so its kinda private collection.
well atleast i know xD
thanks man!
>think of it like a jellyfin or a plex but specifically designed for porn
Any idea what program it is specifically?
its called stash, it's been mentioned numerous times both in this thread and in that post
Sorry I thought he was just saying it was a stash. My bad. I was pretty high at the time.
no worries, it's annoying to find support for it because of the very generic name
usually you have to put "stashapp" or "stash github", but stashapp is also a crypto app and stashhub is some kind of investment thing
not that i could think of a better name, mind
She's only selling it for a few more days
nonsummerjack 38 GB: ad5fdc5fec791d3f45aca8688900d568b0bbe142
Any of you got any sets with good kill la kill cosplay?
so far the only one I got is alina becker set.
there are a couple dozen kill la kill sets on the library but they are split among 20 cosplayers or so
Is there a way to find out which ones?
Id rather avoid downloading full library and avoid sifting trough all cosplayers to find ones that did klk
Same as previous poster but I'm looking for Shimakaze Cosplays, I've seen about 8 of them around the internet but almost all sites have the same 8 ones over and over, I'd kill for some new ones (vids)

Also anyone have Aliceholic cosplays? She seems kinda cute but can't find the vids. The censorship seems annoying but whatever
running i quick find on the library i got gremlynne, mariigabii, hologana, alcololi, uyuy, saku, alina becker, shirogane sama, shiro kitsune, kqueentsun, valentina kryp, toxicosplays, tenleid, neyrodesu, usatame, hackee, neroko kaigan, evenink, shaeunderscore, carrykey, belle delphine, elleslove, helly valentine, annchirisu, atsuki, epicinternetgf, bonn1ethebunny, mik allen, lynn chan, hackee, minty, kalinka fox, yoshinobi, domi versailles and sweetie fox

quick update on the next parts of the library
- last week update 1 was on pause while i was working ways to identify some of the unknown sets i have (at this point well over a TB)
- this weekend i'll probably be able to get most of update 1 done so i expect to be able to post it the weekend after that
- also from what i've seen while identifying sets i expect update 2 to be an interesting one since it'll be mostly made out of sets salvaged from weird partially seeded torrents and over 300gb of images of professional cosplayers on pretty much raw quality

also does anybody know of any public site like sukebei that has open signups?, by that i mean a site that allows to list torrents with public trackers and DHT so no semi-private trackers like PL or rutracker
I have an account so I could always throw it up. But try and hit up nyaa's IRC.
i tried a while back but after two hours or so of waiting on the IRC i was told that i need an account to post and registration is closed >>1293059

other sites i tried:
- i'm waiting on a TPB account but i'm not confident that the site will be able to handle the torrents (this one is fairly recent, only a couple of days ago)
- tokyo toshokan crashes when i try to post the torrents there presumably because they contain way too much metadata, i managed to post the metatorrent though
- the mail confirmation in anidex doesn't seem to work (i tried three providers) and if there is any support staff still active they don't respond to messages, both IRC channels seem to be all bots
- anirena seems to work but then it corrupts the torrent probably for the same reason as tokyotosho

i heard that public tracker sites weren't great but i didn't know it was that bad, i'm not surprised people mostly post on private ones
File: Capture.png (578 KB, 1917x1425)
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anon did you try 1337x? Account registration works however you need to send a uploader application.
>i'm waiting on a TPB account
no point trying to use any of the TPBs anymore, the original TPB went bust over a decade ago and all the popup sites with the same name are run by this or that group at any given time and are usually full of malware. TPB is dead. same story for sites like KAT and now rarBG, although at least one reup of rarBG was from a legit siterip but it hasn't really gained any traction since
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Anybody know where to find the videos by 少女映画/@aileijiang996?
i did look into it briefly but the library skirts the rules so it would take me a while to get them past the mods even after getting an account cleared assuming i'm not asked to remake the torrents to 100% conform with the rules which i'm not willing to do plus it would end up on the "other" section so i concluded that 1337x is not really suited for this type of content
Oh shit, i didn't know that, it's been a while since i last used public trackers other than sukebei (only because it's pretty much the only place where i can get jap VN's) so TPB is the first site that comes to mind when i think of those, to be fair it seemed pretty legit since they took the trouble to setup working onion access points and have a fairly active forum, i didn't notice the popups until i turned off the adblock
I still think you can get away with it on 1337x. At least give it a try and explain to them what you do. Who knows that may give you a pass. The only real issue with the rules are with videos.

But man you're right I never knew public trackers were such in a bad state right now.
Only if nyaa opened registrations....
Also still worth trying to talk it out with him to get an account. But nevertheless I can always upload your torrents on there for you.

I'll start with the past six updates.
I'll give it a try and see what happens
if you can post it that's enough, maybe with a link to the rentry if that's allowed, there are 8 torrents so far by the way https://rentry.org/coslibraryv2

my original plan after >>1303713 was getting exposure to the fact that the torrents are something that exist and then leave enough breadcrumbs around the internet so that people that are interested can figure it out afterwards to see if i could get the torrents over without using any major site, hence the bot, adding more thorough docs to the torrents for people that find them through DHT, slsk and a couple of posts on matrix forums so it was a bit of an experiment in that sense

so far the torrents have stabilized with between 4 and 9 seeders as far as i can tell, i think it would be interesting to see where it goes if they get posted on a major site, i have weird ways of having fun i guess
File: ramona.jpg (796 KB, 1000x1500)
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Does somebody has Ramona Flowers (November 2023) from Disharmonica? I can't find it on the magnets

Here you go!
holy fuck, the torrents shot right up within seconds of them being posted on sukebei, i don't know if you knew this but the links on the description will go dead as soon as this thread expires (at least the second one)

beat me to the post, thanks by de way
That's why I added https://boards.4chan.org/t/catalog#s=CG/ SO they can see the new one when this expires. Also I could always edit the description with the new link.
might have been worth just taking the general description from OP and putting it in above the links, but anyway good work and thanks!
Updated the description. If you do not like it feel free to post what you want it to say and I'll copy it to all of them.
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Late reply, but thank you Anon; PeachMilky finally downloading after I added two other torrents from this thread. Must have hit the right trackers.

Btw does anyone have anything from Lady Melamori (ladymelamor1)?
File: Cosplay part 6.png (250 KB, 2473x1485)
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Thanks anon; lots of good stuff there
Do you mean a gallery that was expunged? if so it's still viewable and archive-able, just need to check "Browse expunged galleries" in the advanced search options. Unfortunately if it's been completely deleted, then there's not much one can do.
There's also vinnegal folder in one of the Cosplay libraries, part 6 >>1296380, (pic related). 7 GB worth, hopefully the pics you're looking for are in there.
what sets? if you want vids I have a few, i'll have to check
I can make a pack but my PC is dead and i'm migrating server atm

iirc I had 20GB of her stuff, she's one of my faves
update on the library, this time a bit of a mix of good and depending on how you look at it bad or really good news

the unequivocally good news
update 1 is fully deduped and most sets are already classified so it will most likely be ready at some point next week, i'll post it once the new influx of leechers has slowed down

the mixed news
a lot of what i had planned for update 2 turned out to be really high quality versions of images already on the library (15-30mb) so i'm not sure about including those

the bad that may turn into really good news
i noticed an extremely severe flaw on several of my more productive scrapers and i suspect i've been missing a lot of sets so i'm planning on fixing the scrapers and re-scrape everything with the added advantage that after over 6 months the scripts and workflows i'm using are a lot more refined, i'll probably have more news on that soon since working on that seems like a more interesting weekend project than formatting update 1

current plans
the discovery of the flaw on the scrapers has kinda messed up my original plans, i think the way to go now is fix the code, delete what i have, re-scrape everything and dedupe it against the current library, then depending on what's left either continue making updates for V2 (if the delta is small) or moving on to a V3 (if the delta is significant and with a lot of quality improvements as opposed to new sets), in any case based on my previous experience this will take probably a few months
anon I'll for sure seed whatever you post. Also I would rather have the best quality versions. Remember I'll post them on Nyaa when they come up.

Also if you did not know https://github.com/qarmin/czkawka is a nice debup finder. It may help you out.
deduplication is not really a problem anymore, i tried czkawka but i find digikam https://invent.kde.org/graphics/digikam much better suited for this particular case since it's specifically made for organizing large collections of images and the way it persists image fingerprints is a lot more robust for dealing with nearly a million files than the czkawka cache implementation (dedicated SQL database vs json file)

i managed to fix the scrapers and the re-scraping is now running, thinking about it there's no real reason to wait until the full scrape is done to start deduping so i might just continue the updates as usual and then once i'm finished consider the idea of a v3 to purge the lower res galleries but i guess i'll figure it as we go
Does anyone have Lana Rain's videos?
Anyone got links for this?
fucks sake, can ANYONE seed the PrincessBerpl / Berpl torrent?

have an old link anon, enjoy
I'm also interested in this LR thing but I'm a stupid newbie. Can someone tell me what I should do with this?
>on torrent board
>doesn't know what a magnet is
noone tell him
this one has more stuff plus it's seeded
can anyone suggest small russians cosplayers like zephyr https://fansly.com/Zephyr_Cat/ ?
holy shit, thanks anon
Total noob and Kalinka Simp, how long does it usually take for new sets to hit torrents? And what's the best way to get them?
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only a week left for mangoloo's rwby workout set. please someone share it here. im begging
File: update1.jpg (823 KB, 3000x4000)
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COSPLAY_PHOTO_LIBRARY V2 - Update 1 (232 cosplayer updates + 35 new cosplayers - 296.42GiB)
>preview (a bot that posts one random image from the library every hour, should give a decent cross section of the library):
>magnet link:
>.torrent file (for the people having problems fetching the metadata):

This is an addition to the previous 8 parts, not a replacement so to get the full library you need to download this update AND the previous 8 parts, there's no crossover between the two so just download the update on the same directory as the rest of the parts and it will sort itself out
So you're doing additional updates to each part or just this one?
updates have new sets for cosplayers across all previous parts, in this case update 1 has new sets for cosplayers from parts 1 to 8, update 2 will have updates for cosplayers from part 1 to update 1

here's the index of sets for update 1 https://rentry.org/coslibraryv2aux#update-1-toc that should clear it up
ah i see gotcha, thanks for clarifying
>infohash is not authorised on this tracker
did it get removed or is this a me problem?
Can anyone let me know which tracker your client is actively seeding on?
File: trackers.png (67 KB, 1638x206)
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i added sukebei in case someone uploads the torrent there, that particular tracker will error out until that happens

i'm seeding on all the other trackers listed on the magnet
Any star rail topaz cosplays?
I'll add it to sukebei when I get home.
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Does anyone have Projekt melody by purple bitch?
The one with creampie
based sukebei anon at it again
coming down now at a few dozen mbits, cheers
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can someone share content of zephyr_cat ? https://fansly.com/Zephyr_Cat/posts
i probably missed something but are there plans to include DJAWΑ stuff? or is already on torrents? can't seem to find
Anon you can try this site. They have a lot and you do not have to pay anything to download.
any striderscribe collectors?
Any girls who has done some Juri sets?
comonun, gremlynne, zinieq, uyuy, akemi101xoxo, queenie, aery tiefling, yuan herong
there are some sets on the cosplay megapack, i managed to find a few extra ones so she'll also be added to the library on update 2

after going through the first TB of data gathered with the updated crawlers it seems that i didn't actually miss too many sets, that said at the current rate i think i'll have enough new stuff to start preparing a new part of the library in a couple of weeks or so
>so she'll also be added to the library on update 2
fuckiinn sweet thank you for hard work, dedication and prowess
any kawaiimoan stuff?
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Any 小樱 aka XiaoYing stuff?
Anyone have CarryKey's Anna cosplay (boudoir, sauna, autumn, winter, etc.)
Anyone got aery tiefling's Frieren videos?

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