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This is a thread dedicated to finding tall women. Post here if you're wanting to find a tall woman, or are one and looking for friends or relationships, or whatever.




>Looking for

>Not looking for

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Now this is my kind of thread.






I like gaming, lifting and exercise, lore digging, movies and shows, and conspiracies. I am currently in college and about to finish my bachelors. I have passion for acting and much more. Come get to know me, let’s chat.

>Looking for
Anyone taller than me or at minimum 5’10, biological woman, with similar interests and the ability to carry a conversation mutually. Friendship and maybe we can see if we can get romantic perhaps.

>Not looking for
Just girls who cannot carry a conversation for the life of them. Transsexuals or Nonenby. Anyone pollitically left extremists. I can deal with politics but heavy emphasis to the left I have trouble getting along with for various reasons. As long as you’re tolerant of opinions though I’m down. Anyone also trying to just get orbiters or anything just sexual. I don’t care for sex.

/g/: DOS, ZXS, Amiga, C64, MSX, PC-98
/mu/: EDM, Hip Hop, Punk, Jazz, Industrial, Nu Metal
/fa/: Nautical, Goth, Visual Kei, Rivethead, Y2K, Shibuya-kei
/int/: French, Dutch, Catalan, Norwegian, Galician, Scots Gaelic
/a/co/: Iyashikei, Mecha, Mahou Shoujo, Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, Furry
>Looking For
26 to 46 years old. Mature. Caring, loving, and affectionate. Nerdy, geeky, or dorky (cis, trans, or nb) whom I can share and relate mutual interests with. Neuro typical or neuro divergent, who can accept that I am legally autistic, have bipolar disorder, ADHD, and OCD. I don't expect you to like each thing that I do, or to have passion about each thing I follow,
just like I don't expect you to give up your interests and passions when you start seeing each other. But being able to relate and talk to each other about what we care about is an important thing. I come from an abusive child hood and had a rough upbringing as an immigrant
I am okay with being able to share and work through our issues together, but I don't want to have love built around trauma bonds / dumps
>Not Looking For
Calls. Kids, ever. Single parents. Poor hygiene. Gross, weird, or BDSM kinks. Polygamy. Neck beard, facial hair, or hairy men. Drugs, guns, edgy, or horny. I have been working over the years to leave the US and move near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway. Please nobody outside those regions
My other relations did not work out, because my last partners did not want to move away from their country, and leave their friends and family behind. I respect that, but I am very serious about moving abroad, this is non negotiable
I can accept your height, weight, belief, race, and gender, but I am not staying or going anywhere else. If you just don't see yourself in the future living near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway, I am not right for you. I can learn Italian, German, Irish, Welsh, Finnish, or Icelandic if needed
I work on computers
>looking for
whatever I don’t care how tall you are
>not looking for
whatever I don’t care how tall you are
I'm not even looking for a tall woman, I'm just looking for a woman who doesn't care about my height being short. If she has to be tall to not care about height then so be it.

Are there any women (tall, average or short) ITT who are tired of the height focus in dating?
Female, Southeastern U.S.



>open to long distance (y/n)?


>physical description

Hourglass, Tall (5'11), tomboyish (I wear my hair in a bun), black hair brunette

>life situation

Decent blue collar job


I like a lot of more traditionally masculine things I guess, like shooting and military-related topics. I'm no military autist, though, I do not sperg about which plane would win a hypothetical dogfight. I like stuff I physically do myself. Outside of that, I like to cook, I play some video games, and I listen to country music.

>political beliefs

Right-wing, but not extensively nor overtly politically charged.

>dating experience

Had a few partners here and there.

>looking for

I am interested in pursuing a long term relationship. I like men that are chivalrous, respectful, kind, have diverse interests, and want to support their partner through pushing each other to be better both personally and career wise.

>not looking for

No overly sexually charged discussion, please. And no mental illness, for the love of god. Manchildren stay away. No Europeans either.


discord: miss__thang_
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27/M/USA, specifically east coast, NJ
Pic related is a good start for that, as well as other info about me. If you have any questions absolutely feel free to add me and ask.
>Looking for
Looking for a loving relationship with someone I'd want to spend my life with. Open to eventual relocation within the US. I'm into gentle femdom/role reversal stuff and fight height difference to be an attractive quality. I'd consider mutual interests to be a requirement.
>Not looking for
Ghosts, legitimately insane people, penis havers (unless you somehow also have an actual vagina). Overweight is unfortunately a dealbreaker for physical attractiveness.
That’s a thing because they want tall children, it’s basic biology. Same with finding blue eyes more attractive than brown.
If you aren't american and live local she blocks you instantly
I'm local and she blocked me instantly anyways lol. And she's the one who added me, not the other way around. Pretty sure it's just a troll. Or deeply mentally ill.
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Always had a thing for tall women, no limit really. Probably ties into me liking tomboys.

Anyway, if you're insecure about your height or want to talk about how it affects you being a tall girl feel free to add me: ammute
black woman...
racists be warned
I have no idea who you are, regardless I have a feeling that you are a person who I've had a bad conversation with. No hard feelings.

I'm a latina.
Ah, my bad on the race thing then. There's been too many black chicks on here. Good luck!
>Latinas can't be black
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Nope. You added me, I asked you to introduce yourself, then you blocked me.
I probably have some of that in me, but no-one in my immediate family back to my grandparents are black-black.
Oh, I think I remember that. I never blocked you, I unadded you. I mistook you for someone else.
Sure. No hard feelings, just giving context to people because it's suspect behavior.
Oral, mutual masturbation, titjobs, footjobs, thighjobs, femdom, role reversal, dark skin, business suits, cycling shorts, tracksuits, martial arts outfits
>Looking For
Video call lewd with masculine women {tomboys, muscular, amazon, fit, athletic, sporty, androgynous, etc.} (cis, trans, or nb) [any hair length or breast size]
>Not Looking For
Men (cis, trans, or nb)
Feminine women (cis, trans, or nb)
Under 26 years old
Roleplay or voice chat
Sellers or paywalls
Any other fetishes

Im just going to save everyone time here if you message this one she is incredibly meticulous, she barely can carry a conversation and any topics you come with she will literally respond with nothing with extremely long times inbetween responses.

There is being not interested, then there is just not trying or having any personality. That is this one.

No shade toward you girl, you just really need to start pulling your end talking to people. A lot of people complain about you on soc. You should probably stop posting here no one is going to appease you I’m afraid. That’s info for both people of the board and you.
no offense but you should sorta be able to tell from her post
I always give people a shot. She was by far the worst of them, atleast the ones who insulted have an ability to have a personality or conversation.
I suppose that's admirable.
I undestand. There's lots of soc girls like that. I really don't like judging people based on sex or gender or anything (unless it's like "are you likely to have tits", or something) but soc girls really do emulate the worst about feminine culture a lot of the time.
Not that soc guys don't too or anything, but soc guys are usually easier to spot the flaws off right away.
She rejected me because I was fat :(
That one is justifiable
It's okay, fatbro. We're gonna make it, let's just start doing our fork putdowns
I think you're just boring. I don't know who you are out of the people I've talked to, but I have had some pretty good convos. It's just some people are boring and don't put any effort into it, so I won't put any effort back. You have to put in some to get some out.

What's that supposed to mean?

next time eat a salad
>what's that supposed to mean
I think it's pretty self-evident what it's supposed to mean
Oral, futa, dick girl, cunt boy, muscle girl, chubby girl, cross dressing, androgyny
>Looking For
Video call faps, above 26, weebs, caring, gentle, sweet, playful, affectionate
>Not Looking For
Voice chat, under 26, non weebs, e-rp, ghosters, dating, body hair, facial hair
dont even bother adding lol, you dont wanna date that crazy bitch
Why are the most boring motherfuckers the first to point how how "boring" others are? Are you that dense? Like the other anon said you couldn't carry a conversation to save your life.
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Good woman, improve yourself Anon
I legit have no idea what she’s on about me and my friend have tried hitting her up to talk about different subjects and we couldn’t get jack shit in because she responded to nothing. This woman thinks she’s the top of the hierarchy of something and you have to peacock your way or something to her. Just don’t waste your time is all I said. Yet she chose to call me boring when she legit didn’t say shit the whole time. I asked questions, I gave inputs. And her responses didn’t go above one sentence, if made a sentence a less of the time at all.

Trust me, it’s not a two way street situation with her, she legit doesn’t try. She expects you to be the one immediately out the door the moment you send first text she will not get to know you at all.
Do you want a bi male video call fap; jerk bud?
«This person is so autistic it's like trying to talk to ChatGPT.»
>Looking For (Weeb)
Breast play, Oral, Sibling play, Mommy dom, Gentle femdom, Mutual fap, Voyeur, Exhibition, Trap, Wholesome, Caregiving, Big / chubby / thicc women, Kemono, Futa, etc.
>Not Looking For (Non Weeb)
Voice / Text only, Hairy men, Huge tits, Ass fetish, Loli, Rape, Ahegao, Shota, Bondage, Sex toys, NTR, Cheating, Group sex, Drugs, Piss, ABDL, Inflation, Blood, Shit, Pain, etc.
>Extra Space
(Please be caring, gentle, flirty, playful, loving, affectionate, etc.)
Very cool

5'9 or 5'10

I like to read, play videogames, and just be retarded online. I play a lot of strategy games and fps ones. I also like american history and that is what I plan on studying in college

>Looking for
Im not quite sure. Unless you would be close to where I live I doubt a serious relationship, but I wouldn't mind some lewd/sexually charged talk

>Not looking for
Not looking for a long term serious relationship if we are not close. Also im not exactly a dominant type either

>black hair brunette
poor 6 cm tall guy
Same person. Spams every thread. Has 4 more accounts he's going to post
I recognise that username. We just got done talking and she claimed she was sick. I let her rest and sent her messages to see if she wanted to continue talking. After the third day she straight up blocked me
>>Had a few partners here and there.
we all know what that means, nona
literal boring person cope "wahh I said hi and wyd and she didnt immediately dote on me wahhh i want a woman who puts in more effort than i do because i'm a whiny manchild"

that's you, that's how you sound.

you literally never said anything of substance

what does it mean, hmm?
tall cis women are men
The way you're acting is why you're single and everyone dislikes you btw.
What’s the minimum for being tall
I think it changes a lot depending on who's asked. I'd consider any woman 5'8" or more tall for a girl but 5'10"+ tall in general.
very bold words from a literal loser
Where do you think you are? You are surrounded by losers, rejects, degenerates, and mentally ill people. And even these people think you're a boring, vapid person. Yet you continue to interact with them.

Think about that.
Holy shit that was harsh. True but harsh
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Jeez. When you put it in perspective like that she really is a nobody, she’d probably do better in the normie dating scene.
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games/movies/shows/anime/music/ai/aircraft/whatever else

>Looking for
someone gentle, caring, compassionate

>Not looking for
skids/addicts/egirls et al

F 5’8 (173CM)

I like sharing secrets about my life, which consists of total infidelity, deceiving, cheating, stealing.
I like gloating about how successful I am in life while never truly working to gain what I’ve achieved.
I delete almost everyone after the first couple messages due to how boring and generic they sound, so if u dont start off unique and interesting to talk to, don’t bother adding or if u take too long to reply

Discord: trayts
the jokes write themselves
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I was throwing softball questions about a shared interest and suggesting VC instead of text since it helps with conversation flow for both parties not just me. She said was sick and didn't want randos hearing her voice, I'm fine with that. I'm really patient to the point where anyone who knows me personally wonders how I put up with so much, but the second reply I got reeked of lies. Jimmy and Dwight are legends. I suspended my disbelief and kept going because in all reality I only started listening to country and country adjacent music about a year ago. If you don't want to talk to me just tell me, don't lie. What she's doing is disrespectful and I'm not going to be gaslit into thinking that I'm not doing enough.

All that's being asked for is that you try. And by "try" I don't mean try and end a conversation as soon as it starts by lying.
>Height 6'3"

>Hobbies/Interests Anime, music, a bit of gaming. Passionate about cars. Quite active on Instagram, discord. Got a bit of dark humor. Doing my masters in aerospace so quite nerdy too. Sports are fun too.

>Looking for: Females mostly or any person just to chill out and talk with as such.

>Not looking for bi, trans or any non-straight categories.

>Discord/Coms .astrophilic
24/Male/US/Straight btw
19m uk
Looking for tall girls in the uk
Add my discord : brandonn2858
Is this organic?
6'7" here, always wondered what it would be like to hug a girl near my height. Not a specific desire or need, but it's an experience so many people can easily get that I haven't.

I'm not looking to find one, this was an idle thought
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Ancient and medieval history, botany, strategy and adventure games, general weebery, esoteric memes, cheese.
>Looking for
Casual banter and flirting, weird meme exchange, somebody to play age of empires with maybe.
>Not looking for
Immediate politics. Spicy opinions welcome later on as long as its not your entire personality.
discord: eritreanodyssey
6'3, medium slim, looking for a woman who is within 5 or 6 inches of my height.

Into culinary arts, literature, history, and jazz and classic rock. I like to dress like a cowboy and spend time in the woods.

disc: boyrolles
I don't know. She clearly wants attention from people she looks down on. I'm not sure what she'll do when people with actual lives and careers and standards will actually not put up with her bullshit.

Probably why she's here in the first place.
Yeah she definitely isn't putting forth any effort. How can you 'listen to country' and not know those two names anyway? She has to be some kind of moron.
Live you bastard.
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25M Southeast US
5 ft 8 ~160lbs
fitness, firearms, gaming, cooking, animals
>looking for
tall woman who is nice to me and is able to have a decent conversation, potentially sharing some mutual interests.
>not looking for
Overly political people, I get that people like to talk about this stuff in current climate, but I really hate talking about politically charged topics. They just make stuff awkward and I just don’t have any interest in that kind of stuff.
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32/ Male / (Central) Tennessee
/tg/ stuff: such as board games, card games and the like. examples such as Gloomhaven/Frosthaven and Vampire the Eternal Struggle. But also miniatures, right now 40k (currently working on a GSC army).
/v/ stuff: mostly co-op games, such as DRG, Helldivers 2 and the Tide games (Vermintide & Darktide). But also really enjoy others such as Barotrauma, Remnant 2, TF2, VoidCrew and Baldur's Gate 3
/out/ stuff: going out for nice nature hikes, and enjoying the constant weather this state seems to be blessed with.
>Looking for
~ideally~ someone who is into gaming stuff, or the obligatory "goth gamer gf" meme. But really, so long as we click in conversations, I'd be content. Bonus points if we can co-op game or something.
>Not looking for
obsessive drinkers/smokers. anyone under like 25. consoooomers. and i guess normie culture as a whole?
Discord; madmalk

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