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Dont have the template?
Let me help you out there.
Save this pic and crop out the gender that ISNT you.
Write some things about you that people may want to know.
Spruce up the pic and give it some pizzazz
>Welcome to the party.
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lazy repost attack
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>white man, tall and lanky, has veiny hands and works out
>is a weeb and likes anime/manga
>is a shitposter/jokester
>is a gamer and has a steam account
>is in the miltiary
>tends to use a specific character from anime/manga as profile pics

discord tag is chickenclaw3
I'm the anon you replied to.
Holy shit you're right we're the same. You're even Catholic.
Godspeed to you too. We're going to make it.
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Changed it up slightly from last time and added pics, too lazy to draw anything tonight
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why do people think it's a good idea to have their pictures on 4chan
Why do people think it's a good idea to drive by troll?
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Discord contact:
you had me until vtuber
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>wants to marry
just so you know, even if you don't get completely screwed over by divorce, it still sucks.
>just so you know, even if you don't get completely screwed over by divorce, it still sucks.
It is if you settle for someone you have nothing in common with or not enough attraction to. Most people do this, which is the issue. Anyway, marriage is 100% necessary in order to legally protect the children.
>t. also divorced
>31/m/Canada (southern Ontario)
>laid back
>vidya, anime, netflix, documentaries
>can make fun of everything
>will absolutely remember that thing you said 5 months ago for gift ideas
>10/10 advice
>enjoys brightening your day with little things
>would enjoy having a travel partner, it's pretty hard to organize large scale friend trips nowadays
>white, 5'11, average body, long hair, usually get complimented on my appearance but I'll leave that up to you

Looking for
>bio female
>18 - 35 (I don't expect many 18 year olds to click with me but I don't really need to rule it out)
>I don't expect a super model body but at least be average (I'm average too)
>I'm 5'11, so anything equal to or shorter
>prefer longer hair but it's not a deal breaker
>tattoos and piercings are fine by me but also having none is cool, I don't have any
>into nerd shit, or at least tolerates it
>can watch shows/movies together and talk about it as we watch
>likes traveling once in a while, day trips and weekend trips too
>loves talking about anything and everything with me
>gets excited to show me a dumb meme or tell me a little anecdote about her day
>enjoys telling me about her hobbies even if I don't really partake
>isn't obsessed with social media or being a clout chaser (posting shit about your life is fine, I just don't want someone glued to their phone)
>likes being horny as fuck with me
>enjoys being lewd often, I have a high sex drive
>likes doing cute, loving things for me because she knows I'll do the same
>caring, genuine person
>friend to animals
>likes guys with long hair (spoilers I have long hair)

Bonus points if you're within a few hours of driving, discord dating is fine to start with though.

Vulcanore on discord
ideal girlfriend:
>biofem, no trans
>any body type just dont be obese. chubby is fine.
>doesnt mind being your partners only friend
>doesnt mind a neet
>into vidya, music, working out, watching documentaries, camping, hunting, etc.
>wants to get married one day
>body hair of any kind is fine
>personality type of any kind is also fine
>christian, atheist, or agnostic
>a little crazy

>autistic neet
>incel pheonotype
>into vidya, playing guitar, singing, listening to music, working out, reading, watching documentaries (ww2, war, massive ships, etc.), camping/hunting
>blonde hair, blued eye aryan
>fetishes include: breeding, feet, piss (on me), eating ass, abuse, forced, dom/sub, humiliation/breaking.

>not into online only relationships. no point in that. if youre not serious about meeting one day do not add me

discord: neetlife222
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Finally a new thread! I'll try casting my net again and see what happens.
didn't you steal this shit from someone else
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>F (no trans)
>I just can't if you weigh more than me
>Bonus points for you if you like cars/ bikes and rap

Forgot to add. Send something and i ll send contact
>woman finds Tyrone Thundercock
>realized she isn't as attracted to her husband
>files for divorce
many such cases
More like
>woman finds tyrone thundercock
>tyrone makes her feel wanted and attractive again after years of living in a cold, loveless marriage
>files for divorce
>realizes she was just a hole to tyrone
>either regret or still just glad to be out of shitty marriage
Almost no woman who is in a happy marriage would cheat on/divorce their partner just because a more attractive dude showed some interest
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DC = pusztitopako47
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I need someone whose ready to go to the Ren Faire.
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>No underaged pls
>No troons or men (I don't need new friends)
>Not interested in women with any cluster b disorders
>not interested in women with mood swinging disorders
>not interested in schizophrenics
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ヽ(o´3`o)ノ did this for fun. no tag
stop you can't just be my ideal woman and then not post a tag
>Female to male transgender (I'm not going to detransition)
>On the younger side (highschool)
>Slightly fat (70kg)
>vaguely ugly
>likes humanities and reads a lot
>Coomer with fucked up fetishes (kidnapping, rape, torture among others)
>Brazilian but speaks fluent English and wants to leave Brazil for college
>Gets attached quickly and is a bit obsessive
>No friends in real life
>Likes webcomics and is trying to make one
>Genuine retard, sub 120iq
>Likes mostly indie queerslop music (like car seat headrest) and plays the bass
>Kissless hugless virgin

Ideal boyfriend
>M or FTM
>Either fat (not obese though) or muscular. Able to physically overpower me
>Obsessive and controlling like me
>Likes humanities also
>Willing to talk to me all day every day
>Fucked up fetishes (as the perpetrator)
>A bit mean to me
>Blackmails me so I can't leave him
>Genuinely cares for me behind it all
>Has few friends
>Willing to talk about politics
>Willing to take a possible relationship into real life eventually

Discord: buraziruargentina
>defending womens' horrid actions
maybe if you simp hard enough, a girl will touch your peepee
Why did you decide to play life on hard mode?
>like cats
>like music
>like anime
>like manga
>like computer

>people who dont like anime
>30-70 yr old

thank you for reading looking for permanent boyfriend

>31/m/Canada (southern Ontario)
>laid back
>vidya, anime, netflix, documentaries
>can make fun of everything
>will absolutely remember that thing you said 5 months ago for gift ideas
>10/10 advice
>enjoys brightening your day with little things
>would enjoy having a travel partner, it's pretty hard to organize large scale friend trips nowadays
>white, 5'11, average body, long hair, usually get complimented on my appearance but I'll leave that up to you

Looking for
>bio female
>18 - 35 (I don't expect many 18 year olds to click with me but I don't really need to rule it out)
>I don't expect a super model body but at least be average (I'm average too)
>I'm 5'11, so anything equal to or shorter
>prefer longer hair but it's not a deal breaker
>tattoos and piercings are fine by me but also having none is cool, I don't have any
>into nerd shit, or at least tolerates it
>can watch shows/movies together and talk about it as we watch
>likes traveling once in a while, day trips and weekend trips too
>loves talking about anything and everything with me
>gets excited to show me a dumb meme or tell me a little anecdote about her day
>enjoys telling me about her hobbies even if I don't really partake
>isn't obsessed with social media or being a clout chaser (posting shit about your life is fine, I just don't want someone glued to their phone)
>likes being horny as fuck with me
>loves banter and playful bullying/teasing
>enjoys being lewd often, I have a high sex drive
>likes doing cute, loving things for me because she knows I'll do the same
>caring, genuine person
>friend to animals
>likes guys with long hair (spoilers I have long hair)

Bonus points if you're within a few hours of driving, discord dating is fine to start with though.

Vulcanore on discord
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As for what I'm looking for:
>Their gender
Bio Female
>Their age
>Their height
Shorter than 5'10" =^)
>Their body type
Not anorexic or a mass of muscle/fat
>Their race/nationality
White. US only.
>Their personality
Doesn't matter. As long as she has one!
>Their interests
Nothing too normie, please?
Best of luck to everyone!
I probably should've put emphasis on the fact that there are periods at the beginning and end of the discord handle.
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Discord is in the pic, but I'll copypaste it anyway: soldier69
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God fucking dammit I'm here.
>m19 Latino from MD usa, 5 5, 159lbs
>love swimming, and fishing
>games I play(lol, minecraft, battlebit, terraria)
>I'm not even sure what my mental state is anymore
>hard kinks, and I masturbate 4-7 times a day
>no irl friends, only have like 3 contacts who haven't talked to me in years
>I require female validation because I never got it
>retarded and kinda get attached
>I really want to play multi but gave up since everyone quits after day 2
>I'm not picky desu I just want to feel safe and maybe normal
>oh and terrible socials skills because of trauma
> I like animals a lot
>I sometimes watch animes(Overlord, made in abyss, future diary, really depends)
>I do read mangas more often
>I listen to all sorts of music, not really pop desu
Ideal gf
>pale skin(optional)
>please don't be mean to me
>play video games with me(it makes me happy)
>idrc about body or facial structure
>please don't be like the women who mistreated me like shit, I just want to become a better person
>into hard kinks(kinda optional but I love it)
Note: if you have any other questions just msg me
Discord: 7018p
So sad these losers actually think they're going to find a gf off of 4chan with these cringey ass posts
thanks, babe!
i was going to add but then i see you're calling another women babe
ikr... such small dick nrg
i was replying under the assumption that this anon was a guy, actually. it's probably better that you didn't add me if some text is enough to upset you, though. hope you find what you're after, anon!
shut the hell up before i beat you into a coma you retarded nigger
love you too, anon!
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my gf who dress like picrel has broken up with me so im gonna need a new object of my affection
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Hey /soc/, I am
> White, male, TN (Central), 32 year old person seeking /woman/
> 6'7" tall, wears glasses, has brown hair
> stable job, has pets, lives by self in house
> enjoys gaming, both video games (mostly co-op stuff) and analog (currently working on a GSC army for 40k)
> Also enjoys nature, and likes to hike and drive around to see the sights
> not much of a foodie, but I do like going out to date spots to try things
> cities are neat, i guess. more of a non-city guy
> real chill guy, never offended and generally calm
I can be found on
> Discord : madmalk
> Telegram : @mad_malkav
> Snapchat : mad_malk
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If you are a fellow misanthrope and despise the disrespect humans have for nature through their self-imposed sense of superiority to everything, feel free to contact me to talk more about it
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Hmmmm something is a miss here
>a miss
can't you read? It's not a miss, it's a mister.
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sounds pretty basic but i swear there's more to me ...

drop a discord if u want to talk off board ps i live in america but i'm open to long distance
25m, my discord is _stone_
h_stone_ lol
(haha sorry not doing the format)


27/M/Georgia, USA - I'm straight.

>wholesome fantasies
I want to spoil and be spoiled. Really want someone I can share my thoughts, interests, and concerns with. I'm big into doing activities together. Date nights, game nights, book nights. Whatver nights as long as they're together.

>about yourself
Professionally: Currently work in the IT sector in a really stable field. Planning on going back to school later in the year as well to further myself. WFH as-well with a house in a good, quiet part of the state. o: I have two animals (1 cat, dog). Love helping others/people. I volunteer often and anywhere I can.

Other: I think everyone says they're chill and laid-back, so I'm not gonna put it lmao. I'm excitable about alot of things, and I love to get people pumped about their interest. I've spent time researching subjects just to push conversation with someone on my previous train commute. Outside of work some of the things I'm big into are pickleball, litrpg, card games (Yugioh currently). Currently have one dog and a cat.

I own a good-sized house with an actual hilly backyard. If you like to garden: you'd love it.

>Do you want/have kids?
I want kids, but I'm willing to adopt too if Bio kids are not for you.. I've volunteered at shelters and those kids need homes too :c

>looking for
I would love someone who has ambitions. They do not have to be professional, but I want to support you. I want to push my SO further and vice-versa. If you're a reader that'd be lovely as-well, and we don't even have to share the same love of genres. Even if you don't have an interest that corresponds with mine, I'd still love to get to know you :) I've picked up so many things over the past two years from people, and every person is a new journey.

>not looking for
Younger people (18-20), males. Racists

discord: kennytoe
>has a cool and sweet and cute cat
>special interest is rodents
That could be dark.

Pls add me tho: throwstonk
I like you!
Lets talk about photography or something
Discord: _whereisit_
i would like to meet your cat
European so not looking for a relationship here, just wanna see your photography
holy fuck
You wouldnt believe how many guys get rock hard by having an innocent tiny gf to protect.
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i wont bother dropping an @ bcuz i know i’ll be a time waster and won’t respond much
just felt like a better use of time to fill this out than to slam my head against the wall
feel free to leave an @ anyways if you think we might get along well since i do still like conversation sometimes
im crap at first messages so maybe leave a question too if u do bother
your mspaint handwriting makes me feel retarded

cypatop add me :)
you sound cute
hi!! feel super similar to you, male but relate to almost everything in your post (;▽;) disc is "quimika."!
i lazily made this
If ur asexual why do u want a bf
Because I want a boyfriend and not a one night stand?
well why would you want a boyfriend if youre not attracted to him?
where are you from ?
how old are you ?
does future boyfriend/husband still get to fuck you on the regular ?
nintendoof64 pls
asexual does not mean i can't feel romantic attraction ??? i just don't want sex or anything sexual
south america
tag doesn't work
if ur south american shouldnt u tint your drawing brown? Itll help people know theyre getting a sexless swarthoid if they date you
Well i hope you find a nice a sexual boy to date.
Everyother guy will want sex
Why don't people post at least their general location? Not just for meeting irl down the line, but also because of timezones.
my sleep schedule is so fucked and so inconsistent that my timezone doesnt mean anything lol
but est
had me at weird and absurdist
nta but im south american and paler than most whites lol
sad but true i used to be like her super romantic but then life happened
oh i’m retarded, tag is just cypat if you still want to add
you seem to be pretty hard on yourself, i hope that you find a partner who can make you happy and secure in yourself
not if their T levels are low like mine
but im depressed and have no energy anymore
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Looking for
>Bio F
>27-32 but flexible
>Not overweight
>None smoker, none drug user
>Preferably goth
>Lives relatively close
>Not leftist
>Enjoys anime cons
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>21M EU
>183cm, wears glasses, Medium long brown messy hair (almost reaches shoulders), white, healthy weight
>works out
>golden retriever personality (will only be happy if you're happy)
>funny sometimes
>shy and introverted but some times outgoing and extroverted (mood swings but not in a bad way)
>forgets stuff easily (doesn't remember what was on the post that didn't send 2 minutes ago)
>likes vidya, music, manga/anime
>boring but high energy, will get into your hobbies if you let me
>low motivation for my own hobbies if not encouraged
>in eu (cheaper to meet up if far away and no border restrictions) (I can do further away but it's more expensive and i'm not exactly rich)
>nice, pls no toxic
>good communicator, don't want to be yelled at
>will motivate me into my hobbies and gets excited for my accomplishments
feel free to contact even if you don't fit in all of these

angryfaceguyy on discord
Copy pasting from the other ideal thread

I am:
>6'5", fit, pale, long brown hair, blue eyes, extremely massive cock
>Passionate, lots of interests between tech, the arts, lifting, etc. Hyperfixates on hobbies like no other, consumer of information
>Either very straightforward or very sarcastic. Doesn't like small talk, don't take myself or others too seriously
>Perfectionist, always trying to be the best at something, know everything about it, etc
>Never go out, don't like socializing for the sake of it
>Friendly but doesn't open up to most people. Gets along well with almost anyone but doesn't particularly like many
>Very high sex drive, kinky, lover of rough sex

My ideal is:
>Biological female
>20+, closer to my age the better
>Any height, any race. Skinny or fit. Not interested in chubby or fat whatsoever.
>Doesn't live with parents, has a job and/or relevant life experience
>NOT a "tradwife" or otherwise stay at home useless fucker
>Passionate, similar interests, nerdy in general
>Funny, sarcastic, will not bore me to death
>Honest, straightforward, will call me out on my shit
>Kinky, high sex drive. Wants to be my bitch in the bedroom and world conquering partner outside of it. Loves huge dick and sucking cock

My discord is whythehellamipostinghere
join truecord for a new femcel/femboy/lonerz/singles/twinks/tranny/austismo/schizo/bpd/gamer/neet/goth/alt/emo/music server!!

we have reaction roles and everything set up and need good mods!!

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This image us structured so well, it's so creative and honest. It inspired to me to make this post so, thanks. I wouldn't have had the drive or courage without it. Just wanted 2 say that.


Sooo any cis girls living in TN, or you know if this clicks with you too well not to say something, add me plz.

The good stuff is on the left and the bad stuff is on the right. I hope you're creative or an artist especially if you're funny we should write together. do voices for our cartoons >:)))

Someone around my age who's aervage or a lil chubby we'll prolly be attracted to each other anyways but importantly we talk all the time or even better we live close and are near each other a lot.

I work night shift but I can change my sleep schedule around if ur worth it which you are duh. Also when we message if one of us aren't feeling it we can just say it. you know cause we can't live our whole lives avoiding awkward moments.

I wanna video call right away but that's your call waiting ain't a biggie. My first romance experience was last month we texted for a week and that was it. she said i fell in love too fast and i guess she was looking for casual stuff so i get it.

ok soo add my alt account

also obsessed with this song

whoops i forgot to put it in the last one
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Looking for a relatively stable black qt to play video games and do lewd things with.

Discord: rnsam349
Good to see the report system is working nicely.
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damn anon you seem perfect but too far away tho, godspeed
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Gives these vibes
arachnobot is my discord. Tell me about your favorite /x/ topics
hey so add me maybe and we'll talk about stuff
Discord: artandmetal
Aww thanks, nice that someone thinks so :)
>Adds me
>Is a cunt
>Sends nothing but cat reaction images
>Blocks me.
holy based
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Sounds like you were being a gooby snoobert.
>skinny, i was told i am pretty decent amount of times
>hard-working in general (studies and etc.)
>i like video games, anime, reading, sketching and learning things
>i love collecting cute clothes. especially interested in jfashion and alternative fashion
>i'm too shy and awkward at first glance
>i'm more of a listener when it comes to talking
>have some mental issues but its mostly anxiety, i try to keep it stable

looking for:
>a guy preferably older than me who has it together (not 30+ though)
>no high body count
>one that wants to provide for me
>be mentally stable
>no strange fixations on /pol/ (lol) or anything weird e.g porn/drug addiction
if anyone is interested reply with email.
only looking for a long-term relationship
forgot to add, please leave a brief description of yourself


I will not mess up this chance to befriend a tomboy
What continent do you live on?
US? EU? Somewhere else?

im a hung, fairly successful white male who just bought his own place, looking for a long term gf
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just want to share

26 eu m
im socially inept and alil nuts too :)
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i already know everything about you anon
what if I told you that I was this
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Starting to want him fr
Hey sorry to hear about that :( if it makes you feel better it wasn’t me as I only made the template for fun and didn’t really plan on messaging anyone anyway
If you're still around, feel free to add me : Disc legrandsimon

You can tell me about your latest obsessions if you want a starter to the conv
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FORGOT TAG it's ecologyanon
deep post, very relatable. you seem like a rare breed
I'm not sure how we'd get along, but I'm sure we could exchange a lot of wisdom with each other as fellow nonbeings
why does this nigger have the catalonia flag on her panties FUERA CATALUFLOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
you should add me: ammute
i like girls who look and act like boys, no pressure
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weirdo group photo
very cool post I like your art
Unfathomably based
we should chat
>21 M
i wanna a gorl or a girl who would give me the mommy treatment and I'll make her a queen I don't joke ong
hmu : hannibaalbarca2.0
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send me a friend request if you think we have some stuff in common
prepare for a silly response if you have a silly pfp
(>ᴗ•) (눈_눈)
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my discord is angelwifegirlthing
im not persian nor hawaiian do not be afraid of me
How old are you
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I just made this for fun I don't expect anything out of it

Looking for: cute girl gf
Not looking for: Male, trans, or gay
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28/f/west coast
film, art, music, casual gaming, internet fun, nature
>About Me
introverted, have career, hates people irl (normalfags), dark humor, wants affectionate bf
>Looking For
mature 30+ male without serious brain damage (not a sex pest or obsessed w/ 2d). we don't have to like all the same things but would be nice to enjoy each other enough to try them out.
>Not Looking For
permanent long distance, non-americans, nudes
reply here and i'll reach out if it seems like a match.
Are you an Asian girl who had the double nerf of:
1. helicopter parents who didn't let her date
2. did some STEM field and thought all her peers were too ugly and autistic
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discord: masquepriest
20 apparently. Does not act like it.
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Old/not updated but discord is still "Wheet" if you think we'd match :)
I think we both are on the same page here.

My tag is Gomolaspeeder

looking for just conversation too

I live in america and have asperger's
I calls it likes I sees it
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If you're around I wanna hear about your favorite Cryptid and why it's the Flatwoods Monster.

My discord is cosycody
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Discord is: the1blade
Pomplemoussechan I just want to see cute girl in Lolita nothing sexual I just like the aesthetic
i want you badly
thank u anon, this was nice and yea i tend to be pretty harsh on myself (but i dont want to be)
i do wish i could be those things first without a partner though
feels both imbalanced and like a cop out to just hope someone will fix me

i already added u to say thanks bc u left this comment but it was nice that u decided to add that
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Please stop adding me if you're under the age of 20. 20+ isn't just my "ideal". It's a bare minimum requirement. Pedos and groomers deserve the rope.
This is a weird over reaction and it feels like you're over compensating for something lol
He's 36, pursuing someone under 20 would be disgusting. Considering the groomer traffic here it's honestly admirable that he has this as a listed standard.

There's nothing weird about it, he just isn't a creep. If anything you're the weirdo

All the 18 -20 year olds replying to you, making you seem weird for having standarrds.

Not sure why people can't read. 20-21+ means 20/21+. You are not the exception
honestly, 20 is still pretty low... "thanks for not wanting to pursue someone half you age" doesn't seem like something we should be saying here, but also this isn't the best dating pool
>not wanting to be associated with groomers is "over compensating"
Do you know where you are? We're adjacent to multiple threads where guys my age or older are trying to turn 18 year old NEETs into live-in sex slaves. I'm just not interested in young people man. Get over it.
>20 is still pretty low
Yea I agree, that's why I say in my post that closer to my age is better
I'm 25/m asexual and married with a kid on the way
I'm literally agreeing sith you man. I'm saying you're not a creep and the guy saying you're overcompensating is wacko.
Yeah but at least he's not going after freshly 18 I guess. 20+ seems like a flexible bottom line.
No you're good, I just wasn't paying attention and replied to the wrong post after skimming this nonsense.

It's so weird how you're ok with this 36 year old who wants to date 20 year olds but you'd raise a fit if they were 19. You're ridiculous, there's barely a difference. That's why I called it an over-reaction.
>who wants to date 20 year olds
Except that's not the case, I said 20+ is bare minimum and closer to my age is better. Clearly meaning that I want to date someone older.
You keep saying "over-reaction" but can't seem to find the irony in that you're the one making a stink about this simple preference.

I'm not going to shit this thread up further.
It's an over reaction because you've stated in your own post that you would date a 20 year old.

Why are you as a 36 year old dating willing to date people who are 20 years old? Why not adjust your post and say 24+?
>>because you've stated in your own post that you would date a 20 year old.
>"closer to my age the better"
Posts like yours remind me why I don't bother with stupid people most of the time. Anyways ciao bella
That doesn't change the fact that you're a creep who still wants to chase after 20 year old girls when you're 16 years their senior.
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Where are you located?
>Invader Zim and Warrior Cats
Canon event
Thank you for the nostalgia omfg

Bump. Please, please be of age. Not sure why 17 year olds are adding me?
I'll take shit that doesn't happen for $500!

prob the 17 year old in question
You are clearly not getting that many adds to warrant mentioning this, and by the fact that your self description starts with "extremely massive cock" and ends with "very high sex drive" makes it blatantly obvious you're just trying to fuck someone and are likely not even getting a single person to add you, so it's extremely bizarre.

You're strange for defending some coomer-brained retard on this page while not seeing through the thinly-veiled ruse.

You are the only sane person in this entire reply-chain.
what is your favorite linux distro
You seem chill.

I haven't used Linux in years, but good old Mint was my go-to back when it was all I had.

West Coast USA
but linux is the cool hacker guy OS... gentoo and all of that goodness
>he listed idealized traits in an ideal mate thread!!?!
>akshually you have gotten 0 adds, that's why you're telling underages to stop messaging you
>you're a groomer coomer loser because you want to talk to someone your age
There's so much wrong and so much projection in your post. Grow up and stop being so stupid. Not going to reply to your inevitable pseud larp
It's definitely something I wanna refamiliarize myself with - can't very well call myself a leet haxx0r god unless I can bend the command line to my will!
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Fill my dark soul with LiGggghhTT
if you're adding people here, my discord is: questionalitiable
>6'4", fit, lean, white
>fighting games, anime, lifting/fitness, hiking, music, exploring abandoned places
>enjoys going to local shows for metal, electronic, rap, whatever
>actually browses 4chan, but hides his power level
>very relaxed/chill and able to get along with most people
>flip flops between going out with friends and being a hermit
>STEM grad with stable career

>Biological Female
>Any race
>Fit or strong or slim
>has at least a couple shared interests
>independent and has a good career or career path

or u can end up in the desktop threads on /g/ hehehe
just made this !
add me?
dc: thefool229
themanwiththeplannn is my discord.
Please add me.
arachnobot on discord
ideal gf:
>woman (optional)
>loves me
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pic for visibility
this is what I want in a ideal partner, not me myself.

sorry for posting in da wrong thread
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i like the word 'astringent'. my conscious reality is based on a dynamic evaluation of my emotional framework and those around me. i fear time: if you feel the same, let's comfort eachother. i like words, i like talking but i do not like speaking. let's work on something together! reccomend me a good read and i'll owe you my life. i sometimes read, sometimes draw, sometimes animate, sometimes write, sometimes play, sometimes yawn, sometimes psychoanalyze, sometimes cook, sometimes script, sometimes learn, sometimes forget, sometimes live, sometimes die. i usually listen. mbtibrainrotinfj4w5sp/sxlevfrloaiphleg-melSOCIONICSSUCKS. if you add me, we'll probably talk for like 20 minutes and then you'll remain on my discord friendslist for the remaining duration that this platforms exists but that's okay. practically asexual; if you add me for anything sex-related you will instantly be blasted with the lethal force of 238.6kg nitroglicerin. if i don't add you, it's because i immediately regretted making this post (sorry :///)
tag: fourthletter
I wanted to reach out, but unfortunately I'm a poor American, so there's little chance we could ever meet. I just wanted to say, You seem so cool, and I hope you find your person.
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Searching for:
>bio f
>is passionate about something
>likes both stem and humanities stuff
Reminder that all your replies just saw "F" and are adding you solely because of that. You're welcome.
what's your most interesting "occult trinket"?
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meet the love of your life

>the overly cutesy art hate part w villains like zim or scourge
too fucking real. even worse if its random ass untagged yaoi.
I would post but have never had success from any chart thread.
Also the chart i designed never became popular, despite it having a superior thumbnail.
i am
>very friendly
>open about anything

i want
>little shy
>preferably from germany/netherlands
>biological female

discord: zentril2 snap: bennylth
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I'm not posting this to find someone new. ERD. If you happen upon this, I never expected to find someone like you here. I was willing to do a lot for you, you were the craziest endeavor I prepared myself for. I picked up more hours at work, I was saving the money for you. I was prepared to move a thousand miles away from home and leave everything I knew behind to be with you. I know that it's over, but if you're reading this I have one request. The next time that you find someone you like, don't tell them that you love them if you're not prepared to confront them in the end. I know you had good intentions and that you'd been hurt in the past so I don't blame you too much. Still though the way that this ended felt cold after all of the things we said to each other.
You're a bright, pretty woman, I think you'll make it far in life.

Post or fuck off don't come here to complain.
dunno about that, this template's simplicity has its own charm. i use it even though i'm not actually looking for a partner bcause it's cute : 3
probably my little statue of Kali Ma
not spam
mtf artstyle t b h
im going to cry and throw up might go on the twitterized femcel dating app or just go to sex events i am sick and tired i need i need i need to learn how to code c and then make pmd ocs and story of friendship and partnership :D
WOULD. I want a gf to choke me so bad :(
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im not going to write anything more
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dc: andersloths
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Fuck it
No ideal partner but I'm totally down to meet anyone. romantically into fems but if any dudes need a friend I'm around
I'd like to know what makes you creative
@gatakus on disc
Zooble doo
erm if any of this matches you and you think you might like me, is you my discord is yyyy_lizzy_grant
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No americans or creeps please:(((( just looking to make conversations and friends<3
why do you have erectile dysfunction as a women?
Eating disorder hoss

>Inb4 tranny
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>read ED and immediately thought erectile dysfunction
lol wut???
Lmao accept my friend request PLZ
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>what are you looking for
biological female that shares some of my interests, just message me and see if we get along

distance is not an issue, I have enough money to go anywhere really and I don't mind the travel

disc: airways3.14
What about Canadians?
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I got way too carried on with this but it was fun nonetheless. Im not good with timezones, so please feel free to add me if youre from EU as well and over the age of 24 <3

discord is declaw__
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: >
Are you only looking for Canadians?
5 ft 8 ill tech gf
>frumpy, grey eyes and light brown hair
>divorced at 26 because of illness
>prob will die soon from chronic stress kek
>just want to homestead somewhere where I can raise many kids and mind my business
>cant pass on those shitty genes

know where you are, so no I won’t send any nudes, sext or moan for you

Anyway if you love IT and would want to talk about it I’d love that cause nothing helps my pain better than hobbies :)
A discord would be nice
Post yours
opinion on printers and why they suck ass
also do you like vidya
Home Print is a huge monopoly and end users are being exploited, you’re better off paying for a service to send you papers you need printed.
when can we get married
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my discord is shabbosgoy

26 M.
IT is kind of a hobby, though Im not a techpriest. Would like to sperg about hobbies.
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disc: _vexxy1_

LF "he said no pickles" gf
(bad example, i like pickles)
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>try my best to help/please others
>enjoy anything and everything
>hard on myself, easy on you
>body: slender/fit
>appearance: longer hair, blue eyes, look more like im in high school still
>race: white

ideal other me:
>will talk to me
>has empathy
>doesnt abuse/neglect themselves... too much

we can learn more by talking

disc: leyphae
waste of time to talk to her she will ghost you
and you will never hear from her again
>why did you turn this image around
I did not
I dont care much about looks, i hate lookist people.
As long as she is rather young as i'm 21 it's fine. I don't care about her face, weight or height.
I only have a personality type.

Introverted, shy, clingy, sweet, loyal, romantic and a little weird.
Basically, a female version of me.
That's it.

>what I’m looking for> honestly, I’m looking for people to talk to. Preferably fem anons but I’m open to all(:. Looking for people to play games with and text like that. If you are ever having a bad day or you need somebody to talk to, I am your man.. Bonus points if you have overwatch or dead by daylight.
>Not looking for >
Weirdos, pedos. None of that shit here. Just good vibes and friends
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>advertises shes autistic
>still surprised they do something autistic
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Wanna meet a bunch of anons and anonettes who are bored, mildly misanthropic, outside of their own culture and interested (read: desperate for) others like them? Join Anon's Anonymous (A_A) to mutually rot, vibe and bant today!

>eastern eu
slav or minority
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>about me:
tall, buff/dad bod
loves music
anxious in loud places
likes to listen
pretty much a hipster, but the special kind :^))
loves cute things
does drag for fun
collects stuff
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Weird, creepy,aspd, occult/esoteric, obsessive,possessive, always horny,romantic, music is life, cook, smokes pot, anti social, might hate humanity.
Will be okay with everything above.. I doubt you exsist.

post asl anon

You seem like a thinking person and a misanthrope and I like that. We're similar

discord: .solzh
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Bump! 30 m est
29/ladyboy type individual/near Atlantic Ocean

Recent Music: /watch?v=UwtpPLW_9f8 /watch?v=C9IXUwqxIao
Faves: /watch?v=zobf_4sfEbQ /watch?v=YL1CAUjc3rw /watch?v=1MobY_vR7-g /watch?v=f25R9Gl6FWc /watch?v=PelenogTUEk /watch?v=FU_yNE2MMOU
Bonus Track: /watch?v=imPt0MvfVMg

Looking for companion. I would prefer my partner be 25+ (emotionally mature), 5'9"+ aka 175cm+ (taller than me because I need to feel like he is my dad), and okay with not having sex ever because he too understands there are many more important things in a relationship. Also I have to like the music you listen to or I hate u.

I can be rude so do not message me if you cannot deal with that.

discord: .werekitten.
>Sex repulsed
Yeah I am to when you mangle your body for a prank
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discord: kinable
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discord: oklahomaanon_75798
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discord: vovanputin
What is your ethnic background?
african-American :/
Really you cant figure that one out?
Most desperate 4channers are autistic and retarded. Give them some slack
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i can't believe i need to say this but please no minors, i am only interested in adults, preferably 21+
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Disc in pic
kek you are literally me except i have way better taste in video games
Ideal gf: sucks my dick when I tell her too
Are you from the baltics?
Small c not capitalised
Please do more of these!
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>32 M US
>6'1, hazelnut eyes, muscular, brown hair
>reading manga
>Runner up Sexiest IT Man Alive 4chan 3 years running.
>Ex fireman and professional puppy saver
>Travelling the world breaking hearts

If you like a fireman with a big hose and like to get wet then what are you waiting for
Discord: aeo1is
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discord is ketaminehcl
>22 F EU
>5'7 very curly hair mena type, feminine
> politics, philosophy, theology, anthropology, history, fine art, gym
> will ramble about the debates i had, will not tolerate someone who is uncapable to challenge my views
> punk, witch house, dark wave
> sensible, supportive, chronically depressed
> jeans are all stained with paint
> likes to play a little with alternative styles and make-up
> likes to bagpack travel
> have a taste for shitbox cars
>will play video games with you, but not too long

looking for:
> 25+ M
> cute nerd in STEM
> If you have an anime pfp, anime background or anything related to that cancer don't even try
> will teach me all the things he knows
>if you have anger issues don't bother i don't have a savior complex
> you need to disavow porn
> will go to the gym with me or support each others if ldr

don't have too much hope, quote me and give me your discord, i'll add you.
>college NEET
You don't know what a neet is do you?
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I am not a gym bro but I fit most everything else, and definitely fit the archetype of the picture you included.
> Discord
Just for info, i posted a random picture i'm retarded, i'm not looking for rasputin
discord: yeolpal_
I fit into most things, I'm sure we can hit it off. Add me and find out
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>their qualities
built like fannon Hex Maniac
Long hair
Curves to kill
Sweet/soft features in general

>their interests
Anime, videogames, nerd stuff, LotR, Star Trek (pre 2010), baking, general cute girly stuff

>their quirks
sweet, caring, motherly, bit of a naughty side, loyal, funny, talks to me every day

>their location
Preferably USA, willing to go visit global though

Someone willing to work with someone with very little dating experience who wants full on love and commitment.
Also wants to move in or see each other within a few weeks not months or years
Prefers VC and video calls
Doesn't mind I'm in my 30s.

about me

Willing to move basically anywhere.
Will never lie to you and will open up super quick
Interested in many hobbies and willing to learn about yours.

I am retarded and forgot to put I'm looking for this.
I am an autistic man and accidentally catfished someone today.
Put YOUR ASL in your posts from now on
This is a post yourself thread
Might be a fit. 25/M/France, PhD student in the sciences.
Pfp is from a game, so don't panic.
discord: mr_filish

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