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>fun facts about you
>looking for
>not looking for
>contact info
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26M, Europe

>fun facts about you
I have lived in three continents.
I have a STEMlord job, even though I never went to uni.
I own at least twenty computers.
The computer I use for work is a 32 GB of RAM Nvidia whatever GPU beast, while the computer I'm using to post this is twenty years old.
I have been trying to migrate all my stuff to a handheld computer with 32 MB of RAM and 8 MB of storage, but I can't seem to be able to port a kernel to it.
There was a time when 1/3 of the apps on a mobile OS's appstore were mine, even though I didn't know how to code.
I was taught cyberintelligence by the local equivalent of the CIA.
I have a letter from the Iranian government thaking me for my services.
I don't know for sure how many languages I can speak.
I can read Ancient Greek.
I own a Provençal-Catalan dictionary.
A long time ago, I was a noahide. I still look like someone that just got out of a synagogue.

>looking for
A life partner (TM). A woman of any age that is not a normie.

>not looking for
Someone who is not open to a relationship, normies, timewasters

>contact info
Discord: randomfrogposter
I created one of the most popular memes ever

I was in a Danny Glover movie

I have over 40 kids from donating sperm

Those are pretty much the only interesting things about me
>Favorite sub-genre
>Favorite band(s)
Ghost, Depeche Mode, Ozzy Osbourne, etc
>Favorite show you’ve been to
Ghost, Deadmau5, Rob Zombie, Alice Cooper
>Favorite Movie
Ghostbusters, Back To The Future, Beetlejuice, Batman 1989, Christine

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time). I like nerds too and horror movie enthusiasts. I enjoy cosplay even though I can’t afford cons and don’t look good in cosplay or know how to make it. I’d like to go to thrift stores together n look for cool stuff.
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks
>fun facts about you

-I've deadlifted 635lbs.
-Past tense because I'm now fight training which is catabolic but will overall make me much more deadly.
-If I ever see a woman being attacked in public, if someone is trying to mug or rape her or whatever, I will not lift a finger to help, I won't even call the police.

All true facts, feels good man.
24M Cuckold Slave obsessed with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Looking for right-wing to far-right/Nazi Bulls or Dominant Males to goon with; open to becoming your submissive slave as well. Open to long-term, blackmail, and more.

Kik - SlaveOfAlpha00

Discord - yourdeeprest
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29 / mtf / New England

>fun facts about you
I'm a big adventurer (in the past month or two I've been anywhere from deep underground Paris exploring the off limits catacombs, hungout backstage at a screamo show in Antwerp, got stuck on a mountain in Switzerland, etc.), I used to be a successful competitive video game streamer, I've sneaked my into one of the most famous hacking conventions with a counterfeit badge I made, I'm poly (often dating multiple people at once), I type large walls of text often, and I'm extremely mentally ill. :3

>looking for
"I can fix her", adventure, friends who live highly unusual lives, people who will trade obscure emo/goth/skramz playlists with me, people who wear all black, life purpose, or just a really great personal conversation and then we never talk again.

>not looking for
People who type poorly, boring people with no interest in doing unhinged stuff at least sometimes, anyone who will be very sad when I ghost them, people only interested in sex, anyone under the age of 27.

>contact info
Discord: emo_gf
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>fun facts
I have created over 100 video games
I genuinely knew the guy that memed icebergs into being a thing
I was once too lazy to do my english paper so I just a screenshot the wikipedia article and didn't even bother cropping it
I once had a mental breakdown because a spider betrayed me
I once ate 3 buckets of kfc and it made me feel so shit i went vegetarian
I have created an obscure meme years ago that still rings around in some communities
My school once gave out free beers and I actually drank about 5% of the entire school's beer consumption that day

>looking for
bros to call, share screen and play random games from itch.io and other freeware/flash game sites. bros to play skribbl or garlic phone. people to share art recommendations, i like idealistic, experimental, and trippy stuff. people to talk about gnosticism, i love gnostic texts. i make games and other art projects too.

>not looking for
gooners, depressed/mentally ill without any desire to fix it, weebs (i don't mind if you like it, i just don't want to talk about it)

discord: "speedos."
Fuck me. I don't have anything against the trans population but you're not making things any better. You didn't even follow the format of the thread and just vomited up over 100 words of nonsense that is mostly unrelated to the focus.
Troons on the Chansites are the type that Fox news shows the boomers to fuel more hatred
Additional fun facts about me, I've tried, often sit on bridges thinking of jumping off, and will probably try again by the end of the year. So, I get the suggestion DW. ^^
according to archives you were 24 yo last month but okay
>Its over 8 inches
>Bad vibes
>kik: starbrand5004
>fun facts about you
i am in mensa
>looking for
high iq white bitches that can put me in a dress and beat the shit out of me
>not looking for
black bitches
>contact info
discord: connissa
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38M, Asian
Looking for cool bae
Not looking for male
I’ve cheated my way through every aspect of life.
I’m used to getting everything i want even if i don’t deserve it and even at the expense of others.
I’ve used my beauty, charm and intelligence to deceive others into giving me what i rightfully but not deservingly want.
A good example would be the position in my job that I’m at, which only people with a 30+ year experience can get, yet I got it in less than half of that. I also, have 3 rich BFs at the moment who don’t know about each other. Those r just 2 examples, there are many like it behind the scenes.
I like showing off and gloating about how fortunate and successful I am, specially to the less unfortunate. I’m not that interested in you, only i matter in this conversation and you’re here to learn about me.

>Deleting u right away if the following applies to you:

>starting off your messages boringly and generically instead of getting to the point and being interesting enough for me to wanna talk to you
>repetitive and dumb questions.
>taking more than a minute to reply or adding without saying anything in the first minute,!
Discord: nnaayyaa
>owner of small software corp with a rough past. Now living the dream in paradise.
>friends at my same level of success who worked as hard as I had to. No crypto dorks.
>No romance. Happily married, TYVM.
>discord drunkinhawaii247

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