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DC covers pretty much everything from the 1930's up until the end of 2020 (beginning of Infinite Frontier).

Feel free to make and post your own collections / sets as others have done :)

DC - Pack 01 (Golden Age) (202 GB).


DC - Pack 02 (Pre-Crisis) (277 GB).


DC - Pack 03 (Post-Crisis) (422 GB).


DC - Pack 04 (Vertigo/Wildstorm) (200 GB).

DC - Pack 05 (New52 pack) (132 GB).


DC - Pack 06 (Rebirth & Other Current Imprints) (141 GB).


Anonymous 02/27/22(Sun)15:05:05 No.1118263?>>1118294 >>1120986


DC - Pack 07 (Elseworlds Plus+) (168 GB).

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Beginning in the 1930s to 2021

Pack 1 - X-Men (272GB):

Pack 2 - Spidey, Daredevil, Punisher (218GB):

Pack 3 - Avengers & Flagship Members (266GB):
Ant-Man & Wasp
Black Widow
Captain America
Captain Marvel
Iron Man

Pack 4 - Marvel Universe (217GB):
Marvel Multiverse
Marvel UK
Marvel Universe
Pack 5 - Fantastic Four & Other Heroes (281GB):
Agents of Atlas
Black Panther
Doctor Strange
Fantastic Four
Ghost Rider
Heroes for Hire
Iron Fist
Luke Cage
Moon Knight
New Warriors
Nick Fury
Power Pack
The Eternals
The Sentry
What If

Pack 6 - Marvel Anthology and other Genres (209GB):


Pack 7 - Licensed (175GB):
(One folder is licensed comics set within Marvel's main 616 continuity, the other is licensed comics that aren't.)

Pack 8 - CrossGen, Malibu, Other Imprints and Adaptation Tie-ins (127GB):
Curtis Magazines ¦ Magazine Management Co
Dabel Brothers Productions
Disney Kingdoms
Epic Comics
Icon Comics
Malibu Comics
Marvel Action (IDW Publishing)
Marvel Animations
Marvel Cinematic Universe (Earth-199999)
Marvel Film
Marvel Frontier
Marvel TV
Marvel Video Games
Nelson Comics
Image Comics
Range Not Known

IMAGE COMICS Mega pack G-O - Gen 13, Invincible, Jinx, The Maxx




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The Mask Omnibus

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Adult Comics

[Comix] Adult Comics Collection
Is there a way to rename/reorganise the files as you'd like while still being able to seed without needing to duplicate every file?

Also probably a very dumb question what are 0 events?
Any word on the IDW Transformers collection?
I downloaded a fuck ton of these after like weeks of waiting for them to finish to then just delete them for porn, I fucking hate myself for that but I'm gonna buy a 16tb hard drive here soon and download them all again.
I dont have much room right now to download an entire package but does anyone have spawn and invincible by themselves?
Anyone have Batman/Superman: World's Finest?
Best place to look for Spawn is on TPB, there's a complete torrent that gets updated every few months that contains all the spinoffs, minis, etc. Invincible is in one of the Image packs
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Nemos Dredd.

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OP do you know if the old stuff is scans of the original or the ones with the janky ass digital recoloring? Pic related
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Asterix Collection (1-38) pdf


and in CBR
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Seconded. Scans would be preferable.
The DC and Marvel mega packs are a combo of both scans and digital.
yo, anyone got something from hellboy, looking from bprd onwards, thanks in advance
See, folks. The move to digital comics is one of the most indie things that ever happened to giant corporations. See, by the time the major houses got into digital the comics fans had been scanning for decades. Hobbyists with cheap scanners and moderate graphics skills blazed the trail. So the archives are a mishmash.
Hellboy and Spinoffs

Does anyone have a link for Dark Horse and Image comics from 2009? I have the Image Mega torrent earlier that goes to 2008, then I have 2010 - this week.
This may help.

IDW Transformer in Chronological Order from PB

Not really, it's only up to 2013, so it's missing the last decade or so of comics.Thanks though.
The other one was only up to 2011

This one is later.

Transformers v7

Hi guys, any chance you know where I can get the "Transformers: The Definitive G1 Collection" books by Hachette?
Specifically I'm looking for the ones that reprint the Marvel comic issues.

Also would be nice to know if anybody knows where to find scans of the Marvel TF reprints by Titan, too. There was never really a perfectly "definitive" version of all the Marvel comics, so I'm hoping to compile my own by comparing.
Sure would be great if you posted some torrents with seeds.

I know you're trying to help and all, but... you're not.
Find one of the seeder threads on this board. I think there are two of them.
Anyone have or know of good links to any of the following collections?
Archie, Gold Key, IDW (may be coming with that transformers/gi joe pack???), Dynamite
I doubt it. I found some links but they aren't working.
How come this doesn't have Oblivion Song? That was the only reason I downloaded it
because it was created before that series came out, obviously.
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I know it's a little cringe, but I did enjoy Crossed.
Anyone have a updated torrent with it?
Anyone have any of Matt Groening's life in hell stuff?
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Is there a full collection of Elric stuff?
Both of these links are for cbz versions of Asterix?And also they can't be opened by my comic reader. You don't happen to have the actual PDF link by any chance?
Unfortunately the files I need to check on on a laptop that refuses to charge. But I'll keep looking.
Does anyone have a huge Star Wars collection?
Dark Horse Comics did a lot. And Nemesis has been doing a lot of collection posts for the Marvel stuff.
Where can I find a torrent for them?
I don't understand, why all the Old Comics are getting reprinted on glossy paper with those shitty colours and why everyone seems to be fine with it. Why aren't they rerelasing the old Comics printed on newsprint? It'd be much cheaper anyway.
That's why I love the scanners. They got it raw
I am trying to dl the DC Post-Crisis pack, but barely anyone is seeding. Are there any other good DC torrents or a place I can find them?
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Looking for anything Corto Maltese
Hi. Is there any torrents for valiant (Acclaim) comics in the 90s? Thanls
>Have to download the entire torrent a second time because Deluge decided to shit itself when it was at 89%
There is one, but there are no seeders.
The ruskies have a better collection. Majority is omnibuses and covers until Ragna Rok. Doesn't have the latest side stories that Mignola released.
good man
found this torrent in piratebay when i was looking for torrents of a collection of comic covers, since the only other thing i could find on the rest of the net was comic book cover websites but not a single archive for you to DOWNLOAD a fuckton of them, i downloaded this whole thing then i noticed that the file was one big pdf, and that the dude uses par2 file formats that i'd never seen before, this made me a bit paranoid since pdf's can be used to hide malware and the par2 stuff seemed fishy to me, cause i didnt get why he didnt just torrent the files plainly instead of in a compressed format
anyways when i went to open the pdf, it started opening in gimp and i sperged out and deleted the whole fucking thing midway and rebooted my computer cause i was scared of malware or whatever
just today i opened a pdf file that i know for sure isnt malware and to my surprise it started opening in gimp with a prompt to import the pages, so i guess this is just a function some pdf's have to deal with the images or whatever
i talk too fucking much basically i just want someone to verify if this shit is legit or not cause i really want these covers for inspiration
and you know i figure you guys would like this torrent as well since its a huge collection of covers and im sure other people besides myself cant be assed to scrape one of those comic cover websites
New 52 pack is broken, only %35 available.
Anyone have Amazing Spider-Man By Nick Spencer complete pack?
Anyone have any Conan stuff?
Recent french ones or old one? Here's the old collection magnet:?xt=urn:btih:d3a992b931c585572df1889ec677969fbcebeb43&dn=Michael%20Moorcock&tr=http%3a%2f%2fbt.t-ru.org%2fann%3fpk%3de2a3989f573288d559d71406b5e1a215&tr=http%3a%2f%2fretracker.local%2fannounce
Nick Spencer ASM
Just got done making Triangle Era complete in order for myself. Thinking about sharing if someone can walk me through properly making a torrent file without fucking it up. Tried in past to make file to share but fucked it up.
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anyone got the firefly comics?
both links are the same, dumbass.
thank you anon, i didn't know about the existence of this site.
Are these safe? Or am I stupid and just don't see a magnet link anywhere here?
nta, but I checked the website
they don't have magnets, instead you click on the comic you want, wait for them shitty ads to pop, then you check if you want to download through a mirror like mega or directly.

I don't even know what the fuck firefly is, but I downloaded a random one just to verify if it's fine.
It is, although it's like 200mb for one 120 pages comic, lol
Comics are boring
The Vertigo/Wildstorm one is only downloading Sandman, Transmet and Preacher for me
A shame
If you're after the Wildstorm stuff, that torrent is woefully incomplete and disordered.
Fuck off n go watch your porn then fatty
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Does anyone have a collection of Arist/Artisan editions?
probably being retarded but does anyone have any marvel ultimates? specifically spidey?
anyone have the ninja turtles comics?
Porn is bad too
mega autistic then
Sorry, didn't know you like porn that much
Any one know where I can download issues of viz comic from the uk? Have the first 180 or so
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anybody have akbar and jeff?
Anyone got a torrent for the entire Claremont X-Men run in order?
In here
Under Marvel Multiverse
No mayday spider-girl? She's marvel's longest female run
a few have zero seeds, i'll permaseed if one of the people that downloaded this can leave them running til im done downloading
requesting a buffy pack if anyones able, tyvm
fuckin love crossed, if you can give me a day or two i can up them
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Anyone here know where to track down some pretty rare/obscure comics? There don't seem to be any preservation groups that I can find for comic books, so I'm worried some of these might disappear.

Tekno Boyz
Dark Fury
Hit the Beach
Apathy Kat
Misty the Mouse
Tall Tails
Star Jacks
Tea Club
Wild Frontier
Fangs of K'aath
Complex City
Shanda the Panda
Samurai Penguin
Crow of the Bear Clan
David and Goliath
Eb'nn the Raven
Guardian Knights
Havoc, Inc.
High Orbit
Hopster's Tracks
The Last Generation
Milikardo Knights
New Horizons
Panda Khan
Red Shetland
Rhudiprrt, Prince of Fur
Space Ark
Space Wolf
Tales from the Aniverse
Tales from the Lair
Zaibatsu Tears
Buce 'n Garr
Google 'Chronological X-Men Pack', everything from Uncanny #1 to the present day, about 80 packs adding up to about 150 gig
Anyone able/willing to seed this? Specifically trying to get the 2099 and MC2 stuff

>Pack 4 - Marvel Universe (217GB):
>Marvel Multiverse
>Marvel UK
>Marvel Universe
does anyone have the following?

Project: Kalki by Vivek Shinde
Myths of India aka India Authentic - deepak chopra comics many one-shots 14 of them
Sädhu Wheel of Destiny by R. Manikandan
The Sädhu The Silent Ones
Sita Daughter of the Earth
Deepak Chopra's Buddha: A Story of Enlightenment by Satish Tayade
Grant Morrison's 18 Days (2015) and (2010)
Ramayan 3392 A.D. & Reloaded
Does anyone have the Rick and Morty comics.
based quads
Anyone have stuff that isn't originally in English nor Japanese?
Is there a quick way to mass remove all the stupid names of the people that uploaded the comics from the filenames? Its annoying as fuck
I've used "bulk rename utility" before for batch renaming. You can do a find and replace in filename, so for example "(groupname)" to "" would remove it from every file that contains it.
need more seeds
>India Authentic

>18 days

where can i find Animal Man V1? dude goes into weird dimensions and has a reference to the upcoming crisis villain
Does anyone have the Age Of Ultron series please?
pretty sure all crossed are here

not sure which is v1, but i thought it was here

if not all star wars - pretty close.

and 800 gig star wars torrent - movies and comics. there was a 500gig torrent of just comics, but can't find it.

and anyone seeding this bad boy? 1.7Tb from readcomicsonline.ru
Anyone have Raw?
looking for:
>W.I.T.C.H. Part II - Nerissa's Revenge Vol. 1
>W.I.T.C.H. Part II - Nerissa's Revenge Vol. 2
>W.I.T.C.H. Part II - Nerissa's Revenge Vol. 3
Does anyone has any public domain superhero comic?
Anyone have any Bandes dessinées? English is preferable but if it doesn't have an eng version the native one is fine.
Specifically trying to find Violine & Margot and Oscar Pluche, but I'm open to solid megapacks/suggestions, I already have The Incal.
I just realized that my question is a little unclear, if the comics I am looking for don't have any English version that's fine, I'd still like them, but for suggestions/megapacks I'd much prefer English releases.
Woke up this am with a high pitch sound coming from my pc. Hard drive crashed that had my cbr/cbz files. Any my backup drive that I ordered is set to be delivered today.
Can anyone seed the marvel and dc stuff, please? I'm having to start over.
I haven't done it in a long time. Had to move files and deleted the original torrent. I hope nothing has changed. I will try working on it this weak. Stay strong anon.
Ok, I have a crap load of checking and verifying now. I never had the Marvel stuff, as it is 1 Tb and 429 Gigs. You should be good to go on DC, IMAGE, THE MASK, ADULT COMICS, JUDGE DREAD, ASTERIX, HELLBOY. I hope someone can do the Marvel stuff. If I have time I will make some space for it and grab it myself. Can't imagine why I missed that stuff.

As always, pay it forward.
Slight correction. Image torrents I have the first two, but the torrent looks like it has changed for the second two in the series.
seeding some marvel stuff for you anon, hang in there
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Hey, I've got every issue of the IDW Transformers run, sorted and numbered in chronological order!

Not going to upload it though, because the lazy fuckstain that's been coasting on sharing other people's packs said he was going to do it last year. He hasn't, because he's clearly enjoying people tonguing his balls for posting other people's work too much to do it himself.
anyone have the original Conan Marvel comics? specifically the comics published by marvel from the 1970s. i already read the first marvel collection of issues 1-13, now im looking for "hawks from the sea" which is the next collection of issues 14-26.
no offense but i really dont want to read the dark horse conan comics
also im stuck with this bullshit chromebook so i cant run exe files and im literally using apk files, which is to say this gay ass chromebook is like a glorified tablet. so I can't download a torrent software and im using the google playstore version of utorrent which doesnt fucking work cuz its filled with ads.
Looking for the Sandman Deluxe TPBs. Anyone got any idea where I can find them?
Tintin collection
Only missing the official published version of Alph-art. Has the fan completed version by Yves Rodier.

any torrent with DC/Marvel stuff from 2021+?
DC pre crisis is dragging. Im almost done redl'ing the marvel and dc here. Pre Crisis is the last.
Then I have to start on all the indy's I had.
Thank you guys.Im seeding the marvel and dc packs on this page.
I'm looking for Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01-41, Judge Dredd The Restricted Files 01-04, and The Walking Dead. Thanks
Does anybody know where I could find a full collection of the Doctor Who comics written under Marvel UK?
Yes I know the magazines and the US reprint series is included in the OP Marvel torrents, but I'd prefer to just get the comic stories without everything else in the mags, so are there any scans out there of the Panini "graphic novel" collections? these ones: https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Category:DWM_graphic_novels
Have you finished New 52? I'm having no luck with that one
Any Archie comics, preferably any old digests?
Yes. It's seeding.
The only DC im still working on is Pre Crisis DC
Anyone have an Antarctic Press collection?
thanks anon
Anyone have a link for a full set for Wizard and Hero magazine?
Seeding if anyone needs

captcha: sjr2tj
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It's been several months, so I'm gonna try asking this again... Anyone here know where to track down some pretty rare/obscure comics? There don't seem to be any preservation groups that I can find for comic books, so I'm worried some of these might disappear.

Tekno Boyz
Dark Fury
Hit the Beach
Apathy Kat
Misty the Mouse
Tall Tails
Star Jacks
Tea Club
Wild Frontier
Fangs of K'aath
Complex City
Shanda the Panda
Samurai Penguin
Crow of the Bear Clan
David and Goliath
Eb'nn the Raven
Guardian Knights
Havoc, Inc.
High Orbit
Hopster's Tracks
The Last Generation
Milikardo Knights
New Horizons
Panda Khan
Red Shetland
Rhudiprrt, Prince of Fur
Space Ark
Space Wolf
Tales from the Aniverse
Tales from the Lair
Zaibatsu Tears
Buce 'n Garr
I already upped the entire series. All comix and extras
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Anyone got a collection of assorted Dark Horse comics? Looking for Eltingville but cant grab it anywhere
were there any others that were as good as the free webcomic. all the other ones I saw sucked.
Started seeding all magnets and links on this page today. Most are actually working. Just trying to get 2 of the DC ones rollin.
Anyone have a Blade torrent?

Here's Dork and The Eltingville club omnibus


And here's two big collections of French Comics


A few of these can be found on e-hentai, my furry friend

there are many on the list I dont know tho.
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what are some good french comics, or at least a handful to start with?
Looking for non-English NSFW comics.
I've been looking for this collection as well. Does anyone happen to have the original TMNT comic book series?
comic bump
Are the french comics translated to english?
Anyone got any Turok, Jurassic Park, Godzilla, etc etc anything like that?
Here's the TMNT IDW Collection
does anyone have a complete collection of the works of Olivier Ledroit?
see >>>/hr/4625075 he is amazing
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Looking for Gold Digger by Fred Perry.
The first 200 issues are on the Antarctic Press website(somewhere), but after that they get harder to find.
I'm especially trying to hunt down some of the sidestory miniseries, last time I tried I didn't have any luck, and they were recent at the time.
anyone has these in english and not in russian?
Turbo Kid: Apple's Lost Adventure
Turbo Kid Skeletron Unleashed
800gb star wars torrent has no seeders. Where can I find one that does?
Does anyone have a torrent of Knightfall and No Man's Land in complete and correct order?
Looking for IDW/Top Cow's Battle of the Planets. I can't find this thing on any digital stores. WTF.
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I'm looking for the Immortal Hulk Omnibus (the one with all 50 issues)

I'm also looking for Monster-Sized Hellboy, which was released recently
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Any good Charlie Brown megacollection?
Does anyone have any of the Cheech Wizard comics or collections?
Anyone have any of the following?
Those Annoying Post Bros
Bluebeard (Publisher: Slave Labor. Writer: James Robinson)
Albedo One (Publisher: Tachyon Publication)
without sounding too stupid, what program am I supposed to use to read comics on PC and android?
You sound pretty stupid you can just as quickly google that question and get answers.
Anyone able to seed the Ghostrider? I'm trying to get all these before a long ass plane trip tomorrow
SumatraPDF will do it for PC.
Small file size, plenty of features, has support, completely free.
Absolutely abysmal front page UI, but you won't have to ever see it if you open the files from the folder.
For Android, Document Viewer or EBookDroid ought to do the trick, but really you need to read them on a screen with some size.
want cheese cake, anyone got all of witchblade?
scratch that, found it. Sharing for anyone interested.
Anyone have three old Loaded Bible books from 2006?

Getcomics only have 6 latest issues from 2022 and tpb torrent is unseeded.
Anyone have a torrent of all volumes of "The Boys" by Garth Ennis? Or a big torrent that includes it?
Can somebody help seed the DC - Pack 07 (Elseworlds Plus+) (168 GB).

I've been stuck at 87.2% for about 5 days now and now it says there aren't any seeders. When I started it had 2/3 seeders and 15 peers but now it's 0/0 seeders and 2-3/12 peers.
yeah, that is the problem with anon massive t's. Now feel the pain many like you have suffered from actually doing it and learn to stop falling for it. everyone with sense has been there already.
looking for aliens comics.
or predator comics.
or aliens vs predator comics.
Theyre on getcomics
Does anyone have the complete 'Knights of the Dinner Table' or 'Futurama' collections?
willing to seed it all for a while if op or other anon that got the files seed it,to help keep them alive
same here. all i seem to find are original italien scans, no english
Looking for Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse
Looking for Hush Omnibus and Dark Knights Metal Omnibus
Anyone have a more recent large Image Comics and Dark Horse Comics bulk torrent, other than the ones up to 2012? Needing 2012 - current for both.
is there a master collection for The Darkness?
Which of these packs will have Ms. Marvel? I found everything else I was looking for but that character
Calvin and Hobbes Complete collection?
Can someone post one for the diary of a wimpy kid ?
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Looking for:
Ice Cream Man
Black Science
Invisible Kingdom
Anobody seeding the Marvel packs ? I've been stuck for days, I'll seeed back
What is the best e-reader software to use to view these with? I'm downloading one now and it's gonna take a few days but I'm just curious what most people use.
CDisplayEx is good
i've been trying to get the marvel packs for my dad and I but it seems the torrents are dead right now, is somebody able to help ? i would appreciate a lot, so far i've got the pack 2 but all the other ones are dead, i will gladly seed too once i can get my hands on them
Personally it took me 24 hours just to get to 18% on pack 2 lol. I didn’t realize the thread was from April of last year
does anyone have a link to Timely and Atlas Comics
Does anyone have any early Marvel comics
Damn. I so hope people will come to seed that would make my year... Also I got the pack 2 but I transfered it on external hdd, I'll get it back and help you with the seed bro
This isn't "comics" exactly but does anyone have or know where I can get a collection on Mayfair's DC Heroes game? Something like what ClassicMarvelForever has with TSR's Marvel game.
I'm trying to get packs 3, 4, and 5 and they're slow going too. pack 5 seems dead...
Anyone able to assist?
I got ya.
just go to getcomics and get them with dd, this mainstream crap is super easy to be found
Help! I can't find a Ninja High School pack anywhere.
Share if you find it. I never read it. Will share though.
Alejandro Jodorowsky - MEGAPACK - poemwarez - The Greatest Films, Videos, Comics Collection [63GB]

Contains most of Jodorowsky's work including but not limited to films, books, comics, and interviews.
For this thread, we have a lovely collection of his comics including The Incal, Borgia, Showman Killer. All comics are available in English, French, and Spanish in a .CBR format.

See you on The Holy Mountain, anons.
Any of the recent ones? I'm really digging these.
Hey, anyone knows where I can get the complete packages of
- Luthor Strode
- Kill Six Billion Demons
what's the best way to host my comics and manga on my server so I can read on my phone. my friend uses jellyfin but that seems like a meme for comics.
I can't find a dl link, but they're all here
global comix dot cm/c/ninja-high-school-0
Has anyone got a torrent of Go Tanabe's HP Lovecraft Mangas?
Specifically the 2 volumes of "At The Mountains of Madness" - looks awesome and superior to western renditions.
me again, I found it:
Hey Chuck can you sneed and seed?
anyone know how to rip from this site?
anyone else having a problem with this link? I love tintin
Anyone got any artists editions or pencils/inks-only scans?
Should work fine. I am sharing it right now.
Anyone have Bruce Timm's artbooks? I'm looking for the 2012 version of Naughty and Nice with the DC Characters in it. Learned the hard way that the 2021 reprint lost that part.
>Learned the hard way that the 2021 reprint lost that part.
Does it at least have Rei and Asuka?
the link is invalid for me
I'm looking for Dungeon/Donjon by Joann Sfar/Lewis Trondheim
dead/ no metadata
Trying to download the DC packs. They all get stuck between 18%-60%. anyone seeding or they borked?
Looking for:
East of West

Does anyone here know of a Comic book downlader with a search function that will download them all without having to click on each one? I've tried several in Linux and Windows and they were all NOGO.
Try using DC++, you can download entire libraries from one user. Be careful though, the biggest comics hubs are all owned by one guy and he's a thin-skinned bitch who'll ban you just because he doesn't like what you're downloading
RE: Alternative/ Underground comics. I haven't seen a good repository of ALL of those comics, but have seen some in "adult comics" torrents, and on various sites like this one..... https://comicsforall269084760.wordpress.com/2020/08/24/main-page-underground-and-alternative-comics/ also has a lot of older stuff that someone else was looking for..... its organized really weird - but good stuff if the links still work.
hakuneko is probably the easiest to set up and it lets you download from any of the popular comic or manga sites in just a click. it takes awhile to load each site (maybe like 10-20 minutes) but that's only once and then it loads instantly any other time.

i wanted to try dc++ but it looks too boomer for me to understand and this nestlesux guy seems like he'd make it useless to learn anyway if he runs what seems like a fucking caliphate over the entire comics-sphere there.
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Anyone has the original Mirage and Image TMNT? Someone already posted IDW. I can't sleep if the collection isn't complete. Mirage run was so damn good back then. I wanna buy them physically but... you know. I need to hoard digital files like a fox stores food.
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It's on rutracker
it's weird to look at fred perry art where the male character's don't look like they're trying to hide a third leg inside of their pants.
He only does that sometimes in Gold Digger, like with the Athle.
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this deserves more recognition
Very funny that tinker tailor soldier spy is here instead of El topo but aside from that godtier torrent
Hakuneko is NOGO. Doesn't automatically mass download and gets fucked by captchas.
Tried it. The ones that were not captcha had the website advert in them. Ruined.
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French gag comic about comical video game deaths/defeats
i mean i don't use it anymore but it can definitely mass download? https://youtu.be/nT1RPKmiQf4?t=68
the captchas and web ads do fuck the experience though, yeah. so is the only way to mass download high-quality scans through dc++?
>Very funny that tinker tailor soldier spy is here instead of El topo but aside from that godtier torrent
My apologies. I did not make the torrent. Here is El Topo in the best quality I have.
El Topo (1970) – 2160p webDL + Commentary [20GB]
No mass download. Every search result has to be manually selected and started.
You can also try using The Longbox. They're still around. Sadly Komics Live went kaput.
Can anyone seed Pack 5?
>with dd
probably direct download as opposed to torrenting
Where's All-Star Superman at? I looked all over the Post Crisis torrent. Maybe I'm blind.
how much storage would you need for everything in this thread?
All-Star Superman isn't set in the mainline canon, so it's in the Elseworlds pack.
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Does anyone know where I can find all volumes of The Mask?
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This is the best I could find, it's a 73GB Dark Horse torrent from 2010, pic related series are part of it. The Mask series totaled about 500MB, and downloaded in about 30 minutes.

Thank you!
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anyone have robert crumb comics? the "hup comics" series would be nice.
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They're all on archive org https://archive.org/details/hup-04-1992_202302/Hup%2001%2C%201987/


Hey, does anyone have The Rocketeer: the complete adventures by chance?

>does anyone have a link to Timely and Atlas Comics
>Calvin and Hobbes Complete collection?
Aw fuck yeah, thanks my guy.
>Those first two titles alone, let alone Albedo

I know what you are.

For Albedo, the Erma Felna stories were republished by Steve Galacci on his website and FA. Jack has a couple of mirrors floating about and someone has probably uploaded the whole webcomic on archive. I swear I saw Critters on Sadpanda once but can't really remember. Wish I could help you further.
Thank you kind gentle sir.
the mr natural book is only a preview of a few pages and isn't available for download.

hopefully someone has a torrent
>the mr natural book is only a preview of a few pages and isn't available for download.
Sorry about that!

This version of Mr. Natural has 3 issues and is restored (whatever that means)
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Batman Post Crisis reading order I threw together plus bunch of other stuff I wanted to keep. Will seed as much as I can.


new magnet
Spawn Origins Collection 1-28

so is there a pastebin with all of these links?
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Does anyone have a pdf copy of Gotham 1919-1939, Metropolis 1925 to 1945, and or Themyscira: 1933 - 1963?
>looks awesome and superior to western renditions.
Yeah those books are at my local library and that's the best manga adaptation (and even any adaptation) of Lovecraft's universe. The only bad point is how Tanabe draws the eyes. His characters alyas seem to face cosmic dread even if they're just eating a meal.
But everything else is top notch, as good as the novels.
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Is there possibly a pack of Valiant? The 90s and 10s reboot stuff all compiled together? I tried to download so runs myself ages ago but gave up after a bit. I think there's a torrent or two of the 90s output, but not the 10s stuff collected, so I figured I'd ask.

Valiant 2012-2019
Ok, man right in the feels. I come by occasionally to seed what I got and it's a huge bit at this point from this thread. But this one is a gem to me. I wish you luck in your life anon.

ANYONE got some Horror comics collection?
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anyone got
>The Eternaut by Oesterheld
>Valiant 2012-2019

Uh, I completely missed out on this reboot. Was it any good? Any recommended comic from their line?
For any obscure books, always check this site first. Free & relatively speedy downloads

annas-archive org/md5/1bda9c1b7581204d7d131d39811c7aef
for someone that's only interested in everything before 2010, where do I stop with DC and Marvel? like which packs do I skip download?
is there anything in these Image Comics packs with Dawn collections or is that another company?
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What editions are the Marvel / DC comics? Are they the shit recolors that were being released a while back or are they the more modern ones that stay more true to the originals? Essentially, how old are these torrents?
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is there an Adam Hughes collection?
Sorry for the late response, I forgot about it. But thanks pal!
What's the difference between The Adventures of Superman, Superman v2, and Action Comics?
Does anybody happen to have a torrent for The Superman Post-Crisis Chronology project? All the other torrent sites that have it are dead with no seeders and anna's archive has been buggy as shit lately and won't download any of the files.
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What in the fuck is this shit? 22 issues and counting of shitty manga in which Superman and friends eat Japanese food, which is so delicious it does weird shit like make his heat vision blast everything around him when he tastes it. How in the fuck has this lasted for 22 issues? Do they give this away with Top Ramen or something?
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I'm going to get super high and read these
Try one of the other mirrors, they're working better

There's also one where Batman fell into a vat of something that turned him into a baby.
So the Joker decides that he needs to raise him properly so he can have his rival back.
Ran for at least two volumes.

Also one where Doc Ock got turned into an elementary schooler. Possibly a girl, I'm not 100% on that part.
Different books by different teams, running concurrently so that there was a Superman release every week of the month, spmetimes part of one overarching story.
At the time of DaRoS, there were four books- Action Comics, Superman, The Adventures of Superman, and Superman: The Man of Steel.
Green Lantern and Batman do the same thing a lot.
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Can anyone help me find some old comics? I've had no luck trying to find them myself.

Fangs of Ka'ath
Filthy Animals
Omaha the Cat Dancer

I can only find pieces of these:
Shanda the Panda
Isn't there some sort of degenerate fur fag forum where you could find this weird shit?
I'm trying to prevent these old comics from becoming lost media which means that I do have to check everywhere.
Anyone has the Swamp Thing collection?
>Anyone has the Swamp Thing collection?

1971 - 2023 25GB
Thank a ton mate
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Does anyone have Chassis from Millennium/Hurricane Comics? I can't find scans of it anywhere online...
Thanks who ever is keeping the torrents alive. I got everything when OP originally posted but that hard drive died somehow. Ive almost got everything back now.

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